Word meaning with respect



Автоматический перевод

в отношении, с уважением, в связи, в плане, в части, при уважении, относительно, применительно, уважительно, с уважением относиться

Перевод по словам

with  — с, вместе с, от, несмотря на, напихать
respect  — уважать, соблюдать, почитать, чтить, уважение, отношение, почтение, внимание


With respect, I think you’re wrong.

При всём уважении, по-моему, вы не правы.

I expect to be treated with respect.

Я надеюсь, что ко мне будут относиться с уважением.

Old people deserve to be treated with respect.

Старые люди заслуживают уважительного отношения.

With respect to your request, I am not yet able to agree.

Со всем уважением к вашей просьбе, я пока не могу согласиться.

Young people should always treat their elders with respect.

Молодые люди всегда должны относиться к старшим с уважением.

When I was young, we were taught to treat older people with respect.

Когда я был молод, нас учили относиться к пожилым людям с уважением.

Prisoners should be treated with respect — they are human beings after all.

К заключённым следует относиться с уважением — в конце концов, они тоже люди.

The archbishop treated both the gentles and the commoners with respect and kindness.

И к знати, и к простолюдинам архиепископ относился с уважением и добротой.

He could not agree with him respecting the price.

Он не мог согласиться с ним относительно цены.

Despite her seniority, Margot was never treated with much respect.

Несмотря на большой трудовой стаж, к Марго люди относились не особо уважительно.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Lebedeff bowed low.»It is the truth,» he replied, with extreme respect.  

…treated the God-fearing and the godless with equal respect and compassion…  

She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society  

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with respect

1) Общая лексика: с уважением

2) Научный термин: относительно

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «with respect» в других словарях:

  • With respect to — Respect Re*spect , n. [L. respectus: cf. F. respect. See {Respect}, v., and cf. {Respite}.] 1. The act of noticing with attention; the giving particular consideration to; hence, care; caution. [1913 Webster] But he it well did ward with wise… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • with respect to — (something) considering or relating to something. There is another question with respect to this plan that must be answered before any decision can be made. Do you really believe your memory is clear in respect to what happened? Related… …   New idioms dictionary

  • with respect to — preposition : as regards : insofar as concerns : with reference to with respect to your last letter * * * with respect to With regard to • • • Main Entry: ↑respect * * * as regards; …   Useful english dictionary

  • with respect to — • in respect to • with respect to In connection with; related to, about; on. The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest. In respect to your visit with us, we hope you can come before… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • with respect —    you are wrong    Used in polite discussion and jargon of the courts where an advocate wishes to contradict a judge without prejudicing his case:     There is high authority for the view that (with respect) means You are wrong .. .just as with… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • with respect to — ► in respect of (or with respect to) as regards; with reference to. Main Entry: ↑respect …   English terms dictionary

  • with respect to — in respect of with respect to the new town garage, the council has decided to accept contractors bids through the end of the month Syn: concerning, regarding, in/with regard to, with reference to, respecting, re, about, apropos, on the subject of …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • with respect to something — with respect to (something) considering or relating to something. There is another question with respect to this plan that must be answered before any decision can be made. Do you really believe your memory is clear in respect to what happened?… …   New idioms dictionary

  • with respect to something — with respect to sth idiom (formal business) concerning • The two groups were similar with respect to income and status. Main entry: ↑respectidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • with respect — with (or with all due) respect used as a polite formula preceding, and intended to mitigate the effect of, an expression of disagreement or criticism with all due respect, Father, I think you ve got to be more broad minded these days * * * with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • With Respect to Nat — Infobox Album | Name = With Respect to Nat Type = Album Artist = Oscar Peterson Released = 1965 Recorded = October 28 November 13, 1965 Genre = Jazz Length = 33:10 Label = Verve Records Producer = Jack Tracy Reviews = * Allmusic Rating|4.5|5… …   Wikipedia

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You will treat them and this place with respect.

Ты будешь относиться и к ним, и к этому месту уважительно.

She treats all her students equally and with respect.

Он должен обращаться ко всем своим студентам одинаково и уважительно, несмотря на их уровень.

Both employees and prisoners treat me with respect.

Вообще, и сотрудники, и заключенные относились ко мне уважительно.

Ideal partners treat each other with respect and sensitivity.

Однако в идеале соседи должны относиться друг к другу с уважением и пониманием.

He speaks about her with respect.

Your family treats you with respect.

He treated the military with respect and expected the same.

К солдатам он относился с уважением, и они отвечали ему тем же.

Treat them with respect, in other words.

Treat your clothes with respect and they’ll look new longer.

Относитесь к своей одежде с уважением, и она дольше будет выглядеть как новая.

Treat your mother with respect and wholeheartedly, because she really deserves it.

Относитесь к своей матери с уважением и искренне, потому что она, действительно этого, заслуживает.

Treat them well, with respect.

Treat others, including your mother, with respect.

Это значит относиться ко всем, включая ваших детей, с уважением.

We treat everyone with respect but not fear.

Мы относимся к нему с уважением, но не боимся».

Please treat such reports with respect.

I still remember them with respect.

We believe world-class manufacturing begins with respect for people and the environment.

Мы считаем, что производство мирового уровня начинается с уважения к людям и окружающей среде.

I want to be treated with respect.

They just want to be treated with respect.

Они всего лишь хотят, чтобы к ним относились с уважением.

I want you to treat this office with respect.

Я хочу, чтобы ты относился к моей должности с уважением.

You always treated everyone with respect.

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with respect — перевод на русский

…he should be treated with respect, because…

…и к нему следует относиться с уважением, так как…

Having said that, in order to protect all that’s important to you, surely you have to treat those around you with respect.

Говорю тебе это, чтобы защитить все то, во что ты веришь, однако ты должен относится с уважением к тем, кто тебя окружает.

Because you’re a hero and you have medals and the general shakes your hand with respect…

Ведь Вы герой, у вас есть награды Сам Генерал, с уважением пожимает вашу руку…

With respect Director, I am reluctant to rely on the assistance of any alien.

С уважением директор, я не хотел бы рассчитывать на помощь любого иностранца.

With respect, sir, I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of the situation.

С уважением, сэром, я не думаю, что Вы оцените серьезность ситуации.

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— A man with respect for all things alive.

Тебя уважали все живые существа.

Even his own name. He couldn’t remember he was once padrone… Treated with the respect of a god.

Он забыл, что прежде был хозяином и его уважали как Бога.

He just wants us to be treated with respect.

Он просто хочет, чтобы нас уважали.

The truth is you should speak to your elders with respect.

Правда в том, что надо уважать старших.

So I told him: «Come, lets go where they’ll treat you with respect.»

Я сказала ему: «Давай, давай поедем в такое место, где тебя будут уважать.»

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With respect.


Forget lawyers treating their learned brothers and sisters with respect.

обращающихся со своими коллегами уважительно.

I’ve been working with people for 30 years, and I treat them with respect.

Я уже тридцать лет работаю с людьми и очень уважительно к ним отношусь.

Does he treat you with respect?

Он относится к вам уважительно?

If you want it to work, you have to treat it with respect.

Если ты хочешь, чтобы ксерокс работал, нужно относиться к нему уважительно.

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Notwithstanding all of the benefits with respect to facilitating intimacy. I really don’t need or want an emotional chaperon.

Несмотря на все преимущества в отношении содействия близости мне на самом деле не нужна эмоциональная дуэнья.

With respect to the IMF, we’ll see if they like the idea that we are a cooperative.

В отношении же МВФ, мы увидим, понравится ли им та идея, что мы являемся кооперативом.

So, with respect to Detective Diamond.

В отношении детектива Даймонд.

My people have jurisdiction over U.S. forces with respect to offenses committed whilst inside Australia.

У моих людей есть юрисдикция в отношении Вооружённых сил США по поводу преступлений, совершённых в Австралии.

Detective Fuhrman, is it your intention to assert your Fifth Amendment privilege with respect to all questions I may ask?

Детектив Фюрман, вы намерены пользоваться своим правом согласно пятой поправке в отношении всех вопросов, которые я вам задам?

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And I have treated her with respect!

И относился к ней с должным уважением!

Take Monsieur Locke to Commissaire Mahdi’s table, and introduce them with the respect they deserve.

Проводи месье Локка к комиссару Магди и представь его с должным уважением.

You will treat them with respect and kindness.

Относитесь к ним с должным уважением и добротой!

Hold up, Mama-— you need to treat this man with the respect he deserves.

Прекрати, мама, ты должна относиться к этому человеку с должным уважением.

My point is… If you don’t treat O’Hara with the respect she deserves or if you hurt her in any way, I will discharge my pistol.

Я хочу сказать если ты не отнесешься к О’Харе с должным уважением, которого она заслуживает или ты как-то обидишь ее я разряжу свой пистолет.

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With respect, I merely intended Mr Stoker to discover his daughter at your cottage.

Сэр, я предполагал, что обнаружив свою дочь в вашем коттедже,..

With respect, sir, if you were to take the bull by the horns and inform your father that you were in New York, not Colorado…

Большую часть времени я трачу на это. Простите, сэр, но если бы вы решились взять быка за рога… и написали вашему отцу, что живете в Нью-Йорке, а не в Колорадо.

With respect, sir, at least let me talk with him and make a recommendation.

Извините, сэр… Может, я с ним поговорю и посоветую задуматься.

With respect, sir, one American nuclear attack sub could defeat several diesels.

Но сэр, один выстрел американской атомной субмарины может уничтожить сразу несколько дизелей!

With respect, sir, it’s not up to you.

Простите, сэр, но это решать не вам.

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He hasn’t developed capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction.

Февраль 2001 год Что касается оружия массового уничтожения, то он не создал никакого серьезного потенциала.

With respect, sir you can’t lead this inquiry if you’re drunk.

Cэр,что касается… .. ты не можешь вести это расследование, если пьян.

And with respect to your heritage, you’re not gay.

А что касается твоих корней, то ты не гомосексуалистка.

Right now Harvey cannot see reason with respect to Cameron.

Сейчас Харви не будет прислушиваться ни к чему, что касается Кэмерона.

With respect to the contract in question, the fetus is ruled nonviable and will remain so for 40 more hours.

Что касается этого договора, плод признается нежизнеспособным и будет таковым следующие 40 часов. — Ваша честь?

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You have to get the West Wing to treat you with respect.

Вы должны заставить Западное крыло начать относиться к Вам с большим уважением.

But if you don’t get your act together and start treating your mother with some respect, I’ll take care of you myself.

Но если ты не придешь в себя и не отнесешься к матери с большим уважением, я сам о тебе позабочусь.

Why don’t you treat me with respect?

Почему бы тебе, не относится ко мне с большим уважением?

You and your family. Have always treated me with respect.

Вы и ваша семья всегда относились ко мне с большим уважением.

Pierce, with respect, I have been here longer than you.

Пирс, с большим уважением, я здесь дольше работаю.

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Most people approach Mozart with respect.

Но к наследию Моцарта люди относятся с уважением.

By me. They’re good men with respect for authority.

Они – хорошие парни, с уважением относятся к власти.

We treat everyone with respect around here.

Не знаю, о ком ты. Мы тут ко всем относимся с уважением.

Well you’re right not to be, Stephen, they’re dangerous tools that need to be handled with respect.

Ну тебе не должно быть, Стивен, это опасные инструменты, к которым нужно относится с уважением.

I’m saying with respect to whatever is happening in your eyes right now, we both know things can’t be undone.

Я отношусь с уважением ко всему, что творится сейчас в твоих глазах. Но мы оба знаем, что прошлого не вернуть.

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Also see: with

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

re•spect /rɪˈspɛkt/USA pronunciation  

  1. a detail or aspect of something;
    a feature:[countable]The two plans differ in some respects.
  2. honor or high regard:[uncountable]to be held in respect.
  3. proper courtesy:[uncountable]respect for the flag.
  4. respects, [plural] a formal gesture of greeting or sympathy:Give my respects to your parents.

v. [+ object]

  1. to hold in honor:Do the students respect the flag?
  2. to keep from interfering with;
    to have regard for:to respect a person’s privacy.


  1. Idioms with respect to, in reference to;
    in regard to:inquiries with respect to the best route to take.

See -spec-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(ri spekt),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a particular, detail, or point (usually prec. by in):to differ in some respect.
  2. relation or reference:inquiries with respect to a route.
  3. esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability:I have great respect for her judgment.
  4. deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges;
    proper acceptance or courtesy;
    acknowledgment:respect for a suspect’s right to counsel;to show respect for the flag;respect for the elderly.
  5. the condition of being esteemed or honored:to be held in respect.
  6. respects, a formal expression or gesture of greeting, esteem, or friendship:Give my respects to your parents.
  7. favor or partiality.
  8. [Archaic.]a consideration.
  9. in respect of, in reference to;
    in regard to;
  10. in respect that, [Archaic.]because of;
  11. pay one’s respects:
    • to visit in order to welcome, greet, etc.:We paid our respects to the new neighbors.
    • to express one’s sympathy, esp. to survivors following a death:We paid our respects to the family.

  12. with respect to, referring to;
    concerning:with respect to your latest request.


  1. to hold in esteem or honor:I cannot respect a cheat.
  2. to show regard or consideration for:to respect someone’s rights.
  3. to refrain from intruding upon or interfering with:to respect a person’s privacy.
  4. to relate or have reference to.
  • Latin respectus past participle of respicere
  • Latin respectus action of looking back, consideration, regard, equivalent. to respec-, variant stem of respicere to look back (re- re— + specere to look) + -tus suffix of verb, verbal action; (verb, verbal)
  • Old French)
  • (noun, nominal) Middle English (1300–50

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged regard, feature, matter.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged regard, connection.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged estimation, reverence, homage, honor.
      Respect, esteem, veneration imply recognition of personal qualities by approbation, deference, and more or less affection.
      Respect is commonly the result of admiration and approbation, together with deference:to feel respect for a great scholar.Esteem is deference combined with admiration and often with affection:to hold a friend in great esteem.Veneration is an almost religious attitude of deep respect, reverence, and love, such as we feel for persons or things of outstanding superiority, endeared by long association:veneration for one’s grandparents, for noble traditions.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged bias, preference.
    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged revere, venerate, consider, admire.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged heed.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

respect /rɪˈspɛkt/ n

  1. an attitude of deference, admiration, or esteem; regard
  2. the state of being honoured or esteemed
  3. a detail, point, or characteristic; particular: he differs in some respects from his son
  4. reference or relation (esp in the phrases in respect of, with respect to)
  5. polite or kind regard; consideration: respect for people’s feelings
  6. (often plural) an expression of esteem or regard (esp in the phrase pay one’s respects)

vb (transitive)

  1. to have an attitude of esteem towards; show or have respect for: to respect one’s elders
  2. to pay proper attention to; not violate: to respect Swiss neutrality
  3. archaic to concern or refer to

Etymology: 14th Century: from Latin rēspicere to look back, pay attention to, from re- + specere to look

with respect‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

From a practical standpoint, the beneficiaries’ ability to remove trustees is often their sole leverage in assuring that adequate or quality service is provided with respect to the trust.

This result is the correct result with respect to the T stock.

Consistently, in its assessing guidelines,(52) the former Information Circular 87-2, and its more recent guidelines and practices with respect to APA,(53) Revenue Canada has required that Canadian taxpayers analyze, explain, and document their pricing practices in ways that are more or less the same as are anticipated in more specific and contemporary terms by the restated legislative requirements.

TEI questions whether much of the additional information with respect to controlled foreign affiliates is relevant.

With respect to the level of documentation required to substantiate the credit, the plan also states (at page 4):

Thus, provided the company is not a financial institution, input tax credits are available with respect to the costs incurred in raising the requisite capital for expansion to the extent that the expanded operations constitute, or are part of, a commercial activity.

4) The taxpayer must not deduct any payroll taxes with respect to any employee whose pay could exceed the wage caps at the time the accrued wages are paid (i.e., within the 2.5 months after the year-end).

Despite these repeated losses, the IRS continues to mandate that the telecommunications carriers collect the Communications Excise Tax from taxpayers with respect to services the per-call charges for which do not vary based on distance (the telecommunications carriers are collection agents for the IRS with respect to the tax).

The main emphasis of the book, of course, is getting people to treat you with respect, which, naturally, must first come from within yourself.

The data suggest statistically significant differences between the distribution of males who receive free or reduced lunch, males who receive no lunch discount, females who receive free or reduced lunch and females who receive no lunch discount with respect to qualities most admired (as the Chi-square statistic (3) equaled 18.438, yielding a p value of less than .001), qualities most respected (as the Chi-square statistic (3) equaled 16.145, yielding a p value of less than .01) and qualities most emulated (as the Chi-square statistic (3) equaled 8.876, yielding a p value of less than .05).

A well educated child in this context has been raised properly and is one who interacts and relates to others (especially adults) with respect and dignity (Brice, 2002; Zuniga, 2004).

* Internal focus with respect to external orientation

RESOLVED: That the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, with respect to its statements of federal accounting standards and concepts adopted and issued in March of 1993 and subsequently; in accordance with its rules of procedure, the memorandum of understanding and public notice designating the FASAB’s standards and concepts as having substantial authoritative support, be, and hereby is, designated by the Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as the body to establish financial accounting principles for federal governmental entities pursuant to rule 203.

«Respect, starting with respect for yourself, implies the freedom of choice that we have as human beings and with it, the responsibility of assuming consequences for our actions,» said Victor Sanchez, senior vice president and general director of BearingPoint Mexico.

(i) With respect to a State bank, the State that chartered the bank;

  • AdverbPREwith-
    1. Used as a mild apology for following remark, which could otherwise be taken as disrespectful.
      1. With respect, boss, I don’t think it is possible to get it done by then, no matter how hard we work.
  • More Examples
    1. Used in the Middle of Sentence
      • After we properly normalize the measurements with respect to age, gender, geography and economic considerations, there remains little evidence of a difference between the two groups.
      • In addition to the conserved split point between dhc1 and dhc2, their organization within agaricomycete genomes with respect to the linked matA locus seems conserved.
      • The right femur displays a third trochanter near its proximal end, which is situated cranioventrally with respect to the mare.
    2. Used in the Beginning of Sentence
      • With respect to the cytotoxic effects, compounds 2–7 fall into two groups: the alkyl esters ( 2, 3 ) and the mofetil ester 4 on one hand, and the basic heterocyclic esters 5–7 on the other hand.
  • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
    1. Phrases
      • Prepositional phrases
      • Adverbs
        • Sentence adverbs
          • Speech-act adverbs
        • Prepositions
          • Prepositional phrases

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        1. en with respect to

        Source: Wiktionary

        Meaning of with respect for the defined word.

        Grammatically, this idiom «with respect» is a phrase, more specifically, a prepositional phrase. It’s also an adverb, more specifically, a sentence adverb. It’s also a preposition, more specifically, a prepositional phrase.

        Definiteness: Level 1

        Definite    ➨     Versatile

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