Word meaning with make sentences

Example Sentences with MakePin

Have a look at example sentences using the word ‘make’ below.

  1. It’s time to make the donuts.
  2. There is nothing like a hot cup of tea on a cold day to make you feel cozy inside.
  3. I will make you another sandwich if you are hungry again.
  4. I make my living as a con artist.
  5. We will make camp here for the night.
  6. We make fun by going fishing together.
  7. He always makes mistakes when he does some work for me.
  8. Let’s go make some coffee.
  9. I couldn’t make this without you.
  10. I will make myself available all week.
  11. I will make your presentation ready by tomorrow’s meeting.
  12. Can you make a copy of this document?
  13. This product makes you look younger
  14. You cannot make this decision alone.
  15. You want to make a difference, but the job is too challenging.
  16. You make me feel important when you’re around me.
  17. She always tries to make him feel better.
  18. I can’t make myself run faster.
  19. They make good quality cars in Italy.
  20. He went down to the river to make a drawing of the landscape.
  21. Make sure to turn in your homework on time.
  22. He could make money in the war.
  23. It would be best if you didn’t make your business premises out of paper.
  24. Don’t get mad; make a list of items to make your life easier.
  25. Don’t be stressed; make a plan.
  26. We will make them pay!
  27. Make a difference in the lives of others.
  28. There is always an opportunity to make the readers feel motivated, deserving and privileged.
  29. It can make your readers feel good about themselves or be proud of what they have achieved or learned.
  30. Make sure you look both ways before crossing the road.
  31. I want something to make my hair grow fast.
  32. Let’s make dinner together tonight.
  33. I make sure that I read all information before making any purchase.
  34. My mother makes the best cupcakes.
  35. I would love to make dinner for my family tonight.
  36. Please make sure you are at the train station on time.
  37. Please make sure you have the right amount of change for the tickets.
  38. We need to make a change right away.
  39. These time-consuming projects make me too busy to keep track of everything I have to do.
  40. She wants me to help make pizza for the kids every day this week.
  41. Hayley helps her mother make chocolate cookies.
  42. Make him an offer he cannot refuse.
  43. It makes sense to do everything we can to help her now.
  44. Make sure you include a table of contents.
  45. Make things easier for people to do business with you.
  46. A study suggests that the average person makes up their minds when they meet you in just 7 seconds.
  47. I make paper flowers.
  48. We need to make a box.
  49. Some of the cakes that we make are iced while some are not.
  50. You have to make a lot of sacrifices to follow your dreams.
  51. The government will have to make its choices.
  52. Did you make it yourself?
  53. We have 14 days to make a decision.
  54. Make sure you check flight times and cancellations before driving to the airport.
  55. The police decided in a democratic manner to make the suspect talk.
  56. If you make it home for dinner most nights at least once a month, you can’t consider yourself a poor parent.
  57. She was unable to make herself understood.
  58. If you make a mistake, admit it!
  59. The medicine only makes the patient feel worse.
  60. This new drug will make a vast difference when dealing with heart disease cases.
  61. Make sure you have clean hair to go with the hat, or it won’t look good when you wear it!
  62. Make sure to clean them before you use them.
  63. Make sure to remember to turn the computer off before you leave.
  64. Please make a list of what you need to pack and where it is located in the house.
  65. First, make sure all boxes are empty, then stack them neatly in a corner of the room.
  66. My mother always tells me that I have to make my bed every morning before school.
  67. Gary went to make a new friend yesterday in his class, but he didn’t succeed in doing so because not all students were there.
  68. The administration will make all efforts to curb pollution.
  69. I will make her see reason.
  70. Make sure you wear the right clothes when you carry out the task or feel uncomfortable during the activity.
  71. I hope you make progress with your dissertation this year.
  72. He said he would make the presentation by Wednesday.
  73. We make our sandwiches at home on the weekends.
  74. My grandmother makes us oatmeal every Sunday morning for breakfast.
  75. Our clients love these bands because they make great gifts.
  76. He made an effort to talk about sports, movies, and such with the kids to make them feel more at ease with him.
  77. Did you know that you can use coconut oil instead of butter in your mashed potatoes to make them a bit healthier?
  78. You can’t make me go there!
  79. He’ll make you pay in the end.
  80. This heat will make you sick if you don’t do something about it.
  81. She makes a new friend every day at school.
  82. I have to make lunch for my children every day.
  83. Make your point about the sale of alcohol to minors in schools very clear to all students.
  84. I’ll make sure dinner is ready on time.
  85. Many people make significant changes after turning 40, but others stay the same all their lives.
  86. My job is to make the best choices for all my clients.
  87. A significant number of businesses make use of social media for marketing.
  88. On the other hand, make sure you check with the sales associate before you take a new appliance home with you.
  89. Make sure your department is registered as a 501(c)(3) organization if you want to take donations without being taxed.
  90. Make sure that both products are compatible, fully charged, and tested in all modes.

Sentences with MakePin

Sentences with Make

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Make for

to move toward a place; to help make something happen

  He finished his last words and made for the door.

Playing games doesn’t make for a good job.

My careful consideration made for great decisions.

Make up

to invent a story or excuse; to put on make-up; to become friends again

  Sorry, that was the story that I made up.

  She usually spends an hour making herself up before parties.

That’s my fault. I’ll make it up to her.

Make up for

to do something to correct your faults

Her diligence makes up for her inexperience.

Nothing can make up for what he has done to my family.

I bought a present to make up for being late.

Make over

to legally make someone the owner of something; to change the appearance of someone or something

This house was made over to his son.

My grandparents made their properties over to my dad.

Can you make over these old jeans?

Make out

to successfully deal with something; to touch someone in a sexual way or to have sex with someone; to understand someone’s characters

He can never make me out.

He struggled to make out with his new business.

He made out with his best friend last night.

Make of

to understand someone or the meaning of something

I’m confused about what to make of her statement.

He’s so cold. I don’t know what to make of him.

What do you make of her speech?

Make off

to escape

The murderers made off before the police arrived.

He’s so cold. I don’t know what to make of him.

The kids broke my window and made off afterward.

Make out of

to create something from another thing; to interpret someone or something

They made this dog out of cartons.

They made this dog out of cartons.

What do you make out of this message?

This robot is made out of plastic and wood.

Make way

to move aside so that someone or something can pass; to make room for something

Trees were cut down to make way for tall buildings.

They all stepped back to make way for the celebrities.

Make way, please. The ambulance is coming through.

Make toward

to move toward someone or something

He hasn’t fully recovered from the operation. He couldn’t even make toward the bathroom.

She quickly made toward the gate and disappeared in the dark.

We’d better make toward the shore.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

составлять предложения

составить предложения

строить предложения

Ability to make sentences of 3-4 words.

As the topic of cases is one of the most difficult in the Russian language and its grammar, let’s analyze in detail how to decline such words correctly or just memorize the verbs to make sentences easier.

Так как тема падежей одна из сложнейших в русском языке и грамматике в целом, давайте разбираться подробнее, как правильно склонять такие существительные или просто запомнить глаголы, чтобы легче было составлять предложения.

The study asked college students studying business to make sentences out of various word clusters before answering questions and playing several games.

В ходе исследования, студентов колледжа, изучающих бизнес, просили составить предложения из различных групп слов перед ответами на вопросы и несколькими играми.

To make sentences with indirect speech, It is necessary to study the rules of punctuation in such situations.

Дополнения с Чтобы составить предложения с косвенной речью, нужно изучить правила постановки знаков препинания в таких ситуациях.

Parrot can mimic human words, understand the meanings, can remember many words and make sentences.

Попугаи могут имитировать человеческие слова, понимать смысл, запоминать фразы и строить предложения.

Today we will learn how to make sentences in Russian.

It was difficult to make sentences, more often I brushed off monosyllabic phrases.

Today we will look at some ways how to make sentences correctly to express our emotions or condition, for example, the condition of nature — how to say that it is cold or rainy outside.

Сегодня мы рассмотрим несколько вариантов того, как составить предложения, чтобы выразить правильно свои эмоции или состояние, например, природы, как сказать, что на улице холодно или дождливо.

When you start learning a language, it’s better to make sentences from 4-5 words. But when you already know quite large number of nouns, asjectives, verbs and adverbs, then you can try to diversify you sentence with extra words.

Когда вы только начинаете учить язык, лучше пытаться составлять предложения из 4-5 слов, но, когда вы уже знаете достаточно большое количество существительных, прилагательных, глаголов и наречий, то тогда можно пытаться разнообразить ваше предложение дополнительными словами.

Richard Futrell, Kyle Mahowald, and Edward Gibson at MIT were interested in whether all languages might use this as a technique to make sentences easier to understand.

Ричард Фатрелл, Кайл Мэховалд, Эдвард Гибсон из Массачусетского технологического института заинтересовались, во всех ли языках можно составлять предложения так, чтобы их было проще понять.

Thus, you can make sentences interchanging material and make sentences as with nouns, as with adjectives.

Place the words in the appropriate order to make sentences.

I’ll try to make sentences, but I don’t like to.

Explain the spelling of these words and make sentences with them.

Объясните правописание этих слов и составьте с ними предложения.

Try to make sentences with the words that you know.

Теперь попробуйте составить фразы со словами, которые у вас есть.

Whenever you start something new, remember this helper word to make sentences stronger and more hopeful.

Каждый раз, начиная что-то новое, необходимо помнить, что это маленькое подручное слово делает утверждения более сильными и подающими надежды.

Start with the 100 most common words and then make sentences with them over and over again.

Начните со 100 самых распространенных слов, а потом снова и снова составляйте предложения с ними.

Students make sentences according to the pictures.

They then have to make sentences about their partner, who will tell them if that thing is true or false.

You know those magnet words that people make sentences with?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 29. Точных совпадений: 29. Затраченное время: 140 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


1. T: You know that phrasal verbs are very common and are a really
good way to make yourself sound more natural when speaking in informal speech. We have
already learnt some of them.  
Today we will be busy with new phrasal verbs with make. The phrasal verb make
may be few in number but it is important in usage as it is one of the most popular English
phrasal verbs: make out, make of, make off, make over, make for, make up.

2. T: Revision of the verb make up. Do you remember the verb make up?
It has at least three different meanings. What are they? 
First, it can mean to invent, for example, a story. The story is not true – it did not
really happen – it came from my imagination. I made it up.
Second, make-up (a noun formed from the phrasal verb) is the stuff women
put on their faces – you know, eye-liner, eye-shadow, lip stick and so on. And if a
woman makes herself up, it means that she puts her make-up

Third, suppose two friends have an argument. They are angry with each other. But later,
they decide to forget their argument and to become friends again. We say that they have
made up

3. T: Introduction of new phrasal verbs. You will listen to some
sentences where the phrasal verbs with make are used. You can also read
them. Try to guess what they mean.

Make for

“After leaving school Bill made for the library.”

Make over

“I make over all my old clothes.”

Make of (something)

“What do you make of this book by M.Mitchell?” – “I couldn’t
understand a word of it.”

Make off

“When I came in, the dog was eating my meat. It only took one look at me and made

Make out

“I don’t want to go to school today because I’m not ready for the test. I’ll make
out I’m ill.”

Make out

“I can’t make out what Janet has written.”

4.  P1P2P3: Do you remember all the phrasal verbs with make?
Match the verbs from column A with their definitions from column B

1. make for
2. make off
3. make out
4. make  of
5. make  up
6. make over
7. make out
A. hurry away, especially in order to escape
B. move towards sth
C. understand the meaning or character of sb/sth
D. invent a story , etc., especially in order to trick or entertain
E. change sth in order to make it look different
F. say that sth is true when it may not be
G. manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth

Keys: 1 – c, 2 – a, 3 – g, 4 – f, 5 – d, 6 – e, 7 – b.

5. Pairs:

Synonyms. Use the verb make and particles to make up phrasal verbs,
which replace the words underlined in the sentences.

1. He said something angrily and went away. We’ve never seen him again.
2. – Where did you hear this story? – Nowhere, I invented it myself.
3. What do you think about the new policy the president signed?
4. After three years without talking to each other, they finally became friends again.
5. The actors must apply rouge, powder, etc. on their faces before going on stage.
6. I can hardly see the number on the door.
7. Her clothes were remade by herself perfectly well.
8. Let’s go to the city center and find a restaurant on the way.

Keys: 1 – make off, 2 – make up, 3 – make of, 4 – make up, 5
– make up, 6 – make for, 7 – make over, 8 – out.

6. Groups (Pairs):

Fill in the gaps with the correct particles.

1. They are always arguing, but they make *** again very quickly.
2. I couldn’t make *** what he was saying.
3. He rose from his seat and made *** the door.
4. Can you make *** a face here on the photograph?
5. She went to the bathroom to make her face ***.
6. Masked robbers broke in and made *** with $8,000.
7. At first I thought it was an accident, but as far as I can make ***, the police
consider that’s unlikely.
8. I think they’re making the whole thing ***.
9. I think it’s time we made *** home.

Keys: 1 – up, 2 – out, 3 – for, 4 – out, 5 – up, 6 – off,
7 – of, 8 – up, 9 – for

7. Groups:
Do the test. For each space in each sentence, use the verb Make (in the correct tense)
with one of the prepositions from the box. Sometimes you need to put the object/pronoun
between the main verb and the preposition – in these cases, the object/pronoun can be
found in the brackets. Use the Verbs Make in the Correct Tense with Particles from the Box


8. Groups:

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я не знаю, что о нём думать.
2. Давайте помиримся!
3. Она встала и направилась к выходу, когда
услышала стук.  
4. Анна всегда делает вид, что ее родители богатые,
но это не правда.
5. Я думаю, что она сочинила историю для того,
чтобы помогли ей.
6. Клоуны всегда наносят макияж перед цирковым
7. Я слышал голоса, но не понимал, о чем они
8. Поп-звезда ускользнул с концерта до того, как
фанаты могли найти его.
9. Она умеет перешивать свою одежду.


1. I don’t know what I must make of him.
2. Let’s make up.
3. She rose and made for the exit when she heard the knock.
4. Ann always makes out that her parents are rich, but it isn’t true.
5. I think she made up her story so that we would help her.
6. Clowns always make up before a circus show.
7. I could hear voices but I couldn’t make out what they are saying.
8. The pop star made off from the concert before the fans could find him.
9.  She can remake over her clothes.

9. Pairs

Try to make up short dialogues including phrasal verbs with make on the pictures and
then present them in pairs. I’ll give you 3-5 minutes to do it.

10. Homework.

1. Do the test. Choose the correct particles. Use a dictionary if necessary.


2. Prepare stories or short situations with phrasal verbs make and get
ready to tell them in the class.

Т: The lesson is over. I hope you’ll be able to be good at phrasal
verbs and use them to be a fluent English speaker. Good luck!


  1. [Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. Longman 2001].
  2. [Collins Cobuild Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. The University of Birmingham, 2007].
  3. [Шитова Л.Ф., Брускина Т.Л. Англо-русский словарь
    идиом и фразовых глаголов. / Антология /
    Санкт-Петербург, 2004].
  4. www.esl-lounge.com/student/phrasal-verbs/4pv22-make.php
  5. www.listen-to-english.com/index.php?date=2006-01
  6.  www.usingenglish.com/handouts/197.html
  7. www.vocabulary.cl/advanced/phrasal-verbs/make.html

One of the best and most efficient ways to
learn new words quickly and build up your vocabulary is to see how they are used in a sentence.

Learning words by seeing how they are used in a sentence is called
learning vocabulary in context. It is considered much more efficient than just memorizing the word and its meanings. It’s also much more interesting. 

When you learn vocabulary in context, you look at the word and its meaning, then read or hear a sentence that uses that word. This helps you internalize the meaning of the word and can also help you see how to use that word to make your own sentences. So, you are not just improving your vocabulary, you are also
picking up grammar tips as well. 

In this post, we’re going to show you 50 words with their meanings and sentences. We’re also going to provide you

with a PDF file of the words and their meanings and the example sentences at the end of this post.

1. Accommodate


This is a verb that means that you gave consideration to someone. It’s often used to say that you agreed to a request.


The shopkeeper accommodated Jack’s request to buy a toothbrush, even if he was already closing up.

2. Advantageous


This is an adjective that means that you gave or were given an advantage. It is
a synonym for favorable.


They specifically looked for a hostel near the train station as it would be advantageous for their travel plans.

3. Absolve


This verb is used to say that you have forgiven someone or decided that they are not guilty


After listening to their story, the policeman absolved them and turned their attention to the truck driver.

4. Antidote


An antidote is a noun that means something that will relieve or counteract the negative effects of something. It’s commonly used to talk about a cure for poison.


A stroll in the sunny park was the perfect antidote to Mark’s bad mood.

5. Boredom


You can use this noun to say that you, or someone else, are very disinterested in what is happening or about the current state of affairs. Most of the time, people who are suffering from boredom need to try something new.


Boredom drove me to finally pursue my dream of
learning Russian.

6. Broach


You can
use this verb if you want to say that someone introduced a topic into the conversation.


The teacher broached the subject about different
swear words in Chinese.

7. Clannish


This adjective is used to describe a group of people who are very close and as such rather closed off or standoffish towards others.


Their clannish behavior makes it hard to approach them to ask for help.

8. Competence


This noun is used to indicate that someone is considered capable of
doing a good job.


Fred’s competence as an engineer led to his being entrusted with several projects for the organization.

9. Compassion


This is a noun that is used to describe acting with kindness or pity.


Show some compassion for those left homeless by the fire and donate some clothes you no longer use.

10. Consider 


This is a verb that means to think carefully about a decision you need to make.


Before deciding what language to learn, you need to consider what language is
important for your career.

11. Cull


This is a noun that means to reduce the population of a group of animals by killing a select few.


The farmer will cull sickly chickens in the hope of saving the flock.

12. Dauntless


This adjective is used to describe a person or a person’s actions that are considered bold or brave. It also implies that they are persistent in the face of danger or people advising them to change their minds.


The most famous explorers in history needed to be dauntless in the face of the unknown.

13. Dreary


The adjective is used to describe a situation or a person that is gloomy or cheerless.


Dark clouds and the hint of rain cast a dreary light over the beach.

14. Evident


This adjective is used to say that something is clear, easily seen, or understood.


Bert’s eagerness to learn is evident in the way he keeps asking for
new lists of idioms and their meanings.

15. Flurry


This noun is a synonym for the commotion. It means that a lot of activity is taking place.


The news that their mother was on the way home caused a flurry of activity as the children put away their toys.

16. Fickle


You can use this adjective to indicate that someone changes their mind often.


Mark was very fickle when we were younger; he first wanted to be a doctor, then an actor, before he decided to just go to culinary school.

17. Fictitious


This word is an adjective that describes something that is imaginary. A character in a fiction book is fictitious.


I know he is a fictitious character, but I would love to find my own Mr. Darcy.

18. Irate


You use this adjective when you want to say that someone is angry and irritated.


Polly was irate that John and his friends insisted on playing loud music as she tried to study.

19. Gambol


You can use this verb if you want to say that someone or something is running and jumping around in a playful manner.


Watching the children gambol with their new puppy really lifted my spirits.

20. Grotesque


You can use this adjective to say that you think something is very ugly and odd-looking. 


The gargoyles on medieval cathedrals were deliberately carved to be as grotesque as possible.

21. Jubilant


This adjective is used to imply that someone is extremely, visibly happy about something.


Henry and Paul were so jubilant over their football team winning they were dancing in the street.

22. Justifiable


When you use this adjective, you are saying that someone’s actions were reasonable or acceptable.


Given the fact that she needed to take her cat to the vet this morning, it was justifiable that Karen was later to our lunch.

23. Laud


This is a verb that means that someone is praising someone else in a public setting.


The mayor lauded the efforts of the city’s firemen in quickly putting out the blaze.

24. Laconic


This is an adjective that means brief. It’s usually meant to describe a short answer to a question. A laconic person is someone who can be referred to by
the idiom “man of few words”.


The always laconic Pedro just said “yes” to the proposal.

25. Mammoth


This adjective is used to describe something that is very, very big. Synonyms for this word are huge and enormous.


The huge burger also came with a mammoth heap of fries.

26. Meddlesome


This adjective is used to describe behavior that is considered interfering or intrusive. The English idiom “stick their nose in” describes a meddlesome person.


The problem with a small town is the many meddlesome neighbors.

27. Misstep


People use this verb when they want to say someone misjudged the situation and did the wrong thing.


Mary made a misstep when she mentioned the professor’s ex-wife.

28. Obtuse


This adjective is basically a synonym for stupid. Someone who is obtuse doesn’t seem to comprehend what is happening around them.


Bobby is so obtuse he didn’t understand that Fred was making fun of him.

29. Officious


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is overeager and offering unwanted help.


Allan and Betty just wanted to browse, but the officious salesperson trailing them around made them uncomfortable.

30. Opulence


This is a noun that denotes a show of wealth or abundance.


The opulence of the grand hotel had them staring around in awe.

31. Overt


This adjective is used to say that something is obvious. It is a synonym for apparent.


There were no overt signs that Zoe had heard Dan and Ben talking about her.

32. Pallid


This adjective is used to describe someone who is pale and white. It’s usually meant to say that someone looks unhealthy.


After coming home from the hospital, friends were concerned about how pallid John still looked.

33. Paragon


A paragon is someone who is considered a perfect example. This noun is a synonym for model.


Superheroes were originally meant to be paragons of humanity.

34. Pariah


This is a noun that is used to describe someone who is a social outcast or who is being shunned by the majority of their social group.


After Ben was caught trying to pass off Mandy’s work as his own, he became the office pariah.

35. Perfunctory


This adjective is used to describe how someone performs a dull and routine task. Someone performs their duty perfunctory if they do it and do it properly but have little interest in it.  


Alice was a perfunctory employee; she accomplished her tasks and went home.

36. Precocious


This adjective is usually used when describing children. It means that someone displays behavior that is advanced for their age.


Sally was always precocious; she was reading Shakespeare by age seven.

37. Propensity


This is a noun that is used to say that someone has a natural inclination or preference for something.


While Sam is very smart, he has a propensity to be dismissive of others’ opinions.

38. Quandary


This is a noun that means a difficult situation or decision.


 Having to decide between his job and an
opportunity to study abroad had Harry in a quandary.

39. Querulous


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is fretful or has a habit of whining or complaining.


While Mindy loved working at the nursing home, Mr. Santos strained her patients with his querulous questions about meals.

40. Ransack


When you use the verb ransack you are saying that someone was searching for something so frantically, that they made a huge mess.


I ransacked my room looking for my phone and it turned out to be behind the sofa cushions. 

41. Rebuke


This is a verb that means to scold or criticize someone.


Seeing how hurt Peter was at Alice’s words, Lucy rebuked her friend.

42. Revelry 


This is a noun to denote a feeling of festivity or celebration.


The revelry of the town festival is something you don’t want to miss.

43. Rift


A rift is a division or a gap. You can use this noun to say that two people disagreed about something and it ruined their relationship.


The rift between Tom and Nick happened when they found themselves competing for the same job.

44. Simpleton


This noun is used for someone who is not very bright or who has a low mental capacity.


He’s a simpleton and doesn’t really understand why people laugh at him.

45. Spurious


The use of this adjective implies that something is false or counterfeit.


Politicians make a lot of spurious promises during the campaign trail.

46. Strain


When someone or something is under strain, they cannot meet the demands of the situation. This noun means that the resources available are just barely meeting the need or are on the verge of running out.


Between losing her job and her mortgage, having to pay for car repairs really strained Jenny’s budget.

47. Teem


You can use this verb to say that something is full or overflowing.


The bar was teeming with language learners hoping to practice their conversational skills.

48. Tout


This verb means that someone is praising or promoting a person or a product.


Much of my makeup collection consists of products touted by my favorite beauty bloggers.

49. Tranquil


This is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is at peace or to say that the mood is peaceful.


The tranquil mood of the quiet beach was just what I needed to destress after a tough week.

50. Unscathed


This adjective describes someone or something that was untouched or unhurt by a bad situation like an accident.


While Kyle had a small cut on his forehead, Lindsey was unscathed by the accident.


Here is a PDF of these 50 words with meaning and sentences that you can download, print, and study at your leisure.

If you really want to learn how to use these words in daily conversation, however, we suggest you take this list and go through the words with an online native English language speaking tutor. 

A good tutor can provide you with other examples of how to use these words properly and help you work on your pronunciation and accent. 

Phrasal Verbs with Make with Sentences and Meanings Download PDF Lesson

Phrasal Verbs with Make with example sentences and meanings –  Help you learn important uses of  preposition and adverbs  and also it help you speak and write correct English.

Phrasal Verbs with Make with Sentences and Meanings Download PDF Lesson

Make After
The police made after the thief but he managed to escape by climbing a building.
Make away
They did not manage to make away after all.
Make away with
steal and take away like jewels, money
Last night the thieves made away with the stolen money bag.
Make for
1.     move usu. in a hurry

2.     contribute to

1.     They made for the door.

2.     Ali will make for the home.

Make into
change into something else
She gave us idea to make the building into flats.
Make off
leave a place in a hurry
The thief must have made off with the money and the guard’s gun.
Make out
pretend something is true
She can make out she is an expert in the field.
Make out
1.     manage to understand or see

2.     write or complete like cheaque, bills

1.     They should have quite made out the writing on the package.

2.     Don’t make out the invoice to the company

Make up   
The story he told them, wasn’t true. he just made it up.

Phrasal Verbs with Make PDF Download

Phrasal Verbs with Make with Sentences and Meanings Download PDF Lesson

100 Most Common Phrasal Verbs List Make100 most common phrasal verbs list Make with meaning50 phrasal verbs MakePhrasal Verbs List Make With Get Meaning And ExamplePhrasal Verbs Make DictionaryPhrasal Verbs Make ExercisesPhrasal Verbs Make In Conversationtypes of phrasal verbs

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