Word meaning with hope



Sentences for Hope, Sentences with Hope Meaning and Synonym Words

Sentences for Hope, Sentences with Hope Meaning and Synonym Words



  • A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.(noun)
  • A feeling of trust.(noun)
  • Want something to happen or be the case.(intransitive verb)
Verb(V1) Past Tense(V2) Past Participle(V3)
hope hoped hoped
Verb-es(Ves) Verb-ing(Ving)
hopes hoping

aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream, expect, anticipate, look for, wait for, be hopeful of, pin one’s hopes on, want,

Example Sentences with hope
  • hope you get rid of this disease quickly and return to us.
  • There is little hope of success.
  • hope I will go to a good university and complete my education in the best way possible.
  • hope Mary found her wallet.
  • My sister always hoped that her daughter would go to school.
  • hope things will turn out fine..
  • hope things will work out all right.
  • hope I see you again.
  • I’m offering you a golden opportunity, I hope you will evaluate it well.
  • hope you get a successful result from the exam.
  • hope your new job brings you luck.

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Collocations are chunks of words or phrases that help you sound natural when speaking a foreign language. It is very important to know that you shouldn’t say “I’m working on my homework” (which makes sense), but “I’m doing my homework” because the former is a genuine collocation. In that sense, here are 15 commonly used collocations with the word “hope” to help you adopt natural English expressions as well as build up your vocabulary:

Sincere hope

Meaning: when you truly want something.

  • It is my sincere hope their marriage will be a happy one.
  • You are free now and we sincerely hope that you won’t break the law again.
A ray of hope

Meaning: when something gives you a small amount of hope in a difficult situation.

  • In her hard life, her son was the only ray of hope.
  • But in the darkest hours of war and terror, there was always a ray of hope which helped us hang on.
High hopes

Meaning: when someone is aiming at something difficult or impossible to attain.

  • Thomas felt sorry because he hasn’t realised the high hopes of his parents.
  • The government had high hopes for the new law of discrimination.
False hope

Meaning: when you have hopes and feelings about something that may not be true.

  • I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t give my patient and his wife false hope.
  • Do you really think it’s a good idea to throw false hopes at him?
Early hopes

Meaning: initial hope.

  • His early hopes of becoming a doctor became true.
  • The early hope that the war would end soon hasn’t been fulfilled.
Be full of hope (hopeful)

Meaning: feeling optimistic about something.

  • They were full of hope they’d get the tickets.
  • Mary was so hopeful about her job interview.
Hope for the best

Meaning: to hope that something will be successful.

  • I had the car fixed, so we can now hope for the best.
  • Popular wisdom says: hope for the best – prepare for the worst.

 Collocations with the word "hope"

Collocations with the word “hope”
Cherish hope

Meaning: to always keep your hope in your mind.

  • Mary cherished the hope David would propose to her.
  • Many members of the resistance cherished the hope that they would win the war.
Keep hope alive

Meaning: to not stop believing in something even if it seems unlikely to happen.

  • Despite the difficulties, they kept their hope of moving abroad alive.
  • We should be patient and keep our hopes alive that grandpa’s condition would stabilise soon.
Cling to the hope

Meaning: hoping that something will happen although it’s not realistic.

  • Sara is still clinging to the hope that Brian would eventually stop drinking.
  • I still cling to the hope of being employed as an accountant in that multinational company.
Live in hope

Meaning: to be hopeful about something.

  • The police said there is a small chance to get our car back, but we live in hope.
  • The company I applied for the job at hasn’t called me for an interview yet but I live in hope.
Give up hope

Meaning: to stop hoping that something will happen or that something is true.

  • He gave up his hopes of becoming a pilot.
  • Seeing him with another woman, Mary gave up hope that he might return.`
Every hope

Meaning: feeling confident about the outcome of something.

  • We have every hope of finishing the project this year.
  • The patient is recovering very well, so we have every hope that he’d be home by Christmas.
Hope in hell

Meaning: refers to something impossible to achieve.

  • You haven’t got a hope in hell of getting that job.
  • I think that you don’t have a hope in hell of catching any fish from that river.
Hopes and dreams

Meaning:  refers to everything somebody hopes for.

  • What are your hopes and dreams about the future?
  • She told me all about her hopes and dreams.

Collocations with the word "hope"

Collocations with the word “hope”

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Diary Entry by virginius «gin» arnold (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = ‘Let us all take a deep breath and hope‘; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = ‘Maybe it became trendy to scoff at the use of the word ‘hope‘ but there is a time and place for its use. maybe this is a good time. ‘ ❋ Unknown (2009)

Verbs that have no Participial Stem, express the Future Infinitive Active and Passive by fore ut or futūrum esse ut, with the Subjunctive; as, — spērō fore ut tē paeniteat levitātis, _I hope you will repent of your fickleness_ (lit. _hope it will happen that you repent_); spērō futūrum esse ut hostēs arceantur, _I hope that the enemy will be kept off_.a. The Periphrastic Future Infinitive is often used, especially in the ❋ Charles E. Bennett (N/A)

And on being told that we felt no doubt, her diffident mind seemed comforted; «but,» she added, «I want assurance: I hope; but I don’t feel sure — I do _hope_ in Christ.» ❋ Eliza Southall (N/A)

«I only ask you not to quite forget me, though I hope — _I hope_ — I shall never look upon your sweet face again.» ❋ Margaret Wolfe Hamilton (N/A)

I hope and _hope_ they’ll keep on being sorry — because they’ll be that much gladder when I come back. ❋ Marie Conway Oemler (1905)

Oh, I hope, I _hope_ you will not waste two years more of your life, but if you do, if as you read these last lines that I shall ever write, the question is unsettled, I charge you by the memory of your sister, by the love you bear her not to wait another _moment_ — not one. ❋ 1841-1930 Pansy (1885)

I hope you will kindly let me have a few lines of _hope_ by the ❋ Queen Of Great Britain Victoria (1860)

MY DEAREST UNCLE, — A few lines I must write to you to express to you my _very great_ delight at the certainty, God willing, of seeing you all _three_ next week, and to express a hope, and a _great hope_, that you will try and arrive a little earlier on Wednesday …. ❋ Queen Of Great Britain Victoria (1860)

hi Nanditha, hope u remmeber me..havent been to the blog sphere for a long time now..hope all is well with u…the cake is yummm..but one doubt, is it a must to have baking soda in cake recipes with bananas? ❋ Unknown (2008)

«I hope,» returned the captain of the Fire Brigade icily — «I _hope_ that is not the spirit in which you propose to go through life. ❋ George De Horne Vaizey (1887)

«But you are fallen from a far greater height of hope than Swift could ever have attained: you bear this change well, but not _I hope_ without ❋ Edward Bulwer Lytton Lytton (1838)

II. iii.126 (432,3) And with that painted hope she braves your mightiness] [W: cope] _Painted hope_ is only _specious_ hope, or ground of confidence more plausible than solid. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

The band say they’re on their «dream label»; the label hope the band will follow in the footsteps of previous Minneapolis exports Prince, the Replacements and Hüsker Dü. ❋ Unknown (2011)

However i also feel that they have a responsibility to do justice to the source, not disappointed by the choice of directors (i liked the Bookf of Eli, apart from the odd ending) and hopefully they’ll be up to the challenge, my main hope is that the film does not become too americanised which i fear it might junierizzle ❋ Unknown (2010)

I will never use the word hope again without realizing that it is antithetical to my faith. ❋ DOUG MAGEE (2010)

My main hope is that most Tories are tired of Dr Jackson and prefer a new face in Stirling. ❋ Jeff (2007)

In English, the word hope primarily means wishful thinking. ❋ Chip Ingram (2009)

As regards the potential leaders my main hope is that they conduct themselves with dignity and always remember that the interests of the Conservative party are more important than personal ambition. ❋ Unknown (2005)

This love, then, which we term hope, is a love of cupidity, but of a holy and well-ordered cupidity, by means whereof we do not draw God to us nor to our utility, but we adjoin ourselves unto him as to our final felicity. ❋ 1567-1622 (1884)

Earle coined the term «hope spots» to describe existing MPAs as well as target regions in need of official MPA status. ❋ The Huffington Post News Editors (2011)

boy: woah look at that hope, oh how i wish she was mine,.
girl: [shamee],, i want her too, shes so gorgeous shes turned me [lesbo]
boy: im suprised shes not turned the whole population of girls lesbo, i mean look at her shes a [stunner] ❋ Felinefelicity (2010)

I hope with God’s help I shall draw closer to his expectations
Like [supernatural] faith and [charity] hope is directly implanted in the soul by [Almighty] God ❋ Sure Hope (2012)

you [walk down the street] and you see a [beatiful] blonde girl driving a [morry] when she gets distracted and crashes.
she gets out unharmed and says to you… hi, i’m hope. hows it goin? ❋ Lawn Master Legend (2010)

[Things will get better]. It’s not over [yet]. There’s [still] hope. ❋ Real Carl (2006)

«hope is a very [dangerous] [thing] [to lose]» ❋ Lovelost (2006)

A perfect example would be [The Shawshank Redemption]. Throughout, Red says Hope is terrible. It can make you insane. But Andy shows him in the end, as he escapes even though he has been through hell. He had hope in his heart during the darkest of times.
«Remember, HOPE is [a good thing]. Maybe the best of things. And [no good] thing ever dies» ❋ Dappa34 (2005)

[I HOPE] I find [true love] [one day] ❋ Pahko (2004)

hope your [boobs] are [smaller] then [mine]. ❋ Hopesfriend (2009)

it was hope that let him keep trying to make things [work out] with [the girl], but it was also what made him [feel like shit] when things didn’t. ❋ Fencingbandodewman13 (2010)

[I hope] it is [true], even though is probably isn’t ❋ Darkends (2008)


No one knows yet if anyone survived the crash. At this point, we can only hope.

I hope you’re feeling better soon.

That’s what she hoped would happen.

Let’s hope that the strike ends soon.

I hope I haven’t bored you.

Everyone in your family is well, I hope.


When they started their life together, they were young and full of hope.

Rescuers have not yet abandoned hope that more survivors will be found.

The drug has brought hope to thousands of sufferers.

We allowed ourselves to entertain hopes that the crisis would end soon.

The goal raised the hopes of the team.

The hope is that there will be a settlement soon.

The lawyers do not want to raise false hopes of an early settlement.

He told them the truth with the hope that they would understand.

He had little hope of attending college.

The latest reports hold out hope for a possible end to this crisis.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Miss Manners can only hope that your hosts have the good manners not to peer into your soup plate and comment on the contents.

Nicholas Ivor Martin And Jacobina Martin, oregonlive, 27 Mar. 2023

Miss Manners can only hope that your hosts have the good manners not to peer into your soup plate and comment on the contents.

Jacobina Martin, Washington Post, 27 Mar. 2023

The fans hope this is a turning point in breaking up a monopoly, the lawyers said.

Max Zahn, ABC News, 27 Mar. 2023

Now, as audiences hope for some favorable resolutions between the duo in the final seven episodes, the trailer starts off by showing Kate and Tully facing new ups and downs separately.

Carly Thomas, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Mar. 2023

The Whites and Zuerlein hope to restore its former glory and break the hegemony of the Gadbois coaches.

Joyce Rubin, Vogue, 26 Mar. 2023

The women hope to eventually get JB SKRUB into retail stores.

Parija Kavilanz, CNN, 26 Mar. 2023

Many countries hope that stronger militaries will discourage China from going any further, but the buildup also reflects declining confidence in the United States.

Damien Cave Chang W. Lee, New York Times, 25 Mar. 2023

The Dash qualified for the playoffs for the first time last season after joining the league in 2014 and hope to continue the upward trend this season.

Orlando Sentinel, 25 Mar. 2023

Then the hope is that SuperProd, who is handling the international distribution, will be able to sell the show everywhere.

Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 28 Mar. 2023

So, yes, for the Heat the postseason ultimately will define the season, with the hope that the postseason encompasses more than the play-in round.

Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 27 Mar. 2023

Ultimately, the hope of finding survivors came to an end by Sunday night.

María Luisa Paúl, Washington Post, 27 Mar. 2023

Ultimately, Kenyatta said the hope is to raise $10 million for the pilot.

Nushrat Rahman, Detroit Free Press, 27 Mar. 2023

The coast near Sfax has become a major departure point for people fleeing poverty and conflict in Africa and the Middle East in the hope of a better life in Europe.

Reuters, CNN, 26 Mar. 2023

Times when all hope felt lost and circumstances were out of our control.

Sophie Dodd, Peoplemag, 24 Mar. 2023

The hope is that complexes don’t have to get into the program in the first place, City Manager Erik Walsh pointed out.

Megan Rodriguez, San Antonio Express-News, 23 Mar. 2023

The hope is the 20-year-old third baseman will miss only six to eight weeks.

Meghan Montemurro, Chicago Tribune, 23 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘hope.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.

a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning.

grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope of his recovery.

a person or thing in which expectations are centered: The medicine was her last hope.

something that is hoped for: Her forgiveness is my constant hope.

verb (used with object), hoped, hop·ing.

to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.

to believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory.

verb (used without object), hoped, hop·ing.

to feel that something desired may happen: We hope for an early spring.

Archaic. to place trust; rely (usually followed by in).



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Idioms about hope

    hope against hope, to continue to hope, although the outlook does not warrant it: We are hoping against hope for a change in her condition.

Origin of hope

First recorded before 900; (noun) Middle English; Old English hopa; cognate with Dutch hoop, German Hoffe; (verb) Middle English hopen, Old English hopian


hop·er, nounhop·ing·ly, adverbself-hope, nounun·hop·ing, adjective

un·hop·ing·ly, adverb

Words nearby hope

hooves, hop, hopak, Hopatcong, hop clover, hope, hope against hope, Hope, Bob, hope chest, Hope diamond, hopeful

Other definitions for hope (2 of 2)


Bob Leslie Townes Hope, 1903–2003, U.S. comedian, born in England.

John, 1868–1936, U.S. educator.

a town in SW Arkansas.

a female given name.

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What are other ways to say hope?

To hope for something is to look forward to it with desire and reasonable confidence. When should you use this verb over anticipate, expect, or await? Find out on Thesaurus.com.

Words related to hope

achievement, ambition, anticipation, aspiration, belief, concern, confidence, desire, expectation, faith, goal, optimism, promise, prospect, wish, anticipate, assume, believe, cherish, count on

How to use hope in a sentence

  • The hope is to get them to start heeding the principles in their products and influence other companies and organizations to do the same.

  • “You cannot gas the company and throw unlimited resources at problems and hope for the best, which a lot of startups do and this one did as well,” he says.

  • Not really, because the substitute for Kodak was so radically different, in Instagram, as a way of sharing memories and photos, that they probably had no hope.

  • That may be ambitious rhetoric, pinning a lot of hope on what a digital version might do for the yuan’s global standing.

  • The hope is that all those activations help turn Amazon into a branding channel for Buick, whether it’s targeted ads in cars, on the marketplace or on Amazon Fire TV.

  • The hope was that greater transparency about performance would drive results.

  • Speaking to a local radio station today Antonella Ramelli said the video gives her hope.

  • “The closer we get to ‘16, the tougher it’s going to be, so I hope we start quickly,” he said.

  • “We hope that the aircraft is found quickly, and we can find out the cause of what has happened,” he said.

  • Now imagine that one day hope appeared, an unexpected opportunity to free yourself, to finally be yourself.

  • Joe looked at her with a smile, his face still solemn and serious for all its youth and the fires of new-lit hope behind his eyes.

  • There was no doubt thought of his own loss in this question: yet there was, one may hope, a germ of solicitude for the mother too.

  • But I hope at least to play to him a few times, and what is more important, to hear him play repeatedly.

  • «I hope you don’t think I speak always to strangers, like that,» said the girl in the rose hat.

  • You don’t mind staying here in the sunshine, I hope, while my coat dries?

British Dictionary definitions for hope (1 of 2)


(sometimes plural) a feeling of desire for something and confidence in the possibility of its fulfilmenthis hope for peace was justified; their hopes were dashed

a reasonable ground for this feelingthere is still hope

a person or thing that gives cause for hope

a thing, situation, or event that is desiredmy hope is that prices will fall

not a hope or some hope used ironically to express little confidence that expectations will be fulfilled


(tr; takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to desire (something) with some possibility of fulfilmentwe hope you can come; I hope to tell you

(intr often foll by for) to have a wish (for a future event, situation, etc)

(tr; takes a clause as object) to trust, expect, or believewe hope that this is satisfactory

Derived forms of hope

hoper, noun

Word Origin for hope

Old English hopa; related to Old Frisian hope, Dutch hoop, Middle High German hoffe

British Dictionary definitions for hope (2 of 2)


Anthony, real name Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins. 1863–1933, English novelist; author of The Prisoner of Zenda (1894)

Bob, real name Leslie Townes Hope. 1903–2003, US comedian and comic actor, born in England. His films include The Cat and the Canary (1939), Road to Morocco (1942), and The Paleface (1947). He was awarded an honorary knighthood in 1998

David (Michael). Baron. born 1940, British churchman, Archbishop of York (1995–2005)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with hope

In addition to the idioms beginning with hope

  • hope against hope
  • hope springs eternal

also see:

  • great white hope
  • in hopes of
  • live in (hope of)
  • not a hope in hell
  • pin one’s hopes on
  • while there’s life, there’s hope

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Meaning of BILLY

BILLY means: Billy is slang for a policeman.Billy is slang for the drug amphetamine.Billy (shortened from Billy Liar) is London Cockney rhyming slang for a tyre.Billy is Australian slang for a tin used to boil water to make tea in the bush.

Meaning of TIM

TIM means: Tim is British slang for the telephone speaking clock.

Meaning of USING

USING means: Using is slang for addicted to heroin, or another hard drug.

Meaning of bone up

bone up means: Verb. To study hard. E.g.»I’ve been boning up on my highway
code — my driving exam is next week.» [Orig. US]

Meaning of ace

ace means: excellent, to perform well: «I aced the exam.»

Meaning of balls

balls means: testicles, scrotum, the place where semen is stored.

Meaning of Fido!

Fido! means: An interjection of disgust. Fido! I don’t ever want to talk to Percival again!

Meaning of make-believe

make-believe means: Pretence, imagination. You can’t live your whole life in a make-believe world.

Meaning of end

end means: (in phrase (be) the end) the limit of what one can bare

Other forms: hoped; hopes; hoping

Hope is something that you want to happen, like your hope to visit Paris this summer, or the feeling that good things will come. If you make it to the final round of a tournament, that gives you hope.

Hope can also be a verb that means «strive for or wish,» as in your hope to become a doctor someday. To hope is to want something to happen, but if instead you said that you intend to become a doctor, that suggests becoming a doctor is more of a goal than a dream. Hope, on the other hand, is more emotional. In fact, some scholars believe it’s linked in meaning to hop, in that someone who hopes «leaps in expectation.»

Definitions of hope

  1. noun

    the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled

    “in spite of his troubles he never gave up

  2. noun

    a specific instance of feeling hopeful

    “it revived their
    hope of winning the pennant”

  3. noun

    grounds for feeling hopeful about the future

  4. noun

    someone (or something) on which expectations are centered

    “he was their best
    hope for a victory”

  5. noun

    one of the three Christian virtues

  6. “I
    hope she understands that she cannot expect a raise”


    desire, trust

  7. verb

    be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes

    “I am still
    hoping that all will turn out well”

  8. verb

    intend with some possibility of fulfilment

    hope to have finished this work by tomorrow evening”


    go for

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘hope’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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надежда, упование, чаяние, лощина, надеяться, уповать, предвкушать


- надежда; чаяние

- тот, на кого возлагают надежды; что-л. многообещающее

he was the hope of his school — он был надеждой школы, школа возлагала на него надежды
the navy was the great hope of the allies — союзники в основном полагались на флот

- то, что надеются получить; желание; мечта

my great hope was a bicycle for Christmas — я очень надеялся получить велосипед в подарок к рождеству

- упование

to hope against hope — надеяться вопреки всему; не терять надежды в безнадёжном положении

- небольшой узкий залив, фьорд
- лощина, ущелье


- надеяться

to hope for smth. — надеяться на что-л.
to hope for the best — надеяться на счастливый исход /на лучшее/
to hope on — продолжать надеяться; не терять надежды
we are still hoping — мы ещё не потеряли надежды
I hope so — надеюсь (что да /что это верно, что так и будет/)
I hope not — надеюсь, что нет /что это не так, что этого не будет/
hoping to hear from you soon … — надеюсь на скорый ответ; жду ответа (заключительные строки письма)

- ожидать, предвкушать

I hoped for better things from him — я от него ожидал большего

- (in, for) уповать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Some hope(s)!

Мечтать не вредно!

We were hoping for good weather.

Мы надеялись на хорошую погоду.

She hopes to see them soon.

Она надеется на скорую встречу с ними.

We hope that you are comfortable.

Надеемся, тебе удобно.

We had high hopes for her.

Мы возлагали на неё большие надежды.

I hope he’s awake now.

Я надеюсь, что он не спит сейчас.

I hope to reckon roundly.

Я надеюсь полностью рассчитаться.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Let’s just hope someone finds her bag.

I hope I haven’t kept you from your work.

They don’t have a hope in hell of winning.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hopeful  — надеющийся, многообещающий, человек, подающий надежды
hopeless  — безнадежный, безвыходный, неисправимый, отчаявшийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hope
he/she/it: hopes
ing ф. (present participle): hoping
2-я ф. (past tense): hoped
3-я ф. (past participle): hoped

ед. ч.(singular): hope
мн. ч.(plural): hopes

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