Word meaning with attitude

  • 1
    attitude research


    исследование установок

    In my attitude research, I examine people’s attitudes, especially toward consumer choice issues. — Мои исследования посвящены изучению установок к проблемам потребительского выбора.

    The course begins with a historical sketch of the development of attitude research within academic psychology. — Курс начинается с исторического экскурса, рассказывающего о развитии исследования установок в академической психологии.



    * * *

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > attitude research

  • 2
    with an attitude

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with an attitude

  • 3

    Now, buddy, don’t catch an attitude with me — Знаешь, парень, хватит передо мной выступать

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > attitude

  • 4

    1. аттитюд

    Вариация вращения в фигурном катании, в которой свободная нога согнута и заведена от колена вверх и назад под углом 90° к опорной ноге.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    In figure skating, a spin position in which the free leg is lifted behind the body, with the knee bent at an angle, and is held behind at a 90-degree angle to the skating foot.
    [Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]


    • фигурное катание


    • attitude

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > attitude

  • 5
    with an attitude of professional scepticism

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with an attitude of professional scepticism

  • 6
    buying attitude


    покупательское отношение, установки покупателей

    Questions, which are concerned with terms, delivery, quantity and service, usually indicate a positive buying attitude. — Вопросы, связанные с условиями, поставкой и обслуживанием, обычно указывают на положительное отношение покупателей.

    A market segment consists of a large identifiable group within a market with similar wants, purchasing power, geographical location, buying attitude or buying habits. — Сегмент рынка состоит из большой опознаваемой группы в пределах рынка со схожими потребностями, покупательской способностью, географическим положением, покупательским отношением или покупательскими привычками.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > buying attitude

  • 7
    assume an attitude

    He told us to give attention. Then he strikes a most noble attitude, with one leg shoved forwards, and his arms stretched away up, and his head tilted back, looking up at the sky… (M. Twain, ‘Huckleberry Finn’, ch. XXI) — Он велел нам слушать; потом принял самую величавую позу, выставил одну ногу вперед, широко раскинул руки и закинул голову назад, глядя в небо…

    Often… I would see her pacing up and down her little garden, followed by her yellow cat Mikado, and stopping to strike an attitude and recite something out loud. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Green Years’, book I, ch. 4) — Нередко… я видел, как она ходит по маленькому садику в сопровождении своей желтой кошки Микадо, потом вдруг встанет в позу и начнет декламировать.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > assume an attitude

  • 8
    cop an attitude

    Look, chum, don’t cop an attitude with me — Послушай, друг, не надо так со мной выступать

    I think you’re copping an attitude. Not advised, man. Not advised — Я чувствую, что ты становишься в позу. Не советую. Я тебе это просто не советую

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > cop an attitude

  • 9
    cop an attitude

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > cop an attitude

  • 10
    connection, relationship, attitude, [have something to do with something]

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > connection, relationship, attitude, [have something to do with something]

  • 11
    you’ll never get anywhere with that attitude

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > you’ll never get anywhere with that attitude

  • 12
    your attitude is in contradiction with your character

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > your attitude is in contradiction with your character

  • 13

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > PWA

  • 14

    1) Компьютерная техника: Write Amplification

    13) Сокращение: Washington , Washington State, West Africa, wainscot, wire assembly, workshop assembly , Washington, Western Australia

    21) Программирование: Wait

    24) Общественная организация: Wild Aid

    28) Федеральное бюро расследований: With Alias

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > WA

  • 15

    1) Компьютерная техника: Write Amplification

    13) Сокращение: Washington , Washington State, West Africa, wainscot, wire assembly, workshop assembly , Washington, Western Australia

    21) Программирование: Wait

    24) Общественная организация: Wild Aid

    28) Федеральное бюро расследований: With Alias

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Wa

  • 16

    1) Компьютерная техника: Write Amplification

    13) Сокращение: Washington , Washington State, West Africa, wainscot, wire assembly, workshop assembly , Washington, Western Australia

    21) Программирование: Wait

    24) Общественная организация: Wild Aid

    28) Федеральное бюро расследований: With Alias

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wa

  • 17

    9) NYSE. Borg Warner Automotive, Inc.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > BWA

  • 18

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > CWA

  • 19

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > GWA

  • 20

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > KARLA


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • with attitude — informal phrase unusual in a way that attracts attention These are designs with attitude. Thesaurus: unusual in an interesting waysynonym Main entry: attitude …   Useful english dictionary

  • with attitude — informal unusual in a way that attracts attention These are designs with attitude …   English dictionary

  • Krauts with Attitude — Infobox Album | Name = Krauts with Attitude Type = Compilation album Artist = Various Artists Released = 1991 Genre = Hip hop | Krauts with Attitude was released in 1991 under the Bombastic label. The album was compiled by DJs Michael Reinboth… …   Wikipedia

  • Pirates With Attitude — Infobox computer underground group name = Pirates With Attitude caption = PWA ASCII art logo by R.Noble of MiRAGE origin = New York country = international status = inactive years active = early 1990s category = warez / cracking founders = Orion… …   Wikipedia

  • Sonic Adventure: Songs With Attitude Vocal Mini-Album — Sonic Adventure Vocal mini Album (Songs with Attitude) Soundtrack album by Various artists Released …   Wikipedia

  • Sonic Adventure Vocal mini-Album (Songs with Attitude) — Infobox Album Name = Sonic Adventure Vocal mini Album (Songs with Attitude) Type = Soundtrack Artist = Various artists Released = December 2, 1998 Recorded = 1998 Genre = Hard rock Length = Label = WaveMaster Producer = Jun Senoue Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

  • Niggaz With Attitude — (N.W.A.) est un groupe de hip hop afro américain, originaire de la ville de Compton, une banlieue sud de Los Angeles, qui a popularisé le style gangsta rap. Leur album à succès, Straight Outta Compton (1988), est devenu culte dans le milieu… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Niggaz with attitude — (N.W.A.) est un groupe de hip hop afro américain, originaire de la ville de Compton, une banlieue sud de Los Angeles, qui a popularisé le style gangsta rap. Leur album à succès, Straight Outta Compton (1988), est devenu culte dans le milieu… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Niggaz With Attitude — Gründung 1986 Auflösung 1991 Genre Gangsta Rap Website http://www.nwalegacy.com/ Letzte Besetzung vor der Auflösung Eazy E, Dr. Dre, M …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • attitude — One might say that this is now a word with attitude, in its 20c meaning ‘aggressive or uncooperative behaviour’, which represents a special application of one kind of characteristic attitude (in the established meaning ‘a person s settled opinion …   Modern English usage

  • Attitude Adjustment (band) — TOC rightAttitude Adjustment was a hardcore/crossover/thrash metal band formed in the early 1980s in the Bay Area of San Francisco. The band was formed by Chris Kontos, Eric Smith and Rick Strahl in early 1985. The line up was expanded by the… …   Wikipedia

The report on attitude and heading reference systems market provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macro-economic indicators and governing factors along with attitude and heading reference systems market as per segments.

GCPI, (1981), relationship of Academic Achievement with attitude towards teaching among teacher -trainees.

Results indicate that Interaction with Transwomen is positively correlated with Attitude toward Transwomen.

The authors believe that the opinion concept may have shared belief and evaluation attributes with attitude concept.

(1998) The problem with attitude. Melbourne: Communication Research Institute.

In relation to sub-factors, «belief in chance» and «meaninglessness of effort» also showed a negative relationship with attitude toward teaching.

Given the importance of attitude toward attending, the next step was the examination of variables that correlated significantly (p value less than .01) with attitude. The most highly correlated variable was intention to attend (correlation of .71), followed by norm (correlation of .67), and by attitude toward having attended last spring’s workshop (correlation of .60).

Chubon (1992) cited one problem in studies submitted for publication dealing with attitude toward disability as absence of reporting of validity and reliability.

«Staying Alive with Attitude: Beliefs about aging sway seniors’ survival» (SN: 7/27/02, p.

The result of this partial correlation analysis demonstrated that the RWA authoritarian aggression subscale was significantly correlated with attitudes toward torture, r = .22, p < .001.

Yuker and Block (1986) reported that attitudes toward individuals with disabilities are positively correlated with attitudes toward mainstreaming.

Team identification is a phenomenon in sport spectatorship that is probably associated with attitudes toward spectator sports.

First of all, the correlation of academic grades with attitudes and actions related to academic responsibility would provide powerful information for the Lighthouse Partnership.

Prior social contact with people with physical disabilities (Chesler, 1965; Fichten & Amsel, 1986) and social desirability (Feinberg, 1967; Fichten & Amsel, 1986) have also been shown to be positively correlated with attitudes toward persons with physical disabilities.

However, unlike most studies dealing with attitudes toward mathematics, these data were collected from the same students over three points in time and from four schools with different environments.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


That changed everything… climate, style, attitude.

Ведь тогда поменялось все: климат, образ жизни, отношение и т.д.

I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults too.

Я считаю, что мы можем сохранить это отношение и во взрослом возрасте.

Her attitude was shared by many we interviewed.

Ее позицию разделяли многие из тех, кого мы интервьюировали.

He developed a more political attitude from 1990.

«С 1990 года он в большей степени проявлял политическую позицию.

Any definition is controversial and already embodies a philosophic attitude.

Любое определение будет спорным и к тому же содержать в себе философский подход.

Know that people love you for your attitude and kindness, sometimes excessive.

Знайте, что люди любят вас за ваше отношение к ним и доброту, порой чрезмерную.

And she will not tolerate attitude below what it considers normal.

И она не потерпит к себе отношения ниже того, которое она считает нормальным.

But just as with other approaches, the attitude changes much less.

Но так же, как и в случаях других подходов, отношение меняется гораздо слабее.

This attitude arose after her former supervisor had humiliated her for years.

Это отношение возникло после того, как ее бывший руководитель в течение многих лет унижал ее.

Notice that this happens despite the previous bullish attitude in the price.

Обратите внимание на то, что это происходит, несмотря на предыдущее бычье отношение в цене.

That attitude would last long after the official celebrations were over.

Проявления этого подхода будут ощущаться еще в течение долгого периода после завершения официальных мероприятий.

You will feel very good attitude from other women.

Вы почувствуете очень хорошее отношение к себе со стороны других женщин.

I started thinking about my his attitude about weakness.

Я начал думать о своем отце… и о его отношении к слабости.

But this liberal attitude is really a way of earning money.

Но либеральное отношение — это не что иное, как способ заработать денег.

Well, your attitude changes pretty quickly when you start to lose your freedom.

Э.С.: Ну, ваше отношение довольно быстро изменится, когда вы начнете терять свою свободу.

Profits change your whole attitude, even if you start part-time.

Прибыль изменяет Ваше целое отношение, даже если Вы начинаете неполный рабочий день.

I hope you will change your attitude about the sacrament.

Я надеюсь, что этот игрок изменит своё отношение к «Шахтеру».

Multi-agency public awareness campaigns might challenge this attitude, which is addressed in the Riyadh Guidelines.

Проводимые различными учреждениями кампании по повышению осознания общественностью этой проблемы могут изменить подобное отношение, о котором говорится в Эр-Риядских руководящих принципах.

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  1. attitude
  2. Полезное
  3. Смотреть что такое «attitude» в других словарях:
  4. Attitude — перевод, произношение, транскрипция
  5. существительное ↓
  6. Мои примеры
  7. Словосочетания
  8. Примеры
  9. Примеры, ожидающие перевода
  10. attitude
  11. Смотреть что такое «attitude» в других словарях:


friendly [impartial] attitude towards smb. — дружеское [беспристрастное] отношение к кому-л.

to adopt an intransigent attitude over smth. — занять непреклонную позицию по отношению к чему-л.

attitude of mind — склад ума

what’s your attitude towards this question? — как вы относитесь к этому вопросу?

hesitating [melancholy] attitude — нерешительная [задумчивая] поза

attitude of pride [arrogance] — гордая [надменная] поза

attitude of admiration [despair] — поза, выражающая восхищение [отчаяние]

to assume /to adopt/ the attitude of a boxer ready to fight — принять стойку боксёра, приготовившегося к бою

♢ to strike an attitude — неодобр. а) встать в позу, упереться; б) принять эффектную /театральную/ позу

he is always striking a pious attitude — он всегда старается выставить напоказ свою набожность

Новый большой англо-русский словарь . 2001 .


Смотреть что такое «attitude» в других словарях:

ATTITUDE — Le mot attitude vient du latin aptitudo. Son sens primitif appartient au domaine de la plastique: «Manière de tenir le corps. [Avoir] de belles attitudes», dit Littré. Du physique le terme se transpose au moral: «L’attitude du respect»; puis il… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Attitude — may refer to: NOTOC Psychology* Attitude (psychology), a person s perspective toward a specified target * Propositional attitude, a relational mental state connecting a person to a propositionMusic* Attitude (rapper) * Attitudes (band), a 1970s… … Wikipedia

Attitude — At ti*tude, n. [It. attitudine, LL. aptitudo, fr. L. aptus suited, fitted: cf. F. attitude. Cf. .] 1. (Paint. & Sculp.) The posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue. [1913 Webster] 2. The posture or position of a person… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

attitude — ATTITUDE. s. f. Situation, position du corps. Belle attitude. Toutes les attitudes de ce tableau sont admirables. Mettre un modèle dans une certaine attitude. Le peindre dans une certaine attitude. Son attitude étoit à peindre. [b]f♛/b] On donne… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

attitude — One might say that this is now a word with attitude, in its 20c meaning ‘aggressive or uncooperative behaviour’, which represents a special application of one kind of characteristic attitude (in the established meaning ‘a person s settled opinion … Modern English usage

Attitüde — (sprich ˌatiˈtyːdə; von französisch attitude, gesprochen atityd, Haltung, Verhalten, Gebaren, Einstellung) nennt man in der Kunst die Haltung, Stellung oder Lage menschlicher Figuren, eine Positur oder eine Gebärde. Im Sinne der bildenden Kunst… … Deutsch Wikipedia

attitude — [at′ə to͞od΄, at′ətyo͞od΄] n. [Fr < It attitudine, attitude, aptness < LL aptitudo (gen. aptitudinis) < L aptus, APT1] 1. the position or posture assumed by the body in connection with an action, feeling, mood, etc. [to kneel in an… … English World dictionary

attitude — UK US /ˈætɪtjuːd/ noun [C or U] ► a feeling or opinion about something, especially when this shows in your behaviour: attitude towards sb/sth »We need team players with a positive attitude towards work. »What is your employer s attitude to equal… … Financial and business terms

Attitüde — Sf Haltung , besonders affektierte Haltung, Einstellung erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. attitude f., das seinerseits aus it. attitudine entlehnt ist. Dessen weitere Herkunft ist mehrdeutig (zu l. aptus passend… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

Attitude — ist der Name: eines Album der norwegischen Band Susperia, siehe Attitude (Album) einer britischen Zeitschrift, siehe Attitude (Zeitschrift) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung meh … Deutsch Wikipedia

Attitüde — Attitüde, Stellung des Leibes, Lage, Haltung, vorzüglich in der Ruhe. Die Attitüde fordert beim bildenden Künstler, beim Tänzer, beim Pantomimen und Schauspieler große Vorstudien, denn sie sei der jedesmalige genaue Abdruck des Seelenzustandes… … Damen Conversations Lexikon


Attitude — перевод, произношение, транскрипция

существительное ↓

Мои примеры



I do not like his attitude at all.

Мне совсем не нравится его отношение.

His attitude towards women really scares me.

Его отношение к женщинам меня просто пугает.

You need to change your bad attitude.

Вам нужно изменить своё отношение к жизни.

It upset me to learn of their attitude.

Я огорчился, узнав их мнение.

As soon as they found out I was a doctor their whole attitude changed.

Узнав, что я врач, они сразу же стали относиться ко мне совсем по-другому.

His attitude was forbidding.

Он держал себя неприступно.

His whole attitude bugs me.

Меня бесит весь этот его гонор.

He has a positive attitude about the changes.

Он положительно относится к этим изменениям.

She’s got a really positive attitude to life.

Она очень позитивно относится к жизни.

A negative attitude will get you nowhere.

Негативный настрой ни к чему хорошему тебя не приведёт.

She has a carefree attitude toward life.

Она относится к жизни беспечно.

I found her attitude totally unacceptable.

Я счёл её позицию совершенно неприемлемой.

She had a casual attitude to life.

К жизни она относилась легкомысленно.

His attitude is the same as ever.

Его позиция — та же, что и всегда.

I’m very anxious about his attitude to learning.

Его отношение к учёбе внушает мне большое беспокойство.

He has a piggish attitude toward women.

Он относится к женщинам по-свински.

A preference is an attitude, a choice is an action.

Предпочтение — это отношение, а выбор — это действие.

Her attitude is really ticking me off.

Её гонор меня просто бесит.

What gets me is their attitude.

Что меня бесит, так это их гонор.

Their attitude was slow to change.

Их мироощущение менялось медленно.

I suggest you get rid of that attitude and shape up.

Советую избавиться от своего гонора и взяться за ум.

She was upset to learn of their attitude.

Узнав их мнение, она очень расстроилась.

I find your attitude quite incomprehensible.

Мне ваша позиция совершенно непонятна.

I didn’t like his attitude that he deserves special treatment.

Мне не понравилась его позиция, что он заслуживает особого отношения.

His attitude shows a want of proper respect.

Его отношение показывает недостаток должного уважения.

This behaviour is indicative of her whole attitude, I’m afraid.

Боюсь, что такое поведение свидетельствует об её отношении к делу.

The statement argues a change of attitude by the management.

В заявлении утверждается об изменении отношения со стороны руководства.

Ben has a real attitude problem (=is not helpful or pleasant to be with).

У Бена огромные проблемы с отношением к людям (т.е. он нелюбезен, или с ним рядом неприятно находиться).

He assumed an attitude of surrender.

Он занял позицию капитуляции.

The actor struck just the right attitude.

Поза, принятая актёром, была очень удачна.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

But his attitude of sullen grievance and simmering fury never abated fully.

. the claim that the state’s long-standing antitax attitude is conducive to entrepreneurship.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰ , напротив примера.



Новый англо-русский словарь . 2013 .

Смотреть что такое «attitude» в других словарях:

ATTITUDE — Le mot attitude vient du latin aptitudo. Son sens primitif appartient au domaine de la plastique: «Manière de tenir le corps. [Avoir] de belles attitudes», dit Littré. Du physique le terme se transpose au moral: «L’attitude du respect»; puis il… … Encyclopédie Universelle

Attitude — may refer to: NOTOC Psychology* Attitude (psychology), a person s perspective toward a specified target * Propositional attitude, a relational mental state connecting a person to a propositionMusic* Attitude (rapper) * Attitudes (band), a 1970s… … Wikipedia

Attitude — At ti*tude, n. [It. attitudine, LL. aptitudo, fr. L. aptus suited, fitted: cf. F. attitude. Cf. .] 1. (Paint. & Sculp.) The posture, action, or disposition of a figure or a statue. [1913 Webster] 2. The posture or position of a person… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

attitude — ATTITUDE. s. f. Situation, position du corps. Belle attitude. Toutes les attitudes de ce tableau sont admirables. Mettre un modèle dans une certaine attitude. Le peindre dans une certaine attitude. Son attitude étoit à peindre. [b]f♛/b] On donne… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française 1798

attitude — One might say that this is now a word with attitude, in its 20c meaning ‘aggressive or uncooperative behaviour’, which represents a special application of one kind of characteristic attitude (in the established meaning ‘a person s settled opinion … Modern English usage

Attitüde — (sprich ˌatiˈtyːdə; von französisch attitude, gesprochen atityd, Haltung, Verhalten, Gebaren, Einstellung) nennt man in der Kunst die Haltung, Stellung oder Lage menschlicher Figuren, eine Positur oder eine Gebärde. Im Sinne der bildenden Kunst… … Deutsch Wikipedia

attitude — [at′ə to͞od΄, at′ətyo͞od΄] n. [Fr < It attitudine, attitude, aptness < LL aptitudo (gen. aptitudinis) < L aptus, APT1] 1. the position or posture assumed by the body in connection with an action, feeling, mood, etc. [to kneel in an… … English World dictionary

attitude — UK US /ˈætɪtjuːd/ noun [C or U] ► a feeling or opinion about something, especially when this shows in your behaviour: attitude towards sb/sth »We need team players with a positive attitude towards work. »What is your employer s attitude to equal… … Financial and business terms

Attitüde — Sf Haltung , besonders affektierte Haltung, Einstellung erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. attitude f., das seinerseits aus it. attitudine entlehnt ist. Dessen weitere Herkunft ist mehrdeutig (zu l. aptus passend… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

Attitude — ist der Name: eines Album der norwegischen Band Susperia, siehe Attitude (Album) einer britischen Zeitschrift, siehe Attitude (Zeitschrift) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung meh … Deutsch Wikipedia

Attitüde — Attitüde, Stellung des Leibes, Lage, Haltung, vorzüglich in der Ruhe. Die Attitüde fordert beim bildenden Künstler, beim Tänzer, beim Pantomimen und Schauspieler große Vorstudien, denn sie sei der jedesmalige genaue Abdruck des Seelenzustandes… … Damen Conversations Lexikon



: the arrangement of the parts of a body or figure : posture

depicted her in a reclining attitude


: a position assumed for a specific purpose


: a ballet position similar to the arabesque in which the raised leg is bent at the knee



: a mental position with regard to a fact or state


: a feeling or emotion toward a fact or state


: the position of a craft (such as an aircraft or spacecraft) determined by the relationship between its axes and a reference datum (such as the horizon or a particular star)


: a bodily state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus (such as an object, concept, or situation)



: a negative or hostile state of mind


: a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner

He was showing some attitude in practice today, so the coach benched him.


Example Sentences

He has a positive attitude about the changes.

She’s friendly and has a good attitude.

You need to change your bad attitude.

There’s been a change in his attitude since his accident.

I don’t know what her problem is. She has a real attitude.

I suggest you get rid of that attitude and shape up.

He was showing some attitude during practice today, so the coach benched him.

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Recent Examples on the Web

An online survey designed to help determine the public’s attitude is available until April 11.

Savannaheadens, oregonlive, 5 Apr. 2023

The reason for the change points to the monarch’s sensitivity to the public’s attitude towards the royal family and a desire to avoid excess during the country’s current cost of living crisis.

Isiah Magsino, Town & Country, 4 Apr. 2023

Mollman said the broad approach to violent crime only hardens those attitudes.

Ralph Chapoco, al, 4 Apr. 2023

The zoo’s staff will remember Jontu for his calm attitude and gentle demeanor.

Kelli Bender, Peoplemag, 4 Apr. 2023

Because of such attitudes, Jews of color can sometimes feel alienated or excluded by the wider Jewish community, said Amanda Beckenstein Mbuvi, vice president of academic affairs at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College.

Harmeet Kaur, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023

But decades later, attitudes about non-English instruction are shifting as dual-language programs in K-12 public schools have gained popularity.

Debbie Truong, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

Inherent in corporate cultures, unconscious bias (also known as implicit bias) refers to subconscious attitudes that impact how people respond to others at work.

Caroline Castrillon, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

Also, strong negative and positive attitudes were expressed about different varieties of Spanish, just as negative and positive opinions about the English of my Jewish, Italian, Irish and African American neighbors and playmates abounded.

Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘attitude.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


French, from Italian attitudine, literally, aptitude, from Late Latin aptitudin-, aptitudo fitness — more at aptitude

First Known Use

1668, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of attitude was
in 1668

Dictionary Entries Near attitude

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“Attitude.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/attitude. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
7 Apr 2023
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Sports writers are even more left wing than political journalists, so viewing their political opinions as somehow signifying a popular shift in attitude is a mistake. ❋ Unknown (2007)

On the Sunday morning news shows, massive change in attitude from the Dems. ❋ Unknown (2006)

One of the major reasons for this change in attitude is that there’s more money around. ❋ Unknown (2003)

For some, it is an easy shorthand for a change in attitude from the search for growth — which largely meant industrial and material growth — toward a society whose values are less materialistic and more concerned with the quality of life and the environment. ❋ Unknown (1984)

Thomas was the first to make fruitful use of the term attitude, which he defined as a «tendency to act.» ❋ Robert Ezra Park (1926)

What they miss out on with this attitude is the joy that results from the effort. ❋ Unknown (2009)

He contrasts this with «destructively arrogant,» which he defines as an attitude that lacks empathy and reeks of insolence and vanity. ❋ M.D. Richard C. Senelick (2012)

And one other thing while I am at it, Sir, your attitude is the exact reason I left Ohio to return the Chattanooga after 2 years. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This attitude is accepted by all the others; forsooth, he is indeed a great man and master. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I think this attitude is an immense barrier to entry. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I think this attitude is the problem, and not economics or some union. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Yes, I love myself; and yes, my attitude is a notch or two above [email protected]#$%!. ❋ Unknown (2009)

But this attitude is the very opposite of what feminist is supposed to be about. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This attitude is all the more pronounced in those who hold leadership positions in the gay rights movement, as their life’s work depends upon the notion that we are always and everywhere oppressed. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Among West Indian and African families here in the US the attitude is the same. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Seriously their attitude is the selfsame thing as led to residential schools. ❋ Unknown (2008)

To be honest, Steve, your attitude is an emotional response which is not too unlike the unthinking emotional reactions of most criminals on July 24, 2008 at 3: 31 pm | Reply bobby ❋ Inspector Gadget (2008)

This attitude is the one that separates all of us daily regardless of whether it is an election year. ❋ Unknown (2008)

[parent]: «[how was your day] [billy]?»
billy «it was fin-»
parent «iS tHaT AtTiTudE i HeaR?!?» ❋ Deathisinnevitable (2019)

[Stood] in a [graceful] attitude ❋ Rishabh (2005)

[Jill] [sometimes] have an [attitude problem]. ❋ Gerard Irick (2009)

No one likes either [Sue] or her husband George, its because of their attitude. She walks in the room with her [sun] glasses and you could tell she had a [snotty] attitude. ❋ M.A (2006)

Jerry: Man, I will never be able to find a good job!
Paul: [Not with that attitude], you won’t!
Lisa: I’ll never get John to give me a [Las Vegas Chainsaw]!
[Jennifer]: Not with that attitude! ❋ Unkle_ruckus (2010)

[I don’t] have an [attitude problem] , It’s just that you can’t [handle] my personality ❋ Ba Baji (2014)

That [hoochie] is so attitudal…
[Carly]: She’s such a [skankrow]
Amanda: Girl, you’re so attitudal ❋ HoochieGirl (2005)

[It’s all] about the attitude, I don’t care if we win or [lose it’s] ALL ABOUT THE ATTITUDE!
If you want to play with the ball, go to soccer, this is football, again [it’s all] about the attitude! ❋ FRESHMAN FB 08 (2008)

Bitches with no [titties] be having the worst [attitude] [like damn] thought you got everything off your chest ❋ Janae Mcdan (2022)

[Parent]: Why you always got a attitude with me
Any kid:[Bc] you always starting [some bullshit] ❋ JBCTKC (2018)

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ at-i-tood, -tyood ]

/ ˈæt ɪˌtud, -ˌtyud /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes.

position or posture of the body appropriate to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc.: a threatening attitude; a relaxed attitude.

Aeronautics. the inclination of the three principal axes of an aircraft relative to the wind, to the ground, etc.

Ballet. a pose in which the dancer stands on one leg, the other bent behind.



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Origin of attitude

First recorded in 1660–70; from French, from Italian attitudine, from Late Latin aptitūdini- (stem of aptitūdō ); see aptitude

synonym study for attitude


at·ti·tu·di·nal [at-i-tood-n-l, —tyood-], /ˌæt ɪˈtud n l, -ˈtyud-/, adjective

Words nearby attitude

at times, attingent, attire, attirement, Attis, attitude, attitudinal, attitudinarian, attitudinize, Attius, Attleboro

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to attitude

angle, approach, belief, demeanor, mindset, mood, notion, outlook, perspective, philosophy, point of view, position, posture, reaction, sentiment, slant, stance, stand, standpoint, temperament

How to use attitude in a sentence

  • Instead of denying or neglecting it, or whatever attitude we had in the past, it’s time we all get together and start working on this very seriously.

  • Without much thought, I carried this attitude over into my work.

  • The more knowledge she gained regarding the object, the more her attitude towards it was reshaped.

  • It has taught me that we, ourselves, can choose our attitude every day.

  • Since then, I took a completely different attitude to management.

  • I think a lot of it has to do with the attitude and the energy behind it and the honesty.

  • From this attitude he draws a singular comic and literary power.

  • Alexander Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy, summed up the Southern attitude in his 1861 Cornerstone Speech.

  • In a way, this is worse than the racism of white supremacists, since this is thought to be an honorable attitude.

  • With his anachronistic attitude toward the biblical story, Bale is just following the lead of his director.

  • The dormant accounts most of the banks maintain with the reserve bank are, perhaps, indicative of their attitude toward it.

  • So much for the attitude of the various schools of religious thought towards the Bible.

  • Her eyes were blazing with triumph, yet her lips curved with contempt at the attitude of her trembling father.

  • His attitude was one of hopeless resignation as he looked toward a distant bird winging its flight away from him.

  • This tendency to take art-representations for realities reappears even in the mental attitude of a child towards his stories.

British Dictionary definitions for attitude


the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way

a theatrical pose created for effect (esp in the phrase strike an attitude)

a position of the body indicating mood or emotion

informal a hostile mannerdon’t give me attitude, my girl

the orientation of an aircraft’s axes in relation to some plane, esp the horizontalSee also axis 1 (def. 1)

the orientation of a spacecraft in relation to its direction of motion

ballet a classical position in which the body is upright and one leg raised and bent behind

Derived forms of attitude

attitudinal, adjective

Word Origin for attitude

C17: from French, from Italian attitudine disposition, from Late Latin aptitūdō fitness, from Latin aptus apt

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other forms: attitudes

An attitude is somewhere between a belief, a stance, a mood, and a pose. If you’ve got an attitude about something, it can be hard to change it because you think you’re right.

You’ll often hear Happy Hour referred to as «Attitude Adjustment Hour,» because cheap drinks are one of the best ways to change your attitude. If you’re in a bad mood, cocktails can make it better (or worse). An attitude is a way of thinking that you can express just by standing a certain way. For example, putting your hands on your hips and rolling your eyes expresses one kind of attitude, while kneeling with your palms together expresses a very different one.

Definitions of attitude

  1. noun

    a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways

    “he had the
    attitude that work was fun”


    mental attitude

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    show 58 types…
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    acceptance, credence

    the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true


    the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization

    defensive, defensive attitude

    an attitude of defensiveness (especially in the phrase `on the defensive’)


    a no-nonsense attitude in business or politics

    high horse

    an attitude of arrogant superiority


    an attitude characteristic of Southerners (especially in the US)

    mentality, mind-set, mindset, outlook

    a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations


    the attitude (of a person or a government) that subordinates should be controlled in a fatherly way for their own good

    position, posture, stance

    a rationalized mental attitude

    disposition, inclination, tendency

    an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others


    willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs or practices of others


    unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs

    esteem, regard, respect

    an attitude of admiration or esteem


    a disrespectful mental attitude


    a reverent mental attitude


    an irreverent mental attitude


    an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs


    a submissive mental attitude resulting from acceptance of the doctrine that everything that happens is predetermined and inevitable


    an acceptance (as of a claim) as true and valid


    the culture that emerges from the use of computers for communication and entertainment and business

    Kalashnikov culture

    the attitudes and behavior in a social group that resolves political disputes by force of arms

    mosaic culture

    a highly diverse culture

    hard line

    a firm and uncompromising stance or position


    a general course along which something has a tendency to develop

    drift, movement, trend

    a general tendency to change (as of opinion)


    a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course


    the tendency, in Protestantism, to separate into religious denominations or to advocate such separations


    an inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own devices’

    sympathy, understanding

    an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion

    favoritism, favouritism

    an inclination to favor some person or group

    leaning, proclivity, propensity

    a natural inclination

    bent, set

    a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way


    a disposition to interpret statements in their literal sense


    (psychology) the tendency for a memory or idea to persist or recur without any apparent stimulus for it


    an inclination beforehand to interpret statements in a particular way

    favor, favour

    an inclination to approve

    disapproval, disfavor, disfavour, dislike

    an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group

    partiality, partisanship

    an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives

    impartiality, nonpartisanship

    an inclination to weigh both views or opinions equally


    an inclination to tolerate or overlook opposing or shocking opinions or behavior

    liberality, liberalness

    an inclination to favor progress and individual freedom

    disinterest, neutrality

    tolerance attributable to a lack of involvement

    insularity, narrow-mindedness, narrowness

    an inclination to criticize opposing opinions or shocking behavior

    bigotry, dogmatism

    the intolerance and prejudice of a bigot

    fanaticism, fanatism, zealotry

    excessive intolerance of opposing views


    exaggerated religious zealotry

    zero tolerance

    extreme intolerance of antisocial behavior (usually by an uncompromising application of the law)

    estimate, estimation

    the respect with which a person is held


    an attitude of irreverence or contempt for a divinity


    a shared orientation leading to mutual understanding


    an orientation that favors experimentation and innovation


    a fresh orientation; a changed set of attitudes and beliefs

    perspective, position, view

    a way of regarding situations or topics etc.

    point of view, stand, standpoint, viewpoint

    a mental position from which things are viewed


    a belief or orientation agreeing with conventional standards

    heresy, heterodoxy, unorthodoxy

    any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position

    ideology, political orientation, political theory

    an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation

    religious orientation

    an attitude toward religion or religious practices

    type of:

    cognition, knowledge, noesis

    the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning

  2. noun

    the arrangement of the body and its limbs

    “he assumed an
    attitude of surrender”


    position, posture

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    order arms

    a position in the manual of arms; the rifle is held vertically on the right side with the butt on the ground; often used as a command

    ballet position

    classical position of the body and especially the feet in ballet


    a reclining position (as in a bed)


    the position of being turned outward

    lithotomy position

    a position lying on your back with knees bent and thighs apart; assumed for vaginal or rectal examination

    lotus position

    a sitting position with the legs crossed; used in yoga

    missionary position

    a position for sexual intercourse; a man and woman lie facing each other with the man on top; so-called because missionaries thought it the proper position for primitive peoples


    a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes


    (obstetrics) position of the fetus in the uterus relative to the birth canal


    abnormal position of a part or organ (especially at the time of birth)


    (Hinduism) a posture or manner of sitting (as in the practice of yoga)


    a posture of defence in boxing or fencing

    sprawl, sprawling

    an ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about


    standing posture


    (sports) a bodily position adopted in some sports (such as diving or skiing) in which the knees are bent and the thighs are drawn close to the chest


    a particular way of positioning or arranging one’s body


    a position, as in gymnastics or diving, in which the legs are straight while the body is bent forward at the waist and the hands touch the feet or hold the calves


    position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional pose


    (Hinduism) a religious posture


    the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball


    a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review

    erectness, uprightness

    the property of being upright in posture

    type of:

    bodily property

    an attribute of the body

  3. noun

    a theatrical pose created for effect

    “the actor struck just the right

  4. noun

    position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)

    see moresee less



    attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation

    type of:


    position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directions

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attitude — перевод на русский


Such an uncompromisingly antisocial attitude was not always characteristic of those interested in the spiritual potential of LSD.

«акое бескомпромиссно антисоциальное отношение не всегда характеризовало людей интересующихс€ духовным потенциалом Ћ—ƒ.

My attitude surprised him.

«Нет, нет!» Мое отношение удивило его.

— Your attitude is difficult to understand.

— Твоё отношение трудно понять.

Sir, for several days your attitude toward me seems to have changed.

Мне кажется, что ваше отношение ко мне изменилось.

Perhaps if your attitude toward her had been different… It’s my fault, huh?

Возможно, если бы твоё отношение к ней было бы другим…

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Seeing her husband, Mrs. Lepic changes her attitude.

Заметив мужа, мадам Лепик сменила поведение.

Your irresponsible attitude forced me to take matters into my own hands!

Ваше безответственное поведение вынудило меня самому принять меры.

I often came into conflict with your attitude towards power.

Ваше поведение меня раздражало.

By her dress, attitude, and makeup, the prostitute indicates her trade.

Выбор наряда, прически, косметики и поведение должно четко показать, чем она намерена заниматься.

Suspicious attitude.

Подозрительное поведение.

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That’s a wonderful attitude to have on Christmas Eve.

Какие у тебя милый рождественский настрой!

Well, I like the kid’s attitude.

Мне нравится настрой этого парня.

That’s what we need — a more positive attitude, like Father Hackett’s!

Именно это нам и нужно. Позитивный настрой, как у отца Хаккета!

Attitude is important.

Здесь важен настрой.

Ally, the key is attitude.

Элли, главное — это настрой.

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Your attitude may be old-fashioned, Doctor, but I like it. Very much.

Ваша позиция может и старомодна, но мне она очень нравится.

You finally have the right attitude.

Наконец-то у тебя правильная позиция.

If it holds its present attitude, it will reach perfect escape velocity.

Если данная позиция останется прежней, мы как раз наберём достаточную скорость отрыва.

He has the mental attitude which makes me proud to have a friend who spells out courage 24 hours a day, every day of his life.

Его позиция… заставляет меня гордиться моим другом, который излучает мужество… 24 часа в сутки, каждый день своей жизни.

I must say, I find your attitude fairly incomprehensible.

Должен сказать, твоя позиция совершенно непонятна.

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That’s not the right attitude.

Это неправильный подход, Джордж.

It’s a conservative attitude.

Это консервативный подход!

I don’t entirely like your attitude.

Мне не нравится твой подход.

I’m trying to make a living. I like to have a professional attitude.

Я зарабатываю на жизнь Мне нравится профессиональный подход.

Nice attitude.

Хороший подход.

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Why the defiant attitude?

Так вызывающе себя ведёте?

I think we’ve been spending too much time together, if that’s your attitude.

Что ж, я… я думаю, мы провели слишком много времени вместе, Поттер, если вы так себя ведёте.

No one likes your attitude. The way you show up acting strange. «Why am I here?

А еще всегда ведете себя тут с претензиями. «Почему я здесь?

I don’t understand why your attitude has been so flip since the moment I walked in.

Почему вы себя так нагло со мной ведете?

It’s all attitude. Be tough, like this guy here.

А ты попробуй вести себя, как вон тот парень.

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Well, what he has said, what would you say his attitude toward me was?

— Ничего особенного. — Я так и думала. И как, по вашему, он ко мне относится?

I even love the crass kitchen attitude.

Мне даже нравится относится к жизни, как к кухне.

Then why does she give me that attitude?

Почему же тогда она ко мне так относится?

You know my attitude towards him.

Вы же знаете, как я к нему отношусь.

I’ve got a great attitude, I’ve just got a classic face that…

Отлично отношусь, у меня просто это классическое выражение лица…

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It’s all attitude.

Это задаст настроение.

«Second thing, we are going to do is attitude»

А теперь — настроение.

«Give me some attitude, show me!

Настроение! Двигайтесь! Покажите, на что вы способны!

We need to discuss your attitude.

Мы должны обсудить твоё настроение.

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Some of us disapproved of your macho attitude.

Не обижайся, но многие считали невыносимым твой характер.


Ты оставишь свой сволочной характер за дверью и будешь вести себя, как полагается герою.

The only accessory I have is my attitude.

У меня только один аксессуар — характер.

A kryptonian girl with blond hair and a bad attitude.

Криптонская девчонка. Светлые волосы и тяжелый характер.

What a bad attitude!

Ну и характер!

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The same memories, the same attitudes, the same abilities.

Те же воспоминания, те же взгляды, те же способности.

Well, your… your attitudes, Mr. Endicott, your points of view, are a matter of record.

Ну, ваши, ваши взгляды, мистер Эндикотт, ваша точка зрения должна быть отражена.

And even the president despite his liberal attitudes knows that you can’t let killers get away.

И даже президент несмотря на его либеральные взгляды знает, что убийцам нельзя дать уйти.

Change your job, change your friends, change your attitude.

Работу, друзей, взгляды.

Changing your attitude, realizing that you deserve someone because you’re so lovable and great.

Меняешь свои взгляды, понимая, что ты заслуживаешь кого-то, потому что ты такая привлекательная и замечательная.

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