Word meaning willing to learn

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

готовы учиться

готов учиться

хочет учиться

желание учиться

готовым учиться

готовы узнать

готова учиться

желание научиться

желает учиться

готовы научиться

хотят учиться

готовы изучать

готовность учиться

Our insight does not penetrate your culture deeply, but at least we are willing to learn.

Наша проницательность не внедряется глубоко в вашу культуру, но мы, по крайней мере, готовы учиться.

You must also be willing to learn and work hard if you want to succeed online.

Вы также должны быть готовы учиться и усердно работать, если вы хотите добиться успеха в интернете.

I try to only discuss with those who are willing to learn.

Here, your students at least seem willing to learn.

Вот, ваши студенты, по крайней мере, кажется, готов учиться.

You will look like someone who is willing to learn.

У вас будет возможность проявить себя как студента, который хочет учиться.

He is also very generous at giving and sharing his knowledge to all who’s willing to learn.

Он также должен быть щедрым и делиться своими знаниями со всеми, кто хочет учиться.

They didn’t have an attitude problem, but were humble and willing to learn.

У них не было проблем с отношением, но они были скромны и готовы учиться.

Make friends, keep in touch, be willing to learn, and you might just get work out of it.

Дружите, поддерживать связь, будьте готовы учиться, и вы можете просто получить работу.

It was willing to learn from the good practices of other treaty bodies and to share its own positive experiences.

Он готов учиться на передовом опыте других договорных органов и делиться своим положительным опытом.

I’m young yet, and I’m willing to learn.

He was ever willing to learn from even the humblest of little children, but he never derived authority to teach truth from human sources.

Он всегда был готов учиться даже у последнего ребенка, однако его полномочия проповедника истины никогда не исходили от людей.

Honesty, reliability, toughness, responsible and willing to learn.

Честность, надежность, прочность, ответственность и готовы учиться.

Be open minded and willing to learn and understand about something you knew very little about before.

Будьте открыты и готовы учиться и понимать то, о чем вы прежде знали очень мало.

Frequently, you don’t even need any prior experience-as long as you’re willing to learn and put yourself out there.

Зачастую вам даже не нужен какой-либо предварительный опыт — если вы готовы учиться и ставить себя на место.

A child who is willing to learn will never be stopped by any obstacle that comes her way.

Ребенка, который готов учиться, никогда не остановит ни одно препятствие на пути.

You should also be generous and share your knowledge with anyone willing to learn.

Он также должен быть щедрым и делиться своими знаниями со всеми, кто хочет учиться.

There is no dearth of opportunities for a person who is willing to learn and work hard.

Нет недостатка в возможностях для человека, который готов учиться и упорно работать.

Everything is your teacher, if you are willing to learn.

Каждый из них может стать учителем, если вы готовы учиться.

A mentally strong person accepts full responsibility for past behavior and is willing to learn from mistakes.

Сильный человек берет на себя полную ответственность за свое прошлое поведение и готов учиться на ошибках.

Show that you are passionate and are willing to learn.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Готовы учиться и держаться на гребне волны новых технологий и тенденций;

Various activities of the protocol. Honesty, reliability, toughness, responsible and willing to learn.

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Различные мероприятия протокола. Честность, надежность, прочность, ответственность и готовы учиться.

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Готов выучить новые позиции или показать мне, на что способен ты?

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Они хорошо себя ведут- дисциплинированы- и готовы учить что-то новое.

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We are always looking for people willing to learn and believe in what you do, people with attitude.

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Мы всегда ищем людей, готовых учиться и верить в то, что вы делаете, люди с отношением.

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Academy of beach volleyball is for everyone willing to learn beach volleyball under management of professional coach.

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Академия пляжного волейбола для всех, кто желает усвоить пляжный волейбол под руководством профессиональных тренеров.

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We are looking for people who are flexible, willing to learn and




new environments.

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Fast paced job that requires attentiveness and provides enough responsibility is perfectly suited for a willing to learn and safety oriented person.

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Быстрая, ответственная и требующая внимательности работа подходит для желающих учиться и совершенствоваться людей, ориентированных на максимальную безопасность.

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While the conventional model of software distribution concentrates all knowledge in a few companies(or one of them),

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В то время как традиционная схема распространения программ концентрирует все знание в немногих компаниях( или одной из них),

открытые стандарты распределяют техническое знание между всеми, кто желает учиться.

If the employer is ready


hire an employee without experience, it most likely means that he needs a goal-oriented person,

full of energy and desire


work, willing to learn in the process and


new things.

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Если работодатель


принять на работу сотрудника без опыта, это, скорее всего, значит, что ему нужен целеустремленный человек,

полный энергии и желания работать, готовый обучаться в процессе работы и узнавать новое.

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I do not know why they take this position, however, I can presume that they avoid social media as if going on the defensive,

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Я не знаю, почему они принимают такую позицию, однако, могу предположить, что они избегают социальных медиа, тем самым принимая оборонительную позицию,

т. к. они просто не готовы узнать и понять что-то новое.

You can be a new—starter in Shanghai willing to learn some basic Chinese;

you can be a parent looking for after—school Chinese activity for your children or a successful businessman wanting


get ready for the first negotiation with your new Chinese partners- we can help you!

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Вы можете быть новой- starter в Шанхае, готовы, чтобы узнать некоторые основные китайские;

Вы можете быть родитель ищет китайский деятельность после- school для ваших детей или успешный бизнесмен, желая получить


для первых переговоров с ваших новых китайских партнеров- мы можем вам помочь!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Two modes of assistance and exchange were identified: countries with illustrative cases of successful governance

could become hosts


other countries willing to learn their actual application;

and more successful countries could go


those countries in need of assistance so that, in the process, official interaction could be facilitated with the latter’s leaders.

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Были определены две модели оказания помощи и обменов: страны, добившиеся показательных успехов в сфере управления,

могли бы принимать у себя представителей стран, желающих научиться конкретным методам такого управления;

и страны, в большей степени преуспевшие в этой сфере, могли бы направлять своих представителей в страны, нуждающиеся в помощи, с тем чтобы в процессе обмена опытом создавать благоприятные условия для налаживания официального взаимодействия с руководством этих стран.

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All of this


only work with a strong, attuned team, with employees who are motivated,

hard-working and with the will to learn for their education or their daily work.

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Все это возможно только с сильной и гармоничной командой, с сотрудниками, которые мотивированы,

трудолюбивы и готовы учиться новому в рамках обучения или повседневной работы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We value effort and a will to learn, and a well-executed job- is your own experience and a cause for recommendations.

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Мы ценим усилия и желание учиться, а качественно выполненная работа- это твой опыт и повод для рекомендаций.

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The building, designed by Steiner, was built


a significant part

by volunteers who offered craftsmanship or simply a will to learn new skills.

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Здание, спроектированное Штейнером, в значительной мере было построено добровольцами,

предложившими свои умения и теми, кто просто желал освоить новые навыки.

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Если вы готовы, чтобы узнать об этом подробнее, продолжить чтение обзор.

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Они открыты для сотрудничества и готовы воспользоваться опытом других;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

However, those journalists willing to learn, can obtain that knowledge for free via the Internet.

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Но журналисты, которые хотят научиться работать с данными, могут получить эти знания в Интернете, причем совершенно бесплатно.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It seems that




tourists they are willing to learn any language in the world.

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Такое впечатление, что ради туриста они готовы выучить любой язык мира.

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It was willing to learn from the good practices of other treaty bodies



share its own positive experiences.

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Он готов учиться на передовом опыте других договорных органов и делиться своим положительным опытом.

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What adjective (single word) means ‘having/using a willingness to learn’?

asked Jan 5, 2015 at 16:26

UKB's user avatar


1211 gold badge1 silver badge5 bronze badges


I understand you’re looking for a single adjective, and I think «curious» fits the bill nicely (and from a pedagogical perspective curiosity is a key indicator of learner success) but I would like to add the following to the mix because I think it shows, if not willingness, at least readiness or capability, and it might be worth something to you:

fertile mind

From Collins:

fertile mind: One that is capable of sustaining, supporting, growing and developing mental thought interjection, especially among the very young.

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:54

Rusty Tuba's user avatar

Rusty TubaRusty Tuba

5,90514 gold badges36 silver badges55 bronze badges

How about curious?

  • having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone
  • marked by desire to investigate and learn
  • eager to learn or know; inquisitive.

Or inquisitive ^

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:37

EFrog's user avatar


6073 silver badges8 bronze badges

Having a willingness and capacity to learn is teachability:

teachable adj.

  1. Capable of being taught: teachable skills.

  2. Able and willing to learn: teachable youngsters.

teach′a·bil′i·ty, teach′a·ble·ness n. teach′a·bly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 18:01

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth

74.4k11 gold badges138 silver badges235 bronze badges

Three excellent non-idiomatic words have already been suggested, curious, inquisitive, and teachable, but my intuition is that English lacks a word with your precise definition.

I believe that the idiom «thirst» is what you are seeking. «Thirst for knowledge» is a borderline cliche, but it is still evocative and clear, and I think many people would define it as a «willingness (or desire) to learn». (For the close connection between «will» and desire» see the interesting discussion, “Make of that what you will” – meaning of “will”.)

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 23:08

hunterhogan's user avatar


2,2459 silver badges23 bronze badges

There isn’t a single word in English that would fit. Generally, «eager to learn» would be used.

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:27

Mooseman's user avatar

«Enthusiastic» is the best word that comes to mind for me. Doing is sort of like learning, so it is similar enough.

macraf's user avatar


2,7209 gold badges25 silver badges36 bronze badges

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 21:03

kns98's user avatar


3801 silver badge5 bronze badges

Произношение willing to learn (yилин те лорн) :

wˈɪlɪŋ tə lˈɜːn

Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио

yилин те лорн транскрипция – 17 результатов перевода

I shouldn’t be completely hopeless.

I’m young yet, and I’m willing to learn.

[ Chuckles ] You know, there’s a possibility you’re human after all.

Я вовсе не хочу быть безнадёжным.

Я ещё молод, и готов учиться.

Знаете, всё-таки есть в вас что-то человеческое.

(Delayed laughter) Well remembered.

If you can think of any other character, I’m willing to learn.

Somebody said Falstaff, a Shakespearean character.

Запомнили таки.

Если вы знаете еще таких персонажей, расскажите мне.

Кто-то назвал Фальстафа, шекспировского героя.

When I arrived at the Khan’s court, I was 21.

I was an alert young man, good at languages, and willing to learn. The Khan liked me.


Когда я прибыл к хану, мне был 21 год.

Я был молодой, способный к изучению языков, и желал учиться.

Хану это понравилось. Да, действительно?

You’re all running a terrible risk having me here.

I mean, I am willing to learn.

There must be someone who needs help.

Вы очень рискуете, пока я нахожусь среди вас.

Я хочу научиться жить как вы.

Должен же быть человек, которому нужна помощь.

Come on.

But I’m willing to learn and say, okay and do it without feeling guilty if I don’t do it right.

You don’t get it?

Ну, началось.

Но я хочу научиться и делать это, не чувствуя вины, если я что-то сделаю неправильно.

Ты не понимаешь этого?

You would be amazed.

Are you willing to learn?

This is the mommy, this is the daddy, and this is the baby.

Ты бы изумилась.

Ты хочешь узнать?

Это мамочка, это папочка, и это ребенок.

Can I help?

If you’re willing to learn, sure, partner.

«Partner.» I like that.

Могу я помочь?

Если есть желание подучиться, то конечно, напарник.

Напарник! Мне это нравится.

I have the heart, chef.

I’m willing to learn and try my ass off for you, chef.


У меня есть храбрость.

Я хочу учиться и стараться изо всех сил для вас, шеф.


«I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King. «But I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him.»

I am young, but I am willing to learn.

And I mean to devote my life to the service of my country and my people.

Я искренне оплакиваю смерть моего дорогого дяди, короля, но я знаю, что могу рассчитывать в вашем служении мне с той же преданностью, с какою вы служили ему.

Я молода, но желаю учиться.

И я намерена посвятить свою жизнь служению моей стране и моему народу.

Garcia, there are aspects of the job for which you have no training.

You’re totally right, but I—I’m willing to learn.

I’ll learn how to interact with families and local law enforcement and the media.

Гарсия, в этой работе есть такие нюансы, в которых ты не разбираешься.

Вы абсолютно правы, сэр, но я — я готова учиться.

Я научусь взаимодействовать с семьями, посмотрю, как работают местные законы и пресса.

I have his ambition. And I have his skill.

The men listen to me, and I’m willing to learn.

I need to pray on this, Alfred.

У меня такие же амбиции и то же мастерство.

Люди слушаются меня, и я горю желанием учиться.

Мне нужно помолиться об этом, Альфред.

Forgive my ignorance, Señorita. I’m uninformed on the European perspective.

But I’m always willing to learn.

I’d be delighted if you’d enlighten me, perhaps over dinner?

И вы простите меня за невежество, сеньорита, но я не силен по части Европы.

Однако, я люблю все новое.

Кстати, не угодно ли вам просвятить меня на эту тему. Например, за ужином.

But you can teach me first

I’m willing to learn anything

Then I can teach them once I’ve learned

Но можешь сначала научить меня.

Я готова учиться.

Затем я обучу их.

I don’t have any clue what I’m doing down here…

But I’m willing to learn.

♪ When you try your best, but you don’t succeed ♪

У меня нет ни одной идеи, что нужно делать…

Но я научусь

*Когда ты стараешься изо всех сил, но у тебя ничего не получается*

I never had to cook.

I’m willing to learn.

Learn to clean. And then we go out for a little desayuno.

И мне не было нужно готовить.

Но я хочу научиться.

Научись сначала убирать, а потом мы пойдем позавтракаем в кафе.

♪ I ask you, what lies should I tell ♪

♪ I tell you I’m willing to learn

♪ So enroll me in school ♪

Я спрашиваю тебя, что я должна солгать тебе

Яговорютебя,яхочу учиться


Why not?

Because I don’t think that Duncan was willing to learn from me or anyone else.

So all of a sudden, you know everything about me?

Почему, нет?

Потому что я не думаю, что Дункан был готов учиться у меня или кого-либо другого.

С каких это пор, ты обо мне все знаешь?

Показать еще

Хотите знать еще больше переводов willing to learn (yилин те лорн)?

Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы willing to learn для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить yилин те лорн не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.

Перевести новое выражение

Finding the correct word for eager to learn doesn’t have to be a challenge. It’s great to expand your vocabulary and broaden your knowledge if you can put a word to a description. In this article, we’ll look at good words for a willingness to learn and how to use them.

What Are The Best Synonyms For “Willingness To learn”?

Some of the best synonyms for “willingness to learn” include “curious,” “inquisitive,” “teachable,” and “enthusiastic. All of these words hint at a meaning that involves somebody who is willing and eager to learn new things. “Curious” is the best word to use for the direct meaning.

What Are The Best Synonyms For "Willingness To learn"?

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “curious” is “interested in learning about people or things around you.”

So, in this article, we’ll look at the following words and how they relate to the phrase “willingness to learn:”

  • Curious
  • Inquisitive
  • Teachable
  • Enthusiastic


“Curious” is by far the most compatible word with the meaning we’re looking for. You can use it to mean precisely that somebody is willing to learn about something.

Someone that is “curious” is interested in learning new things. Those things can be about people or things, and the curious person is always interested to find out more.

For the most part, “curious” is a positive adjective we can use to describe somebody who is willing to learn new things. It’s a great way to use a quick and easy word to convey your meaning.

  • I’m curious about history, so I asked my teacher for more textbooks.
  • He was curious about what was inside the cave and found some amazing things.
  • My children have always been curious souls. They’re constantly finding new things to entertain themselves with.
  • You’re a curious being, aren’t you!

As you can see, “curious” is a great word to use when talking about somebody who is willing to learn all about new things. You’ll usually use it in a positive way, though that isn’t always the case.

Sometimes, “curious” is used as a negative adjective. That means that people might call someone “curious” who’s a little too eager to learn about new things. While it’s usually good to be happy to learn about things, some people go overboard and put themselves in danger to learn.

You may have heard the old idiom:

  • Curiosity killed the cat.

It’s this idea that sometimes lets “curious” be painted in a negative light.


Next, we want to talk you through “inquisitive.” It’s another great synonym to use and is definitely up there with “curious.” Many people like to use “inquisitive” as a way to talk about somebody who is willing to learn.

“Inquisitive” means that somebody wants to discover and explore new possibilities. They always have a thirst to try new things and won’t rest until they’ve satisfied that thirst.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “inquisitive” is “wanting to discover as much as you can about things.”

Just like “curious,” “inquisitive” comes with both positive and negative connotations. For the most part, it’s a very positive adjective that you can use to describe somebody who is willing to learn all kinds of new things about the world and the people around them.

  1. I like to be inquisitive about new things and don’t stop learning until I’ve mastered them (which will never happen)!
  2. He’s so inquisitive about things. You honestly will never beat him at a strategy game.
  3. You’re the most inquisitive person I’ve ever met. You’ll find a way to appeal to the masses.
  4. He’s far too inquisitive to be kept here at the office! You need a grander job that appeals to your capabilities.

“Inquisitive” is a great word to use to talk about somebody who is willing to learn. Usually, “inquisitive” people are slightly more impressive than “curious” people because they often have a tactical thought process or are capable of more critical thinking skills.

Generally, “inquisitive” people are also “intelligent” people, while “curious” people might simply be interested in learning new things.

However, “inquisitive” can also be used negatively. You might find yourself calling someone “too inquisitive” when their eagerness to learn about new things annoys you.

In fact, The Cambridge Dictionary definition in full looks like this:

  • wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people


“Teachable” is another great word to use as a replacement to “willingness to learn.”

“Teachable” is used as an adjective to mean that somebody is capable of being taught new things. It usually implies that they’re willing to learn all about new things, making them an easy candidate to teach.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “teachable” is “able to be taught; that can be taught.”

Most of teaching works better when the people you’re teaching are receptive to what you’re saying. If they’re intent on listening and learning, then someone will have a much better time learning from you. It’s these teachable people that make it worthwhile to be a teacher.

  1. He’s such a teachable student; I couldn’t ask for someone better!
  2. You’re so teachable. I always have fun studying and teaching with you.
  3. My teacher said I’m a teachable pupil.


Finally, let’s look at “enthusiastic.” This is a great synonym to use, but it doesn’t always relate to a willingness to learn. Enthusiasm can extend to a wide variety of things in life.

“Enthusiastic” means that somebody is eager to do new things. It doesn’t always have to be learning. You can be enthusiastic about a new hobby or a new sport.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “enthusiastic” is “showing enthusiasm.” This means that someone is eager to learn all about new things.

  1. I’m an enthusiastic person when I’m introduced to new ideas.
  2. They’re so enthusiastic, and I can’t believe how happy they are to learn about such a boring subject!
  3. You’re so enthusiastic about school all the time!

While it doesn’t strictly refer to a willingness to learn, it can still be used correctly in that context. That makes it an excellent candidate to use as a synonym.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Asked by: Marisa Johnston

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(75 votes)

What is willingness to learn? Willingness to learn is a key behaviour that helps us get on in life, whether personally or professionally. Simply put, it’s being open to – or seeking out – new experiences, skills and information that improve our abilities and enjoyment. We demonstrate learning from an early age.

What is a word for willingness to learn?

Having a willingness and capacity to learn is teachability: teachable adj. Capable of being taught: teachable skills. Able and willing to learn: teachable youngsters.

What is a word for always wanting to learn?

eagerness to learn; studiousness; inquisitiveness; thirst for knowledge; appetite for knowledge.

How do you describe someone who is willing to learn?

fertile mind eager to learn or know; inquisitive.

What do you call a person who loves to learn?

A philomath (/ˈfɪləmæθ/) is a lover of learning and studying. The term is from Greek philos (φίλος; «beloved», «loving», as in philosophy or philanthropy) and manthanein, math- (μανθάνειν, μαθ-; «to learn», as in polymath).

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What is a Hippophile?

noun. one who loves horses.

What is a Melomaniac?

Medical Definition of melomaniac

1 : an individual exhibiting melomania. 2 : an individual (as a person or dog) that is inordinately and abnormally affected by musical or other tones in certain ranges of sound.

How can I improve my willingness to learn?

Follow these steps to show your supervisor you’re willing to learn and improve yourself:

  1. Ask plenty of questions. …
  2. Demonstrate your passion for gaining new skills. …
  3. Earn certifications and take additional courses. …
  4. Request information about training and growth opportunities. …
  5. Pitch new ideas based on your research.

How do you say I am willing to learn?

How to demonstrate a willingness to learn on a resume

  1. Highlight both hard and soft skills. …
  2. List additional certifications and credentials. …
  3. Describe the results of learning new skills. …
  4. Provide specific examples of your accomplishments. …
  5. Give examples of your professional development. …
  6. Entry-level example.

What do you call someone who never stops learning?

Autodidact. According to Oxford Dictionary, it means “A self-taught person.” Formed out of English word Auto (self) and Greek word didact (teach). In other terms, someone who has acquired knowledge or learned a subject without seeking help from a teacher or formal education institution.

What do you call someone who is good at finding things?

If someone calls you perceptive, they mean you are good at understanding things or figuring things out. Perceptive people are insightful, intelligent, and able to see what others cannot. Perceive means «to see»; so, perceptive is a word to describe someone who is good at seeing.

What do you call someone who is hungry for knowledge?

inquisitiveness; eagerness to learn; thirst for knowledge; appetite for knowledge; desire to know; lust for learning.

What is the word for willing to do anything?

Some common synonyms of willing are deliberate, intentional, and voluntary. While all these words mean «done or brought about of one’s own will,» willing implies a readiness and eagerness to accede to or anticipate the wishes of another.

What is a word for thirst for knowledge?

synonyms for thirst for knowledge

curiousness. eagerness. investigation. meddling. nosiness.

How do you say continue to learn?

to continue learning synonym | English Thesaurus

  1. 1 abide, carry on, endure, last, live on, persist, remain, rest, stay, stay on, survive.
  2. 2 go on, keep at, keep on, keep one’s hand in, keep the ball rolling, keep up, maintain, persevere, persist in, prolong, pursue, stick at, stick to, sustain.

What does it mean to learn new things?

Learning something new. Noun. A systematic study to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

What is a good word to learn?

Top 100 Vocabulary Words That Adults Should Know

  • Acquiesce.
  • Acronym.
  • Ambiguity.
  • Analogy.
  • Anachronism.
  • Andragogy.
  • Antithesis.
  • Antonym.

Is Willingness a skill?

Being willing to learn is an essential prerequisite for career progression. To move forward, it’s important to train and develop your skills. But also to learn about your business, and the industry in which it operates. Even if you stay in the same job, the tools and procedures you use will change over time.

Why should hire you Example answer?

“Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. I’m pretty confident that I am the best candidate for this job role. It’s not just my background in the past projects, but also my people skills, which will be applicable in this position.

How can I learn to work quickly?

Science proves there are six ways you can learn and retain something faster.

  1. Teach Someone Else (Or Just Pretend To) …
  2. Learn In Short Bursts of Time. …
  3. Take Notes By Hand. …
  4. Use The Power of Mental Spacing. …
  5. Take A Study Nap. …
  6. Change It Up.

Can u be addicted to music?

While there’s little fault to find with those effects, some question whether people can enjoy music a bit too much. The short answer to this is no: Experts don’t formally recognize music addiction as a mental health diagnosis.

What is a moon lover called?

Selenophile — A person who loves the moon.

What is a music addict called?

Noun. melomaniac (plural melomaniacs) One with an abnormal fondness of music; a person who loves music. [

What is a horse woman called?

A filly is a female horse that is too young to be called a mare. There are two specific definitions in use: In most cases, a filly is a female horse under four years old.

When it comes to job interview questions, a resume, or a cover letter, the importance of willingness to learn new things constantly increased in the past years.

Why is the desire to learn important?

Because it allows you to improve and develop your own skills.

On the other hand, a well-educated with a good background of knowledgeable staff is a key factor needed for the company’s success and business growth.That’s why many businesses prefer hiring a professional staffing service these days to ensure that they recruit the right candidates. 

On this page you will learn:

  • What is the willingness to learn? Definition.
  • How to improve your willingness to learn skills?
  • How to demonstrate a desire to learn during a job interview?

Willingness To Learn – A Key Work Skill

In our high tech and constantly changing reality, desire and willingness to learn is a crucial skill for surviving, improving and achieving any kind of success in the career and business.

What is the willingness to learn?

It expresses the human desire, cheerfully consenting or readiness to know new things and to improve yourself.

In the business aspect, willingness to learn means you are a person who wants to be more qualified and wants to be up to date with changes and tendencies  in your professional area. You have the desire and passion for improving your professional skills and competencies.

Willingness to learn is one of the most valuable skills required by companies nowadays. It is among the most important skills to put on a resume. So, if you are a person who is searching ways to improve yourself, do not hesitate to mention this during the job interview.

Learning is a long-life process and the knowledge that you have is never enough. There is always more to know. The desire to learn is among the best characteristics a person can possess.

There is a huge number of benefits to possessing a willingness to learn. Here are the most important of them:

The Importance of willingness to learn:

  • Gives you  the ability to create.
    The more things you learn, the more new ideas come to your mind. The ability to innovate require a desire to learn a lot.
  • Open doors to you for career and business success.
    There are no way to be successful if you are stuck with the old things.
  • Help you to deal with the unexpected.
    One of the most important characteristics you need to deal successfully with difficulties is to have a desire and willingness to learn. It will help you to find ways to solve the problems.
  • Help you improve self-confidence.
  • Gives you more flexibility.

How to improve your willingness to learn skills

To succeed in your career, there is a need to be learning consistently because of the rapidly changing nature of the business.

Being willing to learn is important for everyone. But for entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders it is a must!

Do you have a spirit and desire to learn? Are you someone who always wants to know?

Let’s see which are the best tips that will help you to improve your willingness to learn skills:

  • Always remember that desire to learn is the path for making your dreams reality. Repeat it yourself every single day. If you want to succeed you have to be up to date!
  • Meet inspiring people. Surrounding yourself with high-intelligent well-educated people and being able to learn from them is really important. Anyone of us knows someone who has a successful career and is driven by a desire to study.
  • Be open to taking advice! Search and ask for opinions of other people who are competent in the area you want to develop. Listen carefully to their points of view. There is a lot to learn from high-educated and competent people.
  • Read stories for successful people. You can learn a lot from their experience. It is so motivating to learn about someone who was born poor but still went on to achieve wonders.
  • Don’t be scared of failure. Learn from it. There are many people that learn a lot, then fail, then get scared and then stop learning. It is a mistake! None of us will meet failure soon or later. Look at failure as a way to learn more new things. Turn the failure into motivation to succeed, not into a reason to give up.
  • Find out what are your weaknesses and gaps in the field you want to develop. When people know what their gaps are, they want to fill them! List down all your weaknesses and think about ways to resolve them.

You have to be willing to take chances to be successful!

How to demonstrate a willingness to learn?

When you are going to a job interview and applying for a job position where the desire to learn is among the most important skills, you have to be prepared to show your strong willingness to learn abilities.

How to do that? Here are some helpful tips you can use during the interview:

How to show a willingness to learn. Tips

  • Use appropriate sentences and phrases. Examples:  “I am keen to learn more about marketing research and the technologies required to do it”, “I have always been interested in business analysis issues and with a job in this field I want to improve my knowledge and my skills in this sector.”
  • Show enthusiasm. Say these sentences with enthusiasm and smile! During the interview, always try to add you personal attitude!
  • Ask about further training. If you lack experience in a particular area or you are in the beginning if your career, express interest in developing your skills and knowledge. Ask about further training and development. It expresses your willingness to learn.

People hiring for jobs are looking for quick learners who can easily adapt to the company’s culture and needs, so always find ways to talk about how you like to learn.

Formal education and qualifications are extremely important nowadays. But they are just not enough! There are many other opportunities to further your knowledge and improve the skills that are required for your career or business!

The only thing you need is a desire to learn! It can maximize your potential, can lead you to unimaginable success.


How to pronounce willing to learn?

How to say willing to learn in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of willing to learn in Chaldean Numerology is: 4

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of willing to learn in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

Examples of willing to learn in a Sentence

  1. Kellyanne Conway:

    I think it’s less Machiavellian and more immediately practical, donald Trump has captured a certain electorate zeitgeist among Republican primary and caucus goers. Senator Cruz is one of the few people willing to learn rather than criticize.

  2. Camden Webb:

    But now, as I ’m talking to banker friends about the industry, they are much more willing to learn about the industry and address that knowledge gap and I think that’s a great thing.

  3. Author Unknown:

    Mistakes are a great educator when one is honest enough to admit them and willing to learn from them

  4. Ed Parker:

    The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more.


    my mentoring with bob marley was both detailed and expansive. he was willing to learn, so I showed him a lot- the reasoning-yu a go tired fi si mi face, you kaan get mi outta di race- was one of many prophetic reggae and rastafari vision which he put in a song. today, his face is everywhere. I am ras cardo who created reggae and the music in my 1962 back yard. I own the copyrights for reggae creation and others.library of congress has the proof.


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