Word meaning will to live

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Mr. Madisen Douglas DVM

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(41 votes)

the determination to live in spite of an adverse situation (e.g., a severe illness or disabling disorder) or extreme conditions (e.g., lack of food and water or long-term or harsh imprisonment). Also called will to live.

Will to Live in medical term?

A living will—also known as an advance directive—is a legal document that specifies the type of medical care that an individual does or does not want in the event they are unable to communicate their wishes.

Why do we need to survive?

We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive. Before past explorers set off to find new lands and conquer new worlds, they had to make sure that their basic needs were met. … Basic human needs have not changed much since the 17th century.

What does living to survive mean?

intransitive verb. 1 : to remain alive or in existence : live on. 2 : to continue to function or prosper. transitive verb. 1 : to remain alive after the death of he is survived by his wife.

Is living and surviving the same thing?

The difference between living and surviving is that when your living life you are living with a purpose and never let anything hold you back from living every day to the fullest. Surviving in life is when you are doing the bare minimum to get by.

21 related questions found

Are live and survive same?

Feeling is a part of being alive, and being alive, is what living truly is. Survival is breathing, having a heartbeat, rinsing and repeating.

What are the 7 basic human needs?

The 7 Fundamental Human Needs

  • Safety and survival.
  • Understanding and growth.
  • Connection (love) and acceptance.
  • Contribution and creation.
  • Esteem, Identity, Significance.
  • Self-direction (Autonomy), Freedom, and Justice.
  • Self-fulfillment and self-transcendence.

What are the 5 survival needs of humans?

From Survive to Thrive: Maslow’s 5 Levels of Human Need

  • Physiological Needs. Food, water, clothing, sleep, and shelter are the bare necessities for anyone’s survival. …
  • Safety and Security. Once a person’s basic needs are satisfied, the want for order and predictability sets in. …
  • Love and Belonging. …
  • Esteem. …
  • Self-Actualization.

What do all living things need to live?

Living things need need air, water, food and shelter to survive. There is a difference between needs and wants. Students will be able to identify the four things that organisms need to survive.

Who makes medical decisions when you can t?

For patients who are incapacitated and have no advance directive in place to state their preferences for medical decisions, there are two options — a court-appointed guardian or a surrogate decision-maker.

What word means will to live?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for survive, like: endure, keep afloat, persevere, succumb, live-on, last, withstand, live, get-through, remain and outlast.

What are the 5 needs of living things?

Background Information. In order to survive, animals need air, water, food, and shelter (protection from predators and the environment); plants need air, water, nutrients, and light. Every organism has its own way of making sure its basic needs are met.

What do living things not need?

Living things need nonliving things to survive. Without food, water, and air, living things die. Sunlight, shelter, and soil are also important for living things. Living things meet their needs from living and nonliving things in ecosystems.

Is Sun a living thing?

Living things need food to grow, they move, respire, reproduce, excrete wastes from the body, respond to stimuli in the environment and have a definite life span. Water, sun, moon and stars do not show any of the above characteristics of living things. Hence, they are non-living things.

What are the 11 basic human needs?

The list includes food, shelter, clothing, health care, personal care, essential furnishings, transportation and communication, laundry, home insurance, and miscellaneous; it assumes that education is provided freely to all residents of Canada.

What are the 10 things you need to survive?

10 Things You Need Survive In the Wilderness (Survival Gear…

  • Water. More than 70 percent of the human weight is water. …
  • Food. …
  • Knife. …
  • Shelter/ Shelter Building Equipment. …
  • First Aid Kit. …
  • Rain Jacket or Raincoat. …
  • Signaling Device. …
  • Lighter or Matches.

What do all humans want?

Bottom Line — All humans want to be heard, to be loved, and to belong.

What are the 7 needs?

Seven Essential Needs

  • Physiological needs — The needs for food, water, air, sex,…
  • Safety and stability needs — The needs for safe and stable environments.
  • Love and attachment needs — The needs for unconditional love, support, and belonging. …
  • Truth needs — The need to know and understand the world.

What are human needs and wants?

The term ‘needs’ is defined as an individual’s basic requirement that must be fulfilled, in order to survive. Wants are described as the goods and services, which an individual like to have, as a part of his caprices. … Needs are important for the human being to survive.

What are the greatest human needs?

These most basic human survival needs include food and water, sufficient rest, clothing and shelter, overall health, and reproduction. Maslow states that these basic physiological needs must be addressed before humans move on to the next level of fulfillment. Safety needs: Next among the lower-level needs is safety.

What is the survival?

1a : the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing. b : the continuation of life or existence problems of survival in arctic conditions. 2 : one that survives.

What does it mean to say I’m surviving?

Someone who is still living, even after the death of another or the end of a situation or event, is said to be surviving.

How can I survive quotes?

Survival Quotes

  • “No. …
  • “But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.” …
  • “Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” …
  • “We could do it, you know.» …
  • “We’ll never survive!” …
  • “If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.”

Are viruses living?

Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things.

What are 10 non-living things?

name of ten nonliving things are:table,chair,mat,door,sofa,window ,box,pencil,eraser,compass.

will to live

Общая лексика: воля к жизни

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «will to live» в других словарях:

  • Will to live — The will to live is a psychological force to fight for survival, particularly when one s life is threatened by an injury or disease such as cancer. Some physicians believe that it plays an important role in one s chances of survival. There are… …   Wikipedia

  • The Will to Live — Infobox Album | Name = The Will to Live Type = Album Artist = Ben Harper Released = June 17, 1997 Recorded = Genre = Alternative Rock Length = 53:18 Label = Virgin Producer = J.P. Plunier Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|3.5|5… …   Wikipedia

  • The will to live — est un album de Ben Harper, sorti en 1997. Liste des titres Faded Homeless Child Number Three Roses from My Friends Jah Work I Want to Be Ready The Will to Live Ashes Widow of a Living Man Glory Consequence Mama s Trippin I Shall Not Walk Alone …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Will to Live — est un album de Ben Harper, sorti en 1997. Liste des titres Faded Homeless Child Number Three Roses from My Friends Jah Work I Want to Be Ready The Will to Live Ashes Widow of a Living Man Glory Consequence Mama s Trippin I Shall Not Walk Alone …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Will to Live (album) — The Will to Live is the second E.P. by Day of Contempt, released by Epitaph.Track listing1. A Million Miles 2. The Ghost of Tragedy 3. Salvation Wearing Thin 4. Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts 5. Take All the Blame 6. Close My Eyes Trivia*… …   Wikipedia

  • Will Tura — (born August 2, 1940 in Veurne) is the stage name of Arthur, Knight Blanckaert, a Belgian artist famous in Flanders and the Netherlands. Tura is a singer, musician (he can play the piano, guitar, drums, accordion and harmonica), composer and… …   Wikipedia

  • Will Tura — live. Le chevalier Will Tura, de son vrai nom Arthur Blanckaert (Veurne, 2 août 1940) est un célèbre chanteur flamand. Il est le 4e enfant d une famille de 5 (prénoms des frères et sœur : Hubert, Staf, Jacqueline et Jean Marie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • live up to something — live up to (something) to be as good as you said or thought something would be. Analysts are concerned that corporate profits will not live up to expectations and could cause stock prices to fall. The game fails to live up to the excitement… …   New idioms dictionary

  • live up to — (something) to be as good as you said or thought something would be. Analysts are concerned that corporate profits will not live up to expectations and could cause stock prices to fall. The game fails to live up to the excitement promised on its… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Live 8 — infobox music festival music festival name = Live 8 location = London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Philadelphia, Barrie, Chiba, Johannesburg, Moscow, Cornwall and Edinburgh Participation = Madonna, Sting, Bob Geldof, U2, Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, Duran… …   Wikipedia

  • live — live1 W1S1 [lıv] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(in a place/home)¦ 2¦(plant/animal)¦ 3¦(at a particular time)¦ 4¦(be/stay alive)¦ 5¦(way of life)¦ 6¦(earn a living)¦ 7¦(exciting life)¦ 8¦(imagine something)¦ 9¦(be kept somewhere)¦ 10 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

The will to live (German: Wille zum Leben) is a concept developed by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, representing an irrational «blind incessant impulse without knowledge» that drives instinctive behaviors, causing an endless insatiable striving in human existence, without which the natural world could not exist.

This has nothing to do with the concept of the will to survive used in psychology, which is discussed further below in this article, since Schopenhauer was talking about the basic unit behind doing or thinking anything at all, not the basic drive behind running or fighting under life-threatening conditions (which in his terms would be a dissimulation of the mere blind striving for existence without goal, that is, a theatrical performance of nature in its ever changing forms of matter).

There are significant correlations between the will to live and existential, psychological, social, and physical sources of distress.[1] Many, who overcome near-death experiences with no explanation, have described the will to live as a direct component of their survival.[2] The difference between the wish to die versus the wish to live is also a unique risk factor for suicide.[3]


In psychology, the will to live is the drive for self-preservation, usually coupled with expectations for future improvement in one’s state in life.[4] The will to live is an important concept when attempting to understand and comprehend why we do what we do in order to stay alive, and for as long as we can. This can be related to either one’s push for survival on the brink of death, or someone who is just trying to find a meaning to continuing their life. Some researchers say that people who have a reason or purpose in life during such dreadful and horrific experiences will often appear to fare better than those that may find such experiences overwhelming.[5] Every day, people undergo countless types of negative experiences, some of which may be demoralizing, hurtful, or tragic. An ongoing question continues to be what keeps the will to live in these situations. People who claim to have had experiences involving the will to live have different explanations behind it.[6]


The will to live is considered to be a very basic drive in humans; but not necessarily the main driving force. In psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud termed the pleasure principle, which is the seeking of pleasure and avoiding of pain.[7] Viktor Frankl, who spent time in German concentration camps, developed psychotherapy called logotherapy, which may be translated as the therapy focused on the «will to meaning». Maslow’s hierarchy of needs highlights the innate appetite that people possess for love and belonging but before all this there is the very basic and powerful will to live.
Psychologists have established that human beings are a goal-oriented species. In assessing the will to live, it should be borne in mind that it could be augmented or diminished by the relative strength of other simultaneously existent drives. Psychologists generally agree[weasel words] that there is the will to live, the will to pleasure, the will to superiority and the will to connection. There are also usually varying degrees of curiosity with regard to what may be termed the will to identity or establishing meaningful personal responses. The will to live is a platform without which it would not be possible to satisfy the other drives. However, this overlooks the possibility that there is a commonality among all creatures that drives all other urges.

Similarity to self-preservationEdit

Self-preservation is a behavior that ensures the survival of an organism.[8] Pain and fear are integral parts of this mechanism. Pain motivates the individual to withdraw from damaging situations, to protect a damaged body part while it heals, and to avoid similar experiences in the future.[9] Most pain resolves promptly once the painful stimulus is removed and the body has healed, but sometimes pain persists despite removal of the stimulus and apparent healing of the body; and sometimes pain arises in the absence of any detectable stimulus, damage or disease.[10] Fear causes the organism to seek safety and may cause a release of adrenaline,[11][12] which has the effect of increased strength and heightened senses such as hearing, smell, and sight. Self-preservation may also be interpreted figuratively, in regard to the coping mechanisms one needs to prevent emotional trauma from distorting the mind (see: defence mechanism.)

Even the most simple of living organisms (for example, the single-celled bacteria) are typically under intense selective pressure to evolve a response that would help avoid a damaging environment, if such an environment exists. Organisms also evolve while adapting — even thriving — in a benign environment (for example, a marine sponge modifies its structure in response to current changes, in order to better absorb and process nutrients). Self-preservation is therefore an almost universal hallmark of life. However, when introduced to a novel threat, many species will have a self-preservation response either too specialised, or not specialised enough, to cope with that particular threat.[citation needed] An example is the dodo, which evolved in the absence of natural predators and hence lacked an appropriate, general self-preservation response to heavy predation by humans and rats, showing no fear of them.


“Existential, psychiatric, social, and, to a lesser degree, physical variables are highly correlated with the will to live”.[13] Existential issues found to correlate significantly include hopelessness, the desire for death, sense of dignity, and burden to others. Psychiatric issues found to be strongly associated are such as depression, anxiety, and lack of concentration. Physical issues that showed the strongest associations were appetite and appearance which did not show the same consistent degree of correlation. The four main predictor variables of the will to live changing over time are anxiety, shortness of breath, depression, and sense of well-being[14] which correlate with the other variable predictors as well. Social variables and quality of life measures are shown to correlate significantly with the will to live such as support and satisfaction with support from family, friends, and health care providers.[15] Findings on the will to live have suggested that psychological variables are replaced by physical mediators of variation as death draws nearer. The will to live has also proven to be highly unstable.[16]


Many studies have been conducted on the theory of the will to live. Among these studies are subject to the difference in gender and the elderly and also in the terminally ill. One study focused on a simple question that asked about rating one’s will to live and presented the findings that elderly participants reporting a stronger will to live and strengthened or stable will to live survived longer in comparison to those with a weak will to live. This study found that women were able to cope with life-threatening situations, but suggested that the participants could not have been stable and requires future replication.[17] The second study presented the idea of the will to live in the terminally ill specifically cancer patients termed as older. In this study researchers were able to suggest that patients who had tested as having a low sustained will to live died soonest, as opposed to having a moderate level of the will to live, lived the longest while high will to live could affect individuals in any direction. This study needs future replication that can show the effects of will to live in the terminally ill from different diseases and age categories.[18]

Other accounts of the will to live exist in many extreme medical cases, where patients have overcome extraordinary odds to survive. The Holocaust has provided many instances of this phenomenon, and is a good example of this as well.[19] A proposed mechanism for the will to live is the idea that positive mental thinking tends to lower one’s risk for disease and health complications. One study showed that women who thought positively were more likely to carry more antibodies against certain strains of the flu, thus having a stronger immune system than those who were told to think negative thoughts.[20]
Powerful examples of humans having a will to live can be seen in death records throughout history showing that people were more likely to die right after a major holiday, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving, and even birthdays, not actually on or before them, but passing shortly after.[21][22]

See alsoEdit

  • Antipredator adaptation
  • Collective intelligence
  • Conatus
  • Dear enemy recognition
  • Death drive
  • Élan vital
  • Fight-or-flight response
  • Learned helplessness
  • Self-defense
  • Will to power


  1. ^ «Understanding the Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death». The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine (2005)
  2. ^ No Author (2003). What is the Will to Live. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-will-to-live.htm
  3. ^ Brown, Gregory K.; Steer, RA; Henriques, GR; Beck, AT (October 2005). «The Internal Struggle Between the Wish to Die and the Wish to Live: A Risk Factor for Suicide». American Journal of Psychiatry. 162 (10): 1977–1979. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.162.10.1977. PMID 16199851.
  4. ^ «Will to Live.» McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. 2002. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 28 Nov. 2017 https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/will+to+live
  5. ^ Frankl, V. E. (1963). In Man’s search for meaning. Boston: Beacon Press.
  6. ^ Grohol, J. (2009). The Power of the Will to Live. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 21, 2012, from http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2009/12/28/the-power-of-the-will-to-live
  7. ^ Snyder, C. R.; Lopez, Shane J. (2007). Positive Psychology. Sage Publications, Inc. p. 147. ISBN 978-0-7619-2633-7.
  8. ^ «Self-preservation — definition of self-preservation by The Free Dictionary». TheFreeDictionary.com.
  9. ^ Lynn B (1984). «Cutaneous nociceptors». In Winlow W; Holden AV (eds.). The neurobiology of pain: Symposium of the Northern Neurobiology Group, held at Leeds on 18 April 1983. Manchester: Manchester University Press. p. 106. ISBN 0-7190-0996-0.
  10. ^ Raj PP (2007). «Taxonomy and classification of pain». In Niv D; Kreitler S; Diego B; Lamberto A (eds.). The Handbook of Chronic Pain. Nova Biomedical Books. ISBN 978-1-60021-044-0.
  11. ^ Henry Gleitman, Alan J. Fridlund and Daniel Reisberg (2004). Psychology (6 ed.). W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-97767-6.
  12. ^ «Fear factors». CBC News. 31 October 2007.
  13. ^ Chochinov, H. M.; Hack, T.; Hassard, T.; Kristjanson, L. J.; McClement, S.; Harlos, M. (2005). «Understanding the Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death». Psychosomatics. 46 (1): 7–10. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.1.7. PMID 15765815.
  14. ^ Chochinov, H. M.; Tataryn, D.; Clinch, J. J.; Dudgeon, D. (1999). «Will to Live in the Terminally Ill». The Lancet. 354 (9181): 816–819. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(99)80011-7. PMID 10485723. S2CID 44586921.
  15. ^ Chochinov, H. M.; Hack, T.; Hassard, T.; Kristjanson, L. J.; McClement, S.; Harlos, M. (2005). «Understanding the Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death». Psychosomatics. 46 (1): 7–10. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.1.7. PMID 15765815.
  16. ^ Chochinov, H. M.; Tataryn, D.; Clinch, J. J.; Dudgeon, D. (1999). «Will to Live in the Terminally Ill». The Lancet. 354 (9181): 816–819. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(99)80011-7. PMID 10485723. S2CID 44586921.
  17. ^ Chochinov, H. M.; Hack, T.; Hassard, T.; Kristjanson, L. J.; McClement, S.; Harlos, M. (2005). «Understanding the Will to Live in Patients Nearing Death». Psychosomatics. 46 (1): 7–10. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.1.7. PMID 15765815.
  18. ^ Tataryn, D.; Chochoniv, H. M. (2002). «Predicting the trajectory of will to live in terminally ill patients». Psychosomatics. 43 (5): 370–377. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.43.5.370. PMID 12297605.
  19. ^ Goldenberg, J. Retrieved from http://www.councilforrelationships.org/resources/goldenberg-survival.pdf Archived 2012-04-18 at the Wayback Machine
  20. ^ Goode, E. (2003, September 02). Power of positive thinking may have a health benefit, study says. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/02/health/power-of-positive-thinking-may-have-a-health-benefit-study-says.html
  21. ^ Shimizu, M.; Pelham, B.W. (2008). «Postponing a date with the Grim Reaper: Ceremonial events and mortality». Basic and Applied Social Psychology. 30 (1): 36–45. doi:10.1080/01973530701866482. S2CID 143717879.
  22. ^ Grohol, J. (2009). The Power of the Will to Live. Psych Central. Retrieved on November 21, 2012, from http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2009/12/28/the-power-of-the-will-to-live

External linksEdit

Look up survivor in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • Attitude — The Will to Live, Ernest H. Rosenbaum, MD, and Isadora R. Rosenbaum, MA.
  • Why life extension?

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воля к жизни

желание жить

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воли к жизни

волей к жизни

желания жить

воле к жизни

стремление жить

желанием жить

желании жить

желание выжить

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желанию жить

стремление к жизни


And yet his will to live remained strong.

My will to live is stronger than to die, at least for today.

Моя воля к жизни сильнее, чем желание умереть, по крайней мере сегодня».

Slowly but very surely losing the will to live.

И теперь у него медленно, но верно пропадает желание жить.

Now I have lost the will to live with it.

А теперь у меня полностью пропало желание жить с этим человеком.

He’s lost his faith and will to live.

Everything seems hopeless to them, so some lose the will to live.

Все кажется им безнадежным, поэтому некоторые теряют желание жить.

After 20 minutes of this stuff you start to lose the will to live.

После 20 минут такого рассказа, вы начинаете терять желание жить.

She loses her faith and her will to live.

We all know of patients who have lost the «will to live«.

Мы все знаем о пациентах, которые потеряли «желание жить».

Yet the will to live and the instinct to reach out to another person for support remains ever present among them all.

Все же желание жить, и инстинкт, чтобы обратиться к другому человеку для поддержки, остается когда-либо существующим среди них всех.

A will to live becomes stronger when a person has something to live for.

Воля к жизни становится сильнее, когда у человека есть, ради чего жить.

Personal choice, the will to live, must be paramount when the dead begin to rise.

Личный выбор, воля к жизни должны быть первостепенными, когда мёртвые начнут воскресать.

His will to live is strong but this is expensive.

Then the power of the demons was stronger than the will to live.

Тогда сила демонов была сильнее, чем желание жить.

One could think of worse reasons than the will to live for cooperation between historic enemies.

Можно подумать и о худших причинах, чем желание жить, для сотрудничества с историческими врагами.

People often racking circumstances, entering into a depression and taking away the will to live.

Людей часто ломают обстоятельства, вводя в депрессию и отнимая желание жить.

I felt lost, like I’d lost everything, and sometimes, even the will to live.

Я чувствовала себя опустошённой, как будто я потеряла всё и иногда даже желание жить.

You can’t cure someone who’s lost the will to live.

Никто не может излечить того, кто потерял желание жить.

Everything but who found inside himself the will to live, to move on.

Он потерял… всё, но нашёл в себе желание жить, двигаться дальше.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат will to live

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will to live — перевод на русский

It’s her own will to live.

Ее желание жить.

Your will to live.

Это было желание жить.

But there is a new will to live.

Но появилась новая жажда жизни.

And I’ve come to understand a few things about it. Any self-respecting man, in war as in everything else. must have hope and a will to live.

У меня имеется опыт, и я должен тебе сказать, что любой уважающий себя человек должен надеяться и хотеть вернуться домой!

This is not a refuge, it’s there, it’s in us, it’s as true as cruelty, or the will to live.

Это не убежище, это здесь, в нас, это также реально, как жестокость, или воля к жизни.

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