Word meaning went through

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He went through hell to escape that life.

He went through hell, too.

They went through a lot to get here.

Эти люди прошли через многое что бы быть сейчас здесь.

It went through many hands before I acquired it.

Она прошла через множество рук, прежде, чем попала ко мне.

Surprised that went through the censor.

Казалось удивительным, что эта книга прошла через цензуру.

He went through human living, and we traveled with Him.

Он прошёл через человеческое житие, и мы проделали этот же путь с Ним.

It tells a story about what these guys went through.

I saw what he went through firsthand.

И я увидел влияние, которое он оказал из первых рук.

Reminds them of horror they went through.

Жители все еще помнят те ужасы, через которые им пришлось пройти.

You all went through it you know.

Все это и сложилось в тот результат, который вы знаете».

They know the hardships he went through to escape.

Они знают, через какие трудности он прошел, когда совершил побег .

Someone has to pay for what we went through.

Кто-то должен заплатить за то, через что мы прошли».

It thus went through a terrible counter-revolution which silenced it for decades.

Именно поэтому ему пришлось пройти через ужасную контрреволюцию, которая обрекла его на молчание в течение десятилетий.

Certainly my body went through the same changes that other girls experienced.

Конечно, мое тело претерпело те же изменения, которые претерпевают тела других девушек.

But after everything they went through, he became even more determined.

Но после всего, через что они прошли, он стал еще более решительным.

I know several people went through them and are happy.

У меня есть несколько знакомых, которые через нее прошли и были очень довольны.

What I went through was not unique.

То, что я пережил, не было уникальным.

What we went through the last few weeks wasn’t enjoyable.

То, что мы пережили за последние несколько недель, было не самым приятным.

Two athletes were exempted because they went through anti-doping systems in other countries.

Для 2-х спортсменов было сделано исключение, так как они проходили тесты на допинг в остальных государствах.

I thought every seven-year-old went through this.

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went through — перевод на русский

I’ve decided once and for all to go through with the divorce.

Я решила раз и навсегда пройти через развод.

The pity is, you’ve got to go through the same thing all over again.

Жаль, что вам опять придется пройти через это.

But you and your daughter are in enough trouble… without having to annul this marriage and go through all that rigmarole.

Но у Вас с вашей дочерью достаточно проблем без того, чтобы аннулировать этот брак и пройти через все это.

But after i’d found out how… How pat had treated bill, I couldn’t go through with it.

Но, затем, я обнаружила как Пэт мучала Била, и не смогла пройти через это.

It must go through fire before it becomes delicious.

Должна пройти через огонь, прежде чем обрести свой аромат.

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I wouldn’t go through that again if you had twice as much money.

Я не согласен проходить через это снова, будь у тебя даже вдвое больше денег.

Look, do we have to go through that, «Well? Well what?» routine again?

Слушай, неужели мы должны снова проходить через это «Ну и?

But why go through fire?

Но зачем же проходить через огонь?

I realized how absurd it was to go through the agony of being tortured again or put to death.

Я понял, как нелепо было бы снова проходить через муки пыток… Или даже пойти на смерть.

I’d have to go through the sacristy… and get myself a set of keys!

Придётся проходить через ризницу и подумать, где раздобыть связку ключей.

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No, I won’t go through it.

Нет,я не пойду.

I won’t go through it, I tell you.

Я не пойду. Я не хочу.

No, I won’t go through that door!

Я не пойду! Не надо!

If you think I’m really going through with this you’re not just stupid, you’re crazy.

Если ты думал, что я правда пойду на это, то ты псих.

To go through Yamana, my greatest concern is your speech.

{C:$00FFFF}Впрочем, я уверен, вам это не удастся. {C:$00FFFF}Когда мы пойдём через Яману,

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I’m sorry you had to go through all that.

Жаль, что тебе пришлось все это пережить.

I’m sorry you have to go through this.

Мне так жаль, что тебе пришлось пережить такое.

That poor woman, she had to go through a living hell.

Эта бедная женщина, ей пришлось пережить настоящий ад.

I can’t go through the heartsick of losing another one.

Я не смогу пережить потерю ещё одного.

I’d rather die than go through that again.

Лучше умереть, чем пережить это снова.

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You don’t never have to go through life a woman who ain’t been asked.

Ты больше не будешь идти по жизни, как женщина, которую ни о чем не просили.

You can’t just go through life beating people up.

Ты не можешь идти по жизни избивая людей.

This is a great way to go through life, isn’t it?

Отличный способ идти по жизни, правда?

It’s not easy going through life with only one nostril.

Не так уж легко идти по жизни с одной ноздрёй.

She might… but you can’t go through life trying to avoid getting a broken heart.

Она может… но ты не можешь идти по жизни, пытаясь избежать разбитого сердца.

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Olga, suppose that man is going through breakdown in values, so much that this breakdown leads him to actions like the ones that disgusted you so much, as if he wanted to self-destruct.

Ольга, представь, что человек переживает распад системы ценностей так сильно, что это заставляет его совершать поступки вроде того, что тебя так сильно отвратил, как-будто он хочет самоликвидироваться.

Your daughter is going through a crisis right now and does not need to be berated like this!

Ваша дочь переживает серьезный кризис, а вы ведете себя как последние эгоисты!

My brother’s going through that.

Мой брата сейчас все это переживает.

He’s going through a very difficult transition.

Он переживает весьма мучительную перемену.

My brother’s been going through a rather rancorous divorce.

Мой брат переживает довольно тяжёлый развод.

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Who gave you permission to come in and just go through my things?

Кто разрешал вам входить и рыться в моих вещах?

-Are you gonna go through the guy’s mail?

Смотри. — Ты будешь рыться в его почте? Это сумасшествие.

That wasn’t very trusting of you to go through my shit.

Некрасиво с твоей стороны рыться в моем барахле.

Going through their things. The hidden pieces of themselves locked up, giving you a thrill of control.

Рыться в их вещах, во всех маленьких спрятанных кусочках их самих это дарит тебе волнующее запретное ощущение контроля.

— Somebody went through my things.

— Кто-то рылся в моих вещах.

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How can she be so calm when she knows what I’m going through?

Как она может быть столь спокойной, зная о том, что со мной происходит?

I don’t think we’ re going through the same thing.

У меня такое чувство, что с нами происходит не одно и то же.

What are you going through?

Что с тобой происходит?

I know what you’re going through.

Я знаю, что с вами происходит.

The mag level’s going through the roof!

Что здесь происходит?

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Your mother understands very well what you’re going through

Твоя мать прекрасно понимает, через что тебе пришлось пройти.

Do you know, in our community, we went through hell without a doctor.

Вы знаете, через что нашему поселению пришлось пройти без врача?

I’d guess that what we have is just a normal girl who happens to have gone through two days of hell.

Полагаю, перед нами вполне обычная девочка, которой за пару дней пришлось пройти семь кругов ада.

— Horrid thing to have to go through.

— Ужасно, через что им пришлось пройти.

I want to help you, but I need to understand what you’re going through.

Я хочу помочь вам, но я должна понять, через что вам пришлось пройти.

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It is only a passing phase. It is only a stage we are going through. It will be discarded sooner or later.

Это всего лишь переходный период, необходимый этап в нашем развитии, и рано или поздно он закончится.

Yes, you’re going through some tough times.

Да. Я вижу, что у тебя неудачный период.

This sounds awful, but I’m going through a selfish phase.

Молли, я знаю, это звучит ужасно, но у меня сейчас эгоистический период.

I know you will understand that I’m going through a destructive phase.

А тебе придётся понять, что у меня период разрушения.

He’s sensitive, he’s going through a rough period, and I don’t want you to reject him.

Он такой чувствительный! У него сейчас трудный период, его нельзя отталкивать.

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- пройти насквозь

to go right through — идти напролом

- пройти, быть одобренным

their business arrangements went through — их сделка была одобрена

- (with) выполнить (обещание, договор, условие)

when the time came he didn’t want to go through with it — когда настало время выполнить своё обещание, он отказался

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

We had many trials to go through.

Нам пришлось пройти через много испытаний.

Buy now before the tax increase goes through next week!

Покупай сейчас, на следующей неделе примут решение о повышении налогов!

  • 1
    went through

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > went through

  • 2
    went through the formalities

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > went through the formalities

  • 3
    went through the formality

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > went through the formality

  • 4
    went through the formalities

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > went through the formalities

  • 5
    went through combination

    English-Russian sports dictionary > went through combination

  • 6
    Protestant Orthodoxy (Phase of orthodoxy that both Lutheran and Reformed theology went through after the 16th-century Reformation)


    протестантская схоластика

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Protestant Orthodoxy (Phase of orthodoxy that both Lutheran and Reformed theology went through after the 16th-century Reformation)

  • 7
    a rumour went through the office

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a rumour went through the office

  • 8
    a sigh of relief went through the audience

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a sigh of relief went through the audience

  • 9
    a tremor went through the audience

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a tremor went through the audience

  • 10
    book went through ten editions

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > book went through ten editions

  • 11
    he banged his head as he went through the doorway

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he banged his head as he went through the doorway

  • 12
    he quickly went through his fortune

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he quickly went through his fortune

  • 13
    he quickly went through his savings

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he quickly went through his savings

  • 14
    he went through a big upset after his father’s death

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through a big upset after his father’s death

  • 15
    he went through a fortune in one year

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through a fortune in one year

  • 16
    he went through his pockets looking for the key

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through his pockets looking for the key

  • 17
    he went through the motions of asking my permission

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through the motions of asking my permission

  • 18
    he went through the ritual of rolling his own cigarette

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through the ritual of rolling his own cigarette

  • 19
    he went through two dowries in one year

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he went through two dowries in one year

  • 20
    quiver went through him

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > quiver went through him


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См. также в других словарях:

  • went through a crisis — experienced a crisis, went through difficult circumstances …   English contemporary dictionary

  • went through the roof — See go through the roof …   English idioms

  • went through — crossed, was experienced in; passed over him …   English contemporary dictionary

  • through — [thro͞o] prep. [ME thurgh, thrugh < OE thurh, akin to Ger durch < IE base * ter , through, beyond > L trans, across, Sans tiráḥ, through] 1. in one side and out the other side of; from end to end of 2. a) in the midst of [flying through… …   English World dictionary

  • through thick and thin — {adv. phr.} Through all difficulties and troubles; through good times and bad times. * /The friends were faithful through thick and thin./ * /George stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • through thick and thin — {adv. phr.} Through all difficulties and troubles; through good times and bad times. * /The friends were faithful through thick and thin./ * /George stayed in college through thick and thin, because he wanted an education./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • through — ♦ (The preposition is pronounced [[t]θruː[/t]]. In other cases, through is pronounced [[t]θru͟ː[/t]]) 1) PREP To move through something such as a hole, opening, or pipe means to move directly from one side or end of it to the other. The theatre… …   English dictionary

  • through — through1 W1S1 [θru:] prep, adv ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(door/passage etc)¦ 2¦(cutting/breaking)¦ 3¦(across an area)¦ 4¦(see through something)¦ 5¦(past a place)¦ 6¦(time)¦ 7¦(process/experience)¦ 8¦(competitions)¦ 9¦(because of something)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • through — 1 /Tru:/ preposition 1 entering something such as a door, passage, tube, or hole at one end or side and leaving it at the other: They were suddenly plunged into darkness as the train went through the tunnel. | The ball went flying through the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • through — prep., adv., & adj. (also thro , US thru) prep. 1 a from end to end or from side to side of. b going in one side or end and out the other of. 2 between or among (swam through the waves). 3 from beginning to end (read through the letter; went… …   Useful english dictionary

  • through — 1. preposition /θɹuː,θɹu/ a) From one side of an opening to the other. I went through the window. b) Entering, then later exiting. I drove through the town at top speed without looking left or right …   Wiktionary

go through

1. To physically travel through something. Once you go through this corridor, turn right.

2. To be initially screened or handled by another person. All of my calls go through my secretary, and I never got a message that you called.

3. To scrutinize something; to look at something very carefully. We need to go through these files with a fine-tooth comb to find that missing paperwork. Make sure to go through your thesis completely before you hand it in—you don’t want your advisors wading through proofreading errors, do you?

4. To do something that one had planned or promised, in spite of difficulties, hesitations, or a concerning outcome. Always followed by «with (something).» Are you sure you want to go through with this? If the investment doesn’t pan out, you could lose everything. She still went through with her decision to start her own business, even though it meant sacrificing her lucrative career.

5. To endure something unpleasant or difficult. I’m so sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic experience.

6. Of food, to leave one’s body as waste soon after being ingested. Is the bathroom free? Food like that just goes right through me.

7. To penetrate something. If that rusty nail went through the skin, we better get you to the hospital.

8. To rehearse or practice something. We need to go through our lines before we take the stage.

9. To be approved. How long will it take our contract to go through?

10. To deplete a supply of something. Wow, the kids went through all those cupcakes already?

11. To be successfully transmitted and received, as of phone calls or emails. Are anyone’s calls going through? I sent that email last night but it looks like it didn’t go through.

12. To continue to the next stage of something. If we win this round, we go through to the championship! I hope I go through to the next round of interviews.

go through (one)

1. To use an intermediary, rather than talking to someone or doing something directly. You won’t be able to talk to the CEO directly—you need to go through his administrative assistant.

2. Of food, drink, or medicine, to be rapidly excreted from the body (as urine or feces) very soon after being ingested. A shortening of «go (right) through one like a dose of salts,» which refers to the use of Epsom salts as a laxative. I try not to drink more than one cup of coffee because it just goes right through me. I love Indian food, but I eat it so infrequently that when I do, it goes through me.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

go (right) through someone

 and go through someone like a dose of the salts

Fig. [for something] to be excreted very soon after being eaten; [for something] to go immediately through the alimentary canal of a person. (Use with discretion.) No, thanks. This stuff just goes right through me. The coffee went through me like a dose of salts.

go through someone or something

[for something sharp] to penetrate someone or something. The sword went through the knight cleanly and quickly. The nail went through all three boards.

go through someone


1. Lit. to travel through someone’s body; to go (right) through someone. That medicine went right through me.

2. Fig. to work through someone; to use someone as an intermediary. I can’t give you the permission you seek. You will have to go through our main office. I have to go through the treasurer for all expenditures.

go through something


1. to search through something. She went through his pants pockets, looking for his wallet. He spent quite a while going through his desk, looking for the papers.

2. to use up all of something rapidly. We have gone through all the aspirin again! How can you go throughyour allowance so fast?

3. [for something] to pass through an opening. The piano wouldn’t go through the door. Do you think that such a big truck can go through the tunnel under the river?

4. to pass through various stages or processes. The pickles went through a number of processes before they were packed. Johnny is going through a phase where he wants everything his way.

5. to work through something, such as an explanation or story. I went through my story again, carefully and in great detail. I would like to go through it again, so I can be sure to understand it.

6. to experience or endure something. You can’t believe what I’ve gone through. Mary has gone through a lot lately.

7. to rehearse something; to practice something for performance. They went through the second act a number of times. We need to go through the whole play a few more times.

go through

to be approved; to succeed in getting through the approval process. I sent the board of directors a proposal. I hope it goes through. We all hope that the new law goes through.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

go through

1. Examine carefully, as in I went through all the students’ papers. [Mid-1600s]

2. Experience, undergo, suffer, as in We went through hell trying to find an answer. [Early 1700s]

3. Perform; also, rehearse for performance. For example, I went through the sonata in ten minutes, or Let’s go through the third act again. [Mid-1700s]

4. Use up, complete, as in The children went through all the milk we bought in one day. [Mid-1900s]

5. Succeed, be approved, as in I’m sure this new deal will go through. [Late 1800s]

6. go through with. Complete, carry out, as in They got engaged last year, but I’m not sure they’ll go through with the wedding. [Mid-1500s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

go through


1. To move or proceed into or within something, especially completely or from one side to the other: We turned on our headlights when we went through the tunnel. The ink went through the paper and stained the table. The larger fish got caught in the net, but the smaller fish went right through. We went through the field gathering flowers.

2. To form a path within something, especially completely or from one side to the other: The tunnel goes through the mountain. Only one path goes through this forest.

3. To send a message or signal successfully: My telephone calls aren’t going through. I sent two e-mails, but neither went through.

4. To use someone or something as an intermediary for interacting or communicating: All of our customers’ orders go through our sales department. Don’t buy a car from them—go through a reputable dealer. If you need to contact me, go through my office.

5. To proceed to the next stage of a process or event: The winner of this match will go through to the finals.

6. To be accepted or enacted after going through an approval procedure. Used of proposals: If the new law goes through, we won’t be able to park on that side of the street anymore.

7. To examine each of some set of things: I went through the students’ papers, looking for the best one. Someone has been going through my mail without permission.

8. To review or search something completely: The lawyer went through the documents but couldn’t find any useful information. I went through the drawer trying to find the earring I lost.

9. To experience something, especially something negative: We went through some tough times when my father lost his job. All our products go through months of testing. They went through a lot to get you that gift, so you’d better thank them.

10. To perform something from start to finish: The violinist went through the sonata in 30 minutes. Let’s go through the dance from the beginning.

11. To use something until there is no more of it remaining; use something up: I went through an entire pack of cigarettes in two hours. My dogs go through two bags of food a week.

12. go through with To finish something, especially something difficult or which one does not want to do: We intended to eat the rabbit once it got big enough, but after the children gave it a name, we just couldn’t go through with it. I decided not to go through with the surgery after I discovered how dangerous it was.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • go through (one)
  • grapple
  • grappling
  • suck (someone or something) into (something)
  • suck into
  • brace (oneself) for (something)
  • brace oneself for
  • bracing
  • tear loose from (someone or something)
  • remain under (something)

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