Word meaning well written

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Miss Paige Stanton

Score: 4.7/5
(55 votes)

adjective (well written when postpositive) composed in a competent, and often entertaining, style.

What do you say when something is well written?

synonyms for well-written

  1. absorbing.
  2. eloquent.
  3. enjoyable.
  4. fascinating.
  5. gripping.
  6. interesting.
  7. satisfying.
  8. worthwhile.

What does it mean to be a well written character?

A well written character is just someone with believable motivations for her actions. Like, anytime they make a decision you’re like «yeah that makes sense.» Someone like Shinji Ikari is terrified to go on but you can 100% understand where that reluctance is coming from so he’s well-written.

Can you say well written?

I’ve always believed it to be «well written» because «well» is an adverb simply describing the passive adjective «written,» where hyphenation is only necessary if an adjective is describing another adjective («open-minded» for instance).

How do you write a good comment?

Superb Very creative Superior work/Superior job Very fine work Supreme Very interesting Terrific Very stylish Terrific job Well thought out Thank you What a stylish paper!

29 related questions found

How do you compliment a writer?

How do you compliment writing skills?

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What are good character examples?

What is good character? Good character includes traits like loyalty, honesty, courage, integrity, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. A person with good character chooses to do the right thing because he or she believes it is the morally right to do so.

What are the six traits of good character?

The Six Pillars of Character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

What are the 7 character traits?

Seven Critical Character Traits

  • Resilience. The “True Grit” mindset; the ability to hang in there, tough it out, persevere and recover from setback. …
  • A Sense of Curiosity and Wonder. …
  • Social Intelligence. …
  • Gratitude. …
  • Kindness. …
  • Self-control. …
  • Optimism.

How would you describe something beautifully written?

When something is beautifully, gorgeously, perfectly said (or written), it’s eloquent.

How do you describe a good writer?

An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear language that’s quickly and easily understood by others. This valuable quality helps them tackle even the densest subject matter by breaking it down into uncomplicated pieces.

How do you describe good writing?

Good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive. Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. Conventions that are correct and communicative.

What are 10 personality traits?

The 10 Character Traits

  • Be Honest. Tell the truth; be sincere; don’t mislead or withhold key information in relationships of trust; don’t steal.
  • Demonstrate integrity. …
  • Keep promises. …
  • Be loyal. …
  • Be responsible. …
  • Pursue excellence. …
  • Be kind and caring. …
  • Treat all people with respect.

What are positive traits?

Positive qualities are personal attributes, character traits, skills, or strengths that are considered good or help us in some way. It’s important to know your positive attributes and keep them in mind to develop a healthy level of confidence and self-worth.

What are the 8 character traits?

8 Traits of Exceptional Character That Lead to Happiness and…

  • Honest. At the core of any person with good character is honesty. …
  • Survivor. Character is largely developed from suffering the trials and errors of life. …
  • Lover. People of good character are loving people. …
  • Leader. …
  • Elegant. …
  • Hard worker. …
  • Helper. …
  • Inspire.

What are the 24 qualities of a person?

What are the 24 qualities of a person?

  • DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long.
  • COURAGE. It takes courage to do things others consider impossible.

What are my good qualities?

This list may assist you in determining some of your personal qualities that you may not have thought of otherwise.

  • Sincere.
  • Honest.
  • Understanding.
  • Loyal.
  • Truthful.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Intelligent.
  • Dependable.

What are my best qualities?

Effective leaders model good human qualities for the people who work for them, including honesty, fairness, straightforwardness, dependability, cooperativeness, determination, imagination, ambition, courage, caring, maturity, loyalty, self-control, and independence.

How do you say someone has a good character?

  • decency,
  • goodness,
  • honesty,
  • integrity,
  • morality,
  • probity,
  • rectitude,
  • righteousness,

What kind of person is a good character write?

In general, people who are considered to have good character often have traits like integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. These character traits define who they are as people—and highly influence the choices they make in their lives.

What are complimentary words?

Complimentary words are those that we use in a conversation to make the person we are talking to feel good about themselves. They are generally words to describe an aspect of somebody’s personality/life or to describe something that belongs to the person receiving the compliment.

How do you praise in one word?

1 acclamation, plaudit, applause, approbation, compliment. 2 encomium, eulogy, panegyric. 5 laud, applaud, eulogize. 6 glorify, exalt, honor.

How do you praise a book?

Specific Praise

“The writing was captivating,” “The characters were believable and I cared about them,” “The plot had so many twists and turns I couldn’t put the book down.” Specific praise helps browsing readers get a better sense of why your book is so good.

What is a bad trait?

The list of bad human traits is long. It includes: arrogance, deception, delusion, dishonesty, ego, envy, greed, hatred, immorality, lying, selfishness, unreliability, violence, etc.

well written

Общая лексика: хорошо написанный

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «well written» в других словарях:

  • well-written — index cognizable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • well-written — /ˈwɛl rɪtn/ (say wel ritn) adjective written skilfully. Also, (especially in predicative use), well written /wɛl ˈrɪtn/ (say wel ritn) …  

  • well-written — adj. Well written is used with these nouns: ↑article, ↑script …   Collocations dictionary

  • well-written — well′ writ′ten adj …   From formal English to slang

  • well-written — adj. * * * …   Universalium

  • well-written — adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • Well temperament — (also circular or circulating temperament) is a type of tempered tuning described in 20th century music theory. The term is modelled on the German word wohltemperiert which appears in the title of J.S. Bach s famous composition, The Well Tempered …   Wikipedia

  • Written Cantonese — refers to the written language used to write colloquial standard Cantonese using Chinese characters.Cantonese is usually referred to as a spoken variant, and not as a written variant. Spoken vernacular Cantonese is different from Written Standard …   Wikipedia

  • Well drainage — means drainage of agricultural lands by wells. Agricultural land is drained by pumped wells (vertical drainage) to improve the soils by controlling water table levels and soil salinity. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Design 3 Flow to wells 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Written Scots language — examples from various sources.Text from Legend of the Saints 14th CenturyXXXIII. GEORGE. Ȝete of sancte george is my wil, gyf I connandes had þere til to translat þe haly story, as wrytine in þe buk fand I. for he wes richt haly mañ fele tynt… …   Wikipedia

  • Well (play) — Well is a play about illness written by and starring Lisa Kron. Well made its world premier at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in New York City in 2004. The play was directed by Leigh Silverman and also starred Jayne Houdyshell as Lisa s mother,… …   Wikipedia

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

хорошо написано

хорошо написана

хорошо написаны

хорошо написанный

хорошо написан

хорошо написанная

хорошо написанные

хорошо написанным

хорошо написанной

хорошо написанное

написано хорошо

хорошо написанных

хорошо прописаны

хорошо написанного

написана хорошо

правильно написанный


Favorite books: I enjoy anything that’s well written.

Любимые писатели: очень много, люблю всё, что хорошо написано.

It’s a bit long, but it’s well written.

It was the longest and very well written.

Его работа была на нескольких страницах,… и она была очень хорошо написана.

She’s evil but at least she’s well written with more than one dimension.

Она злая, но, по крайней мере, она хорошо написана с несколькими измерениями.

But the articles still have to be well written.

Но статьи к тому же, должны быть по-прежнему хорошо написаны.

The first is that the articles be well written.

Вторая заключается в том, чтобы материалы эти были хорошо написаны.

They should be well written and precise.

Very well written and so much information.

The ending was so well written, I cried for two hours after I finished it.

Окончание было так хорошо написано, я плакал в течение двух часов после того, как закончил.

Therefore it goes without saying that your resume has to be very professionally compiled or in the worst case very well written.

Поэтому само собой разумеется, что ваше резюме должно быть очень профессионально составлено или в худшем случае очень хорошо написано.

Overall the paper is well written, and they do not seem amateurish people writing their first paper.

В целом статья хорошо написана, и они не кажутся дилетантскими людей, пишущих свои первые бумаги.

These asides are interesting, well written and often relevant to what’s going on in the game.

Эти предложения интересны, хорошо написаны и часто имеют отношение к тому, что происходит в игре.

Madame’s letters are well written, it is true.

Content should be well written with sound grammar and spelling.

Содержание должно быть хорошо написано со звуковой грамматикой и написанием.

If your articles are well written, search engines show them in search results, thereby giving you visitors.

Если ваши статьи хорошо написаны, поисковики показывают их в результатах поиска, тем самым дают вам посетителей.

A very well written one, given the standards.

The dialogue is very honest and beautifully well written.

The instructions are well written, with the time, quantity and temperature of the most common foods.

Инструкции хорошо написаны, со временем, количество и температура наиболее распространенных продуктов питания.

Description of this framework is well written in, I note only that a good…

Описание этого фреймворка хорошо написано на, отмечу лишь, что хорошей средой для разработки этого…

PS, this is well written.

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Well-written means that when you tell a story, make a point, tell a joke, etc., the writing flows quickly, smoothly, and with little effort on the part of the reader. The reader should find the prose clear and concise, without having to slog through 100 words when ten would have sufficed.

Is well hyphenated? To summarize, well requires a hyphen when it functions as part of a compound adjective (generally when it precedes a noun). There is no hyphen when well functions as an adverb (usually following the noun being modified and a linking verb, such as to be), or when it is qualified (as in extremely well groomed).

Likewise What’s another word for well written?

What is another word for well-written?

literate articulate
eloquent lucid
polished stylish
well written

What is well researched? Thoroughly or carefully researched.

How do you say very well written?

synonyms for well-written

  1. absorbing.
  2. amusing.
  3. appealing.
  4. eloquent.
  5. engaging.
  6. engrossing.
  7. enjoyable.
  8. entertaining.

Is well organized hyphenated? Use a hyphen with compound adjectives when they precede a noun. When the description follows the noun, no hyphen is necessary. The party was well organized. … Do not use a hyphen between an -ly adverb and an adjective or after an adjective in its comparative (-er) or superlative (-est) form.

Is well rounded hyphenated?

“Ever-changing” can go either way, as it’s spelled with and without a hyphen, though it’s usually spelled with a hyphen. As for “well-rounded”, the word is spelled without a hyphen if the word follows the noun.

Is well liked hyphenated? They are two or more adjectives that precede a noun, that themselves form a complete adjective which describes the noun. … However, if the same phrase follows the noun, the hyphen is not necessary. a well-liked teacher her floor-length gown. The teacher is well liked.

How do you describe a good writer?

An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear language that’s quickly and easily understood by others. This valuable quality helps them tackle even the densest subject matter by breaking it down into uncomplicated pieces.

How do you compliment someone’s writing? Tell me you love my words, and I know you love me.

  1. Your writing is beautiful. My mind is a mess. …
  2. I look forward to your writing. Writers love knowing their work is read. …
  3. I wish I could write like you. …
  4. You write how I feel, even if I can’t express it. …
  5. Your writing inspires me.

What’s a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

How do you say well researched? Find another word for well-researched. In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for well-researched, like: , , , well-write, well-referenced, well-argued, , well-illustrate, thought-provoking and insightful.

What is the past tense of research?

Research verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
research researching researched

How do you compliment good writing skills? Tell the reader that you enjoyed or appreciated his or her work. State specifically what you liked about the reader’s work. Close by thanking the writer for his or her work.

What is well organized mean?

adjective (well organized when postpositive) having good organization; orderly and efficienta well-organized individual.

Is well underway hyphenated? under way. This rule is still outlined in many dictionaries, but underway is increasingly being used as a single word in all of its senses, especially in phrases like get underway and be underway, which would traditionally be spelled as two words. … underway: One word in all uses.

Is well acquainted hyphenated?

For example, The Canadian Oxford Dictionary (1998) lists the compound adjectives well-developed and well-acquainted, but these do not appear in the list of hyphenated words in the Gage Canadian Dictionary (2000).

What mean well rounded? English Language Learners Definition of well-rounded

: educated in many different subjects. : including many different things : having a lot of variety.

What is a word for well rounded?

adjectivevoluptuous, full-figured. bosomy. buxom. curvesome. curvilinear.

Is well rounded an adjective? WELL-ROUNDED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is meaning of well-liked?

Definition of well-liked

: liked by many people a well-liked restaurant He is well-liked by everyone.

Is well-liked an adjective? WELL-LIKED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is prepare well?

well-prepared in British English

adjective (well prepared when postpositive) suitably prepared in advance. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

Asked by: Miss Paige Stanton

Score: 4.7/5
(55 votes)

adjective (well written when postpositive) composed in a competent, and often entertaining, style.

What do you say when something is well written?

synonyms for well-written

  1. absorbing.
  2. eloquent.
  3. enjoyable.
  4. fascinating.
  5. gripping.
  6. interesting.
  7. satisfying.
  8. worthwhile.

What does it mean to be a well written character?

A well written character is just someone with believable motivations for her actions. Like, anytime they make a decision you’re like «yeah that makes sense.» Someone like Shinji Ikari is terrified to go on but you can 100% understand where that reluctance is coming from so he’s well-written.

Can you say well written?

I’ve always believed it to be «well written» because «well» is an adverb simply describing the passive adjective «written,» where hyphenation is only necessary if an adjective is describing another adjective («open-minded» for instance).

How do you write a good comment?

Superb Very creative Superior work/Superior job Very fine work Supreme Very interesting Terrific Very stylish Terrific job Well thought out Thank you What a stylish paper!

29 related questions found

How do you compliment a writer?

How do you compliment writing skills?

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What are good character examples?

What is good character? Good character includes traits like loyalty, honesty, courage, integrity, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. A person with good character chooses to do the right thing because he or she believes it is the morally right to do so.

What are the six traits of good character?

The Six Pillars of Character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

What are the 7 character traits?

Seven Critical Character Traits

  • Resilience. The “True Grit” mindset; the ability to hang in there, tough it out, persevere and recover from setback. …
  • A Sense of Curiosity and Wonder. …
  • Social Intelligence. …
  • Gratitude. …
  • Kindness. …
  • Self-control. …
  • Optimism.

How would you describe something beautifully written?

When something is beautifully, gorgeously, perfectly said (or written), it’s eloquent.

How do you describe a good writer?

An effective writer is able to distill complex thoughts and ideas into simple, clear language that’s quickly and easily understood by others. This valuable quality helps them tackle even the densest subject matter by breaking it down into uncomplicated pieces.

How do you describe good writing?

Good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive. Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. Conventions that are correct and communicative.

What are 10 personality traits?

The 10 Character Traits

  • Be Honest. Tell the truth; be sincere; don’t mislead or withhold key information in relationships of trust; don’t steal.
  • Demonstrate integrity. …
  • Keep promises. …
  • Be loyal. …
  • Be responsible. …
  • Pursue excellence. …
  • Be kind and caring. …
  • Treat all people with respect.

What are positive traits?

Positive qualities are personal attributes, character traits, skills, or strengths that are considered good or help us in some way. It’s important to know your positive attributes and keep them in mind to develop a healthy level of confidence and self-worth.

What are the 8 character traits?

8 Traits of Exceptional Character That Lead to Happiness and…

  • Honest. At the core of any person with good character is honesty. …
  • Survivor. Character is largely developed from suffering the trials and errors of life. …
  • Lover. People of good character are loving people. …
  • Leader. …
  • Elegant. …
  • Hard worker. …
  • Helper. …
  • Inspire.

What are the 24 qualities of a person?

What are the 24 qualities of a person?

  • DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long.
  • COURAGE. It takes courage to do things others consider impossible.

What are my good qualities?

This list may assist you in determining some of your personal qualities that you may not have thought of otherwise.

  • Sincere.
  • Honest.
  • Understanding.
  • Loyal.
  • Truthful.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Intelligent.
  • Dependable.

What are my best qualities?

Effective leaders model good human qualities for the people who work for them, including honesty, fairness, straightforwardness, dependability, cooperativeness, determination, imagination, ambition, courage, caring, maturity, loyalty, self-control, and independence.

How do you say someone has a good character?

  • decency,
  • goodness,
  • honesty,
  • integrity,
  • morality,
  • probity,
  • rectitude,
  • righteousness,

What kind of person is a good character write?

In general, people who are considered to have good character often have traits like integrity, honesty, courage, loyalty, fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior. These character traits define who they are as people—and highly influence the choices they make in their lives.

What are complimentary words?

Complimentary words are those that we use in a conversation to make the person we are talking to feel good about themselves. They are generally words to describe an aspect of somebody’s personality/life or to describe something that belongs to the person receiving the compliment.

How do you praise in one word?

1 acclamation, plaudit, applause, approbation, compliment. 2 encomium, eulogy, panegyric. 5 laud, applaud, eulogize. 6 glorify, exalt, honor.

How do you praise a book?

Specific Praise

“The writing was captivating,” “The characters were believable and I cared about them,” “The plot had so many twists and turns I couldn’t put the book down.” Specific praise helps browsing readers get a better sense of why your book is so good.

What is a bad trait?

The list of bad human traits is long. It includes: arrogance, deception, delusion, dishonesty, ego, envy, greed, hatred, immorality, lying, selfishness, unreliability, violence, etc.

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