Word meaning well wishes

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

добрые пожелания

добрых пожеланий

хороших пожеланий

добрыми пожеланиями


Many thanks also for your well-wishes and gifts.

Thanks for your well-wishes and for your prayers.

Previous posts also mention that her husband is deployed, which garnered a lot of support and well-wishes.

В предыдущих сообщениях она упомянула, что муж в командировке, что получило много поддержки и добрых пожеланий.

I got many gifts and well-wishes.

The general tone of the comments has been mostly positive, full of excitement and well-wishes, such as this post from Serhiy Herts on Facebook.

Комментарии, в общем, были позитивными, полными восхищения и хороших пожеланий, как этот пост от Сергея Герца в Facebook.

I get so many well-wishes.

And we thank you for all the well-wishes which we have received.

Я хочу сказать спасибо за все те добрые пожелания, которые мы получили.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s sent all their well-wishes and donations already.

Я хочу сказать огромное спасибо всем, кто уже отправил все свои добрые пожелания и пожертвования.

But thank you and everyone else for the well-wishes.

After a package of their wedding went to air on The Sunday Project last night, host Wilkinson, 58, was positive but careful with her well-wishes.

После того как пакет их свадьбы отправились на воскресную проекта вчера вечером, хозяин Уилкинсон, 58, был положительный, но осторожнее с ней добрые пожелания.

While China’s economy grew rapidly in the 1990s and most people became wealthier, gift money once again became a common way of expressing well-wishes.

Когда в 90-е годы китайская экономика начала стремительно расти, а население — богатеть, деньги снова стали общепринятым способом выражения добрых пожеланий.

«I’d like to thank everyone for their well-wishes and can’t wait to be back in Australia very soon.»

Я хочу сказать спасибо всем за добрые пожелания и жду с нетерпением, что в ближайшее время вернусь в Австралию .

Your prayers and well-wishes are appreciated.

Пусть все ваши добрые молитвы и пожелания будут услышаны.

So thanks to everyone who sent well-wishes.

Each offered their well-wishes and words of wisdom to the graduates.

Каждый нашел добрые слова и пожелания в адрес выпускников.

But none of these tools allow you to value high-priority information amidst all of the photos and well-wishes.

Но ни одно из этих средств не позволяет выбрать важную информацию среди всех этих фотографий и наилучших пожеланий.

Fans sent well-wishes and congratulations on social media.

As a gift, it symbolizes well-wishes, good health and hopes for future prosperity.

В качестве подарка символизирует пожелания здоровья и надежды на будущее процветание.

Thanks for all the support and well-wishes on social media.

Most of them were casual well-wishes.

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The first records of well wishes come from around 1595. It combines well, meaning “satisfactory, pleasing, or good” and wish, meaning “an instance of desiring or hoping for something.” The first records of the related verb well-wish come from around 1570 and those for the noun well-wisher come from around 1590. When you wish someone well, you hope someone is well or that they have a good life.

For most of history, well wishes took the form of kind words that were either said out loud or written down in a letter or greeting card. Out of courtesy, the person receiving the kind words would thank the other person for their well wishes.

With the rise of the internet and social media, well wishes now often take the form of kind words in an email, a social media post, a comment, or a direct message. As was the case before, a person will usually thank people for sending them well wishes.

Thanks for all the well wishes, birthday was good, 8 years into my rugby career now , scary that.

— Gengey (@EllisGenge) February 16, 2021

So as you might have already heard from @thorazos, I have covid. The good news is I’m already feeling better than I did initially—I hope it continues in that direction. Thank you to everyone for your well wishes!

— Sean T. Collins (@theseantcollins) February 15, 2021

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The appreciation of achievements, thanks and well wishes were mirrored by a number of WP.29 participants and the new elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman of GRSG, who all

hoped for some future opportunity of meeting Mr. Martin again.

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Слова признательности за вклад гна Мартина в работу, благодарность и наилучшие пожелания высказали также ряд участников работы WP. 29

и новоизбранные Председатель и заместитель Председателя GRSG.

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Well, wishing him dead isn’t exactly the same as actually killing him.

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Ну, желать ему смерти- это не то же самое, что и вправду убить его.

After expressing appreciation for the kind words addressed to himself, he conveyed best wishes to the Chairmandesignate of the 2004 Meeting of the States parties

and the two Coordinators appointed for the coming year.

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После изъявления признательности за теплые слова в его адрес он выражает наилучшие пожелания назначенному Председателю Совещания государств- участников 2004 года

и двум координаторам, назначенным на предстоящий год.

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The World Bank Chief Executive Officer Kristalina Georgieva expressed her deep gratitude to the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and

conveyed best wishes from World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim.

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Главный управляющий директор Всемирного банка Кристалина Георгиева выразила глубокую признательность Президенту Узбекистана за теплый прием и

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However, the Council might well wish the Court to defer consideration of a case for a certain period,

but that period should not be too long and should not be used to remove or destroy evidence.

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Однако Совет может вполне пожелать, чтобы Суд отсрочил рассмотрение какого-либо дела на определенный, но не

слишком продолжительный период, который тем не менее не должен использоваться для удаления или уничтожения доказательств.

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Mr. FREEMAN(United Kingdom), speaking on behalf of the European Union, expressed appreciation to the Director of the Geneva Branch of the Department for Disarmament Affairs for the work he had accomplished in Geneva and the smooth working relations he had instituted,

and expressed best wishes for his future endeavours.

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Г-н ФРИМЕН( Соединенное Королевство), выступая от имени Европейского союза, выражает признательность директору женевского сектора Департамента по вопросам разоружения за его работу в Женеве и за налаженные ими гармоничные рабочие отношения и

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For example, States may well wish to reaffirm their sovereignty over the atmosphere that exists within their airspace

for the reasons stated above in paragraph seven.

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Например, государства вполне могут пожелать подтвердить свой суверенитет над атмосферой, входящей в их воздушное пространство,

по причинам, изложенным выше в пункте 7.

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Meeting with schoolchildren Mrs Aliyeva recommended them to study well, wished them success in education and was taken photograph with them for memory.

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Встретившись с учениками, Мехрибан ханум порекомендовала им хорошо учиться, пожелала успехов в учебе и сфотографировалась со школьниками на память.

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A simple ceremony takes place and both families exchange


wishes on meeting each other.

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Затем проходит простая церемония мильни, и обе семьи обмениваются благопожеланиями при встрече друг с другом.

Mr. ALI(Malaysia): Mr. President, as this is the first time that I am taking the floor under your presidency,

please accept my delegation’s congratulations and


wishes to you.

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Г-н АЛИ( Малайзия)( перевод с английского): Г-н Председатель, поскольку я впервые выступаю под Вашим председательством,

позвольте от имени моей делегации поздравить Вас и пожелать Вам всего наилучшего.

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I would like to warn you against sanding some of this


wishes sms ideas for status-

Greetings texts for sms messages read by you, may cause absolutely other emotions in a person whom you will send it. So think carefully before you send some perfect text about respects for sms, because each person differently understand your sms.

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Хотелось бы предостеречь вас от необдуманного применения текстов смс о желаниях. Смс скачаная,

прочитанная вами, может вызвать совсем другую реакцию или эмоции у человека, которому вы ее отошлете. Поэтому хорошенько подумайте, прежде чем отправить сообщение, ведь каждый человек по-разному воспримет ваше смс.

The Ministerial Council offers sincerest


wishes to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,

King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the occasion of the municipal elections, significant as these are in strengthening and firmly establishing the process of development and modernization, and beseeches God Almighty to ensure His Majesty’s lasting health and well-being, give him succour and grant him good fortune.

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Совет министров обращается с искренними и наилучшими пожеланиями к Хранителю Двух Святых Мечетей королю

Фахду ибн Абдель Азизу Аль Сауду, королю Саудовской Аравии, по случаю проведения муниципальных выборов, учитывая их важное значение для укрепления и прочного становления процесса развития и модернизации, и просит Всевышнего дать Его Величеству крепкого здоровья и благополучия, оказать ему помощь и обеспечить удачу.

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Dear sir, Mr. Mucjusz is not


and wishes to move to the town.

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Господин, синьор Муций занемог и желает перебраться в город.

Program is adjusted to the age of the birthday hero and

his guests as


as wishes of parents.

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Программу подстраиваем под возраст детей и гостей, пожелания родителей.

Before we start developing the site, we determine its goals, objectives, target audience,



as wishes for appearance.

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Перед тем, как приступить к разработке сайта, мы определяем его цели, задачи, целевую аудиторию,

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The Chairman acknowledged Mr. R.F. Schumacher’s fruitful contributions during all the years of his activities in GRB,

and presented


wishes for his retirement.

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Председатель отметил, что г-н Р. Ф. Шумахер вносил плодотворный вклад в деятельность GRB на протяжении всех лет его работы,

и выразил наилучшие пожелания в связи с его уходом в отставку.

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The participants expressed the hope that these achievements would help to maintain the share of coal in the Czech energy market and



wishes to all their hosts for future success in this endeavour.

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Участники выразили надежду, что эти достижения будут способствовать сохранению определенной

доли угля на чешском энергетическом рынке, и пожелали организаторам будущих успехов в этой деятельности.

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When we were younger, we learned words were just words, but that’s not true. Words, good or bad, hold a lot of power. Hearing a kind word when you are feeling low can change everything and make you feel. 

It is correct to say “well wishes as a generic communication of goodwill.” “Well wishes” are more about describing intent than saying the actual words. If you wanted to be more specific you would say, “Congratulations” or “Hope you feel better soon” to give “well wishes.” You may use the phrase itself in thanking someone for their words.

This article will show you when and how to use “well wishes” correctly. We will also explore words you can use when you want to express “well wishes” along with other polite expressions. 

What Does “Well Wishes” Mean?

As a whole, “well wishes” means a good or kindly wish (source). “Well wishes” consist of two parts: the adverb “well” and the noun “wishes.”

As an adverb, “well” means in a kindly or friendly manner (source). As a noun, “wishes” speaks to a need or desire. Like wishing you could go on a vacation. The context of the phrase “well wishes” means the desire for someone to do or be well.

The phrase has a positive and polite meaning, so you wish good things for that person when you use it. 

 How Do You Use “Well Wishes”?

If someone has expressed “well wishes,” you can say, “Thank you for the well wishes.” On the other hand, if you desire to give “well wishes,” there are some minor sentences you can use like “Wishing you well” and “Here’s to you.”

You can use “well wishes” in two scenarios: thanking and giving. Thanking someone for their “well wishes” is more common. For example, you would do this when someone sends you a card expressing congratulations or how they hope you feel better.

In the following sentence, “well wishes” is a noun phrase acting as the direct object of the sentence, and the preposition “for”:

  • Hannah, thank you for your well wishes.

That said, saying “well wishes” is more about intent. It’s what you say to someone when you want to congratulate them or make them feel better.

In the following example, “wish” is a verb, and “well” is still an adverb:

  • I am sad I didn’t get to wish them well before they left.

When Can You Use “Well Wishes”?

You can use “well wishes” when someone has expressed their desire for good things to happen to you and you want to thank them. If you’re going to say kind words to someone, you can give “well wishes,” but you wouldn’t use the actual phrase.

Again, you primarily use “well wishes” in two scenarios: thanking someone for their “well wishes” or intent. When you want to thank someone for their “well wishes,” you do so after they have said kind words to you.

There are a plethora of reasons somebody would want to wish you well, whether after a promotion, the birth of a baby, or when you are sick or have experienced a loss. Whenever something amazing or awful happens, people often want to wish you well and let you know they are thinking about you.

  • Polite Person: Congratulations on your new job. Wishing you all the success.
  • You: Thank you for your well wishes.
  • Polite Person: Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • You: Thank you for your well wishes. I am feeling a little better.
  • Polite Person: Praying for your family during this difficult time.
  • You: Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

If you want to tell someone a kind word, don’t say “sending you well wishes.” Most people would understand what you meant if you did, but it sounds awkward.

Appropriately expressing “well wishes” comes down to your intent. Whether you wish someone well after tragedy or congratulate someone after success, use the most acceptable statement instead of “well wishes.”

Examples of giving “well wishes” in specific contexts:

  • Congratulations!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • So sorry for your loss. I am praying for your family.
  • Congratulations on the new baby!
  • Wishing you all joy and happiness on your special day. 
  • Congrats on the new job! You are going to do amazing things!
  • Hope you feel better soon!
  • Get well soon!

As you can see above, you can use “well wishes” to express congratulations or empathy. But, in truth, you use “well wishes” whenever you think someone needs a kind word in times of happiness, sickness, or sadness.

However, you will likely only use the term “well wishes” when thanking someone for expressing one of the above.

  • Thank you for the well wishes. You are so thoughtful!

In What Context Can You Use “Well Wishes”

You can use “well wishes” in two different scenarios. First, you can use the actual term when you want to thank someone for their “well wishes” or kind words. Or you can use “well wishes” as intent rather than the actual term.

When you want to thank someone for their “well wishes,” sending a thank-you card is the preferred method. Despite this, thank-you cards or letters have become less prevalent since social media and email have come into play. Now you can simply text someone a thank you.

But we still consider it more polite to send someone a thank-you card, especially a greeting card expressing their “well wishes.”  While less common people still love getting cards in the mail.

When using “well wishes” as intended, use the right words for the situation. For example, you couldn’t send someone a card saying “Congratulations” if they are mourning a loss. 

Likewise, you wouldn’t say “Get well soon” to someone who isn’t sick. You have to understand the situation and find the right words.

Suppose a coworker’s mother recently died. Which of the following responses would be more appropriate?

  • Response 1: Sending my congratulations to you and your family.
  • Response 2: Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.

Response 1 doesn’t fit the situation. If someone is mourning the loss of their mother – or any loved one – you wouldn’t tell them congratulations.

Response 2 does fit the situation. Your coworker needs empathy, love, and kind words during a time of grieving – not a celebration.

When Not to Use “Well Wishes”

The term “well wishes” is mainly reserved for social media posts and cards. It’s not something you say out loud to someone. You also wouldn’t want to express or thank someone for their “well wishes” if you don’t mean it or if they say something mean to you.

Sometimes people are rude and don’t mean what they say in their frustration. You shouldn’t say things you don’t mean – especially when giving well wishes. If you are not happy for someone, then you shouldn’t wish them well because people know when you are not being genuine in your response.

For example, if someone at work gets the promotion over you and you are upset about it, do not wish them well in the moment because your frustration would show. Instead, you should say nothing until you calm down or just say a casual “congrats.”

Also, you shouldn’t thank people when they say mean things to you. If you can tell someone’s remarks or “well wishes” are not sincere, you shouldn’t thank them.

What Can You Use Instead of “Well Wishes”?

The term “well wishes” is not usually said out loud unless you thank someone for their kind words. However, when you want to express “well wishes,” there are several minor sentences you can use, like “Congratulations,” “Hope you are feeling better,” or “Wishing you a speedy recovery.”

When someone has expressed their “well wishes,” and you want to thank them, there are other sentences you can use other than “Thank you for your well wishes.”

  • Thank you for your encouraging words.
  • I appreciate your sympathy and kind words.
  • Thank you for thinking of me.
  • I appreciate your support.
  • Your kind words have been constructive. 
  • Thanks for cheering me on.
  • I am so thankful for your kindness and support during this difficult time. 

In the above examples, you express gratitude for someone’s kind words.

There are many ways you can express “well wishes” or say kind words to someone. It all depends on the situation and who you are talking to. 

Expressing happiness:

  • Wishing you all the joy and happiness during this beautiful time in your life.
  • Congrats on the promotion. I always believed in you!
  • Congrats on the new baby. Can’t wait to meet him/her!
  • Sending so much love and joy on your special day.
  • Congratulations on getting the job!

Expressing concern about health:

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • Get well soon!
  • Hope you feel better soon.
  • We miss you around the office. Hope you feel better soon. 
  • The office isn’t the same without you; get well soon.
  • Hope you are feeling better. If you need anything, let me know.

Expressing empathy:

  • I am so sorry for your loss.
  • You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • My condolences.
  • Sending so much love to you and your family during this difficult time. 

If you are happy for someone, you won’t send your condolences or sympathy. Likewise, if someone is going through a difficult time, you wouldn’t send them a congratulatory card.

You need to find the right words for the situation. If this is difficult, you can look up the definitions of the words you want to use. Knowing what a word means and how it fits into a sentence can help you decide whether it suits what you are trying to say.

Using “Well Wishes” in a Full Sentence

The term “well wishes” doesn’t work alone because it is a noun phrase. “Well wishes” is a direct object phrase that needs a subject or a verb.

The phrase “well wishes” consists of an adverb and a noun, which is strange. Usually, a noun is modified by an adjective, but not in this case. The adjective form of “well” means “in good health.”

When expressing our “well wishes” for someone, it could be health-related but not always. Most of the time, direct objects answer “what?” or “whom?” (source).

  • Thank you for the well wishes. (What are you thanking the person for?)
  • Sheila expressed her well wishes over the phone. (Who expressed their well wishes?)

In the sentences above, “well wishes” acts as a direct object noun phrase and answers the questions “for what?” or “to whom?”

When you want to say a kind word or express your “well wishes,” you don’t always have to use a complete sentence. Sometimes a minor sentence works best. A minor sentence is a word or phrase that is not grammatically complete but still acts as a complete sentence.

Example sentences:

  • Get well soon!
  • Feel better!
  • Congratulations!
  • My condolences.
  • My sincerest sympathies.
  • Sorry for your loss.

The above examples are minor sentences because, while not grammatically correct, the sentences still convey the intended message. If you are still curious about minor sentences, read Is It Correct to Say “Hope You Arrived Safely”?

Polite Expressions as Minor Sentences

Many polite expressions act as minor sentences. A minor sentence is a word or phrase that is not grammatically correct as a full sentence but acts as a complete sentence because listeners derive the whole meaning from the context.

A minor sentence doesn’t have the traditional subject + verb + object sentence form required by traditional grammar. However, a speaker may drop one, two, or all of these to answer a question or make a self-explanatory statement in context.

As long as those conversing understand the context of the conversation, they will understand the meaning. So, many polite expressions act as minor sentences.

  • Get well soon.
  • Feel better.
  • Congratulations!

Even without a subject, you still understand the meaning of the minor sentences. For example, someone is sick, and we want them to feel better. Or someone did something unique, and we want to congratulate them.

Yet another example of a tiny minor sentence is “Apologies.” You can read more about that in our article Is It Correct to Say “Apologies”?

This article was written for strategiesforparents.com.

Being polite is about being kind and saying kind words to someone. It doesn’t have to be a complete sentence as long as you understand the meaning in context.

Final Thoughts

Polite expressions are the kind words that we say to one another. Some can act as minor sentences (fragmented sentences that convey a message). These sentences work as long as the speaker and listener understand the context.

Some “well wishes” like “congratulations” and “get well soon” act as minor sentences.“Well wishes” are more about intent than saying the actual phrase. 

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Last Updated: September 1, 2022, 21:54

Well wishes are kind words, either spoken or written, that share a desire for a person to have good health or good things or that show them support. … You can also give well wishes just to let someone know you care about them.


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    The word Jumma means Friday(in Urdu) and Mubarak means Congratulations/blessed. In Islam Friday is believed to be a holy and auspicious day, and that is the reason you see Muslims greeting each other Jumma Mubarak, meaning have a blessed Friday.

  • How do you say Happy wishes?

    “Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy. Happy birthday!” “Sending you smiles for every moment of your special day…Have a wonderful time and a very happy birthday!” “Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires!

  • What is the spelling of well wishes?

    Correct spelling for the English word «Well-wish» is [wˈɛlwˈɪʃ], [wˈɛlwˈɪʃ], [w_ˈɛ_l_w_ˈɪ_ʃ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

21 Related Question Answers Found:

  • Do you say congratulations or best wishes when someone gets engaged?

    It is traditional to say ‘Congratulations’ to a groom after a wedding, but ‘Best wishes’ to the bride. The implication is that the groom has made a great ‘catch’, but that it would be impolite to say that the bride had.

  • How do you respond when someone says congratulations?

    Here are five ways on how to respond to congratulations:

    1. 01Thank you for reaching out to me! …
    2. 02I appreciate you taking the time to write me a congratulatory email for my recent promotion. …
    3. 03I am so blessed to have such kind and thoughtful coworkers. …
    4. 04Thank you for thinking of me during this time.
  • What are good Polish wishes?

    Good wishes

    English Polish
    All the best! Listen to Pronunciation Wszystkiego najlepszego!
    Congratulations! Listen to Pronunciation Gratulacje!
    Good luck! Listen to Pronunciation Powodzenia!
    Happy birthday! Listen to Pronunciation Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!
  • How do you congratulate team work?

    I appreciate your group effort. You are the best team members, ever! Thank you for being part of the team, without your cooperation and dedication towards the work we couldn’t have pulled the work together! Congratulations on getting the deal done!

  • How do I hide my friends wishlist on steam?

    Click the “Edit Profile” button at the right side of the page to edit your profile. Click “My Privacy Settings” at the right side of your page to find Steam’s profile privacy options. Adjust the privacy settings here to control what people can see.

  • How do you write a congratulation letter for success in exam?

    Dear Sourav, I hope, this finds you in nice health. How pleased I am to hear the happy news of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary Examination with distinction in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Please accept my heartily congratulation.

  • What is it called when you wish congratulations?

    congratulated congratulates congratulating. See word origin. Frequency: To express to (a person) one’s pleasure at good fortune or success; felicitate.

  • Why do we express congratulations to others?

    Congratulation is an expression that we use to congratulate someone and show our happiness and pleasure at that person’s achievement or good fortune when someone gets success in doing something. … We congratulate people to show our appreciation toward their achievement.

  • How can I wish my boyfriend love?

    Romantic Text Messages for Him or Her Because I can’t stop thinking about you. Tell me how you’ll kiss me when I see you tonight. Every time I think about you, my heart dances. It was hard to get out of bed this morning, because I just want to hold you forever.

  • Will ex wish me happy birthday?

    “If ‘happy birthday‘ actually means ‘happy birthday’ and there are no hidden meanings in the text, it’s appropriate and acceptable to text your ex,” says dating coach Tennesha Wood.

  • Do you wish someone a happy Eid?

    How to wish someone ‘Happy Eid’ If you want to wish somebody “Happy Eid” this year, the traditional way would be to greet them with “Eid Mubarak”. … In exactly the same way, Muslims will often wish their fellow observers “Ramadan Mubarak” at the start of the holy month and throughout the fasting period.

  • How do you wish anniversary to Bhaiya Bhabhi?

    Dear bhaiya and bhabhi, happy anniversary. Hope you have the best day ever, today and every other day. Happy anniversary to my favourite people in the world, keep inspiring us all with your everlasting love. I hope I can find someone to love and who loves me as much as you both love each other.

  • How do I wish my girlfriend a happy Holi?

    Feel the color of love in your heart, which I send through my words. I love you is the truth of my life and it brings the color of joy and smile. Paint a beautiful tomorrow together and fill the vacant space of our canvas with many different colors. I love you and happy Holi.

  • How do you wish someone good luck in Korean exam?

    잘 하고 와 is especially used when you want to tell someone good luck on a test or an exam. You can add “요” if talking to someone older than you and you’re not quite at the point where banmal is accepted.

  • How do you say I wish you the best of luck in Korean?

    It is a very informal phrase to use, so you might want to keep it to just friends. Another way to wish someone good luck, especially for an exam or a job interview, is to say 잘봐 (jalbwa).

  • How do you use congratulations?

    Examples of congratulation in a Sentence Let me offer you my congratulations for being elected. Please send her my congratulations. I sent her a letter of congratulations. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘congratulation.

  • Does well wishes make sense?

    Many people say that helping others through acts of charity or volunteer work makes them feel better and happier. New research goes further and finds that simply wishing someone well may have a similarly positive effect on our moods.

  • How do you formally say congratulations?

    More Formal

    1. Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
    2. “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
    3. “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
    4. Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
    5. “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

    16 Jul 2018

  • What is it called when you go against someone’s wishes?

    Disobedience and failure to cooperate. 13 related words. breach. contravention. defiance.

  • What is the meaning of convey my birthday wishes?

    1 verb To convey information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone.

  • How do you thank someone for festival wishes?

    Thanks for caring so much and thank you for your ____________ (festival Name) wishes. I, once again, send you all my heart-felt ____________ (festival Name) wishes and acknowledge yours with pleasure. You cannot imagine how much we all appreciated your lovely note. With sincere regards to all.

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