Word meaning way of thinking



way of thinking — образ мышления; образ мыслей
a way of thinking of — способ представить себе
to my way of thinking — по моему мнению; на мой взгляд; по-моему
to your way of thinking — по-твоему
distinct way of thinking — особый склад ума
to work smb. to one’s way of thinking — склонять кого-л. на свою сторону; внушать кому-л. свои убеждения
he came round to another way of thinking — он стал думать по-иному
he came around to another way of thinking — он стал думать по-иному
I have come round to your way of thinking — я начинаю склоняться к вашей точке зрения
to get smb. round to one’s way of thinking — а) убедить /уговорить/ кого-л. принять свою точку зрения; б) убедить кого-л. в своей правоте
to /in/ my thinking, to my way of thinking — по моему мнению, на мой взгляд
he’ll never come over to our way of thinking — он никогда не воспримет наше мировоззрение
with some difficulty I brought him round to my way of thinking — с трудом я заставил его принять мою точку зрения

Автоматический перевод

мышление, образ мышления, способ мышления, образ мыслей, путь мышления, стиль мышления, ход мыслей

Перевод по словам

way  — путь, способ, сторона, дорога, метод, далеко, значительно, чересчур
think  — думать, считать, мыслить, полагать, мысль, размышление


He fell into a strange way of thinking.

На него вдруг напали странные мысли.

Her way of thinking is reconcilable with mine.

Её образ мышления можно согласовать с моим.

I am not really attuned to his way of thinking.

Я просто не готов воспринимать его образ мыслей.

I’m sure I can get her round to my way of thinking. *

Я уверен, что смогу склонить ее к моей точке зрения.

I’ll get to work on him and try to get him round to our way of thinking. *

Я возьму его в оборот и постараюсь склонить к нашей точке зрения.

New ways of thinking are permeating among the students.

Среди студентов распространяются новые взгляды.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Well, to my way of thinking (=in my opinion), they should have done that years ago.  

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  • 1
    way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > way of thinking

  • 2
    way of thinking

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > way of thinking

  • 3
    one’s way of thinking

    чья-л. точка зрения; чьи-л. взгляды, образ мыслей

    But let me explain to you once for all, Blanche de Maletroit, my way of thinking about this affair. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘New Arabian Nights’, ‘The Sire De Maletroit’s Door’) — Но я хотел бы объяснить вам раз и навсегда, Бланш де Мальтруа, что я думаю по этому поводу.

    I am entirely of your way of thinking, Dinny. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Maid in Waiting’, ch. VI) — Я совершенно с тобой согласен, Динни.

    You don’t know the Railroad yet… Watch it and its doings long enough, and you’ll come over to my way of thinking, too. (Fr. Norris, ‘The Octopus’, book II, ch. V) — Вы еще не представляете себе, что такое железная дорога… Понаблюдайте за всем, что на ней происходит, некоторое время и вы сами будете придерживаться моего образа мыслей.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one’s way of thinking

  • 4
    to my way of thinking

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > to my way of thinking

  • 5
    to my way of thinking

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > to my way of thinking

  • 6
    I have come around to your way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have come around to your way of thinking

  • 7
    I have come round to your way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have come round to your way of thinking

  • 8
    a way of thinking of

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a way of thinking of

  • 9
    get (smb.) round to (one’s) way of thinking


    убедить (кого-л.) в своей правоте, убедить (кого-л.) принять свою точку зрения, уговорить (кого-л.) принять свою точку зрения

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get (smb.) round to (one’s) way of thinking

  • 10
    get round to way of thinking

    2) Макаров: убедить (кого-л.) в своей правоте, убедить (кого-л.) принять свою точку зрения, уговорить (кого-л.) принять свою точку зрения

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get round to way of thinking

  • 11
    he came around to another way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he came around to another way of thinking

  • 12
    he came round to another way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he came round to another way of thinking

  • 13
    he’ll never come over to our way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he’ll never come over to our way of thinking

  • 14
    talk round to way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > talk round to way of thinking

  • 15
    to my way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to my way of thinking

  • 16
    with some difficulty I brought him around to my way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with some difficulty I brought him around to my way of thinking

  • 17
    with some difficulty I brought him round to my way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > with some difficulty I brought him round to my way of thinking

  • 18
    work to way of thinking

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > work to way of thinking

  • 19
    to my way of thinking

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > to my way of thinking

  • 20
    new way of thinking

    Politics english-russian dictionary > new way of thinking


  • Следующая →
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  • 6

См. также в других словарях:

  • way of thinking — index conviction (persuasion), outlook, perspective, position (point of view), posture (attitude) …   Law dictionary

  • way of thinking — method of thinking, thought process, manner of working things out …   English contemporary dictionary

  • to my way of thinking — spoken used when giving your opinion about something To my way of thinking, this is the most important decision we have to make. This is not right, to my way of thinking …   English dictionary

  • to someone’s way of thinking — to someone s (or one s) way of thinking in someone s (or one s) opinion …   Useful english dictionary

  • (to) my way of thinking — to ˈmy way of thinking idiom in my opinion Main entry: ↑wayidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • thinking patterns — way of thinking, brain surgery, way in which a person thinks about things …   English contemporary dictionary

  • thinking — think|ing1 [ θıŋkıŋ ] noun uncount 1. ) an opinion or set of ideas: thinking on/about: His thinking on social issues has changed considerably over the years. thinking behind: Can you explain the thinking behind your current proposal?… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • way — way1 W1S1 [weı] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(method)¦ 2¦(manner)¦ 3¦(direction/how to go somewhere)¦ 4¦(part of something that is true)¦ 5¦(distance/time)¦ 6¦(the space in front of you)¦ 7 make way (for something/somebody) 8 out of the way 9 on the/your/its way …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • way — 1 /weI/ noun METHOD 1 (C) a method of doing something: These vegetables can be cooked in several different ways. | At that time, the Pill was the easiest way of ensuring effective contraception. | I ve altered the way I teach science. | I ll tell …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • thinking — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 using your mind to think ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, hard, serious ▪ This topic requires a lot of deep thinking. ▪ good ▪ Yes, I ll email her instead that …   Collocations dictionary

  • thinking — I UK [ˈθɪŋkɪŋ] / US adjective [only before noun] * able to consider things carefully and understand what is important He insults the intelligence of every thinking person out there. • the thinking man s/woman s/person s… used before the name of …   English dictionary

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You will feel anxious because sugar releases hormones that adversely affect your way of thinking.

Вы будете чувствовать себя тревожно, потому что сахар выделяет гормоны, которые негативно влияют на ваш образ мышления.

Remember that security is first and foremost a way of thinking.

И помните, что энергосбережение — это, прежде всего, образ мышления.

Durso would like to change that way of thinking.

Storiqa хотела бы изменить это мышление.

It overcomes the fragmented, narrow and mechanical (industrial) way of thinking, steadily leading humanity to crash.

Оно преодолевает фрагментарное, узкое и механическое (индустриальное) мышление, неуклонно ведущее человечество к катастрофе.

They challenge you and your way of thinking.

You need to develop an independent way of thinking.

This way of thinking permeates society.

We are to act upon this new way of thinking.

Прежде всего мы должны принять этот новый образ мышления.

It is known that people with similar professional interests converge more quickly, because they have a similar way of thinking.

Известно, что люди с похожими профессиональными интересами, быстрее сходятся, так как у них сходный образ мышления.

The problem is that for most workplaces, this way of thinking gives the wrong impression.

Проблема в том, что для большинства рабочих мест такой образ мышления даёт неверное впечатление.

I decided to turn it on to show some readers why our traditional way of thinking is wonderful, but still inadequate.

Я решил включить его, чтобы показать некоторым читателям, почему наш традиционный образ мышления замечателен, но все же неадекватен.

We do not want to change too quickly our way of thinking, which is often selfish and self-centered.

Мы не хотим слишком быстро менять наш образ мышления, который часто эгоистичный и эгоцентричный».

They also offer an intuitively visual way of thinking about these concepts.

Они также предлагают интуитивно визуальный образ мышления об этих концепциях.

So, I have done my best to become an expert in this very different way of thinking about the financial independence.

Так, я приложил все усилия, чтобы стать экспертом в этом совсем другом мышлении о финансовой независимости.

Our company building, which was built in 2014 reflects exactly this way of thinking.

Здание нашей компании, построенное в 2014 году, отражает именно такой образ мышления.

If you ask me, this form of compensation is a backward way of thinking.

Если вы спросите меня, эта форма компенсации является отсталым мышлением.

It is easy to understand why this way of thinking has influenced millions of people.

Легко понять, почему такой образ мышления оказал влияние на миллионы людей.

CBT has proven extremely effective in a variety of psychological problems, simply by changing our way of thinking.

КПТ оказалась чрезвычайно эффективной в различных психологических проблемах, просто изменив наше мышление.

With Right Understanding, that whole illusion and way of thinking no longer makes sense.

С правильным пониманием, что все иллюзия и образ мышления больше не имеет смысла.

In other words, the old way of thinking is no longer suitable for the present-day Azerbaijan.

То есть, старое мышление уже не годится для сегодняшнего Азербайджана.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат way of thinking

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Is there a word that means «a way of thought»?

For example, whether someone is interested or not, it is simply how he thinks. Whether someone is confident or not, it is simply how he thinks. So «interest» and «confidence» are simply «ways of thinking».

I was thinking of the word «mental», however «mental» means «relating to the mind» which is too broad. For example, «tiredness» would be «relating to the mind», but it isn’t a «way of thought».

What’s another word to mean «a way of thought»?

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked May 5, 2012 at 4:57

Pacerier's user avatar


Would «mindset» fit the bill, or is that too passive a concept?

answered May 5, 2012 at 14:44

Jennifer Davis's user avatar


Perhaps you are looking for:

Frame of mind: mental attitude or outlook

answered May 5, 2012 at 5:52

Jim's user avatar


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I think you are looking for words like ‘opinion’, ‘perspective’, ‘conception’, ‘assumption’, ‘presumption’, inference’, ‘point-of-view’ etc.

answered May 5, 2012 at 5:55

Fr0zenFyr's user avatar


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Weltanschauung is a germanic word with an English usage that correlates to this. It translates literally to «world view» but, as M-W defines, means «a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.»

That may be too broad for what you are looking for. You could also try «solipsistic» «characteristic» or «idiosyncratic.»

answered May 5, 2012 at 13:43

Jefferson Bailey's user avatar

The phrase «state of mind» describes what you’re after.

answered May 5, 2012 at 5:17

Optimal Cynic's user avatar


psycho-paths ;-) Just Kidding… I second the suggestion of using idiosyncratic. It suits your specifications considerably well.

answered May 5, 2012 at 14:35

Lex Luengas's user avatar

I think another possibility is “attitude”, but most of the previous answers look good to me.

answered May 6, 2012 at 3:57

Lubin's user avatar


1294 bronze badges


Mentality is defined as: a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations; the characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group; cast or turn of mind; a way of thinking; mental inclination or character.

You can say someone has, for example, a confident mentality or a victim mentality.

answered May 5, 2012 at 15:04

JLG's user avatar


23.1k1 gold badge42 silver badges99 bronze badges

I’ve heard the use of adjective mind before.

To an Eastern mind, raised on Go, territory is more important than the soldiers used to capture it.

To those Western minds raised on Chess, protecting the nobles is the most important.

Community's user avatar

answered May 5, 2012 at 5:42

Quasiperfect's user avatar

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia.

to (one’s) way of thinking

According to one’s belief, opinion, or point of view. They demand that all their employees adhere to their way of thinking regarding the issue, threatening to fire anyone who speaks publicly against it. To our way of thinking, shifting focus to the mobile phone market has the potential to increase revenue by 37% year on year.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

to someone’s way of thinking

in someone’s opinion. This isn’t satisfactory to my way of thinking. To my way of thinking, this is the perfect kind of vacation.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • to (one’s) way of thinking
  • to my, your, etc. way of thinking
  • count (one’s)/the pennies
  • count the pennies
  • (one’s) loved ones
  • (one’s) day in court
  • (from) top to toe
  • (one’s) jig is up
  • (one’s) jollies
  • (one’s) bearings

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