Word meaning way of life

  • 1
    way of life

    way of life noun стиль жизни

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > way of life

  • 2
    way of life

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > way of life

  • 3
    way of life

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > way of life

  • 4
    way of life

    Politics english-russian dictionary > way of life

  • 5
    way of life

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > way of life

  • 6
    way of life

    образ жизни; способ, формы и условия жизнедеятельности.

    * * *

    образ жизни; способ, формы и условия жизнедеятельности.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > way of life

  • 7
    way of life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > way of life

  • 8
    way of life

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > way of life

  • 9
    way of life

    образ жизни, уклад жизни

    Новый англо-русский словарь > way of life

  • 10
    way of life

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > way of life

  • 11
    way of life

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > way of life

  • 12
    way of life

    English-Russian military dictionary > way of life

  • 13
    way of life

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > way of life

  • 14
    way of life

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > way of life

  • 15
    Way of life

    Образ жизни

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Way of life

  • 16
    way of life

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > way of life

  • 17
    way of life

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > way of life

  • 18
    way of life

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > way of life

  • 19
    rural way of life

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rural way of life

  • 20
    (a) better way of life

    лучший (более дешёвый, европейский) образ жизни

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) better way of life


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  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Way of Life — Single par Lil Wayne featuring Big Tymers et TQ extrait de l’album 500 Degreez Sortie 3 mai 2002 Durée 4:01 Genre Hip hop, gangsta rap Auteur compositeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • way of life — (plural ways of life) noun count * 1. ) a typical way in which a person or group lives: the rural way of life 2. ) if something is a way of life, it is considered to be what people normally do or have: Shortages have become a way of life here …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • way of life — plural ways of life n 1.) the behaviour, habits, customs etc that are typical of a particular society or person ▪ The tribe s traditional way of life is under threat. the American/British etc way of life 2.) a job or interest that is so important …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • way of life — [wɛɔflajf] n. m. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; expression anglaise, de way « façon », of « de », et life « vie ». ❖ ♦ Mode de vie (notamment en parlant des États Unis, sous la forme american way of life). || « Un nombre de plus en plus grand d Américains …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Way of Life — 〈[wɛı ɔf laıf] m.; ; unz.〉 Art u. Weise zu leben, Lebensstil; →a. American Way of Life [engl.] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Way of Life — 〈[wɛı ɔf laıf] m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.〉 Art u. Weise zu leben, Lebensstil; →a. s. American Way of Life [Etym.: engl.] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Way of Life — [ wei əv laif] der; , s <aus gleichbed. engl. way of life, eigtl. »Weg des Lebens«> die [für jmdn. typische] Art zu leben, Einstellung zum Leben …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • way of life — /wejovˈlaif, ingl. weɪ əvˈlaɪf/ [loc. ingl., propr. «modo (way) di vita (life)»] loc. sost. f. inv. stile di vita …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • way of life — index behavior, modus vivendi Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • way of life — noun a course of conduct (Freq. 11) the path of virtue we went our separate ways our paths in life led us apart genius usually follows a revolutionary path • Syn: ↑way, ↑path …   Useful english dictionary

  • way of life — ways of life 1) N COUNT: usu sing, oft poss N, adj N A way of life is the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them. Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of… …   English dictionary

synonyms for way of life behavior. development. growth. lifestyle. personality.

What does the traditional way of life mean?

the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them. Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami.

What is the origin of the word life?

The word “life” is from the Old English word līf, of Germanic origin. The corresponding word in German is Leib, and the word in Dutch is lijf. The verb “to live” (meaning “to be alive”) is also similar and consistent across these languages — leben in German, leven in Dutch, and leve in Danish.

How do you say way of life differently?

“I aim only for a society that offers a decent way of life to all.”…What is another word for way of life?

modus vivendi habit
routine wont
standard of living lifestyle
custom characteristic
manner idiosyncrasy

Is Way of life an idiom?

Something that is accepted as the status quo. It’s a shame that violence and drug use become a way of life for some troubled teens.

How do you use way of life?

1 : the habits, customs, and beliefs of a particular person or group of people Unhampered development is threatening these farmers’ way of life. 2 : an important activity, job, etc., that affects all parts of someone’s life For me, tennis is not just a sport, it’s a way of life.

What do you call things you live by?

noun. your particular way of living and the experiences that you have.

Is culture a way of life?

A culture is a way of life of a group of people–the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Culture is symbolic communication.

How can I use way of life in a sentence?

(1) Some foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life. (2) The tribe’s traditional way of life is under threat. (3) The traditional way of life has all but disappeared. (4) Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.

Is way of life free?

Way of Life is the ultimate habit-building app. You get to try the app out for free. For $3.99 you can unlock it to add an unlimited number of items (up from a limit of three).

Is Way of Life an idiom?


: the habits, customs, and beliefs of a particular person or group of people

Unhampered development is threatening these farmers’ way of life.


: an important activity, job, etc., that affects all parts of someone’s life

For me, tennis is not just a sport, it’s a way of life.

Dictionary Entries Near way of life

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“Way of life.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/way%20of%20life. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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way of life — перевод на русский

/weɪ ɒv laɪf/

We have no right to criticize your way of life.

У нас нет права критиковать ваш образ жизни.

I know it is wrong to raise my voice against any person… but there are those in your order who would change your way of life… for the sake of worldly comfort.

Я знаю, что неправильно возвышать мой голос против любой личности. Но есть те в вашем ордене, кто готов изменить свой образ жизни ради мирского удобства.

Oh, and I’m gonna change my whole way of life for him. If he’d only help you to reform a little.

Ох, ради него я готова изменить весь свой образ жизни и если бы он помог тебе измениться пусть и немного

our union our way of life.

Наше единение. Наш, образ жизни.

At last, a new planet of our own where we can establish our own way of life.

В конце концов, наша новая планета — где мы можем установить наш собственный образ жизни.

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You can’t fight a whole way of life, Barbara.

Ты не можешь бороться против жизни, Барбара.

And while we are confident the missile attack will succeed, it is only prudent that we now take cautionary steps to ensure the continuation of our way of life, to guarantee that there will be enough of us left to rebuild a new world in the unlikely event that the comets do strike the Earth.

Мы уверены в эффективности ядерного удара но всё же приняли меры по сохранению жизни людей которые смогут заново отстроить мир и сохранению генофонда на случай, если столкновение всё же произойдёт.

I found a better way of life, that’s all.

Я нашел нечто лучшее в жизни.

A day when we cast aside the paraphernalia of the 21st century and return to a simpler way of life, closer to nature’s intentions.

День, когда мы отвергаем атрибуты 21-го века и возвращаемся к простой жизни, неразрывно связанной с матерью-природой.

Plantations throughout the South were the center of jubilant parties welcoming back the troops, returning them to a now-blessed and triumphant way of life.

Плантации по всему Югу стали центрами ликующих вечеринок, на которых чествовали войска, возвращающиеся назад, к отныне благословенной и триумфальной жизни.

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Perhaps in the morning, when you see the laboratory, you will find our way of life easier to understand, to believe.

Возможно утром, когда вы увидите лабораторию, вы сможете легче понять наш стиль жизни, легче поверить в него.

The race is the symbol of everything we hold dear — our American way of life.

Гонка это символ всего, что нам дорого, американский стиль жизни.

— That’s the American way of life!

— Ох уж этот ваш американский стиль жизни!

It’s a way of life, running a summer camp.

Управление лагерем — это стиль жизни.

They want to destroy our way of life.

Они хотят уничтожить наш стиль жизни.

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There are only two ways of living: anonymously in a crowd or completely alone.

жить анонимно в толпе или жить в полном одиночестве.

Susan, I need a way of living that I can rationalize.

Susan, я должен жить рационально.

In the hopes of clearing my family name, to give my children their share of the American way of life without a blemish on their name and background, I have appeared before this committee and given it all my cooperation.

«В надежде восстановить имя моей семьи … и с моим искренним желанием дать моим детям возможность жить… по американскому пути, без запятнанного… имени и окружения… я появился перед этой комиссией… и отдан в соответствии с моей властью .

We have got no authority to impose a way of life on other people.

Указывать людям как жить не в нашей власти.

You’ve no right to impose a way of life on anyone?

Ты не имеешь права указывать людям как жить?

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You think you can destroy our way of life?

Думаешь, сможешь разрушить наш способ жизни?

For many European farmers who say globalization is destroying a way of life on their continent that global corporations will now reap the gains…

Для многих европейских фермеров, которые говорят, что глобализация разрушает способ жизни на их континенте, что мировые корпорации будут теперь пожинать выгоды…

There are people in our community living among us, yet refusing to take part in our society, refusing to understand what it means to be British, undermining our way of life and our democracy.

В нашей общине есть люди, живущие среди нас, но отказывающиеся становится частью общества, отказывающиеся понимать, что значит быть британцем, подрывающие наш способ жизни и нашу демократию.

People have to understand that we’ve created a way of life that’s fundamentally unsustainable.

Людям нужно понять, что мы создали способ жизни, который по существу не устойчивый.

That way of life has gone now — mobile phones, computers, the electricity that powers them.

Этот способ жизни умирает… Мобильные телефоны, компьютеры, электричество от которого они все работают.

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Let everybody develop his own way of life, at his own time, at his own speed.

Пусть каждый организует свой собственный уклад жизни, как и когда им угодно.

For him, Rome was an alien world, liable to pollute the English way of life.

ƒл€ него католицизм был совершенно чуждым миром, склонным загр€зн€ть британский уклад жизни.

They will not change our way of life.

Они не изменят наш уклад жизни.

A way of life is coming to an end.

Уклад жизни подходит к концу.

The alien invaders have come to destroy our way of life and claim our planet, just as I said they would.

Инопланетные завоеватели прибыли, чтобы уничтожить наш уклад жизни и отобрать нашу планету, как я и говорила.

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A new way of life.

Новый способ жить.

It’s a way of living inside your own head, which is where I spend most of my time.

Это способ жить в своей голове, где я провожу большую часть времени.

I’m… I’m here as a friend, looking for a better way of life.

Я пришёл как друг, ищу способ жить.

Security is a better way of life.

Охранный бизнес – способ жить получше.

Only way of life he knows.

Это единственный способ жить, который он знает.

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Other countries are preparing similar caves along whatever lines they feel are best to preserve their way of life.

В большинстве стран тоже разработаны пути сохранения национальной культуры и тоже построены убежища.

And this is the way of life that people want throughout the world.

Именно такого пути желают люди во всём мире.

I’ve chosen a different way of life.

Я выбрала иной путь.

Aya, running around killing people is not a way of life.

Бегать по свету и убивать, это не тот путь.

I must find a way to bring the North into our way of life.

Я должен найти способ, как направить Север на наш путь.

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Know that diet is a way of life.

Смиритесь с тем, что диета — это образ жизни.

They destroy our way of life.

It was notable for its exquisite beauty and seemed to celebrate the bourgeois way of life.

Он отличался изысканной красотой и, казалось, поэтизировал буржуазный быт.

This composition absorbed the gems of Ukrainian humor and reflected the lively folk way of life.

Это произведение вобрало в себя жемчужины украинского юмора, отразило яркий народный быт.

Jihadists want to destroy our way of life.

Джихадисты хотят нас уничтожить, разрушить привычный нам уклад жизни.

They simply want to maintain their way of life.

Скорее всего, они просто хотели бы сохранить свой уклад жизни.

We’re making this a way of life.

Cyprus offers a sought-after way of life both to its residents and tourists.

Кипр — страна, предлагающая замечательный образ жизни как своим жителям, так и туристам.

So you see our way of life.

Поэтому то, что вы видите, — это наш образ жизни.

More a way of life than a hobby .

Хотя это больше образ жизни, нежели просто хобби».

Running is my way of life.

Conducts mainly night way of life.

Society encourages this way of life.

Тем не менее, американское общество поощряет подобный образ жизни.

Millions worldwide from diverse cultures practice this way of life.

Миллионы людей по всему миру, принадлежащие разным культурам, практикуют этот образ жизни.

There are many arguments supporting our current way of life.

У нас очень много убеждений, которые поддерживают наш подобный образ жизни.

North is a different way of life.

Forgive yourself AND that way of life.

Простите самого себя и тот образ жизни, который вы вели.

In Greek diet means way of life.

Gradually and inevitably, the Fijian way of life changed.

Постепенно и неизбежно, образ жизни на Фиджи с прибытием европейцев, менялся.

Sustainability is our way of life.

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As partisans of our own way of life, we cannot help thinking in a partisan manner.

Gordon W. Allport





Way of life is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Lifestyle (sociology)

Lifestyle is the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture. The term was originally used by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler. The term was introduced in the 1950s as a derivative of that of style in modernist art. The term refers to a combination of determining intangible or tangible factors. Tangible factors relate specifically to demographic variables, i.e. an individuals demographic profile, whereas intangible factors concern the psychological aspects of an individual such as personal values, preferences, and outlooks. A rural environment has different lifestyles compared to an urban metropolis. Location is important even within an urban scope. A particular neighborhood affects lifestyle due to varying degrees of affluence and proximity to open spaces. For example, in areas within a close proximity to the sea, a surf culture or lifestyle is often present. The concept of Lifestyle Management has developed as a result of the growing focus on lifestyle.

Definition of way of life in the English dictionary

The definition of way of life in the dictionary is the behaviour and habits that are typical of a particular person or group, or that are chosen by them.


Synonyms and antonyms of way of life in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «way of life» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «way of life» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of way of life to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of way of life from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «way of life» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

estilo de vida

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

जीवन के रास्ते

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

طريقة حياة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

образ жизни

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

modo de viver

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

জীবনের পথ

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

mode de vie

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

cara hidup

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

생활 방식

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

dalan urip

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

cách sống

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

வாழ்க்கை முறை

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

जीवनाचा मार्ग

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

hayatın yolu

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

stile di vita

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

sposób na życie

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

спосіб життя

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

mod de viață

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

τρόπος ζωής

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

manier van lewe

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of way of life


The term «way of life» is very widely used and occupies the 19.089 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «way of life» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of way of life

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «way of life».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «way of life» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «way of life» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about way of life


Famous quotes and sentences with the word way of life.

As partisans of our own way of life, we cannot help thinking in a partisan manner.

I think that our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times.

Follow the way of life, which the Holy Prophet has shown you, for verily that is the right path.

Black Consciousness is an attitude of the mind and a way of life, the most positive call to emanate from the black world for a long time.

It is our conduct, our patriotism and belief in our American way of life, our courage that will win the final battle.

We must carefully examine change so that we are able to discard those aspects of change which would be detrimental to our way of life, and, at the same time, take advantage of those aspects of change which will enhance and improve our quality of life.

The domination of western values, beliefs and way of life has angered many from the east and in developing countries.

At Harvard College, I discovered political philosophy as a way of life.

Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of a good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.


Discover the use of way of life in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to way of life and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Anticancer: A New Way of Life

In this book, I’d like to tell you the stories — scientific and personal — behind what I learned.’ Author David-Servan Schreiber is an academic physician with a wealth of experience in the field of integrative medicine.

David Servan-Schreiber, 2011


Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from …

This book presents a history of spiritual exercises from Socrates to early Christianity, an account of their decline in modern philosophy, and a discussion of the different conceptions of philosophy that have accompanied the trajectory and …

Pierre Hadot, Arnold Ira Davidson, 1995

This is Reggie’s story, a diary of the life he lived, half of it in prison, with reflections on the past and putting certain misconceptions straight.


The Magic Kingdom: Walt Disney and the American Way of Life

The Magic Kingdom sheds new light on the cultural icon of «Uncle Walt.

Gathers recipes for soups featuring vegetables, poultry, meat, peas, beans, and seafood, and offers advice on making stocks, noodles, dumplings, and meatballs


Gratitude: A Way of Life

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Joan Z. Borysenko, Lee Carroll, Sri Daya Mata, Doreen Virtue, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Dan Millman, John Randolph Price, and others share their understanding of the practice of gratitude.

Louise L. Hay and Friends, Louise L. Hay, Jill Kramer, 2009


Fear as a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala

This text traces the links between the political violence and repression in the late-20th century and long-term systemic violence connected with class inequalities and gender and ethnic oppression.

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923.


The Way of Life According to Laotzu: An American Version

Information on the background of Laotzu and his writings accompanies eighty-one expressions of the nature of reality and existence.

«Examines the rewards, joys, and challenges of the creative life through the words of artists, writers, poets, and musicians»—Provided by publisher.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term way of life is used in the context of the following news items.

Everyday Athletes: Running becomes a way of life for Absecon …

Lisa Donato has stayed physically active her entire life, but she always …. «When you get in your head, you could be getting in the way of something that can be … «Press of Atlantic City, Jul 15»

Study: Gen Xers See High Debt As A Way Of Life

Generation X is viewing high debt as a way of life, reports Allianz Life … More than a third (36 percent) of Gen Xers told Allianz Life that they currently have more … «Financial Advisor Magazine, Jul 15»

«Beware of Looking for Goals: Look for a Way of Life»

Hunter S. Thompson is probably one of the last people you’d turn to for life advice, but the above quote from a letter he wrote to his friend, Hume Logan, nails … «Lifehacker, Feb 15»

Life Time – The Healthy Way of Life Company Expands to …

Life Time Athletic Westwood at University Station marks the company’s first entry … Officials from Life Time – The Healthy Way of Life Companysm (NYSE:LTM) … «Yahoo Finance UK, Feb 15»

IRONMAN and Life Time – the Healthy Way of Life Company …

Long recognized for their profound impact upon the sport of triathlon, the two organizations launched the Women For Tri™ initiative with a vision to welcome and … «Business Wire, Jan 15»

Way of Life Tracks Any Goal for You With Tons of Charts and Graphs

iOS: We all have things we’d like to improve in our lives. Way of Life tracks any goal for you and gives you reminders and real-time statistics. We’ve covered goal … «Lifehacker, Jan 15»

Game: Crusader Kings II — Way of Life

Crusader Kings II – Way of Life can be harsh and my ruler dies just as the wheels of the plot are set in motion, which means that I get the bad brother to control … «Softpedia, Dec 14»

Crusader Kings 2: Way of Life out now, aims to further ruin your life

Crusader Kings 2’s latest expansion is designed to prevent you ever needing to leave the game to attend to real life matters. «VG247, Dec 14»

Paradox Reveals Release Date for Crusader Kings II: Way of Life

Crusader Kings II: Way of Life gives the player more options and more control over the role-playing elements in the political strategy game. Whereas in the past … «IGN, Dec 14»

Crusader Kings 2: Way of Life announced

Rather than a new time period or area, Way of Life will expand a specific part of the game. Its aim is to bolster the role-playing side of Crusader Kings 2—giving … «PC Gamer, Nov 14»


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Look up way of life in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Way of life may refer to:

  • Lifestyle (sociology), a term to describe the way a person lives
  • Modus vivendi, a Latin phrase meaning way of life or way of living
  • The culture of a nation or tribe


  • A Way of Life: Over Thirty Years of Blood, Sweat and Tears, autobiography by Reginald Kray
  • A Way of Life, Like Any Other, novel by Darcy O’Brien 1977
  • The Way to Life, a 1981 novel by Benjamin Hoff


  • A Way of Life (2004 film), a 2004 British film
  • A Way of Life (2016 film), a 2016 American short film



  • A Way of Life (The Family Dogg album), a 1969 album by The Family Dogg
  • A Way of Life (Suicide album), a 1988 album by Suicide
  • Way of Life (album), a 2010 album by Jimmy Cozier
  • One Way of Life, a 1998 album by The Levellers


  • A Way of Life (song), a song from the album of the same name
  • «Way of Life» (Lil Wayne song), 2002
  • «Way of Life» (Slinkee Minx song), 2007
  • Way of Life, a song by Gentle Giant from the 1973 album In a Glass House

See alsoEdit

  • All pages with titles beginning with way of life
  • Lifestyle (disambiguation)
  • Way (disambiguation)
  • Life (disambiguation)

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(wei) noun

1. an opening or passageway. This is the way in/out; There’s no way through.

2. a route, direction etc. Which way shall we go?; Which is the way to Princes Street?; His house is on the way from here to the school; Will you be able to find your/the way to my house?; Your house is on my way home; The errand took me out of my way; a motorway.

3. used in the names of roads. His address is 21 Melville Way.

4. a distance. It’s a long way to the school; The nearest shops are only a short way away.

5. a method or manner. What is the easiest way to write a book?; I know a good way of doing it; He’s got a funny way of talking; This is the quickest way to chop onions.

6. an aspect or side of something. In some ways this job is quite difficult; In a way I feel sorry for him.

7. a characteristic of behaviour; a habit. He has some rather unpleasant ways.

8. used with many verbs to give the idea of progressing or moving. He pushed his way through the crowd; They soon ate their way through the food.


(especially American) by a long distance or time; far. The winner finished the race way ahead of the other competitors; It’s way past your bedtime.

ˈwayfarer noun

a traveller, especially on foot.

ˈwayside noun

the side of a road, path etc. We can stop by the wayside and have a picnic; (also adjective) a wayside inn.

be/get on one’s way

to start or continue a walk, journey etc. Well, thanks for the cup of tea, but I must be on my way now.

by the way

incidentally, in passing, while I remember etc. By the way, did you know he was getting married?

fall by the wayside

(of projects, ideas etc) to be abandoned; to fail.

get/have one’s own way

to do, get etc what one wants. You can’t always have your own way.

get into / out of the way of (doing) something

to become accustomed to (not) doing; to get into / out of the habit of doing. They got into the way of waking up late when they were on holiday.

go out of one’s way

to do more than is really necessary. He went out of his way to help us.

have a way with

to be good at dealing with or managing. She has a way with children.

have it one’s own way

to get one’s own way. Oh, have it your own way – I’m tired of arguing.

in a bad way

unwell; in poor condition. The patient is in a bad way.

in/out of the/someone’s way

(not) blocking someone’s progress, or occupying space that is needed by someone. Don’t leave your bicycle where it will get in the way of pedestrians; Will I be in the/your way if I work at this table?; `Get out of my way!’ he said rudely.

lose one’s way

to stop knowing where one is, or in which direction one ought to be going. I lost my way through the city.

make one’s way

1. to go. They made their way towards the centre of the town.

2. to get on in the world.

make way (for)

to stand aside and leave room (for). The crowd parted to make way for the ambulance.

under way

moving, in progress etc. Her plans are under way.

way of life

a manner of spending one’s life. I enjoy farming – it’s a pleasant way of life.

ways and means

methods, especially of providing money.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

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