Word meaning wanting to learn

want to learn

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

желающих узнать

хочет узнать

желая узнать

желающих изучать

желая учиться

хотите научиться

желающих научиться

желающих изучить

желание учиться

хочет учиться

хочет изучать

которые хотят изучать

кто хочет научиться

кто хочет изучить

The web is a wonderful thing, brimming with resources and tutorials for people wanting to learn about the art of logo design.

Интернет — замечательная вещь, наполненная ресурсами и учебными пособиями для людей, желающих узнать об искусстве дизайна логотипов.

Immediately, inquiries flooded in from people wanting to learn about this new industry.

Сразу же, университет был завален запросами от людей, желающих узнать об этой новой отрасли.

Wanting to learn more, Bartelby lets her turn the page but discovers jumbled words; the future has not yet been written.

Так как она хочет узнать больше, Бартелби позволяет перевернуть страницу, но она обнаруживает лишь бессвязные слова — будущее еще не написано.

This is a great watch for those wanting to learn a few things about crisis management, corporate communications, PR and negotiation tactics.

Это отличная история для тех, кто хочет узнать немного о кризисном управлении, корпоративных коммуникациях, пиаре и переговорах.

Wanting to learn more on young people’s involvement in the country’s AIDS response, the Crown Princess met with a group of young people active in HIV prevention and peer education activities.

Желая узнать больше об участии молодежи в национальных мерах по противодействию СПИДу, кронпринцесса встретилась с группой молодых людей, активно работающих в сфере профилактики ВИЧ и просвещения по методу «равный-равному».

Wanting to learn the secrets of this mysterious material, many other civilizations implored the Atlantians to share their knowledge, but they refused, closing their doors to outsiders.

Желая узнать секреты этого загадочного материала, многие другие цивилизации умоляли атлантов поделиться своими знаниями, но те отказались.

Wanting to learn more, they kept in contact with the Maharishi and made arrangements to spend time with him at his teaching centre located near Rishikesh, in «the Valley of the Saints» at the foothills of the Himalayas.

Желая узнать больше о учениях гуру, они продолжали поддерживать связь с Махариши и договорились приехать в его учебный центр, расположенный недалеко от Ришикеша, в «Долине Святых» у подножия Гималаев.

For more than two years, I have seen ‘tremendous’ interest from companies wanting to learn more about the blockchain.

На протяжении более двух лет, я наблюдаю огромный интерес со стороны компаний, желающих узнать больше о блокчейне.

Amtrak provides route guides on its website for travelers wanting to learn more about the sites that are passed along the way.

Amtrak предоставляет путеводители на своем веб-сайте для путешественников, желающих узнать больше о сайтах, которые пройдены по пути.

The wide availability and relatively lowcost of small prop and ultralight airplanes is fueling a craze forpeople wanting to learn how to fly a plane.

Широкая доступность и относительно низкая стоимость небольших сверхлегких самолетов подпитывает увлечение людей, желающих узнать, как управлять самолетом.

A great resource for anyone wanting to learn more.

Cooling Tower Fundamentals provides a level of basic cooling tower knowledge and is a great resource for those wanting to learn more.

Основы системы охлаждения обеспечивают уровень базовых знаний о градирнях и являются отличным ресурсом для тех, кто хочет узнать больше.

Attraction is very popular among tourists from Latvia students wanting to learn features of the Lithuanian education in the main university in the country.

Достопримечательность пользуется огромной популярностью среди туристов-студентов с Латвии, желающих узнать особенности литовского образования в главном университете страны.

For those wanting to learn more about Antoni Gaudí then visit the interior.

Для тех, кто хочет узнать больше об Антони Гауди, посетите его интерьер.

Wanting to learn poker, you need to start withconsideration of its foundations.

Желая научиться покеру, необходимо начать с рассмотрения его основ.

Wanting to learn or improve another language?

Wanting to learn from the best, aspiring boxer Maggie Fitzgerald wants Frankie Dunn to train her.

Сюжет: Желая учиться у лучшего, начинающий боксёр, Мэгги Фитцджеральд хочет, чтобы Фрэнки Данн тренировал её.

Wanting to learn how to create a professional portfolio led Michael to enroll at the famed Art Center, then in Los Angeles.

Желание узнать, как создать профессиональное портфолио привели Майкла в Art Center College of Desing в Лос-Анджелесе.

Wanting to learn is an excellent quality.

Wanting to learn what money is?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 216. Точных совпадений: 216. Затраченное время: 88 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

icon forward

there would be only a desire.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Хотящий учиться и себя проверять имеет возможность это делать все время,

было бы только желание.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

She is teachable, hungry for spiritual growth, wanting to learn, desiring


serve and ready


take her next steps.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ее легко учить, она жаждет духовного роста, хочет учиться, желает служить и готова к следующему шагу.

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День начинался с того, что я хотел учиться у тебя, но теперь ты


у меня.

the best place


go is the Centre International d’Antibes.

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лучшим местом станет школа Centre International d’ Antibes.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Premium equipment and instruction designed


guide anyone wanting to learn


move more freely

and feel better through daily deep tissue massage.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Первоклассное оборудование для тех, кто хочет научиться двигаться более свободно и чувствовать себя

лучше благодаря тщательному дневному массажу глубоких тканей.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Which adds


the mounting conviction of the victims’ relatives and those wanting to learn the truth about Lockerbie that the sooner the Government sets

up a public inquiry the better.

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Все это лишь усиливает убежденность родственников жертв, которые хотели бы узнать правду о Локерби, в том, что чем скорее правительство приступит

к публичному расследованию, тем лучше.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

If you are a patient advocate wanting to learn more about how research is carried out

and how patients can influence research, apply for the EURORDIS Winter School 2019.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Если вы являетесь пациентом- активистом, который хочет узнать больше о том, как проводятся исследования и как пациенты

могут влиять на исследования, подайте заявку на обучение в Зимней школе EURORDIS 2019.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It is also a useful reference for those wanting to learn how ray tracing and related geometry and graphics algorithms work.

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Также POV- Ray- полезный справочник для тех, кто хочет изучить, как работает трассировка лучей и связанные с ней геометрические и графические алгоритмы.

This summer, a unique opportunity for development has emerged among those who are looking for themselves,

thinking about changes or wanting to learn a new, useful business.

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Этим летом уникальная возможность для развития появилась у тех, кто ищет себя,

задумался о переменах или хочет овладеть новым, полезным делом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

TALK has brought students from all corners of the world together

to learn

English, as well as expanded the horizon of adults,

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TALK сближает студентов со всех уголков мира в общем желании


английский язык, а также расширяет горизонты взрослых,

подростков и детей, которые хотят изучать иностранные языки.

and I’m trying


help you guys


from my mistakes, even though I still struggle every day with everything that I have ever


over the last 12 years.

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пытаюсь помочь вам научиться на моих ошибках, с тем чем я борюсь каждый день, все то что я узнал за последние 12 лет.

Guided by our Director in London and supported by Communication Specialists in Atlanta, London, Paris, Moscow and Tokyo, the Corporate Communications team

is often the first point of contact for those wanting to learn more about WANO and its role as the global leader in nuclear safety.

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Под руководством нашего директора в Лондоне и при поддержке специалистов в области связи из Атланты, Лондона, Парижа, Москвы и Токио,

команда корпоративной связи является главным пунктом связи для тех, кто стремится узнать больше о ВАО АЭС и ее роли как мирового лидера в области ядерной безопасности.

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Если Джин хочет узнать, как быть человеком дела, он получит дело!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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For those who want to learn more about nuclear weapons and its consequences.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Для тех, кто хочет узнать больше о ядерном оружии и его последствий.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Plenty of opportunity, therefore, for people who want to learn the language of chickens.

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Увлекается боксом, читать- писать на армянском затрудняется, но хочет научиться.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Что они хотели узнать, это как я смогу продолжать дышать через несколько минут.

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Results: 30,
Time: 0.1282





want to learn — перевод на русский

I want to learn to catch bandits

Я хочу научиться ловить бандитов.

I want to learn stuff from you.

Хочу научиться у тебя все такому.

I want to learn how to play the igil.

Я хочу научиться играть на игиле.

Yes, I want to learn!

Да, я хочу научиться!

I want to learn to write and find a job in Hong Kong

Я хочу научиться писать и найти работу в Гонг Конге.

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I do not want to learn.

Я не хочу учиться.

I want to learn music.

Я хочу учиться музыке.

I want to learn with the spirit of a good-willing father,

Я хочу учиться в духе хорошо образованного отца,

But I also wanted to learn.

Но я хочу учиться.

Just don’t want to learn how to dance.

Я не хочу учиться танцевать.

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I want to learn. Will you learn me?

Я хочу узнать.

I want to learn to write the word on the tombstone

Я хочу узнать написать слово на tombstone

— No, but I want to learn.

— Нет, но я хочу узнать.

I want to learn about you and him and that life you lead.

Хочу узнать о тебе, о нём, о вашей жизни.

But Dad, I want to learn everything.

— Но папа, я хочу узнать всё.

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Maybe I want to learn theirs.

Может, я тоже хочу выучить языки.

I kind ofjust want to learn the cobra thing.

Я тоже хочу выучить эти трюки с коброй

I want to learn English…

Я хочу выучить английский…

I didn’t know why I wanted to learn English…

Я не знаю, для чего я хочу выучить английский…

— I want to learn this.

— Я хочу выучить это.

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I didn’t want to learn poems.

Я не хочу учить стихи!

Like, I don’t want to learn French… so everyday I think positive thoughts about not learning French.

Я, например, не хочу учить французский… и каждый день меня посещает позитивная мысль, что я не учу французский.

I want to learn science.

Я хочу учить естественные науки.

I want to learn Chen-style kung fu

Хочу учить стиль Чен.

I want to learn kung fu

Хочу учить кун-фу.

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If you want to learn, I’ll teach you.

Если хочешь, то я могу тебя научить.

Being a psychiatrist and saying you want to learn or study about psychedelics it’s, you know, it’s not that well received.

Быть психиатром и говорить, что ты хочешь изучать психоделики — это не то что нормально воспринимается обществом.

Perhaps you just want to learn the monster’s weaknesses.

Возможно, ты просто хочешь выявить слабости чудовища.

Or maybe you’re just afraid that your ex-wife has Clark’s ear, and you want to learn how to get it back A.S.A.P.

Или ты боишься того, что твоя бывшая жена имеет влияние на Кларка, и ты хочешь вернуть это влияние себе, чем скорее, тем лучше.

And look, if you really want to learn how to bang that thing, there’s no better teacher than your old dad.

И если ты действительно хочешь отодрать эту штуку, то твой старый папаша тебе поможет.

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But if you want to learn…

Но если ты хочешь знать…

I mean, you want to learn more, read the papers,

Хочешь знать больше — почитай газеты,

You want to learn how to control this, how to shift, you do it through anger, by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can’t do that with her around.

Хочешь знать, как управлять этим, как взростить в себе настоящий, животный гнев? Ничего не выйдет, пока она рядом.

What do you want to learn?

Что ты хочешь знать?

And if you really want to learn the truth, then there’s some things you should hear.

И если действительно хочешь знать правду, я тебе кое-что расскажу.

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Because I want to learn from U.S. and A, yöur culture, and to understand from how a thing happen and to take this lesson back to my country.

Патамю шта я хотел изучать у Ассашай культура и хотел узнать, в чем секрет успеха и чтоб увезти уроки в Казахстан.

You wanted to learn Chinese… Mm, we’ll get you a book.

Ты хотел изучать китайский… мы купим тебе учебник.

I always wanted to learn classical music, but I never had the patience.

Я всегда хотел изучать классическую музыку, но никогда не хватало терпения.

Do you want to learn kung fu?

Ты хочешь изучать Кунг Фу?

You want to learn martial arts?

Хочешь изучать Вин Чунь?

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— And if I want to learn how to shoot?


I mean, for example, would you want to learn sailing at all?

Ты, например, хотела бы научиться плавать под парусом? Или гольфу?

Why do you want to learn how to massage all of a sudden?

Чего это ты надумала массажу научиться?

There’s so much more I want to learn and do.

Столькому всему я еще могу научиться и сделать.

I want to re-enlist. I want to learn to fly choppers.

Я хочу вернуться на военную службу, научиться летать на вертолете.

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Want to learn some kill moves?

Хочешь изучить пару убойных ударов?

If you want to learn about man’s true nature, I can offer you a complete education… on the field of battle.

Если ты хочешь изучить истинную человеческую натуру, я могу предложить тебе полное обучение… на поле боя.

Why does she want to learn graphology?

Почему она хочет изучить графологию?

«Did they really want to learn the secrets

Похоже они действительно хотят изучить тайны

I mean, maybe they just wanted to learn about us.

Может они просто хотят нас изучить.

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Finding the correct word for eager to learn doesn’t have to be a challenge. It’s great to expand your vocabulary and broaden your knowledge if you can put a word to a description. In this article, we’ll look at good words for a willingness to learn and how to use them.

What Are The Best Synonyms For “Willingness To learn”?

Some of the best synonyms for “willingness to learn” include “curious,” “inquisitive,” “teachable,” and “enthusiastic. All of these words hint at a meaning that involves somebody who is willing and eager to learn new things. “Curious” is the best word to use for the direct meaning.

What Are The Best Synonyms For "Willingness To learn"?

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “curious” is “interested in learning about people or things around you.”

So, in this article, we’ll look at the following words and how they relate to the phrase “willingness to learn:”

  • Curious
  • Inquisitive
  • Teachable
  • Enthusiastic


“Curious” is by far the most compatible word with the meaning we’re looking for. You can use it to mean precisely that somebody is willing to learn about something.

Someone that is “curious” is interested in learning new things. Those things can be about people or things, and the curious person is always interested to find out more.

For the most part, “curious” is a positive adjective we can use to describe somebody who is willing to learn new things. It’s a great way to use a quick and easy word to convey your meaning.

  • I’m curious about history, so I asked my teacher for more textbooks.
  • He was curious about what was inside the cave and found some amazing things.
  • My children have always been curious souls. They’re constantly finding new things to entertain themselves with.
  • You’re a curious being, aren’t you!

As you can see, “curious” is a great word to use when talking about somebody who is willing to learn all about new things. You’ll usually use it in a positive way, though that isn’t always the case.

Sometimes, “curious” is used as a negative adjective. That means that people might call someone “curious” who’s a little too eager to learn about new things. While it’s usually good to be happy to learn about things, some people go overboard and put themselves in danger to learn.

You may have heard the old idiom:

  • Curiosity killed the cat.

It’s this idea that sometimes lets “curious” be painted in a negative light.


Next, we want to talk you through “inquisitive.” It’s another great synonym to use and is definitely up there with “curious.” Many people like to use “inquisitive” as a way to talk about somebody who is willing to learn.

“Inquisitive” means that somebody wants to discover and explore new possibilities. They always have a thirst to try new things and won’t rest until they’ve satisfied that thirst.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “inquisitive” is “wanting to discover as much as you can about things.”

Just like “curious,” “inquisitive” comes with both positive and negative connotations. For the most part, it’s a very positive adjective that you can use to describe somebody who is willing to learn all kinds of new things about the world and the people around them.

  1. I like to be inquisitive about new things and don’t stop learning until I’ve mastered them (which will never happen)!
  2. He’s so inquisitive about things. You honestly will never beat him at a strategy game.
  3. You’re the most inquisitive person I’ve ever met. You’ll find a way to appeal to the masses.
  4. He’s far too inquisitive to be kept here at the office! You need a grander job that appeals to your capabilities.

“Inquisitive” is a great word to use to talk about somebody who is willing to learn. Usually, “inquisitive” people are slightly more impressive than “curious” people because they often have a tactical thought process or are capable of more critical thinking skills.

Generally, “inquisitive” people are also “intelligent” people, while “curious” people might simply be interested in learning new things.

However, “inquisitive” can also be used negatively. You might find yourself calling someone “too inquisitive” when their eagerness to learn about new things annoys you.

In fact, The Cambridge Dictionary definition in full looks like this:

  • wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people


“Teachable” is another great word to use as a replacement to “willingness to learn.”

“Teachable” is used as an adjective to mean that somebody is capable of being taught new things. It usually implies that they’re willing to learn all about new things, making them an easy candidate to teach.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “teachable” is “able to be taught; that can be taught.”

Most of teaching works better when the people you’re teaching are receptive to what you’re saying. If they’re intent on listening and learning, then someone will have a much better time learning from you. It’s these teachable people that make it worthwhile to be a teacher.

  1. He’s such a teachable student; I couldn’t ask for someone better!
  2. You’re so teachable. I always have fun studying and teaching with you.
  3. My teacher said I’m a teachable pupil.


Finally, let’s look at “enthusiastic.” This is a great synonym to use, but it doesn’t always relate to a willingness to learn. Enthusiasm can extend to a wide variety of things in life.

“Enthusiastic” means that somebody is eager to do new things. It doesn’t always have to be learning. You can be enthusiastic about a new hobby or a new sport.

According to The Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of “enthusiastic” is “showing enthusiasm.” This means that someone is eager to learn all about new things.

  1. I’m an enthusiastic person when I’m introduced to new ideas.
  2. They’re so enthusiastic, and I can’t believe how happy they are to learn about such a boring subject!
  3. You’re so enthusiastic about school all the time!

While it doesn’t strictly refer to a willingness to learn, it can still be used correctly in that context. That makes it an excellent candidate to use as a synonym.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What adjective (single word) means ‘having/using a willingness to learn’?

asked Jan 5, 2015 at 16:26

UKB's user avatar


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I understand you’re looking for a single adjective, and I think «curious» fits the bill nicely (and from a pedagogical perspective curiosity is a key indicator of learner success) but I would like to add the following to the mix because I think it shows, if not willingness, at least readiness or capability, and it might be worth something to you:

fertile mind

From Collins:

fertile mind: One that is capable of sustaining, supporting, growing and developing mental thought interjection, especially among the very young.

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:54

Rusty Tuba's user avatar

Rusty TubaRusty Tuba

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How about curious?

  • having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone
  • marked by desire to investigate and learn
  • eager to learn or know; inquisitive.

Or inquisitive ^

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:37

EFrog's user avatar


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Having a willingness and capacity to learn is teachability:

teachable adj.

  1. Capable of being taught: teachable skills.

  2. Able and willing to learn: teachable youngsters.

teach′a·bil′i·ty, teach′a·ble·ness n. teach′a·bly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 18:01

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth

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Three excellent non-idiomatic words have already been suggested, curious, inquisitive, and teachable, but my intuition is that English lacks a word with your precise definition.

I believe that the idiom «thirst» is what you are seeking. «Thirst for knowledge» is a borderline cliche, but it is still evocative and clear, and I think many people would define it as a «willingness (or desire) to learn». (For the close connection between «will» and desire» see the interesting discussion, “Make of that what you will” – meaning of “will”.)

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 23:08

hunterhogan's user avatar


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There isn’t a single word in English that would fit. Generally, «eager to learn» would be used.

answered Jan 5, 2015 at 16:27

Mooseman's user avatar

«Enthusiastic» is the best word that comes to mind for me. Doing is sort of like learning, so it is similar enough.

macraf's user avatar


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answered Jan 5, 2015 at 21:03

kns98's user avatar


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Learning English can be fun. It can be daunting. It can be empowering. It can also be confusing, on occasion. But one thing it definitely isn’t is boring. Even the most fluent English speakers are often surprised when they discover something new about the language: a grammar rule brought to their attention for the first time, a word that they’d never come across before or, even more surprisingly, a familiar word used in an unexpected way! Yes, it is quite common for one English word to have two (or more) completely different meanings.

The way to tell these same-spellingdifferent-meaning words apart is to pay attention to the context in which they are being used. This will make much more sense when we see these words in action, so let’s look at some examples.

Here is a word that has more than one meaning:


  • as a noun: a place underground from where minerals are extracted
    Peter has been working at a coal mine since April.
  • as a possessive pronoun: to show possession
    This is your bag, not mine.

Isn’t that interesting? The same word—mine—is used in both example sentences, but it means two entirely different things in each.

Here is a list of ten other English words with more than one meaning:

1. Interest

  • as a noun: wanting to learn or know more about something
    She developed an interest in programming after taking a course in college and now she is a
    professional programmer.
  • as a noun: additional money charged on a borrowed sum
    I am paying a high rate of interest on my home loan.
  • as a verb: to arouse curiosity or attention
    We built interest in our product by outlining its many benefits on our social media channels.

2. Date

  • as a noun: the day of the month or year
    We still haven’t set a date for the ceremony.
  • as a verb: to show the age of something
    This food at this restaurant is delicious but the old-fashioned décor really dates it.

3. Engage

  • as a verb: to be involved in some work or an activity
    The students hope to engage in a lively discussion with the visiting professor.
  • as an adjective: to have formally agreed to marry someone
    The engaged couple shared the good news with their friends and family.

4. Leave

  • as a verb: to go away from somewhere
    Ali leaves for Delhi soon.
  • as a verb: to remain
    The ink will leave a stain on my shirt.
  • as a verb: to deposit or deliver
    The delivery person leaves Sharmila’s parcels with her neighbor.
  • as a noun: to be absent from work or duty
    Gunjan is at home on leave today. She will not be attending the meeting.

5. Novel

  • as a noun: a prose, fictionalized narrative in the form of a book that often tells a complex
    story with characters and action
    My mother’s novel about three generations of women from a small town has won the National Book Award this year.
  • as an adjective: something that is unique and interesting
    I discovered a novel way to spend less money and save more

6. Park

  • as a noun: a public garden or area for recreation
    I am taking my children to play in the park today.
  • as a verb: to bring a car or vehicle to a stop for a period of time
    We are leaving for the concert now so that we get a good spot to park the car.

7. Play

  • as a verb: to engage in an activity or sport
    We are going to play football today.
    My band is playing at the City Club on Saturday. Why don’t you come check us out?
  • as a verb: to act in a dramatic production
    I am playing the role of a politician in my next film.
  • as a noun: a theatrical production
    Hamlet is my favorite play of all time.

8. Right

  • as an adjective: morally fair, good or proper
    The right thing to do now would be to apologize for your mistake.
  • as a noun: morally right or just.
    He doesn’t seem to understand the difference between right and wrong.
  • as a noun: something one has legal or moral claim to
    As a citizen of this country I have voting rights.
  • as a noun: the direction or location of something
    If you look to your right, you will see the Museum of Natural History.

9. Run

  • as a verb: to move faster than while walking
    Don’t run down the street, that’s dangerous!
  • as a verb: to go somewhere in urgency or distress (not literally “running”, necessarily)
    Even as an adult, I run to my mother with all my problems.
  • as a verb: to contend in a race of some kind
    I intend to run for President four years from now.
  • as a noun: a continuous spell of a something
    Souvik has a had a run of bad luck this year.

10. Type

  • as a noun: a category of things or people that share something in common
    They sell all types of fabric in that store.
  • as a verb: to write something on a keypad by pressing keys
    Wow! You type very fast!

Now that’s a lot of different meanings for only a few words, isn’t it? And if you’ll believe it – many of these words can be used in even more ways than the ones listed here. But don’t be overwhelmed, a good online or print dictionary will help you find all the meanings of any English word you might encounter. And the more you read and speak in English, the stronger your vocabulary will become.

Here’s another great idea – to really power up your vocabulary try a Burlington English course! We have expert teachers on hand to guide you with our spoken English training courses that will take your language learning journey to the next level.

If something’s wanting, there’s not enough of something necessary in it. If your essay is wanting, it’s missing something important and won’t get an A. Try adding body paragraphs.

If you forget the sugar in your chocolate chip cookies, you’ll find them wanting when you taste them. Likewise, if your favorite team’s defense is wanting, they’re likely to lose the basketball game. Wanting, which was originally wantand, comes from the verb want, «to be lacking.» This definition pre-dated the now more common «to wish for» by 500 years.

Definitions of wanting

  1. adjective

    inadequate in amount or degree

    “tested and found


    deficient, lacking

    inadequate, unequal

    lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task

  2. synonyms:

    absent, lacking, missing


    not having existence or being or actuality

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘wanting’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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