Word meaning type or kind

The difference between type and kind is subtle which makes it difficult for people to understand how one term changes from the other. In other words, type and kind are two words in English language that are often confused when it comes to their meanings. However, it is important to know that they have some difference between them. They both refer to a group of something. The main difference of the two can be the context in which they are used. Kind is used in general, everyday parlance without much thought and problem. Type can be used in that sense too. However, when it comes to writing, type is used more than kind as kind has a colloquial ring to it.

What does Type mean?

Type is used in the sense of ‘sub-division’ or ‘category’. It is important to know that the word type is usually followed by the preposition ‘of’ as in the sentence given below.

This type of car is very expensive indeed.

In this sentence, you can see that the word type is followed by the preposition ‘of’ and is used with the noun in singular. At the same time, you can see that here we are referring to a sub-category of cars. When you take the term car, there are different varieties of cars. Here, we are referring to one such type among all other types.

At the same time, when the noun with which the word type is used is in the plural, then the word type also should be used in plural as in the sentence given below.

These types of cars are very expensive indeed.

The word car is in its plural form in the above sentence. In the same way, the word type is also in its plural form. This is an important observation when it comes to the usage of the word type.

The word type has a very famous informal usage as well. Type is also used to describe the category of people one finds attractive or like. For example,

She is not my type. She is too serious.

Here, someone is telling that he does not like this particular girl. That is because she is serious. By saying she is not my type, he indicates that the girls he likes or finds attractive are those who are not very serious. Here again we are talking about a sub-division of the whole of females which is a part from the whole. This part from the whole is the group he finds attractive or likable.

Difference Between Type and Kind

This type of car is very expensive indeed.

What does Kind mean?

On the other hand, the word kind is used in the sense of ‘sort’ as in the sentences given below.

What kind of a person you are!

This kind of book is good to read.

In the first sentence, the word kind is used in the sense of ‘sort.’ Therefore, the meaning of the sentence would be ‘what sort of a person you are!’ Then, in the second sentence, the word kind is again used in the sense of ‘sort.’ So, the meaning of the sentence would be ‘this sort of book is good to read’.

With kind too, if the noun with which it is used is plural, then the word kind should also become plural. Look at the following example.

She found all kinds of drapes in that shop.

Here, kind is used with the noun drapes. The word drapes is the plural of drape. As a result, the word kind is also in the plural form.

Sometimes the word kind is used as a vague form as in sentences. Look at the examples given below.

Her eyes are kind of bluish-black.

This movie is kind of a thriller.

You can observe that, in both the sentences given above, the word kind is used in a vague form. Such a form is normally used in spoken English rather than in written English.

Type vs Kind

She found all kinds of drapes in that shop.

What is the difference between Type and Kind?

• Type is used in the sense of ‘sub-division’ or ‘category’. On the other hand, the word kind is used in the sense of ‘sort.’

• Both type and kind have to agree with the noun they are used with. If the accompanying noun is in singular, type and kind are in singular. If the accompanying noun is in plural, type and kind are in plural.

• Type informally refers to the sort of person one likes or finds attractive. Kind does not have such an informal usage.

• From the two words type is more formal than kind. You will find people using type more in writing but kind less. Kind is very much used in speech.

• Type is always focused on what someone means by using the word. Kind can sometimes be used vaguely.

These are the differences between the two words, type and kind.

Images Courtesy:

  1. Porsche 911 (991) by Calm Vistas (CC BY 2.0)
  2. Drapery by Posh Living, LLC (CC BY-SA 2.0)

• Categorized under Language,Words | Difference Between Kind and Type

The words ‘kind’ and ‘type’ are consistently used by people on a daily basis as they transfer information from one person to the other. However, people do not understand the meaning of the two words, which makes them use the words inappropriately leading to ambiguity and vagueness in their messages.Difference Between Kind and Type

Definition of the word Type

The word ‘type’ is used to show category or a sub-division within a bigger or whole thing. Moreover, the most appropriate use of the word ‘type’ must be followed by the preposition ‘of’ for the sentence to be correct.

Sentence Examples

  • This type of phone has become famous due to its substantial internal memory capacity (singular).
  • These types of phones have become famous due to its huge internal memory capacity (Plural).

In the above order, it is clear that the word ‘type’ is followed by the preposition ‘of’ which gives the sentence meaning. It is also evident that the sentence refers to a sub-category of phones among in the market that is being preferred due to its huge internal memory capacity.

Definition of the word Kind

The term ‘kind’ is usually used to express the sense of ‘sort’. It is also important to highlight that the term ‘kind’ is followed by a preposition ‘of’ which gives the sentences a complete meaning.

Sentence Examples

  • What kind of phone is this?

It is clear that the sentence has used the word kind in the sense of ‘sort’. Alternatively, the sentence would have read;

  • What sort of phone is this?

Difference Between Kind and Type

  1. One of the main differences between kind and type is that type is used to show sub-division or category while kind is used in the sense of ‘sort’.
  2. The second difference between the two words is that type can be used vaguely or informally to refer to a person one has a high affinity for while kind cannot be used in such a situation.

For example

  • She is not my type. She is very tall. The person does not like her because she is tall.
  1. Besides, the formality of the two words brings about a difference in that type is more preferred in writing while kind is preferred in speeches. This means that type is more formal than kind.

Summary of Kind and Type

  • It is important to note that both type and kind have a preposition ‘of’ which proceeds them and its primary role is to ensure that the sentence is complete and makes sense.
  • Lastly, the two words must agree with the noun they are being used with which means that if the noun is singular, the two words must be in singular and if the noun is in the plural, they must be in plural.
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Morgan, J. (2020, February 14). Difference Between Kind and Type. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-kind-and-type/.

Morgan, Jecinta. «Difference Between Kind and Type.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 14 February, 2020, http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-kind-and-type/.

Written by : Jecinta Morgan.
and updated on 2020, February 14

References :

[0]Bitchener, John, Stuart Young, and Denise Cameron. «The effect of different types of corrective feedback on ESL student writing.» Journal of second language writing 14.3 (2005): 191- 205.

[1]Bowerman, Melissa. «Semantic factors in the acquisition of rules for word use and sentence construction.» Directions in normal and deficient language development. University Park Press, 1976. 99-179.

[2]Reiss, Katharina. «Type, kind and individuality of text: decision making in translation.» Poetics Today 2.4 (1981): 121-131.

[3]»Image Credit: http://www.sewcando.com/2012/12/trim-tee-craft-along-2-one-of-kind.html»

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As we all know, synonyms can either be a life-saver or a headache. It can either add color to your paper or leave you in conflict with what word is more appropriate to use. You’ve probably felt the same for ‘kind’ and ‘type.’ But, don’t worry, we’re here to help!

What Is The Difference Between ‘Kind’ And ‘Type’?

We use ‘kind’ to determine a group with similar characteristics or show a characteristic common to a group. We use ‘type’ to distinguish the traits of members of a specific group. In a way, ‘type’ differentiates a thing from the rest, while ‘kind’ connects an individual to a similar group.

kind vs type

Let’s try to expound this with some examples.

We use ‘kind’ to determine a group of people or things with similar characteristics. For example, ‘that kind of injustice is something I can’t put up with’ tells that the injustice pertained to belongs to the category or group of injustices the speaker cannot tolerate.

We use ‘type’ to distinguish or differentiate a group from the rest. For example, ‘Anna is the type to laugh easily’ tells that Anna has a specific characteristic of laughing easily.

However, there are cases when we can use ‘kind’ or ‘type’ interchangeably. For these cases, they mean or pertain to a particular characteristic or trait of the subject.

Let’s look at this example.

  1. She is the kind of person to care for you.
  2. She is the type of person to care for you.

As we can see, both sentences show that the girl in the sentence is a very caring person.

What Does ‘Kind’ Mean?

‘Kind’ refers to a group of people or objects having the same characteristics and nature. It also refers to a particular character or trait of a subject in the sentence. As an adjective, ‘kind’ can also mean having polite and good manners.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘kind’ means ‘a group with similar characteristics or a particular type.’ It can also mean ‘generous, helpful, and thinking about other people’s feelings’ if we use it as an adjective.

Let’s check some examples below.

‘Kind’ as a Noun

  1. She likes all kinds of music.
  2. Humankind is the reason for the disasters we face now.
  3. Hannah’s house is the kind of house I want to have.

As we can see, we used ‘kind’ as a classification or group. In number one, ‘all kinds’ show that the classification of music the girl listens to is all or everything. In number two, ‘humankind’ tells us that humans, as a group, are accountable for disasters. In number three, ‘kind of house’ tells us that the house we are talking about belongs to a classification of homes that I want to have.

‘Kind’ as an Adjective

  1. She’s only kind to her teachers during the evaluation period.
  2. It’s important to be kind to others even if they are not kind to us.
  3. I know many kind people who always choose to help others.

As we can see, in these sentences, we used ‘kind’ more as an adjective for someone with good manners.

 What Does ‘Type’ Mean?

‘Type’ refers to a category of people or objects having common characteristics. We use it to distinguish the traits of a group or an individual from the rest. As a verb, it can also refer to the activity or action we do with a keyboard.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, ‘type’ means ‘a particular group of people or things that share similar characteristics and form a smaller division of a larger set’ or ‘the characteristics of a group of people or things that set them apart from other’ if used as a noun. It can also mean ‘to write using a machine, either a computer keyboard or a typewriter.’

Let’s elaborate on this with some examples.

‘Type’ as a Noun

  1. There are different types of flowers.
  2. He’s the type of man who is consistent with his actions.
  3. There are many types of pasta you can choose to cook.

As we can see, in numbers one and three, we used ‘type’ to set that there are different smaller classifications for flowers and pasta. While in number two, we used ‘type’ to distinguish the man by saying a specific characteristic of his.

‘Type’ as a Verb

  1. I need to type faster to meet the deadline.
  2. She types by using only two fingers.
  3. Don’t type and text while driving.

Here, we can see that we used ‘type’ as a verb and as the action you do with your keyboard.

Can ‘Kind’ And ‘Type’ Be Used Interchangeably?

We can use ‘kind’ and ‘type’ interchangeably. We use these words interchangeably to pertain to a particular characteristic or trait of a subject in the sentence. We also use them to refer to a group with similar characteristics. However, there are also restrictions where we cannot interchange them.

For example, ‘rose is my favorite kind of flower’ and ‘rose is my favorite kind of flower’ are correct and have the same meaning. This case is acceptable because we used ‘kind’ and ‘type’ in the sentence to refer to a specific group, which is flowers.

However, there is a restriction in something like this. ‘Ella is not my type’ and ‘Ella is not my kind’ have different meanings. Here, ‘type’ is used to pertain to the characteristics of Ella being not the persona’s type, while we used ‘kind’ to express that Ella isn’t of the same kind of group as the speaker (meaning Ella isn’t part of humankind). And so, using the two words in a sentence like this produces two different meanings.

Is ‘Kind’ Or ‘Type’ Used The Most?

According to the Google Ngram Viewer, ‘kind’ is currently used more than ‘type.’ Though I believe, it’s important to note that there was a period when people used ‘type’ more than ‘kind.’ Saying this, I think the usage of ‘kind’ and ‘type’ mostly depends on the trends of topics in current times.

kind vs type historical development

Does ‘Sort’ Mean The Same As ‘Kind’ And ‘Type’?

‘Sort’ can mean the same as ‘kind’ and ‘type.’ We can interchange it with ‘kind’ and ‘type’ if referring to a group with similar characteristics. However, there are also limitations in interchanging these three terms. For example, adding the preposition ‘of’ after ‘sort’ can change its meaning.

We can interchange ‘sort’ with other words like this. ‘I like all sorts of music,’ ‘I like all types of music,’ and ‘I like all kinds of music’ all mean the same thing. Here, we used ‘sort’ to refer to the category of music one likes, which is all.

However, you can’t interchange ‘sort’ with ‘kind’ or ‘type’ if you use it this way. ‘I’m sort of tired’ means entirely different from ‘I’m the type of tired’ because the preposition changes the meaning of the word ‘sort.’

You may also like: “Kind Of” vs. “Sort Of” – Difference Explained (With Examples)

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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    The words Type and Kind are very common words in English speeches and writings. Both of the words are very commonly used on daily basis for communication purpose. Both of the words seem to be similar but it is not so. Both the words Kind and Type have different meaning and should be used wisely to keep our sentence meaningful. Both words use the preposition ‘of’ after them to have a complete and meaningful sentence. 

    Let’s get familiar with the word Kind :
    The word ‘Kind’ is mainly used to express the sense of sort. The use of preposition ‘of’ after the word ‘kind’ tells us that the sentence has complete meaning. Kind refers to a group trait that is shared internally by the members. Its root meaning is “race” or “offspring”. The word ‘kind’ is preferred in speeches than in writings. 

    For example- “What kind of tablet is this?”. 

    In the above sentence the word kind has a sense of sort in it. Given sentence can also be written as “What sort of laptop is this?”. 

    NOTE: If the noun used in the sentence is in singular form then the word ‘kind’ should also be in singular form and vice versa.

    Let’s get familiar with the word Type :

    The word ‘Type’ is used to show the category or sub-division within a bigger or complete thing. The use of preposition ‘of’ after the word ‘kind’ tells us that the sentence has complete meaning. Type refers to clearly distinct and essential traits shared by members of a group. Its root meaning is “impression”.  The word ‘type’ is preferred in writing than in speeches. 

    For example- “These types of cars are very expensive”.

    The above sentence clearly refers to the sub-category of cars available in the market.

    NOTE: If the noun used in the sentence is in singular form then the word ‘type’ should also be in singular form and vice versa.

    Differences between Kind and Type :

    Kind  Type
    Kind is used to express sense of sort Type is used to show category or sub-division
    The word ‘kind’ is less formal than ‘type’ ‘Type’ is more formal than ‘kind’ 
    It is preferred more in speeches than in writing It is preferred more in writing than in speeches
    Ex- “What kind of machine is this?” Ex-“These types of televisions are in great demand”

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    In short, type is used to differentiate one group from the rest and kind is used to link an individual to a group. They are sometimes interchangeable, but not always.

    Type refers to clearly distinguishing and essential characteristics or traits shared by members of a group. Its root meaning is «impression.»

    O+ is the most common blood type in the United States of America.

    To mankind in general Macbeth and Lady Macbeth stand out as the supreme type of all that a host and hostess should not be — Max Beerbohm.

    Kind, on the other hand, usually refers to a group trait that is shared innately by the members (see «mankind» above). Its root meaning is «race» or «offspring.»

    The true test of civilization is, not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops, but the kind of man that the country turns out — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    The rule which forbids ending a sentence with a preposition is the kind of nonsense up with which I will not put» — misattributed to Winston Churchill.

    Interchangeable use:

    She’s not that kind/type of person. She is not nasty. She’s very nice.

    See examples below:

    She’s not my type. (=I’m attracted to a different kind of girl)

    She’s not your kind. (=She’s a fundamentally different sort of person)

    See link1 and link2.

    The words Kind and Type are very common words that are used in the writings and in the speeches. People use both of the words on daily basis in order to transfer the information from one person to the other.

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    A first language is learned at birth, a second language is learned later

    A first language is learned in school, a second language is learned at home

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    A first language is easier to learn, a second language is harder to learn

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    A language is written, a dialect is spoken

    A language is standardized, a dialect is not

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    the … the … a … a

    a … a … the … the

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    While using these two words, people must know the exact meaning of these words and their usage. These two words appear to be similar but are different from each other in the manner they are to be used.

    Key Takeaways

    1. “Kind” and “Type” refer to categories or groups of things with similar characteristics.
    2. “Kind” categorizes things based on their natural or inherent qualities.
    3. “Type” is used to classify things based on their specific characteristics, features, or functions.

    The word ‘kind’ can be used to sort something. It is mostly used in speeches. It can be used to connect a single thing to a group. It is less formal as compared to the word ‘type’. The word ‘type’ can be used to define sub-category. It is mostly used in writing. This word is used formally. It can be used to differentiate one thing from the other.  

    Kind vs Type

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    Comparison Table

    Parameters of Comparison Kind Type
    Definition Kind is used to express the sense of sort. Type is used to show category or a sub-division within a bigger or whole thing.
    Usage Kind can’t be used in situations to informally refer to something or someone. Type can also be used in situations to informally refer to a person or something.
    Preference Kind is more preferred in speeches than writing. Type is more preferred in writing than speeches.
    Formality Kind is less formal than type. Type is more formal than kind.
    Example What kind of laptop is this? These types of laptops are in huge demand and have become famous in no time due to their high internal memory capacity.

    What is Kind?

    The word Kind is used in the English language to express the sense of sort. The use of preposition ‘of’ after the word ‘kind’ give the sentences a complete meaning.

    For example, ‘What kind of laptop is this?’. In this sentence, the word kind has a sense of ‘sort’ in it. This sentence could alternatively be read as ‘What sort of laptop is this?’.

    The word Kind sounds less formal than the word Type. This word is used more in the speeches than in the writings. The word Kind can also be used as a vague form as in the sentences. For example, ‘This movie is kind of a thriller.’

    In the above example, the word Kind is used in the vague form. This form is usually used in the spoken English rather than in the written English.

    The word Kind needs to agree with the noun they are being used with. If the noun used is in singular form, then the word kind should also be in singular form. If the noun used is in plural form, then the word kind should also be in plural form.

    For example, ‘She could found all kinds of sarees in that shop.’ Here the noun is plural hence the word kind is also used in the plural form.


    What is Type?

    The word Type is used so as to show the category or a sub-division within a bigger thing. Also, the use of preposition ‘of’ after the word ‘type’ makes the sentence more appropriate and meaningful.

    For example, ‘These types of clothes does not suit my personality’. The use of ‘of’ after the word type gives the sentence more meaning. This sentence clearly refers to a sub-category of clothes available in the market that is being preferred according to the person’s choice.

    The word Type has an informal usage in the speeches. Like, the word Type can be used to describe the category of people they find attractive or like. For example, ‘That guy is not my type. He is too way serious.’ Here, the person does not like this particular guy.

    Here the person is talking about a sub-division of the males which is a part of the whole. This part from the whole is the group of males the person finds attractive or likable.

    The word Type is more formal than the word Kind. This word is used by the people in the writings than in the speeches. The word Type needs to agree with the noun they are being used with. If the noun used is in singular form, then the word type should also be in singular form.

    If the noun used is in plural form, then the word type should also be in plural form. For example, ‘These types of shoes are not available in our region.’ Here the noun is plural hence the word type is also used in the plural form.


    Main Differences Between Kind and Type

    1. The word Kind is used to express the sense of sort. On the other hand, the word Type is used to show category or a sub-division within a big thing.
    2. The word Kind can’t be used in the situations to informally refer about something or someone. On the other hand, the word Type can be used in the situations to informally refer to a person or something.
    3. The word Kind is more preferred in the speeches than in writing. On the other hand, the word Type is more preferred in writing than in the speeches.
    4. The word Kind sounds less formal than type. On the other hand, the word Type sounds more formal than kind.
    5. An example of the word Kind is ‘She found all kinds of drapes in that shop.’ On the other hand, an example of the word Type is ‘These types of cars are very expensive indeed.’


    1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1772491
    2. http://iceland2017.nelsconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Klockmann.pdf

    Emma Smith 200x200 1

    Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

    What word means type or kind?

    Some common synonyms of kind are character, description, nature, sort, and type.

    What is a word type?

    English has four major word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. They have many thousands of members, and new nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are often created. Nouns are the most common type of word, followed by verbs. Adjectives are less common and adverbs are even less common.

    What is the antonym of type?

    What is the opposite of type?

    departure change
    deviation shift
    digression divergence
    straying detour
    divagation divergency

    What is the word for looking down on someone?

    If you are being condescending, you are looking down on someone.

    What is the phrasal verb of look down upon?

    phrasal verb. To look down on someone means to consider that person to be inferior or unimportant, usually when this is not true.

    What does look down upon mean?

    To look down upon is defined as to consider someone or something lesser or inferior in some way. An example of look down upon is to consider someone less intelligent than you are to be dumb or stupid. verb.

    What it means to be condescending?

    : showing or characterized by a patronizing or superior attitude toward others.

    How do you tell if someone is being condescending?

    Aggression such as shouting, yelling and belittling comments are all obvious signs of condescension. However, people are sometimes condescending in more subtle ways, such as talking about people behind their backs or making fun of colleagues in the form of jokes.

    How do you deal with a Patronising person?

    A Foolproof Guide For Handling Condescending Coworkers

    1. Don’t Take It Personally. First and foremost, keep calm and carry on, as they say.
    2. Call Them On It. You can address bad office behavior by telling people when their actions are not okay with you.
    3. Neutralize Your Body Language.
    4. Ask For Clarification.

    various kinds of fruit

    Often there’s no difference between these words. But good dictionaries point to some subtle differences. For example, we can’t use use ‘sort’ or ‘kind’ after a noun in a sentence like: What is your blood type?.

    Compare these three English sentences:

    1. What is your skin type?
    (Expected answer is a precise named category.)
    faces showing five different skin types: dry, oily, etc.

    2. What sort of prices do they charge?
    (Expected answer is a description rather than any precise or named category.)

    3. What kind of cheese is that?
    (Probable answer is a named kind, but a descriptive answer is also possible.) ‘Type’ and ‘sort’ could also be used in this question.

    So …

    • type‘ usually means a precisely defined category.
    • sort‘ is more general, often about character rather than definition and can be used in a negative way e.g. What sort of person would do a terrible thing like that?
    • kind‘ is about half way between, usually referring to named kinds or large categories or families of things that are naturally related.

    Note that ‘type’ cannot be used as a hedge phrase, as in ‘She’s a bit sort of (or kind of) upset about it.’

    Now learn some English idioms. Enjoy the video!

    For lots more idioms get the book.
    Or read it FREE with Scribd membership.

    Relax, Enjoy, Learn!


    • #1

    I have already looked at all the previous threads but couldn’t find the desired answer.
    I have a confusion about the usage of KIND and TYPE.
    Let me give you the context first.
    The scene is… I’m talking about a concert to which I have just been to and I’m talking about the similar crazy nature of the singer and the crowd. I’m telling my friends how crazy the concert was. They already know the singer so they asked me about the crowd. So I tell them that
    «The crowd was also of the same kind»
    Meaning…. The crowd was crazy too. Just like the singer. So, the Phrase… is it correct?
    The crowd was also of the same kind.
    or should I use TYPE instead.
    The crowd was also of the same type.

    or… both the phrases are wrong?

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018

  • entangledbank

    • #2

    Kind, type, and sort are usually equally good. In most situations they just mean the same.


    • #3

    Kind, type, and sort are usually equally good. In most situations they just mean the same.

    okay… but the Phrase. Is it correct or not?
    and which one is more Formal?

    • #4

    Both your sentences are grammatically correct and, vocabulary-wise, they are of the same register, neither formal nor informal. As eb wrote, ‘kind’, ‘type’, and ‘sort’ are pretty much in free alternance; you can use them interchangeably with no difference in meaning.


    • #5

    okay… got it ! thank you guys… thank you so much.


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    @rtavares: 2 examples. This is a kind gift you bought me. What type of gift is this?

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    You are too kind to me.

    Thats not the kind of food I like.

    • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

    • Португальский


    Those are examples but I do not know the difference between them yet.

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    I know kind means nice and 1 more thing, but I am not sure about the rest, sorry

    • Португальский (бразильский вариант)

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    Type is more closed to make a classification.
    kind is more closed to make a explanation; some examples; or comparison.

    And in another hand, type is more formal than kind.

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    «Type» means a certain thing in a category.

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    Kind can mean type but it can also mean ‘nice’ . They are very similar words (kind/type) and can be used either way really, yes there are exceptions but you will just have to experience them and learn.

    Example where you can use either word to mean the same:
    What kind of chocolates are these?


    What type of chocolates are these?

    Using kind meaning nice example:

    You are very kind.

    I hope that helps ?

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