Word meaning took place



Автоматический перевод

состояться, совершиться, занять место, принять место, занимать место

Перевод по словам

take  — взятие, дубль, захват, сбор, выручка, улов, принимать, брать, считать, занимать
place  — место, местечко, положение, город, площадь, размещать, ставить, помещать, помещаться


Staff meetings take place once a week.

Встречи персонала проходят раз в неделю.

Enrolment will take place in September.

Зачисление состоится в сентябре.

The party will take place from noon to 4 p.m.

Приём будет проходить с полудня до четырёх часов вечера.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday.

Следующая встреча состоится в четверг.

The formal signing will take place on April 9th.

Официальное подписание соглашения состоится девятого апреля.

Her installation as president will take place tomorrow.

Её введение в должность президента состоится завтра.

Their nuptials will take place at the university chapel.

Их бракосочетание состоится в церкви университета.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

At last the interview with the governor took place too.  

The murder had apparently taken place before our very eyes.  

Lawyers are satisfied that no breach of confidence took place.  

The ceremony must take place in a recognized place of worship.  

We are dismayed that the demonstration was allowed to take place.  

… I believe that the new advent will take place in Russia. . . .  

Mrs Lynn Smith, prosecuting, said the offence took place on January 27.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Another casting took place that evening.

И еще одна премьера состоялась в тот вечер.

The evacuation took place on the night of 25-26 September.

Эвакуация состоялась в рамках операции «Берлин» в ночь с 25 на 26 сентября.

Earlier The Journalist reported that International Volunteer and Veteran Forum took place in Kyiv.

Ранее «Журналист» сообщал о том, что в Киеве состоялся Международный волонтерский и ветеранский форум.

A follow-up meeting took place in February 1994 in Brussels.

В феврале 1994 года в Брюсселе состоялось совещание по итогам этой встречи.

You could even say they took place simultaneously.

И можно было бы предположить, что они возникли одновременно.

The video showed that no such assault took place.

Из этого видео следует, что никакого нападения на пост небыло.

Let us see how this dispersal took place.

А теперь давайте посмотрим, каким же получился данный дистрибутив.

Last week several closely related events took place.

На минувшей неделе произошло несколько событий, которые тесно между собой связаны.

Amalgamation and decentralisation took place at the central government level.

С развитием аристократического управления и централизации необходимо было организовать армию на государственном уровне.

The disposition took place within 5 years of bankruptcy.

Данное обязательство действует в течении 5 лет, с момента банкротство.

Demonstrations took place before the principle of democracy was even nominally admitted.

Демонстрации проводились и до того, как был признан, даже номинально, принцип демократии.

This obviously took place primarily with adult candidates or young people.

Это, очевидно, имело место в первую очередь со взрослыми кандидатами или молодежью.

Consider this case that took place in 2006.

Речь шла о случае, который произошел в 2006 году.

Tatar nationalist movement took place between 1989 and 1994.

Формирование татарского националистического движения произошло в период между 1989 и 1994 годами.

Balaguer was president until 1978 and under him some economic development took place.

Балагер был президентом до 1978 года, и во время его правления некоторое экономическое развитие имело место.

There may be great information in the fact that nothing took place.

Может быть, наличествует большая информация в том факте, что ничего не имело места.

The second arrest reportedly took place in 1993.

Второй арест, по его словам, произошел в 1993 году.

In addition, two awareness-raising missions took place in 2009.

Кроме того, в 2009 г. были также проведены две миссии по повышению осведомленности.

Several stone-throwing incidents took place in the territories.

На территориях произошел ряд инцидентов, связанных с бросанием камней.

One delegation expressed general support for devolving responsibility to programme managers, where operations took place.

Одна из делегаций заявила о том, что она в целом поддерживает передачу ответственности на уровень руководителей программ, где осуществляется оперативная деятельность.

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  • 1
    take place

    take place случаться, иметь место

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > take place

  • 2
    take place

    Персональный Сократ > take place

  • 3
    take place

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > take place

  • 4
    take place

    1. случаться; происходить; иметь место

    2. случаться; случиться; происходить; произойти

    3. иметь место

    4. происходить

    Синонимический ряд:

    occur (verb) arrive; befall; chance; come about; come to pass; happen; occur; turn up

    English-Russian base dictionary > take place

  • 5
    take place

    происходить, случаться; состояться, иметь место

    The wedding will take place next week. — Свадьба будет на следующей неделе.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > take place

  • 6
    take place

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > take place

  • 7
    take place

    иметь место, случиться

    The accident took place on Oak Street.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > take place

  • 8
    take place

       имeть мecтo, пpoиcxoдить, cлучaтьcя, cocтoятьcя

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > take place

  • 9
    take place

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take place

  • 10
    take place

    происходить, иметь место

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > take place

  • 11
    take place

    1) иметь место

    2) случаться
    3) бывать
    4) состояться

    Англо-русский технический словарь > take place

  • 12
    take place

    1) Общая лексика: идти, иметь место, произойти, происходить, случаться, случиться, занять ( чьё-л.) место, совершаться, совершиться, состояться, заменять , являться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > take place

  • 13
    take place

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > take place

  • 14
    take place

    произойти, иметь место, случаться, твориться, состояться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > take place

  • 15
    take place

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > take place

  • 16
    take place

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > take place

  • 17
    take place

    происходить; иметь место; случаться

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > take place

  • 18
    take place

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > take place

  • 19
    take place

    = occur, happen

    залегать, случаться, происходить; встречаться, попадаться

    English-Russian mining dictionary > take place

  • 20
    take place

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > take place


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • take place — {v. phr.} To happen; occur. * /The accident took place only a block from his home./ * /The action of the play takes place in ancient Rome./ * /The dance will take place after the graduation exercises./ Compare: GO ON(3) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take place — {v. phr.} To happen; occur. * /The accident took place only a block from his home./ * /The action of the play takes place in ancient Rome./ * /The dance will take place after the graduation exercises./ Compare: GO ON(3) …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take place — ► to happen: »The handover to the new owners will take place in July. »The historic meeting took place in New York. Main Entry: ↑place …   Financial and business terms

  • take place — ► take place occur. Main Entry: ↑place …   English terms dictionary

  • take place — index arise (occur), occur (happen), supervene Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take place — verb come to pass (Freq. 54) What is happening? The meeting took place off without an incidence Nothing occurred that seemed important • Syn: ↑happen, ↑hap, ↑go on, ↑pass off …   Useful english dictionary

  • take place — to happen. The meeting took place in the lawyers office on October 20th. Not all engineering failures take place suddenly and dramatically. Usage notes: often take place suggests that something has happened at a particular time in a particular… …   New idioms dictionary

  • take place — v. phr. To happen; occur. The accident took place only a block from his home. The action of the play takes place in ancient Rome. The dance will take place after the graduation exercises. Compare: go on(3) •• to happen; to occur …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take place — to happen The Olympics take place every four years. I don t know exactly what took place in the classroom …   English dictionary

  • take place — happen, occur    The race will take place at the university track at 10 a.m …   English idioms

  • take place — to happen, to occur The game took place on the coldest day of the year …   Idioms and examples

take place — перевод на русский

/teɪk pleɪs/

Within seven minutes of the time the murder took place.

Примерно в то время, когда произошло убийство.

The old man lived downstairs under the room where the killing took place.

Под комнатой, где произошло убийство, живет один старик.

You, Cherè, tell me everything you did before the murder took place.

Маргарита Кере, расскажите мне, что вы делали когда произошло убийство.

What took place in the next six days became the legend of Navarone.

То, что произошло в следующие 6 дней стало легендой Навароне.

On May 21, at Iquique’s anchorage, One of the most glorious events in our history took place.

21 мая в порту Икике произошло одно из самых прославленных событий в истории нашей страны.

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=I will adhere to his final wishes= =and participate in the WOC that’s taking place in a month.=

=Я поддержу брата в его мечтах= который состоится через месяц.=

The wedding will take place exactly as planned.

Свадьба состоится точно так, как запланировано.

The crime of ten minutes to midnight will not take place.

Преступление, намеченное на четверть двенадцатого, не состоится

The execution will take place at 7:00 according to the verdict of the court-martial.

Казнь состоится в семь часов, согласно… постановлению трибунала.

The reconstruction will take place at 10 tomorrow night.

Он состоится завтра в десять вечера.

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When I recall it and when I recall various other symptoms, I think the simplest explanation is that I had these experiences, that they were real, and that they took place outside time.

¬оспоминани€ об этом, также как и воспоминани€ об иных пережитых симптомах, не вызывают у мен€ сомнений в том, что эти переживани€ были абсолютно реальными и происходили вне времени.

History always records where people were what they were doing when important events took place.

История всегда фиксирует, где люди были и что делали, когда происходили важные события.

stories which take place in various times and places.

Эти истории происходили в разные эпохи и в разных местах.

Some of us have great stories, pretty stories… that take place at lakes… with boats and friends and noodle salad.

У некоторых из нас великие или просто милые истории. Которые происходили на озерах, с лодками, с друзьями и свежим салатом.

The children were resuscitated and they could only make a report or a masterpiece. They appeared where once the greatest feats of arms in our country had taken place.

Дети воскресли и заявили о себе шедевральньiм обличением, появляясь в местах, где когда-то происходили величайшие подвиги в истории нашей страньi.

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Now, where did this conversation take place?

Итак, где имел место этот разговор?

Mrs. Helm, is this a certificate of marriage between yourself and Otto Ludwig Helm, the ceremony having taken place in Breslau on 18 April 1942?

Миссис Хелм, это свидетельство о браке между вами и неким Отто Людвигом Хельмом? Церемония имела место в Бреслау, в апреле 42-го?

Once in a great many 1,000 years, an abrupt jump may take place… in animal or in vegetable life.

Раз в тысячелетие, могут иметь место сильнейшие биологические изменения в животном или растительном мире.

Everybody is here, the fire can not take place

Каждый здесь, огонь не может иметь место

According to experiments carried out by the German researcher Peter Witt, clear and characteristic transfigurations take place in those cases where the patient is suffering from Schizophrenia.

Согласно экспериментам, осуществляемых немецким исследователем Петтера Витта, ясные и характерные преобразования имеют место в тех случаях, когда пациент страдает от Шизофрении.

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Where will the conference take place?

Где будет проходить конкурс?

This training will take place at a regular Army base.

Обучение будет проходить на военной базе.

The ceremony will take place under the dome

Церемония будет проходить под куполом.

I’ve decided the performance should take place here.

И я решил, что представление будет проходить здесь.

We need to find where this ritual will take place.

Нам нужно найти эту церковь. Нужно найти, где будет проходить этот ритуал. Согласен.

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The State has not produced one iota of medical evidence that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place.

Обвинение не представило ни единого… медицинского свидетельства… что преступление, в котором обвинен Том Робинсон… вообще имело место.

I can even tell you that it contains the minutes of an interesting meeting that took place in our embassy.

Я могу сказать вам, что в нем содержится отчет о весьма любопытном совещании, которое имело место в нашем посольстве.

Apparently, some kind of transposition has taken place.

Очевидно, имело место какое-то перемещение.

Insect development took place at a comparatively early stage in the history of life on earth.

Развитие насекомых имело место в сравнительно раннюю стадию в истории жизни на земле.

According to the time index, what you see on the monitor took place seven seconds after Nova Squadron completed the Yeager Loop.

Согласно хронометражу, то, что Вы видите на мониторе имело место семь секунд спустя завершения эскадрильей «Нова» Петли Ягера.

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Dear Sir, This is a reminder that, as per our signed agreement, you must perform on a night festival that will take place in Las Ventas Bullring next Saturday 17th at 11 PM.

Уважаемый сеньор! Напоминаем, что согласно контракта подписаного вами, вы обязаны выступить в ночном представлении, который пройдет на Арене Быков де лас Вентас, в будущую субботу

The ceremony will take place as planned

Церемония пройдёт так, как запланировано.

-Briefing will take place in-flight.

— Инструктаж пройдёт уже на борту.

I’ll bet you twenty, he will take place on zero on the weekend.

Ставлю двадцатку, он пройдет по нулям в уикенд.

The marriage will take place on the Festival of spring.

Свадьба пройдёт на весенний фестиваль.

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We take them off to greet someone and take place on a train.

Служат для приветствия и чтобы занять место в поезде.

That you’d be able to take the place of Charly in Gigi’s heart?

Что ты смог занять место Шарли в сердце Жижи?

Political youths welcome this initiative of the gov’t and call all young people to take place as walkons a fact which will be taken into account for their selection as civil servants for the National Electricity Company, Water Supply Organization etc

Политическая молодежь одобряет эту инициативу правительства и призывает всех молодых людей занять место в рядах зрителей,.. …что будет учитываться при их выборе в качестве государственных служащих Национальной электрической компании, Организации водоснабжения и т.д.

As a matter of fact, if you would allow me to take the place of SG-1…

По сути, если вы позволите мне занять место SG-1 …

She will take the place of Sabetha, the one that failed us.

Она займет место Сабеты, которая разочаровала нас.

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What is taking place here is by now an old story

— То, что происходит здесь, уже старая история.

We’re looking at the story of one small death that took place 140 million years ago, for here’s the body, complete with that trailing tail.

Здесь мы видим историю одной маленькой смерти, случившейся 140 млн. лет назад. А вот и отпечаток тела с тем самым заострённым хвостом.

It is not my task to interfere with the processes that take place down here.

Не моё дело — вмешиваться в то, что здесь происходит.

There’s nothing untoward taking place here, Colonel.

Уверяю вас, здесь не происходит ничего не достойного, полковник.

So after doing your military service, you came to this town, and the murders all began taking place.

Так значит, после армии ты решил переехать сюда. И здесь началась серия этих убийств.

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I thought this takes place in Egypt!

Мне казалось, что действие происходит в Египте.

-No, the story took place in the ’50s.

— Он про то, что действие происходит в пятидесятые.

The following takes place between 1pm and 2pm on the day of the California presidential primary.

Действие происходит между часом и двумя часами дня в день выборов кандидата в президенты от Калифорнии.

-Did I say it takes place in the ‘7 0s?

-Я упоминал, что действие происходит в семидесятых?

Message From Sector Six. All takes place in a space station.

Действие происходит на космической станции.

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Отправить комментарий

Whats another word for took place?

occur; take place; happen; pass; arise; fall out; go on; come about; pass off; hap.

What is the meaning of take place in English?

When something takes place, it happens, especially in a controlled or organized way. The discussion took place in a famous villa on the lake’s shore. She wanted Hugh’s wedding to take place quickly.

What is mean by took?

Took is defined as to have taken something. An example of took is to have grabbed three cookies off a plate.

What does take place mean in stories?

The phrasal verb “take place” means to “happen”, so the sentence describes where and when the story happens. You can follow “take place” with either a time, a location, or both: It takes place in the 1930’s.

What does it mean when something comes to pass?

Come to pass means to happen or to occur, as in We need to build a shelter in case a tornado comes to pass. Come to pass can be used in present, past, or future tense, which is reflected in come, as in She interviewed the employees to figure out how the jewelry heist came to pass.

Is arised a word?

The word arised does not technically exist in the English lexicon. Here’s a list of synonyms for arose.

What does have place mean?

to have a station, room, or seat; as, such desires can have no place in a good heart.

Was taken place or was took place?

Both are grammatically correct; it depends on the context, which hasn’t been provided. IF the action has just occurred: “The action has taken place . . . “. IF the action occurred some time earlier or at a point in the past: “The action took place . . . “.

How do you use take over in a sentence?

Example Sentences I can’t believe that they were able to launch a takeover of our company. Britain used to go in and take over countries by force. My husband has been selected to take over as principal when Mr Jones retires at the end of the year. He will take over the project from me when I go on leave.

Where we use take?

We use take in a lot of phrases, especially with nouns. In these cases, the meaning of take depends on the noun: take advantage (of something)Phrases with take. take a booking/reservation take a holiday take a risk take a bus take a look take a train take a chance take a photograph take a trip.

Had taken meaning?

Generally, the simple past (took) is used to make general statements/single events about the past, while the past perfect (had taken) is used to show a completed action before another, both occurring in the past.

Is it correct to say I have took it?

No, both are not grammatically or generally accepted. I’m sure many people from Liverpool talk the way your friend does, but it’s not standard English. Your “Have you taken” is correct grammar. “Have you took” is not.

When and where a story takes place is called the?

The time and location in which a story takes place is called the setting.

What is the central idea in a story called?

Theme is the main or central idea in a literary work. It is the unifying element of a story. A theme is not a summary of characters or events.

What does looking up to someone mean?

: to respect and admire (someone) I’ve always looked up to my older brother. The kids really look up to their coach.

Who said this too shall pass?

The phrase became even more popular when it was used by Abraham Lincoln in his speech when he became the 16th President and presented the words, ‘this too shall pass’ to the nation.

Will surely come to pass meaning?

to come to pass: to happen, take place in the course of events, come about, occur, be fulfilled. Here are some correct uses of the expression: all things, good and bad, come to pass. It shall come to pass.

What Bible verse says shall come to pass?

[5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. [6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Is arised correct?

The three forms of arise are arise, arose, arisen. It is used in formal contexts: An opportunity arose and he decided to take the job in Brussels. A problem has arisen with my passport.

Have been arisen meaning?

to come into being; originate. 2. ( foll by from) to spring or proceed as a consequence; result. guilt arising from my actions.

Has no place in meaning?

to not be suitable or right in a particular situation. She believed that religious teaching had no place in the school curriculum.

What is this place meaning?

This expression is commonly used to convey awe, horror, or astonishment regarding one’s surroundings. Suppose, for instance, that you and your friends stumble upon an ancient tomb underneath your familiar city. “What is this place?” she wondered, her eyes wide with amazement.

What is liveability?

Liveability describes the frame conditions of a decent life for all inhabitants of cities, regions and communities including their physical and mental wellbeing. Liveability is based on the principle of sustainability and smart and thus is sensitive to nature and the protection of its resource.

How did it happen or how does it happen?

“How did this happen?” is the correct form. The auxiliary verb “did”, followed by a noun (or pronoun or a group of words that acts as a noun) and an infinitive (happen), puts this question securely in the most usual form for past-tense questions.

Will be take place meaning?

: happen, occur The conference is scheduled to take place in June.

When did it happen or happened?

Both forms are grammatically correct (contrary to the insistence of some British grammar purists). The first one (“What happened?”) is the one most of us would likely ever to need in normal life. Use “did” when we knew something had happened but wanted more details.

What does take over the world mean?

It means he would like to rule over/ be the leader of the world / conquer this world.

How do you say something is taking over?

annex, attach, claim, confiscate, impound, repossess, sequester.

Was taken over meaning?

: to assume control or possession of or responsibility for military leaders took over the government. intransitive verb. 1 : to assume control or possession.

What is your take Meaning?

Idiom: ‘What’s your take on that?’ Meaning: This idiom is way of asking someone for their opinion and ideas.

What is the difference between off and from?

“Off” is slang, “from” is spoken informal and formal and is always used in writing. I’m moving out of/from my current place next week. “Moving out of” is a standard phrase meaning “changing residence from”. Both ‘moving out of’ and ‘moving from’ can be used interchangeably.

What is difference between take and takes?

“to take” is a verb which conjugates in present tense to “takes” in third person singular but to “take” in first and second person singular and all plurals. Thus: “he, she, it takes”; “I, you (sing.

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