Word meaning to turn into

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

As a result, he began to turn into a huge monster every time as soon as someone took him out of emotional balance.

В результате он стал превращаться в огромного монстра всякий раз, как только кто-то выводил его из душевного равновесия.

They can stimulate skin renewal, have the ability to turn into any cell type and have unlimited possibilities.

Они способны стимулировать обновление кожи, обладают способностью превращаться в любой тип клеток и имеют неограниченные возможности.

And for that we ourselves need to become art, or better said — to turn into art our own existence.

А для этого нам самим нужно стать искусством, или лучше сказать — превратить в искусство свое собственное существование.

This property allows certain gases to turn into liquids.

Это свойство ответственно за то, что определённые газы превращаются в жидкость.

That doesn’t mean at age 30 he’s going to turn into a completely useless player.

Это не значит, что в таком возрасте человек превращается в абсолютно немощного инвалида.

From this point on, the old residential districts began to turn into an elite commercial zone, which it still is.

С этого момента старые жилые кварталы стали превращаться в элитную коммерческую зону, какой и является до сих пор.

This means that I began to turn into a typical working North Americans was not observed a few months ago.

Это означает, что я стал превращаться в типичного работающего североамериканца, чего не наблюдалось несколько месяцев назад.

Neos Marmaras is known to turn into an endless party at night.

Неос Мармарас, как известно, превращается в бесконечную вечеринку ночью.

The game imported from England began to turn into Brazil into art.

Завезенная из Англии игра начала превращаться в Бразилии в искусство.

We want our word to turn into action.

Мы хотим, чтобы наша инициатива воплощалась в практические действия.

It can cause normally wonderful employees to turn into toxic employees.

Это может привести к тому, что обычно замечательные сотрудники превратятся в токсичных сотрудников.

The international community must not allow such theories to turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.

Международное сообщество не должно допустить, чтобы такие теории превратились в пророчества, которым суждено сбыться.

There was no need to turn into laparotomy.

Ни в одном случае не было необходимости перехода на лапаротомию.

The particulate becomes heavy enough to turn into rainfall.

Растущие частицы в конечном итоге становятся достаточно тяжелыми, чтобы падать в виде осадков.

Others take several years to turn into reality.

Другим для того, чтобы слова стали реальностью хватает несколько лет.

I thought that I was going to turn into one.

Мне казалось, что я перейду в одну из них.

This doesn’t need to turn into a farce.

It’s at this point that their friendship begins to turn into something more, something deeper.

However, we cannot allow fear to turn into hate.

You are here to turn into a winner.

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turn  — повернуть, поворачиваться, поворачивать, очередь, поворот, оборот, перемена, черед
into  — в, на, к

Take a left turn into Brown’s Close.

Поверните налево, в тупик Брауна.

It saddened me to watch him turn into an alcoholic.

Мне было очень грустно видеть, как он превращается в алкоголика.

They bought a charming Victorian house with a garret that she hoped to turn into a writing room.

Они купили очаровательный викторианский дом с мансардой, которую она надеялась превратить в рабочий кабинет.

People who don’t like their jobs can turn into clock watchers. *

Люди, которым не нравится их работа, лишь отсиживают время.

The sofa turns into a bed.

Диван превращается в кровать.

The water turned into ice.

Вода превратилась в лёд.

The battle turned into a rout.

Сражение превратилось в разгром.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

She turned into it to find a stairway going up.  

But Bergman had turned him into a shell of a human.  

The jet exploded in midair and turned into a fireball.  

…after a day of heavy rain, the fairgrounds had turned into pure sludge…  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • 1
    turn into

    turn into someone/something
    to change into someone/something
    превратиться в кого-то/что-то

    He turned into a monster. He was turned into a stone in that fairy tale.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > turn into

  • 2
    turn into

    Персональный Сократ > turn into

  • 3
    turn into

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > turn into

  • 4
    turn into

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > turn into

  • 5
    turn into

    превращать; становиться; обращаться

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > turn into

  • 6
    turn into

    make into — превращать; превратить; переделывать; переделать

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > turn into

  • 7
    turn into

    сворачивать в; превращаться в

    English-Russian base dictionary > turn into

  • 8
    turn into

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > turn into

  • 9
    turn into

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > turn into

  • 10
    turn into

    1) обращаться

    2) превращаться

    Англо-русский технический словарь > turn into

  • 11
    turn , into

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > turn , into

  • 12
    turn into

    1) Общая лексика: превращать , превращаться , становиться , обернуться , воплощать в (реальность)

    4) Дипломатический термин: превращать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > turn into

  • 13
    turn into

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > turn into

  • 14
    turn into

    English-russian dictionary of physics > turn into

  • 15
    turn into

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > turn into

  • 16
    turn into

    превращать, превращаться

    Новый англо-русский словарь > turn into

  • 17
    turn into

    1) превратиться в; 2) превращать

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > turn into

  • 18
    turn into

    1) превращаться

    2) обменивать на что-л.

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > turn into

  • 19
    turn into

    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > turn into

  • 20
    turn into

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > turn into


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • turn into — To become by a process of change • • • Main Entry: ↑turn …   Useful english dictionary

  • turn into — index change, evolve, vary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • turn into — phrasal verb Word forms turn into : present tense I/you/we/they turn into he/she/it turns into present participle turning into past tense turned into past participle turned into 1) a) turn into or turn to turn into someone/something [linking… …   English dictionary

  • Turn Into — Single infobox Name = Turn Into Artist = Yeah Yeah Yeahs from Album = Show Your Bones Released = 2006 Format = Recorded = Genre = Alternative Length = 4:04 Label = Interscope Producer = David Andrew Sitek Yeah Yeah Yeahs Chart position = #53 (UK) …   Wikipedia

  • turn into — phr verb Turn into is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑frown, ↑grin, ↑minute Turn into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑addiction, ↑anger, ↑cash, ↑desert, ↑disaster, ↑farce, ↑hero, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • turn into — become, change into, convert    If you eat any more hotdogs you ll turn into a wiener! …   English idioms

  • turn into money — index liquidate (convert into cash), realize (obtain as a profit) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • turn into cash — index realize (obtain as a profit) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • turn into cinder — turn into ashes …   English contemporary dictionary

  • turn into a pumpkin — verb a) To go to bed; to go to sleep (especially at, or around midnight.) Im about ready to turn into a pumpkin. You can stay up later if you want. b) Used to indicate a curfew, or the time by which one must depart. Tell her Im turning into a… …   Wiktionary

  • turn into — Synonyms and related words: English, alter, alter into, ameliorate, assimilate to, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, become, bottom out, break, bring to, change, change into, change over, checker, chop, chop and change, come about, come… …   Moby Thesaurus

3 формы глагола turn into

Английский глагол turn into [ˈtɝn ˈɪntuː], переводится как: превратиться, превратить.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы,
фразовые глаголы.

3 формы глагола turn into: Infinitive (turn into), Past Simple — (turned into), Past Participle — (turned into).

📚 Глагол turn into имеет значения: (1) превращаться в кого-либо или во что-либо, изменяться, стать кем-то или чем-то другим
(2) превращать, переделывать, превратить кого-то или что-то в нечто иное.

👉 Формы глагола turn into в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет turn into в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола turn into

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
turn into [ˈtɝn ˈɪntuː]

turned into [ˈtɝnd ˈɪntuː]

turned into [ˈtɝnd ˈɪntuː]

превратиться, превратить

Как поставить turn into во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол turn into в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — turn into. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —
    turned into.

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —
    turned into.

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить turn into в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для turn into нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
turn into в past simple — turned into.

What is the past tense of turn into?

The past tense of turn into is turned into.

The past participle of turn into is turned into.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — turn into в past simple, будет turned into.

Future simple — turn into в future simple будет turn into. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — turn into в present perfect будет
turned into.
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — turn into в past perfect будет
turned into.

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол turn into?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол turn into это правильный глагол.

Примеры применения глагола turn into

    He was always one who could turn everything into a joke — Он всегда был тем, кто мог превратить все в шутку.
    (Past Simple)

    I want to turn your old bedroom into an office — Я хочу переделать твою старую спальню под офис.
    (Present Simple)

    Old jeans were turned into shorts — Старые джинсы были переделаны в шорты.
    (Past Simple)

    Clearly his annoyance was turning into anger — Очевидно, что его раздражение перерастало в гнев.
    (Past Continuous)

    You’re letting some rich spoiled girl turn you into her dress up doll — Ты позволяешь какой-то богатой избалованной девчонке превратить тебя в свою куклу
    (Present Simple)

    Our fear then turned into anger, complaining to John that we thought he was getting murdered — Затем наш страх превратился в гнев, предъявляя Джону, что мы думали, что его убивают.
    (Past Simple)

    A swelteringly hot day began to turn into thunderstorms, so my buddy Nick and I decided to go out of town — Знойный жаркий день начал превращаться в грозу, поэтому мы с моим приятелем Ником решили уехать из города.
    (Past Simple)

    He turned into a real gentleman — Он стал настоящим джентльменом.

    Don’t turn my words into a drama! — Не делай драму из моих слов!
    (Present Simple)

    This is the best place to turn a small investment into a sizable fortune — Это лучшее место, чтобы превратить небольшие инвестиции в достойное состояние.
    (Present Simple)

    Therapy made me realize I’ve always been afraid to turn into my mother — Терапия дала мне понять, что я всегда боялась превратиться в свою маму.
    (Present Perfect)

    Then, I turned into his look-alike — Тогда я превратился в него
    (Past Simple)

    Do you think the sand turned into glass? — Думаете, песок превратился в стекло?
    (Past Simple)

    My beautiful daughter has turned into an old woman — Моя красавица дочь превратилась в старуху
    (Present Perfect)

    At midnight I’ll turn into a pumpkin — А в полночь моя карета превратится в тыкву
    (Future Simple)

    It’s turning into a seedy little drama — Это превращается в жалкую драму
    (Present Continuous)

    His background turns into a swamp — Его прошлое превращается в болото
    (Present Simple)

    I turned into my father — Я превращаюсь в моего отца
    (Past Simple)

    This room can be turned into a laboratory — Эту комнату можно превратить в лабораторию
    (Present Simple)

Глаголы на букву:

























    • See Also:
      • Turlock
      • turmaline
      • turmeric
      • turmeric paper
      • turmoil
      • turn
      • turn button
      • turn down
      • turn in
      • turn indicator
      • Turn of the Screw, The
      • turn off
      • turn on
      • turn out
      • turn over
      • turn signal
      • turn to
      • turn up
      • turn-and-bank indicator
      • turn-and-slip indicator
      • turnabout
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

turn /tɜrn/USA pronunciation  

  1. to (cause to) move around on an axis or about a center;
    rotate: [+ object]to turn a wheel.[no object]The wheel wouldn’t turn.
  2. to (cause to) move around or partly around: [+ object]to turn a key in a door.[no object]The key turned in the lock.
  3. to reverse the position or placement of: [+ object]to turn a page.[no object]The suspect turned and began to fire his gun.
  4. to direct, aim, or set toward: [+ object]He turned his car toward the center of town.[no object]The car turned to the right and stopped.
  5. to bring the lower layers of (soil, etc.) to the surface, as in plowing:[+ object]to turn the fields.
  6. to change the position or direction of;
    move into a different position:[+ object]to turn the handle one notch.
  7. to change the focus or tendency of: [+ object]She turned the conversation to a topic that was more pleasant.[no object]The conversation turned to more pleasant topics.
  8. to change or alter the nature or appearance of;
    to (make something) become something else: [+ object + adjective]Worry has turned his hair gray.[+ object + to/into + object]The heat turned the ice to water.[no object]The neighborhood has turned into a slum.[no object* ~ + adjective]The milk turned sour.
  9. to change the color of (leaves): [+ object]The shortening of daylight has turned the leaves.[no object]The leaves have begun to turn; they’re now a beautiful yellow.
  10. to (cause to) become sour or go bad: [no object]In the heat the milk turned.[+ object]The hot air has turned the milk.
  11. Pathology, British Termsto (cause to) be affected with nausea, as the stomach: [+ object]Violence turns her stomach.[no object]My stomach turned at the thought of all that violence.
  12. to (cause to) be put or applied to some use or purpose: [+ object]He turned his mind to more practical matters.[no object]His mind turned to practical matters.
  13. to pass around: [+ object]knew he was being followed, so he turned a corner and vanished.[no object]He turned to the left and vanished.
  14. to reach or pass (a certain age, etc.):[+ noun]He turned sixty last week.
  15. Building[+ object] to shape (a piece of metal, etc.) into form with a cutting tool while rotating it on a lathe.
  16. to form or express gracefully:[+ object]In her letter writing she really shows an ability to turn a phrase.
  17. to cause to go;
    drive:[+ object + out/away]She turned him away.
  18. to (cause to) be persuaded to change or reorder the course of one’s life: [+ object]He turned her to a life of crime.[+ to + object]She turned to a life of crime.
  19. to (cause to) be angry (with) or betray: [+ object]to turn children against their parents.[no object]They turned against their parents.
  20. to earn or gain:[+ object]She turned a profit on the sale.
  21. to twist out of position;
    wrench: [+ object]He turned his ankle when he fell.[no object]His ankle turned when he fell.
  22. Sport to perform (a gymnastic feat) by rotating or revolving:[+ object]turned a somersault.
  23. to disorder the condition of:[+ object]The crooks turned the apartment (upside down) looking for money.
  24. to hinge or depend:[not: be + ~-ing* ~ + on/upon + object]The whole question turns on this point.
  25. to direct one’s gaze, etc., toward or away from someone or something: [no object]His gaze turned slowly from the window to his visitor.[+ object]He turned his gaze toward her.
  26. to go to someone for help or information:[no object]to turn to a friend for a loan.
  27. turn away:
    • [no object] to move the eyes away from someone or something:I offered her my hand, but she just turned away.
    • to refuse to allow (someone) to enter: [+ object + away]The guards turned us away.[+ away + object]turned away anyone without an invitation.

  28. turn down:
    • to turn over;
      fold down: [+ down + object]to turn down (the sheets or blankets of) a bed.[+ object + down]to turn the bed down.
    • to lower in intensity;
      lessen: [+ down + object]to turn down the heat in the classroom.[+ object + down]to turn the heat down.
    • to refuse or reject (a person, etc.): [+ down + object]They turned down your request for promotion.[+ object + down]She asked him to marry her, but he turned her down.

  29. turn in:
    • to give (something) to someone in authority: [+ in + object]Turn in your badge and report to the office.[+ object + in]turned his badge in.
    • to inform on (someone): [+ object + in]Someone turned us in.[+ in + object]He’d turn in his own mother if the reward was enough.
    • Informal Terms[no object] to go to bed;
      retire:I’m exhausted; I think I’ll turn in.

  30. turn off:
    • to stop the flow of (water, etc.), as by closing a faucet or valve: [+ off + object]The electrician turned off the electricity to the house.[+ object + off]The plumber turned the water off.
    • to extinguish (a light): [+ off + object]Turn off the lights and go to bed.[+ object + off]Turn the light off; it’s too bright.
    • to exit (a road) and proceed in a different direction: [+ off + object]to turn off the highway and take the local road.[no object]Turn off when you get to the exit.
    • Slang Termsto disgust* to cause a feeling of dislike;
      to alienate: [+ object + off]Her manners turn me off.[+ off + object]turned off everyone with her bad manners.

  31. turn on:
    • to cause (water, etc.) to flow, as by opening a valve: [+ on + object]to turn on the gas.[+ object + on]to turn the gas on again.
    • to switch on (a light): [+ on + object]Turn on a light; I can’t see.[+ object + on]Turn the lights on; I can’t see.
    • to put into operation;
      activate: [+ on + object]turned on the engine.[+ object + on]She turned the engine on.
    • [+ on  + object] to start suddenly to show:He just turned on the charm.
    • Slang Termsto persuade (a person) to take a narcotic drug: [+ object + on]turned his friend on to LSD.[+ on + object]wanted to turn on the whole city by pouring LSD into the water supply.
    • Slang Terms[no object]to take a narcotic drug:to get a little marijuana and turn on.
    • Slang Terms[+ object + on]to arouse the interest of:Architecture really turns her on.
    • Slang Terms[+ object + on]to arouse sexually:When she walks into a room, she turns every man on.
    • Also, turn upon. [+ on + object] to become suddenly hostile to:I don’t know what got her so angry; she’s even turning on her friends.

  32. turn out:
    • to extinguish (a light): [+ out + object]Turn out the light; it’s right in my eyes.[+ object + out]Turn the lights out.
    • to produce as the result of labor: [+ out + object]The factory turns out fifty computers every hour.[+ object + out]They sell them as fast as our factory can turn them out.
    • [no object] to become in the end:How did things turn out?
    • [+ out + to + verb] to be found or known to be;
      prove to be:He turned out to be an enemy.

  33. turn over:
    • to move or be moved from one side to another: [no object]He mumbled in his sleep and turned over.[+ object + over]She turned him over and got him out of bed.
    • to put in reverse position;
      invert: [+ over + object]The cat turned over the bowl of milk.[+ object + over]The child turned the plate over.
    • to transfer;
      give: [+ over + object]He went to the police and turned over the gun.[+ object + over]He turned the gun over to the police.
    • to (cause to) start, as an engine: [no object]The engine won’t turn over; the battery is dead.[+ object + over]Turn the engine over.
    • to think about;
      ponder: [+ over + object]turned over in his mind what she said to him.[+ object + over]He kept turning the problem over in his mind.

  34. turn up:
    • to fold (material, etc.) up to alter a garment: [+ up + object]to turn up a hem.[+ object + up]to turn a hem up.
    • to (cause to) be uncovered or found: [no object]Some new facts have just turned up.[+ up + object]turned up some new leads in the investigation.[+ object + up]Did the detective turn anything up yet?
    • to intensify or increase: [+ up + object]to turn up the volume.[+ object + up]to turn the volume up loud.
    • [no object] to appear;
      happen:always believed that «something (good) will turn up.»
    • [no object] to be recovered:That old ring you lost; did it ever turn up?

n. [countable]

  1. a movement of partial or total rotation:a turn of the handle.
  2. an act of changing position, etc., as by a movement around something:a turn of the head.
  3. [usually singular] a time for action:It’s my turn to speak, so let me finish.See in turn and out of turn below.
  4. an act of changing or reversing course or direction.
  5. a place where a road, etc., turns;
    bend:a turn in the road.
  6. a single revolution, as of a wheel:He gave the wheel a couple of sharp turns.
  7. any change, as in nature or circumstances:She has suffered a turn for the worse in her long battle with cancer.
  8. the point or time of change:at the turn of the century (= when the century changed, as from 1899 to 1900).
  9. a passing of one thing around another, as of a rope around a mast.
  10. a distinctive form of expression:a clever turn of phrase.
  11. a short walk, ride, etc., out and back, esp. by different routes.
  12. one’s natural way of thinking or acting:She’s of a lively turn of mind.
  13. an act of service or disservice:She did me a good (bad) turn by (not) showing up for my speech.
  14. Informal Terms a nervous shock, as from fright:[usually singular]gave us quite a turn when she fell from the balance beam.


  1. Idioms at every turn, constantly:She betrayed us at every turn.
  2. Idioms by turns, one after another;
    alternately:did their shopping and cleaning by turns.
  3. Idioms in turn, in order of one following another:We shook hands in turn with each of the people on line.
  4. Idioms out of turn:
    • not in the correct order:He went out of turn and tried to push his way to the front.
    • at an unsuitable time;
      indiscreetly:He spoke out of turn.

  5. Idioms take turns, to succeed one another in order:We took turns making breakfast.
  6. Idioms turn one’s back on, [+ object] to abandon, ignore, or reject:She turned her back on her boyfriend and left him for another.
  7. Idioms turn the corner, to pass through a crisis safely:He was sick for months, but now he’s begun to turn the corner.
  8. Idioms turn the tide, to reverse the course of events:The army was finally able to turn the tide and start pushing the invaders back.

turn•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(tûrn),USA pronunciation v.t. 

  1. to cause to move around on an axis or about a center;
    rotate:to turn a wheel.
  2. to cause to move around or partly around, as for the purpose of opening, closing, or tightening:to turn a key; to turn the cap of a jar.
  3. to reverse the position or placement of:to turn a page;to turn an egg;to turn a person around.
  4. to bring the lower layers of (sod, soil, etc.) to the surface, as in plowing.
  5. to change the position of, by or as if by rotating;
    move into a different position:to turn the handle one notch.
  6. to change or alter the course of;
    deflect:He turned the blow with his arm.
  7. to change the focus or tendency of:She skillfully turned the conversation away from so unpleasant a subject.
  8. to reverse the progress of;
    cause to retreat:The police turned the advancing rioters by firing over their heads.
  9. to change or alter the nature, character, or appearance of:Worry turned his hair gray.
  10. to change or convert (usually fol. by into or to):to turn water into ice; to turn tears into laughter.
  11. to render or make by some change:Fear turned him cowardly and craven.
  12. to change the color of (leaves).
  13. to cause to become sour, to ferment, or the like:Warm weather turns milk.
  14. Pathology, British Termsto cause (the stomach) to reject food, liquid, etc.;
    affect with nausea.
  15. to change from one language or form of expression to another;
  16. to put or apply to some use or purpose:He turned his mind to practical matters.
  17. to go or pass around or to the other side of:to turn a street corner.
  18. to get beyond or pass (a certain age, time, amount, etc.):His son just turned four.
  19. to direct, aim, or set toward, away from, or in a specified direction:to turn the car toward the center of town; to turn one’s back to the audience.
  20. to direct (the eyes, face, etc.) another way;
  21. Buildingto shape (a piece of metal, wood, etc.) into rounded form with a cutting tool while rotating the piece on a lathe.
  22. to bring into a rounded or curved form in any way.
  23. to shape artistically or gracefully, esp. in rounded form.
  24. to form or express gracefully:to turn a phrase well.
  25. to direct (thought, attention, desire, etc.) toward or away from something.
  26. to cause to go;
    drive:to turn a person from one’s door.
  27. to revolve in the mind;
    ponder (often fol. by over):He turned the idea over a couple of times before acting on it.
  28. to persuade (a person) to change or reorder the course of his or her life.
  29. to cause to be prejudiced against:to turn a son against his father.
  30. to maintain a steady flow or circulation of (money or articles of commerce).
  31. to earn or gain:He turned a huge profit on the sale.
  32. to reverse or remake (a garment, shirt collar, etc.) so that the inner side becomes the outer.
  33. to pour from one container into another by inverting.
  34. to curve, bend, or twist.
  35. to twist out of position or sprain;
    wrench:He turned his ankle.
  36. to bend back or blunt (the edge of a blade).
  37. to perform (a gymnastic feat) by rotating or revolving:to turn a somersault.
  38. Psychiatryto disturb the mental balance of;
  39. to disorder or upset the placement or condition of:He turned the room upside down.
  40. [Obs.]
    • to convert.
    • to pervert.


  1. to move around on an axis or about a center;
  2. Buildingto move partly around through the arc of a circle, as a door on a hinge.
  3. to hinge or depend (usually fol. by on or upon):The question turns on this point.
  4. to direct or set one’s course toward, away from, or in a particular direction.
  5. to direct the face or gaze toward or away from someone or something.
  6. to direct one’s thought, attention, desire, etc., toward or away from someone or something.
  7. to give or apply one’s interest, attention, effort, etc., to something;
    pursue:He turned to the study and practice of medicine.
  8. to change or reverse a course so as to go in a different or the opposite direction:to turn to the right.
  9. to change position so as to face in a different or the opposite direction.
  10. to change or reverse position or posture as by a rotary motion.
  11. to shift the body about as if on an axis:to turn on one’s side while sleeping.
  12. to assume a curved form;
  13. to become blunted or dulled by bending, as the cutting edge of a knife or saw.
  14. Pathologyto be affected with nausea, as the stomach.
  15. to be affected with giddiness or dizziness;
    have a sensation of whirling or reeling.
  16. to adopt religion, a manner of life, etc., esp. as differing from a previous position or attitude:He turned to Christianity in his old age.
  17. to change or transfer one’s loyalties;
    defect:He turned from the Democrats and joined the Republicans.
  18. to change an attitude or policy:to turn in favor of someone; to turn against a person.
  19. to change or alter, as in nature, character, or appearance.
  20. to become sour, rancid, fermented, or the like, as milk or butter.
  21. to change color:The leaves began to turn in October.
  22. to change so as to be;
    become:a lawyer turned poet; to turn pale.
  23. Psychiatryto become mentally unbalanced or distracted.
  24. Nautical, Naval Termsto put about or tack, as a ship.
  25. Journalism(of copy) to run either from the bottom of the last column on one page to the top of the first column on the following page or from one column on a page to the expected place in the next column on the page (opposed to jump).
  26. turn back:
    • to retrace one’s footsteps;
      turn around to return.
    • to cause to go no further or to return, as by not welcoming;
      send away.
    • to fold (a blanket, sheet of paper, etc.) on itself:Turn back the page to keep the place.

  27. turn down:
    • to turn over;
      fold down.
    • to lower in intensity;
    • to refuse or reject (a person, request, etc.):The Marine Corps turned him down.

  28. turn in:
    • to hand in;
      submit:to turn in a resignation.
    • to inform on or deliver up:She promptly turned him in to the police.
    • to turn from one path or course into another;
    • Informal Termsto go to bed;
      retire:I never turn in before eleven o’clock.

  29. turn into:
    • to drive a vehicle or to walk into (a street, store, etc.):We turned into the dead-end street. He turned into the saloon at the corner.
    • to be changed, transformed, or converted into:He has turned into a very pleasant fellow. The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.

  30. turn off:
    • to stop the flow of (water, gas, etc.), as by closing a faucet or valve.
    • to extinguish (a light).
    • to divert;
    • to diverge or branch off, as a side road from a main road.
    • to drive a vehicle or walk onto (a side road) from a main road:You turn off at 96th Street. Turn off the highway on the dirt road.
    • [Slang.]to stop listening:You could see him turn off as the speaker droned on.
    • Slang Termsto disaffect, alienate, or disgust.
    • British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]to discharge an employee.

  31. turn on:
    • to cause (water, gas, etc.) to flow, as by opening a valve.
    • to switch on (a light).
    • to put into operation;
    • to start suddenly to affect or show:She turned on the charm and won him over.
    • Slang Termsto induce (a person) to start taking a narcotic drug.
    • Slang Termsto take a narcotic drug.
    • Slang Termsto arouse or excite the interest of;
      engage:the first lecture that really turned me on.
    • Slang Termsto arouse sexually.
    • Also, turn upon. to become suddenly hostile to:The dog turned on its owner.

  32. turn one’s hand to. See hand (def. 74).
  33. turn out:
    • to extinguish (a light).
    • to produce as the result of labor:She turned out four tapestries a year.
    • to drive out;
      discharge:a premier turned out of office.
    • to fit out;
    • to result;
    • to come to be;
      become ultimately.
    • to be found or known;
    • to be present at;
    • Informal Termsto get out of bed.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.]to order (a seaman or seamen) from quarters for duty.
    • to cause to turn outward, as the toes.

  34. turn over:
    • to move or be moved from one side to another.
    • to put in reverse position;
    • to consider;
    • to transfer;
    • to start (an engine):He turned over the car motor.
    • (of an engine) to start:The motor turned over without any trouble.
    • Business[Com.]to purchase and then sell (goods or commodities).
    • Business[Com.]to do business or sell goods to the amount of (a specified sum).
    • Business[Com.]to invest or recover (capital) in some transaction or in the course of business.

  35. turn the tables. See table (def. 19).
  36. turn the tide. See tide 1 (def. 12).
  37. turn to:
    • to apply to for aid;
      appeal to:When he was starting out as an artist he turned to his friends for loans.
    • to begin to attend to or work at something:After the storm we turned to and cleaned up the debris.
    • to change to:The ice turned to water.

  38. turn up:
    • to fold (material, a hem, cuffs, etc.) up or over in order to alter a garment.
    • to bring to the surface by digging:to turn up a shovelful of earth.
    • to uncover;
    • to intensify or increase.
    • to happen;
      occur:Let’s wait and see what turns up.
    • to appear;
      arrive:She turned up at the last moment.
    • to be recovered:I’m sure your watch will turn up eventually.
    • to come to notice;
      be seen.


  1. a movement of partial or total rotation:a slight turn of the handle.
  2. an act of changing or reversing position or posture, as by a rotary movement:a turn of the head.
  3. a time or opportunity for action which comes in due rotation or order to each of a number of persons, animals, etc.:It’s my turn to pay the bill.
  4. an act of changing or reversing the course or direction:to make a turn to the right.
  5. a place or point at which such a change occurs.
  6. a place where a road, river, or the like turns;
    bend:About a mile ahead, you’ll come to a turn in the road.
  7. a single revolution, as of a wheel.
  8. an act of turning so as to face or go in a different direction.
  9. direction, drift, or trend:The conversation took an interesting turn.
  10. any change, as in nature, character, condition, affairs, circumstances, etc.;
    modification:a turn for the better.
  11. the point or time of change.
  12. the time during which a worker or a set of workers is at work in alternation with others.
  13. that which is done by each of a number of persons acting in rotation or succession.
  14. rounded or curved form.
  15. the shape or mold in which something is formed or cast.
  16. a passing or twisting of one thing around another, as of a rope around a mast.
  17. the state of or a manner of being twisted.
  18. a single circular or convoluted shape, as of a coiled or wound rope.
  19. Buildinga small latch operated by a turning knob or lever.
  20. style, as of expression or language.
  21. a distinctive form or style imparted:a happy turn of expression.
  22. a short walk, ride, or the like out and back, esp. by different routes:Let’s go for a turn in the park.
  23. a natural inclination, bent, tendency, or aptitude:one’s turn of mind.
  24. a spell or period of work;
  25. a spell or bout of action or activity, esp. in wrestling.
  26. an attack of illness or the like.
  27. an act of service or disservice:He once did her a good turn. She repaid it with a bad turn.
  28. requirement, exigency, or need:This will serve your turn.
  29. treatment or rendering, esp. with reference to the form or content of a work of literature, art, etc.;
    twist:He gave the story a new turn.
  30. Informal Termsa nervous shock, as from fright or astonishment:It certainly gave me quite a turn to see him.
  31. Business[Stock Exchange.]a complete securities transaction that includes both a purchase and sale.
  32. Music and Dancea melodic embellishment or grace, commonly consisting of a principal tone with two auxiliary tones, one above and the other below it.
  33. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]an individual stage performance, esp. in a vaudeville theater or music hall.
  34. Militarya drill movement by which a formation changes fronts.
  35. a contest or round;
    a bout, as in wrestling.
  36. at every turn, in every case or instance;
    constantly:We met with kindness at every turn.
  37. by turns, one after another;
    in rotation or succession;
    alternately:They did their shopping and cleaning by turns.
  38. hand’s turn, a period or piece of work:It won’t be necessary for you to do a hand’s turn yourself, but rather to supervise.
  39. in turn, in due order of succession:Each generation in turn must grapple with the same basic problems.
  40. on the turn, on the verge or in the process of turning;
    changing:She said she hoped to be alive to see the century on the turn.
  41. out of turn:
    • not in the correct succession;
      out of proper order.
    • at an unsuitable time;
      indiscreetly:He spoke out of turn and destroyed the cordial atmosphere of the meeting.

  42. take turns, to succeed one another in order;
    alternate:They took turns walking the dog.
  43. to a turn, to just the proper degree;
    to perfection:The steak was done to a turn.
  44. turn and turn about or turn about, by turns:They fought the fire, turn and turn about, until daybreak.
  • Latin tornus, as above
  • Anglo-French *torn, t(o)urn; Old French tor, t(o)ur
  • Latin, as above; (noun, nominal) Middle English, partly derivative of the verb, verbal, partly
  • Old French torner, t(o)urner
  • Greek tórnos tool for making circles), partly
  • Latin tornāre to turn in a lathe, round off (derivative of tornus lathe
  • (verb, verbal) Middle English turnen, partly continuing Old English turnian, tyrnan bef. 1000

turna•ble, adj. 

    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged metamorphose, transmute, transform.
    • 23, 24.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fashion, mold.
    • 41.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Turn, revolve, rotate, spin indicate moving in a more or less rotary, circular fashion.
      Turn is the general and popular word for motion on an axis or around a center, but it is used also of motion that is less than a complete circle:A gate turns on its hinges.Revolve refers esp. to movement in an orbit around a center, but is sometimes exchangeable with rotate, which refers only to the motion of a body around its own center or axis:The moon revolves about the earth. The earth rotates on its axis.To spin is to rotate very rapidly:A top spins.
    • 79.See corresponding entry in Unabridged spin, gyration, revolution.
    • 88.See corresponding entry in Unabridged deviation, bend, twist, vicissitude, variation.
    • 101.See corresponding entry in Unabridged talent, proclivity.
      Turn, cast, twist are colloquial in use and imply a bent, inclination, or habit.
      Turn means a tendency or inclination for something:a turn for art.Cast means an established habit of thought, manner, or style:a melancholy cast.Twist means a bias:a strange twist of thought.

turn into‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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