Word meaning to try out

испытывать, опробовать, пробовать, проверять, пытаться сделать


- испытывать, опробовать; тщательно проверять

to try out a plane — испытывать самолёт
the idea seems good, but it must be tried out — идея кажется хорошей, но её нужно проверить на практике

- пробовать, проверять (кого-л.); отбирать

to be tried out for a team — спорт. участвовать в отборочных соревнованиях

- пытаться сделать (что-л.)

with his voice he ought to try out for radio — с его голосом ему следовало бы попробовать выступать по радио

Мои примеры


to try out for a role — пробоваться на роль  
try out — опробовать  
try out a plane — испытывать самолёт  
try out the engine — опробовать двигатель  

If we get it down to its essence, the difference between the verbs ‘try’ and ‘try out’ is that the latter is an irregular, phrasal verb and the former is an ordinary verb. To ‘try’ anything means to make an attempt to do something, and to ‘try out’ something means to put it to the test and see how it works.

Continue reading to learn about the etymology of the word ‘try,’ what phrasal verbs are and how they differ from regular verbs, and how to correctly employ the words ‘try’ and ‘try out’ in a sentence, among other things.

Etymology of Try

The term ‘try’ was first recorded in the Anglo-French languages in the early 1300s, and it has been in use ever since. Making an attempt to do something is the meaning of the word, which is a common verb. The word can be and is frequently used in each English language, no matter the regional dialect.

Phrasal Verb vs. Common Verb

A phrasal verb is a verb that is used in phrases such as pick up, turn on, or get on with. These verbs are composed of a basic verb and one or more additional words. The two or three words that make up a phrasal verb combine to form a brief “phrase,” which is why they are referred to as “phrasal verbs.”

A phrasal verb, on the other hand, is still a verb. ‘Look’ is a verb that means to look at something. ‘Look up’ is also a verb, however, it is a somewhat different one.

There is a significant difference in meaning between the two, as well as differences in grammatical behavior between them. Each phrasal verb should be treated as a single verb, and it should be learned in the same way as any other verb.

Examples of Try and Try Out in a Sentence

It may be beneficial to read a few instances of how and when to use the words ‘try’ and ‘try out’ in a sentence to gain a better understanding of the differences in their usage. Here are a few examples of how to use each within a grammatically correct sentence.

  • You should try harder on your homework so you will understand the content.
  • The baseball team tryout is tomorrow afternoon.
  • I am going to try to be there before it gets dark.
  • You should try out these new sunglasses because they are fantastic!

the difference between “Try” and “try out” is very subtle. “Try” bu itself means to attempt something but “try out” means to attempt something to see if it is a good fit for you

Let’s look at some more examples:

I want to try to play the guitar

Why don’t try out guitar lessons for a few weeks and see if you like them?

The idea with “try out” is that you attempt something for a short period and see if the results are acceptable for you.

Try out or try-out

“Try-out” is the noun form of “try out”. the noun form uses a hyphen and is usually used in American English when a person attempts to join a team that has a limited amount of players.

The basketball tryouts are on Saturday.

Try on

We use “try on” specifically in the context of clothes in the same context as “try out” (to see if something fits or looks well on you).

I always try on jeans before buying them. 

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Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years. He is interested in helping people with their English skills and learning about using A.I tools at work.

try out

1) испытывать, опробовать; тщательно проверять

to try out a plane — испытывать самолёт

the idea seems good, but it must be tried out — идея кажется хорошей, но её нужно проверить на практике

2) пробовать, проверять (); отбирать

to be tried out for a team — участвовать в отборочных соревнованиях

with his voice he ought to try out for radio — с его голосом ему следовало бы попробовать выступать по радио

Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «try out» в других словарях:

  • try out — try on / try out [v] evaluate, test appraise, audition, check out, demonstrate, experiment, fit, give a try, have a dry run*, have a fitting*, inspect, practice, probe, prove, put into practice, put to the test, sample, scrutinize, taste, try for …   New thesaurus

  • Try out — Try out, v. i. to compete for a postition, as on a sports team or in a theatrical presentation. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Try out — Try out, v. t. to use (something not previously used) to determine its fitness for a particular purpose; also, to attempt (a deed) to determine if it will accomplish a particular purpose. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • try out — try to become a member of a team    Let s try out for soccer this year. Let s play on the team …   English idioms

  • try-out — tryˈ out noun A test performance • • • Main Entry: ↑try …   Useful english dictionary

  • try|out — «TRY OWT», noun. Informal. 1. a test made to determine fitness for a specific purpose; experimental trial. 2. a selective trial to eliminate contestants or candidates not sufficiently capable to compete: »Olympic tryouts. Tryouts for the school… …   Useful english dictionary

  • try out — (for (something)) to compete for something. Jim tried out for the school play. Usage notes: usually said about competing to play on a team or perform in a show …   New idioms dictionary

  • try-out — n BrE a period of time spent trying a new method, tool, machine etc to see if it is useful …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • try-out — try ,out noun count usually plural AMERICAN a test for someone who wants to become a member of a team or wants to get a part in a play or movie a. a test to see what someone or something is like or whether they are appropriate or effective …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • try out — verb 1. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to (Freq. 8) This approach has been tried with good results Test this recipe • Syn: ↑test, ↑prove, ↑try, ↑examine, ↑essay …   Useful english dictionary

  • try out — v. 1) (D; intr., tr.) to try out for (to try out for a major part in a play) 2) (D; tr.) to try out on (to try out a new drug on animals) * * * [ traɪ aʊt] (D; tr.) to try out on (to try out a new drug on animals) (D; intr., tr.) to try out for… …   Combinatory dictionary

  [ traɪ aʊt ]  

1. Тестировать, испытывать
2. Пробоваться на роль/позицию

1. Тестировать, испытывать

Когда человек что-то Try On, то дело касается одежды или аксессуаров, которые он примеряет на себя. В остальных случаях используйте Try Out.

Заголовок BBC с фразовым глаголом  try out

Riders try out British-made electric unicycle.
Велосипедисты испытывают электрическое моноколесо британского производства.

She knew I wanted to try the boat out at the weekend.
Она знала, что я хотел испытать лодку на выходных.

The school hopes to try out the system in September.
Школа планирует опробовать новую систему в сентябре.

Don’t forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.
Не забудь проверить оборудование, прежде чем начать эксперимент.

They’re trying out a new presenter for the show.
Они пробуют нового ведущего для программы.

Lanny is trying out her new bicycle.
Ленни обкатывает свой новый велосипед.

Why don’t you try your Italian out on Francesca?
Почему бы тебе не испытать своё знание итальянского на Франческе?

The whole point of test driving a car is to try it out and see if you feel comfortable in it.
Весь смысл тест-драйва в том, чтобы проверить, подходит ли тебе машина.

2. Пробоваться на роль/позицию

I’m planning to try out for the basketball team, so I’m going to try to practice every day this summer.
Я хочу в баскетбольную команду, так что этим летом буду тренироваться каждый день.

Jim tried out for the school play.
Джим пробовался на роль в школьной постановке.

  •     Фразовые глаголы с TRY
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием OUT

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


It seemed like something I should try out.

Это представлялось, как нечто, что мне следует попробовать.

Even though I still might try out some more ideas.

Тем не менее, возможно, мы сможем попробовать еще больше новых идей.

We had three ideas we wanted to try out.

Также у нас существовало несколько идей, которые мы хотели опробовать.

But it’s best to try out the free package first.

Но сначала, конечно, лучше опробовать бесплатный продукт.

You could also try out one of the vehicles available in game.

Вы сможете испытать каждую из машин, которые имеются в игре.

Google Cardboard is the least expensive way to try out virtual reality.

Что ж, Google Cardboard — это один из самых дешевых способов испытать виртуальную реальность.

Let’s try out my sword.

Тогда иди и попробуй мою саблю!».

We had enough time to try out things.

У нас было много времени, чтобы попробовать разные вещи.

A great game to try out.

В общем, отличная игра, которую нужно попробовать.

Other players also love to try out MTTs or multi-table tournaments.

Другие игроки также любят, чтобы попробовать или МТТ турниры на нескольких столах.

Discord is another app you can try out as a Hangouts replacement.

Discord — это еще одно приложение, которое вы можете попробовать в качестве замены Hangouts.

For refreshments, try out the Museum Café.

Если вы хотите расслабиться, попробуйте деликатесы в музейном кафе.

However, if they persist, you can try out some natural solutions that help control them.

Однако, если они сохраняются, вы можете попробовать натуральные решения.

The restaurant is also a fantastic spot to try out the exquisite local cuisine.

Ночной рынок — потрясающее место, чтобы попробовать экзотическую местную кухню.

We’ll try out a new format and see how it goes.

Хочу попробовать новый формат, посмотрим как пойдет.

Before getting a suitable remedy, you may need to try out several remedies.

Прежде чем найти эффективный именно для вас препарат, возможно, вам придется попробовать несколько рецептурных препаратов.

One of the greatest methods to approach is to try out something which you like.

Один из лучших способов приблизиться к этому — попробовать что-то, что вам понравится.

It’s a chance to try out new games.

This is one tasty recipe that you need to try out.

Это один вкусный рецепт, который вам нужно попробовать.

It is recommended that before the actual trade, try out the demo version.

Перед началом использования предлагается опробовать демо версию.

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