Word meaning to think about



Автоматический перевод

подумать, думать, задуматься, обдумать, думать о том, продумать, подумать о том, о чем думать, размышления

Перевод по словам

think  — думать, считать, мыслить, полагать, мысль, размышление
about  — о, об, около, по, около, меняющий курс, менять курс


I’ll think about it.

Я подумаю об этом.

We did think about moving to Tokyo.

Мы действительно думали о переезде в Токио.

Meanwhile I will not think about the problem.

Пока что я не буду думать об этой проблеме.

I don’t know what to think about new director.

Я пока не составил себе мнения о новом директоре.

I need to think about it. It’s a big decision.

Мне нужно подумать. Это очень серьёзное решение.

I dread to think about what they might do next.

Я боюсь думать о том, что они ещё могут сделать.

I want to think about it. Can I leave it for now?

Я хочу это обдумать. Можно пока что это отложить?

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…the lowering sky made us think twice about going to the park…  

You should think about reducing your fat intake (=the amount of fat you eat).  

You need to think about comfort and practicality when choosing walking shoes.  

Don’t even think about calling him (=used to tell someone strongly not to do something).  

He didn’t look the sort of man to forgive and forget (=forgive someone and no longer think about it).  

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When you like a person, you constantly think about them.

Если вам нравится человек, вы будете говорить и думать о нем постоянно.

Some do their best to not think about death.

Каждый из нас делает все, что может, чтобы не думать о жизни.

Advance should think about how you will care for this floor.

Заранее стоит подумать о том, как Вы будете ухаживать за таким полом.

So, think about your distractions.

В то же время подумайте о своих развлечениях.

Will probably not think about them until December.

Но, скорее всего, думать об этом они будут не раньше 14 мая.

Tell us what you think about this new resource.

Оставьте нам комментарий о том, что вы думаете об этих новых методах.

Because we mostly think about ourselves.

Потому что все мы, в основном, думаем о себе.

Every year I think about the people who are still enslaved today.

Каждый день я думаю о тех людях, которые сидят в сирийских тюрьмах сейчас.

They think about themselves and maybe their own children.

Подумайте о близких а может быть и о себе и о своих детях.

When many people think about psychology, they immediately think about the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behavior.

Когда многие люди думают о психологии, они сразу же думать о диагностике и лечение аномального поведения.

We think about aging the way economists think about price inflation.

Do not think about winning, think about not losing.

When people think about nuclear energy, they think about the Chernobyl disaster and radioactive waste.

Когда люди думают о ядерной энергии, они думают о чернобыльской катастрофе и радиоактивных отходах.

Just like babies think about eating, and children think about playing, adults think about loving.

David: When I think about science I think about empiricism.

Дэвид: Когда я думаю о науке, я думаю об эмпирических исследованиях.

When most people think about a cruise they think about fun in the Caribbean sun.

Когда большинство людей думает о круизе, они думают о забаве в Карибском солнце.

When most people think about central framing, they usually think about the films of Wes Anderson.

Когда большинство людей думают о центральной композиции, они обычно думают о фильмах Уэса Андерсона.

Poker players should think about increasing income.

Игроку, пришедшему в покер для заработка, необходимо постоянно думать над увеличением прибыли.

Sometimes I think about gambling less.

Иногда я подумываю о том, чтобы меньше играть в азартные игры.

Just think about the infrastructure that we have.

Опять же нужно говорить о той инфраструктуре, которой мы располагаем.

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Think of and Think about are two expressions that are often used in the same sense since there is not much of a difference between think of and think about. Both expressions, think of and think about, are created by adding prepositions of and about to the end of the verb think. Therefore, before understanding the expressions think of and think about we should first know some details about the word think. Now, the word think is used as a verb as well as a noun. The origin of the word think lies in the Old English word thencan. Moreover, there are a number of phrases in English language that use the word think such as think again, think aloud, think big, etc.

What does Think Of mean?

Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. Look at the sentences given below.

I think of my car when I watch the races.

He thinks of his award whenever he sees another getting one.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think of is made to express the sense of remembrance. In the first sentence, the person remembered his own car when he watched the races. Alternatively, we could say the person calls the image of his car into his mind when he watches races. In the second sentence , the person remembered the award given to him whenever he saw another person getting a similar award.

Moreover, the expression think of lasts less time when you consider the duration of thought. In the examples, the first speaker does not keep on thinking about his car. Rather his car comes to his mind, and that thought goes away in a short time.

Difference Between Think Of and Think About

What does Think About mean?

The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling’ as in the sentences,

I think about my sister whenever I see her.

He thinks about his home when he is away from it.

In both the sentences, the usage of the expression think about suggests the idea of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling. In the first sentence, the person’s interest on her sister due to affection for her is suggested. In the second sentence, the person’s interest on his home is suggested by the usage of the expression think about.

When considering the duration of the thought it should be said that the expression though about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one. That means the thought that came to mind stays there for a while. You do not just remember you sister and forget her. Rather you keep on thinking about her for some time.

What is the difference between Think Of and Think About?

• Think of is used to express remembrance. In other words, you can say that think of is used when you call something to mind. The expression think about, on the other hand, expresses the sense of ‘interest due to affection or any other feeling.’ This is primarily the difference between the two expressions, namely, think of and think about.

• The expression think of is more momentary than think about in terms of duration of thought. In other words, the expression think about suggests that the thought is a lengthy one whereas the expression think of suggests that the thought is a short one. This is also an important difference between the two expressions think of and think about.

Verb 1. think about — have on one’s mind, think about actively; «I’m thinking about my friends abroad»; «She always thinks about her children first»

cerebrate, cogitate, think — use or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; «I’ve been thinking all day and getting nowhere»

mind — be concerned with or about something or somebody

look at, deal, consider, take — take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; «Take the case of China»; «Consider the following case»

2. think about - take into consideration, have in viewthink about — take into consideration, have in view; «He entertained the notion of moving to South America»

contemplate — consider as a possibility; «I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verbthink about

1. To think or think about carefully and at length:

chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think out, think over, think through, turn over, weigh.

2. To use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas, drawing inferences, and making judgments:

3. To view in a certain way:

4. To regard in an appraising way:

5. To have an opinion:

Idiom: be of the opinion.

6. To renew an image or thought in the mind:

7. To form mental images of:

conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, fantasize, image, imagine, picture, see, vision, visualize.

phrasal verb
think about

To care enough to keep (someone) in mind:

phrasal verb
think of

1. To receive (an idea) and take it into consideration:

2. To care enough to keep (someone) in mind:

phrasal verb
think out

To think or think about carefully and at length:

chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think over, think through, turn over, weigh.

phrasal verb
think over

To think or think about carefully and at length:

chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think through, turn over, weigh.

phrasal verb
think through

To think or think about carefully and at length:

chew on (or over), cogitate, consider, contemplate, deliberate, entertain, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, revolve, ruminate, study, think, think out, think over, turn over, weigh.

phrasal verb
think up

To use ingenuity in making, developing, or achieving:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other forms: thinking about; thought about; thinks about

Definitions of think about

  1. verb

    have on one’s mind, think about actively

    thinking about my friends abroad”

    “She always
    thinks about her children first”

    see moresee less


    show 7 types…
    hide 7 types…

    be concerned with or about something or somebody

    consider, deal, look at, take

    take into consideration for exemplifying purposes


    consider as a possibility

    dally, play, trifle

    consider not very seriously


    consider apart from a particular case or instance

    care, worry

    be concerned with

    warm to

    become excited about

    type of:

    cerebrate, cogitate, think

    use or exercise the mind or one’s power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

  2. verb

    take into consideration, have in view

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