Word meaning to take time off

time off

Time away from work, school, or other responsibilities. I’m looking forward to some time off from my studies over the break to catch up with family and friends. I’m taking some time off of work to look after my daughter while she recovers from her surgery.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*time off

a period of time that is free from employment. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~; take (some) ~.) I’ll have to get time off for jury duty. I have time off to go downtown and shop.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

time off

A break from one’s employment or school, as in I need some time off from teaching to work on my dissertation, or He took time off to make some phone calls. [First half of 1900s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • at one point
  • (the/one’s) time runs out
  • any time means no time
  • any old time
  • against time
  • against the clock
  • (it’s) time to run
  • any time
  • anytime
  • (it’s) time to push along

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

взять отпуск

брать отпуск

взять перерыв

взять отгул

брать отгулы

выкроить время

на время отказаться

брать отгул

берут перерыв



He has a fantastic ability to invent all sorts of stories and take time off from work.

У него фантастическое умение придумывать всякие небылицы и отлынивать от работы.

He does not like to do something, and can take time off from work, often sending cases to the back office.

Не очень любит что-то делать, и может отлынивать от работы, часто отправляя дела в долгий ящик.

People who never take time off to do nothing are short-term focused.

Люди, которые никогда не берут перерывы, чтобы ничего не делать, сосредоточены на краткосрочной перспективе.

Others may need to reduce their hours or take time off.

It didn’t take time off to have a multi-year decline.

When they’re at home I take time off.

New technologies are designed not only to calculate take time off from training, but also to determine the amount of required financial institution.

Новые технологии призваны не только вычислить отлынивающих от занятий, но и определить объем необходимого учебному заведению финансирования.

Once you have prostate issues, you can take time off from bicycling to relieve pressure.

После появления проблем с простатой вы можете отказаться от езды на велосипеде, чтобы снизить давление на неё.

I can’t take time off work right now.

So, I can’t really take time off.

Government bigwigs don’t take time off.

There’s no way I can take time off work, I’m sorry.

Я не могу оставить работу, извините.

Mommy will prepare your old room and I can take time off from work.

Мама обустроит твою комнату, а я могу взять отпуск на неделю.

Those of you who have overtime, may take time off in lieu it now.

Все, у кого были переработки, можете взять отгул.

Our employees have opportunities to attend new skills training and take time off to volunteer.

У наших сотрудников есть возможность пройти обучение новым навыкам и найти время на волонтерство.

We can take time off to do other things.

I’ve take time off to look after him.

For most people, picking a time to travel is based on when you can take time off from work.

Для большинства людей выбор сезона для путешествий основан на том, когда вы можете отдохнуть от работы.

Or maybe your friend can theoretically get an abortion immediately but can’t take time off work for a bit.

Или, может быть, теоретически подруга может сделать аборт немедленно, но ей не позволяют рабочие обязательства.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат take time off

Результатов: 218. Точных совпадений: 218. Затраченное время: 185 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

take time off

Общая лексика: делать перерыв в работе, сделать перерыв в работе, брать отгул , взять отгул

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «take time off» в других словарях:

  • take time off — verb take time off from work; stop working temporarily (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑take off • Hypernyms: ↑interrupt, ↑disrupt, ↑break up, ↑cut off • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • take time off — See: TIME OFF; Compare: DAY OFF …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take time off — See: TIME OFF; Compare: DAY OFF …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take time off — See: time off; Compare: day off …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take time off — take a break …   English contemporary dictionary

  • take time off —  Temporarily cease working …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • time off in lieu — UK US noun [U] UK (US compensatory time) HR ► time that an employee who has worked extra hours may take off from work: »Our workers take time off in lieu rather than accumulate high earnings on overtime …   Financial and business terms

  • time off — n [U] time when you are officially allowed not to be at work or studying take/have/get etc time off ▪ Have you ever had to take time off for health reasons? …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • take something off — take (something) off to not work at your job for a period of time. I ve decided to take next semester off and travel and write. Jim needs to take off for a little while …   New idioms dictionary

  • time off — noun a time period when you are not required to work (Freq. 4) he requested time off to attend his grandmother s funeral • Ant: ↑work time • Hypernyms: ↑time period, ↑period of time, ↑period …   Useful english dictionary

  • take sth off — UK US take sth off Phrasal Verb with take({{}}/teɪk/ verb [T] (took, taken) ► WORKPLACE to have a period of time away from work: »After the business trip she took a few days off. »I am definitely looking forward to taking some time off. ► FINANCE …   Financial and business terms


Автоматический перевод

свободное время

Перевод по словам

time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный
off  — от, с, у, выключено, вон, выключенный, прекращать


Dad can’t afford any more time off work.

Папа больше не может позволить себе не ходить на работу.

You owe it to yourself to take some time off.

Вы обязаны взять небольшой отпуск ради самого себя.

I rang my boss and arranged to take some time off.

Я позвонил своему боссу и договорился взять несколько отгулов.

He needs more time off duty for relaxation and rest.

Ему нужно больше свободного времени для отдыха и развлечений.

He had to take some time off work due to personal problems.

Ему пришлось взять небольшой перерыв в работе из-за личных проблем.

My brother is a real workaholic who almost never takes time off.

Мой брат — настоящий трудоголик, который почти никогда не берёт отпуск.

A quarter of all workers admit to taking time off when they are not ill.

Четверть всех работников признаются, что берут отгулы (по состоянию здоровья), будучи здоровыми.

She takes time off for no reason. *

Она отсутствует на работе без уважительной причины.

He took time off to see his parents. *

Он выкроил время, чтобы проведать родителей.

He can’t even take time off to visit his wife in the hospital. *

У него нет даже времени побывать у жены в больнице.

Most days you got time off to eat, but if he said, «Not till we’ve finished such and such», that would be it. *

Обычно у нас было время пообедать, но если он говорил, что пока мы не сделаем то-то и то-то, об обеде не могло быть и речи.

I tried to fix up two or three things with Miss Fitzgerald and she blocked me off each time, very nicely, it is true, but still she blocked me off.

Я хотел уладить одну или две вещи с мисс Фитцджеральд, но каждый раз она меня останавливала, правда очень мило, но тем не менее останавливала.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Women feel professionally penalized for taking time off to raise children.  

…hated having to go before his boss like a supplicant beggar whenever he needed some time off to attend to personal matters…  

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    • See Also:
      • take apart
      • take away
      • take back
      • take down
      • take for
      • take in
      • take off
      • take on
      • take out
      • take over
      • take to
      • take up
      • take-all
      • take-along
      • take-charge
      • take-home pay
      • take-in
      • take-no-prisoners
      • take-up
      • take-up reel
      • takeaway
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Also see: time | off

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

take /teɪk/USA pronunciation  
v., took/tʊk/USA pronunciation  tak•en/ˈteɪkən/USA pronunciation  tak•ing, n. 

  1. to get into one’s possession by one’s action:[+ object]took a pen and began to write.
  2. to hold or grip with the hands:[+ object]She took my hand and shook it vigorously.
  3. to seize or capture:[+ object]to take a prisoner.
  4. to catch or get (game, etc.), esp. by killing:[+ object]Regulations forbid hunters from taking more than one animal per month.
  5. to pick or choose from a number of alternatives;
    select:[+ object]She’ll take white wine with her dinner.
  6. to receive or accept (a person) into some relation, as marriage:[+ object]Do you take her to be your lawful wedded wife?
  7. to receive or react to in a certain manner:[+ object]She took his death hard.
  8. to obtain from a source;
    derive:[not: be + ~-ing* ~ + object]The book takes its title from a song by Franz Schubert.
  9. to obtain as compensation for injury done (usually to oneself):[+ object]to take revenge.
  10. to receive into the body, as by inhaling or swallowing:[+ object]to take a pill.
  11. to do, perform, etc.:[+ object]She took a hot bath.
  12. to use to add flavoring:[+ object]Do you take sugar in your coffee?
  13. to undergo:[+ object]to take a heat treatment.
  14. to endure or submit to without complaining or weakening:[+ object]Can’t you take a joke?
  15. to remove by death;
    to end (a life):[+ object]The flood took many victims.
  16. to subtract or deduct:[+ object]to take 2 from 5.
  17. to carry with one:[+ object]Are you taking an umbrella?
  18. to carry from one place to another;
    convey or transport:[+ object]Can you take the kids to school?
  19. to use as a means of transportation:[+ object]We took the number 15 bus.
  20. to serve as a means of conducting;
    to go in the direction of:[not: be + ~-ing* ~ + object]Fifth Avenue takes you right through the midtown area.
  21. to go into or enter:[+ object]Take the road to the left.
  22. to bring about a change in the condition of:[+ object]Her talent and ambition took her to the top.
  23. to come upon suddenly;
    catch:[+ object]to take a thief by surprise.
  24. to attack or affect with or as if with a disease:[+ object]taken with a fit of laughter.
  25. to (cause to) be absorbed or be stuck to;
    be susceptible to: [+ object]The cloth will not take a dye.[no object]The dye wouldn’t take on that cloth.
  26. to require;
    call for;
    necessitate: [+ object]This wood takes three coats of paint.[It + ~ + object + to + verb]It takes courage to do that.
  27. to proceed to occupy:[+ object]Take a seat.
  28. to use up;
    consume: [+ object(+ to + verb)]:I took just ten minutes to solve that problem.[~ (+ object) + object]Solving the problem took (me) only ten minutes.[It + ~ (+ object) + object (+ to + verb)]It took (me) only ten minutes to solve the problem.
  29. to act or perform:[+ object]to take the part of the hero.
  30. Photography to make (a video, etc.) (of):[+ object]to take home movies.
  31. to write down:[+ object]to take notes.
  32. to apply oneself to;
    study:[+ object]to take a history course.
  33. to deal with;
    treat:[+ object]He promised to take the matter under consideration.
  34. to determine by recording, asking, examining, measuring, etc.:[+ object]The doctor took my pulse.
  35. to have or experience (a feeling, etc.):[+ object]She took pride in her appearance.
  36. to grasp or apprehend mentally: [+ object + as + object]Don’t take the remark as an insult.[+ object + to + verb]I take your silence to mean that you agree.
  37. to accept the statements of:[+ object]She took him at his word.
  38. to assume as a fact:[+ it + (that) clause]I take it that you won’t be there.
  39. to regard or consider: [+ object + to + be + noun]I took them to be Frenchmen; weren’t they?[+ object + to + be + adjective]I took them to be wealthy enough to afford the house.
  40. Games to capture or win in a game (a piece, etc.):[+ object]The chess grandmaster took his opponent’s queen.
  41. Informal Termsto cheat, swindle, or victimize:[+ object]The car salesman took us for about $500.
  42. to win or obtain money from:[+ object]He took me for $10 in the poker game.
  43. to have sexual intercourse with:[+ object]He wanted to take her then and there.
  44. Grammar to be used with (a certain grammatical form, case, etc.):[not: be + ~ -ing;+ object]This verb takes an object.
  45. to catch or engage, as a mechanical device:[no object]We heard the engine clicking, but it just wouldn’t take.
  46. Botany to begin to grow, as a plant:[no object]He gave us some cuttings, but they just wouldn’t take.
  47. to have the intended result or effect:[no object]Fortunately the vaccination took, and the fever went down.
  48. to fall or become:[not: be + ~ -ing;+ adjective]He took sick.
  49. take (someone) aback, [+ object + aback] to surprise or shock:taken aback by her hostility.
  50. take after, [+ after + object]
    • to resemble (another person), as in appearance, behavior, etc.:My daughters take after my wife.
    • to follow or chase:The police took after him.

  51. take apart:
    • to disassemble, as by separating (something) into small pieces: [+ object + apart]to take a clock apart.[+ apart + object]to take apart a clock.
    • to examine closely and criticize severely;
      attack: [+ apart + object]took apart those arguments one after another.[+ object + apart]He took them apart.

  52. take away:
    • to remove: [+ away + object]The waiter came and took away the food.[+ object + away]He took the food away.
    • [+ away + from + object] to detract (from):He tried to take away from her achievements by saying she was just lucky.

  53. take back:
    • to regain possession of: [+ back + object]The army took back the town.[+ object + back]to take it back.
    • to return, as for exchange: [+ object + back]Take it back to the store if it doesn’t fit.[+ object + back]She took the dress back because it didn’t fit.
    • [+ object + back] to allow to return;
      resume a relationship with:Will his wife take him back?
    • [+ object + back] to cause to remember:The song took me back to my teen years.
    • to retract: [+ back + object]to take back a statement.[+ object + back]What did you call her? You’d better take it back!

  54. take down:
    • to write down;
      record: [+ down + object]to take down a speech.[+ object + down]to take it all down.
    • [+ object + down] to reduce the pride of:to take him down a peg.

  55. take in:
    • to change (a garment) so as to make smaller or tighter: [+ in  + object]to take in a dress.[+ object + in]to take it in a few inches.
    • to provide a place to live for: [+ in + object]She took in every stray cat that came her way.[+ object + in]always took the cats in.
    • to grasp the meaning of;
      comprehend: [+ in + object]Do you think he took in everything we said?[+ object + in]Did he take it all in?
    • to observe;
      notice: [+ in + object]He stood there taking in the busy scene.[+ object + in]He stood there taking it all in.
    • to deceive;
      cheat: [+ object + in]She took us in with that scheme.[+ in + object]Has she taken in anyone else with it?
    • [+ in + object] to visit or attend, as for entertainment:to take in a show.
    • [+ in + object] to receive as proceeds, as from business:The company took in enough profits last year to break even.[+ object + in]to take it in.

  56. take off:
    • to remove: [+ off + object]Take off your coat.[+ object + off]Take your coat off.
    • [no object] to leave the ground and rise into the air:The plane took off.
    • Informal Terms[no object] to depart;
      leave:The man took off before we could ask him who he was.
    • to subtract, as a discount;
      deduct: [+ off + object]The store took off 20 percent.[+ object + off]taking 20 percent off the price.
    • [no object] to achieve sudden, noticeable growth, etc.:Sales took off just before Christmas.

  57. take on:
    • to hire;
      employ: [+ on + object]to take on new workers.[+ object + on]to take new workers on.
    • to undertake;
      begin (work): [+ on + object]took on extra work to pay the bills.[+ object + on]How can he take so much volunteer work on?
    • [+ on  + object] to gain or acquire:The word «homeowner» took on a whole new meaning when she became one.
    • to accept as a challenge or opponent: [+ on + object]weren’t afraid to take on big business.[+ object + on]«I’m not afraid to take the champ on!» the boxer shouted.

  58. take out:
    • to withdraw;
      remove: [+ out + object]She took out library books for the children.[+ object + out]The doctor took my appendix out.
    • to deduct: [+ out + object]The government takes out income taxes from your paycheck.[+ object + out]to take the taxes out.
    • to buy or obtain by applying: [+ out + object]to take out insurance.[+ object + out]to take insurance out on the house.
    • to escort, as on a date: [+ object + out]took her out on a couple of dates.[+ out + object]He took out several girls before he found the right one.
    • [no object] to set out;
      start:We took out after them just as the sun rose.
    • Slang Termsto kill or destroy: [+ out + object]The pilots took out their targets.[+ object + out]threatened to take them out if they talked to the cops.

  59. Idioms, Informal Terms take (something) out on (someone), to cause (another) to suffer for (one’s own misfortune, etc.): [+ out + object + on + object]He took out his frustration on his children.[+ object + out + on  + object]I know you’re upset, but don’t take it out on the kids!
  60. take over, to assume management of or responsibility for: [no object]Who will take over when you retire?[+ over + object]Who will take over the company when you retire?[+ object + over]Can they take the company over without a controlling interest?
  61. Idioms take to, [+ to + object]
    • to devote oneself to;
      use or do as a habit:to take to drink.
    • to begin to like:They took to each other at once.
    • to go to:She took to her bed, sick with fever.
    • to have recourse to;
      resort to:took to stealing cars.

  62. take up:
    • to occupy oneself with the study of: [+ up  + object]She took up medicine as a career.[+ object + up]took it up as a career.
    • to fill or occupy (space, etc.): [+ up + object]The word «take» will take up at least a page in this dictionary.[+ object + up]This work takes all my time up.
    • to continue;
      resume: [no object]We took up where we had left off.[+ up + object]Let’s take up the story where we left off.[+ object + up]Let’s take it up at chapter five.
    • to raise for discussion or consideration: [+ object + up]We’ll take this up with our lawyers.[+ up + object]Let’s take up the next issue.
    • [+ up  + object] to undertake;
      assume:He took up the duties of the presidency.
    • to make (clothes) shorter or tighter, as by hemming: [+ up + object]He took up the slacks a few inches.[+ object + up]He took the slacks up.

  63. Informal Terms take up with, [+ up + with + object] to keep company with:She’s taken up with the wrong crowd of kids.
  64. Idioms take (something) upon oneself, [+ object + upon + oneself] to assume (something) as a responsibility:Dad took it upon himself to visit her every day in the hospital.

n. [countable]

  1. the act of taking.
  2. something taken.
  3. Informal Termsmoney taken in, esp. profits:a take of at least $5,000.
  4. Show Businessa scene in a movie photographed without interruption.
  5. Show Businessone of several sound recordings made, as of the same song, to produce a version good enough for release.
  6. Informal Termsa response or reaction:She did a slow take when they told her she was arrested.
  7. Idioms, Slang Termsa distinctive response to an event:What’s your take on his deciding not to run?


  1. Idioms, Slang Terms on the take, [Slang.]
    • accepting bribes:Most of those politicians are on the take.

  2. Idioms take for, [+ object + for  + object]
    • to assume to be:What do you take me for, a fool?
    • to assume falsely to be;
      mistake for:Whenever I spoke Russian they took me for an immigrant.

  3. Idioms take it:
    • to accept something (as true):Take it from me, I’m telling you the truth.
    • Informal Termsto be able to resist or endure hardship, etc.:couldn’t take it in the military.

  4. Idioms take place, to happen;
    occur:When will the wedding take place?

tak•a•ble, take•a•ble, adj. 
tak•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(tāk),USA pronunciation v., took, tak•en, tak•ing, n. 

  1. to get into one’s hold or possession by voluntary action:to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  2. to hold, grasp, or grip:to take a book in one’s hand; to take a child by the hand.
  3. to get into one’s hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice:to take a bone from a snarling dog.
  4. to seize or capture:to take an enemy town; to take a prisoner.
  5. to catch or get (fish, game, etc.), esp. by killing:to take a dozen trout on a good afternoon.
  6. to pick from a number;
    select:Take whichever you wish.
  7. to receive and accept willingly (something given or offered):to take a compliment with a smile; to take a bribe.
  8. to receive or be the recipient of (something bestowed, administered, etc.):to take first prize.
  9. to accept and act upon or comply with:to take advice; to take a dare.
  10. to receive or accept (a person) into some relation:to take someone in marriage; to take new members once a year.
  11. to receive, react, or respond to in a specified manner:Although she kept calm, she took his death hard.
  12. to receive as a payment or charge:He refused to take any money for the use of his car.
  13. to gain for use by payment, lease, etc.:to take a box at the opera; to take a beach house for a month.
  14. to secure regularly or periodically by payment:to take a magazine.
  15. to get or obtain from a source;
    derive:The book takes its title from Dante.
  16. to extract or quote:He took whole passages straight from Dickens.
  17. to obtain or exact as compensation for some wrong:to take revenge.
  18. to receive into the body or system, as by swallowing or inhaling:to take a pill; to take a breath of fresh air.
  19. to have for one’s benefit or use:to take a meal;to take a nap;to take a bath.
  20. to use as a flavoring agent in a food or beverage:to take sugar in one’s coffee.
  21. to be subjected to;
    undergo:to take a heat treatment.
  22. to endure or submit to with equanimity or without an appreciable weakening of one’s resistance:to take a joke; unable to take punishment.
  23. to enter into the enjoyment of (recreation, a holiday, etc.):to take a vacation.
  24. to carry off without permission:to take something that belongs to another.
  25. to remove:to take the pins out of one’s hair.
  26. to remove by death:The flood took many families.
  27. to end (a life):She took her own life.
  28. to subtract or deduct:If you take 2 from 5, that leaves 3.
  29. to carry with one:Take your lunch with you. Are you taking an umbrella?
  30. to convey in a means of transportation:We took them for a ride in the country.
  31. (of a vehicle) to convey or transport:Will this bus take me across town?
  32. (of a road, path, etc.) to serve as a means of conducting to or through some place or region:Fifth Avenue took us through the center of town. These stairs will take you up to the attic.
  33. to bring about a change in the state or condition of:Her ambition and perseverance took her quickly to the top of her field.
  34. to conduct or escort:to take someone out for dinner.
  35. to set about or succeed in getting over, through, or around (some obstacle);
    negotiate:The horse took the hedge easily. He took the corner at top speed.
  36. to come upon suddenly;
    catch:to take someone by surprise.
  37. to get or contract;
    catch:He took cold over the weekend. I took a chill.
  38. to attack or affect, as with a disease:suddenly taken with a fit of coughing.
  39. to be capable of attaining as a result of some action or treatment:Most leathers take a high polish.
  40. to absorb or become impregnated with;
    be susceptible to:Waxed paper will not take ink. This cloth takes dye.
  41. to attract and hold:The red sweater took his eye. The urgent voice took her attention.
  42. to captivate or charm:The kitten took my fancy.
  43. to require:It takes courage to do that. The climb took all our strength.
  44. to employ for some specified or implied purpose:to take measures to curb drugs.
  45. to use as a means of transportation:to take a bus to the ferry.
  46. to get on or board (a means of transportation) at a given time or in a given place:She takes the train at Scarsdale.
  47. to proceed to occupy:to take a seat.
  48. to occupy;
    fill (time, space, etc.):His hobby takes most of his spare time. The machine takes a lot of room.
  49. to use up;
    consume:This car takes a great deal of oil. He took ten minutes to solve the problem.
  50. to avail oneself of:He took the opportunity to leave. She took the time to finish it properly.
  51. to do, perform, execute, etc.:to take a walk.
  52. to go into or enter:Take the next road to the left.
  53. to adopt and enter upon (a way, course, etc.):to take the path of least resistance.
  54. to act or perform:to take the part of the hero.
  55. Photographyto make (a reproduction, picture, or photograph):to take home movies of the children.
  56. Photographyto make a picture, esp. a photograph, of:The photographer took us sitting down.
  57. to write down:to take a letter in shorthand; to take notes at a lecture.
  58. to apply oneself to;
    study:to take ballet; She took four courses in her freshman year.
  59. to deal with;
    treat:to take things in their proper order.
  60. to proceed to handle in some manner:to take a matter under consideration.
  61. to assume or undertake (a function, duty, job, etc.):The mayor took office last month.
  62. to assume or adopt (a symbol, badge, or the like) as a token of office:to take the veil; to take the throne.
  63. to assume the obligation of;
    be bound by:to take an oath.
  64. to assume or adopt as one’s own:to take someone’s part in an argument; He took the side of the speaker.
  65. to assume or appropriate as if by right:to take credit for someone else’s work.
  66. to accept the burden of:She took the blame for his failure.
  67. to determine by inquiry, examination, measurement, scientific observation, etc.:to take someone’s pulse; to take a census.
  68. to make or carry out for purposes of yielding such a determination:to take someone’s measurements; to take a seismographic reading.
  69. to begin to have;
    experience (a certain feeling or state of mind):to take pride in one’s appearance.
  70. to form and hold in the mind:to take a gloomy view.
  71. to grasp or apprehend mentally;
    comprehend:Do you take my meaning, sir?
  72. to understand in a specified way:You shouldn’t take the remark as an insult.
  73. to grasp the meaning of (a person):if we take him correctly.
  74. to accept the statements of:to take him at his word.
  75. to assume as a fact:I take it that you will be there.
  76. to regard or consider:They were taken to be wealthy.
  77. to capture or win (a piece, trick, etc.) in a game.
  78. Informal Termsto cheat, swindle, or victimize:They really take people in that shop. The museum got taken on that painting.
  79. to win or obtain money from:He took me for $10 in the poker game.
  80. (of a man) to have sexual intercourse with.
  81. Grammarto be used with (a certain form, accent, case, mood, etc.):a verb that always takes an object.
  82. Lawto acquire property, as on the happening of an event:They take a fortune under the will.
  83. Sport[Baseball.](of a batter) to allow (a pitch) to go by without swinging at it:He took a third strike.


  1. to catch or engage, as a mechanical device:She turned the key and heard a click as the catch took.
  2. Botanyto strike root or begin to grow, as a plant.
  3. to adhere, as ink, dye, or color.
  4. (of a person or thing) to win favor or acceptance:a new TV show that took with the public.
  5. to have the intended result or effect, as a medicine, inoculation, etc.:The vaccination took.
  6. to enter into possession, as of an estate.
  7. to detract (usually fol. by from).
  8. to apply or devote oneself:He took to his studies.
  9. to make one’s way;
    go:to take across the meadow.
  10. to fall or become:She took sick and had to go home.
  11. to admit of being photographed in a particular manner:a model who takes exceptionally well.
  12. to admit of being moved or separated:This crib takes apart for easy storage.
  13. take after:
    • to resemble (another person, as a parent) physically, temperamentally, etc.:The baby took after his mother.
    • Also, take off after, take out after. to follow;
      chase:The detective took after the burglars.

  14. take back:
    • to regain possession of:to take back one’s lawn mower.
    • to return, as for exchange:It was defective, so I took it back to the store.
    • to allow to return;
      resume a relationship with:She said she would never take him back again.
    • to cause to remember:It takes one back to the old days.
    • to retract:to take back a statement.

  15. take down:
    • to move from a higher to a lower level or place.
    • to pull apart or take apart;
    • to write down;
    • to diminish the pride or arrogance of;
      humble:to take someone down a notch or two.

  16. take for:
    • to assume to be:I took it for the truth.
    • to assume falsely to be;
      mistake for:to be taken for a foreigner.

  17. take for granted. See grant (def. 6).
  18. take in:
    • to permit to enter;
    • to alter (an article of clothing) so as to make smaller.
    • to provide lodging for.
    • to include;
    • to grasp the meaning of;
    • to deceive;
    • to observe;
    • to visit or attend:to take in a show.
    • to furl (a sail).
    • British Termsto receive as proceeds, as from business activity.
    • [Chiefly Brit.]to subscribe to:to take in a magazine.

  19. take it:
    • to accept or believe something;
      aquiesce:I’ll take it on your say-so.
    • Informal Termsto be able to resist or endure hardship, abuse, etc.
    • to understand:I take it that you’re not interested.

  20. take it out in, to accept as payment for services or as an equivalent of monetary compensation:He takes it out in goods instead of cash.
  21. take it out of:
    • to exhaust;
      enervate:Every year the winter takes it out of me.
    • to exact payment from;
      penalize:They took it out of your pay.

  22. Informal Terms take it out on, to cause (someone else) to suffer for one’s own misfortune or dissatisfaction:Just because you’re angry with him you don’t have to take it out on me!
  23. take off:
    • to remove:Take off your coat.
    • to lead away:The child was taken off by kidnappers.
    • Informal Termsto depart;
      leave:They took off yesterday for California.
    • to leave the ground, as an airplane.
    • to move onward or forward with a sudden or intense burst of speed:The police car took off after the drunken driver.
    • to withdraw or remove from:She was taken off the night shift.
    • to remove by death;
      kill:Millions were taken off by the Black Plague.
    • to make a likeness or copy of;
    • to subtract, as a discount;
      deduct:Shop early and we’ll take off 20 percent.
    • [Informal.]to imitate;
    • [Informal.]to achieve sudden, marked growth, success, etc.:Sales took off just before Christmas. The actor’s career took off after his role in that movie.

  24. take on:
    • to hire;
    • to undertake;
      assume:to take on new responsibilities.
    • to acquire:The situation begins to take on a new light.
    • to accept as a challenge;
      contend against:to take on a bully.
    • Informal Termsto show great emotion;
      become excited:There’s no need to take on so.

  25. take out:
    • to withdraw;
      remove:to take out a handkerchief.
    • to procure by application:to take out an insurance policy.
    • to carry out for use or consumption elsewhere:to take a book out of the library; to get food to take out.
    • to escort;
      invite:He takes out my sister now and then.
    • to set out;
      start:They took out for the nearest beach.
    • Slang Termsto kill;

  26. take over, to assume management or possession of or responsibility for:The first officer took over the ship when the captain suffered a heart attack.
  27. take to:
    • to devote or apply oneself to;
      become habituated to:to take to drink.
    • to respond favorably to;
      begin to like:They took to each other at once.
    • to go to:to take to one’s bed.
    • to have recourse to;
      resort to:She took to getting up at five to go jogging before work.

  28. take up:
    • to occupy oneself with the study or practice of:She took up painting in her spare time.
    • to lift or pick up:He took up the fallen leaves with a rake.
    • to occupy;
      cover:A grand piano would take up half of our living room.
    • to consume;
      use up;
      absorb:Traveling to her job takes up a great deal of time.
    • to begin to advocate or support;
      sponsor:He has taken up another struggling artist.
    • to continue;
      resume:We took up where we had left off.
    • to reply to in order to reprove:The author takes up his critics in the preface of his latest book.
    • to assume:He took up the duties of the presidency.
    • to absorb:Use a sponge to take up the spilled milk.
    • to make shorter, as by hemming:to take up the sleeves an inch.
    • to make tighter, as by winding in:to take up the slack in a reel of tape.
    • to deal with in discussion:to take up the issue of mass transit.
    • to adopt seriously:to take up the idea of seeking public office.
    • to accept, as an offer or challenge.
    • to buy as much as is offered:The sale was taken up in a matter of days.
    • British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]to clear by paying off, as a loan.
    • [Obs.]to arrest (esp. a runaway slave).

  29. take up a collection, to ask for or gather donations, usually of money, from a number of people.
  30. take upon oneself, to assume as a responsibility or obligation:She has taken it upon herself to support the family.
  31. Informal Terms take up with, to become friendly with;
    keep company with:He took up with a bad crowd.


  1. the act of taking.
  2. something that is taken.
  3. the quantity of fish, game, etc., taken at one time.
  4. an opinion or assessment:What’s your take on the candidate?
  5. an approach;
    treatment:a new take on an old idea.
  6. Informal Termsmoney taken in, esp. profits.
  7. Journalisma portion of copy assigned to a Linotype operator or compositor, usually part of a story or article.
  8. Show Business[Motion Pictures.]
    • a scene, or a portion of a scene, photographed without any interruption or break.
    • an instance of such continuous operation of the camera.

  9. Informal Termsa visual and mental response to something typically manifested in a stare expressing total absorption or wonderment:She did a slow take on being asked by reporters the same question for the third time.
  10. a recording of a musical performance.
  11. Medicinea successful inoculation.
  12. Slang Terms on the take:
    • accepting bribes.
    • in search of personal profit at the expense of others.

  • Old Norse taka to take; cognate with Middle Dutch taken to grasp, Gothic tekan to touch
  • Middle English taken to take, strike, lay hold of, grasp, late Old English tacan to grasp, touch bef. 1100

taka•ble, takea•ble, adj. 
taker, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged acquire, secure, procure. See bring. 
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged choose.
    • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged bear, stand, tolerate.
    • 42.See corresponding entry in Unabridged delight, attract, interest, engage.
    • 43.See corresponding entry in Unabridged need, demand.
    • 44.See corresponding entry in Unabridged use.
    • 67.See corresponding entry in Unabridged ascertain.
    • 75.See corresponding entry in Unabridged suppose, presume.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged give.

take, +n.

    • an opinion or assessment:What’s your take on the candidate?
    • an approach;
      treatment:a new take on an old idea.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

take /teɪk/ vb (takes, taking, took, taken)(mainly tr)

  1. (also intr) to gain possession of (something) by force or effort
  2. to appropriate or steal
  3. to receive or accept into a relationship with oneself: to take a wife
  4. to pay for or buy
  5. to rent or lease
  6. to receive or obtain by regular payment
  7. to obtain by competing for; win
  8. to obtain or derive from a source
  9. to assume the obligations of: to take office
  10. to endure, esp with fortitude: to take punishment
  11. to adopt as a symbol of duty, obligation, etc: to take the veil
  12. to receive or react to in a specified way: she took the news very well
  13. to adopt as one’s own: to take someone’s part in a quarrel
  14. to receive and make use of: to take advice
  15. to receive into the body, as by eating, inhaling, etc
  16. to eat, drink, etc, esp habitually
  17. to have or be engaged in for one’s benefit or use: to take a rest
  18. to work at or study: to take economics at college
  19. to make, do, or perform (an action)
  20. to make use of: to take an opportunity
  21. to put into effect; adopt: to take measures
  22. (also intr) to make a photograph of or admit of being photographed
  23. to act or perform
  24. to write down or copy: to take notes
  25. to experience or feel: to take pride in one’s appearance, to take offence
  26. to consider, believe, or regard: I take him to be honest
  27. to consider or accept as valid: I take your point
  28. to hold or maintain in the mind: his father took a dim view of his career
  29. to deal or contend with
  30. to use as a particular case: take hotels for example
  31. (intransitive) often followed by from: to diminish or detract: the actor’s bad performance took from the effect of the play
  32. to confront successfully: the horse took the jump at the third attempt
  33. (intransitive) to have or produce the intended effect; succeed: her vaccination took, the glue is taking well
  34. (intransitive) (of seeds, plants, etc) to start growing successfully
  35. to aim or direct: he took a swipe at his opponent
  36. to deal a blow to in a specified place
  37. archaic to have sexual intercourse with
  38. to carry off or remove from a place
  39. to carry along or have in one’s possession
  40. to convey or transport
  41. to use as a means of transport: I shall take the bus
  42. to conduct or lead
  43. to escort or accompany
  44. to bring or deliver to a state, position, etc: his ability took him to the forefront in his field
  45. to go to look for; seek: to take cover
  46. to ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etc: to take a pulse, take a reading from a dial
  47. (intransitive) (of a mechanism) to catch or engage (a part)
  48. to put an end to; destroy: she took her own life
  49. to come upon unexpectedly; discover
  50. to contract: he took a chill
  51. to affect or attack: the fever took him one night
  52. (copula) to become suddenly or be rendered (ill): he took sick, he was taken sick
  53. (also intr) to absorb or become absorbed by something: to take a polish
  54. (usually passive) to charm or captivate: she was very taken with the puppy
  55. (intransitive) to be or become popular; win favour
  56. to require or need: this job will take a lot of attention, that task will take all your time
  57. to subtract or deduct
  58. to hold or contain: the suitcase won’t take all your clothes
  59. to quote or copy
  60. to proceed to occupy: to take a seat
  61. (often followed by to) to use or employ: to take steps to ascertain the answer
  62. to win or capture (a trick, counter, piece, etc)
  63. slang to cheat, deceive, or victimize
  64. take fiveinformal chiefly US Canadian to take a break of five minutes
  65. take itto assume; believe
  66. informal to stand up to or endure criticism, abuse, harsh treatment, etc
  67. take one’s timeto use as much time as is needed; not rush
  68. take someone’s name in vainto use a name, esp of God, disrespectfully or irreverently
  69. jocular to say (someone’s) name
  70. take something upon oneselfto assume the right to do or responsibility for (something)


  1. the act of taking
  2. the number of quarry killed or captured on one occasion
  3. informal chiefly US the amount of anything taken, esp money
  4. one of a series of recordings from which the best will be selected for release
  5. the process of taking one such recording
  6. a scene or part of a scene photographed without interruption
  7. informal chiefly US a version or interpretation: Cronenberg’s harsh take on the sci-fi story

See also take after, take againstEtymology: Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; related to Gothic tekan to touch

ˈtakable, ˈtakeable adj

take /ˈtɑːkɪ/ n

  1. NZ a topic or cause

Etymology: Māori

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  • Word meaning to take the place of
  • Word meaning to take part in
  • Word meaning to take over
  • Word meaning to take into consideration
  • Word meaning to take care of