Word meaning to serve others

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Life is everywhere around you at different stages of evolution, and it is our role to serve others who like you are now are making their way through the different dimensions.

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Жизнь везде вокруг вас на разных стадиях эволюции, и это наша роль служить другим, которые подобно вам сейчас, прокладывают свои первые пути через различные измерения.

They are also the most individualistic and chaotic of the elemental races,

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Они также наиболее индивидуалистические и хаотические из элементных рас,

Whoever finds his Overself and draws from it the will and desire to serve others, will radiate joy, confidence, and peace



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Тот, кто находит свое Высшее Я и черпает из Него желание и волю служить другим, излучает радость, доверие и спокойствие.

Rather, because such a one has been purified through the shed blood of Christ he should rise

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Он также не должен пытаться своими силами стать лучше, но, очистившись Кровью Иисуса Христа,

Do what you have recognized; do not just concentrate on accumulating more theoretical knowledge, but start with that which you already know,

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Не концентрируйся только на накопления теоретических знаний, но просто начинай с тем, что ты уже знаешь и понимаешь,

Yosef knew how


bow, not only his soul,


the Eternal,

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Йосеф знал, как склоняться, знал не только как склонять душу свою пред Сущим,

December 2008 11:27 Humility is

to serve

Jesus and to serve others without personal agenda.

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Смирение- это


Иисусу и служение другим без дополнительных личных целей и« повесток дня».

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It’s a complicated story; but, as radicals, our job is to serve others by simplifying it.

Most girls in Peru begin


participate very early in life in domestic tasks and

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В Перу большинство девочек с раннего детства привлекаются к выполнению домашних работ и

с самого раннего детства воспитываются в духе необходимости прислуживать другим.

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In this lifetime, your Soul is reminding you that you have the ability to serve others by doing what you love


do, and it is encouraging you not


sacrifice yourself just




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В этой жизни ваша Душа напоминает вам, что вы можете служить другим, делая то, что вы любите, и поощряет вас не жертвовать собой только для того, чтобы понравиться


Much thought and prayer was invested in developing a curriculum that would allow students


gain Biblical knowledge, develop a personal relationship with God,

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Много размышлений и молитв было вложено в разработку учебного плана, который позволит студентам изучить Библию, развить личные отношения с Богом,

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Franklin never patented his inventions; in his autobiography he wrote,»… as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of


we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously.

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Франклин принципиально так и не запатентовал свое изобретение, писав об этом в своей« Автобиографии»:« Если мы охотно пользуемся большими

преимуществами от чужих изобретений, то мы должны быть рады случаю послужить другим своим изобретением, и мы должны это делать бескорыстно и великодушно».

Sometimes people view entrance into the Church as a heavy burden, when in fact it is the joy of liberation from sin and a split life, and, ultimately,

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А то порой люди воспринимают воцерковление как тяжелый дополнительный груз, хотя на самом деле это радость освобождения от греха и раздвоенности, и,

в перспективе,-« избыток сердца» и желание служить другим.

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The essence of the lesson taught by Jesus was that each of the disciples shouldn’t consider himself so great, so that he might wait for

others to serve


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Смысл урока, данного Иисусом Христом ученикам был в том, чтобы каждый из них не считал себя выше


и ждал, чтобы ему


The participants were especially moved by his presentation on


devotees in which he told the story of Kanchipurnam who had a close relationship


his Lord Varadaraja,

but found out that unless he practiced to serve others, his spiritual life would remain incomplete.

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Особенно участников тронула его презентация о служении преданным, в которой он рассказал историю Канчипурнама, у которого были очень близкие отношения со своим Господом Варадараджей, но который понял,

что до тех пор пока он не станет служить другим, его духовная жизнь останется неполной.

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Beneficial not in terms of self-interest, but because of deep understanding of the evolutionary necessity of self-cognition in the desire of living for


which later becomes a natural need to serve others, beginning with one person

and gradually expanding the boundaries of this need


few acquaintances, and then


people we do not know, until the service of the all!

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Выгодно не с точки зрения эгоизма, а благодаря глубокому пониманию эволюционной необходимости самопознания в желании жить для


которое впоследствии переходит в естественную потребность служить другим, начиная с одной личности

и постепенно расширяя границы этой потребности до нескольких знакомых людей, и далее до людей, которых мы не знаем, вплоть до состояния служению всему!

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You can make your faith stronger by your prayer and live conversation with the Father, and once you feel ever stronger the soul desire to serve others seeking no rewards,

once you have a live communion with the Father, in your own words, in your own thoughts, and ever more sincerely, then you shall experience your own birth of the spirit that I have mentioned before.

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А когда все сильнее и сильнее почувствуете жажду души служить другим, не стремясь к каким-либо вознаграждениям,

когда все искреннее и искреннее станете общаться живо с Отцом, своими словами, своими мыслями, тогда сами испытаете свое рождение от духа, о котором я вам уже упоминал.

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Because of their wickedness which they have committed


provoke me



in that they went


burn incense, to serve other gods, that they knew not, neither they, nor ye, nor your fathers.

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За пороки их, какие они делали к огорчению Моему, пошедши кадить, служить другим богам, которых не знали ни вы, ни отцы ваши.

The people answered,»Far be it from us that we should forsake Yahweh, to serve other gods;

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На это народ ответил:« У нас и в мыслях не было оставить Иегову, чтобы служить другим богам.

Because of their wickedness which they have committed


provoke me



in that they went


burn incense,[and] to serve other gods, that they knew not, neither they, nor ye, nor your fathers.

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За пороки их, какие они делали к огорчению Моему, пошедши кадить, служить другим богам, которых не знали ни вы, ни отцы ваши.

It also creates a more direct channel for the Department to serve other United Nations partners with the provision of political advice

and mediation support.

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Это также позволит Департаменту осуществлять более непосредственное обслуживание других партнеров Организации Объединенных Наций в виде консультирования по политическим вопросам

и поддержки посредничества.

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The subsequent phases would be the

installation of small Earth stations(feeder network) to serve other overseas offices of the Organization and of


organizations in the common system.

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Следующим этапом явилась бы установка

небольших наземных станций( фидерная сеть) для обслуживания других заграничных отделений Организации и


организаций общей системы.

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The ERB is also committed to serving other specific target groups,

including new arrivals from Mainland China, ethnic minorities and youths.

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в том числе новоприбывших из материкового Китая жителей, этнические меньшинства и молодежь.

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Together with the Holy Spirit, God pours His love into our hearts,

and we are also given spiritual gifts to serve other children of God and so, our characters are changed, as Apostle Paul writes:

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Одновременно с Духом Святым в наши сердца излилась любовь Божья, даны духовные дары,

чтобы мы могли служить другим Божьим детям и чтобы наши характеры изменялись, как и написал Апостол Павел:

Most participants noted that if the platform were


be a subsidiary of a single

convention then it would be difficult to serve other stakeholders and conventions,

though one participant noted that it would be difficult for a single body

to serve

many different forums.

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Большинство участников отметили, что, если платформа станет вспомогательным органом только одной конвенции,

хотя один участник и отметил, что одному органу будет сложно


многочисленные различные форумы.

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The Committee was further informed that on full development and establishment,

the centre would have the potential to serve other special political missions

and entities in the region and promote inter-agency cooperation.

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Комитет был далее проинформирован о том, что после того, как центр будет сформирован и начнет функционировать в полном объеме,

и подразделений в регионе и развития межучрежденческого сотрудничества.

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Search also in:







1    to be in the service of (a person)  

2    to render or be of service to (a person, cause, etc.); help  

3    (in a shop) to give (customers) information about articles for sale and to hand over articles purchased  

4    tr   to provide (guests, customers, etc.) with food, drink, etc.  
she served her guests with cocktails     

5    to distribute or provide (food, drink, etc.) for guests, customers, etc.  
do you serve coffee?     

6    tr; sometimes foll by: up   to present (food, drink, etc.) in a specified manner  
cauliflower served with cheese sauce     

7    tr   to provide with a regular supply of  

8    tr   to work actively for  
to serve the government     

9    tr   to pay homage to  
to serve God     

10    to answer the requirements of; suit  
this will serve my purpose     

11    intr; may take an infinitive   to have a use; function  
this wood will serve to build a fire     

12    to go through (a period of service, enlistment, imprisonment, etc.)  

13    intr   (of weather, conditions, etc.) to be favourable or suitable  

14    tr     (Also)
service   (of a male animal) to copulate with (a female animal)  

15      (Tennis, squash, etc.)   to put (the ball) into play  

16    intr     (R.C. Church)   to act as server at Mass or other services  

17    tr   to deliver (a legal document, esp. a writ or summons) to (a person)  

18    to provide (a machine, etc.) with an impulse or signal for control purposes or with a continuous supply of fuel, working material, etc.  

19    tr     (Nautical)   to bind (a rope, spar, etc.) with wire or fine cord to protect it from chafing, etc.  
   See also     

serve (a person) right  
Informal   to pay (a person) back, esp. for wrongful or foolish treatment or behaviour  

21      (Tennis, squash, etc.)      short for     

22      (Austral)   a portion or helping of food or drink  
     (C13: from Old French servir, from Latin servire, from servus a slave)  

  servable, serveable      adj  

      vb   tr   to serve again  

English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition



someone who is always trying to please others

«He`s always been a people pleaser.»



a person with more power or authority than others

Eg.: Your father is one of the dominant man in his section because he is boss.



a person who does not care too much about the others, a little rude, assertive


love locks


padlocks that couples lock on a bridge or fence among others to symbolise their love

lightning rod


Something or someone that becomes the focus of others‘ criticism or blame


portmanteau word


a new word formed by joining together two others and combining their meanings. Examples: brunch, camcorder, carjack, motel, greenwash, smog, workaholic.

cyber identity theft


the act of using someone else’s identifying information with the intent to defraud others online

[Leg.];[Tech.] criminal act to steal a personal information online

be ahead of the game


be more successful than others in a competitive situation or do things in advance in order to succeed in a competition.

That basketball team was ahead of the game that is why they won!

misery loves company


expression meaning that someone who is not happy tends to find comfort in seeing others unhappy too

he can dish it but he can’t take it


this expression means ‘he is very good at criticizing others but he can’t accept criticism from others

signficant other


person who is very important and dear without formally being the spouse



amongst other things said or stated

At the panel she stated her claims inter-alia

live in each other‘s pocket


if people live in each other‘s pocket, they spend a lot of time together

wait for the other shoe to drop


wait for something, usually linked to a previous event, to happen; expect something that can not be avoided to happen



restaurant; bar, pub, cafe that serves also food




software created with the purpose of testing other software

frame liner


A moulding commonly used in framing oil paintings. The liner is fixed inside the frame and appears between the image and the outer frame. Generally made out of wood or some other hard material, the liner may have fabric glued down to it. Liners are to canvases what a mat/mount is to a print on paper

[Artwork framing] Polystyrene or wood liner. Fabric-covered liner. Linen liner. Gold liner.

virtual public


a concept relating to internet social media where people interact with each other using online identity generally referred as ‘users’ which collectively describes as virtual public.

[Tech.] online users, online avatars, internet social media public

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Servants were the hired hands and slaves of Jesus’s time. Jesus took this word and gave it a new and radical meaning. He took a word that described a person under the authority of others and used it to redefine leadership and greatness. Christians call Jesus the “servant King” because he washed his disciples’ feet and expected his followers to be willing to act similarly (John 13:14-15). Jesus made it clear that in the kingdom of God those who are greatest are those who serve God and others.

One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us. John Wesley

Giving is a strong motif in the Bible. John’s gospel says that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son (John 3:16). God gave the world to humanity and provides for them; in return, God calls for generosity to others. Giving to the poor and needy is accepted as done to Christ (Matthew 25:37-40). Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Wealth is seen positively in the Bible when it is matched by generosity and not put before others and God. The Bible does not say that money is evil; it says people should not serve it or love it (1 Timothy 6:10). Riches should be gained honestly and justly and are to be put to use. With wealth comes a responsibility for others (Deuteronomy 16:17). The attitude of the Bible is summed up in Luke’s gospel: we are not defined by what we own (Luke 12:15).

A tennis player serving

To serve means ‘to work for someone’ and also ‘to give food or drink to someone at a table.’ In the UK, it can also refer to helping someone in a store. It means ‘to help and provide assistance’ and also ‘to contribute or be useful to something.’ Serve also means ‘to go through a term of service,’ like in the army, or ‘to spend time in jail.’

Example sentences

  • The butler had been serving the same family for over 20 years.
  • The waitress served everyone at the table their drinks.
  • That’s the nice young man who served me in the shop the other day.
  • The riots served the government’s aim of introducing new laws restricting public gatherings.
  • Nicholas served 25 years in the army before retiring.
  • Rachel is still serving her sentence, but she hopes to find a job when she gets out of prison.

Words often used with serve

serve someone right: be deserved. Example: “The dog bit you? I’m not surprised, with the way you keep teasing him; it serves you right!”

serve your time: complete a prison sentence. Example: “Mark has served his time, but people still don’t trust him.”

give someone a serve (AU): to tell someone off or criticize them. Example: “Amy gave Gary a serve for getting into trouble with the police again.”

Additional information

In sports such as tennis, volleyball, or handball, to serve means ‘to start playing’ by hitting the ball. A serve, as a noun, is the act of serving.

In pop culture

Served Like a Girl is the title of a documentary about women who have served in the US army. You can watch the trailer here:

Did you know?

Many people may be familiar with the phrase you’ve been served from American TV shows about lawyers. In the legal sense, in the US, to serve someone is to give them an official notification that they have been sued and will need to appear in civil court. This is usually done in person, so there is no question that the papers have been received. This does not mean, however, that people can avoid being served by not taking the documents, or running and hiding once they are approached. Once the person delivering the documents (usually called a process server) has made direct contact, they may leave the papers outside the door or on a desk where you can later retrieve them. In exceptional cases, when a person cannot be found, delivering them to their known address can be considered enough. As for criminal cases, warrants to arrest someone or to search a property are also served, but in this case they are given to the person in question by the police before the arrest or the search.

Other forms

server (noun), servable/serveable (adjective)


Serve, meaning ‘to be obedient to someone’ or ‘to minister or give help to someone,’ dates back to the late 12th century, as the Middle English verb serven. It came into English from the Old French servir, which could mean ‘to obey someone in duty,’ ‘to show devotion to someone,’ ‘to set a table or serve at the table,’ or ‘to offer or provide someone with something.’ It can be traced back to the Latin verb servīre, which could mean ‘to be a servant,’ ‘to be in service’ or ‘to be enslaved,’ and figuratively ‘to be devoted,’ ‘to be governed by,’ ‘to comply with,’ or even ‘to flatter,’ though the original meaning was ‘to be enslaved.’ It is related to the noun servus (‘slave’ and, later, ‘servant,’), the origin of which is uncertain. It could have come from the Etruscan Servi or Serve (only recorded as proper names), or from the proto-Italic roots serwo– (shepherd) and serwa– (observation), from the Proto-Indo-European root seruo– (guardian). The senses ‘to be in the service of,’ ‘to provide a service for,’ ‘to be a servant of,’ ‘to be a slave of,’ ‘to owe allegiance to’ and ‘to officiate or hold religious rites’ all appeared around the year 1200, probably influenced by the Latin meanings, which were commonly used around that time. The senses ‘to set food at a table,’ which existed in the French verb, was first used in English in the mid-13th century, while ‘to wait on customers’ is from the mid-14th century. ‘To be useful, beneficial or suitable for a purpose’ first appeared in the early 14th century, and ‘to meet the needs or be equal to a task,’ as well as ‘to treat someone or something in a certain way’ is from the late 14th century. The expression ‘to serve someone right’ comes from this last sense, and was first used in the late 16th century. The sense ‘to do military duty’ appeared in the early 16th century, while the sport sense is from the late 16th century. The use of serve as a noun (in sports) is also from the late 16th century.

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Word of the Day is released Monday through Friday.

Serving others 2021

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” – Mahatma Gandhi

Indeed, life without service to others is meaningless. We are often plagued with questions such as “Who am I?”, “What difference am I making in this world?”, “What is my purpose?”, so on and so forth.

Can we live a life of fulfilment that caters solely to the self? With growing detachment and greed in the modern world, depression and a lack of contentment with our lives have been on the rise. 

No matter the how big impact we wish to have in the world, if it is not in service of another, does it really count as one?

We were born to help others in need; it is our natural innate disposition. However, unfortunately, we have been “educated” for greed. Most people lack depth and joy in their lives despite the success they achieve. What maybe the reason for this disconnect?

Often, service is mistaken as only “giving”. However, it is as much receiving as it is givingThis exchange is what fuels and sustains the essence of life. In today’s world, understanding the importance of this is required more than ever.

It is only through lifting others that we can lift ourselves. This is the Law of Life.

The world runs and sustains itself through service

serving others most important now

We tend to think of service in a very narrow definition of the word. Serving others is not a planned act; it is by default our highest purpose in life.

The need to serve stems from a place of awareness and compassion. Can you imagine the world without that hope?

People are risking their lives to run into buildings on fire in order to save others; prioritizing the lives of others before themselves, etc. If that is not service, then what is?

It is difficult to even think of a world that functions without this sense of kinship with our community and humanity at large. The problem we face today is a fast-paced world, growing in size yet lacking in depth.

The problem rests with our perception of what really matters. We all feel the need to help others, but societal pressures and responsibilities burden us and prevent us from taking action on it.

However, we forget that happiness and fulfillment can never persist unless shared. Think of the current pandemic as an example! Despite the crisis we’ve all been dealing with, people have been providing aid to every possible quarter to serve in whatever way they can.

This life is a shared responsibility, and it demands that we grow together. Doing service is one best things in life, as it connects us all; it cannot be taken for granted.

Necessity of Serving Others now more than ever

Forbes has titled American businessman Arthur Blank as one of “The 100 greatest living business minds”. His business models and success story are built upon his idea of serving others with passion through whatever work you decide to do.

Arthur talks about how his definition of success and service has broadened over the years ever since he began questioning the major issues the world is dealing with today.

Despite our progression in the material world, the growth of our GDP over time has failed to ensure people’s happiness.

○ The “what’s in it for me?” model

what is in it for me selfish man

One of the reason for this maybe living in a technologically-driven world, which means that we’re exceedingly reliant on digital media to meet all our needs. Consequently, we’re more detached from intimate interactions with people and feel separated in a sense.

In fact, the rates of depression and suicide have spiked unlike ever before, and more and more people are reportedly leading unsatisfactory lives and loosing their faith.

We’re all hustling for “success” without questioning something far more critical. Are we working in a way that is “worthy of our lives”?

Over the last few centuries, in particular, our commercial activity has hit the roof with universal compassion taking a nosedive. We live in a time of rapid consumption and see service to others as almost a favour.

This “what’s in it for me?” mindset has created a huge disproportion in our consumption vs contribution ratio and is making us head for ecological, psychological, and also economic disaster.

○ Our passion is for us, but our purpose is for others

Today more than ever before, its important to uphold service and the willingness to give as abundantly as we take so as to create the reality of both a prosperous and sustainable world possible.

Failing this, we’ll be operating from a scarcity point of view with no faith, falling prey to more greed and creating an unstable system where we’re all unhappy from running a “rat race” against one another.

The problem lies in identifying life with our ‘individual identity‘ alone. The more we focus on that, the more troubled we feel.

If we were to extend that identity to the rest of our community and people; through connections, associations, and a willingness to give back, it is us who will ultimately grow in gratitude and experience.

If money were the end goal, the most successful people would be the happiest. But we all know that to be untrue. This is because success in the actual definition of the word is ‘all-encompassing’. 

Our passion is for us, but our purpose is for others. If you do not feel happy, it is because you are not serving.

Serving others also equals serving ourselves

feeling of impacting another life serving others

When we think of service, we think of the word “giving”. Little do we realize that it is only in giving that we receive. Empathy and compassion is a contagious chain; we act in service of another to brighten someone’s day, only because we know and have experienced service and love from someone else in the first place. It’s almost like a “ripple effect”.

○ Feeling of having impacted another life

Positive psychology is built on the foundation that People want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within them, and to enhance their experiences of love, work and play”

Considering positive psychology’s effects on our emotions, it is easy to conclude that compassion and gratitude play a huge role in determining one’s well-being. Upholding the value of serving others as a core principle of your life greatly boosts empathy and appreciation.

Science has shown that certain parts of the brain that experience a dopamine rush from engaging in pleasure activities are stimulated similarly by serving others. This is because by helping others, we experience a sense of achievement and a feeling of having impacted another life.

○ A renewed sense of purpose

To serve is not limited to charity work alone; it can also be through your profession. If you are solving a problem faced by your community through your work and service offered to them, then that equals serving people as well.

Until your values are intact and your intention aligns with your higher purpose, you wake up each day with the idea that you are doing the work of God. That in itself is a big reason for people to push through each day.

Not only does serving others instill deep gratitude in us for everything we possess that others don’t, but it also enriches us by giving us a reason to expand, grow, share and build on the values that we believe in.

We then connect with people who share similar values and visions, and that gives us a greater impetus and meaning to all that we strive to achieve and create.

Without this sense of purpose, we feel lost and lack the discipline and inspiration to create positive change within and beyond ourselves.

Intention of our Service is more important than the Act

intention of our service is more important than act

Author Nelson Henderson said, The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade we do not plan to sit“. Life takes on a whole new depth and meaning when we indulge in actions for a cause much bigger than ourselves.

○ The simple act of selfless service

The importance of mental health is significantly prioritized in today’s world. Our psychological well-being is benefited greatly when we give to others for a ‘reason’ that has absolutely nothing to do with us. This is called “selfless service“.

This could mean being a listening ear or uplifting others through our words, wisdom, experience, or service. It could also mean championing causes like sustainability, child welfare, eradicating poverty, or fighting animal abuse.

When we extend our compassion to all of life and think of the benefits we can bestow to the present and future generations to come, we do so with no thought of ourselves in the picture.

Yet, despite this, we end up receiving a lot of joy in the process. Psychologist Elisha Goldstein says that this kind of specific altruism is great for our mental health as it helps us detach from our egos and nurtures the reality that there is something greater than ourselves.

Discovering ourselves by serving others

One of the major reasons we feel like our “life sucks” is because we feel lost without a real sense of purpose. Success and material wealth doesn’t always guarantee fulfilment.

We can never fully understand the point of this life and our ability to create a real difference in this world unless we engage in some sort of service that alleviates human suffering in one way or another.

○ Giving life more context and meaning

Giving life more context

We are able to embrace the core values of hard work, passion and commitment even better when we strive to serve our community.

This inspires us to not only work harder in order to give back more, but the kind of vulnerability and peace that service gives us strengthens our character further and gives our lives more context and meaning.

By developing values of care towards the disadvantaged, compassion for those suffering, and tolerance for people with a different outlook on life, one tends to find out more about themselves. All of this is possible only through service.

In order to discover our true essence, we cannot live with a selfish attitude. A majority of the things we learn is through our interactions and experiences with others.

Helping others is a humbling activity that shifts our perspective and makes us look at our own life from all angles. Consequently, we start transforming aspects of ourselves for the better.

○ Humanity above everything else

Humanity above everything else

In our quest for self-discovery, the more we understand that we’re a part of a much greater network called humanity, the quicker our ego dissolves. When we are focused on the bigger picture, it helps put everything into perspective and rethink everything in our lives.

In our broader community building efforts, we find ourselves in a larger context of helping the world advance both spiritually and materially.

In this process, we discover virtues like justice, humility, empathy, generosity, and truth, which further act as guiding points in our decisions and our value system.

“The more we search for ourselves, the less likely we are to find ourselves; and the more we search for God, and to serve our fellow-men, the more profoundly will we become acquainted with ourselves, and the more inwardly assured. This is one of the great spiritual laws of life” – Shoghi Effendi

(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, February 18, 1954)

One cannot pour from an empty cup

Cannot pour from a empty cup

It is important to also include yourself and your own interests under your umbrella of compassion and love. True service should never feel like a chore to you. In case it does, you’re doing it wrong.

The proverb that “one cannot pour from an empty cup” is absolutely true since we cannot care for someone else unless we care for ourselves first. How can we serve abundantly from a place of scarcity?

○ Be Kind, but Know Your Limits

We all have big dreams, a desire for success, and the urge to help people and champion as many causes as we can. However, the idea is not to push ourselves beyond our means. Service is meant to make us see life as a whole; for both us and the people we connect with.

Being kind and helpful to others is a virtue that we should be proud of. However, it’s important to know when you can give more and when you need to get better boundaries in place

We should try to remember the adage: “You can’t give what you don’t have.” This is especially true with regard to giving time and resources.

If we are feeling overwhelmed or like we’re not able to provide enough support for someone, it’s important that we get better boundaries in place so that they are able to take care of themselves.

The words “yes” or “no” are powerful when they come from someone who knows their limits. And the ability to say both is important for our own mental health as well as everyone else around us.

○ Everybody has the capacity to serve

But, it helps to remember that everybody has the capacity to serve in whatever way they can. A classic example is that of Sindhutai Sapkal, who is commonly referred to as “The Mother of Orphans“.

Despite having nothing to offer, Sindhutai stood tall with her will to give by begging on the streets so she could feed every orphan she saw.

Her cup was already filled with the gratitude of being alive, and that alone was motivation enough for her to serve. Our true purpose always arises from our pain which pushes us to protect others from the same way.

No matter where we are in life, if we recognize the “fullness” in our life by simply acknowledging that there is really nothing more for us to take from life, we can manifest a heart of service in any situation.

Then, we automatically start serving from a very powerful place to be. We begin to serve not to give or take anything but to simply express our gratitude for this life.

A Final Dialogue on The Importance of Serving Others

We are all built to serve; the deeper our intention behind it, the broader our sense of purpose and fulfilment.

We discover ourselves greatly when we bring meaning to our “larger identity”.. i.e. humanity. Not only do we start viewing our life with a new lens of gratitude and meaning, we also discover how powerful we are.

Realizing that we’re here for a cause much greater than our individual self and that we possess the power to shift lives can be incredibly gratifying to our self-esteem and mental health.

In our desire to serve others, we must begin by filling up our own cup until it overflows with only love and goodwill for the rest. Only then can we shift from patterns of ‘consumption’ to ‘contribution’ as we surrender ourselves to something much higher than all of us combined.

Without our altruistic tendencies, we can never be whole. Even nature demonstrates how the world runs on the theme of selfless sacrifice. A tree gives us its shade and its fruit without asking for anything at all in return; it never questions ‘What’s in it for me?’

These examples are right in front of our eyes! It only makes sense then that we align ourselves with the Universe’s purpose and make it our mission to carry it forward to all of creation until this everlasting ripple creates enough synergy to connect and transform hearts all over.

“When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. But when you serve, you see life as a whole” – Rachel Naomi Remen

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