Word meaning to rise and fall

rise and fall

1) Общая лексика: взлёт и падение, иметь взлёты и падения

2) Компьютерная техника: зажигание и гашение

3) Железнодорожный термин: подъём и спуск, профиль

4) Космонавтика: нарастание и спад

5) Программирование: возрастание и убывание

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

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  • Rise And Fall — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars est un album de musique rock de David Bowie, sorti en 1972. Rise and Fall est un groupe de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rise and fall — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars est un album de musique rock de David Bowie, sorti en 1972. Rise and Fall est un groupe de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rise and Fall — Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Álbum de estudio de The Offspring Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • Rise and Fall — Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace Студийный альбом The Offspring Дата выпус …   Википедия

  • rise and fall — index fluctuate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Rise and Fall — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars est un album de musique rock de David Bowie, sorti en 1972. Rise and Fall est un groupe de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace — Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace …   Википедия

  • Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace — Album par The Offspring Fichier:Rise and Fall.jpg Sortie  Japon 11 juin 2008 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace — Studioalbum von The Offspring Veröffentlichung 13. Juni 2008 Label Sony BMG …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rise and Fall: Civilisations at War — Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War Éditeur Midway Développeur Stainless Steel Studios Concepteur   Date de sortie 2006 Genre Stratégie temps réel …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War — Rise Fall: Война Цивилизаций Разработчик …   Википедия

rise and fall — перевод на русский

Seeing civilizations rise and fall.

Видел взлеты и падения цивилизаций.

He’s single-handedly responsible for the rise and fall of some of the world’s most pivotal politicians and statesmen.

Он в одиночку отвечает за взлёты и падения некоторых очень влиятельных мировых политиков и государственных деятелей.

— Man’s rise and fall.

Взлеты и падения человека.

I have lived long enough to watch civilizations rise and fall.

Я достаточно прожил, я видел взлёты и падения цивилизаций.

The rise and fall of Diane Feeny.

Взлёт и падение Дианы Фини.

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Gentag says something about, whether the slider’s value increases,

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Gentag что-то говорит о, ли значение слайдера увеличивается,

It can be seen to rise and fall each day in keeping with diel vertical migration.

There was some discussion as


whether the cause of death was suffocation;

it was reported that Corder’s chest was seen to rise and fall for several minutes after he had dropped,


it was thought probable that pressure on the spinal cord had killed him.

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Возникла полемика, стало ли удушение причиной смерти- согласно докладам,

поэтому вероятной причиной смерти было предложено сдавление спинного мозга.

The periods when the ascension


proceed is possible,

capture the whole Manvantara


therefore it is possible to rise and fall very highly very low.

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Периоды, когда возможно восхождение


нисхождение, захватывают целую Манвантару,

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In this way, the free market would determine the price of the energy commodity,

with price being free to rise and fall in response





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В этих условиях свободные рыночные силы определяли бы цену на энергию как товар,

причем эта цена могла бы свободно повышаться и понижаться в зависимости от рыночной конъюнктуры.

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But while Cromelin thought it was good, he felt that the record


its style might not be of lasting interest:»We should all say a brief

prayer that his fortunes are not made to rise and fall with the fate of the’drag-rock’ syndrome.

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В своем обзоре Кроумлин пишет:« Мы все должны прочитать краткую молитву, потому что его будущее станет взлетом и падением с судьбой синдрома„ драг- рока“» англ.« we should all say a brief prayer that

his fortunes are made to rise and fall with the fate of the„ drag-

rock“ sundrome».

Environmental risks with community effects-

such as urban air pollution seem to rise and then fall with development; some suggest that an inverted U-shaped curve describes the relationship.

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Экологические риски, воздействующие на сообщество,- такие

как загрязнение воздуха в городах- демонстрируют тенденцию к росту и затем к падению по мере развития в целом: некоторые полагают, что эту связь хорошо описывает перевернутая U- образная кривая.

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This is an advanced survey course on the development of modern international

relations in Europe from the inception of the Westphalia System to the rise and fall of Napoleon.

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Продвинутый предмет по развитию современных международных отношений в

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We have seen changes ranging from the collapse of the colonial system


the great nineteenth century empires to the rise and fall of broad


disastrous experiments with totalitarianism, fascism



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Мы стали свидетелями широкомасштабных перемен—

от распада колониальной системы


великих империй девятнадцатого столетия до взлетов и падений крупных


катастрофических экспериментов с тоталитаризмом, фашизмом



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This has led


considerable economic losses, due to the rise and fall in the dollar in relation


the currencies of the country’s main trading partners,

since exports are contracted in United States currency but payments are made in other currencies.

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Это приводит к огромным экономическим потерям по причине повышения и понижения стоимости доллара по отношению к валютам главных торговых партнеров страны, поскольку приходится

заключать контракты на экспорт в американской валюте, а получать оплату в другой.

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Bush trained his glass out towards the Parquette, whose sullen black rocks, crowned by a navigation beacon,

seemed to rise and


as the Atlantic swell surged round them.

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Буш направил подзорную трубу на Паркэ. Голые черные скалы, увенчанные сигнальным огнем,

казалось, вздымались и падали- это билась о них атлантическая зыбь.

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This practice allowed them


control the rise and fall of the river


best suit their agricultural needs.

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Эта практика позволяла контролировать подъем и снижение уровня реки,


таким образом удовлетворять потребности сельского хозяйства в поливе.

As we can see, empires rise and fall according


the‘Law of Humandynamics.

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In the near future volatility on commodity markets will rise and fall is likely



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В ближайшее время волатильность на сырьевых рынках останется повышенной и падение вероятно продолжится.

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Tidal range refers


the cyclical rise and fall of tides,


tidal currents are created by the horizontal movement of water resulting from the




of the tide.

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отливы вызываются циклическим подъемом и снижением уровня моря, а приливно-отливные течения создаются в результате горизонтального передвижения воды, вызываемого приливами и отливами.

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Ibn Khaldun also argued that ʿasabiyya is cyclical


directly related


the rise and fall of civilizations: it is most strong at the start of a civilization,

declines as the civilization advances,


then another more compelling ʿasabiyyah eventually takes its place


help establish a different civilization.

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Ибн Халдун также утверждал,

что асабия циклична


непосредственным образом связана с ростом и падением цивилизаций: асабия наиболее сильно проявляется на этапе зарождения цивилизации,

когда племена« Пустыни» побеждают цивилизованных« Горожан»


более низкой асабией,


образуют правящую династию.

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It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back



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Empirical evidence shows that absolute inequality tends to rise with growth and fall with contractions.

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Эмпирические данные показывают, что абсолютное неравенство, как правило, увеличивается в период экономического роста и сокращается в период экономического спада.

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The share of renewable energies is intended to rise to 20 percent and consumption to fall by 20 percent as a result of improved energy efficiency.

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Доля ВИЭ должна вырасти до 20 проц., а потребление энергии в результате повышения энергоэффективности снизиться на 20 проц.

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В России и других странах СНГ занятость продолжает падать, а безработица расти.

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The price of gold continues to rise due


a slight weakening of the dollar and the fall on global stock markets.

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Цена золота продолжает расти на фоне незначительного ослабления доллара и падения на мировых фондовых рынках.

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In his 2011 budget speech, the Chief Minister stated that Gibraltar’s economy had continued



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В своем бюджетном послании 2011 года главный министр заявил, что экономика Гибралтара продолжает


и что количество рабочих мест и степень занятости выросли до новых рекордных уровней, налоги продолжили снижаться, а выплаты и пенсии— расти.

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He came


the conclusion that the factors that led


the rapid rise(and, obviously, to fall too) of Trofim Lysenko are long-term


demonstrated the specific competition between schools


groups of the scientific community in a totalitarian social environment.

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выводу, что факторы, приведшие


взлету( очевидно, и к падению) Трофима Лысенко носят долговременный характер


отражают специфику конкуренции между школами


группировками научного сообщества в тоталитарной социальной среде.

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: the vertical up and down movement of the tide resulting from but not necessarily coincident with its flow and ebb

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“Rise and fall.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rise%20and%20fall. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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      • rise
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Also see: and | fall

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

rise /raɪz/USA pronunciation  
v., rose/roʊz/USA pronunciation  ris•en /ˈrɪzən/USA pronunciation  ris•ing, n. 
v. [no object]

  1. to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling position:She rose and walked over to greet me.
  2. to get up from bed, esp. to begin the day:He likes to rise early.
  3. to become active and resist someone:The people rose up against the dictator.
  4. to come into existence:A quarrel rose between them.
  5. to move from a lower to a higher position:The smoke rose into the sky.
  6. Astronomyto ascend above the horizon, as the sun:The sun rises in the east.
  7. to extend directly upward:The building rises from the center of the town.
  8. to have an upward slant or curve:The road rises slightly.
  9. to achieve a higher level, as of importance:to rise in the world.
  10. to become happy or cheerful, as the spirits:His spirits rose when she smiled at him.
  11. to become stirred in the emotions:could feel his temper rising at the insults.
  12. to increase, as in height, amount, value, or force:The river is rising three feet an hour.
  13. to swell or puff up, such as dough from the action of yeast:The bread hasn’t finished rising yet.
  14. to become louder or of higher pitch, as the voice:«You mean you can’t help?» he cried, his voice rising to a squeak.
  15. to return from the dead.
  16. rise above, [+ above + object] to ignore and overcome, as difficulty:She rose above the heartbreak of the death of her son.
  17. rise to, [+ to + object] to prove that one is equal to a demand, etc., by acting forcefully or correctly:He rose to the occasion by responding with firm leadership.


  1. [countable] an act or instance of rising.
  2. increase in rank, fortune, etc.:[uncountable]the rise and fall of Rome.
  3. an increase, as in height, amount, or value;
    the amount of such increase:[countable]a rise in unemployment.
  4. Architecture[countable] the measured height of any of various things, as of a roof or a stair step.
  5. origin, source, or beginning: [countable]the rise of a stream in a mountain.[uncountable]What has given rise to such strong feelings of anger?
  6. a piece of rising or high ground:[countable]At the next rise you can see the house below.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(rīz),USA pronunciation v., rose, ris•en (rizən),USA pronunciation ris•ing, n. 

  1. to get up from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture;
    assume an upright position:She rose and walked over to greet me. With great effort he rose to his knees.
  2. to get up from bed, esp. to begin the day after a night’s sleep:to rise early.
  3. Physiologyto become erect and stiff, as the hair in fright.
  4. to get up after falling or being thrown down.
  5. to become active in opposition or resistance;
    revolt or rebel.
  6. to be built up, erected, or constructed.
  7. Botanyto spring up or grow, as plants:Weeds rose overnight.
  8. to become prominent on or project from a surface, as a blister.
  9. to come into existence;
  10. to come into action, as a wind or storm.
  11. to occur:A quarrel rose between them.
  12. to originate, issue, or be derived;
    to have a source.
  13. to move from a lower to a higher position;
    move upward;
    ascend:The bird rose in the air.
  14. Astronomyto ascend above the horizon, as a heavenly body.
  15. to extend directly upward;
    project vertically:The tower rises to a height of 60 feet. The building rises above the city’s other skyscrapers.
  16. to have an upward slant or curve:The path rises as it approaches the woods.
  17. to attain higher rank, status, or importance or a higher economic level:to rise in the world.
  18. to advance to a higher level of action, thought, feeling, etc.:to rise above the commonplace.
  19. Sport[Angling.](of fish) to come up toward the surface of the water in pursuit of food or bait.
  20. to prove oneself equal to a demand, emergency, etc. (fol. by to):to rise to the occasion; to rise to one’s responsibilities.
  21. to become animated, cheerful, or heartened, as the spirits.
  22. to become roused or stirred:to feel one’s temper rising.
  23. to increase in height, as the level of water:The river rose thirty feet in eight hours.
  24. to swell or puff up, as dough from the action of yeast.
  25. to increase in amount, as prices.
  26. to increase in price or value, as commodities.
  27. to increase in degree, intensity, or force, as fever, color, etc.
  28. to become louder or of higher pitch, as the voice.
  29. to adjourn or close a session, as a deliberative body or court.
  30. to return from the dead:Christ rose from the dead and on the third day ascended into heaven.


  1. Slang Terms[Nonstandard.]to cause to rise.
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto cause (something) to rise above the visible horizon by approaching nearer to it;
  3. rise above, to ignore or be indifferent to, as an insult.


  1. an act or instance of rising.
  2. Astronomyappearance above the horizon, as of the sun or moon.
  3. elevation or increase in rank, fortune, influence, power, etc.:the rise and fall of ancient Rome.
  4. an increase in height, as of the level of water.
  5. the amount of such increase.
  6. an increase in amount, as of prices.
  7. an increase in price or value, as of commodities.
  8. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]raise (defs. 33–36).
  9. Meteorologyan increase in degree or intensity, as of temperature.
  10. an increase in loudness or in pitch, as of the voice.
  11. Building, Architecture[Archit., Building Trades.]
    • the measured height of any of various things, as a roof, a flight of steps, a stair step, or the crown of a road.
    • the measured height of an arch from the springing line to the highest point of the intrados.

  12. Buildingthe vertical distance through which the floor of an elevator or the like passes.
  13. origin, source, or beginning:the rise of a stream in a mountain.
  14. a coming into existence or notice:the rise of a new talent.
  15. extension upward.
  16. the amount of such extension.
  17. upward slope, as of ground or a road.
  18. a piece of rising or high ground:a house built upon a gentle rise.
  19. Clothingthe distance between the crotch and the waist of a pair of trousers:Pants with a high rise are now in style.
  20. Sport[Angling.]the coming up of a fish toward the surface in pursuit of food or bait.
  21. get a rise out of, [Informal.] a. to provoke, as to action or anger.b. to evoke the expected or desired response from.
  22. give rise to, to originate;
    cause:The Industrial Revolution gave rise to accelerated urbanization.
  • bef. 1000; Middle English risen (verb, verbal), Old English rīsan; cognate with Dutch rijzen, Old High German rīsan, Gothic reisan; akin to raise, rear2

    • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged arise, proceed.
    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mount.
    • 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridged succeed, advance.

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged sink.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fall.
    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged descend.
    • 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fail.

    See raise. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

rise /raɪz/ vb (rises, rising, rose /rəʊz/, risen /ˈrɪzən/)(mainly intr)

  1. to get up from a lying, sitting, kneeling, or prone position
  2. to get out of bed, esp to begin one’s day: he always rises early
  3. to move from a lower to a higher position or place; ascend
  4. to ascend or appear above the horizon: the sun is rising
  5. to increase in height or level: the water rose above the normal level
  6. to attain higher rank, status, or reputation: he will rise in the world
  7. to be built or erected: those blocks of flats are rising fast
  8. to become apparent; appear: new troubles rose to afflict her
  9. to increase in strength, degree, intensity, etc: her spirits rose, the wind is rising
  10. to increase in amount or value: house prices are always rising
  11. to swell up: dough rises
  12. to become erect, stiff, or rigid: the hairs on his neck rose in fear
  13. (of one’s stomach or gorge) to manifest or feel nausea; retch
  14. to become actively rebellious; revolt: the people rose against their oppressors
  15. to slope upwards: the ground rises beyond the lake
  16. to return from the dead; be resurrected
  17. to originate; come into existence: that river rises in the mountains
  18. (of a session of a court, legislative assembly, etc) to come to an end; adjourn
  19. (of fish) to come to the surface of the water, as when taking flies
  20. (often followed by to) informal to respond (to teasing, etc) or fall into a trap prepared for one


  1. the act or an instance of rising; ascent
  2. an increase in height; elevation
  3. an increase in rank, status, or position
  4. an increase in amount, cost, or value
  5. an increase in degree or intensity
  6. Brit an increase in salary or wages
    US and Canadian word: raise
  7. the vertical height of a step or of a flight of stairs
  8. the vertical height of a roof above the walls or columns
  9. the act or instance of fish coming to the surface of the water to take flies, etc
  10. the beginning, origin, or source; derivation

Etymology: Old English rīsan; related to Old Saxon rīsan, Gothic reisan

rise and fall‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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