Word meaning to make the same

I’m attempting to document a change that will make two things more congruent. I’d like to use a word in this way:

This change [makes similar] the two items.

The best I’ve been able to find by searching is «assimilate»; however, I feel that this word has unpleasant connotations in some cases and could be misconstrued. Is there a better word?

For a little more context on this specific situation: I’m making the interfaces of two different software libraries more similar. They’re remaining separate libraries, but they do nearly the same thing and are now more similar in their behavior.

asked Jul 25, 2014 at 18:13

NickAldwin's user avatar


6523 gold badges7 silver badges14 bronze badges


Normalize may be what you want.  The Free Dictionary defines it as:

  1. To make normal, especially to cause to conform to a standard or norm
  2. To make (a text or language) regular and consistent

(excerpted; emphasis added).  This can be used to refer to preparing things for comparison. 
For example, if I know the weight of one thing in pounds and another thing in kilograms,
I will convert one of them to the units of the other.

Homogenize means “to make uniform or similar”, or

  1. To make homogeneous.
    • To make uniform in consistency, …

Align is good, too, but I see somebody else posted that already.

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 19:50

Scott - Слава Україні's user avatar


Perhaps these definitions of conform from Collins fit your needs

  1. to make the same or similar: to conform one’s idea to another’s
  2. to bring into harmony or agreement; adapt (often used reflexively)

It is often used to describe making two documents read or mean the same thing.

He conformed the instruction sheet to the new specifications received from the manufacturer.

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 18:25

bib's user avatar


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Harmonizes might be best, as it has a good connotation. Coordinates might also work, depending on what these «two items» are.


: to cause (two or more things) to be combined or to go together in a
pleasing or effective way

Merriam-Webster entry for harmonize

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 20:55

JackArbiter's user avatar


1,1427 silver badges14 bronze badges


Consider going with synchronize, with the definition:

tally; agree.
«their version failed to synchronize with the police view»

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 19:36

Carolyn's user avatar


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If you are combining partial information from both items and/or removing inconsistencies between them, I would suggest reconciling.

answered Jul 26, 2014 at 2:59

pimlottc's user avatar


2281 silver badge6 bronze badges


Since no-one else has mentioned it, standardise seems like quite a good fit.

answered Jul 26, 2014 at 6:34

user3490's user avatar


7023 silver badges5 bronze badges


Likens gets the point across that the adjustment makes it like the other, but I personally feel the word comes off strange in a sentence. Maybe it’s just me =(.

Mirror seems like it would work if you want to emphasize that the two objects are going to be matching completely.

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 18:26

Xrylite's user avatar


3531 silver badge4 bronze badges


The best word I can think of is assimilates (plus it even looks like similar). Or to sound fancier, try approximates.

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 19:00

Simon Kuang's user avatar

Simon KuangSimon Kuang

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Depending on how the two elements are being combined, consolidates might be the word, or amalgamates might fit, or standardizes might work. As others have noted, an example would really help.

answered Jul 30, 2014 at 1:00

terpy's user avatar


4322 silver badges5 bronze badges

While I like the accepted answer, I suggest uniformizes

  • Has a less chemical/chaotic connotation than homogenize
  • Normalize might be interpreted in an undesired mathematical way. Or there may be no obvious «norm» being referenced.

answered Sep 19, 2019 at 6:03

jiggunjer's user avatar


7076 silver badges13 bronze badges

«to make similar to» <==> «to copy»

answered Jul 26, 2014 at 9:10

Johnaas's user avatar


With the vast nature of the English language, it’s natural that some words have overlapping meanings, or one word may have a very similar meaning to another word. And while these overlapping words are already a lot, you might also be confused about what to call these alike meaning words.

Terms For Two Words That Mean The Same Thing

The word ‘synonyms’ is the most preferred way to describe two words that mean the same. ‘Synonym’ is straightforward with its meaning that when two words are synonymous, it means two words have almost or the same exact definition. Thus, making it the most appropriate word in any context.


Calling two words ‘synonymous’ is one way to indicate that two words mean the same thing. The word ‘synonym’ also follows an equal definition. However, it would be good to note that not all synonyms exactly mean the same, and there is still a most appropriate word for any context.

For example, ‘thin’ and ‘narrow’ maybe synonymous in a way. However, it seems off to describe a person as narrow or a road as thin. In that way, even if the two words mean the same, there is still a more preferred or appropriate word in a given context. It’s best to describe the road as narrow and a person as thin or skinny. But another synonym for the two words would be slim or slender, which we can use to describe either a person or a road.

Words Alike

Describing two words as ‘alike’ is another way of saying that the two are synonymous. In other contexts, it could also mean that two things are similar in a way. Many also prefer to use ‘alike’ as it still means similar, but does not imply exact duplicates.

The word ‘alike’ is also versatile as it is not only used to describe two words, but other things that are similar to each other. In the context of words or synonyms, we say ‘brave’ and ‘courageous’ are two words alike. But, we can also say ‘both of you look alike’ or ‘the two of them dress alike’ to express similarity in visuals and fashion, respectively. Thus, saying two words are alike is another way of saying they mean the same thing.

Similar Words

The words ‘alike’ and ‘similar’ are synonyms, and in this context, they mean the exact same thing. Like ‘alike,’ describing two words as similar means that the two words have definitions that are almost the same or in some way alike, but it does not imply exactly the same.

The only difference between using ‘similar’ and ‘alike’ is the grammar rules or how we structure them in a sentence. We usually say that two words are alike, but when we use ‘similar,’ we say that the two are similar words. So, we say, ‘beautiful and pretty are words alike,’ but we say ‘beautiful and pretty are similar words.’ Despite this difference, the two phrases and words are still synonymous and mean the exact same.


‘Likewise’ is another synonym for ‘alike’ and ‘similar,’ and these three words mean that two words are alike or in the same way. Saying that two words are likewise is like saying that one word is also another. However, saying there are limitations in saying two words are likewise.

Saying that two words are likewise may imply that the two words mean exactly the same. For example, saying that ‘long and tall are likewise’ is the same as saying ‘long is also tall’ and implies that the two are interchangeable. However, saying that a person is tall may not have the same meaning as saying a person is long (this may also be totally improper and inappropriate). So, it’s best to use ‘likewise’ only for words that mean the exact same.

Parallel Words

Describing two words as parallel is another way of saying the two are synonymous. However, there are limitations to saying this, as it implies that the two are exactly the same or their meanings are exact duplicates of one another, just like how parallel lines are.

The limitation in using the term ‘parallel’ is that not all synonymous words may exactly be the same as another. It means that they are similar but not exactly parallel. For example, ‘happy and joyful are parallel words,’ meaning they are exactly the same in this particular context. However, you can’t say ‘nerdy and smart are parallel words’ because the two words may not mean exactly the same. Smart may be a compliment, while nerdy may come off as something offensive.


Like the word ‘parallel,’ using the word ‘equal’ or ‘equivalent’ implies that two words mean exactly the same thing. In Math, equal or equivalent terms are usually interchangeable in positions. In the same way, saying words are equal implies that they are interchangeable with each other.

Using the term equal or equivalent may not be applicable in all cases, as not all synonyms are always interchangeable in all contexts. For example, the word ugly and horrible may be equals or equivalents when describing a person’s looks. However, ugly is not an appropriate equivalent of horrible when describing the taste of a food.

Describing two words are the ‘same’ is a graver version of saying two words are ‘similar’ or ‘alike.’ Unlike the two latter words, the word ‘same’ emphasizes or implies that the two given words are exactly the same. It’s another way of saying the two are equal or parallel.

However, describing something as ‘the same’ is not always applicable and varies depending on the context. In one context where two words are interchangeable, ‘Dirty and filthy are the same’ for example, here, ‘same’ works. However, there are also synonymous and similar words that aren’t exactly the same and are not interchangeable with each other.

Identical Words

Describing two words as ‘identical’ strongly implies that the two are exactly the same. A simple analogy for this is that, identical twins are usually twins that are almost exact duplicates of each other. In the same way, identical words imply they are duplicates or totally the same.

However, not all words are always the same. So, using ‘identical’ actually needs more caution, especially since it may give off a wrong meaning that two words are precisely the same but may not be the case all the time. For example saying ‘charm and beauty are identical words’ may be true for some individuals or in a given context, but it may not be the case for others or other contexts.

Interchangeable Words

Saying two words are interchangeable directly means that the words are synonymous and interchangeable. It simply means that you could use both words in the given context. Given this, though, we only use it for two words that are precisely the same and appropriate for the said context.

For example, saying that ‘beautiful and pretty are interchangeable’ directly implies that you can use either of the two words in your sentence or the context you want to use it. However, we only use ‘interchangeable’ for two words that are precisely the same and interchangeable with each other, without any change of meaning.


We say words are redundant when they are put in the same sentence but mean the same thing. ‘Redundant’ actually means exceeding what is necessary, meaning there are more than the needed words to describe what you want to do so. In the same way, one can redact redundant words.

An example of redundancy is saying, ‘she was shy and bashful during the first day.’ Here, ‘shy’ and ‘bashful’ may be redundant as they mean the same thing. While keeping the sentence as is works also, one may also remove redundancy by keeping only one of the two words, and discarding or redacting the other.


Saying a phrase is tautologous is another way of saying that it is redundant, implying that there is an unneeded repetition of ideas in a sentence. Though these words are usually redundant, there are different tautologous phrases that we often use in everyday conversations.

An example of a tautologous phrase would be ‘adequate enough.’ Essentially, adequate and enough have the same meaning of being as much as required or needed. So, putting ‘adequate’ and ‘enough’ together may seem redundant, but many speakers still use it in various contexts and daily conversations.


Pleonasm is more of a linguistic style and expression. It is using redundant phrases and words, more words than necessary, to emphasize meaning and add more style. The word pleonasm, in it’s Latin origin, already means to be excessive, and so pleonasm also means being excessive in redundant phrases.

An example of pleonasm is saying ‘burning fire.’ Saying ‘burning’ and ‘fire’ becomes redundant, as saying ‘fire’ in itself already means it is burning. Another would be the phrase ‘hear with my own ears,’ which becomes redundant as the ears is the only way one can hear.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Many English words have multiple meanings. This means that the same word, with the same spelling and pronunciation may have more than one meaning. Sometimes the meanings may be very different. This can be confusing for people learning English. You may wonder,” How do I know what the meaning is?” The best way is rely on context, illustrations, or diagrams in the text. However, if you still are not sure of the meaning, look it up. A dictionary will tell you all the meanings of any word. This posting cannot discuss every word with multiple meanings. There are simply too many of them. In this posting, however, I talk about 25 common words with multiple meanings. These are word you may see and hear in your daily life. I show you parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences for each meaning of each word.The download at the end will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

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Below is a list of common words with multiple meanings.


  1. bank

2. bark

3. bill

4. break

5. bug


6. charge

7. company

8. current


9. date

10. fair

11. fast

12. fly

13. hit


14. jam

15. left

16. mine

17. nail


18. patient

19. pool

20. pupil

21. run


22. season

23. set

24. take

25. turn

You now know many common English words with multiple meanings. Often you can guess the meaning of the word through context. If that is not helpful, however, don’t hesitate to look the word up. The download will give you additional practice understanding words with multiple meanings.

You can download the practice sheet NOW!

Idioms of the day

  1. no picnic–This means something is difficult and not pleasant. I’m glad I moved, but making all the preparations was no picnic
  2. turn a blind eye to–This means to not notice a very obvious problem. Her husband comes home drunk every night, but she turns a blind eye to his problems. She insists that he’s not an alcoholic. 

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Word MeaningLecture # 6Grigoryeva M.

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    Lecture # 6
    Grigoryeva M.

  • Word MeaningApproaches to word meaning

Meaning and Notion (понятие)


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    Word Meaning

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    Meaning and Notion (понятие)

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( its sound form) 

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    long-legged, fury animal with sharp teeth
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    formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between words and things or concepts they denote

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    the sound-form of the linguistic sign,
    the concept
    the actual referent

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    concept – flower

    sound-form referent

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    each element of the triangle ?

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    are not identical
    EX. dove — [dΛv] English sound-forms
    [golub’] Russian BUT
    [taube] German
    the same meaning

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    [kot] English – a small bed for a child

    identical sound-forms have different meanings (‘homonyms)
    EX. knight [nait]
    night [nait]

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    EX Old English lufian [luvian] – love [l Λ v]

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    concept is abstract and reflects the most common and typical features of different objects and phenomena in the world

    meanings of words are different in different languages

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    identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languages

    EX. concept “a building for human habitation” –
    English Russian

    + in Russian ДОМ
    “fixed residence of family or household”
    In English HOME

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one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by mor...

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    Meaning and Referent

    one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more than one word of a different meaning

  • Meaningis not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
the so...

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    is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
    the sound form,
    the concept
    the referent

    is closely connected with them.

  • Functional Approachstudies the functions of a word in speech 
meaning of a wo...

    17 слайд

    Functional Approach
    studies the functions of a word in speech
    meaning of a word is studied through relations of it with other linguistic units
    EX. to move (we move, move a chair)
    movement (movement of smth, slow movement)

    The distriution ( the position of the word in relation to
    others) of the verb to move and a noun movement is
    different as they belong to different classes of words and
    their meanings are different

  • Operational approachis centered on defining meaning through its role in 

    18 слайд

    Operational approach
    is centered on defining meaning through its role in
    the process of communication

    EX John came at 6
    Beside the direct meaning the sentence may imply that:
    He was late
    He failed to keep his promise
    He was punctual as usual
    He came but he didn’t want to

    The implication depends on the concrete situation

  • Lexical Meaning and NotionNotion denotes the reflection in the mind of real o...

    19 слайд

    Lexical Meaning and Notion
    Notion denotes the reflection in the mind of real objects

    Notion is a unit of thinking
    Lexical meaning is the realization of a notion by means of a definite language system
    Word is a language unit

  • Lexical Meaning and NotionNotions are international especially with the natio...

    20 слайд

    Lexical Meaning and Notion
    Notions are international especially with the nations of the same cultural level

    Meanings are nationally limited

    EX GO (E) —- ИДТИ(R)
    “To move”
    BUT !!!
    To GO by bus (E)
    ЕХАТЬ (R)

    EX Man -мужчина, человек
    Она – хороший человек (R)
    She is a good person (E)

  • Types of MeaningTypes     of    meaning


    21 слайд

    Types of Meaning
    Types of meaning


    lexical meaning

  • Grammatical Meaningcomponent of meaning recurrent in identical sets of indivi...

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    Grammatical Meaning
    component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words

    EX. girls, winters, toys, tables –
    grammatical meaning of plurality

    asked, thought, walked –
    meaning of past tense

  • Lexico-grammatical meaning(part –of- speech meaning) is revealed in the cla...

    23 слайд

    Lexico-grammatical meaning
    (part –of- speech meaning)
    is revealed in the classification of lexical items into:
    major word classes (N, V, Adj, Adv)
    minor ones (artc, prep, conj)

    words of one lexico-grammatical class have the same paradigm

  • Lexical Meaning is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its...

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    Lexical Meaning
    is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions

    EX . Go – goes — went
    lexical meaning – process of movement

  • PRACTICEGroup the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical...

    25 слайд

    Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of –speech meaning
    Boy’s, nearest, at, beautiful,
    think, man, drift, wrote,
    tremendous, ship’s, the most beautiful,
    table, near, for, went, friend’s,
    handsome, thinking, boy,
    nearer, thought, boys,
    lamp, go, during.

  • Grammatical
The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
The degree of compari...

    26 слайд

    The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
    The degree of comparison of adj: nearest, the most beautiful
    The tense of verbs: wrote, went, thought

    Think, thinking, thought
    Went, go
    Boy’s, boy, boys
    Nearest, near, nearer
    At, for, during (“time”)
    Beautiful, the most beautiful


  • Aspects of Lexical meaningThe denotational aspect

The connotational aspect...

    27 слайд

    Aspects of Lexical meaning
    The denotational aspect

    The connotational aspect

    The pragmatic aspect

  • Denotational Meaning“denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”


    28 слайд

    Denotational Meaning
    “denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”

    establishes the correlation between the name and the object
    makes communication possible

    EX booklet
    “a small thin book that gives info about smth”

  • PRACTICEExplain denotational meaning 
A lion-hunter
To have a heart like a...

    29 слайд

    Explain denotational meaning

    A lion-hunter
    To have a heart like a lion
    To feel like a lion
    To roar like a lion
    To be thrown to the lions
    The lion’s share
    To put your head in lion’s mouth

  • PRACTICE A lion-hunter  
A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests...

    30 слайд


    A lion-hunter
    A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests
    To have a heart like a lion
    To have great courage
    To feel like a lion
    To be in the best of health
    To roar like a lion
    To shout very loudly
    To be thrown to the lions
    To be criticized strongly or treated badly
    The lion’s share
    Much more than one’s share
    To put your head in lion’s mouth

  • Connotational Meaning reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he sp...

    31 слайд

    Connotational Meaning
    reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about
    it is optional – a word either has it or not

    Connotation gives additional information and includes:
    The emotive charge EX Daddy (for father)
    Intensity EX to adore (for to love)
    Imagery EX to wade through a book
    “ to walk with an effort”

  • PRACTICEGive possible interpretation of the sentences
She failed to buy it a...

    32 слайд

    Give possible interpretation of the sentences

    She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
    Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
    He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
    The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
    He was longing to begin to be generous.
    She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.

  • PRACTICEGive possible interpretation of the sentencesShe failed to buy it an...

    33 слайд

    Give possible interpretation of the sentences
    She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
    (pain—dissatisfaction that makes her suffer)
    Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
    (make loud sharp sound—-the behavior that implies that the person is frightened)
    He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
    (to go at slow speed—was suffering or was ill)
    The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
    (to move smth towards oneself— to try to attract smb’s attention)
    He was longing to begin to be generous.
    (to start doing— hadn’t been generous before)
    She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.
    (colour— a labourer involved into physical work ,constant contact with water)

  • The pragmatic aspect of lexical  meaning
the situation in which the word is...

    34 слайд

    The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning

    the situation in which the word is uttered,
    the social circumstances (formal, informal, etc.),
    social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough, etc.),
    the type and purpose of communication (poetic, official, etc.)

    EX horse (neutral)
    steed (poetic)
    nag (slang)
    gee-gee (baby language)

  • PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning 

I heard what she said but...

    35 слайд

    State what image underline the meaning

    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
    They seized on the idea.
    Bill, chasing some skirt again?
    I saw him dive into a small pub.
    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    He only married her for her dough.

  • PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning I heard what she said but it...

    36 слайд

    State what image underline the meaning
    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
    (to understand completely)
    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
    (to behave humbly in order to win favour)
    They seized on the idea.
    (to be eager to take and use)
    Bill, chasing some skirt again?
    (a girl)
    I saw him dive into a small pub.
    (to enter suddenly)
    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    (to blame smb unfairly)
    He only married her for her dough.

  • Types of Morpheme Meaninglexical

    37 слайд

    Types of Morpheme Meaning

  • Lexical Meaning in Morphemesroot-morphemes that are homonymous to words posse...

    38 слайд

    Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
    root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning
    EX. boy – boyhood – boyish

    affixes have lexical meaning of a more generalized character
    EX. –er “agent, doer of an action”

  • Lexical Meaning in Morphemeshas denotational and connotational components

    39 слайд

    Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
    has denotational and connotational components
    EX. –ly, -like, -ish –
    denotational meaning of similiarity
    womanly , womanish

    connotational component –
    -ly (positive evaluation), -ish (deragotary) женственный — женоподобный

  • Differential Meaninga semantic component that serves to distinguish one word...

    40 слайд

    Differential Meaning
    a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others containing identical morphemes

    EX. cranberry, blackberry, gooseberry

  • Functional Meaningfound only in derivational affixes
a semantic component whi...

    41 слайд

    Functional Meaning
    found only in derivational affixes
    a semantic component which serves to
    refer the word to the certain part of speech

    EX. just, adj. – justice, n.

  • Distributional Meaningthe meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphem...

    42 слайд

    Distributional Meaning
    the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up the word
    found in words containing more than one morpheme
    different arrangement of the same morphemes would make the word meaningless
    EX. sing- + -er =singer,
    -er + sing- = ?

  • Motivation denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composi...

    43 слайд

    denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word on the one hand, and its meaning on the other

    can be phonetical

  • Phonetical Motivationwhen there is a certain similarity between the sounds th...

    44 слайд

    Phonetical Motivation
    when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the word and those produced by animals, objects, etc.

    EX. sizzle, boom, splash, cuckoo

  • Morphological Motivationwhen there is a direct connection between the structu...

    45 слайд

    Morphological Motivation
    when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word and its meaning
    EX. finger-ring – ring-finger,

    A direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes
    EX think –rethink “thinking again”

  • Semantic Motivationbased on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of...

    46 слайд

    Semantic Motivation
    based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same word

    EX a watchdog –
    ”a dog kept for watching property”

    a watchdog –
    “a watchful human guardian” (semantic motivation)


  • Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morpholo...

    48 слайд

    Analyze the meaning of the words.
    Define the type of motivation
    a) morphologically motivated
    b) semantically motivated


  • Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morpholo...

    49 слайд

    Analyze the meaning of the words.
    Define the type of motivation
    a) morphologically motivated
    b) semantically motivated
    Someone who drives a vehicle
    morphologically motivated
    The part of a piece of furniture such as a table
    semantically motivated
    A piece of equipment shaped like a box, used in gymnastics
    semantically motivated

  • Wall
Emotions or behavior  preventing people from feeling close

    50 слайд

    Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close
    semantically motivated
    Made by hand, not machine
    morphologically motivated
    Not taking enough care
    morphologically motivated
    semantically motivated

  • I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
“do down to the bottom”...

    51 слайд

    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
    “do down to the bottom”
    ‘to be accepted by mind” semantic motivation

    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    “fasten smth somewhere using a pin” –
    ”to blame smb” semantic motivation

    I was following the man when he dived into a pub.
    “jump into deep water” –
    ”to enter into suddenly” semantic motivation

    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that
    “to move along on hands and knees close to the ground” –
    “to behave very humbly in order to win favor” semantic motivation

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[ sinuh-nim ]

/ ˈsɪn ə nɪm /

See the most commonly confused word associated with


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a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in the same language, as happy, joyful, elated. A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (or opposites), such as Thesaurus.com, is called a thesaurus.

a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity or Wall Street for U.S. financial markets;metonym.

Biology. one of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.


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How Do You Use Synonyms To Replace Common Words?

Synonyms can make our conversation and sentences sound better and more eloquent. But how do you actually use synonyms in place of common words?




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of synonym

First recorded in 1400–50; late Middle English sinoneme, from Old French sinonime and Latin synōnymum, from Greek synṓnymon, noun use of neuter of synṓnymos synonymous

grammar notes for synonym

English, with its long history of absorbing terminology from a wealth of other tongues, is a language particularly rich in synonyms —words so close in meaning that in many contexts they are interchangeable, like the nouns tongue and language in the first part of this sentence. Just about every popular dictionary defines synonym as a term having “the same or nearly the same” meaning as another, but there is an important difference between “the same” and “nearly the same.”
Noun synonyms sometimes mean exactly the same thing. A Dalmatian is a coach dog —same dog. A bureau is a chest of drawers. And if you ask for a soda on the east coast of the United States, you’ll get the same drink that asking for a pop will get you farther west. The object referred to remains constant. But forest and wood, though often interchangeable, have different shades of meaning: a forest tends to be larger and denser than a wood. And when we move from nouns to other parts of speech, we almost always find subtle but important differences among synonyms: although the meanings overlap, they differ in emphasis and connotation. A sunset might be described equally well as beautiful or resplendent, but a beautiful baby would not usually be described as resplendent, which implies an especially dazzling appearance. The verbs make and construct mean roughly the same thing, but one is more likely to make a cake but construct a building, which is a more complex undertaking.
Lists of synonyms are useful when we are struggling to write and looking for just the right word, but each word must be considered in light of its specific definition. Notes at the bottom of a dictionary entry—especially usage notes and synonym studies—are often where we’ll find the detailed information that allows us to improve (or refine or polish ) our writing.


syn·o·nym·ic [sin-uhnim-ik], /ˌsɪn əˈnɪm ɪk/, syn·o·nym·i·cal, adjectivesyn·o·nym·i·ty [sin-uhnim-i-tee], /ˌsɪn əˈnɪm ɪ ti/, noun

Words nearby synonym

synodic month, Synod of Whitby, synoecious, synoekete, synoicous, synonym, synonym dictionary, synonymist, synonymize, synonymous, synonyms

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to synonym

How to use synonym in a sentence

  • Several companies sell the drug in the US, for prices that range from $10 to $50 apiece, but Plan B has the largest market share and is a de-facto synonym for the morning-after pill.

  • Hashish oil is basically a synonym for cannabis oil, which comes from marijuana.

  • As a synonym for a break-up note sent by a woman to a man in uniform, the Dear John letter made its debut in a major national newspaper in October 1943.

  • I think that the word “country” is a synonym for so many other words.

  • As a synonym for “nonsense,” bunk proved to be just the sort of satisfying, blunt word users crave.

  • Most importantly, foreign policy should not be reduced to a synonym for military action and covert operations.

  • Less canonically, “natural marriage” is also at times used as a rough synonym for “common-law marriage.”

  • It’s a telling tic that we often use «urban» as a synonym for «black.»

  • My students seem to really want to use “however” as a conjunction—more or less a synonym for “but.”

  • A synonym given for submissive is “compliant,” and among those given for submit is “yield” and “defer.”

  • One of the most beautiful symbols of the Catacombs is the dove, the perpetual synonym of peace.

  • It came to mean an entertainment of music and dancing, and was used as a synonym for masquerades.

  • Another synonym of tonos which becomes very common in the later writers on music is the word tropos.

  • Change the structure of the sentence, substitute one synonym for another, and the whole effect is destroyed.

  • The profits were beyond all reason, and the word publican became a synonym for sinner.

British Dictionary definitions for synonym


a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word, such as bucket and pail

a word or phrase used as another name for something, such as Hellene for a Greek

biology a taxonomic name that has been superseded or rejected

Derived forms of synonym

synonymic or synonymical, adjectivesynonymity, noun

Word Origin for synonym

C16: via Late Latin from Greek sunōnumon, from syn- + onoma name

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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