Word meaning to make the best of


: to use (something) in an effective way

We may not get another chance, so we need to make the best of this opportunity.


: to deal with (a bad situation) as well as possible

Life is not very good right now—but let’s try to make the best of it.

(British) We’re trying to make the best of a bad job.

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“Make the best of.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/make%20the%20best%20of. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

make the best of (something)

To deal with and create the best possible outcome of a bad, unfortunate, or unpleasant situation or set of circumstances. I know this data entry job isn’t what you wanted for a career, but for the time being try and make the best of it. We weren’t expecting to have to share our timeshare with others, but there’s nothing we can do about it now, so we’d better make the best of a bad situation.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

make the best of something

to do as well as possible with something that is not too promising. I don’t like it, but I will try to make the best of my summer landscaping job by getting a good tan. I will make the best of it, for a while anyway.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

make the best of

To accept (a bad situation) in as good a light as possible.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • a sad state (of affairs)
  • a sorry state (of affairs)
  • come to a bad end
  • come to a bad/sticky end
  • end on a sour note
  • finish on a sour note
  • hit a sour note
  • add insult to injury
  • add insult to injury, to
  • horse and rabbit stew

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Our job is to make the best of

The point is to make the best of

In a packed airport departure lounge filled with equally frustrated people, this person decided to make the best of a bad situation.

В упакованном зале вылета из аэропорта, заполненном одинаково расстроенными людьми, этот человек решил сделать лучшее из плохой ситуации.

The above tips are positive ways you can make the best of an unexpected and painful situation.

Вышеприведенные советы являются позитивными способами сделать лучшее из неожиданной и болезненной ситуации.

But we must make the best of it.

I always make the best of it.

They simply make the best of everything they have.

I hope we make the best of this grand idea.

Надеюсь, нам удастся осуществить эту великую идею.

They tried to make the best of it.

Everyone tries to make the best of the time left.

How to make the best of your time abroad?

One is to accept the inevitable and make the best of it.

Это значит принять необратимость случившегося и вынести из него лучшее.

She realizes how to make the best of every minute.

A decision was made to go for it and make the best of whatever happened.

Было принято решение пойти дальше и сделать все, что только возможно.

We’re all here on this planet for a short time and all just trying to make the best of things.

Мы — все здесь на этой планете в течение короткого времени и всех только пытающихся сделать лучшие из вещей.

Congratulate yourself for being able to keep going and start being proud of your ability to make the best of things.

Поздравьте себя с тем, что вы можете продолжать работать и начинайте гордиться своей способностью делать все самое лучшее.

To ensure you make the best of these many opportunities, I recommend three simple yet powerful strategies.

Чтобы вы могли использовать все эти возможности наилучшим образом, я рекомендую три простые, но эффективные стратегии.

They make the best of the situation while also actively trying to better their circumstances.

Они извлекают лучшее из ситуации, также активно пытаясь улучшить окружающие обстоятельства.

Nothing happens without good reason, so make the best of such opportunities.

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    make the best of

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    make the best of

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    make the best of

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > make the best of

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    make the best

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    make the best of

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make the best of

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    make the best of it

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make the best of it

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    make the best of

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > make the best of

  • 8
    make the best

    Новый англо-русский словарь > make the best

  • 9
    make the best of

    использовать наилучшим образом, мириться с

    * * *

    сделать все возможное

    Новый англо-русский словарь > make the best of

  • 10
    make the best of it

    мужественно переносить затруднения, не унывать в беде

    Новый англо-русский словарь > make the best of it

  • 11
    make the best of a bad bargain

    мужественно, безропотно переносить несчастья, не унывать, не падать духом (в беде); с честью выйти из затруднительного положения; ≈ не ударить лицом в грязь; тж. make the best of smth. 2)

    I can remember a time when English people going to live in Germany were astonished to find that German boots were not divided into rights and lefts: a boot was a boot and it did not matter which foot you put it on, your foot had to make the best of it. (B. Shaw, ‘Platform and Pulpit’, ‘School’) — Я помню время, когда англичан, живших в Германии, несказанно удивляло, что левый и правый ботинок у немцев не отличались один от другого: ботинок есть ботинок, какая разница, на какую ногу надеть. Пусть нога приспосабливается.

    The will was read, and it appeared that she had left everything she had… to her companion… the family thought there was nothing to do but make the best of a bad job and went back to London. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘The Happy Couple’) — Когда было оглашено завещание, то оказалось, что мисс Уингфорд оставила всё свое состояние… компаньонке… семье не оставалось ничего другого, как сделать хорошую мину при плохой игре и уехать обратно в Лондон.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of a bad bargain

  • 12
    make the best of smth.

    He knew the game well and you could be sure that he would make the best of his cards. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘The Facts of Life’) — Генри Гарнет хорошо знает эту игру; можете быть уверены, он свои карты разыграет наилучшим образом.

    So when the Brazilians finally decided… that the time had come for them to set up an independent government, there was very little Portugal could do except to make the best of a bad situation… (W. Foster, ‘Outline Political History of the Americas’, ch. 9) — И когда наконец бразильцы решили… что и для них настало время создать независимое правительство, то Португалии оставалось лишь одно: выйти с минимальным уроном из создавшегося положения…

    Don’t bother about me, Beauty. I’m going to make the best of whatever you decide. If you’re Harry’s wife I’ll make myself agreeable and never give you any worry. (U. Sinclair, ‘World’s End’, ch. 11) — Обо мне не беспокойся, Бьюти. Что бы ты ни решила — я на все соглашусь. Если ты выйдешь замуж за Гарри, я слова не скажу и никогда ничем не огорчу тебя.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of smth.

  • 13
    make the best of smth.

    1) иcпoльзoвaть чтo-л. нaилучшим oбpaзoм, нaибoлee эффeктивнo, мaкcимaльнo

    He knew the game well and you could be sure that he would make the best of his cards (W. S. Maugham)

    Don’t bother about me. Beauty. I’m going to make the best of whatever you decide. If you’re Harry’s wife I’ll make myself agreeable and never give you any worry (EJ. Sinclair)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of smth.

  • 14
    make the best of both worlds


    Keegan: «…Let not the right side of your brain know what the left side doeth. I learnt at Oxford that this is the secret of Englishman’s strange power of making the best of both worlds.» (B. Shaw, ‘John Bull’s Other Island’, act IV) — Киган: «…Пусть правая половина твоего мозга не ведает, что творит левая. В Оксфорде меня учили, что именно в этом секрет успеха англичан и в этом мире и в будущем.»

    He became, as he spoke, the bon viveur and scientist, making the best of two worlds. (C. P. Snow,‘The Search’, part III, ch. V) — В выступлении Десмонда чувствовался то прожигатель жизни, то ученый. Десмонд умело использовал оба свои амплуа.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of both worlds

  • 15
    make the best of a bad job

       мужecтвeннo, бeзpoпoтнo пepeнocить нeудaчи, нe унывaть, нe пaдaть дуxoм (в бeдe); дeлaть xopoшую мину пpи плoxoй игpe; cм.


    make the best of smth.2

    The will was read, and it appeared that she had left everything she had to her companion… the family thought there was nothing to do but make the best of a bad job and went back to London (W. S. Maugham)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of a bad job

  • 16
    make the best of what you have

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make the best of what you have

  • 17
    make the best of a bad job

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > make the best of a bad job

  • 18
    make the best of two worlds

       см. make the best of both worlds

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of two worlds

  • 19
    make the best of one’s way

    очень спешить, мчаться; ≈ нестись во весь опор

    The two brothers made the best of their way towards Bristol. (E. Freeman, ‘The History of the Norman Conquest’, vol. II, ch. VII) — Братья поспешили а Бристоль.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of one’s way

  • 20
    make the best of both (or two) worlds

       умeлo иcпoльзoвaть двa (пpoтивoпoлoжныx) oбcтoятeльcтвa

    He became as he spoke the bon viveur [бoгaтый пoвeca] and scientist, making the best of two worlds (C. P. Snow)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > make the best of both (or two) worlds


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См. также в других словарях:

  • make the best of — {v. phr.} To do something you do not like to do and not complain; accept with good humor. * /The girl did not like to wash dishes but she made the best of it./ Compare: MAKE A VIRTUE OF NECESSITY …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • make the best of — {v. phr.} To do something you do not like to do and not complain; accept with good humor. * /The girl did not like to wash dishes but she made the best of it./ Compare: MAKE A VIRTUE OF NECESSITY …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • To make the best of — Best Best, n. Utmost; highest endeavor or state; most nearly perfect thing, or being, or action; as, to do one s best; to the best of our ability. [1913 Webster] {At best}, in the utmost degree or extent applicable to the case; under the most… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Best Damn Thing (song) — The Best Damn Thing Single by Avril Lavigne from the album The Best Damn Thing …   Wikipedia

  • The Best American Series — is an annually published collection of books, published by Houghton Mifflin, each of which features a different genre or theme. Each book selects from works published in North America during the previous year, selected by a guest editor who is an …   Wikipedia

  • The Best American Poetry — series consists of annual poetry anthologies, each containing seventy five poems.The series, begun by poet and editor David Lehman in 1988, has a different guest editor every year. Lehman, still the general editor of the series, each year… …   Wikipedia

  • The Best Dance Album in the World… Ever! — is a long running compilation series released by Circa Records, as part of the The Best… Album in the World…Ever! brand.TracklistingPart 1 (1993)VTDCD 17Disc 1#Black Box Ride On Time #2 Unlimited No Limit #Haddaway What is Love #Dr. Alban It… …   Wikipedia

  • Make the World Go Away — Single by Eddy Arnold from the album My World B side Easy Way Released October 1965 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • The Best Recipe — is a series of cookbooks produced and published by Cook s Illustrated magazine based on both content from the magazine as well as original content created for the books. The titular first book in the series was published in 1999 in conjunction… …   Wikipedia

  • The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life — Álbum en directo de Frank Zappa Publicación 16 de abril de 1991 30 de mayo de 1995(reedición) Grabación Entre febrero y junio de 1988 …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Best Damn Thing (альбом) — The Best Damn Thing студий …   Википедия


make the best of


  • to look for a positive side of a seemingly negative situation
  • a situation that is not favourable but has to be accepted
  • something that cannot be controlled or changed and hence is accepted as it is

Example Sentences

  1. The sun was shining so he made the best of his day and went to the beach with his family.
  2. I make the best of what I have because hiring people at such close proximities is no longer feasible for my business.
  3. To make the best of the situation is the first sign of a successful human being.
  4. Although she was reluctant, when she got a better job then she decided to make the best of it and took the offer.
  5. I did not want to move to the other city initially but now that the situation demands it, I have decided to make the best of
  6. She makes the best of dishes with leftover food items.


The phrase is used in simple English parlance, usually in terms of a job and its revolving situation. The origin as well as first literary use of this phrase cannot be traced specifically.


  • make the best of a bad job

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