Word meaning to make something better

There are far too many words in the English language that describe the dichotomous nature of both these moods to have a single word that describes the intensity of the feeling/s. Why would you want a single word when there are so many more that can exclusively express the happy/sad mood perspicuously.

Words like alleviate, assuage, meliorate essential have the crux as reducing the intensity of a problem or reducing the intensity of pain to give relief.

Words like exacerbate and aggravate mean to make a problem worse.

These words do not directly ascertain the mood of a person, but are definitely involved in the apprehending the person’s mood.

Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/

Table of Contents

  1. What is the word for making something clear?
  2. What is a word for making something easier?
  3. What is to clear up or to make information more understandable to explain?
  4. What is a word that means always changing?
  5. What two words can be used to describe dynamics?
  6. What does P MF mean in music?
  7. What are dynamic levels in music?
  8. What does Z mean in music?
  9. What is the dynamic level that means medium loud?
  10. What is the softest dynamic?
  11. Is a dynamic marking that gradually increases in volume?
  12. What does pianissimo mean?
  13. What is the symbol of crescendo?
  14. What is the meaning of crescendo?
  15. What language is crescendo?
  16. What is an example of crescendo?
  17. How do you use the word crescendo?
  18. What is another word for crescendo?
  19. Where does the word crescendo come from?

enrich. verb. to make something better or more enjoyable.

What is the word for making something clear?

Some common synonyms of explain are elucidate, explicate, expound, and interpret. While all these words mean “to make something clear or understandable,” explain implies a making plain or intelligible what is not immediately obvious or entirely known.

What is a word for making something easier?

To facilitate means to make something easier.

What is to clear up or to make information more understandable to explain?

Clarify. This is to clear up or to make information more understandable: to explain.

What is a word that means always changing?

Changing or varying at regular intervals. erratic. dynamic. unstable.

What two words can be used to describe dynamics?


  • Pianissimo (pp) – very quiet.
  • Piano (p) – quiet.
  • Mezzo forte (mf) – moderately loud.
  • Forte (f) – loud.
  • Fortissimo (ff) – very loud.
  • Sforzando (sfz) – a sudden, forced loud.
  • Crescendo (cresc) – gradually getting louder.
  • Diminuendo (dim) – gradually getting quieter.

What does P MF mean in music?

pp pianissimo (very soft)
p piano (soft)
mp mezzo-piano (medium soft)
mf mezzo-forte (medium loud)
f forte (loud)

What are dynamic levels in music?

Dynamics refers to the volume of a sound or note. The term is also applied to the written or printed musical notation used to indicate dynamics. Dynamics are relative and do not refer to specific volume levels. Forte means loud and piano means soft. …

What does Z mean in music?

The z is a buzz roll on a snare drum.

What is the dynamic level that means medium loud?


What is the softest dynamic?

Music Terms used in NoteWorthy Composer

Dynamic Notated Performed as
Pianissimo pp Very soft
Piano p Soft
Mezzo Piano mp Moderately soft
Mezzo Forte mf Moderately loud

Is a dynamic marking that gradually increases in volume?

A crescendo is a gradual increase in volume. Its sign is two lines that start together at a point and then gradually get further apart, or you could see the abbreviation “cresc.” A decrescendo or diminuendo is a gradual decrease in volume.

What does pianissimo mean?

very softly

What is the symbol of crescendo?

Expression Markings

Name of dynamic Common symbol
Crescendo or cresc.
Descrescendo (diminuendo)
Cresc. (abbreviated crescendo cresc.
Decresc. (abbreviated decrescendo decresc.

What is the meaning of crescendo?

a gradual increase

What language is crescendo?

Borrowed from Italian crescendo, gerund of crescere (“to grow, to increase”)

What is an example of crescendo?

An example of crescendo is a part of a song where the volume increases gradually. To crescendo means to gradually grow in volume or intensity. An example of crescendo is when a song starts gradually getting louder. To increase gradually in loudness or intensity.

How do you use the word crescendo?

Crescendo in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The storm’s noisy crescendo meant it was getting closer to our home.
  2. When the man’s pain hit a crescendo, he passed into unconsciousness.
  3. We ran to stand between the two men when their disagreement reached a crescendo.

What is another word for crescendo?

What is another word for crescendo?

peak summit
apogee climax
crest acme
crown culmination
head meridian

Where does the word crescendo come from?

As a noun, according to the dictionary, it meant a “gradual increase of volume of tone in a passage of a piece of music; a passage of this description.” English borrowed the term from Italian, but the ultimate source is crēscĕre, Latin for to arise, grow, or increase.

Предложения с «make something better»

Clay Shirky talks about community of practice whose members collaborate and help each other in order to make something better or improve a certain skill.

Клэй Ширки говорит о сообществе практиков, члены которого сотрудничают и помогают друг другу, чтобы сделать что — то лучше или улучшить определенный навык.

But we can do something better than that.

Мы можем сделать кое — что лучше .

There’s no better way to make something unspeakable than not to name it.

Нет способа лучше вывести что — то за рамки обсуждений, чем не дать этому название.

He famously said that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will think it’s the truth, and the bigger the lie, the better, because people won’t even think that something so big can be a lie.

У него есть знаменитое высказывание о том, что если повторять ложь достаточно часто, люди в неё поверят, и чем больше ложь, тем лучше , потому что людям не придёт в голову, что такая большая вещь может быть ложью.

And it sparked an enormous discussion online, on social media, which was largely dominated by people having fun with their misconceptions, which is something that I couldn’t have hoped for any better, in some respects.

Это вызвало огромное обсуждение онлайн, в социальных сетях, в нём преобладали люди, смеющиеся над собственными заблуждениями, что было лучшим исходом, которого я мог ожидать, в некотором отношении.

And the SSRIs, they are better than the drugs that came before them, but they still have a lot of side effects, including weight gain, insomnia, suicidality — and they take a really long time to work, something like four to six weeks in a lot of patients.

СИОЗС сегодня гораздо лучше , чем их предшественники, но у них по — прежнему много побочных эффектов, таких как набор веса, бессонница, склонность к суициду, и долгое время ожидания, пока препарат подействует: от четырёх до шести недель для многих пациентов.

Or similar to as I said before, with this palliative, you’ll take something that will suppress the symptoms, but it won’t treat the underlying infection, and you’ll only feel better during the time in which you’re taking it, which is why you have to keep taking it.

Или же, в духе с тем, что я говорила ранее, вы принимаете средство, подавляющее симптомы, но не лечащее инфекцию, и вы чувствуете себя лучше только пока принимаете его, что вынуждает вас продолжать приём.

Even having a female leader, they always find something better to do than to sort out the pesky issue of inequality.

Даже имея женщину — лидера, они всегда находят занятие получше, чем разобраться с назойливой проблемой неравенства.

We’re searching for a better life, we’re trying to make something out of nothing.

Мы в поисках лучшей жизни, мы пытаемся создать что — то из ничего.

Now Aunty gives you something that will make you immediately feel better.

Сейчас тетя даст тебе кое — что, от чего сразу станет лучше .

You mean to say that you found something better that a sudo religious cult founded by a lunatic sci-fi hack?

Хочешь сказать, что нашла что — то лучше псевдо — религиозного культа, основанного сумасшедшим писателем — фантастом?

I’d been all set to make another scathing remark, but that stopped me, and I thought of something better.

Я уже готовила очередную язвительную реплику, но он подставился, и я придумала получше.

Better to fix on some definite bit of administrative work, stick to it, and get something done.

Лучше наметить себе какой — то участок административной работы, крепко держаться его и чего — то добиться.

If you abandon something , never regret it If you don’t treasure someone, it’s better to part ways.

Но если вы это не цените, то и не жалейте об этом.

I have to ship out in the morning to fight the Nazis, so you better give me something to remember.

Я утром отплываю воевать, так что постарайся, чтобы мне было что вспомнить.

You should train him better or something .

Тебе следовало бы лучше его воспитывать или что там.

I wanted to invent something that would change the world, make life better for people.

Я хотел изобрести что — то такое, что изменит мир, сделает жизнь людей лучше .

You want that search warrant, get me something better than a nut job or the mob, all right?

Если хочешь получить ордер на обыск, найди что — нибудь получше, чем показания психа или мафиозные разборки, договорились?

I’m telling you, you nurses ought to have something better to do than keep running around after him all the time.

Я так скажу, вам, медсестрам, и без того есть чем заняться, кроме как постоянно суетиться вокруг него.

Don’t criticise unless you’ve got something better.

Не критикуй, пока у тебя не появится что — то лучше .

My Lord, wouldn’t something like The Black Adder sound better?

Может, Черная Гадюка будет лучше звучать?

But you better wear something waterproof.

Но ты лучше одень что — то водонепроницаемое.

The reason the problem has gotten worse, rather than better, is because in 1998 we learned something crucial about the universe that we didn’t know before.

Проблема стала скорее ещё сложнее, а не легче, потому что в 1998 году мы узнали кое — что важное о вселенной, чего мы не знали прежде.

Realizing that the “longing” is not something that will automatically descend upon us allows us to better explore its origins within us.

Осознание того, что это «стремление» не является чем — то, что автоматически в нас появляется, позволяет нам лучше понять его истоки внутри нас.

We say what we do, we say how we’re different or how we’re better and we expect some sort of a behavior, a purchase, a vote, something like that.

Мы говорим, что мы делаем, мы говорим чем мы отличны от других или почему мы лучше других, и мы ожидаем в ответ определенное поведение — покупку, голос в нашу пользу, подобные вещи.

So that we have a better understanding of the probability of something being true or not.

Так мы получим лучшее понимание вероятности того, что нечто истинно, или нет.

Is it like you get a better high if you share or something ?

Может, из общего шприца кайфа больше, или что — нибудь в этом духе?

The elites have, for better or worse, built something durable that most likely will neither collapse nor blossom into European-style democracy.

Элита построила, к худу ли, к добру ли, нечто прочное и долговечное, что, скорее всего, не рухнет, но и в демократию европейского образца не превратится.

Well, I’d better go and see if I can find some biscuits or something .

Ладно, я лучше пойду поищу какие — то бисквиты, или что — нибудь.

You better rub it down or something .

Тебе лучше потереться обо что — то.

Regret is the emotion we experience when we think that our present situation could be better or happier if we had done something different in the past.

Сожаление — это эмоции, которые мы испытываем, когда нам кажется, что сложившиеся обстоятельства могли бы быть лучше , а мы — счастливее, если бы только мы могли сделать что — то в прошлом по — другому

Better tell me something or I’m gonna kiss you on the lips.

Лучше расскажи что — нибудь или я тебя поцелую в губы.

Whether it’s mathematics or music, it takes that long to be able to begin to change something in a way that it’s better than what was there before.

Будь то математика или музыка, должно пройти так много времени, чтобы человек смог начать изменять что — то более совершенным способом чем все те, что были раньше.

Russia may now expect something in return and, considering Medvedev’s agenda, this might be an appeal for better economic cooperation, particularly in technologies.

Теперь Россия может ждать чего — то взамен, и учитывая повестку дня Медведева, это что — то может быть улучшением экономического сотрудничества, особенно в сфере технологий.

There are ways to improve the existing system, but is something altogether different and better possible?

Существуют способы улучшить сложившуюся систему, но возможно ли совершенно иное и гораздо лучшее решение?

I think something with a bit of rose in it works better, gives it more warmth.

Думаю что если добавить немного розового будет лучше , даст больше теплоты.

Freeing Samutsevich is thus a better sign than dispatching all of Pussy Riot’s members to jail, but it’s hardly something that should be celebrated.

Поэтому освобождение Самуцевич является более позитивным сигналом, чем отправка в тюрьму всех участниц Pussy Riot, но повода для торжества я здесь не вижу.

A better direction for achieving some sort of closure to what was offensive about the Mubarak era may be something like a truth and reconciliation commission.

Чтобы каким — то образом закрыть вопрос о нарушениях и злодеяниях в эпоху Мубарака, лучше создать нечто вроде комиссии правды и примирения.

If we don’t have a good way to fix a problem, it might be better to focus on something else first.

При отсутствии хорошего решения проблемы может быть лучше сначала сосредоточиться на чем — то другом.

America may not need the Truman Doctrine, but it certainly needs something better than the Obama Doctrine.

Возможно, Америке не нужна новая Доктрина Трумэна, но ей, несомненно, нужно нечто более совершенное, чем Доктрина Обамы.

Well, we better find it before I have to sing something from Pippin

Ну, нам лучше найти это до того как я спою что — нибудь из Пипина

His business was to make money-to organize something which would make him much money, or, better yet, save the organization he had begun.

Его призванием было делать деньги — организовывать предприятия, приносящие крупный доход, или, в данное время, хотя бы сохранить то, что однажды было достигнуто.

They said this would show up better on TV or something .

Они сказали это лучшее шоу на телевидинии чем какое — либо.

It’s far better gashing yourself on something jagged.

Ну, это куда лучше , чем прорезаться о что — то с зазубринами.

The change was due, not to senile impotence alone, but also to an acquired sense of something better and truer.

И не одно старческое бессилие участвовало в этой перемене, но и понимание чего — то лучшего , более справедливого.

It may not bring you dainty dishes and soft beds, but it brings you something better and more lasting.

Оно, быть может, не принесет вам лакомых блюд и мягкой постели, но даст вам нечто лучшее и более постоянное.

But everybody says it’s a shame something can’t be started, to keep the men going a bit better, and employ the girls.

И почти все возмущаются, почему шахтерам условия не улучшают, почему девушек на работу не берут.

She did not know what he could do to better matters but she felt that he should do something .

Она не знала, что он мог бы сделать , чтобы улучшить положение, но считала, что он должен что — то сделать .

I have something better, replied Lucien, whose vanity, nettled by the assumed superiority of his editor, restored him to the sense of his new position.

Я приобрел нечто лучшее , — сказал Люсьен, тщеславие которого, уязвленное подчеркнутым самодовольствием главного редактора, напомнило ему о его новом положении.

I was twenty when I was married to him. I have been tormented by curiosity; I wanted something better. ‘There must be a different sort of life,’ I said to myself.

Мне, когда я вышла за него, было двадцать лет, меня томило любопытство, мне хотелось чего — нибудь получше; ведь есть же, — говорила я себе, — другая жизнь.

We spend days, weeks, months trudging through the darkness, and suddenly something shifts and we wake up to light and hope, and the promise of a better day.

Мы тратим дни, недели, месяцы, продираясь сквозь тьму, но внезапно что — то меняется. И мы чувствуем свет и надежду, и перспективы лучшего дня.

It was something that could be sold and in that context I could understand it better than I could understand a myth.

Они имели реальную цену, их можно было выгодно продать, и в этом плане для меня они были более привлекательны, чем бесплотные сказочные богатства.

Let’s change it: What can’t be cured should be tossed out and something better put in.

Сформулируем иначе: что нельзя исправить, надо выбросить и заменить чем — нибудь получше.

He felt that he was fit for something better than to add up accounts, and it was humiliating that he did so ill something which seemed contemptible.

Подытоживая длинные столбцы цифр, Филип считал, что достоин лучшей участи, чувствовал себя униженным, когда его попрекали неумением сделать работу, казавшуюся ему малопочтенной.

Perhaps I’d better explain something now.

Наверно, пора кое — что объяснить.

Well, I know a little something about that… although I wasn’t expecting you to counter with even better leverage — well-played.

Ну, уж я — то точно знаю толк в таких вещах… Хотя признаться, не ожидал, что тебе удастся парировать — отлично разыграно.

Something that is better left unsaid.

То, о чем лучше не рассказывать.

I got something even better for you to fondle.

У меня есть чем вас порадовать.

It would be a little tight for your neck; something to lie down and hang would suit you better, she said, with some satisfaction.

У тебя на шее оно, пожалуй, не сойдется. Тебе нужно бы что — нибудь вроде длинной нитки бус с подвеской, — сказала она, словно оправдываясь.

You’ll just have to draw something better.

Придется изобразить кое — что получше.

enhance. verb. to improve something, or to make it more attractive or more valuable.

For instance, Which word means make better to improve? make better, better, ameliorate, upgrade, refine, enhance, boost, build on, help, raise, revamp, brush up, polish up, perk up, tweak.

What do you call someone who makes an impact? synonyms for person of influence

celebrity. luminary. VIP. bigwig. official.

Besides, What is a change to make something better?

ameliorate Add to list Share. To ameliorate is to step in and make a bad situation better. You could try introducing a second lollipop to ameliorate a battle between two toddlers over a single lollipop. The verb ameliorate comes from the Latin word meliorare, meaning “improve.” Food drives can ameliorate hunger.

Beside above, What is a word for always wanting to improve?

This answer is useful. 1. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Though the word has a negative connotation attached to it, “emulous” is one word with right vigor to describe a person that is always looking for self-improvement.

What is another word for positive impact?

What is another word for positive impact?

benefit advantage
positive influence good point
plus point positive effect
beneficial impact fringe benefit
beneficial effect useful effect

What is another word for high impact?

What is another word for high-impact?

hard arduous
physical huge
exorbitant unfair
stretching prodigious
thoroughgoing prostrating

What is a synonym for having a huge impact?

“The MP3 format for digital music has had, and will continue to have, a huge impact on how people collect, listen to and distribute music.”

What is another word for huge impact?

almighty smash great crash
powerful impact serious collision

What do you call someone who strives to improve?

resolute Add to list Share. Use the adjective resolute to describe a purposeful and determined person, someone who wants to do something very much, and won’t let anything get in the way.

What is the word for self growth?

1. self-improvement. noun. [‘ˈsɛlfɪmˈpruːvmənt’] the act of improving yourself.

What is another word for self growth?

What is another word for personal growth?

self-development personal development
self-guided improvement self-help

What is a word for making a difference?

What is another word for make a difference?

matter be important
enter into consideration make any difference
be of significance mean much
cut any ice mean a lot
mean rate

What is another word for important?

  • all-important,
  • central,
  • critical,
  • crucial,
  • essential,
  • key,
  • pivotal,
  • seminal,

What does impact you mean?

1a : to have a direct effect or impact on : impinge on. b : to strike forcefully also : to cause to strike forcefully. 2a : to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging. b : to press together.

What is another word for high profile?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for high-profile, like: conspicuousness, exposure, high-relief, pronounced, public exposure, well-receive, under-publicised, , prestigious, successful and null.

What is a synonym for have an impact?

influence. verblead to believe, do. act upon. affect. alter.

What does it mean to make impact?

So, in the end, what exactly does ‘making an impact’ mean? To sum it up, making an impact critically involves stopping ignoring our world’s problems and making your (even small) contribution towards a better future.

Are impact and change synonyms?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for impact, like: influence, affect, result, repercussions, change, contact, strike, consequence, impression, force and reshape.

What word describe someone who overcomes obstacles?

Persevering is used to describe people who persevere—continue to do or try to achieve something despite difficulty or discouragement. A close synonym is persistent.

How do you express the importance of something?


  1. essentially. adverb. used for emphasizing what is the most important aspect of something or fact about something.
  2. importantly. adverb.
  3. basically. adverb.
  4. first. adverb.
  5. basically. adverb.
  6. the fact (of the matter) is. phrase.
  7. first and foremost. phrase.
  8. at the end of the day. phrase.

What does positive impact mean?

POSITIVE IMPACT is defined as an activity having : ▪ a positive impact on at least one of the 3 pillars of sustainable. development (environment, social and economic development) ▪ provided an appropriate management of the potential negative impacts.

What does it mean to make an impact that matters?

“Make an impact”provides employees the opportunity to take ownership of how they make a positive impact. Their efforts not only direct engage them in making socially responsible decisions, but enhance a personal sense of pride—for employees and for a firm that chooses to make an impact that matters.

What’s a word for high quality?

What is another word for high-quality?

excellent fine
premium prime
good superb
superior choice
exceptional great

What is the meaning of note worthy?

Definition of noteworthy

: worthy of or attracting attention especially because of some special excellence a noteworthy contribution.

What is another word for marquee?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for marquee, like: pavilion, canopy, signboard, tent, bandstand, awning, gazebo, venue, grandstand, barbeque and clubhouse.

Enhancement is a noun. It is the act of making something better, often by adding something to it. The verb is to enhance. It follows the same rule as improve (which has a similar meaning).

to improve — an improvement

to enhance — an enhancement

«To make an enhancement» is similar in meaning to «to make an improvement».

Enhancement is also the word used for what makes something better.


«The new smart phone I have bought has many enhancements on the previous one I used. It can do more things and can do them better.»

«We will have to make some enhancements to our products if we want to attract more customers. Consumers demand improvements all the time.»

What is the meaning of enhancement?

To improve the quality, amount or strength of something:

For example:

-memory enhancement

-enhancements made to a website

An enhancement aims to improve something in some way! Would you like to enhance your English?!



➡️Something that has been made better

Tired of bad teachers🤮?

💥Amazing Talker has made many enhancements in the world of remote learning💥


📣Apple has made many enhancements in the new MacBook Pro. For example, it now has a much better graphics card.

⬇️Don’t forget⬇️

✅It can can be used as a verb (enhance) and an adjective (enhanced)

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enhance(past tense)


The word ‘enhance’ means to improve on something that already exists.

If you are to enhance something, it means you are to make it better than before.

And that something is usually intangible like functions/features of a building/tool/system or a skill/ a technique/ some knowledge that you already have.


You can enhance your English skills on Amazing Talker.

TESLA is enhancing the navigation AI of its new car model.

Scientists have enhanced the strength of this new alloy by 200%.


To enhance our class vibe, we have an ice breaking session for new students.

To enhance your chance of luck, you can increase your number of bets.

To enhance her relationship with god, she studies bible for 15mins every day.


To defend ourselves against incoming enemies, we need to enhance this building’s security.

In order to commercialize this new invention, we need to enhance the efficiency of our design to the point where the cost is low enough for mass production.

Enhancement means an improvement, innovation or a positive impact.

The verb «to enhance» means «to improve» or to «increase» in quality or value.


The program enhancement did not help the ice skaters win.

There are two types of image enhancement: qualitative enhancement and quantitative enhancement.

The meaning: the process of improving the quality, amount, or strength of something

In a sentence:

Enhancements made to websites often result in increased page views.

this programme of _________________ will improve the daily experience of passengers




  1. an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.

    «the enhancement of civic amenities»

What is the enhancement definition?

The noun enhancement comes from the verb enhance, meaning «to increase or improve,» and it can describe anything that’s an improvement to the quality or value of something.

Definition: An enhancement is a feature that speeds up or enriches the interaction for some of the users, but is not essential for accomplishing a task. In other words, it’s something that some users can take advantage of, but they don’t have to and they can easily live without it.


simply means: to increase or to improve.

it can describe anything that’s an improvement to the quality or value of something.



  • improvement.

  • enrichment.

  • increase.

  • intensification.

What are examples of enhancement?

The definition of an enhancement is an add-on or improvement that makes something better. When a new wing is added to a home to make it bigger and better, this is an example of an enhancement.



Learn to pronounce


noun: enhancement; plural noun: enhancements

  1. an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.

    «the enhancement of civic amenities»

What is the enhancement definition?

The definition of an enhancement is an add-on or improvement that makes something better. When a new wing is added to a home to make it bigger and better, this is an example of an enhancement.

The noun enhancement comes from the verb enhance, meaning «to increase or improve,» and it can describe anything that’s an improvement to the quality or value of something.







What does enhance mean synonym?

fortify, intensify, reinforce. (also reenforce), strengthen.

What type of word is enhanced?

enhanced Add to list Share. As an adjective, enhanced describes something that has been increased or made better, like a weather report whose enhanced maps show viewers exactly where a storm is taking place — the old maps couldn’t do that.

The meaning of «enhancement».

This word means an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.
When something is «made better», this is an example of enhancement.

What part of speech is «enhancement»?

The word enhancement is a Noun.

The noun enhancement comes from the verb enhance, meaning «to increase or improve,» and it can describe anything that’s an improvement to the quality or value of something.

How to use «enhancement» in a sentence.

An enhancement to your recipe makes it taste better.

An enhancement to your outfit makes it look more beautiful.

To make your camera take clearer photos, an enhancement to your camera lens will help.

Synonyms for «enhancement»





  1. What is the meaning of enhancement:

  1. What is the meaning of enhancement: an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.

  2. What are the Synonyms for enhancement?


    • improvement.

    • enrichment.

    • increase.

    • intensification.
      What are some antonyms for enhancement?

      antonyms for enhance

      • decrease.

      • diminish.

      • discourage.

      • hurt.

      • lessen.

      • lower.

      • neglect.

      • reduce.

Latin Roots

When enhance was borrowed into English in the 13th century, it literally meant to raise something higher. That sense, though now obsolete, provides a clue about the origins of the word. Enhance, which was spelled enhauncen in Middle English, comes to us from Anglo-French enhaucer or enhauncer («to raise»), which can be traced back to the Latin altus («high») by way of an assumed Vulgar Latin verb inaltiare, which would have been formed by combining the prefix in- with the Latin altus. Although enhance initially applied only to physically making things higher, it developed an additional and less literal sense of «to exalt especially in rank or spirit,» and quickly acquired extended figurative senses for raising the value or attractiveness of something or someone.

You can enhance the flavor of the dish by using fresh herbs. The image has been digitally enhanced to show more detail. The company is looking to enhance its earnings potential.

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