Word meaning to make a decision

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Read reviews if you cannot make a decision.

Отпишитесь в комментариях, если вы не можете принять решение.

Sometimes I can make a decision immediately.

They allow themselves to process first before they make a decision.

Они позволяют себе все рассмотреть в начале до того, как принимать решение.

By autumn, I think, you can already make a decision at the government level.

К осени, я думаю, можно уже будет принимать решение на уровне правительства.

When comfortable, make a decision.

You can decided peacefully and then make a decision.

Вы можете ознакомиться с ней в спокойной обстановке, после чего примите решение.

Once I make a decision, nothing will stop it.

Then make a decision on what to start first.

Explore what you enjoy most and then make a decision.

Определите для себя то, что нравится Вам больше всего, а затем принимайте решение.

Anyone can make a decision with perfect information.

Каждый может принять решение, располагая достаточной информацией.

The regulator will make a decision about the further monetary policy.

В совокупности это позволит регулятору принять решение относительно дальнейшей монетарной политики в стране.

Only then can you make a decision that you can be happy with.

Только тогда вы сможете принять решение, которым будете довольны».

You make a decision, then you move on.

I need to rethink it really hard and make a decision.

In the end you need to analyze your own situation and make a decision.

Например, нужно будет проанализировать общую обстановку в вашем доме и принять решение.

The judge shall make a decision within 48 hours of the submission of the application.

Судья обязан принять решение в течение 48 часов после поступления ходатайства.

It has to be able to process that data instantly and make a decision.

Он должен иметь возможность предварительно ознакомиться с данными и принять решение уже после этого.

We’ll make a decision once we have all the necessary information.

Мы примем решение, как только необходимые данные будут у нас.

We will look into the matter and make a decision.

They are not very interested in money, so they will never make a decision to get material benefits.

Не очень заинтересованы в деньгах, поэтому никогда не примут решение для получения материальной выгоды.

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Автоматический перевод

принять решение, принимать решение, сделать решение, сделать выбор, вынести решение

Перевод по словам

make  — марка, изготовление, производство, модель, делаться, делать, производить, совершать
decision  — решение, определение, решимость, решительность


I can’t make a decision just yet.

Я пока что не могу принять (какое-то) решение.

He had to make a decision on the spot.

Ему пришлось принять решение на месте.

It took her a long time to make a decision.

Ей понадобилось много времени, чтобы принять решение. / Решение она приняла далеко не сразу.

Let’s not make a decision — let’s sit tight.

Давай не будем принимать решение. Давай просто посидим и подождём.

We must hear the expert before we make a decision.

Мы должны выслушать специалиста, прежде чем принять какое-то решение.

Think it over carefully before you make a decision.

Тщательно все обдумайте, прежде чем принять решение.

He argued that it’s far too early to make a decision.

Он утверждал, что принимать решение ещё слишком рано.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I often have to make decisions that go against the grain (=are not what I would normally choose to do).  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

make a decision — перевод на русский

We have only to make a decision.

Мы должны принять решение.

You have to make this decision.

Ты должна принять решение.

Right now we have to make a decision.

Мы немедленно должны принять решение.

It’s up to you to make a decision.

Теперь Вы сами должны принять решение.

Thank you for letting me make the decision, captain.

Спасибо, что позволили мне принять решение, капитан.

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I’ll make the decisions.

Я буду принимать решения.

When I leave for New York next week, you’ll have to make decisions.

Да, но… Когда я уеду в Нью-Йорк, вам придётся принимать решения. Начните принимать их сейчас.

This is why the FLN has to make decisions concerning the civil life of the Algerian people.

Поэтому НФО вынужден принимать решения относительно гражданской жизни народа Алжира.

This authority gave me the right to make decisions.

Этот авторитет дал мне право принимать решения.

But someone’s got to make the decisions in here.

Слишком много ответственности. Но кто-то должен принимать решения.

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It was then that I made the decision to live. To live and become a great poet.

Это было после того, как я приянл решение жить, жить и стать великим поэтом.

I will give you ten seconds to make a decision.

Я даю вам десять секунд принять решение.

That’s very good of you. Tonight… about that we need to make a decision.

Сегодня вечером мы должны принять решение.

Please, let us know when you’ve made a decision.

Пожалуйста, дайте знать, когда примете решение.

We have to make a decision immediately.

Надо принимать решение. Времени нет.

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So I made the decision to stay.

Я решил остаться.

So, McFly, have you made a decision about tonight’s opportunity?

Так как, Макфлай, решил насчет сегодня?

I made the decision to become a fucking undertaker because I thought it was something you believed in.

Знаешь, я решил вернуться и стать гробовщиком, потому был уверен что ты этого хочешь.

I’ve made a decision not to tell you.

Я решил тебе не говорить.

If you made a decision not to tell me, what did you just fucking tell me for?

Если ты так решил, то нахуя тогда сообщил мне об этом?

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In these situations, we must make decisions.

Тут надо было решать, причем быстро.

We’ve got to make a decision about tonight.

Надо решать насчет сегодня.

You must let people do their work and make decisions, Comrade Bednarz.

Людям надо дать возможность работать и решать, товарищ Беднаж.

When I lead, I will make the decisions.

Поскольку я здесь главный, то мне решать.

Let’s make a decision.

— Давайте решать!

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It sounds to me like we have to get more information to make this decision, folks.

Мне кажется, для принятия решения нам нужно получить больше информации, ребята.

It is the seat of what causes us… to take information from our environment… and process it… and store it in our brain to make decisions or choices… that are different than the decisions and choices that we’ve made in the past.

Это место, которое побуждает нас получать информацию из окружающей среды, обрабатывать её и хранить её в нашем мозге для принятия решения или выбора, *отличного* от решений и выборов, которые мы делали в прошлом.

It is about priorities and making decisions, using the boat as an analogy.

Она про важность задач и принятие решений по аналогии с устройством корабля.

— Yes, but legally, your parents are responsible for making decisions about your medical care.

Но это моя жизнь. Да, но по закону твои родители отвечают за принятие решений о твоем лечении.

Making a decision like that, would scare anyone.

Принятие такого решения напугало бы кого угодно.

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Yes, well, I’m the kind of person who can make a decision and commit to it.

Знаешь, я из той породы людей что способны сделать выбор и придерживаться его.

The other ministers opposed it but… they all agreed that one minister should make the decision

Сначала многие были против, но потом согласились, что министр сам должен сделать выбор.

I have to see this band, ’cause we have to make a decision by Monday, ’cause I’m getting married in 71 days, and we still don’t have…

Я должна увидеть эту группу, потому что нам нужно сделать выбор до понедельника, потому что я выхожу замуж через 71 день, а у нас все еще нет…

I made a decision there, too.

Тогда я тоже сделал выбор.

I’ve made a decision, Barry.

Я сделал выбор, Барри.

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Eddie’s having trouble making decisions.

Ему нелегко выбрать. Он до сих пор в шоке.

You’ve got to make a decision.

Ты должен выбрать.

It would be too easy to leave without making a decision

А уйти, не выбрав, было бы слишком просто!

We made the decision together.

Мы выбрали это вместе. Это не правда.

Each person on line could just roll past the food pans or whatever and make the decisions in like half the time.

Прокатился, типа, мимо подносов с едой и выбрал, типа, в два раза быстрее.

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In any case we must make a decision.

В любом случае, нам надо решиться.

I think I have to make a decision.

Я просто должна решиться, мне кажется…

I’m thinking that sometimes you… just have to make the decision to be happy.

Мне кажется, иногда надо решиться быть счастливым.

She could have made a decision to leave with his husband.

Она должна была решиться и жить с мужем.

Your Majesty, please make a decision soon.

Ваше Величество, прошу вас, решитесь.

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When using “take a decision” and “make a decision,” it’s important to understand the differences. They don’t mean the same thing, and many people confuse them. This article will look at what each one means and how you can use them yourself.

What Is The Difference Between “Take A Decision” And “Make A Decision”?

You should use “take a decision” to mean that you acted promptly to decide something rather than referencing any of the build up for that decision. You should use “make a decision” when you want to evaluate the options of the decision before finally making it.

What Is The Difference Between "Take A Decision" And "Make A Decision”?

Typically, “make a decision” means a process. This process has to take place if you want the decision to be the best possible one you can make. Conversely, “take a decision” is something that happens straight away, and there is no way to deliberate further.

You can always have the decision-making process as part of a decision, even if you “take” it. However, the meaning of “take a decision” ignores the process that got us to the final decision and simply looking at the impact of the overall choice.

Is “Take A Decision” Or “Make A Decision” Used The Most?

It’s likely that you’ll hear “make a decision” over “take a decision” in most cases. In fact, it’s very rare that “take a decision” is ever used. However, we’ve got the statistics that demonstrate all you need to know about the common usage of both words.

According to this graph, “make a decision” is more popular by far. It has steadily grown over the last few decades, while “take a decision” doesn’t seem to change much over the last two hundred years.

Is "Take A Decision" Or "Make A Decision" Used The Most?

This graph is a great way of visualizing the differences between the two. Many native speakers avoid using “take a decision” because it doesn’t feel right. Instead, they’ll stick to “make a decision” to include the process of the choice as well, which takes some of the strain away.

Examples Of How To Use “Take A Decision” In A Sentence

If you’re struggling to understand when “take a decision” should be used, you’ve come to the right section. We’ve got some useful examples that’ll demonstrate exactly when you can use it and how we can get it to work for us.

“Take a decision” refers to the impact and final choice that you make. There is no going back, and there’s often no deliberation about the decision further than just making it.

  1. I took the decision to close this business before it was too late.
  2. I think it’s wise for you to take the decision and close.
  3. You should take the decision before things go wrong.
  4. Take a decision before the end of the day; I’ll be expecting an answer soon.
  5. I took the executive decision to end your activities, and I hope you don’t hate me for it.
  6. We took the decision together, and we don’t regret a thing.
  7. Have you ever taken a decision that made a difference?

As you can see, there are very limited cases where “take a decision” and “make a decision” aren’t synonymous. You’ll often find that most native speakers believe them to be interchangeable (even though they’re not).

However, it’s clear from the above examples that “take a decision” isn’t the most common variation. Instead, it’ll likely you’ll see “took the decision” or “take the decision” written down.

We use “the” instead of “a” to be more specific about whatever the decision is that we’re making. Without it, it’s rare that you’ll see “take a decision.”

Examples Of How To Use “Make A Decision” In A Sentence

“Make a decision” is by far the most popular choice. You’ll find most native speakers use it compared to any other form, which is why it’s so potent in the above graph and by far the more popular one.

“Make a decision” is used when you deliberate between choices and come to a final decision. Often, you’re able to spend more time in the thinking process when “making a decision.”

  1. I’d like to make a decision, but I don’t know which of these works best for me.
  2. We implore you to make the decision as soon as you’re able. It won’t be smart to delay.
  3. You should make a decision; otherwise, I’m going to leave you.
  4. I need to make a decision, but I can’t decide which one I like best!
  5. Can we agree to make a decision before we go any further with this?
  6. Let’s just make the decision already and move on! Okay?
  7. She should have made the decision by now. What’s taking her so long?

As you can see, there are plenty of forms of “make a decision,” like “made the decision,” “make the decision,” and all sorts of others. It’s important to understand how they all work before trying to use them yourself.

If you’re writing in the past tense, then “made the decision” works best, and we should use it as such. If you’re talking about a more pressing decision that needs an answer, generally, we use “make the decision,” where “the” acts as a more specific way to ask for a choice.

Is “Take A Decision” And “Make A Decision” Used Differently In American English And British English?

Sometimes, we’ll find key differences between words when we look at how we use them in American and British English. Some native speakers believe most dialect differences to come from this root over anything else.

According to this graph demonstrating American English usage of “take” and “make a decision,” “make a decision” is the only option with popularity. It’s rare to see “take a decision” in any capacity in American English.

take a decision,make a decision American English

In this graph, we can see the usage in British English. Here, “take a decision” is slightly more popular, though not by much. “Make a decision” is by far the most popular choice no matter which language you’re writing in.

take a decision,make a decision British English

American English and British English both use “make a decision” as the most common phrase. It’s rare for either language to use “take a decision.”

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Do A Decision”?

We might sometimes be able to change the verb before “decision” as well. We’ll look at using “do” as a verb to see if it matches up with “decision” and the meaning.

“Do a decision” is never correct to use. “Do” is a verb meaning that we completed an action, which is not synergistic with “decision.” The two words are not compatible, and we should not use them.

That’s why we use “make.” “Make” works well to allow us to show the process of the creation of the decision and the ultimate outcome. We “make” a decision because we’ve created it from the ground up.

We might also “take” a decision because it’s the final choice, and we’re simply grabbing hold of it and taking it away with us.

“Do” doesn’t work if we look at it in the same way since we can’t “do a decision” to complete it.

Is It “Took A Decision” Or “Made A Decision”?

We can also use the phrases in the past tense, and they’re still used in the same way. “Made a decision” is still the more popular choice compared with “took a decision.”

“Made a decision” and “took a decision” are both past tense forms of the phrase. We can use them when the decision has already occurred and nothing can be done to change that in the present.

Here are some examples to show you what we mean:

  • I made the decision to stay.
  • He made the decision yesterday.
  • She took the decision to cancel it.
  • We took the decision to move on.

All of these imply that the decision happened in the past and nothing can be done to change it.

What Is The Difference Between “Decide” And “Decision”?

“Decide,” and “decision” have the same root word, but they’re not the same thing.

You should use “decide” as a verb to talk about making a choice between things. You should use “decision” as a noun to talk about something that you’ve “decided” upon.

The definition of “decide,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities.”

The definition of “decision,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.”

Take Or Make A Decision – Synonyms

Finally, let’s go over some synonyms that might help you come up with a better-suited word. With these, you won’t have to worry about the differences between “take a decision” or “make a decision.”

  • Decide
  • Make a choice
  • Choose
  • Determine
  • Come to an agreement
  • Arrive at
  • Settle
  • Conclude
  • Come down to
  • Make up your mind

All of these synonyms are great to replace “make a decision.” We can use verb forms like “decide” or “choose” to keep things simple, or we can use more complicated nouns like “make up your mind” or “come to an agreement.”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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item as extremist, and to make a decision regarding its specific location.

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ИНСТРУМЕНТ- НАЧИНАЮЩИХ инструментом, помогающим принимать решение ВО Техасский Холдем GAE.

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Но ожидание этого решения могло сделать нашего 15- летнего сына отцом.

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Фонд ожидает принятия правительством решения по данному вопросу.

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However, to make a decision of the necessary operative therapy one should have


true representation of the tuberculosis process activity.

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Однако для принятия решения о необходимости оперативного лечения необходимо точное

представление об активности туберкулезного процесса.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Market Committee needs more time for monitoring of economic indicators.

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рынкам необходимо больше времени наблюдения за экономическими показателями.

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If it is not possible to make a decision within this deadline, the applicant must be notified of the delay

and of the expected time the


would be


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Если вынести решение в предусмотренные сроки оказывается невозможным, податель ходатайства должен быть уведомлен об этой задержке

и о том, когда ожидается принятие


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Members of the Board of Directors may request additional

information on the issues in the agenda which is needed to make a decision.

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Члены Совета директоров могут запросить дополнительную

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The term for the provision of public services is extended by 1 month in cases where it is necessary


conduct additional inquiries and

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Срок оказания государственной услуги продлевается на 1 месяц в случаях, когда необходимо проведение дополнительных запросов,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It took less than one month for Mr. Bogdan to make a decision


buy artificial grass from us.

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Он взял меньше, чем один месяц для г-н Богдан сделать решение о покупке искусственной травы от нас.

The Sentencing Court will in

future be the only body with jurisdiction to make a decision on applications for the following.

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Трибунал по исполнению

наказаний отныне будет единственным органом, компетентным выносить решения по следующим ходатайствам.

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The organization has the right, depending on the specific circumstances,


request additional information or documents if necessary to make a decision about participation in the project.

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Организация имеет право, в зависимости от конкретных обстоятельств, дополнительно

истребовать информацию или документы, если это необходимо для принятия решения об участии в проекте.

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