Word meaning to look down on

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look down on (someone or something)

To regard oneself as superior to someone or something and thus act in a haughty or snobbish manner. The well-dressed businessman looked down on the kid wearing a T-shirt in the elevator, not knowing that he was the new CEO. I have no idea why some people look down on those who speak with an accent—that means they know at least two languages!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

look down on

Also, look down one’s nose at. Regard with contempt or condescension, consider oneself superior to. For example, When it comes to baking, Beth is a purist-she looks down on anyone who uses a mix, or Seniors have a way of looking down their noses at juniors. The first expression dates from about 1700, the second from about 1900.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • look down on (someone or something)
  • look down upon (someone or something)
  • look down one’s nose at, to
  • look down (one’s) nose at (someone or something)
  • look down your nose at
  • look down your nose at something
  • look down nose
  • look down (one’s) nose
  • look down your nose
  • down (one’s) nose

  [ Look daʊn ɒn ]   – смотреть свысока.

В сонме фразовых глаголов Look Down On не вызывает сложностей. Он переводится буквально: смотреть сверху вниз на человека. К предметам этот фразеологизм тоже может применяться, но образно.

Смотреть свысока = To disregard

Заголовок New York Times с фразовым глаголом Look Down On

Do we look down on the less educated?

Неужели мы смотрим свысока на менее образованных?

She looks down on anyone who hasn’t had a university education.

Она смотрит свысока на всех, кто не получил университетского образования.

She thinks they look down on her because she doesn’t have a job.

Она думает, что они смотрят на нее свысока, потому что у нее нет работы.

Whatsapp users look down on ICQ users.

Пользователи Whatsapp смотрят свысока на пользователей ICQ.

I wasn’t successful, so my older sister looked down on me.

Я не добился успеха, поэтому моя старшая сестра смотрела на меня презрительно.

According to an unwritten law among criminals, a convict without tattoos is looked down on.

Согласно неписаному закону среди преступников, на осужденного без татуировок смотрят свысока.

Blue-collar workers are in favor of President Trump because they are sick of being looked down on.

Неквалифицированные рабочие поддерживают президента Трампа, потому что им надоело, что на них смотрят свысока.

For years, Silicon Valley looked down on China tech and believed it was only copying.

В течение многих лет Кремниевая долина смотрела на китайские технологии свысока и считала их копией.

I am being looked down upon by certain members of my family…

Некоторые члены моей семьи смотрят на меня свысока…

  •     Фразовые глаголы с Look
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом ON
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием DOWN

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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смотреть на

смотреть свысока на


смотреть вниз на

смотреть сверху вниз на


Boys tend to look down on their younger sisters.

Мальчишки склонны смотреть на своих младших сестёр свысока.

He get all them people to look down on us… we handled that.

Он заставил всех людей смотреть на нас с высока… мы разобрались с этим.

You shouldn’t look down on other people’s views, even if you think that they are primitive.

Не стоит смотреть свысока на чужие взгляды, даже если тебе они кажутся примитивными.

You should never look down on a person merely because he is poor.

Вы никогда не должны смотреть свысока на человека только потому, что он беден.

Because I don’t want to look down on you.

But that doesn’t give them the right to look down on you.

They often tend to look down on themselves.

Они часто отвлекаются тем, что смотрят на самих себя.

It is difficult to understand why some people look down on those who respect images which represent holy religious teachers.

Трудно понять, почему некоторые люди смотрят свысока на тех, кто выражает почтение изображениям святых духовных учителей.

She loves humans easily and does not look down on them like some vampires might.

Она легко любит людей и не смотрит на них свысока, в отличие от некоторых вампиров.

Sometimes rich people look down on other people who do not have much money.

You shouldn’t look down on those who are less fortunate than you are.

And it leads them to look down on those less fortunate, less credentialed than themselves.

И это заставляет их смотреть свысока на тех, кому повезло меньше, кто менее признан обществом, чем они сами.

The rich kids, they look down on you, bully you.

Богатые дети, они смотрят на тебя свысока, издеваются над тобой.

Those you look down on are people of honor.

You look down on people who take taxis.

Презираешь людей, которые ездят на такси.

And you look down on the stage and there’s this orchestra.

He said my fishing makes everyone look down on him.

Сказал, что из-за моей рыбалки все презирают его.

Funny, they all look down on you lot, you know.

When a wrong is unavenged, the heavens look down on us in shame.

В случае неправильного является неотомщенной, небеса смотрят на нас с позором.

The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars.

Великие короли прошлого смотрят на нас с этих звезд.

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look down on
look down on/upon
смотреть свысока, относиться презрительно, высокомерно; не одобрять

Mary looked down on her classmates because she was better dressed than they were.

Women have grown tired of being looked down on by employers.

The school looks down on such behaviour.

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Смотреть что такое «look down on» в других словарях:

  • look-down — type of sea fish, 1882, from LOOK (Cf. look) (v.) + DOWN (Cf. down) (adv.). So called from facial structure …   Etymology dictionary

  • look down on — ► look down on (also look down one s nose at) regard with a feeling of superiority. Main Entry: ↑look …   English terms dictionary

  • look down on — (someone/something) to consider someone or something as not important or of value. “A lot of people look down on us because we re homeless,” she says …   New idioms dictionary

  • look down on — • look down (up)on v To think of (a person or thing) as less good or important; feel that (someone) is not as good as you are, or that (smth) is not worth having or doing; consider inferior. Mary looked down on her classmates because she was… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • look down on — look as if you are better, look superior    Do some Americans look down on people from Canada? …   English idioms

  • look-down — /look down /, n. the appearance of paper when inspected under reflected light. Cf. look through. * * * …   Universalium

  • look down on — [v] hold in contempt abhor, contemn, despise, disdain, scorn, scout, sneer, spurn, turn nose up at*; concept 29 Ant. approve, honor, laud, look up to, praise …   New thesaurus

  • look down on — index condescend (patronize), disdain, disfavor, disparage, patronize (condescend toward) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • look down on — verb regard with contempt the new neighbor looks down on us because our house is very modest • Ant: ↑admire • Hypernyms: ↑contemn, ↑despise, ↑scorn, ↑disdain • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • look down — v. 1) (d; intr.) to look down at; from ( to direct one s gaze down at ) (to look down at the beach from the balcony of the hotel) 2) (d; intr.) to look down on ( to despise ) (to look down on all forms of corruption) * * * [ lʊk daʊn] from (to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • look-down — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: look down : the superficial appearance of paper as seen under reflected light compare look through * * * /look down /, n. the appearance of paper when inspected under reflected light. Cf. look through. * * * …   Useful english dictionary

3 формы глагола look down on

Английский глагол look down on [lʊk daʊn ɒn], переводится как: смотреть вниз.
Входит в группы:
фразовые глаголы.

3 формы глагола look down on: Infinitive (look down on), Past Simple — (looked down on), Past Participle — (looked down on).

📚 Глагол look down on имеет значения: смотреть свысока.

👉 Формы глагола look down on в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет look down on в прошедшем времени past simple.

Три формы глагола look down on

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
look down on [lʊk daʊn ɒn]

looked down on [lʊkt daʊn ɒn]

looked down on [lʊkt daʊn ɒn]

смотреть вниз

Как поставить look down on во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

🎓 Как поставить глагол look down on в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

  • First form (V1) — look down on. (Present simple, Future Simple)
  • Second form (V2) —
    looked down on.

    (Past simple)

  • Third form (V3) —
    looked down on.

    (Present perfect, Past perfect)

Как поставить look down on в past simple?

Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для look down on нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
look down on в past simple — looked down on.

What is the past tense of look down on?

The past tense of look down on is looked down on.

The past participle of look down on is looked down on.

Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

Past simple — look down on в past simple, будет looked down on.

Future simple — look down on в future simple будет look down on. (will + V1)

Present Perfect — look down on в present perfect будет
looked down on.
(havehas + V3)

Past Perfect — look down on в past perfect будет
looked down on.

(had + V3)

Правильный или неправильный глагол look down on?

👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол look down on это .

Примеры применения глагола look down on

    The well-dressed businessman looked down on the kid wearing a T-shirt in the elevator — Хорошо одетый бизнесмен посмотрел на парня в футболке в лифте
    (Past Simple)

    I have no idea why some people look down on those who speak with an accent — Понятия не имею, почему некоторые люди свысока смотрят на тех, кто говорит с акцентом
    (Present Simple)

    You look down on me just because I’m here for the money — Ты смотришь на меня свысока только потому, что я тут из-за денег
    (Present Simple)

    I don’t want to let anyone look down on me — Я не позволю никому смотреть на меня свысока
    (Present Simple)

    No one will ever look down on me — Больше никто и никогда не будет смотреть на меня свысока
    (Future Simple)

    I thought he was in the room here looking down on us — Я думал, он был здесь в комнате и смотрел на нас
    (Past Continuous)

    You look down on me because I work — Ты смотришь на меня свысока потому что я работаю
    (Present Simple)

    You have to dress like this so people don’t look down on you — Вы должны так одеваться, чтобы люди не смотрели на вас свысока
    (Present Simple)

Вместе с look down on, часто смотрят глаголы


and tire.

Глаголы на букву:

























look down on — перевод на русский

/lʊk daʊn ɒn/

Well, this is my gorram den and I don’t like the way you look down on me

Что ж, это моя чертова берлога и мне совсем не нравится, как ты смотришь на меня свысока

You look down on me just because I’m here for the money.

Ты смотришь на меня свысока только потому, что я тут из-за денег.

You looked down on me.

Ты смотришь на меня свысока.

Just because your OST are big hits you look down on me?

После того как твой саундтрек стал популярен, смотришь на меня свысока?

So you’re looking down on me now?

Значит, сейчас ты смотришь на меня свысока?

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— Does Mama look down on me?

А мама смотрит на меня? Да…

I know he’s looking down on us today and …

Я знаю, что сегодня он смотрит на нас…

He’s looking down on me from a big precinct in the sky.

Мне кажется, дядя Реджи смотрит на меня из своего небесного участка.

Well, she’s probably up there, in heaven looking down on us, thinking:

Ну, она, наверное, там, на небесах смотрит на нас, думая:

The miller just stands there, looking down on everything.

Мельник просто стоит там и смотрит на всё это.

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Don’t look down on people.

Не смей смотреть на меня сверху вниз.

‘Cause they know how worthless they really are the only way that they can feel like they’re worth anything is to look down on me like I’m scum !

Потому что они знают, насколько они бесполезны, и единственный способ почувствовать, что они стоят хоть чего-то — смотреть на меня сверху вниз, как на пыль!

You look down on me and I will fuck you up like you’ve never been fucked up in your whole bullshit Beverly Hills life.

Будешь смотреть на меня сверху вниз, я тебя так натяну, как тебе в твоем вонючем Беверли-хиллз и не снилось.

You’re hardly in a position to look down on me, Dorothy.

Ты сейчас не в том положении, чтобы смотреть на меня сверху вниз, Дороти.

Top of the world Looking down on creation

На вершине мира. Смотрю вниз на сотварение.

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Do you look down on all women or just the ones you know?

Ты презираешь всех женщин, или только тех, кого знаешь?

— You look down on people who take taxis.

Презираешь людей, которые ездят на такси.

I never told you ’cause I thought you’d look down on that stuff.

Я никогда тебе не рассказывала, так как думала, что ты презираешь подобное.

He said my fishing makes everyone look down on him.

Сказал, что из-за моей рыбалки все презирают его.

Everyone looks down on me…

Все презирают меня…

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let him look down on them.

Когда Орб вернёт огонь на небо, дадим ему посмотреть на них.

You may look down on me, My Lady, but our children and their children will be of one blood.

Вы можете посмотреть на меня, миледи, но наши дети и их дети будут одной крови.

«So God looked down on His defeated angels and He… »

«Бог посмотрел на своих поверженных ангелов и…»

«In the great war for the Heavenly Throne, we were vanquished, so God looked down on His defeated angels and found us to be evil angels, so He cast us out.

«В великой войне за Небесный Престол мы проиграли. Бог посмотрел на своих поверженных ангелов и понял, что в нас есть зло, поэтому он изгнал нас.

Okay, God just want you to look down on these girls here.

Ладно, господи, я просто хочу, чтобы ты посмотрел сверху на этих девочек.

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— She’s looking down on you now.

-Она смотрит на вас с небес.

And Emmy’s looking down on you right now.

И сейчас Эмми смотрит на вас с небес.

So long as Sheik Hussein Al-Qadi looks down on us from Paradise, and Fauzi Nidal fights from overseas and Daliyah Al-Yazbek, the mother of all hope, still lives.

Пока шейх Аль-Кади смотрит на нас с небес, Фаузи Нидал борется из-за рубежа и Далия Аль-Язбек, мать наших надежд, ещё жива.

My wife is looking down on us now, and she’s so proud and happy.

Жена сейчас смотрит на нас с небес, она горда и счастлива.

Alcoholics-fucking-Anonymous now too… Salvatore Lucania must be looking down on all of us with great pride.

ѕиздец, теперь вот ещЄ и јнонимные јлкоголики… —альваторэ Ћукани€, должно быть, смотрит на всЄ это с небес и здорово нами гордитс€.

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Don’t you look down on me.

Не смотри на меня с высока.

They looked down on us.

Они смотрели на нас с высока.

It’s full of A-holes who look down on everybody that’s not, like, part of the cool-guy club. It’s so lame.

Там собираются мудаки, которые смотрят с высока на всех, кто не с ними.

He get all them people to look down on us… we handled that.

Он заставил всех людей смотреть на нас с высока… мы разобрались с этим.

Maybe it was because we were renting off them, but I just… always felt she was looking down on us.

— Ясно. Может из-за того, что мы арендовали у них часть дома, но мне всегда казалось, что она смотрит на нас с высока.

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Смотрите также

  • смотришь на меня свысока
  • смотрит на
  • смотреть на меня сверху вниз
  • презираешь
  • посмотреть на
  • смотрит на вас с небес
  • смотри на меня с высока

: to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect

The other children looked down on her because her parents were poor.

Dictionary Entries Near look down on

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“Look down on.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/look%20down%20on. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Alternative forms[edit]

  • look down upon



look down on (third-person singular simple present looks down on, present participle looking down on, simple past and past participle looked down on)

  1. (transitive, idiomatic) To regard or treat as inferior.
    • 2009 September 25, Michael Deacon, “Ross Noble: interview”, in Telegraph.co.uk:

      He remembers feeling that people looked down on him, and, ‘realising I was rubbish at academic stuff’, he decided he’d join a circus.

  2. (transitive, idiomatic) To view [people or events on Earth] from the vantage point of the afterlife (originally, Heaven)
    • I get a feeling Kurt Cobain is looking down on Nickelback and wondering what alternative rock has become.


  • look down one’s nose (at)


  • look up to


to regard or treat as inferior

  • Arabic: تَرَفَّعَ(taraffaʕa)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 看不起 (zh) (kànbùqǐ), 瞧不起 (zh) (qiāobùqǐ), 小看 (zh) (xiǎokàn), 俯視俯视 (zh) (fǔshì), 輕視轻视 (zh) (qīngshì), 鄙視鄙视 (zh) (bǐshì)
  • Czech: dívat se spatra impf, povyšovat se
  • Dutch: neerkijken op
  • Finnish: ylenkatsoa, halveksia (fi)
  • French: mépriser (fr), regarder de haut (fr)
  • German: (general) von oben herab behandeln; (from perspective of superior also) hinabsehen auf, hinabschauen auf; (from perspective of inferior also) herabsehen auf, herabschauen auf
  • Hungarian: lenéz (hu)
  • Italian: guardare in basso
  • Japanese: 見下す (mikudasu), 軽んじる (ja) (karonjiru), 軽視する (ja) (keishi suru), 軽蔑する (ja) (keibetsu suru)
  • Korean: please add this translation if you can
  • Latin: despiciō, dēdignor, aspernor
  • Lithuanian: žiūrėti iš aukšto
  • Maori: whakatakē, tamatama
  • Norwegian: se ned på, rakke ned på
  • Polish: patrzeć z góry (pl) impf
  • Portuguese: menosprezar (pt)
  • Russian: смотре́ть свысока́ (smotrétʹ svysoká), презира́ть (ru) impf (prezirátʹ)
  • Slovak: pozerať (na niekoho) zhora, pozerať opovržlivo
  • Spanish: menospreciar (es), ningunear (es)
  • Swedish: se ned på

See also[edit]

  • look upon

Table of Contents

  1. What does looking down on someone mean?
  2. Are you looking down on me meaning?
  3. What does down on mean?
  4. What does just dawned on me mean?
  5. What are the two meanings of down?
  6. What is down word?
  7. What does 3 down mean?
  8. What are cans on a woman?
  9. What does canny mean slang?
  10. What does cannibal mean?
  11. What does canny mean on Snapchat?
  12. What is a shrew woman?
  13. Is shrewd positive or negative?
  14. Is being called shrewd a compliment?
  15. Who is a sly person?
  16. What is a backwards compliment?
  17. What is cunning person?
  18. How do you know someone is cunning?
  19. What is the difference between cunning and smart?
  20. How can you be cunning?
  21. Which animal is most cunning?
  22. How do you treat someone who is cunning?
  23. How can I look clever?

If you are being condescending, you are looking down on someone.

What does looking down on someone mean?

: to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect The other children looked down on her because her parents were poor.

Are you looking down on me meaning?

phrasal verb. To look down on someone means to consider that person to be inferior or unimportant, usually when this is not true. I wasn’t successful, so they looked down on me. [

What does down on mean?

Hostile or negative toward, ill-disposed to. For example, All the reviewers were down on this play, or Ever since he was injured, he’s been down on skiing. [Mid-1800s] Also see down on one’s luck.

What does just dawned on me mean?

: to begin to be understood or realized by (someone) for the first time The solution finally dawned on him. It suddenly dawned on me that I hadn’t eaten all day. It began to dawn on her that she was lost.

What are the two meanings of down?

1 : toward or in a lower position He jumped up and down. 2 : to a lying or sitting position Please sit down. 3 : toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom She fell down. 4 : below the horizon The sun went down.

As detailed above, ‘down‘ can be a noun, a preposition, an adverb, an adjective or a verb. Adverb usage: The cat jumped down from the table. … Adverb usage: His place is farther down the road. Adverb usage: I went down to Miami for a conference.

What does 3 down mean?

three-up-three-down. Noun. (uncountable) (baseball) To record three outs in an inning without allowing a batter to reach first base./span>

What are cans on a woman?

a breast. Usually used in the plural. Nice cans, hon. … See more words with the same meaning: breast, breasts.

What does canny mean slang?

Canny: good/nice/lovely or very – Canny lad – a nice guy/Canny good – very good. Canny job: A good job.

What does cannibal mean?

: one that eats the flesh of its own kind./span>

What does canny mean on Snapchat?


What is a shrew woman?

The shrew – an unpleasant, ill-tempered woman characterised by scolding, nagging, and aggression – is a comedic, stock character in literature and folklore, both Western and Eastern. … The term shrew is still used to describe the stock character in fiction and folk storytelling.

Is shrewd positive or negative?

Shrewd is similar to astute as both words are used to describe sound judgment and practical intelligence. Since shrewd has a negative connotation, it’s usually used to describe someone who is sharp and intelligent, but potentially underhanded at the same time.

Is being called shrewd a compliment?

2 Answers. “Shrewd” is not necessarily negative – to call a businessman shrewd is generally a compliment, meaning “taking advantage of hidden opportunities”. “Cunning” is more negative, meaning “good at deceiving people” (though in the past it used to be equivalent to “cute”!)./span>

Who is a sly person?

When you’re sly, you’re crafty, cunning, tricky, and wily. Being sly is being deceitful, though not in the worst way. If you’re good at lying, you’re quite sly: people who are sly are good at pulling one over on other people.

What is a backwards compliment?

Noun. backward compliment (plural backward compliments) A compliment which unintentionally comes across as an insult. (example) Those glasses just look too cute for you!

What is cunning person?

Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose: a cunning plan/ploy. He’s a very cunning man. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Sly & devious./span>

How do you know someone is cunning?

Cunning people usually ask probing questions to get more insights into your personal life. The idea is to get some kind of valuable information that they can take advantage of and secondly, to find out negative aspects of your life, so that they can make you feel low by constant criticism.

What is the difference between cunning and smart?

As adjectives the difference between cunning and smart is that cunning is sly; crafty; clever in surreptitious behaviour while smart is causing sharp pain; stinging.

How can you be cunning?

Cunning people better themselves by fooling, tricking, or otherwise deceiving other people. A given person is much easier for a cunning person to trick when his strengths and weaknesses are known, rather than unknown.

Which animal is most cunning?


How do you treat someone who is cunning?

Here are 8 strategies for dealing with manipulative people.

  1. 8 Ways To Deal With Manipulators. Ignore everything they do and say. …
  2. Ignore everything they do and say. …
  3. Hit their center of gravity. …
  4. Trust your judgment. …
  5. Try not to fit in. …
  6. Stop compromising. …
  7. Never ask for permission. …
  8. Create a greater sense of purpose.

How can I look clever?

21 Easy Ways To Appear More Intelligent

  1. 1 | Use the right words. …
  2. 2 | It’s not just the words, but how you say them. …
  3. 3 | Failing that, speak faster. …
  4. 4 | Make the right first impression. …
  5. 5 | Look after your appearance. …
  6. 6 | Pay particular attention to your teeth. …
  7. 7 | Learn to listen. …
  8. 8| Work on your memory.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a word for look down upon?
  2. What is the meaning of the phrasal verb look down upon?
  3. What does did away mean?
  4. What do you call a person who pretends to be what he is not?
  5. What do you call a person who pretends to be nice?
  6. What is a person who is always boasting called?
  7. What does complacent mean?
  8. What’s the difference between bragging and gloating?
  9. What is a blowhard?
  10. Is blowhard a bad word?
  11. What is a braggart?
  12. What is a windbag?
  13. Is windbag a bad word?
  14. What is a pompous windbag?
  15. What is a pompous person?
  16. Why do people brag?
  17. How do you respond to bragging?
  18. What does grotesque mean?
  19. Who is a grotesque character?
  20. What is an example of grotesque?
  21. What is the best definition of grotesque?
  22. What does drawl mean?
  23. What is another word for grotesque?

: to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect The other children looked down on her because her parents were poor.

What is a word for look down upon?

other words for look down on abhor. contemn. despise. disdain. scorn.

What is the meaning of the phrasal verb look down upon?

phrasal verb. To look down on someone means to consider that person to be inferior or unimportant, usually when this is not true.

What does did away mean?

phrasal verb. To do away with something means to remove it completely or put an end to it. The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether. [

What do you call a person who pretends to be what he is not?

An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else. Someone who tries to convince you that he’s your long lost cousin in order to get an invitation to stay in your awesome apartment is an imposter.

What do you call a person who pretends to be nice?

phoney. adjective. informal someone who is phoney pretends to be friendly, clever, kind etc.

What is a person who is always boasting called?

braggart Add to list Share. If you know someone who is a real show off and is always bragging about how great they are, then you might call this boaster a braggart.

What does complacent mean?

1 : marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies : marked by complacency : self-satisfied a complacent smile.

What’s the difference between bragging and gloating?

As verbs the difference between brag and gloat is that brag is to boast; to talk with excessive pride about what one has, can do, or has done while gloat is to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction, often at an adversary’s misfortune.

What is a blowhard?

: an arrogantly and pompously boastful or opinionated person : braggart, windbag … was trapped in a hellish marriage to …

Is blowhard a bad word?

This means that someone speaks a lot without saying anything meaningful or important. It can also mean that a person brags a lot. Blowhard has a negative connotation, so it is a rude thing to call someone.

What is a braggart?

: a loud arrogant boaster thinks he’s a loudmouth braggart.

What is a windbag?

: an exhaustively talkative person.

Is windbag a bad word?

windbag Add to list Share. If you find yourself stuck on a bus beside someone who talks endlessly about boring subjects, you might think to yourself, “What a windbag.” It’s an informal way to describe a big talker. The word windbag is a useful but derogatory way to talk about a boring chatterer.

What is a pompous windbag?

informal, derogatory. A person who talks at length but says little of value. ‘I think he’s a pompous old windbag

What is a pompous person?

pompous Add to list Share. A pompous person is arrogant or conceited. He’ll walk into a party with an inflated ego, ready to tell anyone who will listen that “I’m kind of a big deal.” Today we associate the adjective pompous with self-important jerks.

Why do people brag?

There is a sense with bragging that we are self-glorifying. … It is an integral component of healthy self-esteem and a crucial part of each person’s sense of self. With bragging, conversely, we are talking about excessive pride./span>

How do you respond to bragging?

Here are 5 tips to help you deal with a bragger.

  1. Make the bragger know your type. Ask to switch the subject, or just go ahead and switch it. …
  2. Boast a little about yourself. Then self-correct. …
  3. Share a quick story about another person bragging. …
  4. Communicate your subjective truth. …
  5. Walk away and let it go.

What does grotesque mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature./span>

Who is a grotesque character?

In fiction, characters are usually considered grotesque if they induce both empathy and disgust. (A character who inspires disgust alone is simply a villain or a monster.) Obvious examples would include the physically deformed and the mentally deficient, but people with cringe-worthy social traits are also included.

What is an example of grotesque?

Grotesque is defined as repulsively ugly or shocking. A very ugly, scary mask is an example of a grotesque mask. When someone tells a really ridiculous lie, this is an example of a grotesque lie.

What is the best definition of grotesque?

adjective. odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.

What does drawl mean?

to speak slowly

What is another word for grotesque?

Grotesque Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for grotesque?

deformed distorted
unnatural bizarre
malformed misshapen
monstrous odd
ugly weird

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