Word meaning to keep out

не вмешиваться, не впускать, не допускать, оставаться в стороне, не позволять


- держаться вне (чего-л.)

keep out! — не входить!
the USA kept out in 1914 — в 1914 г. США не вступили в войну

- держать вне (чего-л.)

keep him out! — не впускай его!, не позволяй /не разрешай/ ему входить!

Мои примеры


to keep out of smth. — избегать чего-л.  
to keep out of the way — не занимать трассу  
keep out of danger — не подвергать себя опасности; избегать опасности  
keep out of debt — не делать долгов  
keep out at sea — держаться в море  
keep out of a quarrel — не ссориться  
keep out of mischief — держаться подальше от греха; вести себя хорошо; не проказничать  
keep out of reach of — хранить в безопасности  
louvres keep out sunlight — жалюзи защищают от солнечного света  
screen the windows to keep out mosquitoes — вставить сетку в окна для защиты от москитов  

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


First of all, there weren’t fences in front of the building silently saying keep out.

Прежде всего, перед зданием не было заборов, как бы молча предлагающих держаться подальше.

From now on, sock on the door means keep out, Jude time.

С этого момента, носок на двери означает держаться подальше, время Джуда.

But I’m pretty sure this means keep out.

Leave immediately and keep out to avoid any misunderstanding, a voice said.

«Немедленно покиньте его и держитесь подальше во избежание какого-либо недоразумения», — предупреждали они.

However, these ancient walls cannot keep out the modern world.

Тем не менее, эти древние стены не смогли устоять перед современным миром.

They keep out the things he fears most.

It would also help keep out dust.

The new one will keep out radiation for 100 years.

This could help keep out damaging insects from other countries and stop infestation before it spreads throughout a forest.

Это может помочь предотвратить попадание вредных насекомых из других стран и остановить заражение, прежде чем оно распространится по всему лесу.

The filters also keep out insects and are far more effective than a screen in an open window.

Фильтры также защищают от насекомых и намного эффективнее, чем экран в открытом окне.

Captchas, meant to be an obstacle for bots, can also keep out blind people.

Captchas, являющийся препятствием для ботов, также может не пускать слепых людей.

In all more than 400,000 plants will be used to restore a forested ecosystem, keep out exotic species and prevent erosion.

Всего 400 тысяч растений будет использовано для восстановления лесной экосистемы, недопущения экзотов и предотвращения эрозии.

They do not completely keep out exterior noises, though.

Но они не будут полностью устранять внешний шум.

Never could resist a «keep out» sign.

Никогда не могу устоять перед знаком «не входить».

You got a big «keep out» sign stapled on your forehead.

У вас большая табличка прибита к вашему лбу с надписью «Не входить«.

Don’t know why there’s that danger keep out sign downstairs.

You can’t keep out the hoi polloi.

Ты не можешь избавиться от простонародья.

Those ‘keep out‘ signs are so confusing.

Эти таблички с надписью «не входить» совершенно сбивают с толку.

Maybe you could use it to build a moat around the school, keep out the press.

Быть может, на эти деньги вы сможете сделать ров вокруг университета, чтобы сдерживать прессу.

And that’s how you keep out unwanted visitors.

Вот как надо выгонять незваных посетителей.

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  • 1
    keep out of

    keep out of something
    1. not to enter; 2. to stay away from something
    1. не входить; 2. держаться подальше от чего-то

    1. Keep out of this building. 2. I’ll handle it myself, you should keep out of this. Try to keep her out of trouble.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > keep out of

  • 2
    keep out

    keep out а) не допускать, не впускать; не позволять (of) to keep childrenout of mischief не давать детям шалить б) оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться(of) to keep out of smb.’s way избегать кого-л. to keep out of smth. избегатьчего-л.

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > keep out

  • 3
    keep out of

    Персональный Сократ > keep out of

  • 4
    keep out

    1. I

    2. III

    keep out smb., smth. /smb., smth. out/ keep children out не впускать детей и т. д.; they used nets to keep the gnats out они использовали сетки от комаров; get the gangsters out of town and keep them out выдворите бандитов из города и не допускайте, чтобы они проникли обратно, keep out the draught не устраивать сквозняков; this awning is used to keep the rain out этот навес используется для того, чтобы сюда не попадал дождь; keep the cold out а) утеплять помещение; б) не выстуживать помещение

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > keep out

  • 5
    keep out

    1. phr v держаться вне

    keep away — держаться в отдалении; не находиться вблизи

    2. phr v держать вне

    keep him out! — не впускай его!, не позволяй ему входить!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. exclude (verb) ban; bar; count out; debar; eliminate; embargo; except; exclude; occlude; ostracise; ostracize; restrain; rule out

    2. keep (verb) detain; hold; hold back; keep; keep back; reserve; retain; withhold

    English-Russian base dictionary > keep out

  • 6
    keep out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > keep out

  • 7
    keep out

    фраз. гл.

    2) оставаться в стороне от , не вмешиваться во

    to keep out of smb.’s way — избегать кого-л.

    to keep out of smth. — избегать чего-л.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > keep out

  • 8
    keep out

    а) не допускать, не впускать; не позволять (of); to keep children out of mischief не давать детям шалить;

    б) оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться (of); to keep out of smb.’s way избегать кого-л.; to keep out of smth. избегать чего-л.

    * * *

    не впускать, не допускать, не позволять, оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться

    * * *

    1) не допускать, не впускать; не позволять (чего-л. — of)
    2) оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться (of)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > keep out

  • 9
    keep out


    1) держаться вне ()

    keep out! — не входить!

    the USA kept out in 1914 — в 1914 г. США не вступили в войну

    2) держать вне ()

    keep him out! — не впускай его!, не позволяй /не разрешай/ ему входить!

    НБАРС > keep out

  • 10
    keep out

    English-Russian phrases dictionary > keep out

  • 11
    keep out

    not to enter
    не входить

    Private property! Keep out!

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > keep out

  • 12
    keep out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep out

  • 13
    keep out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep out

  • 14
    keep out of

    Общая лексика: избегать, не позволять, оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться, не пускать , оберегать , лишать , не подвергать , избегать , не вмешиваться во (что-л,) оставаться в стороне о , не подвергать себя

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep out of

  • 15
    keep out of it

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep out of it

  • 16
    keep out!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > keep out!

  • 17
    keep out

    не допускать, не впускать; не позволять

    оставаться в стороне, не вмешиваться

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > keep out

  • 18
    keep out of

    Новый англо-русский словарь > keep out of

  • 19
    keep out

    «сделать разрядку» (указание в корректуре)

    Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > keep out

  • 20
    keep out

    не допускать, не впускать

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > keep out


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • keep out of — ˌkeep ˈout of [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they keep out of he/she/it keeps out of present participle keeping out of past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep out — keep back, keep out *keep, retain, detain, withhold, reserve, hold, hold back …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • keep out — index bar (exclude), clog, condemn (ban), eliminate (exclude), exclude, reject …   Law dictionary

  • keep out — verb 1. prevent from entering; shut out (Freq. 3) The trees were shutting out all sunlight This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country • Syn: ↑exclude, ↑shut out, ↑shut • Ant: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • keep out of — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms keep out of : present tense I/you/we/they keep out of he/she/it keeps out of present participle keeping out of past tense kept out of past participle kept out of keep out of something to not become involved… …   English dictionary

  • keep out — phrasal verb Word forms keep out : present tense I/you/we/they keep out he/she/it keeps out present participle keeping out past tense kept out past participle kept out 1) keep someone/something out [transitive] to prevent someone or something… …   English dictionary

  • keep out (of) — {v. phr.} 1. To stay out; remain out of. * /The sign on the fence said, Danger! Keep out! / 2. To stave off; not allow in. * /The border patrol near El Paso, Texas, is trying to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep out (of) — {v. phr.} 1. To stay out; remain out of. * /The sign on the fence said, Danger! Keep out! / 2. To stave off; not allow in. * /The border patrol near El Paso, Texas, is trying to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • keep out — v. phr. 1. To stay out; remain out of. The sign on the fence said, Danger! Keep out! 2. To stave off; not allow in. The border patrol near El Paso, Texas, is trying to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep out of — v. phr. 1. To stay out; remain out of. The sign on the fence said, Danger! Keep out! 2. To stave off; not allow in. The border patrol near El Paso, Texas, is trying to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States …   Словарь американских идиом

  • keep out — phr verb Keep out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑cold, ↑daylight, ↑intruder …   Collocations dictionary

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phrasal verb

kept out; keeping out; keeps out


: to not enter a place

The sign on the door said «Keep out


: to stop or prevent (someone or something) from entering a place

The curtains help keep out the drafts.

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keep oneself to oneself

keep out

keep out of

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“Keep out.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/keep%20out. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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keep out — перевод на русский

/kiːp aʊt/

— You keep out of this.

— А ты не лезь.

Sloan, keep out of this.

Слоун, не лезь в это.

Keep out of it!

Не лезь в это дело!

— You keep out of this, Doris!

Не лезь, Дорис!

You keep out of this. And keep the police out too.

Не лезь в это дело — и полицию не впутывай.

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This has nothing to do with you or your newspaper, so you keep out of it.

Это не имеет никакого отношения к тебе или твоей газете, так что не вмешивайся.

For heaven’s sake, keep out of this!

Жермен, умоляю тебя, не вмешивайся.

keep out of this.

А ты не вмешивайся.

Keep out of this!

Не вмешивайся!

Just keep out of my business, you big ape.

Просто не вмешивайся в мои дела, большая обезьяна.

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«You! You’d better keep out of this!»

«А тебе лучше держаться подальше!»

I want to keep out of jail.

Я хочу держаться подальше от тюрьмы.

Soldiering, my dear madam, is the coward’s art of attacking mercilessly when you are strong, and keeping out of harm’s way when you are weak.

Военная служба, моя дорогая госпожа, это искусство трусов нападать беспощадно, когда ты силён и держаться подальше, когда ты слаб.

I’ll keep out of trouble, so I will.

Я буду держаться подальше от проблем, так-то.

So… you still say you’re going to keep out of trouble, so you will.

Ты все твердишь, что будешь держаться подальше от проблем.

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We tried to keep out of harm’s way.

Мы старались держаться в стороне.

Have to learn to keep out of his road, won’t thee, old lad?

Пора бы уже научиться держаться от него подальше, а, старина?

— Let’s keep out of his way.

Будем держаться от него подальше.

Deer and pheasants learned to keep out of you way, Marigold?

Олень и фазаны научились держаться от тебя подальше, Мариголд?

Keep out on my left.

Держись слева от меня.

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Keep out of his sight

Не попадайтесь ему на глаза!

Good! Now if he does show… keep out of his way.

— Хорошо, если она объявится, ни за что не попадайтесь ему на глаза!

Now go on back to camp and keep out of the C.O.’s way if he’s back from his recce.

А теперь ступайте в лагерь, да не попадайтесь на глаза батальонному, если он уже вернулся с рекогносцировки.

— Your idea that I should keep out of sight and time these men through binoculars is quite impossible.

— Ваша идея о том, что мне следует не попадаться этим людям на глаза и вести хронометраж через бинокль абсолютно неосуществима.

Best to keep out of view till you know they’re not villains, eh?

Лучше не попадаться им на глаза, пока не узнаешь, что они не злодеи.

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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

keep /kip/USA pronunciation  
v., kept, keep•ing, n. 

  1. to hold or cause to remain in one’s possession:[+ object]kept the change from a ten-dollar bill.
  2. to hold or cause to remain in a given place;
    put or store:[+ object]I keep the car in the garage.
  3. to (cause to) continue or stay in a certain position, state, course, condition, or action: [+ object + verb-ing]to keep a light burning.[+ verb-ing]I kept trying to reach her by phone.[~ (+ object) + adjective]Keep the children quiet during the ceremony.[+ object + verb-ed/-en]You have to keep your lawn mowed in that neighborhood.[+ object]vowed to keep his silence.
  4. to maintain or cause to stay fresh or in usable or edible condition;
    (cause to) be preserved: [+ object]to keep meat by freezing it.[no object]How long will this meat keep in hot weather?
  5. to cause to stay or remain in a particular place;
    detain:[+ object]They kept me in prison for days.
  6. to remain in (a place, spot, etc.);
    stay: [+ object]Please keep your seats.[no object]Keep off the grass.
  7. to have readily available for use or sale:[+ object]to keep machine parts in stock.
  8. to maintain in one’s service or for one’s use:[+ object]She can no longer afford to keep a car and a driver.
  9. to associate with:[+ object]to keep bad company.
  10. to (cause to) be held back from disclosing: [+ object]keeping secrets.[no object]The rest of the story will have to keep until the next time.
  11. to withhold, as from use;
    save:[+ object]to keep the best wine for guests.
  12. to restrain or prevent, as from an action: [+ object + from + verb-ing]to keep the warmth from escaping.[+ oneself + from + verb-ing]couldn’t keep herself from smiling.[+ from + verb-ing]Can you keep from smiling?
  13. to control;
    maintain:[+ object]police officers keeping the peace.
  14. to maintain by writing;
    to record regularly:[+ object]to keep a diary.
  15. to observe;
    obey or fulfill:[+ object]She always keeps her promises.
  16. to observe (a season, festival, etc.) with formalities or rites:[+ object]to keep Christmas.
  17. to maintain;
    manage:[+ object]to keep a small grocery store.
  18. to guard;
    protect:[+ object]He kept her from harm.
  19. to maintain or support:[+ object]Can you keep a family on those wages?
  20. to maintain one’s position in or on:[+ object]to keep a job.
  21. to continue to follow a path, course, etc.:[no object]Keep on this road; keep left.
  22. keep at, to (cause to) continue (working, etc.);
    persevere in: [+ at + object]She just kept at the task.[+ object + at + object]The boss kept us at it all night.
  23. keep back:
    • to hold in check;
      restrain: [+ object + back]The police kept the crowd back.[+ back + object]They kept back the crowd.
    • [no object] to stay away from:The firefighters at first kept back from the fire.
    • to withhold;
      not to tell: [+ object + back]Don’t keep any information back.[+ back + object]She’s keeping back the news from us.

  24. keep down:
    • to maintain at an acceptable level;
      control: [+ object + down]The store kept the temperature down.[+ down + object]They kept down the temperature.
    • to prevent from advancing or flourishing: [+ object + down]It’s hard to keep a good person down.[+ down + object]The company shouldn’t keep down dedicated workers.
    • to avoid vomiting (food): [+ down + object]The patient managed to keep down the meal.[+ object + down]wondered if he could keep it down.

  25. keep on, [+ on + verb-ing] to continue;
    persist:The train kept right on going.
  26. keep to, [+ to + object]
    • to obey;
      conform to;
      go along with:to keep to the rules.
    • to confine oneself to:to keep to one’s bed.

  27. keep up:
    • [+ up + with + object] to perform as swiftly or successfully as others:She easily kept up with the rest of the runners.
    • to persevere;
      continue: [+ up + object]kept up a continuous groaning.[+ up (+ with) + object]kept up (with) the payments; told her to keep up the good work.[no object]How long will that horrible music keep up?
    • [+ up + object] to maintain in good condition or repair:He liked to keep up old cars.
    • [+ up + with + object] to stay informed:He kept up with all the latest sports events.

n. [countable]

  1. the cost of food and a place to live or stay;
    support:[usually singular]had to work for his keep.
  2. the innermost and strongest structure or central tower of a medieval castle;


  1. Idioms for keeps:
    • , Idiomswith the understanding that winnings are retained by the winner:playing poker for keeps.
    • with serious intent or purpose:We’re all in this effort for keeps.
    • permanently;

  2. Idioms keep to oneself:
    • to remain apart from the society of others.
    • [+ object + to + oneself] to hold (something) as secret or not to be told to another:You can’t keep that information to yourself any longer.[+ to + oneself + object]Keep to yourself any information you receive.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(kēp),USA pronunciation v., kept, keep•ing, n. 

  1. to hold or retain in one’s possession;
    hold as one’s own:If you like it, keep it. Keep the change.
  2. to hold or have the use of for a period of time:You can keep it for the summer.
  3. to hold in a given place;
    store:You can keep your things in here.
  4. to maintain (some action), esp. in accordance with specific requirements, a promise, etc.:to keep watch; to keep step.
  5. to cause to continue in a given position, state, course, or action:to keep a light burning; to keep a child happy.
  6. to maintain in condition or order, as by care and labor:He keeps his car in good condition.
  7. to maintain in usable or edible condition;
    preserve:If you want to keep meat for a long time, freeze it.
  8. to hold in custody or under guard, as a prisoner:They kept him in jail.
  9. to cause to stay in a particular place;
    prevent or restrain from departure:The work kept her at the office.
  10. to have regularly in stock and for sale:to keep a large supply of machine parts.
  11. to maintain in one’s service or for one’s use or enjoyment:to keep a car and chauffeur.
  12. to associate with:She keeps bad company.
  13. to have the care, charge, or custody of:She keeps my dog when I travel.
  14. to refrain from disclosing;
    withhold from the knowledge of others:to keep a secret.
  15. to withhold from use;
    save:I’ll keep this toy until you learn to behave. Keep the good wine for company.
  16. to hold back or restrain:They kept the child from talking. Nothing can keep him from doing it.
  17. to maintain control of;
    regulate:to keep the peace; to keep your temper.
  18. to maintain by writing:to keep a diary.
  19. to record (business transactions, daily occurrences, etc.) regularly:to keep records; to keep a list of visitors.
  20. to observe;
    pay obedient regard to (a law, rule, promise, etc.).
  21. to conform to;
    fulfill:to keep one’s word.
  22. to observe (a season, festival, etc.) with formalities or rites:to keep Christmas.
  23. to maintain or carry on, as an establishment, business, etc.;
  24. to guard;
    protect:He kept her from harm.
  25. to maintain or support:It costs more each year to keep a house.
  26. to support or contribute to the support of in return for sexual or other favors.
  27. to take care of;
    tend:to keep a vegetable garden.
  28. Agricultureto raise (livestock):These farmers keep goats and cattle.
  29. to remain in (a place, spot, etc.):Please keep your seats.
  30. to maintain one’s position in or on:He kept the job.
  31. to continue to follow (a path, track, course, etc.).
  32. to maintain in active existence, as an assembly, court, or fair.


  1. to continue in an action, course, position, state, etc.:to keep in sight; to keep going.
  2. to remain, or continue to be, as specified:to keep cool.
  3. to remain or stay in a particular place:to keep indoors.
  4. to continue unimpaired or without spoiling:The food will keep on ice.
  5. to admit of being reserved for a future occasion:I have more to tell you, but it will keep.
  6. to keep oneself or itself as specified (fol. by away, back, off, out, etc.):Keep off the grass.
  7. to restrain oneself;
    refrain (usually fol. by from):Try to keep from smiling.
  8. keep at, to persist in;
    be steadfast:You’ll never master your French unless you keep at it.
  9. keep back:
    • to hold in check;
      restrain:The dikes kept back the floodwaters.
    • to stay away from:The crowds would not keep back from the barrier.
    • to refuse to reveal:The prisoner was keeping back vital information.

  10. Business keep books, to maintain financial records.
  11. keep down:
    • to hold under control or at a reduced or acceptable level:to keep your voice down.
    • to prevent from going up or increasing:to keep prices down.

  12. keep in with, to stay in someone’s favor;
    be on good terms with:They are social climbers who make certain to keep in with all the right people.
  13. keep on, to continue;
    persist:If you keep on singing they’ll ask you to leave.
  14. Idioms keep tab or tabs on. See tab 1 (def. 11).
  15. keep time. See time (def. 40).
  16. keep to:
    • to adhere to;
      conform to:She keeps to the rules.
    • to confine oneself to:to keep to one’s bed.

  17. Idioms keep to oneself:
    • to remain aloof from the society of others.
    • to hold (something) as secret or confidential:I’ll tell you only if you promise to keep it to yourself.

  18. Idioms keep track of. See track (def. 22).
  19. keep up:
    • to maintain an equal rate of speed, activity, or progress with another or others.
    • to persevere;
    • to maintain the good condition of;
      keep in repair.
    • Also, keep up on or with. to stay informed:to keep up on current events.
    • to match one’s friends, neighbors, business associates, etc., in success, affluence, etc.


  1. board and lodging;
    support:to work for one’s keep.
  2. the innermost and strongest structure or central tower of a medieval castle.
  3. Games keeps, (used with a sing. v.) a game of marbles in which the players keep the marbles they have won.
  4. Idioms for keeps, [Informal.]
    • under the stipulation that one keeps one’s winnings.
    • with serious intent or purpose.
    • finally;
      permanently:They decided to settle the argument for keeps.

  • bef. 1000; Middle English kepen, Old English cēpan to observe, heed, watch, await, take; perh. akin to Old English gecōp proper, fitting, capian to look, Old Norse kōpa to stare

keepa•ble, adj. 
keep′a•bili•ty, n. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Keep, reserve, retain, withhold refer to having and holding in possession.
      Keep (a common word) and retain (a more formal one) agree in meaning to continue to have or hold, as opposed to losing, parting with, or giving up:to keep a book for a week.To reserve is to keep for some future use, occasion, or recipient, or to hold back for a time:to reserve judgment.To withhold is generally to hold back altogether:to withhold help.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged preserve.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged detain, confine.
    • 53.See corresponding entry in Unabridged donjon, dungeon, stronghold.

    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged release.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

keep /kiːp/ vb (keeps, keeping, kept /kɛpt/)

  1. (transitive) to have or retain possession of
  2. (transitive) to have temporary possession or charge of: keep my watch for me during the game
  3. (transitive) to store in a customary place: I keep my books in the desk
  4. to remain or cause to remain in a specified state or condition: keep the dog quiet, keep ready
  5. to continue or cause to continue: keep the beat, keep in step
  6. (transitive) to have or take charge or care of: keep the shop for me till I return
  7. (transitive) to look after or maintain for use, pleasure, etc: to keep chickens, keep two cars
  8. (transitive) to provide for the upkeep or livelihood of
  9. (transitive) to support financially, esp in return for sexual favours
  10. to confine or detain or be confined or detained
  11. to withhold or reserve or admit of withholding or reserving: your news will keep till later
  12. (transitive) to refrain from divulging or violating: to keep a secret, keep one’s word
  13. to preserve or admit of preservation
  14. (transitive) sometimes followed by up: to observe with due rites or ceremonies
  15. (transitive) to maintain by writing regular records in: to keep a diary
  16. when intr, followed by in, on, to, etc: to stay in, on, or at (a place or position): please keep your seats, keep to the path
  17. (transitive) to associate with (esp in the phrase keep bad company)
  18. (transitive) to maintain in existence: to keep court in the palace
  19. (transitive) chiefly Brit to have habitually in stock: this shop keeps all kinds of wool
  20. how are you keeping?how are you?


  1. living or support
  2. archaic charge or care
  3. Also called: dungeon, donjon the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
  4. informal completely; permanently
  5. for the winner or possessor to keep permanently

See also keep at, keep awayEtymology: Old English cēpan to observe; compare Old Saxon kapōn to look, Old Norse kōpa to stare

to keep out‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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keep out (of something)

1. To refrain from accessing or entering some thing or place. Keep out, kids—those snacks for the party! We have to keep out of Dad’s shed because it could be dangerous with all the tools that are in there.

2. To stop someone or something from accessing or entering some thing or place. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «out.» Those snacks are for the party, so keep the kids out of the pantry. Please keep your dog out of my garden.

3. To avoid discussing someone or something. Keep my mother out of this! What has she ever done to you?

4. To avoid being involved or meddling in something. It’s my wedding, isn’t it? So keep out of my plans. Keep out of my business!

5. To stop someone from being involved or meddling in something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «out.» Keep your mother out of my wedding planning meetings, OK?

6. To remain clear of some path or course. Please keep out of the road until the work has been completed.

7. To remove someone or something from some path or route. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «out.» Please keep these boxes out of the way of the trucks. Students are reminded to keep their backpacks out of the aisles during class.

8. To avoid being a nuisance or impediment to someone. I know you’re new here, so I’m willing to cut you a little slack, but keep out of my way, you hear me?

9. To stop someone or something from being a nuisance or impediment to someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «out.» I don’t care if you want to hire him, but keep him out of my way!

10. To avoid entering some unfavorable state or condition. He was always a good student who kept out of trouble. The young nation has so far kept out of the war, having lost too many young citizens during its fight for independence. The prisoners kept out of sight as they snuck past the guards.

11. To stop someone or something from entering some unfavorable state, condition, or thing. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «keep» and «out.» I tried my best to keep my kids out of harm’s way. Many believe he paid off doctors to keep him out of the draft.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

keep someone or something out

 (of something)

1. to prevent someone or something from getting into something or some place. Keep your kids out of my yard. She just couldn’t keep herself out of the cookie jar.

2. to keep the subject of someone or something out of a discussion. Keep the kids out of this! I don’t want to talk about them. They kept Dorothy out of the discussion.

keep out

 (of something)

1. Lit. to remain outside something or some place. You should keep out of the dark-room when the door is closed. The door is closed. Keep out!

2. Fig. to remain uninvolved with something. Keep out of this! It’s my affair. It’s not your affair. Keep out!

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

keep out


1. To prevent something or someone from entering a space: The lid keeps the flies out of the jar. I have a screen door to keep out stray animals.

2. To remain in an external place: I respect your privacy; I’ll keep out of your room. There are a dangerous animals in that cage, so keep out!

3. keep out of To refrain from interfering with something, especially someone’s affairs: I think they should keep out of our argument. Keep the children out of it.

4. keep out of To prevent someone from interfering with something: I tried to keep the children out of our family’s problems.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • keep away
  • keep away (from someone or something)
  • keep by
  • keep (something) by
  • earn its keep
  • keep (something) under wraps
  • be asking for trouble
  • be looking for trouble
  • keep (one’s) eyes on (someone or something)
  • keep (one’s) eye(s) out (for someone or something)

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