Word meaning to help with

icon forward

помощь с

icon synonyms arrowhelp withassistance withaid with

To help with childcare and occasional household duties in Cambridge.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Требуется помощь с детьми и по хозяйству в Кембридже.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We contacted the authors and offered to help with the translation, they agreed.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Мы связались


авторами и предложили помощь с переводом, они согласились.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Что означает, что я буду рядом, чтобы помогать с Молли.

He headed the local painters association and was going to help with the exhibition.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Он возглавлял местный союз художников и сказал, что будет помогать с организацией выставки.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

There is the development of measures to help with Ayurveda,


modern scientific principles.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Разрабатываются меры, с помощью которых поставить и развивать аюрведу на современные научные основы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ту, которой я помогал с заданиями по математике.



the city to help with the transfer and document preparation.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Гостям города поможем с трансфером и подготовкой документов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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This is Scat, a contractor I have brought in to help with some campaign logistics.

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Это Скэт Контрактник, которого я наняла для помощи с некоторыми вопросами логистики.

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Я предложил помочь со сборкой, но она отказалась.

context icon

Я буду домой в 12 и помогу со следующим номером.

Mr. Donnelly said you would be on the call to help with the transition.

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Я поехала туда вместе с ЦКЗ помочь со вспышкой эпидемии.

context icon

Ни в коем случае. Я просто хотел помочь.

I use medical marijuana to help with my anxiety and appetite.

context icon

Я использую лечебную марихуану, чтобы разобраться со своей тревогой и аппетитом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

If you want to help with the acquisition of the necessary equipment or medications,

you can buy the necessary things and pass them


the Department.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Если вы хотите помочь с приобретением необходимого оборудования или медпрепаратов, вы

можете купить самостоятельно необходимые вещи и передать отделению.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

His cousin, in need of someone to help with some peculiar vocals for the Christmas in the Stars:

The Star Wars Christmas Album recording, employed his singing services for the track»R2-D2 We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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И когда последнему понадобился кто-то, чтобы помочь с необычной партией для альбома Christmas in the Stars:

The Star Wars Christmas Album, он воспользовался услугами Джона для трека» R2- D2 We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

The problem began when Israel Police transferred a large number of passport

controllers from the bridge


Ben Gurion Airport to help with the rush of Israelis travelling abroad.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Проблема была вызвана тем, что израильская полиция перевела большое число паспортных инспекторов


моста в аэропорту им. Бен- Гуриона, чтобы справиться с большим потоком израильтян, отправляющихся за рубеж.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We also pride ourselves on our truly high quality customer service and

are happy to help with any problem, big or small.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Мы также гордимся нашим высококачественным обслуживанием клиентов и

будем рады помочь с любой проблемой, большой или маленькой.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 277,
Time: 0.0382





  • 1
    help with

    Персональный Сократ > help with

  • 2
    help with

    help someone with something
    to assist someone with something
    помочь с чем-то

    What can I help you with? He helped me with my report / with my work.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > help with

  • 3
    help with

    English-Russian base dictionary > help with

  • 4
    help with advice

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > help with advice

  • 5
    help with shopping

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > help with shopping

  • 6
    help with solving problems

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > help with solving problems

  • 7
    help with wineache

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > help with wineache

  • 8
    The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries

  • 9
    do be a saint and help with this

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > do be a saint and help with this

  • 10
    with no other object than to help

    с единственной целью — помочь

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > with no other object than to help

  • 11
    help off

    фраз. гл.

    Please help me off with my boots, they’re so tight! — Помоги мне, пожалуйста, снять ботинки, они такие тесные!

    Англо-русский современный словарь > help off

  • 12



    1) помогать, оказывать содействие

    We helped them in / with their work. — Мы помогли им в работе.

    Help them into the house. — Проводи их в дом.

    Help her off the train. — Помоги ей сойти с поезда.

    Help him out of the car. — Помоги ему выйти из машины.

    They helped to cook the meal. — Они помогали готовить еду.

    She helped to move the furniture. — Она помогала в перестановке мебели.

    None of the locals had any desire to help us off-load the plane. — Ни у кого из местных не было ни малейшего желания помочь нам разгрузить самолёт.

    Help me down with this heavy case, will you? — Не поможешь мне спуститься с этим тяжёлым чемоданом?

    People rushed to help the old man up when he slipped on the ice. — Люди бросились помочь поскользнувшемуся старику.


    2) улучшать; оживлять

    Bright curtains will help the room. — Яркие занавески оживят комнату.


    3) содействовать, способствовать

    The troubles of the time helped here as elsewhere the progress of the town. — Сложности этого времени способствовали здесь, как и везде, развитию города.



    а) обуздывать, удерживать

    б) избегать, удерживаться

    She can’t help thinking of it. — Она не может не думать об этом.

    I could not help laughing. — Я не мог удержаться от смеха.

    I couldn’t help but laugh. — Я не мог не смеяться.

    Don’t be longer than you can help. — Не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо.


    They couldn’t help the accident. — Они не могли предотвратить катастрофу.

    Can’t help it. — Ничего не могу поделать.

    It can’t be helped. — Ничего не поделаешь.


    5) раздавать, угощать; передавать

    Tell the guests to help themselves. — Предложи гостям, пусть угощаются.

    She helped herself to the dessert. — Она положила себе десерт.

    — help forward
    — help off
    — help on
    — help out
    — help over


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]help + bare infinitive or to-infinitive[/ref]



    1) поддержка, помощь, содействие

    big / great help — огромная помощь

    domestic / home help — помощь по дому

    to give / offer / provide help — помогать

    to call for / seek help — искать, просить помощи

    She was a big / great help to us. — Она нам очень помогла.



    2) спасение, средство, источник помощи

    Books are no doubt very useful helps to knowledge. — Книги, без сомнения, очень полезный источник знаний.




    б) наёмный работник; прислуга


    He asked her for a second help of apple-pie at luncheon. — Он попросил у неё за завтраком вторую порцию яблочного пирога.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > help

  • 13


    help помощь; can I be of any help to you? могу я Вам чем-л. помочь? help помогать; оказывать помощь, содействие; it can’t be helped разг. ничего не поделаешь, ничего не попишешь; can’t help it ничего не могу поделать domestic help прислуга, помощь на дому domestic help семейная поддержка don’t be longer than you can help не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо; help down помочь сойти; help in помочь войти help = helping help (с модальным глаголом can, could) избежать, удержаться; she can’t help thinking of it она не может не думать об этом help оказывать помощь help поддерживать help поддержка help помогать; оказывать помощь, содействие; it can’t be helped разг. ничего не поделаешь, ничего не попишешь; can’t help it ничего не могу поделать help помогать help помощник; Your advice was a great help Ваш совет мне очень помог help помощник help помощь; can I be of any help to you? могу я Вам чем-л. помочь? help вчт. помощь help помощь help раздавать, угощать; передавать (за столом); help yourself берите, пожалуйста (сами), не церемоньтесь; may I help you to some meat? позвольте вам предложить мяса help служанка, прислуга; mother’s help бонна help вчт. справка help средство, спасение; there’s no help for it этому нельзя помочь help средство don’t be longer than you can help не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо; help down помочь сойти; help in помочь войти don’t be longer than you can help не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо; help down помочь сойти; help in помочь войти help into помочь войти help into помочь надеть, подать help me on with my overcoat помогите мне надеть пальто help off помочь отделаться от help off помочь снять (что-л.) (об одежде) help on помогать; продвигать (дело) help out помочь в затруднении, выручить; help over выручить, помочь в затруднении; help up помочь встать, подняться, поддержать (кого-л.) help out помочь выйти help out помочь в затруднении, выручить; help over выручить, помочь в затруднении; help up помочь встать, подняться, поддержать (кого-л.) help out помочь в затруднении, выручить; help over выручить, помочь в затруднении; help up помочь встать, подняться, поддержать (кого-л.) help раздавать, угощать; передавать (за столом); help yourself берите, пожалуйста (сами), не церемоньтесь; may I help you to some meat? позвольте вам предложить мяса help = helping helping: helping pres. p. от help help помощь help порция home help домработница home help соц. помощь на дому I could not help laughing я не мог удержаться от смеха; я не мог не засмеяться help помогать; оказывать помощь, содействие; it can’t be helped разг. ничего не поделаешь, ничего не попишешь; can’t help it ничего не могу поделать help раздавать, угощать; передавать (за столом); help yourself берите, пожалуйста (сами), не церемоньтесь; may I help you to some meat? позвольте вам предложить мяса help служанка, прислуга; mother’s help бонна need of help потребность в помощи; необходимость помощи on-line help вчт. оперативная подсказка help (с модальным глаголом can, could) избежать, удержаться; she can’t help thinking of it она не может не думать об этом software help вчт. программное обслуживание help средство, спасение; there’s no help for it этому нельзя помочь help помощник; Your advice was a great help Ваш совет мне очень помог

    English-Russian short dictionary > help

  • 14

    help [help]

    1) по́мощь;

    2) помо́щник;

    3) служа́нка, прислу́га;

    4) сре́дство, спасе́ние;

    1) помога́ть; ока́зывать по́мощь, соде́йствие; спосо́бствовать;

    2) раздава́ть, угоща́ть; передава́ть ( за столом);

    help yourself бери́те, пожа́луйста (са́ми), угоща́йтесь, не церемо́ньтесь


    a) помо́чь войти́;

    б) помо́чь наде́ть, пода́ть;

    а) помо́чь снять что-л. ( об одежде);

    б) помо́чь отде́латься от;

    а) помога́ть; продвига́ть ( дело);


    а) помо́чь вы́йти;

    б) помо́чь в затрудне́нии, вы́ручить;

    в) разли́ть ( суп); разложи́ть, положи́ть ( второе);

    help over вы́ручить, помо́чь в затрудне́нии;

    help up помо́чь встать, подня́ться

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > help

  • 15
    help down

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > help down

  • 16
    help off

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > help off

  • 17
    help on

    help on а) помогать; продвигать (дело) б) help me on with my overcoat помо-гите мне надеть пальто

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > help on

  • 18
    help out

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > help out

  • 19
    with the help of a microscope

    при помощи микроскопа (словаря, молотка, дистанционного управления)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > with the help of a microscope

  • 20
    with the help of

    Персональный Сократ > with the help of

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • help with — phr verb Help with is used with these nouns as the object: ↑enquiry …   Collocations dictionary

    • help with money — index subsidize Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

    • help*/*/*/ — [help] verb I 1) [I/T] to give someone support or information so that they can do something more easily Can you help me find my glasses?[/ex] Her brother offered to help her with her homework.[/ex] Her work involves helping people to find… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

    • help — help1 W1S1 [help] v [: Old English; Origin: helpan] 1.) [I and T] to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need ▪ If there s anything I can do to help, just give me a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • help — 1 /help/ verb 1 MAKE POSSIBLE OR EASIER (I, T) to make it possible or easier for someone to do something by doing part of their work or by giving them something they need: If there s anything I can do to help, just give me a call. | She devoted… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • help — I UK [help] / US verb Word forms help : present tense I/you/we/they help he/she/it helps present participle helping past tense helped past participle helped *** Get it right: help: The verb help is not used with the ing form of another verb. It… …   English dictionary

    • help — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, invaluable, real, substantial, tremendous …   Collocations dictionary

    • help — help1 [ help ] verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to give someone support or information so that they can do something more easily: If you are finding that difficult I could help you. Mary was anxious to help. help someone (to) do something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • Help! (song) — Infobox Single Name = Help! Artist = The Beatles from Album = Help! B side = I m Down Released = 1965 08 06 (UK) 1965 08 13 (U.S.) Format = 7 Recorded = Abbey Road: 1965 04 13 Genre = Folk rock Length = 2:18 (UK), 2:39 (US) Label = Parlophone… …   Wikipedia

    • help — [[t]he̱lp[/t]] ♦ helps, helping, helped 1) VERB If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money. [V to inf/inf] He has helped to raise a lot of… …   English dictionary

    • help — 1. noun /hɛlp/ a) Action given to provide assistance; aid. I need some help with my homework. b) A person or persons who provide assistance with some task. He was a great help to me when I was moving house. Syn …   Wiktionary

    References in classic literature

    So he sent messages to the other animals, like the lions and the leopards and the antelopes, to come and help with the nursing.

    The String Cheese Incident has a special name for its eco-social initiatives: «Gouda Causes» Activist fans who help with the causes, which include helping the homeless and buying supplies and musical instruments for children in poor school districts, are known as «Friends of Cheese.»

    My ability to help with city development took a decided turn for the better with a recent change in city administration.

    Assemble a team that will help with survey administration or focus group and interview arrangements.

    [6] Tips to Help with an Eligibility (El) Check, National Community Pharmacists Association, http://www.pharmacistelink.com/Medicarerx/RxBytes/20060112rxbytes.asp

    While the Bureau is helping with immediate needs through its ongoing relationship with Second Harvest, Operation Southern Comfort is designed to help with other long term needs.

    Through the Employment Planning and Preparation (EPP) service, people can receive job search and interview counseling and help with writing resumes.

    Also, it can help with posture and stabilize the condition.

    But many Hispanic students are «college maybes.» They appear academically ready for college work but face obstacles, such as a lack of help with college applications, lack of knowledge about the process, and lack of financial resources.

    «We are pleased to announce this timely initiative to extend our work beyond bricks and mortar to contribute to the development of supportive housing for those who may need help with life’s challenges in New York and nationwide.»

    A fashion magazine’s internal tech support was spending $150 to $200 per incident for help with a legacy Mac program when they could have been paying much less.

    The tutors would still help with writing papers; that didn’t change.

    Volunteers—they answer phones, help with activities, visit residents, and generally brighten the day in any long-term care setting.

    Investigators also can train targets and victims of hate/bias crimes as responsive and preventive advocates; engage members of local community organizations to help with the response, investigation, and prevention of hate/bias crimes; and help coordinate critical support services for primary and secondary victims.

    «Taking melatonin is not going to help with the garden variety of sleep problems most people face,» says Andrew Monjan, Chief of Neurobiology of Aging at the National Institute on Aging in Bethesda, Maryland.

    Idioms browser

    • help (someone) get a foothold in (something)
    • help (someone) in
    • help (someone) into (something)
    • help (someone) off
    • help (someone) off with (something)
    • help (someone) on
    • help (someone) on with (something)
    • help (someone) out of a fix
    • help (someone) up (from something)
    • help a lame dog over a stile
    • help along
    • help back
    • help down
    • help get a foothold
    • help in
    • help off
    • help off with
    • help on
    • help on with
    • help oneself
    • help out
    • help out with
    • help out with (someone or something)
    • help to
    • help up
    • help with
    • help with (someone or something)
    • Help yourself
    • helping
    • helping hand
    • helpmate
    • helter
    • helter-skelter
    • hem
    • hem and haw
    • hem and haw, to
    • hem in
    • he-man
    • hemorrhage money
    • hemp
    • hemp necktie
    • hempen
    • hempen circle
    • hempen cravat
    • hempen fever
    • hempen garter
    • hempen halter
    • hempen necktie
    • hempen snare
    • hempen widow
    • hen

    Full browser

    • help up from
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    • Help Us Be Successful
    • help us down
    • help us get a foothold
    • help us get a foothold in
    • Help Us Help Ourselves
    • Help Us Help the Children
    • help us in
    • help us into
    • help us off
    • help us off with
    • help us on
    • help us on with
    • help us out
    • help us out of a fix
    • help us out with
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    • Help Wanted Advertising
    • Help Wanted Advertising Index
    • Help Wanted Index
    • help with
    • help with (someone or something)
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    • Help with HTML web programing
    • Help with HTML web programing
    • help with it
    • help with me
    • help with one
    • help with somebody
    • help with someone
    • help with something
    • help with them
    • Help with This Stupid Computer!
    • help with us
    • help with you
    • help you along
    • help you back
    • help you back to
    • help you down
    • help you get a foothold
    • help you get a foothold in
    • help you in
    • help you into
    • help you off
    • help you off with
    • help you on
    • help you on with
    • help you out
    • help you out of a fix

    The phrases “help with” and “help in” are each a way to express the concept of one person helping another individual with a task, job, or other activity. But are they interchangeable? Here you will learn the meaning of both phrases and how to best use each in a sentence.

    What Is The Difference Between “Help With” And “Help In”?

    The phrases “help with” and “help in” are both proper phrases you can use. Use “help with” when you are referring to helping with something concrete (like a task or job). Use “help in” when the helping involves a more abstract task or one that continues for a longer period.

    Help With or Help In

    To clarify further, the main difference between the two phrases has to do with the specific thing that the individual needs or is offering “help with” or “help in.” The preposition “in” suggests a part of an activity, whereas the preposition “with” suggests a specific thing that requires help.

    What Does “Help With” Mean?

    The phrase “help with” means that a person is helping another person complete a task or job that is a one-time or limited-time occurrence. After the person has helped, the task is completed. It is primarily used with tangible tasks that have a real beginning and end.

    These example sentences demonstrate what is meant by a tangible task that has a definite beginning and end.

    • I need your help with picking up the toys before the guests come over.
    • Can you help with setting the table while I make dinner?
    • I need help with this math problem because it is giving me a lot of trouble.
    • The coach gave the player help with his batting technique before the game started.

    Notice how in these examples, all of the tasks are finished after the helping has been completed. In the first example, the toys will have been picked up. In the second, the table will have been set. In the third, the math problem will be finished and in the fourth, the player received coaching.

    What Does “Help In” Mean?

    The phrase “help in” means that a person is helping or receiving help for something that cannot necessarily be measured by a definite end or for something that is more conceptual than a specific task or a job.

    When you look at these examples you can better see what is meant by this explanation.

    • I’ll need your help in about an hour to set up for the party.
    • Miles needed help in figuring out what he wanted to do with his career, so he met with a counselor.
    • I need a lot of help in Chemistry, as it is the subject that I find most difficult.
    • I’ll ask for help in the morning and see if anyone is available.

    See how in these examples, the “help” is not associated with a specific job or task, but with something that is not as tangible or cannot be so easily defined or measured.

    Are “Help With” And “Help In” Interchangeable?

    “Help with” and “help in” should not be used interchangeably, as whenever the sentence deals with a concrete job or task, you should choose the phrase “help with,” and whenever it deals with something less concrete, use the phrase “help in.”

    You will most likely hear the phrases used similarly in colloquial conversation and perhaps even in the written word, but as a rule, you should follow the designations given above when deciding which one to use.

    See how in these examples, when you switch the phrases interchangeably, one of the sentences makes more sense than the other.

    • Incorrect: I need help in picking a dress to wear tonight.
    • Correct: I need help with picking a dress to wear tonight.
    • Incorrect: I needed help with my wellness journey and a life coach provided the support to help me reach my goals.
    • Correct: I needed help in my wellness journey and a life coach provided the support to help me reach my goals.

    Is “Help With” Or “Help In” Used The Most?

    A look at the usage of the phrases “help with” and “help in” throughout history shows that “help in” is the phrase that was consistently used more often. However, “help with” has surpassed it in recent times and now appears to be the more popular phrase.

    This Google Ngram Viewer shows the comparison between the two phrases. As you can see, up until about the early 1900s, the phrase “help with” was fairly non-existent. As “help with” started to make its way into the language around 1910, its usage still remained far below the usage of “help in.”

    help with,help in,help you with,help you in

    This trend continued until about the year 2012 when the phrase “help with” finally caught up with “help in” and eventually surpassed it in usage. As of 2019, this trend was holding steady with “help with” rising in popularity and “help in” slightly decreasing in usage.

    Which Other Prepositions Can Be Used After “Help”?

    There are several other prepositions that you can use after the word “help” in a sentence. These alternate phrases include: “help on,” “help at,” “help to,” and “help during,” among others that are used less frequently.

    Help On

    Use “help on” in a similar way as “help with” and it can sometimes be used interchangeably in sentences where you could also use “help with.” Be careful when choosing to use it in these cases, as it can tend to sound more ambiguous than “help with.” It can also be used to designate a specific day or date.

    • I need help on this part of the test because the instructions are confusing me.
    • I need some help on Tuesday with wrapping the presents for the party.

    Help At

    “Help At” can designate a place or a time where someone needs specific help. It can also sometimes be used interchangeably with “help with,” depending on the sentence context.

    • Can you help at the soccer game tonight? One of the coaches is out sick.
    • I’ll need your help at noon tomorrow to get the cookies made and ready for the bake sale that evening.

    Help To

    Say “help to” to designate a specific task in which you want to enlist some help. It can sometimes be used interchangeably with “help with” or “help in.”

    • Dad needs your help to rake the leaves in the backyard.
    • Will you help to distribute these lunches to the students who are waiting?

    Help During

    Use “help during” to indicate a specific period of time or a specific event in which you need help.

    • Alexis needs your help during the first part of the convention to direct the attendees to where they need to go.
    • Mrs. Smith requested your help during the day tomorrow to mow the lawn and take out the trash.

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    “Assist With” Or “Assist In” – Difference (With Examples)
    “On This Matter” or “In This Matter” – Difference (With Examples)
    10 Better Ways To Say “If I Can Be Of Any Help”

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    What is help with?

    A mythical being that will magically appear and render assistance. No one knows what help looks like as no one has ever seen it. I think it isn’t fair to blame help for promises that other people make, and help can’t keep.

    That cabinet looks to big and heavy to move by myself, don’t worry you’ll have help. I’m not qualified to do this job, don’t worry you’ll have help. I don’t have enough time for this project, don’t worry you’ll have help.

    👍1633 👎277

    help with — video

    Help with — what is it?

    What desperate wives and mothers type into their search engine at 1 AM.

    He is snoring again, his incessant chewing wasn’t enough now he’s snoring! The kids are pounding on the floors above, and the little one has screamed she hates me for the umpteenth time… help internet friends please help I’m waving my white flag

    👍271 👎35

    What does «help with» mean?

    I’m in a basement, help.

    Help me please

    👍121 👎17

    Help with — what does it mean?

    What half this website needs

    Help! I need somebody

    👍249 👎27

    Help with — meaning

    Something that a lot of us need but most of us don’t/ can’t get.

    «I need help»

    «Too bad it doesn’t exist»

    👍165 👎19

    Help with — definition

    i need help
    what kind mental or physical?

    👍103 👎13

    Help with — slang

    When a user of TikTok finds something funny or disturbing .

    «help why did he dance like that»

    👍257 👎21

    Help with


    please send help

    👍179 👎15

    Help with

    if you looked this up, you’ve probably already seen the top definition from PintoBean2003. Why does everyone think he’s joking? we have to help him he’s not joking. Have we heard from him recently? Is he even still alive? Or are the secret overlords of the urban dictionary silencing us. If so, why? If you’re voting, let this word in, please. And if you see it in the dictionary, the overlords must have overlooked this. We gotta help him

    We gotta help PintoBean2003

    👍1693 👎43

    Help with

    help this isnt a joke

    👍4617 👎109

    to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need; contribute strength or means to; render assistance to; cooperate effectively with; aid; assist: He planned to help me with my work. Let me help you with those packages. to save; rescue; succor: Help me, I’m falling!


    • 1 What does it mean to help someone?
    • 2 What vocab word means help?
    • 3 What is the example of help?
    • 4 What is the root word of help?
    • 5 How can u help others?
    • 6 What’s another word for helping others?
    • 7 Can help out meaning?
    • 8 What type of word is help?
    • 9 What to say instead of help me?
    • 10 What is a word to describe someone who helps others?
    • 11 How can I help a friend?
    • 12 How can I help society?
    • 13 How can I improve my helping behavior?
    • 14 What is the word for helping someone?
    • 15 What do you call a helpful person?
    • 16 What means help up?
    • 17 What’s another word for help out?
    • 18 What is the difference between help me and help me out?
    • 19 Is help an action word?
    • 20 What does it mean to help someone through something?

    What does it mean to help someone?

    transitive verb/intransitive verb. If you help someone, you make it easier for them to do something, for example by doing part of the work for them or by giving them advice or money.

    What vocab word means help?

    synonyms: aid, assist, assistance. types: show 27 types… hide 27 types…

    What is the example of help?

    The definition of help is aid that you request, or is someone who provides assistance. An example of help is what you are asking for when you ask your neighbor to get your mail. An example of help is someone who goes out of his way to aid you.

    What is the root word of help?

    Old English helpan “to help, support, succor; benefit, do good to; cure, amend” (transitive, class III strong verb; past tense healp, past participle holpen), from Proto-Germanic *helpanan (source also of Old Norse hjalpa, Old Frisian helpa, Middle Dutch and Dutch helpen, Old High German helfan, German helfen), a word

    How can u help others?

    5 Meaningful Ways to Help Others in the New Year

    1. Offer Kindness Proactively. Pay attention to the people around you and what you can do to make their lives a little easier.
    2. Volunteer Your Time. Community service is one of the best ways to improve the lives of others.
    3. Donate to a Cause.
    4. Donate Unused Items.
    5. Say “Thank You”

    What’s another word for helping others?

    What is another word for helping others?

    furtherance advancement
    assistance help
    aid favouringUK
    sponsorship nurture
    espousal favoringUS

    Can help out meaning?

    to help someone, especially by doing a particular job or by giving them money. My family has always helped me out. help out with: He always helped out with the housework.

    What type of word is help?

    As detailed above, ‘help’ can be a noun, an interjection or a verb. Noun usage: I need some help with my homework. Noun usage: He was a great help to me when I was moving house. Noun usage: The help is coming round this morning to clean.

    What to say instead of help me?

    What is another word for help me?

    aid me assist me
    help me out lend me a hand
    support me

    What is a word to describe someone who helps others?

    altruistic Add to list Share. Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. An altruistic firefighter risks his life to save another’s life, while an altruistic mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy.

    How can I help a friend?

    13 Ways to Support Your Friends If They Are Struggling

    1. Listen and Don’t Panic.
    2. Don’t Judge Them or Their Issues.
    3. Be There for Each Other – You’re Not Alone.
    4. Be Honest.
    5. Talk to a Trusted Adult.
    6. Phone a Helpline.
    7. Help Your Friend Feel Better.
    8. Visit a Doctor or Health Worker.

    How can I help society?

    7 Ways to Give Back to the Community

    1. Donate Your Time.
    2. A Random Act of Kindness for A Neighbor.
    3. Participate in Fundraisers and Charity Events.
    4. Help a child in need.
    5. Volunteer at your local senior living community.
    6. Plant a tree.
    7. Recycle your Plastic at a local Recycling Center.

    How can I improve my helping behavior?

    How to Increase Helping

    1. Encourage prosocial/helping behavior.
    2. Increase and optimize the 5 Decision Making Steps.
    3. Reduce inhibiting factors (pluralistic ignorance, conformity,
    4. Increase identification of risk factors.
    5. Make “in-group” more inclusive.
    6. Practice perspective taking.
    7. Increase knowledge, skills, and confidence.

    What is the word for helping someone?

    assist. verb. to help someone or something.

    What do you call a helpful person?

    Noun. Generous person. doll. sweetie.

    What means help up?

    help (someone) up
    (from something) to help someone rise up from something; to help someone get up from something. She offered to help him up from the chair. Elaine helped up her grandmother who was stuck in the chair.

    What’s another word for help out?

    What is another word for help out?

    help assist
    aid abet
    lend a hand cooperate
    chip in pitch in
    take part participate

    What is the difference between help me and help me out?

    Yes, there is a slight difference between “help me” and “help me out”. Helping somebody means simply “giving assistance/aid”. “Help smb. out” means to help smb.

    Is help an action word?

    How are action verbs different from auxiliary verbs? While action verbs are typically the main verb of the sentence and express the action being done by the subject, auxiliary verbs “help” the main action verb by expressing tense, mood, or voice.

    What does it mean to help someone through something?

    To get someone through something is to make it possible for that person to deal successfully with a difficult or painful experience, and come to the end of it: My friendship with Carla got me through those tough months just after we moved. Want to learn more?

    помощь, помощник, подсказка, подмога, помогать, способствовать


    - помощь

    - помощник

    you were a great help to me — вы мне очень помогли

    - преим. амер. работник (на ферме); слуга; прислуга, домашняя работница

    home help — домработница
    lady help — прислуга, часто на положении члена семьи
    mother’s help — домашняя работница; няня; прислуга за всё
    it’s difficult to get help these days — в наше время очень трудно найти помощника по хозяйству

    - собир. работники, служащие
    - средство, спасение

    the medicine was a help — лекарство подействовало /помогло/
    there’s no help for it — тут ничего не поделаешь
    a situation for which there was no help — положение, из которого не было выхода
    the poor woman was beyond /past/ help — бедной женщине уже ничто не могло помочь

    - разг. см. helping
    - вчт. подсказка, диалоговая документация


    - помогать, оказывать помощь

    - способствовать, содействовать

    to help towards the attainment of an end — способствовать достижению цели
    to help matters, we had a puncture — ирон. для полного счастья /в довершение всего/, у нас случился прокол
    that helped his ruin — это способствовало его разорению
    that doesn’t help the situation — это делу не поможет

    - обслуживать (за столом); подавать (кушанье)

    to help the soup — подавать суп
    I want a spoon to help the gravy with — мне нужна ложка, чтобы разлить соус

    - облегчать (боль, страдание и т. п.)

    to help a cough — смягчить кашель; вылечивать кашель
    remedies to help a cold — средства от простуды
    aspirin helps a headache — аспирин помогает при головной боли

    - to help smb. to smth. угощать кого-л. чем-л.

    I helped the boy to more meat — я положила мальчику ещё мяса
    may I help you to some more wine? — можно налить вам ещё вина?

    ещё 13 вариантов

    Мои примеры


    there’s no help for it — тут ничего не поделаешь  
    to call for help — взывать о помощи  
    to deny smb. help / to deny help to smb. — отказывать кому-л. в помощи  
    to be generous in giving help — быть всегда готовым помочь  
    help yourself — угощайтесь  
    big / great help — огромная помощь  
    domestic / home help — помощь по дому  
    to give / offer / provide help — помогать  
    to call for / seek help — искать, просить помощи  
    the hired help — наёмные работники  

    Примеры с переводом

    Can’t help it.

    Ничего не могу поделать.

    I could not help laughing.

    Я не мог удержаться от смеха.

    Help her off the train.

    Помоги ей сойти с поезда.

    Help him out of the car.

    Помоги ему выйти из машины.

    Crying won’t help.

    Плач не поможет. / Слёзы не помогут.

    I couldn’t help but laugh.

    Я не мог не смеяться.

    Help them into the house.

    Проводи их в дом.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Фразовые глаголы

    help along — способствовать, помогать продвигаться, развиваться, оказывать содействие
    help down — помочь сойти
    help forward — помогать продвигаться, развиваться, способствовать, содействовать
    help in — помочь войти
    help off — помочь снять, помочь отделаться от
    help on — помогать, продвигать
    help out — выручить, помочь выйти, выводить из затруднения, помочь в затруднении, класть
    help over — выручить, помочь в затруднении
    help up — помочь встать, помочь подняться

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    helper  — помощник, подручный, подсобный рабочий, вспомогательный паровоз
    helpful  — полезный
    helping  — помощь, порция, помогающий
    helpless  — беспомощный, беззащитный, неумелый

    Формы слова

    I/you/we/they: help
    he/she/it: helps
    ing ф. (present participle): helping
    2-я ф. (past tense): helped
    3-я ф. (past participle): helped

    help verb

     help yourself B1

    to take something for yourself:

    «Might I have some more bread?» «Please, help yourself

    Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
    • takeHe offered her the microphone but she wouldn’t take it.
    • take hold ofGet ready to take hold of the baton as the next runner approaches.
    • snatchHe snatched the letter out of my hands before I could read it.
    • stealThe car was stolen from right outside our house.
    • pinchA thief pinched his wallet and phone.
    • seizeFederal agents seized two computers.

    See more results »



    Phrasal verb


    (Definition of help from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

    help | American Dictionary

    help verb

    [ T ] How can I help you?

    help verb

    [ T ]

    to serve something to someone, or to take something for yourself:

    Help yourself to more cake.


    Phrasal verb

    help noun [U]

    Do you need help with those boxes?

    (Definition of help from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    Examples of help


    The risk is that clinicians increasingly will be reluctant to do quite ordinary procedures to help patients because of existing guidelines.

    Second, physically speaking, patients are usually helped in any such transfer by a nurse, a doctor, or one of the patient’s relatives.

    Many people with symptoms of psychological distress do not seek professional help.

    Their claim that higher levels of unemployment help extreme right parties is valid given their model.

    These parties had a common interest and were supported by non-governmental organisations which helped them put together a strong campaign.

    It helps me to think things through systematically and adopt resolve to take action, and it reminds me of my own past thinking.

    These roles help to explore other important dimensions of the experience of the patient.

    And we can consider possible roles for computers in helping students acquire these necessary skills.

    Also, hybrid strategies applied to formation control could help to enhance formation control performance in some robotic tasks.

    The role of a doctor is to help the patient at all times and remove the anxiety surrounding the condition.

    Pupils were told that they could ask their teachers, another adult or friend for help with the sheets if they needed this.

    The story, as it has been told, offers them ‘a usable past’ that should help them to cope with future change.

    You told him that you would help him with writing.

    They were explicitly told that some of the characters have features that could help them choose and some did not.

    Others pointed out that young people took tremendous risks attempting to help out their families.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

    Collocations with help

    These are words often used in combination with help.

    Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

    expert help

    To ensure that the correct forms were followed, expert help was necessary, and this help often took the form of the litigation master.

    extra help

    However, even with extra help on the farm, progress was slow.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

    Britannica Dictionary definition of HELP


    to do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job, to deal with a problem, etc.


    to aid or assist someone

    [+ object]

    • Let me help you with that box. = Let me help you lift/carry that box.

    • help a child with her homework = help a child (to) do her homework

    • I helped her up/down the stairs. [=I gave her support so that she could go up/down the stairs]

    • Help me! I’m drowning!

    [no object]

    • Don’t blame me: I was only trying to help!

    • She helped (to) set the table.

    • Help! Somebody call the police!


    to make something less severe


    to make something more pleasant or easier to deal with

    [+ object]

    • Rest helps a cold.

    • She took an aspirin to help her headache.

    • Some color would really help [=improve] this room.

    • Humor often helps a tense situation.

    [no object]

    • Yelling doesn’t help.

    • It’s not much money, but every little bit helps.

    often followed by to + verb

    • It helps to know you care. [=I feel better because I know that you care]

    [+ object]


    to give (yourself or another person) food or drink

    • There’s plenty of food, so help yourself. [=take as much food as you would like]

    often + to

    • He helped his neighbor to a glass of wine.

    • Help yourself to whatever you’d like.



    to take something for (yourself) without permission

    • He saw the money lying on the table, and he helped himself. [=he took the money]

    usually + to

    • He helped himself to the money.

    can help

    ◊ If you can help something, you can prevent it from happening.

    • Can I help it [=is it my fault] if no one listens to my advice?

    • There will be no more layoffs. At least not if I can help it. [=if I can prevent it; if it is up to me]

    cannot help

    ◊ If you cannot help yourself, you cannot control your actions or stop yourself from doing something.

    • I know I shouldn’t eat any more, but I can’t help myself.

    • They knew they shouldn’t go, but they couldn’t help themselves.

    ◊ If you cannot help something, you cannot stop it or prevent it.

    • I can’t help loving you.

    • I know I shouldn’t be angry, but I can’t help it—it’s just the way I feel.

    ◊ If you cannot help doing something or cannot help but do something, you cannot stop yourself from doing it.

    • I couldn’t help having some dessert.

    • We couldn’t help laughing. = We couldn’t help but laugh.

    ◊ Something that cannot be helped cannot be avoided.

    • It’s too bad that we have to leave, but it can’t be helped.

    God/Lord/heaven help (someone)

    used to express strong feelings of worry or concern about what is happening or could happen

    • If he ever gets control of the country, Lord help us!

    • Heaven help you [=you will be in trouble] when he finds out you dented the car.

    help off/on

    [phrasal verb]

    help (someone) off/on with (something)


    to do something that makes it easier for (someone) to put on or take off (clothing, shoes, etc.)

    • Let me help you off with your boots.

    • He helped her on with her coat.

    help out


    help (someone) out


    help out (someone)


    to do something so another person’s job or task is easier

    • I can’t do this myself. Won’t someone please help me out?

    • I sometimes help out in the kitchen.

    • He helped out with the bills whenever he could. [=he helped pay the bills whenever he could]

    so help me (God)

    used to stress that a statement is serious and truthful

    • I’m going on a diet and, so help me, this time I’ll stick to it!

    Britannica Dictionary definition of HELP



    activities or efforts that make it easier to do a job, deal with a problem, etc.

    • He thanked us for our help.

    • I could use some help with the dishes.

    • We could hear shouts for help coming from the house.

    • a help menu/screen [=a part of a computer program that gives instructions and information about how to use the program]


    something (such as money or advice) that is given to someone who needs it

    • I couldn’t have bought this house without financial help. [=without money given to me by someone else]

    • She is very unhappy and needs some serious/professional help. [=she should see a counselor or psychologist to help her with her problems]



    someone or something that makes it easier to do a job, deal with a problem, etc.

    • She has always been a real help (to me) in times of trouble.

    • He’s been more of a hindrance than a help.



    the fact of being useful to someone

    • You’ve been (of) no help at all to me. [=you haven’t helped me at all]


    the state of being helped

    • Is there any help for us? [=is there anything that can be done to help us?]

    • The situation is beyond help. [=nothing can be done to improve the situation]

    • (Brit) There was no help for it but to tell her parents. [=there was no way to avoid telling her parents]



    servants or paid workers

    • We need to hire additional help.

    • The help have already left for the day.

    • It’s hard to find good help.

    • (US) I looked through the help wanted ads. [=the part of the newspaper in which jobs are advertised]

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