Word meaning to have a way with words

  • #1

How to say — You/I have a way with words (idiom)

Meaning —
1. to have talent in the effective or stylish use of words (e.g a poet or someone who conveys what they mean exceptionally well)
2. to speak crudely when not meaning to

I’m more interested in 2.

e.g. 1) a man says someting slightly vulgar to a women without meaning to and the woman replies with a sarcastic tone »you have a way with words!»

e.g. 2) someone who speaks Russian poorly and frequently makes gramatical mistakes and chooses the wrong verb/noun (e.g давай гулять чуть-чуть побыстрее), that person can say »well, I do have a way with words!»

Last edited: Sep 24, 2009

  • Maroseika

    • #2

    1) Умеешь ты найти подход (к женщине, но не обязательно)
    2) Maybe Я могу ляпнуть что-нибудь не то? Can you explain in more details what do you mean?

    • #3

    e.g. 1) a man says someting slightly vulgar to a women without meaning to and the woman replies with a sarcastic tone »you have a way with words!»

    — my guess would be something like «у тебе приятные слова!»

    e.g. 2) someone who speaks Russian poorly and frequently makes gramatical mistakes and chooses the wrong verb/noun (e.g давай гулять чуть-чуть побыстрее), that person can say »well, I do have a way with words!»

    — my guess would be something along the lines of — «ну да, я хорошо владею русским языком!» (простите, мои грамматика плохого)

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2009

    • #4

    e.g. 2) someone who speaks Russian poorly and frequently makes gramatical mistakes and chooses the wrong verb/noun (e.g давай гулять чуть-чуть побыстрее), that person can say »well, I do have a way with words!»

    — my guess would be something along the lines of — «ну да, я хорошо владею русским языком!» (простите, мои грамматика плохого)

    To tell you the truth, I don’t quite understand you. How can a person say «ну да, я хорошо владею русским языком!» if he “who speaks Russian poorly and frequently makes gramatical mistakes…”? May be there is some humour behind, but I can’t get it. ;)
    I’ve looked into my dictionary and found a similar idiom:
    have a way
    1)(with one) быть обаятельным, обходительным, уметь держаться
    Quilp has such a way with him when he likes, that the best-looking woman here couldn’t refuse him… (Ch. Dickens, ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’, ch. IV) — Квилп так обходителен с дамами, что ни одна из нас, даже самая красивая, перед ним не устоит..
    2)(with smb. или smth.) уметь обращаться, иметь подход к кому-л. или к чему-л.
    Frank certainly has a way with vegetables. They’re growing splendidly. (M. Dickens, ‘The Winds of Heaven’, ch. 3) — Фрэнк понимает толк в овощах. Они у него прекрасно растут.
    (Lingvo dictionary)

    e.g. 1) a man says someting slightly vulgar to a women without meaning to and the woman replies with a sarcastic tone »you have a way with words!»

    — my guess would be something like «у теб


    я приятные слова!» Better to say «твои слова приятны».But the phrase is fairly neutral. Only the way it’s said can make it sound sarcastic.

    May be “ну и словарный запас у тебя!”. But it’s closer to “what an exquisite vocabulary!” If only the English phrase can be used sarcastically. “ну и…” can express both: surprise and sarcasm, I believe. Still I’m not sure to have understood the meaning of the idiom correctly.

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009

    • #5

    Я согласен с Маросейкой насчет «ляпнуть».

    I have a way with words, you know. — Я иногда могу ляпнуть что-нибудь, не подумав.

    A woman to a man: You know, you have a way with words.
    — Знаете, я бы на вашем месте думала, прежде, чем говорить.

    • #6

    To have a way with words = владеть даром слова (here)
    Владеть даром слова = обладать красноречием, уметь красиво говорить (here)
    The choice of synonyms and expressions depends on context (serious or ironical…).
    In addition to proposals written above:

    Знаете, да вы просто мастер слова! Да уж, красиво выразились…

    Умею же я сказать! Ну, в красноречии мне не откажешь…

    and so on…

    • #7

    Hallo, elemika.
    I’ve found the following:
    have a way with words
    to have talent in the effective or stylish use of words. (See also have the gift of the gab.) Ask Perry to make the announcement. He has a way with words.
    Have a way with words
    Cameron can be very charming when he wants something. Idiomatically, he has a way with words. That is, he knows what to say and how to say it to get what he wants. «It’s not your birthday and it’s a long time till Christmas but you have a way with words, Cameron. Sure, I’ll buy you that bicycle» Uncle Bob smiled.

    The choice of synonyms and expressions depends on context (serious or ironical…)

    Exactly. The phrase is sometimes used ironically like in the examples you gave, but it does not imply that it has two meanings. That’s why I don’t think that «ляпнуть» or “я бы на вашем месте думала, прежде, чем говорить” can be used as an adequate translation of the idiom.

    • #8

    Let me remind you the poster’s original question:

    How to say — You/I have a way with words (idiom)

    Meaning —
    1. to have talent in the effective or stylish use of words (e.g a poet or someone who conveys what they mean exceptionally well)
    2. to speak crudely when not meaning to

    I’m more interested in 2.

    «Crude» implies «lacking grace, education, or sensitive feelings». If we assume that the expression in question can be interpreted as ‘to speak crudely when not meaning to’, and I have no reason to doubt it since it comes out of the mouth of an English native speaker, then the suggested variants like «ляпнуть», etc. seem to be an absolutely adequate translation.

    • #9

    «Crude» implies «lacking grace, education, or sensitive feelings». If we assume that the expression in question can be interpreted as ‘to speak crudely when not meaning to’, and I have no reason to doubt it since it comes out of the mouth of an English native speaker, then the suggested variants like «ляпнуть», etc. seem to be an absolutely adequate translation.

    It has the same meaning but lacks the irony and thus have a different semantic colouring.

    • #11

    Exactly. The phrase is sometimes used ironically like in the examples you gave, but it does not imply that it has two meanings. That’s why I don’t think that «ляпнуть» or “я бы на вашем месте думала, прежде, чем говорить” can be used as an adequate translation of the idiom.

    Hallo, dec-sev :) and everybody :)!
    To tell the truth, I’m not able to catch the «sarcastic meaning». My short research showes that «to have a way with words» is a feature of some person who knows how to use the words (in all ways and manners: friendly, sarcastic, so on).
    I like estreets’s «не лезть за словом в карман» but it also doesn’t have any negative or sarcastic connotation («to speak crudely when not meaning to»), and the second example of OP doesn’t help.
    For ляпнуть, сморозить there is another idiom: «to put one’s foot in one’s mouth». I’m not sure that «to have a way with words» works as a synonym here :confused:

    • #12

    Hallo, dec-sev :) and everybody :)!
    To tell the truth, I’m not able to catch the «sarcastic meaning».

    Come on! You are :)
    An example:
    Вася сказал, что купит пиво.
    -Жди! Купит он!

    Doesn’t the phrase sound sarcastic or ironic? I believe it does.

    @Garbuz:I’ve asked a friend of mine who is an Englishman. He told me that if someone had a way with words it meant that “that person is skillful and talented in the use of words.” He also said that the phrase was often used ironically to mean the exact opposite, like many other phrases.

    «Ляпнуть» or “я бы на вашем месте думала, прежде, чем говорить”) are two of many possible ways a person can react on the words he thinks to be crude, imprudent, etc. You could also say: “Выбирайте слова, когда общаетесь с женщинами», but that wouldn’t convey the idiom, or, as Sobakus puts it, the meaning is the same, but there is no irony.

    2. to speak crudely when not meaning to

    I don’t think that it’s about the meaning of the idiom itself but about the fact that the idiom can be applied as a response to a person who uses “crude” words. Of course, the phrase will sound ironical in this case. Look at the variants proposed by Zagga Dotchni himself: “»у тебе приятные слова!», «ну да, я хорошо владею русским языком!». No hint to «Ляпнуть». It’s closer to the idiom literally translated into Russian but said with a sarcastic or ironic tone. At least I see it this way.

    • #13

    @Garbuz:I’ve asked a friend of mine who is an Englishman. He told me that if someone had a way with words it meant that “that person is skillful and talented in the use of words.” He also said that the phrase was often used ironically to mean the exact opposite, like many other phrases.

    «Ляпнуть» or “я бы на вашем месте думала, прежде, чем говорить”) are two of many possible ways a person can react on the words he thinks to be crude, imprudent, etc. You could also say: “Выбирайте слова, когда общаетесь с женщинами», but that wouldn’t convey the idiom, or, as Sobakus puts it, the meaning is the same, but there is no irony.

    I don’t think that it’s about the meaning of the idiom itself but about the fact that the idiom can be applied as a response to a person who uses “crude” words. Of course, the phrase will sound ironical in this case. Look at the variants proposed by Zagga Dotchni himself: “»у тебе приятные слова!», «ну да, я хорошо владею русским языком!». No hint to «Ляпнуть». It’s closer to the idiom literally translated into Russian but said with a sarcastic or ironic tone. At least I see it this way.

    I see what you mean. В недавнем прошлом, когда один российский политический лидер, известный своим косноязычием, выступал с трибуны, иногда раздавались саркастические реплики, типа «Цицерон ты наш». It seems Zagga, who started this thread, was looking for something of the kind.

    have a way with words

    To have the ability to speak to others in a self-assured, persuasive manner. Alexis really has a way with words, so she should be the one to address the potential investors.

    See also: have, way, word

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    have a way with words

    to have talent in the effective or stylish use of words. (See also have the gift of the gab.) Ask Perry to make the announcement. He has a way with words.

    See also: have, way, word

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    See also:

    • way with words
    • have the gift of (the) gab
    • have the gift of gab
    • the gift of (the) gab
    • the gift of gab
    • the gift of the gab
    • gift of gab
    • have a gift for gab
    • walk heavy
    • waltz up (to someone or something)
    have a way with words
    язык хорошо подвешен

    Dave has such a way with words that his staff does everything he tells them to do.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

    Смотреть что такое «have a way with words» в других словарях:

    • have a way with — idi to have a charming, persuasive, or effective manner of dealing with: He has a way with children; to have a way with words …   From formal English to slang

    • have a way with — To be good at dealing with or managing (people, etc) • • • Main Entry: ↑way * * * have a way with phrase to be able to deal with someone or something well He really has a way with animals. Thesaurus: to do something well or better than someone… …   Useful english dictionary

    • have a way with someone — have a way with (someone/something) to be especially good in dealing with someone or something. My son has a way with little kids. She had a way with words that was fantastic …   New idioms dictionary

    • have a way with something — have a way with (someone/something) to be especially good in dealing with someone or something. My son has a way with little kids. She had a way with words that was fantastic …   New idioms dictionary

    • have a way with — (someone/something) to be especially good in dealing with someone or something. My son has a way with little kids. She had a way with words that was fantastic …   New idioms dictionary

    • have a way with somebody — have a way with sb/sth idiom to be good at dealing with sb/sth • He has a way with small children. • She has a way with words (= is very good at expressing herself). Main entry: ↑wayidiom …   Useful english dictionary

    • have a way with something — have a way with sb/sth idiom to be good at dealing with sb/sth • He has a way with small children. • She has a way with words (= is very good at expressing herself). Main entry: ↑wayidiom …   Useful english dictionary

    • A Way with Words — Infobox Radio Show show name = A Way with Words format = language questions and answers, call in runtime = 55 min. country = USA language = English presenter = Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett creator = Wayword LLC director = producer = Stefanie …   Wikipedia

    • way — [[t]we͟ɪ[/t]] ♦ ways 1) N COUNT: oft N of ing, N to inf If you refer to a way of doing something, you are referring to how you can do it, for example the action you can take or the method you can use to achieve it. Freezing isn t a bad way of… …   English dictionary

    • way — way1 wayless, adj. /way/, n. 1. manner, mode, or fashion: a new way of looking at a matter; to reply in a polite way. 2. characteristic or habitual manner: Her way is to work quietly and never complain. 3. a method, plan, or means for attaining a …   Universalium

    • Do I Have to Say the Words? — Single by Bryan Adams from the album Waking Up the Neighbours …   Wikipedia

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    To have a way with words means to have a talent for using language in a:

    charming / eloquent / effective / persuasive manner.

    It is also referred to as: the gift of the gab.

    Although the expression recognises the talent of the speaker, it can equally be used of great orators or of demagogues/rabble-rousers.

    That’s to say, it acknowledges the ability of the speaker to use words effectively to achieve a goal, whether for good or evil.

    One way of achieving such eloquence is said to be kissing Ireland’s Blarney stone, part of a castle near the city of Cork. Eloquent people are sometimes said to have kissed the Blarney stone.


    What does “having a way with words” mean?

    Is “having a way with words” of benefit when undertaking transcription work? And what on earth is the relevance of the photo above?

    “Having a way with words” means to have a talent for using language in a charming, eloquent, effective or persuasive manner. Essentially it is someone who has the “gift of the gab”. It is a UK expression primarily, but gift of the gab originates from Ireland, where it is used to refer to someone who has kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland. The photo above is in fact a picture of tourists attempting to kiss the Blarney Stone.

    Does it matter if you have the gift of the gab or a way with words to do transcription work? It certainly helps. If you can see the likely structure of a sentence then it will certainly make life easier trying to pick up the various words used to construct the sentence. For example in the sentence:

    “Oo you really have a way with w…”

    and you are not able to hear the last word 100%, then an experienced transcriber will know that there is a virtually guaranteed chance that the last word will be “words”. A non-native speaker of whichever language you are having transcribed will seriously struggle to make the same assumption.

    “Having a way with words” is a traditional British expression for describing someone who is able to talk the hind legs off a donkey or have the gift of the gab. A similar Yorkshire expression is that you are ‘warna than owt’. All of these expressions indicate someone who is able to smooth talk, explain something clearly, or gloss over awkward things or otherwise seek to persuade someone to do something when they would rather not. Having a way with words is often an expression used when it comes to politicians, so for example you may or may not like or appreciate David Cameron (at least half the people in the UK really wouldn’t like to spend much time with him at the moment after his EU referendum decision making debacle), but he certainly had a way with words and seemed to get the better of Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader nearly every week at Prime Minister Question Time in the House of Commons.

    Having a way with words is also something that a good number of conmen and fraudsters have as they are able to persuade their victims to part with their hard earned money.

    When it comes to transcription it is probably a good idea to get a UK transcriber to complete your work as such expressions will not get picked up by transcribers working overseas and not used to such regional expressions.

    ironic. have a peculiar way with words говорить своеобразно (Как показывает следующий пример, «своеобразно» употребляется в значении косноязычно: President George W. Bush had a peculiar way with words. He was relentlessly mocked for saying of al-Qaeda et al., «They hate our freedoms – our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other,» which was soon reduced to «They hate us for our freedoms» and held up for scorn. VLZ_58)


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    • Английский (американский вариант)

    It means you say all the right things. you always know the best thing to say to achieve a goal. This is usually when someone is flirting with a girl or trying to sell something. Their words can be really good at getting what they want.

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    It means someone is very good at speaking/writing. They can convince people to do things or believe things they say/write. It can also be used if they describe things really well. So like if you’re reading a book and ever feel like you can picture the setting in your mind or feel like you’re there with the characters then the author “has a way with words”

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    It means they have a talent to speak eloquently / charming / persuasively.

    John wants to sell you a cat. You hate cats.
    John actually convinces you to buy the cat.
    Sally hears about it and says: Dang, John has a way with words, he sold her a cat!

    Ex 2:
    You go to a poetry reading.
    You hear someone who wrote a beautiful poem.
    You can say — Wow, he has a way with words.

    Ex 3:
    John did something bad at work and gets called to boss’s office.
    John comes out smiling and chatting with the boss.
    Sally and Jane are amazed and say. John sure has a way with words, he got out of trouble. (meaning what he said to the boss convinced him to not be mad).

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    [News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

    Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
    С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


    Что значит to have a way with words. ?

    • Что значит to give the notion of something?


      give a vague idea of how something looks, feels etc. to someone else

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      What is his intention? or what exactly does he mean through those words

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      ‘a fair way to describe’
      It is without bias or influence from another person. You have to be honest.

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      It means making a topic easier to understand by giving extra information about the time, place, situation, history, and so on.

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    • Idiom: To have a way with words
    • Language: English
    • Explained meaning: English, Persian, Russian
    • Lyrics containing the idiom: 2 lyrics
    • Idiom submitted by: Safyra

    Meanings of «To have a way with words»


    To be well spoken, especially in the sense of persuading others. For example: «The president has a way with words.»

    Explained by SafyraSafyra on Sat, 20/04/2019 — 07:47

    Explained by ahmad azizahmad aziz on Wed, 03/06/2020 — 10:31


    хорошо владеть (разговорным) языком; иметь способность убеждать других; не лезть за словом в карман.

    Explained by St. SolSt. Sol on Mon, 22/04/2019 — 15:21

    «To have a way with …» in lyrics

    Ott Lepland — Hear me [Kuula]

    Hear me in every nature’s sounds
    Hear me in whispers of the ground
    Be near me through murmurs in the dark
    Do you hear me?

    Предложения с «have a way with words»

    You do have a way with words , don’t you?

    Вы умеете владеть словами , не так ли?

    You know that I have a way with words .

    Ты знаешь, что у меня особый подход к словам .

    You really have a way with words .

    Ты всегда так безразличен к словам .

    Well, well, Sir, you have a way with words .

    Ну, молодец, Господин. А у тебя язык подвешен.

    Your father does have a way with words .

    Твой отец знает, что сказать.

    The senator did have a way with words , sir.

    Сенатор действительно знал,что сказать,сэр.

    Well, you know the kid does have a way with words .

    Ты знаешь, парень обладает даром убеждения.

    You really have a way with words and a, and a very particular style.

    Вы действительно хорошо складываете слова и у Вас очень специфический стиль.

    You do have a way with words , Maggie.

    Ты странно разговариваешь, Мэгги.

    I was brought up like this, I got used to doing it this way, when I read a written word in simplified spelling, my eyes hurt.

    Я не хочу ничего менять, меня так научили, я привык делать именно таким образом, и когда я вижу, что слово написано упрощённо, глазам больно.

    In Mandarin, they have a word yù yī — I’m not pronouncing that correctly — which means the longing to feel intensely again the way you did when you were a kid.

    В севернокитайском есть слово юйи — я произношу неправильно, — что означает сильное желание быть полностью чем — то захваченным, как это бывало в детстве.

    And the whole mission of the project is to find holes in the language of emotion and try to fill them so that we have a way of talking about all those human peccadilloes and quirks of the human condition that we all feel but may not think to talk about because we don’t have the words to do it.

    Цель проекта — поиск пробелов в языке, описывающем эмоции, и их устранение, чтобы появилась возможность обсуждать все те слабости и странности поведения людей, которые все мы ощущаем, но о которых не можем поговорить, поскольку подходящих слов просто нет.

    That’s when we find ourselves in endless, mindless repetitions of words that don’t mean anything to us, rising and being seated because someone has asked us to, holding onto jealously guarded doctrine that’s completely and wildly out of step with our contemporary reality, engaging in perfunctory practice simply because that’s the way things have always been done.

    Именно в такие моменты мы обнаруживаем, что бесконечно, бездумно повторяем слова , которые для нас уже ничего не значат, встаём и садимся, потому что кто — то нас попросил, держимся за ревностно охраняемую доктрину, которая совершенно отстала от современной реальности, участвуем в формальных ритуалах просто потому, что так было всегда.

    I learned that I didn’t speak the right way, and to demonstrate the proper ways of speaking, my teachers gave me frequent lessons, in public, on the appropriate way to enunciate certain words .

    Оказалось, что я не так говорю, и чтобы показать мне, как следует говорить, преподаватели часто учили меня, при всех, как следует произносить некоторые слова .

    What we do know is that in the twentieth century about 900,000 new words went into the Oxford English Dictionary, which is the vast vast dictionary that Oxford keeps going, basically constantly, tracking current language and historical language, so that means on average about 900 words each year made it in a significant enough way to get into the dictionary.

    Что мы действительно знаем, то что в двадцатом веке около 900,000 новых слов вошли в Оксфордский словарь английского языка, который является громаднейшим словарем , который Оксфорд продолжает поддерживать, в сущности постоянно, отслеживая текущий и исторический язык, так что это значит в среднем около 900 слов каждый год становятся достаточно важными, чтобы попасть в словарь .

    We forget a lot of German words and replace them by English words and they are pronounced in the same way.

    Мы забываем много немецких слов и заменяем их английскими, и они произносятся тем же способом.

    And the only way Cassie’s death will have meant something is if the Founder is true to his word.

    И единственным способом гибель Кэсси будет означать что — то, если Основатель останется верен своему слову .

    Aylward’s words were interrupted by an extraordinary hubbub which broke out that instant some little way down the street in the direction of the Priory.

    Эйлварда прервал необычайный шум, который в эту минуту раздался неподалеку на дороге, ведущей к монастырю.

    In other words , I cannot categorically say one way or another.

    Иными словами , я не могу категорически утверждать то или другое.

    He tried to find the words of prayer, the way to plead with God to save his wife and his son.

    Он попытался вспомнить слова молитвы и начал умолять Господа спасти его жену и сына.

    He uttered that distasteful word in the same way that a man might tease a sore tooth.

    Хорнблауэр выговорил эти отвратительные слова как человек, трогающий больной зуб.

    He translated musical notation into a 21-letter system as a way of spelling words with notes.

    Он перевёл нотописание в 21 — символьную систему написания слов с нотами.

    The provisions were worded in such a way that they were in all cases applicable to torture, including psychological torture.

    Эти положения сформулированы таким образом, что они всегда могут применяться в случае применения пыток, включая психологические пытки.

    On our way home your daughter used a word that I won’t repeat.

    По дороге домой твоя дочь произнесла слово , которое я не хочу повторять.

    In other words , an ordinary person is in no way able to examine them.

    Другими словами , обычные граждане ни при каких обстоятельствах не могут получить к ним доступа.

    She’s got a way of twisting words around and saying things she thinks are clever.

    У нее какой — то способ выворачивания слов и она говорит вещи, которые считает умными.

    Unified Messaging uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to calculate its confidence in the preview, but it has no way to determine which words are wrong and which are correct.

    Единая система обмена сообщениями использует автоматическое распознавание речи (ASR) для вычисления вероятности в просмотре, но не способна определить, какие слова правильны, а какие — нет.

    Is there some gustatory or culinary analog of a novel or film? In other words , can you eat or taste a complete, riveting story the way you can watch or read one?

    Существует ли вкусовой или кулинарный аналог рассказа или фильма? Иными словами , возможно ли съесть или попробовать на вкус завершенную, захватывающую историю подобно тому, как ее можно прочитать или увидеть на экране?

    This is my favorite word, by the way.

    Кстати, это моё любимое слово .

    In other words , WhatsApp has no way of complying with a court order demanding access to the content of any message, phone call, photo, or video traveling through its service.

    Иными словами , WhatsApp никак не сможет выполнить распоряжение суда о предоставлении доступа к содержанию сообщений, телефонных звонков, фото и видео, передаваемых через сервис.

    Note: If they’re using the latest version of Excel, PowerPoint, or Word there’s an easier way: They can click File > Open and select Shared with Me.

    Примечание: Пользователи, у которых установлена последняя версия Excel, PowerPoint или Word, могут сделать это более простым способом: нужно выбрать Файл > Открыть и щелкнуть Мне предоставлен доступ.

    One way is to choose Start and then begin typing the name of the application, such as Word or Excel.

    Можно нажать кнопку Пуск, а затем начать вводить название приложения, например Word или Excel.

    In other words , if your trust in the market and in the way it is regulated fell sharply, you were less likely to deposit money in banks or invest in stocks.

    Другими словами , если ваше доверие к рынку и к тому, как он регулируется, резко снизилось, вы вряд ли вложите деньги в банки или инвестируете в ценные бумаги.

    In other words , this is a shorthand way of knowing that this is a foreign key and its primary key is the customer ID field in the customer’s table.

    Другими словами , мы обозначили, что это внешний ключ, а соответствующим первичным ключом выступает поле ИД клиента в таблице «Клиенты».

    In fact, given what Baker describes, the word “strategy” might actually be far too charitable a term to describe the way in which Bush approached Putin’s Russia.

    Учитывая то, о чем пишет Бейкер, слово «стратегия» может показаться слишком шикарным для характеристики подхода Буша к путинской России.

    In other words , you are completely confident that the situation in no way has affected the performance of the goalkeeper?

    То есть вы полностью уверены, что ситуация никак не сказалась на кондициях вратаря?

    In other words , whatever the test approach, it is just a method for incrementally increasing your confidence that your strategy will not work; rarely does it work the other way.

    Другими словами , независимо от подхода к тестированию, это всего лишь метод для увеличения вашей уверенности в том, что ваша стратегия не будет работать; редко бывает по — другому. Я соглашусь с вами.

    The way it looks now, liberals, in the progressive American sense of the word, may actually have been among the losers of 1989.

    По состоянию на сегодняшний день, либералы в прогрессивном американском смысле этого слова могут в действительности оказаться среди проигравших 1989 года.

    Either way, she said, you always struggle with words that end in -tion.

    — Все равно, — сказала она, — слово с окончанием ция у тебя не выходит.

    I got dragged into a very bad I word rerun, starring Nora and Mary Louise, so we could track down Rayna Cruz, the big scary huntress- who, by the way, turned out to be 80 and senile

    Меня втянули в плохую версию Возвращения в город Л в главных ролях Нора и Мэри Луиза, мы выследили Рейну Круз, большую страшную охотницу которая ,кстати, оказалась 80 — ти летней старушкой.

    This letter broke off in a different way — after the me the pen had tailed off in a scrawl, and the last five words were all blurred and blotchy.

    Это послание обрывалось по — иному — после слова мной следовали неразборчивые каракули и кляксы.

    It is purely gambling from beginning to end, were Nathaniel Letton’s words ; and we refuse to have anything to do with it or to take notice of it in any way.

    Чистая спекуляция с начала и до конца, — сказал репортерам Натаниэл Леттон. — Мы ничего общего с этим не, имеем и даже знать об этом не желаем.

    Is there any way you could sum up your philosophy on new new feminism in just a few words ?

    Не могли бы вы как — то выразить свою философию о новом — новом феминизме в двух словах ?

    I think once the word gets out there, it might affect the way people behave around us.

    Я думаю если начнутся разговоры, Это может повлиять на то, как люди начнут к нам относиться.

    But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words , then that should have turned them from their evil way, and the evil of their doings!

    Но если бы они послушали моего совета, и дали моим близким услышать мои слова , то это отвело бы их от пути зла и зла в их деяниях!

    In that way Lydgate put the question-not quite in the way required by the awaiting answer; but such missing of the right word befalls many seekers.

    Так поставил вопрос Лидгейт — несколько иначе, чем того требовал еще скрытый ответ. Но многие искатели истины не находят нужного слова .

    Soon, word came over the radio that Hammond was on his way to rejoin us and that he wasn’t in the best of moods.

    Скоро мы услышали по радио, что Хаммонд готов к нам присоединиться, и что он весьма не в настроении.

    Young ladies have a remarkable way of letting you know that they think you a quiz without actually saying the words .

    Молодые особы отлично умеют дать вам понять, что считают вас чудачкой, не прибегая к словам .

    The archaeology of sound has only just been perfected and the systematic cataloguing of words has until recently been undertaken in a haphazard way.

    Археология звука была доведена до совершенства лишь недавно. Систематизация и каталогизация слов до недавнего времени производилась случайным образом.

    Steven Mallory speaking, said a young, hard voice, in a way that left an impatient, belligerent silence after the words .

    Говорит Стивен Мэллори, — произнёс молодой, чёткий голос, оставляя нетерпеливые агрессивные паузы между словами .

    Few and quick were the words we were able to exchange, for the way jammed on the moment, and soon my men and horses were being pressed and jostled.

    Мы могли даже обменяться несколькими торопливыми словами , ибо в то мгновение нам загородили дорогу и моих людей с лошадьми стеснили и затолкали.

    These words had scarcely escaped him, when the carriage was on its way, and the feet of the horses struck a shower of sparks from the pavement.

    Едва он произнес это слово , лошади рванулись, и из — под копыт брызнул целый дождь искр.

    Now, when the manager got word that a raid was on its way, he would eighty-six his patrons.

    Когда управляющего предупреждали о рейде, он должен был избавиться от всех клиентов.

    Why was it wrong to ask questions’? The words hallowed be Thy name acquired a mysterious significance in my mind, and I purposely mixed them up in every possible way.

    Слово яко же принимало скрытый смысл, и я нарочно всячески искажал его: — Яков же, я в коже…

    Oh, my favorite- George Lucas can talk all the way through Star Wars, I say one word and I’m banished to the kitchen.

    Ой, вот это моё любимое — Джорджу Лукасу, значит, можно трепаться во время Звёздных войн, а мне стоило только заикнуться — и меня выгнали на кухню.

    In some odd way, the headmistress felt the words were a warning.

    И директриса каким — то странным образом поняла: она только что получила предостережение.

    With the unspoken footnote… that the word these days was being way too overused.

    Даже без сноски о том, что это слово нынче слишком затаскано.

    On the way out I will have another word with old Georges.

    По пути я еще переговорю с Жоржем.

    I always talk about it that way, I say, ‘There’s a sliver of space’ I almost use your words !

    Говорю есть островок — почти теми же словами , что и ты.

    Farfrae came on with one hand in his pocket, and humming a tune in a way which told that the words were most in his mind.

    Фарфрэ шел, засунув руку в карман, и напевал песню, слова которой, видимо, были для него важнее мелодии.

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