Word meaning to cry out


Смотреть что такое «cry out» в других словарях:

  • cry out to be — ( ● cry …   Useful english dictionary

  • cry out — verb utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy (Freq. 10) I won! he exclaimed Help! she cried I m here, the mother shouted when she saw her child looking lost • Syn: ↑exclaim, ↑cry, ↑outcry, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • cry out — v. 1) (d; intr.) ( to appeal ) to cry out against; for (to cry out against injustice; to cry out for equal rights) 2) (d; intr., tr.) ( to shout ) to cry out to (he cried out to us to stop) * * * [ kraɪ aʊt] for (to cry out against injustice; to… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • cry out — phrasal verb Word forms cry out : present tense I/you/we/they cry out he/she/it cries out present participle crying out past tense cried out past participle cried out 1) [intransitive] to make a loud noise because you are in pain or because you… …   English dictionary

  • cry out — PHRASAL VERB If you cry out, you call out loudly because you are frightened, unhappy, or in pain. → See also cry 2) [V P in n] He was crying out in pain on the ground when the ambulance arrived… [V P] Hart cried out as his head struck rock …   English dictionary

  • cry out — verb To shout in a loud voice, due to pain, or fear, or unhappiness. 1979, See Also: cry out against, cry out for …   Wiktionary

  • cry out — phr verb Cry out is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑voice …   Collocations dictionary

  • cry cry out something — ˌcry ˈout/ˌcry ˈout sth derived to shout sth loudly • She cried out for help. • She cried out his name. • + speech ‘Help!’ he cried out. Main entry: ↑cry …   Useful english dictionary

  • cry out out something — ˌcry ˈout/ˌcry ˈout sth derived to shout sth loudly • She cried out for help. • She cried out his name. • + speech ‘Help!’ he cried out. Main entry: ↑cry …   Useful english dictionary

  • cry out for — • cry (out) for v informal To need badly; be lacking in. It has not rained for two weeks and the garden is crying for it. The school is crying out for good teachers …   Словарь американских идиом

  • cry out for something — cry out for (something) to need something badly. The conflict cries out for international action to resolve it …   New idioms dictionary

выкрикивать, вскрикивать, объявлять во всеуслышание


- вскрикнуть; выкрикивать

the boy cried out with pain — мальчик вскрикнул от боли

- громко жаловаться
- протестовать, выражать протест

the people of the country cried out against the war — народ страны протестовал против войны

- скрипеть (о предметах)
- (for) молить (о чём-л.); остро нуждаться (в чём-л.)

the garden is crying out for rain — сад погибнет без дождя
to cry one’s eyes /heart/ out — выплакать все глаза; безутешно рыдать
for crying out loud! — какого чёрта?, сколько можно!
stop it for crying out loud! — да перестань же ты в конце концов!
for crying out loud shut the door! — да закройте же наконец дверь!

Мои примеры


to cry out in alarm — закричать /вскрикнуть/ от страха  
cry out in alarm — вскрикнуть от страха; закричать от страха  
cry out in surprise — вскрикнуть от удивления; закричать от удивления  
cry out — объявлять во всеуслышание; настоятельно требовать; высказывать порицание  
cry out against injustice — выступать против несправедливости  
cry out against the war — протестовать против войны  
cry out against — выступать против  
cry out for new policy — требовать новой политики  
cry out in fear — вскрикнуть от страха  
cry out with one voice — единодушно воскликнуть  

Примеры с переводом

The garden is crying out to be watered.

Деревья в этом саду крайне нуждаются в поливе.


: to make a loud sound because of pain, fear, surprise, etc.


: to speak in a loud voice : to say something loudly or from a distance

We could hear them on the shore crying out to us, so we waved.


used to say that something clearly needs or should have a particular thing, person, use, etc. often + to be

A chair like this cries out to be used, not kept in some museum.The meal cried out to be eaten with a nice white wine.

often + for

The meal cried out for a nice white wine.The job cries out for someone who’s not afraid to take chances.

Dictionary Entries Near cry out

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“Cry out.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cry%20out. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Nevertheless, I do not want just to cry out.

Но тем не менее, я не хочу просто кричать.

They’ll end it quicker if you don’t cry out.

Конец настанет быстрее, если не кричать.

You want to cry out, I can’t see anything.

Вам хочется закричать: «Я же ничего не вижу.

He needs to cry out, not you.

I never heard him cry out.

Никогда не слышал, чтобы он кричал».

We cry out because someone will hear us.

Мы кричим, потому что хотим, чтобы нас услышали.

They just heard my sister cry out.

Я только слышал, как кричит моя мама .

As soon as somebody criticizes their arguments and tries to prove the harmony doctrine they cry out bias.

Как только кто либо начинает критиковать их аргументы и пытается доказать доктрину гармонии, они кричат о предвзятости.

According to legend the stone of destiny would cry out when the rightful king was chosen.

Согласно легенде, камень судьбы кричал, когда был выбран законный король.

So we’re watching the theatrics of this robot struggle and cry out.

И вот мы наблюдаем, как этот робот барахтается и кричит.

Don’t worry though — I cry out when I like it.

Только не пугайся — я кричу, когда мне хорошо.

I’m strong, handsome, my wives cry out from my bed.

Я силён, красив и мои жёны кричат в моей постели.

And no matter what happens, you mustn’t cry out or make any sudden move.

Важно, что бы ни произошло, ты не должна кричать и делать резких движений.

For eight years, every time he came near me, I wanted to cry out.

В течение восьми лет всякий раз, когда он ко мне приближался, я хотела кричать.

You try to cry out but you are unable to hear your own screams.

Пытаешься кричать, но не слышишь своего крика.

Eat, I want to cry out at night again.

Ешь, я ночью хочу еще кричать.

I’m the one who heard him cry out last night.

Я слышала, как он кричал прошлой ночью.

They cry out that they will transport oil and gas on our pipeline system.

«Они кричат, что не будут транспортировать газ и нефть по нашим трубопроводным системам.

So I don’t feel male actors have a particular right to cry out about this.

«Поэтому я не чувствую, что у мужских актеров есть особое право кричать об этом.

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cry out

1. To shout or yell to someone or something. A noun or pronoun can be used between «cry» and «out.» I cried out to my dad as soon as I saw the flood in the basement. Even though I cried out to my dog repeatedly, he continued running down the street.

2. To shout or yelp because one is feeling something, such as pain or a particular emotion. A noun or pronoun can be used between «cry» and «out.» Molly cried out when the lobby door closed on her hand.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

cry (something) out (to someone or an animal)

to yell something to someone or an animal. She cried a warning out to the others. Sally cried out a warning to the people behind her. The trainer cried a command out to the runaway horse.

cry out (in something)

 and cry out (with something)

to scream or shout in pain, joy, anger, etc. The child cried out in pain. On seeing his father, the overjoyed little boy cried out.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • rescue from
  • rescue from (someone or something)
  • identify with
  • attune to
  • ask back
  • orient
  • orient to
  • orient to (something)
  • involve with
  • involved with

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