These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
Some degree of emotional discomfort is to be expected in close relationships, especially with women.
Некоторую степень эмоционального дискомфорта следует ожидать в тесных отношениях, особенно с женщинами.
This is only suitable for certain pistols, but this is to be expected.
Это подходит только для определенных пистолетов, но этого следует ожидать.
One missing hand, but that was to be expected.
Most of his audience were men, to be expected.
It is therefore to be expected that ideas and ideals will change.
Поэтому можно ожидать, что идеи и идеалы будут меняться.
Well anything incoming from Trump is to be expected.
That is to be expected and that is their right.
But analysts say it was to be expected.
In a male dominated industry, this was to be expected.
This is to be expected, given that they pretty much invented the category.
Этого следовало ожидать, учитывая, что они в значительной степени изобрели категорию.
As I argued two months ago, this policy shift was to be expected.
Как я утверждал два месяца назад, этого сдвига в политике следовало ожидать.
And this was to be expected; the purpose of these three colliders have been different.
However, this shift is to be expected, as consumers are already spending a huge chunk of their time on these networking platforms.
Однако этого изменения следует ожидать, поскольку потребители уже тратят огромную часть своего времени на эти сетевые платформы.
With 6,000 shootings since 2012, perhaps that’s to be expected.
Учитывая 6 тысяч случаев уличных расстрелов с 2012 года, возможно, этого следует ожидать.
This seems, unfortunately, to be expected.
As was to be expected, the court determined that the quarrel can not be ended by reconciliation.
Как и следовало ожидать, суд определил, что ссора не может быть окончена примирением.
A well-groomed appearance is definitely mandatory and is also to be expected from the other individual.
Ухоженный вид, безусловно, является обязательным, и его также следует ожидать от другого человека.
Heavy winds and snowfall are to be expected when visiting during the four-month winter season.
Сильные ветры и снегопады следует ожидать при посещении в течение четырёхмесячного зимнего сезона.
These prices are extremely competitive when compared to 5G plans internationally, which is largely to be expected.
Эти цены чрезвычайно конкурентоспособны по сравнению с планами 5G на международном уровне, что в значительной степени следует ожидать.
Of course, as a colony founded by Norse settlers, that’s to be expected.
Конечно, как колония, основанная норвежскими поселенцами, этого и следовало ожидать.
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v. ex·pect·ed, ex·pect·ing, ex·pects
a. To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of: expecting a phone call; expects rain on Sunday.
b. To consider likely or certain: expect to see them soon. See Usage Note at anticipate.
2. To consider reasonable or due: We expect an apology.
3. To consider obligatory; require: The school expects its pupils to be on time.
4. Informal To presume; suppose.
To be pregnant. Used in progressive tenses: My wife is expecting again.
[Latin exspectāre : ex-, ex- + spectāre, to look at, frequentative of specere, to see; see spek- in Indo-European roots.]
ex·pect′a·ble adj.
ex·pect′a·bly adv.
ex·pect′ed·ly adv.
ex·pect′ed·ness n.
Synonyms: expect, anticipate, hope, await
These verbs relate to the idea of looking ahead to something in the future. To expect is to look forward to the likely occurrence or appearance of someone or something: «We should not expect something for nothing—but we all do and call it Hope» (Edgar W. Howe).
Anticipate sometimes refers to taking advance action, as to forestall or prevent the occurrence of something expected or to meet a wish or request before it is articulated: anticipated the storm and locked the shutters. The term can also refer to having a foretaste of something expected: The police are anticipating trouble with rowdy fans after the game. To hope is to look forward with desire and usually with a measure of confidence in the likelihood of gaining what is desired: I hope to see you soon. To await is to wait expectantly and with certainty: She is eagerly awaiting your letter.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
vb (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive)
1. to regard as probable or likely; anticipate: he expects to win.
2. to look forward to or be waiting for: we expect good news today.
3. to decide that (something) is requisite or necessary; require: the boss expects us to work late today.
[C16: from Latin exspectāre to watch for, from spectāre to look at]
exˈpectable adj
exˈpectably adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. to anticipate the occurrence or the coming of: to expect guests.
2. to consider as reasonable, due, or justified: We expect obedience.
3. Informal. to suppose; surmise: I expect you want to rest now.
4. to anticipate the birth of (one’s child).
be expecting, to be pregnant.
[1550–60; < Latin ex(s)pectāre to look out for, await =ex- ex-1 + spectāre to look at, frequentative of specere]
ex•pect′a•ble, adj.
ex•pect′a•bly, adv.
ex•pect′ed•ly, adv.
ex•pect′ed•ness, n.
ex•pect′er, n.
ex•pect′ing•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. ‘expect’
If you expect that something will happen, you believe that it will happen.
I expect you’ll be glad when I leave.
They expect that about 1,500 people will attend.
You can sometimes use a to-infinitive after expect instead of a that-clause. For example, instead of saying ‘I expect Johnson will come to the meeting’, you can say ‘I expect Johnson to come to the meeting’. However, the meaning is not quite the same. If you say ‘I expect Johnson will come to the meeting’, you are simply saying that you think he will come. If you say ‘I expect Johnson to come to the meeting’, you are showing that you want Johnson to come to the meeting and that you will be annoyed or disappointed if he does not come.
Nobody expected the strike to succeed.
The talks are expected to last two or three days.
Instead of saying you ‘expect something will not’ happen, you usually say you do not expect it will happen or do not expect it to happen.
I don’t expect it will be necessary.
I did not expect to be acknowledged.
If you expect something is true, you think it is probably true.
I expect they’ve gone.
Instead of saying you ‘expect something is not’ true, you usually say you do not expect it is true.
I don’t expect you have much time for shopping.
If someone asks if something is true, you can say I expect so.
‘Will Joe be here at Christmas?’ – ‘I expect so.’
Be Careful!
Don’t say ‘I expect it‘.
If you are expecting someone or something, you believe that they are going to arrive or happen.
They were expecting Wendy and the children.
Rodin was expecting an important letter from France.
We are expecting rain.
When expect is used like this, don’t use a preposition after it.
2. ‘wait for’
Don’t confuse expect with wait for. If you are waiting for someone or something, you are remaining in the same place or delaying doing something until they arrive or happen.
He sat on the bench and waited for Miguel.
Stop waiting for things to happen. Make them happen.
3. ‘look forward to’
When you look forward to something that is going to happen, you feel happy because you think you will enjoy it.
I’ll bet you’re looking forward to your holidays.
I always looked forward to seeing her.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: expected
Gerund: expecting
Imperative |
expect |
expect |
Present |
I expect |
you expect |
he/she/it expects |
we expect |
you expect |
they expect |
Preterite |
I expected |
you expected |
he/she/it expected |
we expected |
you expected |
they expected |
Present Continuous |
I am expecting |
you are expecting |
he/she/it is expecting |
we are expecting |
you are expecting |
they are expecting |
Present Perfect |
I have expected |
you have expected |
he/she/it has expected |
we have expected |
you have expected |
they have expected |
Past Continuous |
I was expecting |
you were expecting |
he/she/it was expecting |
we were expecting |
you were expecting |
they were expecting |
Past Perfect |
I had expected |
you had expected |
he/she/it had expected |
we had expected |
you had expected |
they had expected |
Future |
I will expect |
you will expect |
he/she/it will expect |
we will expect |
you will expect |
they will expect |
Future Perfect |
I will have expected |
you will have expected |
he/she/it will have expected |
we will have expected |
you will have expected |
they will have expected |
Future Continuous |
I will be expecting |
you will be expecting |
he/she/it will be expecting |
we will be expecting |
you will be expecting |
they will be expecting |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been expecting |
you have been expecting |
he/she/it has been expecting |
we have been expecting |
you have been expecting |
they have been expecting |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been expecting |
you will have been expecting |
he/she/it will have been expecting |
we will have been expecting |
you will have been expecting |
they will have been expecting |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been expecting |
you had been expecting |
he/she/it had been expecting |
we had been expecting |
you had been expecting |
they had been expecting |
Conditional |
I would expect |
you would expect |
he/she/it would expect |
we would expect |
you would expect |
they would expect |
Past Conditional |
I would have expected |
you would have expected |
he/she/it would have expected |
we would have expected |
you would have expected |
they would have expected |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb | 1. | anticipate guess, reckon, suppose, think, imagine, opine — expect, believe, or suppose; «I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel»; «I thought to find her in a bad state»; «he didn’t think to find her in the kitchen»; «I guess she is angry at me for standing her up» assume, presume, take for granted — take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; «I assume his train was late» hypothesise, hypothesize, speculate, conjecture, theorise, theorize, hypothecate, suppose — to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; «Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps» pass judgment, evaluate, judge — form a critical opinion of; «I cannot judge some works of modern art»; «How do you evaluate this grant proposal?» «We shouldn’t pass judgment on other people» await, expect, wait, look — look forward to the probable occurrence of; «We were expecting a visit from our relatives»; «She is looking to a promotion»; «he is waiting to be drafted» believe, trust — be confident about something; «I believe that he will come back from the war» |
2. | expect — consider obligatory; request and expect; «We require our secretary to be on time»; «Aren’t we asking too much of these children?»; «I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons»
require, ask demand — request urgently and forcefully; «The victim’s family is demanding compensation»; «The boss demanded that he be fired immediately»; «She demanded to see the manager» call — require the presentation of for redemption before maturation; «Call a bond» |
3. | await, wait, look expect — look forward to the birth of a child; «She is expecting in March» anticipate, expect — regard something as probable or likely; «The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow» look forward — expect or hope for; «I look to hear from you soon» look to — turn one’s interests or expectations towards; «look to the future»; «this method looks to significant wavings» hold the line, hang on, hold on — hold the phone line open; «Please hang on while I get your folder» look for, look to, anticipate — be excited or anxious about |
4. | expect — consider reasonable or due; «I’m expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed»
consider, regard, view, reckon, see — deem to be; «She views this quite differently from me»; «I consider her to be shallow»; «I don’t see the situation quite as negatively as you do» |
5. | have a bun in the oven, gestate, expect, bear, carry — be pregnant with; «She is bearing his child»; «The are expecting another child in January»; «I am carrying his child» await, expect, wait, look — look forward to the probable occurrence of; «We were expecting a visit from our relatives»; «She is looking to a promotion»; «he is waiting to be drafted» |
6. | have a bun in the oven, gestate, bear, carry birth, give birth, bear, deliver, have — cause to be born; «My wife had twins yesterday!» expect — look forward to the birth of a child; «She is expecting in March» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. think, believe, suppose, assume, trust, imagine, reckon, forecast, calculate, presume, foresee, conjecture, surmise, think likely We expect the talks will continue until tomorrow.
3. require, demand, want, wish, look for, call for, ask for, hope for, insist on, count on, rely upon He expects total obedience and blind loyalty from his staff.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. To look forward to confidently:
2. To oblige to do or not do by force of authority, propriety, or custom:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
توقعيَتَوَقَّعُيَتَوَقَّعيُتَوَقَّع من، يُنْتَظَريَعْتَقِد، يَتَوَقَّع
elvárvalószínûnek tart
ætlast til, krefjastbúast viîbúast viî, væntagera ráî fyrir, òykjast vita
laukianti vaikolaukimaslūkestisnėščiasu viltimi
förvänta (sig)
trông mong
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
(= anticipate) → erwarten; esp sth bad → rechnen mit; that was to be expected → das war zu erwarten, damit war zu rechnen; I know what to expect → ich weiß, was mich erwartet; we were expecting war in 1939 → 1939 haben wir mit Krieg gerechnet; to expect the worst → mit dem Schlimmsten rechnen; I expected as much → das habe ich erwartet, damit habe ich gerechnet; he failed as (we had) expected → er fiel, wie erwartet, durch; he got first prize as was to be expected → wie erwartet, bekam er den ersten Preis; to expect to do something → erwarten or damit rechnen, etw zu tun; I didn’t expect to gain his sympathy → ich habe kein Mitleid von ihm erwartet; he expects to be elected → er rechnet damit, gewählt zu werden; it is expected that … → es wird erwartet, dass …, man rechnet damit, dass …; it is hardly to be expected that … → es ist kaum zu erwarten or damit zu rechnen, dass …; the talks are expected to last two days → die Gespräche sollen zwei Tage dauern; she is expected to resign tomorrow → es wird erwartet, dass sie morgen zurücktritt; I was expecting him to come → ich habe eigentlich erwartet, dass er kommt; you can’t expect me to agree to that! → Sie erwarten doch wohl nicht, dass ich dem zustimme!; I’ll expect to see you tomorrow then → dann sehen wir uns also morgen; at that price, what did you expect? → was hast du denn zu dem or für den Preis erwartet?
(= suppose) → denken, glauben; will they be on time? — yes, I expect so/no, I expect not → kommen sie pünktlich? — ja, ich glaube schon or ich denke doch/nein, ich glaube nicht; this work is very tiring — yes, I expect it is → diese Arbeit ist sehr anstrengend — (ja,) das glaube ich; I expect it will rain → höchstwahrscheinlich wird es regnen, es wird wohl regnen; I expect you’d like a drink → Sie möchten sicher etwas trinken, ich nehme an, Sie möchten etwas trinken; I expect you’re tired → Sie werden sicher müde sein; I expect he turned it down → er hat wohl abgelehnt, ich nehme an, er hat abgelehnt; well, I expect he’s right → er wird schon recht haben; well, I expect it’s all for the best → das ist wohl nur gut so; I expect it was your father who phoned → ich nehme an, es war dein Vater, der angerufen hat
(= demand) to expect something of or from somebody → etw von jdm erwarten; to expect somebody to do something → erwarten, dass jd etw tut; I expect you to be obedient → ich erwarte von dir Gehorsam; what do you expect me to do about it? → was soll ich da tun?; don’t expect me to feel sorry → erwarte von mir kein Mitleid; are we expected to tip the waiter? → müssen wir dem Kellner Trinkgeld geben?
(= await) person, thing, action, baby → erwarten; I will be expecting you tomorrow → ich erwarte dich morgen; I am expecting them for supper → ich erwarte sie zum Abendessen; we’ll expect you when we see you (inf) → wenn ihr kommt, dann kommt ihr (inf); you’ll have to expect me when you see me (inf) → wenn ich da bin, bin ich da! (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ikˈspekt) verb
1. to think of as likely to happen or come. I’m expecting a letter today; We expect her on tomorrow’s train.
2. to think or believe (that something will happen). He expects to be home tomorrow; I expect that he will go; `Will she go too?’ `I expect so’ / `I don’t expect so’ / `I expect not.’
3. to require. They expect high wages for their professional work; You are expected to tidy your own room.
4. to suppose or assume. I expect (that) you’re tired.
exˈpectancy noun
the state of expecting or hoping. a feeling/look/air of expectancy.
exˈpectant adjective
1. full of hope or expectation. the expectant faces of the audience.
2. expecting (a baby). an expectant mother.
exˈpectantly adverbˌexpecˈtation (ekspek-) noun
1. the state of expecting. In expectation of a wage increase, he bought a washing-machine.
2. what is expected. He failed his exam, contrary to expectation(s); Did the concert come up to your expectations?
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ يَتَوَقَّعُ očekávat forvente erwarten αναμένω esperar olettaa attendre à (‘s) očekivati aspettarsi 期待する 기대하다 verwachten forvente spodziewać się esperar ожидать förvänta (sig) คาดว่า ummak trông mong 期待
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
vt. esperar; suponer;
I knew what to expect → Sabía qué esperar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
be expected — перевод на русский
He’s expecting Prince Sirki tonight.
Он ждёт Князя Сёрки сегодня вечером.
But the Colonel is expecting the Professor now.
…но полковник ждёт профессора сейчас.
Prince, mother is expecting us.
Князь, мама нас ждет.
Mrs. Hylton is expecting you.
Миссис Хилтон ждет вас.
— Right over there, but Mr. Korvo’s expecting you.
— Прямо там, но мистер Корво ждёт вас.
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Never mind, Miss Wolf is expecting me.
Не важно, мисс Вулф ожидает меня.
Villard is expecting us.
Вилла ожидает нас.
My cousin’s expecting me on the steamer.
Мой кузен ожидает меня на пароходе.
Dr. Uhl is expecting you.
Доктор Юл ожидает вас.
Miss Eve Kendall is expecting me.
Меня ожидает мисс Ив Кендлл.
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Yes, that was to be expected.
Да… Этого следовало ожидать.
The doctor’s as well as could be expected.
Как доктор скажу, то, что и следовало ожидать.
I mean, that was to be expected, you know?
Хочу сказать, этого следовало ожидать, понимаешь?
I suppose it’s to be expected.
Я полагаю, что этого следовало ожидать.
— Well, this is to be expected.
— Ќу, этого и следовало ожидать.
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There is always a part of the people who stand out as really active fighters… and more is expected from them than from the millions of national comrades in the general population.
Всегда была часть среди народа которая оставалась настоящими активными борцами… и от них ожидается больше чем от миллионов человек среди общего населения.
With her acquittal, Diane gets full control of the Tremayne estate, and it is expected that she and her chauffeur husband will take a belated honeymoon trip abroad.
После оправдания, Дайана Треймэн взяла полный контроль над состоянием Треймэнов. И ожидается, что она и её муж шофер отправятся в несколько запоздалый медовый месяц за границу.
They’re expecting an attack and we’re invited, my friend.
Ожидается атака и нас пригласили, друг мой.
The flare is expected any time within the next 24 hours.
Вспышка ожидается в любой момент в течение следующих 24 часов.
New taxes are expected to fetch an additional revenue of 1700 million rupees.
Ожидается, что доход в бюджет от новых налогов составит 1700 миллионов рупий. Взрыв!
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Alfo, I’ll be expecting you tomorror to visit my collection.
Буду ждать Вас завтра для показа своей коллекции.
Then I shall be expecting Ricardo to bring you.
Буду ждать вас. Всего хорошего.
Yes, but next time we’ll be expecting him.
Да, но в следующий раз мы будем ждать его.
We’ll be expecting you.
Мы будем ждать вас.
Above a saloon, it’s true but walk up a flight I’ll be expecting you.
Правда, над кафе, но… Зайди ко мне. Я буду тебя ждать.
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I was expecting you to telephone me.
Я надеялся, что ты мне позвонишь.
Your opinions on Mithras e Krishna have left a deep impression on me… I was expecting today we could have a chance to raise this subject.
Да, и ваши догадки насчёт Митры и Кришны произвели на меня глубокое впечатление, и я надеялся, что сегодня опять…
Lloyd must be expecting a record run in New Haven.
Мне содовую. Ллойд надеется на успех в Нью-Хейвене.
All the doctor says is he’s doing as well as can be expected.
Доктор сказал только, что надеется на то, что все пройдет так, как он того желает.
Well, I am expecting
Ну, я надеюсь.
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Ace has been expecting you.
Эйс уже ждет тебя.
I’ve been expecting you for 24 hours.
Я жду тебя уже сутки.
Madame is expected.
Мадам, вас уже ждут.
I’ve been expecting you since… For a long time.
В общем я Вас ждал уже в общем…давно.
I also have kids like you, and they’re expecting you.
У меня дома тоже есть детей вашего роста. Они уже вас ждут.
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expected life
- expected life
- n
ожидаемый [установленный] срок эксплуатационной службы ()
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
1995.* * *
- expected life
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь.
2011.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected life
expected service
- expected service
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.
1995.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected service
expected conditions
- expected conditions
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.
1995.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected conditions
expected change in size
- expected change in size
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.
1995.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected change in size
expected service life
- expected service life
- n
ожидаемый [установленный] срок эксплуатационной службы ()
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.
С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова.
1995.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected service life
expected value
- expected value
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь.
2011.Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > expected value
Used in relation to various aspects of performance (e.g. rate or gradient of climb), this term means the standard performance for the type, in the relevant conditions (e.g. mass, altitude and temperature).
Примeнитeльнo к рaзличным пaрaмeтрaм лётнo-тeхничeских хaрaктeристик (нaпримeр, вeртикaльнaя скoрoсть или грaдиeнт нaбoрa высoты) этoт тeрмин oзнaчaeт стaндaртныe лётнo-тeхничeскиe хaрaктeристики для кoнкрeтнoгo типa сaмoлётa при соответствующих условиях (например, масса, абсолютная высота и температура).
International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > expected
expected approach time
expected approach time; EAT
The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft, following a delay, will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for a landing.
Note.— The actual time of leaving the holding fix will depend upon the approach clearance.
Official definition modified by:
38 to
AN 2
4 to
предполагаемое время захода на посадку; ЕАТ
Время, когда по расчётам органа диспетчерского обслуживания прибывающее воздушное судно покинет после задержки контрольную точку ожидания для завершения захода на посадку.
Примечание. Фактическое время покидания контрольной точки ожидания будет зависеть от диспетчерского разрешения на выполнение захода на посадку.
International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > expected approach time
Персональный Сократ > expected
expected profit
Персональный Сократ > expected profit
English-Russian short dictionary > expected
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > expected
1. a предполагаемый, ожидаемый
2. a расчётный
Синонимический ряд:
1. anticipated (adj.) anticipated; counted upon; foreseen; foretold; hoped for; looked for; planned for; predicted; prepared for
2. as usual (adj.) as usual; conventional; familiar; habitual; normal; predictable; presumed; required; wont
3. due (adj.) due; scheduled
4. awaited (verb) awaited; counted on; counted upon; hoped; looked
5. expected (verb) anticipated; bargain on; depend on; expected; figure on; look for; required
6. understood (verb) assumed; believed; conceived; gathered; imagined; supposed; suspected; thought; took/taken; understood
English-Russian base dictionary > expected
English-Russian big medical dictionary > expected
Английский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > expected
expected earnings
эк. тр.
ожидаемый заработок
Calculate expected earnings for an hourly or salaried employee. — Рассчитайте ожидаемую зарплату для сортудников с почасовой оплатой и с окладом.
ожидаемый доход, ожидаемая прибыль
Better-than-expected earnings boost Yahoo shares. — Превысившая ожидаемую прибыль по акциям Yahoo привела к росту цен на них.
Англо-русский экономический словарь > expected earnings
Англо-русский технический словарь > expected
expected energy not supplied
- ожидаемый дефицит электроэнергии
- ожидаемая величина недоотпуска энергии
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > expected energy not supplied
expected return
фин.ожидаемый доход, ожидаемая доходность
* * *
ожидаемая доходность: ожидаемая от инвестиций или делового предприятия сумма;=
* * *
Англо-русский экономический словарь > expected return
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > expected
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Expected shortfall — (ES) is a risk measure, a concept used in finance (and more specifically in the field of financial risk measurement) to evaluate the market risk or credit risk of a portfolio. It is an alternative to value at risk that is more sensitive to the… … Wikipedia
Expected — may refer to: *Expectation *Expected value *Expected shortfall *Expected utility hypothesis *Expected return *Expected gain;See also *Unexpected … Wikipedia
Expected Time Of Completion — est un anglicisme utilisé essentiellement dans la gestion de projets pour le calcul de l effort restant pour compléter une tâche, une partie de projet ou un projet dans son ensemble. Ce document provient de « Expected time of completion ».… … Wikipédia en Français
Expected Time of Completion (ETC) — Expected time of completion Expected Time of Completion est un anglicisme utilisé essentiellement dans la gestion de projets pour le calcul de l effort restant pour compléter une tâche, une partie de projet ou un projet dans son ensemble. Ce… … Wikipédia en Français
expected week of childbirth — (EWC) The week, beginning with the midnight between Saturday and Sunday, in which it is expected that childbirth will occur. Related links additional maternity leave (AML) notified leave date … Law dictionary
expected loss — or expected risk The portion or component of risk or loss that is predicted by statistical analysis. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms
expected risk — expected loss or expected risk The portion or component of risk or loss that is predicted by statistical analysis. American Banker Glossary … Financial and business terms
expected — expected; un·expected; … English syllables
Expected Family Contribution — (or EFC) is a term used in the college financial aid process. It is the estimate of the parents and/or student s ability to contribute to post secondary education expenses. The lower the EFC, the less money a family has to contribute to a child s … Wikipedia
Expected time of completion — est un anglicisme utilisé essentiellement dans la gestion de projets pour le calcul de l effort restant pour compléter une tâche, une partie de projet ou un projet dans son ensemble. Portail des entreprises Catégorie : Gestion de pro … Wikipédia en Français
expected value — A net present value of all the various possible outcomes at vesting or exercise of equity linked payments. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:
Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997: be [biː] aux vb * is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information. ‘to be expected‘ также найдено в этих статьях: Русский: |
Meaning of TO BE EXPECTED in English
Synonyms and related words :
according to expectation, any day, any hour, any minute, any moment, any time, any time now, as a rule, as expected, as may be, as per usual, as things go, as usual, chiefly, commonly, counted on, customarily, expected of, generally, habitually, imminently, impendingly, in character, just as predicted, just like one, mainly, most often, mostly, naturally, normally, normatively, one all over, ordinarily, prescriptively, regularly, taken for granted, usually|
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