Word meaning to be connected to

be connected to — перевод на русский

I’m going to pick up this red telephone, which is connected to SAC… and I hope…

Я собираюсь подойти к этому красный телефон, который связан с ВВС и я надеюсь—

His visit is connected to a mysterious apparatus ofthe Russian engineer Garin.»

Его приезд связан с таинственным аппаратом русского инженера Гарина» .

The helm is connected to the sail?

Руль связан с парусом?

He is connected to many terrorist organizations in many countries all over the world.

Он связан с террористическими организациями во многих странах мира.

He is connected to anarchist poets.

Он связан с поэтами-анархистами.

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And this… data stream, you think it may be connected to what killed those people?

И этот поток данных, может быть связан с тем, кто убил тех людей?

He may be connected to this.

Он может быть связан с этим.

If he’s lying about the keyring, he could be connected to my past.

Если он солгал насчет ключей, он может быть связан с моим прошлым.

Thériault might be connected to three murders.

Терье может быть связан с тремя убийствами:

Whatever the motive, Hank may still be connected to this.

Каким бы ни был мотив, Хэнк может быть связан с этим.

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«The foot bone is connected to the ankle bone»

Кости стопы соединены с лодыжками.

«The ankle bone is connected to the leg bone»

Лодыжки соединены с голенью.

«The leg bone is connected to the hip bone»

Кости голени соединены с бедренной костью.

I was sitting there when he made it my ears are connected to my brain, and I’ m saying, what’s next?

Я сидел рядом, когда он их делал, мои уши соединены с мозгом, как и у Всех остальных. И я спрашиваю, что дальше?

All of our homes are connected to the central cavern by tunnels and lifts.

Все наши дома соединены с центральной пещерой туннелями и лифтами.

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Ariel, in turn, is connected to the Internet via modem.

Ариэль был подключён к Интернету через модем.

And that chip’s connected to a database that has your purchasing records, what you do, what you sell.

И этот чип подключён к базе данных, в которой содержатся списки ваших покупок, что вы делаете, что вы продаёте.

Now, that ransom rest is connected to a window motor.

Держатель подключен к мотору.

The computer’s connected to the server, and it looks like no one’s in there.

Компьютер подключен к серверу, и, похоже, никого рядом нет.

Mainframe’s connected to the computer.

Главный сервер подключен к компьютеру.

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You think Ambassador Wu is connected to the dead refugees from the boat?

Думаете, посол Ву как-то связан с мертвыми беженцами с корабля?

Lex is connected to this.

Лекс как-то связан с этим

You think Samuel’s connected to this whole soul thing?

Думаешь, Сэмюэль как-то связан с пропажей моей души?

Garcia, we know the pack leader is connected to the rapes in Louisiana.

Гарсия, мы знаем, что лидер банды как-то связан с изнасилованиями Кто нибудь из студентов колледжа Энстром знал это место?

I don’t know what’s in the water you’ve been drinking But you are lost at sea if you think Clark Kent is connected to The Blur.

Не знаю, что было в воде, которую ты пил… Но ты потерялся в океане, если думаешь, что Кларк Кент как-то связан с Пятном.

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They’re electric brakes actuated by a magnet which is connected to the brake pad.

Они электроприводные. Приводятся в действие магнитом, который подсоединен к тормозному диску.

His mind is connected to Cerebro.

Он подсоединен к Церебро.

Each one of those is connected to one in the shuttle. It’s sort of an automatic flight plan.

Каждый из них подсоединен к своему шаттлу Это что-то вроде автопилота.

It’s connected to the door.

Это подсоединено к двери.

There was only one computer Adam was connected to when Sass Dumonde was killed.

Был только один компьютер, к которому был подсоединен Адам, когда Сас Дюмонд убили.

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Aknot, we are connected to Earth.

Акнот, Земля на связи.

You’re connected to The Powers That Be. Find me a way to talk to them.

У тебя есть связь с Силами, и ты должен найти путь, как мне поговорить с ними.

By getting rid of the student theory, aren’t you at a bigger disadvantage if L thinks you’re connected to the police? My reason is…

что у тебя есть связи в полиции что ты школьник?

It’s dying and it’s connected to Agatha.

Он умирает, но у него есть связь с Агатой!

So someone’s connected to her.

Значит, у нее была с кем-то связь.

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I believe this murder is connected to our case!

Я считаю, это убийство связано с нашим случаем.

And you believe that this is connected to the military?

И вы считаете, что это убийство связано с военными?

Do you think the killing is connected to his release?

— Вы считаете, что убийство связано с его освобождением?

Is this connected to Alex Preston’s death?

А то убийство связано со смертью Алекса Престона?

I think it’s connected to Chief Green.

Думаю, это связано с убийством шефа Грин.

Whatever happened today is connected to an incident 20 years ago.

Все что случилось сегодня имеет отношение к тому, что случилось 20 лет назад.

Maybe we made a mistake using a witch to kill witches, especially when his own bloodline is connected to the prey.

Может быть, мы совершили ошибку, взяв ведьмака, чтобы убивать ведьм. Особенно когда его кровное родство имеет отношение к добыче.

He’s connected to those chemical plants.

Он имеет отношение к этим химическим заводам.

Views, stories, events which are connected to the matter.

Мнения, слухи, происшествия, которые имеют отношение к делу.

I had reason to believe he was connected to the crime, so I pulled him over.

У меня были основания полагать, что он имел отношение к преступлению, поэтому я его остановил.

Отправить комментарий

  • 1


    1 (related, joined) relacionado,-a, conectado,-a



    kə’nektəd, kə’nektɪd


    1) relacionado

    2) (Bot, Jur) conexo

    3) (fig) conexo



    * * *

    [kə’nektəd, kə’nektɪd]

    English-spanish dictionary > connected

  • 2

    lié (to, with à)

    * * *



    1) () [idea, event] lié (to, with à)

    3) () [road, town] relié (to, with à); [pipe] raccordé (to, with à)

    English-French dictionary > connected

  • 3

    3 (joined, linked) [road, town] relié (to, with à) ; [pipe] raccordé (to, with à) ;

    Big English-French dictionary > connected

  • 4

    (a) connexe

    (b) cohérent, suivi

    to be connected with or to avoir un lien de parenté avec;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > connected

  • 5
    connected in delta

    English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > connected in delta

  • 6

    connected [kəˊnektɪd]

    1) свя́занный ( with — с)

    2) име́ющий больши́е (ро́дственные) свя́зи

    4) соединённый

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > connected

  • 7
    connected load

    connected load

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > connected load

  • 8


    1) связанный; 2) /speech/ связный

    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > connected

  • 9
    connected cracks

    connected cracks

    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > connected cracks

  • 10
    connected flange

    English-german engineering dictionary > connected flange

  • 11
    connected load

    English-german engineering dictionary > connected load

  • 12
    connected load in operation

    English-german engineering dictionary > connected load in operation

  • 13
    connected voltage

    English-german engineering dictionary > connected voltage

  • 14
    connected by marriage

    connected by marriage

    parente por casamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > connected by marriage

  • 15
    connected-speech recognition

    распознавание слитной речи

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > connected-speech recognition

  • 16
    connected-word recognition

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > connected-word recognition

  • 17
    connected to the mains

    English-Dutch dictionary > connected to the mains

  • 18
    connected-speech recognition

    распознавание слитной речи

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > connected-speech recognition

  • 19
    connected-word recognition

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > connected-word recognition

  • 20

    English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > connected


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Connected Health — is a term used to describe a model for healthcare delivery that uses technology to provide healthcare remotely. Connected health aims to maximize healthcare resources and provide increased, flexible opportunities for consumers to engage with… …   Wikipedia

  • Connected farm — in Windham, Maine. The barn dates from the late 18th century. The house was built in three stages during the 19th century. The unconnected garage was a 20th century addition. All doors of the structure are visible in this view from the south side …   Wikipedia

  • Connected-component labeling — (alternatively connected component analysis, blob extraction, region labeling, blob discovery, or region extraction) is an algorithmic application of graph theory, where subsets of connected components are uniquely labeled based on a given… …   Wikipedia

  • Connected Component Labeling — (alternatively connected component analysis) is an algorithmic application of graph theory, where subsets of connected components are uniquely labeled based on a given heuristic. Connected component labeling is not to be confused with… …   Wikipedia

  • Connected (Ayumi Hamasaki song) — Connected Single by Ayumi Hamasaki from the album I am… Released April 7, 2003 …   Wikipedia

  • connected person — The scope of this phrase differs according to the legal context and the statutory definition which applies. Broadly it covers family members trusts, companies controlled by individuals and similar entities. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law… …   Law dictionary

  • Connected — Single par Ayu extrait de l’album I Am… Face A Connected (radio edit) Face B divers remixes … Sortie 15 décembre 2002 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Connected Mathematics — is a comprehensive, problem centered curriculum designed for all students in grades 6 8 based on the NCTM standards. The curriculum was developed by the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) at Michigan State University and funded by the National… …   Wikipedia

  • Connected Earth — is a UK network of organisations, primarily museums, that preserve the history of telecommunications in the UK. Heritage artefacts are physically dispersed to Connected Earth partners and other institutions as appropriate, and are brought… …   Wikipedia

  • Connected — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Connected» Sencillo de Stereo MCs del álbum Connected Lado B « Disconnected Fever » Publicación 1992 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Connected (canción de Stereo MCs) — «Connected» Sencillo de Stereo MCs del álbum Connected Lado B Disconnected Fever Publicación 1992 Formato CD, Maxi sencillo, 7 , 12 …   Wikipedia Español

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

должны быть подключены

должен быть подключен

для подключения


должны быть связаны

необходимо подключить

должен быть связан

нужно подключать

быть связанным

должно быть связано


должно быть подключено

планируется подключить

будут подключены

было связано


Utilities: run near the property and need to be connected during the renovation works.

In order for this technology to benefit a business, they have to be connected into the app’s system.

Чтобы эта технология приносила пользу бизнесу, они должны быть подключены к системе приложения.

Infrastructure is near by and has to be connected.

Road leads to the land, and infrastructure has to be connected.

This is because active devices need to be connected individually.

Это связано с тем, что активные компоненты должны подбираться в индивидуальном порядке.

Authorities believe all three package explosions to be connected.

Customers today want to be connected everywhere.

Users today want to be connected at all times.

We all constantly want to be connected.

It came in three train pieces that need to be connected.

It also allows for far more devices to be connected simultaneously that was possible using older mobile network standards.

Это также позволяет одновременно подключать гораздо больше устройств, что было возможно при использовании более старых стандартов мобильной сети.

Usually, it is recommended that the user obtain the two devices to be connected, and then determine which cable is required.

Обычно рекомендуется, чтобы пользователь получил два подключаемых устройства, а затем определил, какой кабель требуется.

The strategy of international diversification can take one of the two forms described above: to be connected or unrelated.

Стратегия международной диверсификации может принимать одну из двух вышеописанных форм: быть связанной или несвязанной.

Moreover, the service does not need to be connected because it is one of the key options of any tariff.

К тому же услугу не нужно подключать потому, как она является одной из ключевых опций любого тарифа.

In this millennium we have thousands of ways to be connected.

В этом тысячелетии у нас есть тысячи способов быть на связи.

All cables have to be connected properly.

Of course, this development would seem to be connected more with an increasing problem of vandalism and common crime.

Разумеется, это обстоятельство, по-видимому, скорее связано с растущей проблемой вандализма и уголовной преступности.

Several sick occupants may report individual symptoms which do not appear to be connected.

The team worked with stone cutters who created a flat surface to allow the other half of the sofa to be connected.

Целая команда работала с каменными резцами, создавая плоскую поверхность, чтобы другая половина софы могла быть присоединена.

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  • #1

I don’t know if I overthinked but I am not sure if «to be connected to» is in passive voice or adjective?

If i said «my printer is connected to the computer», it would be adjective according to http://www.eslgold.net/grammar/preposition_collocations_be.html

but can that also be passive because its active form could be «I connected the printer to the computer»?

Basically I do not know which way to interpret the sentence or does it mean the same thing however I interpret it?

  • Glasguensis

    • #2

    Both structures are possible, with a slightly different meaning.
    In the adjectival form, it is a general statement referring to a continuing property of your printer.
    In the verb form, it is describing the act of connection. In the simple present, as it is, this would generally be used for a repeated action :
    Whenever I want to print, first my printer is switched on, then it is loaded with paper, then is is connected to the computer. Once printing is completed, the printer is disconnected and switched off.
    So 95% of the time the example sentence is going to be in the adjectival form.

    • #3

    I don’t know if I overthought but I am not sure if «to be connected to» is a verb in passive voice or an adjective.
    If I said «my printer is connected to the computer», it would be an adjective . . .

    It’s an adjective. My printer is also connected [adjective] to my computer. I connected it [active verb] by a cable. When my system was set up, the printer was connected [passive verb] to the computer.

    It’s an adjective describing its present state. It’s a verb describing an action.

    P.S.: Unlike Glasguensis’s printer, mine remains connected to my computer even when it’s not printing.


    • #4

    For the avoidance of doubt I was attempting to construct a context where the verb form made sense. My printer is permanently connected to my WIFI router. ;)

    Making sure we use the right prepositions after words is an important stepping-stone in learning English. We’ll go through the differences between using “connect with” and “connect to” in this article.

    What Is The Difference Between “Connect With” And “Connect To”?

    Connect to should be used when talking about a physical object being linked to another thing (i.e., the computer was connected to the printer). Connect with should be used when talking about non-physical links between objects and people (i.e., they were connected with each other).

    What Is The Difference Between "Connect With" And "Connect To"?

    Is “Connect With” Or “Connect To” Used The Most?

    While the two phrases have slightly different meanings, that doesn’t stop most English speakers from using them interchangeably. Still, it’s important to understand the difference between the two.

    If you look at this graph, you’ll see how the two phrases have been used throughout history. “Connect with” has usually always been the most popular of the two because it talks about a connection between two things that doesn’t have to be a physical input.

    Is "Connect With" Or "Connect To" Used The Most?

    However, there was a time during the 1990s where “connect to” was the more popular of the two. The most likely reason for this brief switch in popularity is because that’s when the internet really kicked off, and more people started connecting physical machines to other outlets.

    7 Examples Of How To Use “Connect With” In A Sentence

    Let’s go through some examples of using both words in a sentence. You’ll start to notice the difference between the two when we share some of these with you.

    1. He wanted to connect with his audience.
    2. They have a deep connection with each other.
    3. We need to connect with him if we want him to talk.
    4. You should connect with me on a more personal level.
    5. When do we connect with the tour group again?
    6. They connected with each other as soon as they arrived.
    7. He connects with his family on a deep and personal level.

    From these examples, we can see that “connect with” often talks about an intangible connection between things and people. Generally, we use “connect with” when we’re talking about a connection between two or more people, rather than worrying too much about objects.

    7 Examples Of How To Use “Connect To” In A Sentence

    Now let’s see when “connect to” is more reasonable to use. We use “to” as the preposition when we’re physically connecting one item to another item. Usually, it’s by using a plug or wire that connects them.

    1. The printer is connected to the laptop.
    2. This machine needs to connect to that server.
    3. Can you connect these two appliances to each other?
    4. My computer is connected to the Wi-Fi.
    5. You should connect to the internet when you get a chance.
    6. Have you connected the TV to the mains?
    7. They connect machines to other machines for a living. I don’t understand their job.

    Generally, we use “connect to” when talking about a physical connection between two objects (mostly machines). The connection we refer to usually requires some form of electrical component, which is why it’s so common to talk about it in this way.

    Also, we can always write an object in-between “connect” and “to” if it makes sense for the context at the time. For example, “connect the machine to the server” shows that “the machine” can come between the two words, but the impact of the meaning stays the same.

    Connect With/To – Synonyms

    We find that synonyms and alternative words help us to familiarize ourselves with newer words and phrases. That’s why we put together a list of some of the best synonyms for the two words.

    • Attach

    This is usually best to replace “connect to” and talk about a physical connection (or attachment). However, we can also talk about emotional attachment as a form of “connect with.”

    • Join

    When we join two or more things together, we’re connecting them in a similar way to the other two phrases we’ve looked at through the article.

    • Link

    “Link” is synonymous with “join” and “connect,” making it an excellent alternative. However, we usually “link” physical things, making them best suited to replace “connect to.”

    Which Other Prepositions Can Be Used After “Connect”?

    There are a few other prepositions we can use with “connect,” too. These are “connect by”, “connect at”, and “connect through”.

    Connect By

    • They are connected by family.

    “Connect by” means that something specifically connects two (or more) things.

    Connect At

    • They were meant to connect at the train station.

    “Connect at” means that there was a specific destination where a connection needs to happen.

    Connect Through

    • They connect through Skype.

    “Connect through” works when there’s a platform that is used to connect two (or more) people.

    What Is The Difference Between “Connect” And “Connection”?

    “Connect” is the verb form of the base word, while “connection” is a noun we use to say that two (or more) things managed to connect with each other.

    Is It “In Connection To” Or “In Connection With”?

    We can use both forms “in connection to” and “in connection with,” and many native speakers won’t note a difference between the two.

    However, because we’re talking about a “connection” between two things that aren’t physical when we say it, “in connection with” is the most popular choice and is the most correct to use.

    • In connection with the events earlier…
    • In connection to the events earlier…

    Both of these sentence starters are correct; however, it’s more common to see people write (and say) “in connection with” when they want to write about specific things that happened previously and connect their new information back to it.

    Quiz: Have You Mastered The Connect With Or To Grammar?

    Finally, let’s see how much you’ve learned and try out a quiz.

    1. The computer needs to (A. connect with / B. connect to) the internet.
    2. We have a deep (A. connection with / B. connection to) each other.
    3. We should (A. connect with / B. connect to) the family when we get back.
    4. Can you (A. connect with / B. connect to) the Wi-Fi and find out about the news?
    5. Make sure you (A. connect with / B. connect to) your audience during your speech.

    Quiz Answers

    1. B
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    connect | American Dictionary

    connect verb

    connect verb

    connect verb

    connect verb


    (Definition of connect from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    connect | Business English

    connect sth to/with sth The Midtown tunnel connects Long Island to Manhattan.

     a connecting flight/train, etc.

    (Definition of connect from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

    Examples of connect


    The underlying graph and the hierarchy are connected to each other by a third graph, called the coupling graph.

    Task-based instruction theor y, and that connected with negotiation-ofmeaning studies.

    The interaction occurs in a wait station, a small room with doorways on three sides that connects the kitchen, bar, and serving area.

    The central problem is connected to the steps involving identification activities.

    The symbol occurrences p0 and pn are said to be connected by this trace.

    Consider the trace connecting q and q through the lower side.

    The previous development suggested a sequence of soundscapes clearly connected with extrinsic identities.

    Therefore, while in traditional music, sound-making and the perception of sound are interwoven, in electroacoustic music they are often not connected.

    Twist number one: it would all be performed on laptops connected to an eight-channel surroundsound system.

    To a large extent the studies are connected with the church and churchyard.

    In fact, it appears that the focus lies with skill and manipulability connected with a disappearance of the machine rather than with attachment to it.

    Obviously, the voice and body are strongly connected with each other.

    Each person in this unbounded network is a human node connected to all other nodes both human and non-human.

    When the precondition of connecting waterways is tested, it fails.

    A graph is called a tree if it is connected and if none of its subgraphs is a cycle.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.


    How to pronounce connected to?

    How to say connected to in sign language?


    1. Chaldean Numerology

      The numerical value of connected to in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of connected to in Pythagorean Numerology is: 1

    Examples of connected to in a Sentence

    1. Maxine Waters:

      Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents.

    2. David Kochel:

      Mike PenceVice’s the most uniquely connected to Trump of anyone in the field, in ways both helpful and unhelpful, nobody would be more affected by a Donald Trump comment than Mike PenceVice, and nobody more vulnerable to a Donald Trump run.

    3. Scott Prendergast:

      The increase in knives is more connected to ending stop and frisk. . . so the criminals know they can carry knives like they did back in the 1980s.

    4. Oren Oz:

      The immediate impact, the immediate benefit to doctors is that we are replacing the bulky CTG machines which are heavy  and connected to the wall with the light weight mobility and continuous monitoring.

    5. Bryan Cox:

      Claims that Mr. Ramirez Palma’s removal was connected to media statements are patently false and irresponsible, mr. Ramirez Palma’s latest application for a stay of removal had already been denied by ICE on October 3, more than a week prior to the incident cited by Ramirez Palma supporters.


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