Word meaning time and space

  • #1

«The movements of the phantom armies often defy earthly laws of time and space, as well as belief.»

Hi Forum,

In the above quote, what does the expression «time and space» refer to? I think I understand the word «time», but is still confused about the word «space». Somehow I visualize space as a part of «outer space,» where austornauts roam and explore. Thanks in advance for your effort and time.

  • JamesM

    • #2

    I think «space» in this context refers to the restriction of movement through space. If someone could disappear from one place and reappear a moment later a thousand miles away, he would be defying the earhly laws of time and space, in a poetic sense.

    It’s a common collocation: «time and space.» There is even a commercial currently airing in the U.S. where a man says something like, «With this new remote I feel like I have the power to bend the laws of time and space.» I hadn’t really thought about it before. I wonder how one could defy the law of space? It does sound very odd by itself.

    Thinking about it a little more, I suppose a genie being able to fit into a tiny bottle is defying the laws of space (conservation of mass.) I’m very interested to see what others have to say about this. It’s one of those unexamined phrases for me, I guess.


    • #3

    «Laws of space» would refer to laws of physics and geometry. «Space» in this context is a hard word to visualize. Just going by the Random House definition:

    «space, n.
    1.the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.»

    Essentially, the phantom armies are doing wacky things like walking through walls and being in two places at once.

    Thinking about it a little more, I suppose a genie being able to fit into a tiny bottle is defying the laws of space (conservation of mass.)

    Maybe genies are just gaseous? That’s an odd example with genies, given that they’re supposed to be able to create castles out of thin air and other crazy things.

    • #4

    Wow, Xqby, you explanation «has made my day». I really want to try to use that expression. I really mean to say that I enjoy reading your explanation, especially the part that say «…doing wacky things like walking through walls and being in two places at once.» I don’t know what gets to me, but I just laugh and laugh.

    Thanks for the wonderful explanations, JamesM and Xqby.

    Kevin Beach

    • #5

    Space is what exists inside the three dimensions of length, width and height. It can be any shape.


    • #6

    «The movements of the phantom armies often defy earthly laws of time and space, as well as belief.»

    Hi Forum,

    In the above quote, what does the expression «time and space» refer to? I think I understand the word «time», but is still confused about the word «space». Somehow I visualize space as a part of «outer space,» where austornauts roam and explore. Thanks in advance for your effort and time.

    I have always thought that the law ans space of time would be something along the lines also as dissapearing in space, nothing matters in space like movement or time or pain.

    • #7

    Kevin, thank you. And MissTinker, welcome to the English Language Forum. I appreciate your time to offer your explanation.


    • #8

    I think the use of space in the sense of space, the final frontier, is getting in the way of understanding.

    Space, as KevinB has explained, is everywhere, including inside my shoe on the floor.
    In conventional physics, there are four dimensions — height (top to bottom), width (side to side), depth (back to front), and time (then to then).
    The terms vary but that’s not important.

    Did anyone mention that austronauts are really astronauts?

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Give them time and space to develop additional skills for example business management.

    Мотивируйте их, дайте им время и пространство для разработки дополнительных навыков, например, для управления бизнесом.

    Depended on you across time and space.

    Save valuable time and space in your kitchen.

    А вы сохраните драгоценное время и место на кухонной полке.

    Its value transcends time and space.

    More probing a mental dimension beyond time and space.

    I am beyond time and space.

    Giving kids the time and space to be creative.

    Everyone needs private time and space.

    I give them time and space to express themselves.

    Nothing lasts forever but time and space.

    I give them time and space to reveal themselves.

    Capturing motion through time and space into a single photograph.

    Я восхищён возможностью поймать движение через время и пространство в одну единственную фотографию.

    In our relative condition we cannot understand what beyond time and space means.

    В относительном состоянии мы не можем понять, что означает «за пределами времени и пространства».

    These conversations require time and space.

    Matter, motion, time and space are inseparable.

    That needs its own time and space.

    They need time and space to follow their own direction.

    Really, I’d move anything fish-related that time and space allows.

    Giving him time and space is okay.

    Heaven is a spiritual place outside of time and space.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат time and space

    Результатов: 4586. Точных совпадений: 4586. Затраченное время: 355 мс


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    The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

    Space and Time


    the universal forms in which matter exists. Space and time do not exist outside of matter or independently of it.

    Spatial characteristics include position relative to other bodies (the coordinates of bodies), the distances between bodies, and the angles between different directions of space. Individual objects are characterized by length and form, which are determined by the distances between the parts of the objects and by the orientation of the parts. The characteristics of time are the instants at which phenomena occur and the length (duration) of processes. The relations between these spatial and temporal quantities are called metric. There are also topological characteristics of space and time—the contiguity of different objects and the number of directions. Purely spatial relations are involved only when it is possible to abstract from the properties and motions of bodies and their parts. Purely temporal relations are involved only when it is possible to abstract from the manifold of coexistent objects.

    In reality, however, spatial and temporal relations are interconnected. Their direct unity is manifested in the motion of matter; displacement, the simplest form of motion, is characterized by quantities that represent different relations of space and time (speed, acceleration) and that are studied by kinematics. Modern physics has established a deeper-lying unity of space and time that is expressed in the regular covariation of the spatiotemporal characteristics of systems as a function of their motion and in the dependence of these characteristics on the concentration of masses in the environment.

    Frames of reference are used to measure spatial and temporal quantities.

    As knowledge of matter and motion advances, the scientific concepts of space and time are examined more closely and altered. Therefore, the physical meaning and significance of newly discovered regularities of space and time can be understood only by establishing the relation of these regularities to the general principles underlying the interaction and motion of matter.

    The concepts of space and time are a necessary component of the overall picture of the world and therefore fall within the purview of philosophy. The study of space and time is advancing and developing as natural science—especially physics —develops. Among the other natural sciences, astronomy— especially cosmology—has contributed significantly to progress in the study of space and time.

    The development of physics, geometry, and astronomy in the 20th century has confirmed the correctness of the position of dialectical materialism regarding space and time. In turn, the dialectical materialist concept of space and time makes it possible to interpret correctly the modern physical theory of space and time and to reveal the unsatisfactoriness of both the subjectivist interpretation of the theory and attempts to “develop” the theory by separating space and time from matter.

    Spatiotemporal relations obey not only general laws but also specific laws characteristic of the objects of a given class, inasmuch as the relations are determined by the structure and intrinsic interactions of a material object. Such characteristics as the dimensions and shape of an object, lifetime, rate of processes, and type of symmetry are therefore significant parameters of an object of a given type that also depend on the conditions under which the object exists. Spatial and temporal relations are particularly specific in complex developing objects, such as an organism or society. In this sense we may speak of the individual space and time of such objects, for example, biological or social time.

    Basic concepts. The most important philosophic problems bearing on space and time are the questions of the essence of space and time, the relation of these forms of existence to matter, and the objectivity of spatiotemporal relations and laws.

    Two basic concepts of space and time have existed throughout virtually the entire history of natural science and philosophy. One concept comes from Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius, and other ancient atomists, who introduced the concept of empty space and considered it homogeneous (the same at all points) and infinite; Epicurus believed that empty space was not isotropic, that is, not the same in all directions. In ancient times the concept of time was extremely poorly developed and was considered a subjective perception of reality.

    In the modern era this concept was developed by I. Newton in connection with his elaboration of the principles of dynamics. Newton cleansed the concept of anthropomorphism. He held that space and time are special elements that exist independently of matter and each other. Space in and of itself (absolute space) is an empty repository of bodies that is absolutely immobile, continuous, homogeneous, isotropic, permeable without affecting or being affected by matter, infinite, and three-dimensional. Newton made a distinction between absolute space and the dimension of bodies, the fundamental property of bodies by virtue of which they occupy definite positions in absolute space and coincide with these positions. If we speak of the simplest particles (atoms), then dimension, according to Newton, is the initial and primary property that does not require explanation. Absolute space is unmeasurable and unknowable because of the indistinguishability of its parts. The positions of bodies and the distances between bodies can be determined only with respect to other bodies. In other words, science and practice deal only with relative space.

    Time, as Newton saw it, is something absolute and entirely independent—pure duration per se flowing uniformly from the past to the future. It is an empty repository of events, events that may or may not fill it; the course of events does not affect the flow of time. Time is universal, one-dimensional, continuous, infinite, and uniform (everywhere the same). Newton distinguished relative time from absolute time, which also is unmeasurable. Time is measured by means of clocks, that is, by means of periodic motions. Newton regarded space and time as independent of each other. The independence of space and time is manifested above all in the fact that the distance between two given points in space and the time interval between two events retain their values independently of each other in any frame of reference and that any relations may obtain between these quantities (the velocities of bodies).

    Newton criticized R. Descartes’s idea of a filled space, that is, the identity of extended matter with space.

    The concept of space and time elaborated by Newton prevailed in natural science in the 17th to 19th centuries since it conformed to the science of that period—Euclidean geometry, classical mechanics, and the classical theory of gravitation. The laws of Newtonian mechanics hold only in inertial frames of reference. Inertial frames of reference were singled out in this way because they move translationally, uniformly, and rectilinearly with respect to absolute space and time and because they best correspond to absolute space and time.

    According to Newton’s theory of gravitation, actions are transmitted instantaneously from some particles of matter to others through the empty space separating the particles. The Newtonian concept of space and time thus fully conformed to the overall physical picture of the world current in that era, and in particular to the concept of matter as primordially extended and by nature invariant. The essential contradiction in Newton’s concept was that absolute space and time remained unknowable by experimental means. According to the relativity principle of classical mechanics, all inertial frames of reference are equivalent and it is impossible to determine whether a system is moving with respect to absolute space and time or is at rest.

    This contradiction served as an argument for advocates of the opposing concept of space and time. This concept, whose initial premises date back to Aristotle, was elaborated by G. W. von Leibniz, who also relied on some of Descartes’s ideas. The distinguishing feature of Leibniz’ concept is the rejection of the concept of space and time as independent elements of being that exist together with and independently of matter. According to Leibniz, space is the order of the relative arrangement of a set of bodies that exist outside each other, and time is the order of succeeding events or states of the bodies. Leibniz subsequently incorporated in the concept of order the concept of relative magnitude. Leibniz’ theory holds that the concept of the dimension of an individual body, if considered without regard to other bodies, is meaningless. Space is a relation (order) applicable only to many bodies—a series of bodies. One may speak only of the relative dimension of a body compared with the dimensions of other bodies. The same is true of duration: the concept of duration is applicable to an individual phenomenon insofar as the phenomenon is considered a link in a single chain of events. The extent of any object, according to Leibniz, is not a primary property but is due to forces acting within the object; internal and external interactions also determine the duration of a state. As for the very nature of time as the order of succeeding phenomena, time reflects the causal relation of phenomena. Leibniz’ concept is logically connected with his philosophic system as a whole.

    However, Leibniz’ concept of space and time did not play a significant role in natural science in the 17th, 18th, or 19th centuries because it could not answer the questions raised by science in that period. Above all, Leibniz’ views on space seemed to be inconsistent with the existence of a vacuum; the problem of the vacuum was seen in a new light only after the discovery of the physical field in the 19th century. In addition, his views clearly contradicted the universal belief in the uniqueness and universality of Euclidean geometry. Finally, Leibniz’ concept appeared to be irreconcilable with classical mechanics because it seemed that recognizing the pure relativity of motion does not provide an explanation for the preferential role of inertial frames of reference. Thus, the natural science of Leibniz’ day found itself at odds with Leibniz’ concept of space and time, which was constructed on a much broader philosophic foundation. It was only two centuries later that scientific facts demonstrating the limited nature of the then prevalent concepts of space and time began to accumulate.

    Concepts of space and time in philosophy and natural science in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although materialist philosophers of the 18th and 19th centuries attempted to solve the problem of space and time primarily in the spirit of the concepts of Newton or Leibniz, they generally did not fully adopt either concept. Most materialist philosophers opposed Newtonian empty space. J. Toland was one of the first to point out that the concept of a void is linked to a view of matter as inert and inactive. D. Diderot held the same views. G. W. F. Hegel adhered more to Leibniz’ concept. In the concepts of subjective idealists and agnostics, the problems of space and time amounted primarily to the question of the relation of space and time to consciousness and perception. G. Berkeley rejected Newton’s absolute space and time but considered spatial and temporal relations subjectivistically, as the order of perceptions; he did not deal with objective geometric and mechanical laws. Berkeley’s viewpoint therefore did not play a significant role in the development of scientific concepts of space and time.

    This was not the case with the views of I. Kant, who at first accepted Leibniz’ concept. The contradiction between this concept and the views of natural science then current led Kant to adopt Newton’s concept and to attempt to substantiate it philosophically. His main point was that space and time were a priori forms of human contemplation, that is, the substantiation of their absolutization. Kant’s views of space and time found many supporters in the late 18th century and in the first half of the 19th. Their inconsistency was proved only after the creation and adoption of non-Euclidean geometry, which essentially contradicted Newton’s understanding of space. In rejecting the Newtonian concept, N. I. Lobachevskii and G. F. B. Riemann asserted that the geometric properties of space, being the most general physical properties, are determined by the general nature of the forces forming bodies.

    The dialectical materialist view of space and time was formulated by F. Engels. According to Engels, to exist in space is to exist in an arrangement of one alongside another, and to exist in time means to exist in a sequence of one after another. Engels emphasized that “the two forms of existence of matter are naturally nothing without matter, empty concepts, abstractions which exist only in our minds” (K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20, p. 550).

    The crisis of mechanistic natural science at the turn of the 20th century led to a revival of subjectivistic views of space and time. Criticizing Newton’s concept and correctly noting its weak aspects, E. Mach once again developed the view of space and time as the order of perceptions, emphasizing the experiential origin of the axioms of geometry. Mach interpreted experience subjectivistically, however, and he therefore considered Euclidean, Lobachevskian, and Riemannian geometries as different methods of describing the same spatial correlation. V. I. Lenin provided a critique of Mach’s subjectivistic views of space and time in his Materialism and Empiriocriticism.

    Development of the concepts of space and time in the 20th century. The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a profound change in scientific concepts of matter and a corresponding radical change in concepts of space and time. The concept of field as a form of the material connection between particles of matter and as a special form of matter entered the physical picture of the world. All bodies thus were seen to be systems of charged particles connected by a field that transfers actions from some particles to others at a finite speed—the speed of light. It was believed that a field was a state of the ether, an absolutely immobile medium filling absolute space. It was later established by H. A. Lorentz and others that when bodies move at very high speeds close to the speed of light, a change in the field takes place that leads to a change in the spatial and temporal properties of the bodies. Lorentz believed that bodies shortened in the direction of their motion and that the rate of physical processes transpiring in the bodies slowed, with spatial and temporal quantities varying in coordination.

    At first it seemed that it would be possible to determine in this manner the absolute velocity of a body with respect to the ether and consequently with respect to absolute space. All experimentation refuted this view, however. It was established that in any inertial frame of reference all physical laws, including the laws of electromagnetic interactions and field interactions generally, were identical. A. Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which was based on two fundamental assumptions—the limiting nature of the speed of light and the equivalency of inertial frames of reference—was a new physical theory of space and time. It follows from this theory that spatial and temporal relations—the length of a body (and in general the distance between two mass points) and the duration and rate of the processes transpiring in the body—are not absolute quantities, as Newtonian mechanics asserted, but relative. A particle, such as a nucleon, can manifest itself as spherical with respect to a particle moving slowly in relation to it and as a disk flattened in the direction of motion with respect to a particle moving toward it at a very high velocity. Accordingly, the lifetime of a slow-moving charged π-meson is ∼10-8 sec, whereas that of a fast-moving π-meson (moving at a velocity close to the speed of light) is many times greater. The relativity of the spatiotemporal properties of bodies has been fully confirmed by experiment.

    It follows from the above that the concepts of absolute space and time cannot be supported. Space and time are general forms of the coordination of material phenomena and not elements of being that exist independently of matter. The theory of relativity excludes the concept of space and time that are empty and have intrinsic dimensions. The concept of empty space was subsequently rejected in quantum field theory, with its new concept of the vacuum. The subsequent development of the theory of relativity showed that spatiotemporal relations also depend on the concentrations of masses. When we move to a cosmic scale, the geometry of space-time is not Euclidean or planar, that is, independent of the dimensions of the region of space-time. The geometry of space-time varies from one region of outer space to another as a function of the mass density in these regions and their motion. On the metagalactic scale, the geometry of space varies with time because of the expansion of the metagalaxy. Thus, the development of physics and astronomy has demonstrated the inconsistency of both Kant’s apriorism—the interpretation of space and time as a priori forms of human perception whose nature is invariant and independent of matter—and of Newton’s dogmatic concept of space and time.

    The relation of space and time to matter is expressed not only in the dependence of the laws of space and time on general regularities that determine the interactions of material objects. It is also manifested in the presence of a characteristic rhythm in the existence of material objects and processes—average lifetimes and average spatial dimensions that are typical of each class of objects.

    It follows from the above that extremely general physical regularities bearing on all objects and processes are inherent in space and time. This also pertains to problems connected with the topological properties of space and time. The problem of the boundary (contiguity) of individual objects and processes is directly connected with the question—raised even in antiquity —of the finite or infinite divisibility of space and time, their discreteness or continuousness. In ancient philosophy this question was answered purely speculatively. Zeno of Elea, for example, advanced hypotheses concerning the existence of “atoms” of time. In 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century science the idea of the atomism of space and time lost its significance. Newton believed that space and time were in reality separated ad infinitum. This conclusion followed from his concept of empty space and time, the smallest elements of which are the geometric point and the instant of time. Leibniz believed that although space and time are divisible without limit, in reality they are not divided into points; in nature there are no objects and phenomena lacking dimension and duration. It follows from the concept of the unlimited divisibility of space and time that the boundaries of bodies and events are also absolute. The concept of the continuousness of space and time was further strengthened in the 19th century with the discovery of the field. In the classical interpretation, a field is an absolutely continuous entity

    The problem of the real divisibility of space and time was raised in the 20th century by the discovery of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. According to this principle, infinitely large momenta are needed to localize a microparticle with absolute precision; this is physically unfeasible. In addition, modern elementary-particle physics shows that when very strong effects are exerted on a particle the particle may not survive at all, and multiple particle production may even take place. In reality there exist no real physical conditions under which the exact value of field intensities could be measured at every point.

    Thus, it has been established in modern physics that not only is the real division of space and time into points impossible but also that it is fundamentally impossible to carry out the process of real infinite division. Consequently, the geometric concepts of the point, curve, and surface are abstractions that reflect only approximately the spatial properties of material objects. In reality, objects are separated from each other not absolutely but only relatively. The same is also true of instants of time. This view of the “point nature” of events stems from what is called nonlocal field theory. The hypothesis of the quantization of space and time, that is, the existence of minimum length and duration, is being developed simultaneously with the idea of the nonlocality of interaction. Originally it was believed that the “quantum” of length was 10-13 cm, on the order of the classical radius of the electron or the “length” of the strong interaction. However, phenomena associated with lengths of 10-14 to 10-15cm are being investigated by means of modern charged-particle accelerators, and the values of the quantum of length are decreasing (10-17 cm, the “length” of the weak interaction, or even 10-33cm).

    The problem of the quantization of space and time is closely connected with the problems of the structure of elementary particles. Studies have appeared in which the applicability of the concepts of space and time to the submicroscopic world is denied altogether. However, the concepts of space and time should not be reduced to either metric or topological relations of known types.

    The close interrelation of the spatiotemporal properties and nature of the interaction of objects is also seen when analyzing the symmetry of space and time. As early as 1918, E. Noether proved that the law of conservation of momentum corresponds to the uniformity of space, that the law of conservation of energy corresponds to the uniformity of time, and that the law of conservation of angular momentum corresponds to the isotropy of space. Thus, the types of symmetry of space and time as the general forms of coordination of objects and processes are interconnected with the most important laws of conservation. The symmetry of space with respect to mirror reflection has proved to be connected with an essential characteristic of microparticles—their parity.

    The question of the direction of time is one of the important problems of space and time. In the Newtonian concept this property of time was considered to be self-evident and not in need of substantiation. For Leibniz the irreversibility of the flow of time was connected with the unambiguous direction of chains of causes and effects. Modern physics has concretized and developed this substantiation, connecting it with the modern understanding of causality. The directionality of time is apparently related to as integral a characteristic of material processes as development, which is fundamentally irreversible.

    The question of the number of dimensions of space and time is among the problems of space and time that have been discussed since antiquity. In the Newtonian concept this number was considered to be primary. Aristotle, however, attempted to substantiate the three-dimensionality of space by the number of possible sections (divisions) of a body. Interest in this problem grew in the 20th century as topology developed. L. Brouwer established that the dimensionality of space is a topological invariant—a number that does not change on continuous and one-to-one mappings of space. The relation between the number of dimensions of space and the structure of the electromagnetic field has been demonstrated in a number of studies by H. Weyl, and the relation between the three-dimensionality of space and the spiral nature of elementary particles has also been demonstrated. All this has shown that the number of dimensions of space and time is inseparably connected with the material structure of the world around us.


    Engels, F. Dialektika prirody. K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20.
    Engels, F. Anti-Dühring. Ibid.
    Lenin, V. I. Materializm i empiriokrititsizm. Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 18.
    Einstein, A. Osnovy teorii otnositel’nosti, 2nd ed. Moscow-Leningrad, 1935.
    Newton, I. Matematicheskie nachala natural’noi filosofii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1936.
    Markov, M. A. Giperony i K-mezony. sec. 34. Moscow, 1958.
    Sviderskii, V. I. Prostransivo i vremia. Moscow, 1958.
    Polemika G. Leibnitsa i S. Klarka po voprosam filosofii i estestvoznaniia (1715–1716 gg.). [Leningrad] 1960.
    Fok, V. A. Teoriia prostranstva, vremeni i tiagoteniia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1961.
    Shteinman, R. Ia. Prostranstvo i vremia. Moscow, 1962.
    Grünbaum, A. Filosofskie problemy prostranstva i vremeni. Moscow, 1969. (Translated from English.)
    Mostepanenko, A. M. Prostranstvo i vremia v makro-, mega- i mikromire. Moscow, 1974.
    Jammer, M. Concepts of Space. Cambridge, 1954.


    The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

    I need a single word which means «not bound by time or space»

    Words such as «timeless,» «eternal,» «atemporal,» «,forever,» or «incorporal» either means «not bound by time» or «not bound by space» but I need a word means both.

    Here is what I am writing:

    Either way, regardless of how powerful we, humans, become or how technologically advanced we will be, or how much knowledge we will accumulate, the concern which will forever haunt humanity is still the same: how will we, humans, put our power to use? We could even invent the time machine today. We could discover the secret to teleportation today. We could all move to Mars today. We could produce a weapon that is even more destructive than a nuclear bomb today. And none of that would answer how humans ought to put these great tools to use. Here, the more powerful humans become the more we are prone to causing our own destruction. Power is something which none of us should take likely. The question of how we ought to use our power is a crucial question which humanity must answer and must answer correctly. Regardless of how powerful or powerless we are, regardless of what context we might find ourselves in—from talking to our loved ones all the way to making a decision that could affect millions, regardless of whether it would be right at this very moment or ten thousand years from now, there is just not a time nor space which this question isn’t relevant.

    The purpose of my research aims to solve and answer this [A WORD WHICH MEANS NOT BOUND BY TIME OR SPACE HERE] question.


    Asked by: Eryn Purdy

    Score: 4.4/5
    (73 votes)

    Thus, space and time are effectively interchangeable, and fundamentally the same thing (or at least two different sides of the same coin), an effect which becomes much more noticeable at relativistic speeds approaching the speed of light.

    What is the difference between space and time?

    One can say that the only difference between these two is their functionality. Space offers the ‘room’ for matter to exist and move in, and time offers the facility of keeping track of what matter is doing and in which order.

    How are space and time related?

    Einstein, however, introduced the concept of a fourth dimension — time — that meant that space and time were inextricably linked. The general theory of relativity suggests that space-time expands and contracts depending on the momentum and mass of nearby matter.

    Can space and time exist separately?

    In the context of special relativity, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space, because the observed rate at which time passes for an object depends on the object’s velocity relative to the observer. … Space time is thus four dimensional.

    Why is time the same as space?

    The famous physicist Albert Einstein helped develop the idea of space-time as part of his theory of relativity. … That’s because space and time are relative — they depend on an observer’s speed. But the speed of light is more fundamental than either.

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    Time dilation goes back to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which teaches us that motion through space actually creates alterations in the flow of time. … The clock in motion will tick more slowly than the clocks we’re watching on Earth.

    Is time an illusion?

    According to theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, time is an illusion: our naive perception of its flow doesn’t correspond to physical reality. Indeed, as Rovelli argues in The Order of Time, much more is illusory, including Isaac Newton’s picture of a universally ticking clock.

    Do you age slower in space?

    That’s because space-time isn’t flat — it’s curved, and it can be warped by matter and energy. … And for astronauts on the International Space Station, that means they get to age just a tiny bit slower than people on Earth. That’s because of time-dilation effects.

    What is the 7th dimension?

    In the seventh dimension, you have access to the possible worlds that start with different initial conditions. … In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered.

    What are the 11 dimensions?

    The 11th dimension is a characteristic of spacetime that has been proposed as a possible answer to questions that arise in Superstring Theory, which involves the existence of 9 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time.

    Why we Cannot visualize 4 dimensions?

    But for someone who’s only known life in two dimensions, 3-D would be impossible to comprehend. And that, according to many researchers, is the reason we can’t see the fourth dimension, or any other dimension beyond that. … Because we only know life in 3-D, our brains don’t understand how to look for anything more.

    How many dimensions are there on Earth?

    The world as we know it has three dimensions of space—length, width and depth—and one dimension of time.

    Is a wormhole possible?

    In the early days of research on black holes, before they even had that name, physicists did not yet know if these bizarre objects existed in the real world. The original idea of a wormhole came from physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen. …

    Are there 2 dimensional beings?

    Our entire living reality happens in a three-dimensional Universe, so naturally it’s hard to imagine a universe with just two dimensions. But, according to new calculations, a 2D universe could actually support life, too.

    How is 1 hour 7 years in space?

    Answer: The time-dilation effect of Einstein’s relativity has nothing to do with space. The faster you’re moving, the slower time goes for you. So if you were on some planet moving extremely fast through space, like in the movie Interstellar, then you could miss 7 years on Earth every hour.

    How do u sleep in space?

    Sleeping in space requires that astronauts sleep in a crew cabin, a small room about the size of a shower stall. They lie in a sleeping bag which is strapped to the wall. Astronauts have reported having nightmares and dreams, and snoring while sleeping in space.

    How do astronauts poop?

    They use a fan-driven suction system similar to the Space Shuttle WCS. Liquid waste is collected in 20-litre (5.3 US gal) containers. Solid waste is collected in individual micro-perforated bags which are stored in an aluminum container. Full containers are transferred to Progress for disposal.

    To establish the deep (meaningful) differences between artistic and non-artistic text, you can refer to the presentation of such categories as time and space. The specificity here is obvious; it is not without reason that there are relevant terms in philology: artistic time and artistic space [1].

    It is known that the feeling of time for a person in different periods of his life is subjective: it can stretch or shrink. Such subjectivity of sensations is used differently by the authors of artistic texts: an instant can last a long time or even completely stop, and large time periods can be flashed overnight. Artistic time is a sequence in describing events that are subjectively perceived. This perception of time becomes one of the forms of the image of reality, when the temporal perspective changes according to the will of the author. And the time perspective may shift, the past is thought of as the present, and the future may appear as the past, etc.

    For example, in K. Simonov’s poem “Wait for Me” [2] subjective shifts in time are used: the feeling of expectation is transferred to the plan of the past. The beginning of the poem is built as a repeated appeal calling for waiting ( wait for me, and I will return, just wait. Wait when …). This “wait, when” and simply “wait” is repeated ten times. Thus, the prospect of a future that is not yet accomplished is outlined. However, at the end of the poem, a statement of the event is given as accomplished:

    Wait for me and I will come back

    To all deaths out of spite.

    Who did not expect me, let him

    Says: «Lucky.»

    Do not understand not waiting for them,

    As in the middle of the fire

    Waiting for your

    You saved me.

    How I survived will know

    Only we are with you,

    You just knew how to wait

    Like no one else.

    So the prospect of the future was abruptly broken, and the theme “Wait and I will return” turned into an affirmation of the result of this expectation given in the past tense forms: lucky, saved, survived, knew how to wait. The use of the category of time, thus, turned into a certain compositional device, and the subjectivity in the presentation of the time plan was reflected in the fact that the expectation moved into the past. Such a shift makes it possible to feel confident in the outcome of events, the future, as it were, is predetermined, inevitable.

    The category of time in the artistic text is also complicated by two-sidedness — this is the time of the narration and the time of the event. Therefore, time shifts are quite natural. Deleted events can be depicted as directly occurring, for example, in the retelling of a character. Temporary bifurcation [3] is a typical method of narration, in which the stories of various people, including the author of the text, intersect.

    But such a split is possible without the intervention of the characters in the coverage of past and present events. For example, in “The Last Spring” by I. Bunin there is an episode-picture drawn by the author:

    No, it’s spring.

    Today drove again . And silent all the way — fog and spring nap. There is no sun, but there is already a lot of spring light behind the fog, and the fields are so white that it is difficult to watch. In the distance, curly lilac forests are barely drawn .

    A small village in a yellow calf jacket with a gun crossed the village. Completely wild hunters. He looked at us, not bowing, and went straight through the snow, towards the line that was darkening in the hollow. The gun is short, with truncated trunks and a homemade lodge, painted with red lead. Behind indifferently runs a large male dog.

    Even wormwood sticking out along the road, out of the snow, in hoarfrost; but spring, spring. Blissfully dozing, sitting on snowy dung heaps, scattered across the field, hawk, gently merge with snow and fog, with all this thick, soft and light white, than the happy pre-spring world is full of.

    The narrator tells here about the past (albeit not far in time — now ) trip. However, imperceptibly, unobtrusively, the narrative is translated into a plan of the present. The picture-event of the past reappears before our eyes and seems to be frozen in stillness. Time stopped.

    Space, as well as time, can be shifted by the author’s will. Art space is created through the use of the image angle; this occurs as a result of a mental change in the place from which the observation is being conducted: the general, small plan is replaced by a larger one, and vice versa.

    If, for example, take a poem by M. Yu. Lermontov «Parus» and consider it in terms of spatial sensations, it turns out that the distant and close combined in one point: first, the sail is seen at a great distance, it is even weakly discernible due to fog (near the fog would not hurt).

    White sail is lonely

    In the mist of the sea blue! ..

    (By the way, in the original version the remoteness of the observed object was directly stated: The sail is distant. )

    Further, the plan is gradually enlarged, the author seems to be approaching the sail:

    Waves play — the wind whistles,

    And the mast bends and lurks …

    In the foggy distance it would be difficult to discern the details of a sailboat, and even less to see how the mast bends, and to hear how it squeaks. And finally, at the end of the poem, we, together with the author, moved to the sailboat itself, otherwise we could not see what was under it and above it:

    Beneath it is a stream of light azure,

    Above him is a golden ray of sunshine …

    This is how the image is noticeably enlarged and the image detailing is enhanced in this connection.

    In a literary text, spatial concepts can generally be transformed into concepts of another kind. According to M. Yu. Lotman, artistic space — is a model of the world of this author, expressed in the language of his spatial representations.

    Spatial concepts in a creative, artistic context can only be external, verbal, but convey a different content, not spatial. For example, for B. Pasternak, the “horizon” is both a temporary concept (future), and emotional-evaluative (happiness), and a mythological “way to heaven” (that is, to creativity). The horizon is the place where the earth converges with the sky, or the sky “descends” to the earth, then the poet is inspired, he feels creative delight. This means that this is not a real horizon as a spatial concept, but something else related to the state of the lyrical hero, and in this case it may shift and be very close:

    In a thunderstorm purple eyes and lawns

    And it smells like raw horizontally,

    it smells very close …

    Space and time are the basic forms of being, life, just like such realities, they are recreated in non-artistic texts, in particular, in scientific ones, and in artistic texts they can be transformed, passing one into the other.

    A. Voznesensky wrote:

    What an asymmetrical time!

    The last minutes are shorter

    The last separation is longer.

    And further:

    Die — in space,

    Live — in time.

    The category of time has a peculiar form of expression not only in an artistic text. Non-fiction text is also notable for its “attitude” to time. Texts such as legislative, instructional, reference, focus on the «timeless» expression of thought. The verb forms of tense used here do not mean at all what they are meant to mean, in particular, the present tense forms convey the meaning of the constancy of a sign, characteristic or constancy of the action performed. Such meanings are abstracted from specific verb forms. There is no time at all here. So, for example, descriptive material is given in encyclopedias:

    Jay The jay stands out in the “black family” of the corvidae by the beauty of the variegated plumage. This is a very intelligent, agile and noisy forest bird. When she sees a person or a predatory beast, she always makes a noise, and her loud cries of “gee-gee-gee” are heard in the forest. In open spaces, the jay flies slowly and hard. In the forest, she deftly flies from branch to branch, from tree to tree, tacking between them. On the ground moves by jumping <…>.

    Singing jay well imitates the voices of other birds (especially predatory) and the most diverse sounds <…>.

    Only during the nesting season the jays seem to disappear — their cries are not heard, birds are not seen flying or climbing everywhere. Jays fly at this time silently, hiding behind the branches, and quietly fly up to the nest.

    After the departure of chicks, at the end of May — in June, the jays gather in small flocks and again noisily wander through the forest (Encyclopedia for Children. T. 2).

    Instructional text type (for example, prescription, recommendation), is built entirely on the language stereotype, where the temporary values ​​are completely eliminated: Should proceed from …; Must be borne in mind …; You must specify on …; Recommended …; etc.

    There is a peculiar use of verb forms of time and in a scientific text, for example: “An event is defined by the place where it occurred and the time when it occurred. It is often useful for reasons of clarity to use an imaginary four-dimensional space … In this space, an event is depicted as a full stop. These points are called world points ”(LD Landau, EM Lifshitz. Field Theory). The verb forms of the tense indicate in this text the meaning of constancy.

    So, the artistic and non-artistic texts, although they are sequences of statements combined into interphrase unity and fragments, are fundamentally different in their nature — functionally, structurally, and communicatively. Even the semantic «behavior» of a word is different in artistic and non-artistic contexts. In non-artistic texts, the word is focused on the expression of the nominative-objective meaning and uniqueness, whereas the artistic text actualizes the hidden meanings of the word, creating a new vision of the world and its assessment, multiplicity, and meaningful extensions. The non-artistic text is oriented towards the reflection of reality strictly limited by the laws of logical causation, the artistic text as belonging to art is free from these limitations.

    The artistic and non-artistic text is fundamentally different in its orientation towards different aspects of the reader’s personality, his emotional and intellectual structure. The artistic text primarily affects the emotional structure (of the soul), is associated with the reader’s personal sensations — hence expressiveness, emotiveness, mood for empathy; non-artistic text appeals more to the mind, the intellectual structure of the individual — hence the neutrality of expression and detachment from the personal-emotional beginning [4].

    Philosophy of space and time is the branch of philosophy concerned with the issues surrounding the ontology and epistemology of space and time. While such ideas have been central to philosophy from its inception, the philosophy of space and time was both an inspiration for and a central aspect of early analytic philosophy. The subject focuses on a number of basic issues, including whether time and space exist independently of the mind, whether they exist independently of one another, what accounts for time’s apparently unidirectional flow, whether times other than the present moment exist, and questions about the nature of identity (particularly the nature of identity over time).

    Ancient and medieval views[edit]

    The earliest recorded philosophy of time was expounded by the ancient Egyptian thinker Ptahhotep (c. 2650–2600 BC) who said:

    Follow your desire as long as you live, and do not perform more than is ordered, do not lessen the time of the following desire, for the wasting of time is an abomination to the spirit…

    — 11th maxim of Ptahhotep [1]

    The Vedas, the earliest texts on Indian philosophy and Hindu philosophy, dating back to the late 2nd millennium BC, describe ancient Hindu cosmology, in which the universe goes through repeated cycles of creation, destruction, and rebirth, with each cycle lasting 4,320,000 years.[2] Ancient Greek philosophers, including Parmenides and Heraclitus, wrote essays on the nature of time.[3]

    Incas regarded space and time as a single concept, named pacha (Quechua: pacha, Aymara: pacha).[4][5][6]

    Plato, in the Timaeus, identified time with the period of motion of the heavenly bodies, and space as that in which things come to be. Aristotle, in Book IV of his Physics, defined time as the number of changes with respect to before and after, and the place of an object as the innermost motionless boundary of that which surrounds it.

    In Book 11 of St. Augustine’s Confessions, he reflects on the nature of time, asking, «What then is time? If no one asks me, I know: if I wish to explain it to one who asks, I know not.» He goes on to comment on the difficulty of thinking about time, pointing out the inaccuracy of common speech: «For but few things are there of which we speak properly; of most things we speak improperly, still, the things intended are understood.»[7] But Augustine presented the first philosophical argument for the reality of Creation (against Aristotle) in the context of his discussion of time, saying that knowledge of time depends on the knowledge of the movement of things, and therefore time cannot be where there are no creatures to measure its passing (Confessions Book XI ¶30; City of God Book XI ch.6).

    In contrast to ancient Greek philosophers who believed that the universe had an infinite past with no beginning, medieval philosophers and theologians developed the concept of the universe having a finite past with a beginning, now known as temporal finitism. The Christian philosopher John Philoponus presented early arguments, adopted by later Christian philosophers and theologians of the form «argument from the impossibility of the existence of an actual infinite», which states:[8]

    «An actual infinite cannot exist.»
    «An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.»
    «∴ An infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.»

    In the early 11th century, the Muslim physicist Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen or Alhazen) discussed space perception and its epistemological implications in his Book of Optics (1021). He also rejected Aristotle’s definition of topos (Physics IV) by way of geometric demonstrations and defined place as a mathematical spatial extension.[9] His experimental proof of the intro-mission model of vision led to changes in the understanding of the visual perception of space, contrary to the previous emission theory of vision supported by Euclid and Ptolemy. In «tying the visual perception of space to prior bodily experience, Alhacen unequivocally rejected the intuitiveness of spatial perception and, therefore, the autonomy of vision. Without tangible notions of distance and size for correlation, sight can tell us next to nothing about such things.»[10]

    Realism and anti-realism[edit]

    A traditional realist position in ontology is that time and space have existence apart from the human mind. Idealists, by contrast, deny or doubt the existence of objects independent of the mind. Some anti-realists, whose ontological position is that objects outside the mind do exist, nevertheless doubt the independent existence of time and space.

    In 1781, Immanuel Kant published the Critique of Pure Reason, one of the most influential works in the history of the philosophy of space and time. He describes time as an a priori notion that, together with other a priori notions such as space, allows us to comprehend sense experience. Kant holds that neither space nor time are substance, entities in themselves, or learned by experience; he holds, rather, that both are elements of a systematic framework we use to structure our experience. Spatial measurements are used to quantify how far apart objects are, and temporal measurements are used to quantitatively compare the interval between (or duration of) events. Although space and time are held to be transcendentally ideal in this sense — that is, mind-dependent — they are also empirically real — that is, according to Kant’s definitions, a priori features of experience, and therefore not simply «subjective,» variable, or accidental perceptions in a given consciousness.[11]

    Some idealist writers, such as J. M. E. McTaggart in The Unreality of Time, have argued that time is an illusion (see also The flow of time, below).

    The writers discussed here are for the most part realists in this regard; for instance, Gottfried Leibniz held that his monads existed, at least independently of the mind of the observer.

    Absolutism and relationalism[edit]

    Leibniz and Newton[edit]

    The great debate between defining notions of space and time as real objects themselves (absolute), or mere orderings upon actual objects (relational), began between physicists Isaac Newton (via his spokesman, Samuel Clarke) and Gottfried Leibniz in the papers of the Leibniz–Clarke correspondence.

    Arguing against the absolutist position, Leibniz offers a number of thought experiments with the purpose of showing that there is contradiction in assuming the existence of facts such as absolute location and velocity. These arguments trade heavily on two principles central to his philosophy: the principle of sufficient reason and the identity of indiscernibles. The principle of sufficient reason holds that for every fact, there is a reason that is sufficient to explain what and why it is the way it is and not otherwise. The identity of indiscernibles states that if there is no way of telling two entities apart, then they are one and the same thing.

    The example Leibniz uses involves two proposed universes situated in absolute space. The only discernible difference between them is that the latter is positioned five feet to the left of the first. The example is only possible if such a thing as absolute space exists. Such a situation, however, is not possible, according to Leibniz, for if it were, a universe’s position in absolute space would have no sufficient reason, as it might very well have been anywhere else. Therefore, it contradicts the principle of sufficient reason, and there could exist two distinct universes that were in all ways indiscernible, thus contradicting the identity of indiscernibles.

    Standing out in Clarke’s (and Newton’s) response to Leibniz’s arguments is the bucket argument: Water in a bucket, hung from a rope and set to spin, will start with a flat surface. As the water begins to spin in the bucket, the surface of the water will become concave. If the bucket is stopped, the water will continue to spin, and while the spin continues, the surface will remain concave. The concave surface is apparently not the result of the interaction of the bucket and the water, since the surface is flat when the bucket first starts to spin, it becomes concave as the water starts to spin, and it remains concave as the bucket stops.

    In this response, Clarke argues for the necessity of the existence of absolute space to account for phenomena like rotation and acceleration that cannot be accounted for on a purely relationalist account. Clarke argues that since the curvature of the water occurs in the rotating bucket as well as in the stationary bucket containing spinning water, it can only be explained by stating that the water is rotating in relation to the presence of some third thing—absolute space.

    Leibniz describes a space that exists only as a relation between objects, and which has no existence apart from the existence of those objects. Motion exists only as a relation between those objects. Newtonian space provided the absolute frame of reference within which objects can have motion. In Newton’s system, the frame of reference exists independently of the objects contained within it. These objects can be described as moving in relation to space itself. For almost two centuries, the evidence of a concave water surface held authority.


    Another important figure in this debate is 19th-century physicist Ernst Mach. While he did not deny the existence of phenomena like that seen in the bucket argument, he still denied the absolutist conclusion by offering a different answer as to what the bucket was rotating in relation to: the fixed stars.

    Mach suggested that thought experiments like the bucket argument are problematic. If we were to imagine a universe that only contains a bucket, on Newton’s account, this bucket could be set to spin relative to absolute space, and the water it contained would form the characteristic concave surface. But in the absence of anything else in the universe, it would be difficult to confirm that the bucket was indeed spinning. It seems equally possible that the surface of the water in the bucket would remain flat.

    Mach argued that, in effect, the water experiment in an otherwise empty universe would remain flat. But if another object were introduced into this universe, perhaps a distant star, there would now be something relative to which the bucket could be seen as rotating. The water inside the bucket could possibly have a slight curve. To account for the curve that we observe, an increase in the number of objects in the universe also increases the curvature in the water. Mach argued that the momentum of an object, whether angular or linear, exists as a result of the sum of the effects of other objects in the universe (Mach’s Principle).


    Albert Einstein proposed that the laws of physics should be based on the principle of relativity. This principle holds that the rules of physics must be the same for all observers, regardless of the frame of reference that is used, and that light propagates at the same speed in all reference frames. This theory was motivated by Maxwell’s equations, which show that electromagnetic waves propagate in a vacuum at the speed of light. However, Maxwell’s equations give no indication of what this speed is relative to. Prior to Einstein, it was thought that this speed was relative to a fixed medium, called the luminiferous ether. In contrast, the theory of special relativity postulates that light propagates at the speed of light in all inertial frames, and examines the implications of this postulate.

    All attempts to measure any speed relative to this ether failed, which can be seen as a confirmation of Einstein’s postulate that light propagates at the same speed in all reference frames. Special relativity is a formalization of the principle of relativity that does not contain a privileged inertial frame of reference, such as the luminiferous ether or absolute space, from which Einstein inferred that no such frame exists.

    Einstein generalized relativity to frames of reference that were non-inertial. He achieved this by positing the Equivalence Principle, which states that the force felt by an observer in a given gravitational field and that felt by an observer in an accelerating frame of reference are indistinguishable. This led to the conclusion that the mass of an object warps the geometry of the space-time surrounding it, as described in Einstein’s field equations.

    In classical physics, an inertial reference frame is one in which an object that experiences no forces does not accelerate. In general relativity, an inertial frame of reference is one that is following a geodesic of space-time. An object that moves against a geodesic experiences a force. An object in free fall does not experience a force, because it is following a geodesic. An object standing on the earth, however, will experience a force, as it is being held against the geodesic by the surface of the planet.

    Einstein partially advocates Mach’s principle in that distant stars explain inertia because they provide the gravitational field against which acceleration and inertia occur. But contrary to Leibniz’s account, this warped space-time is as integral a part of an object as are its other defining characteristics, such as volume and mass. If one holds, contrary to idealist beliefs, that objects exist independently of the mind, it seems that relativistics commits one to also hold the idea that space and temporality have exactly the same type of independent existence.


    The position of conventionalism states that there is no fact of the matter as to the geometry of space and time, but that it is decided by convention. The first proponent of such a view, Henri Poincaré, reacting to the creation of the new non-Euclidean geometry, argued that which geometry applied to a space was decided by convention, since different geometries will describe a set of objects equally well, based on considerations from his sphere-world.

    This view was developed and updated to include considerations from relativistic physics by Hans Reichenbach. Reichenbach’s conventionalism, applying to space and time, focuses around the idea of coordinative definition.

    Coordinative definition has two major features. The first has to do with coordinating units of length with certain physical objects. This is motivated by the fact that we can never directly apprehend length. Instead we must choose some physical object, say the Standard Metre at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of Weights and Measures), or the wavelength of cadmium to stand in as our unit of length. The second feature deals with separated objects. Although we can, presumably, directly test the equality of length of two measuring rods when they are next to one another, we can not find out as much for two rods distant from one another. Even supposing that two rods, whenever brought near to one another are seen to be equal in length, we are not justified in stating that they are always equal in length. This impossibility undermines our ability to decide the equality of length of two distant objects. Sameness of length, to the contrary, must be set by definition.

    Such a use of coordinative definition is in effect, on Reichenbach’s conventionalism, in the General Theory of Relativity where light is assumed, i.e. not discovered, to mark out equal distances in equal times. After this setting of coordinative definition, however, the geometry of spacetime is set.

    As in the absolutism/relationalism debate, contemporary philosophy is still in disagreement as to the correctness of the conventionalist doctrine.

    Structure of space-time[edit]

    Building from a mix of insights from the historical debates of absolutism and conventionalism as well as reflecting on the import of the technical apparatus of the General Theory of Relativity, details as to the structure of space-time have made up a large proportion of discussion within the philosophy of space and time, as well as the philosophy of physics. The following is a short list of topics.

    Relativity of simultaneity[edit]

    According to special relativity each point in the universe can have a different set of events that compose its present instant. This has been used in the Rietdijk–Putnam argument to demonstrate that relativity predicts a block universe in which events are fixed in four dimensions.[citation needed][further explanation needed]

    Invariance vs. covariance[edit]

    Bringing to bear the lessons of the absolutism/relationalism debate with the powerful mathematical tools invented in the 19th and 20th century, Michael Friedman draws a distinction between invariance upon mathematical transformation and covariance upon transformation.

    Invariance, or symmetry, applies to objects, i.e. the symmetry group of a space-time theory designates what features of objects are invariant, or absolute, and which are dynamical, or variable.

    Covariance applies to formulations of theories, i.e. the covariance group designates in which range of coordinate systems the laws of physics hold.

    This distinction can be illustrated by revisiting Leibniz’s thought experiment, in which the universe is shifted over five feet. In this example the position of an object is seen not to be a property of that object, i.e. location is not invariant. Similarly, the covariance group for classical mechanics will be any coordinate systems that are obtained from one another by shifts in position as well as other translations allowed by a Galilean transformation.

    In the classical case, the invariance, or symmetry, group and the covariance group coincide, but they part ways in relativistic physics. The symmetry group of the general theory of relativity includes all differentiable transformations, i.e., all properties of an object are dynamical, in other words there are no absolute objects. The formulations of the general theory of relativity, unlike those of classical mechanics, do not share a standard, i.e., there is no single formulation paired with transformations. As such the covariance group of the general theory of relativity is just the covariance group of every theory.

    Historical frameworks[edit]

    A further application of the modern mathematical methods, in league with the idea of invariance and covariance groups, is to try to interpret historical views of space and time in modern, mathematical language.

    In these translations, a theory of space and time is seen as a manifold paired with vector spaces, the more vector spaces the more facts there are about objects in that theory. The historical development of spacetime theories is generally seen to start from a position where many facts about objects are incorporated in that theory, and as history progresses, more and more structure is removed.

    For example, Aristotelian space and time has both absolute position and special places, such as the center of the cosmos, and the circumference. Newtonian space and time has absolute position and is Galilean invariant, but does not have special positions.


    With the general theory of relativity, the traditional debate between absolutism and relationalism has been shifted to whether spacetime is a substance, since the general theory of relativity largely rules out the existence of, e.g., absolute positions. One powerful argument against spacetime substantivalism, offered by John Earman is known as the «hole argument».

    This is a technical mathematical argument but can be paraphrased as follows:

    Define a function d as the identity function over all elements over the manifold M, excepting a small neighbourhood H belonging to M. Over H d comes to differ from identity by a smooth function.

    With use of this function d we can construct two mathematical models, where the second is generated by applying d to proper elements of the first, such that the two models are identical prior to the time t=0, where t is a time function created by a foliation of spacetime, but differ after t=0.

    These considerations show that, since substantivalism allows the construction of holes, that the universe must, on that view, be indeterministic. Which, Earman argues, is a case against substantivalism, as the case between determinism or indeterminism should be a question of physics, not of our commitment to substantivalism.

    Direction of time[edit]

    The problem of the direction of time arises directly from two contradictory facts. Firstly, the fundamental physical laws are time-reversal invariant; if a cinematographic film were taken of any process describable by means of the aforementioned laws and then played backwards, it would still portray a physically possible process. Secondly, our experience of time, at the macroscopic level, is not time-reversal invariant.[12] Glasses can fall and break, but shards of glass cannot reassemble and fly up onto tables. We have memories of the past, and none of the future. We feel we can’t change the past but can influence the future.

    Causation solution[edit]

    One solution to this problem takes a metaphysical view, in which the direction of time follows from an asymmetry of causation. We know more about the past because the elements of the past are causes for the effect that is our perception. We feel we can’t affect the past and can affect the future because we can’t affect the past and can affect the future.

    There are two main objections to this view. First is the problem of distinguishing the cause from the effect in a non-arbitrary way. The use of causation in constructing a temporal ordering could easily become circular. The second problem with this view is its explanatory power. While the causation account, if successful, may account for some time-asymmetric phenomena like perception and action, it does not account for many others.

    However, asymmetry of causation can be observed in a non-arbitrary way which is not metaphysical in the case of a human hand dropping a cup of water which smashes into fragments on a hard floor, spilling the liquid. In this order, the causes of the resultant pattern of cup fragments and water spill is easily attributable in terms of the trajectory of the cup, irregularities in its structure, angle of its impact on the floor, etc. However, applying the same event in reverse, it is difficult to explain why the various pieces of the cup should fly up into the human hand and reassemble precisely into the shape of a cup, or why the water should position itself entirely within the cup. The causes of the resultant structure and shape of the cup and the encapsulation of the water by the hand within the cup are not easily attributable, as neither hand nor floor can achieve such formations of the cup or water. This asymmetry is perceivable on account of two features: i) the relationship between the agent capacities of the human hand (i.e., what it is and is not capable of and what it is for) and non-animal agency (i.e., what floors are and are not capable of and what they are for) and ii) that the pieces of cup came to possess exactly the nature and number of those of a cup before assembling. In short, such asymmetry is attributable to the relationship between i) temporal direction and ii) the implications of form and functional capacity.

    The application of these ideas of form and functional capacity only dictates temporal direction in relation to complex scenarios involving specific, non-metaphysical agency which is not merely dependent on human perception of time. However, this last observation in itself is not sufficient to invalidate the implications of the example for the progressive nature of time in general.

    Thermodynamics solution[edit]

    The second major family of solutions to this problem, and by far the one that has generated the most literature, finds the existence of the direction of time as relating to the nature of thermodynamics.

    The answer from classical thermodynamics states that while our basic physical theory is, in fact, time-reversal symmetric, thermodynamics is not. In particular, the second law of thermodynamics states that the net entropy of a closed system never decreases, and this explains why we often see glass breaking, but not coming back together.

    But in statistical mechanics things become more complicated. On one hand, statistical mechanics is far superior to classical thermodynamics, in that thermodynamic behavior, such as glass breaking, can be explained by the fundamental laws of physics paired with a statistical postulate. But statistical mechanics, unlike classical thermodynamics, is time-reversal symmetric. The second law of thermodynamics, as it arises in statistical mechanics, merely states that it is overwhelmingly likely that net entropy will increase, but it is not an absolute law.

    Current thermodynamic solutions to the problem of the direction of time aim to find some further fact, or feature of the laws of nature to account for this discrepancy.

    Laws solution[edit]

    A third type of solution to the problem of the direction of time, although much less represented, argues that the laws are not time-reversal symmetric. For example, certain processes in quantum mechanics, relating to the weak nuclear force, are not time-reversible, keeping in mind that when dealing with quantum mechanics time-reversibility comprises a more complex definition. But this type of solution is insufficient because 1) the time-asymmetric phenomena in quantum mechanics are too few to account for the uniformity of macroscopic time-asymmetry and 2) it relies on the assumption that quantum mechanics is the final or correct description of physical processes.[citation needed]

    One recent proponent of the laws solution is Tim Maudlin who argues that the fundamental laws of physics are laws of temporal evolution (see Maudlin [2007]). However, elsewhere Maudlin argues: «[the] passage of time is an intrinsic asymmetry in the temporal structure of the world… It is the asymmetry that grounds the distinction between sequences that runs from past to future and sequences which run from future to past» [ibid, 2010 edition, p. 108]. Thus it is arguably difficult to assess whether Maudlin is suggesting that the direction of time is a consequence of the laws or is itself primitive.

    Flow of time[edit]

    The problem of the flow of time, as it has been treated in analytic philosophy, owes its beginning to a paper written by J. M. E. McTaggart, in which he proposes two «temporal series». The first series, which means to account for our intuitions about temporal becoming, or the moving Now, is called the A-series. The A-series orders events according to their being in the past, present or future, simpliciter and in comparison to each other. The B-series eliminates all reference to the present, and the associated temporal modalities of past and future, and orders all events by the temporal relations earlier than and later than. In many ways, the debate between proponents of these two views can be seen as a continuation of the early modern debate between the view that there is absolute time (defended by Isaac Newton) and the view that there is only merely relative time (defended by Gottfried Leibniz).

    McTaggart, in his paper «The Unreality of Time», argues that time is unreal since a) the A-series is inconsistent and b) the B-series alone cannot account for the nature of time as the A-series describes an essential feature of it.

    Building from this framework, two camps of solution have been offered. The first, the A-theorist solution, takes becoming as the central feature of time, and tries to construct the B-series from the A-series by offering an account of how B-facts come to be out of A-facts. The second camp, the B-theorist solution, takes as decisive McTaggart’s arguments against the A-series and tries to construct the A-series out of the B-series, for example, by temporal indexicals.



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    Quantum field theory models have shown that it is possible for theories in two different space-time backgrounds, like AdS/CFT or T-duality, to be equivalent.

    Presentism and eternalism[edit]

    According to Presentism, time is an ordering of various realities. At a certain time, some things exist and others do not. This is the only reality we can deal with and we cannot, for example, say that Homer exists because at the present time he does not. An Eternalist, on the other hand, holds that time is a dimension of reality on a par with the three spatial dimensions, and hence that all things—past, present and future—can be said to be just as real as things in the present. According to this theory, then, Homer really does exist, though we must still use special language when talking about somebody who exists at a distant time—just as we would use special language when talking about something far away (the very words near, far, above, below, and such are directly comparable to phrases such as in the past, a minute ago, and so on).

    Endurantism and perdurantism[edit]

    The positions on the persistence of objects are somewhat similar. An endurantist holds that for an object to persist through time is for it to exist completely at different times (each instance of existence we can regard as somehow separate from previous and future instances, though still numerically identical with them). A perdurantist on the other hand holds that for a thing to exist through time is for it to exist as a continuous reality, and that when we consider the thing as a whole we must consider an aggregate of all its «temporal parts» or instances of existing. Endurantism is seen as the conventional view and flows out of our pre-philosophical ideas (when I talk to somebody I think I am talking to that person as a complete object, and not just a part of a cross-temporal being), but perdurantists such as David Lewis have attacked this position. They argue that perdurantism is the superior view for its ability to take account of change in objects.

    On the whole, Presentists are also endurantists and Eternalists are also perdurantists (and vice versa), but this is not a necessary relation and it is possible to claim, for instance, that time’s passage indicates a series of ordered realities, but that objects within these realities somehow exist outside of the reality as a whole, even though the realities as wholes are not related. However, such positions are rarely adopted.

    See also[edit]

    • Arrow of time
    • Being and Time
    • Chronometry
    • Einstein’s thought experiments
    • The End of Time
    • Eternal return
    • Metaphysics
    • Milič Čapek
    • Presentism (philosophy of time)
    • Process and Reality
    • Process philosophy
    • Spacetime
    • Temporality
    • Temporal parts
    • Time geography
    • Time Reborn
    • Time travel in science and time travel in fiction
    • Quentin Smith
    • Zeno’s paradoxes


    1. ^ John Bartlett — Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations — (page locatable by contents) Hachette UK, 2 December 2014 ISBN 031625018X Accessed December 13th, 2017
    2. ^ Thompson, Richard L. (2007). The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana: Mysteries of the Sacred Universe. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 225. ISBN 978-81-208-1919-1. Extract of page 225
    3. ^ Dagobert Runes, Dictionary of Philosophy, p. 318.
    4. ^ Atuq Eusebio Manga Qespi, Instituto de lingüística y Cultura Amerindia de la Universidad de Valencia. Pacha: un concepto andino de espacio y tiempo Archived 2010-11-05 at the Wayback Machine. Revísta española de Antropología Americana, 24, pp. 155–189. Edit. Complutense, Madrid. 1994
    5. ^ Stephen Hart, Peruvian Cultural Studies:Work in Progress
    6. ^ Paul Richard Steele, Catherine J. Allen, Handbook of Inca mythology, p. 86, (ISBN 1-57607-354-8)
    7. ^ St. Augustine, Confessions, Book 11. http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/augconf/aug11.htm (Accessed 19/5/14).
    8. ^ Craig, William Lane (June 1979). «Whitrow and Popper on the Impossibility of an Infinite Past». The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 30 (2): 165–170 [165–6]. doi:10.1093/bjps/30.2.165.
    9. ^ Nader El-Bizri, ‘In Defence of the Sovereignty of Philosophy: al-Baghdadi’s Critique of Ibn al-Haytham’s Geometrisation of Place’, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 17 (2007), 57–80
    10. ^ Smith, A. Mark (2005). «The Alhacenian Account Of Spatial Perception And Its Epistemological Implications». Arabic Sciences and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. 15 (2): 219–40. doi:10.1017/S0957423905000184. S2CID 171003284.
    11. ^ See Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, I [«The Elements of Transcendentalism»], Part I [«The Transcendental Aesthetic»], Sections I and II [«Of Space» and «Of Time»])
    12. ^ Borchert, D.M. (2006) Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd Ed. Vol. 9. MI: Cengage Learning. P. 468.


    • Albert, David (2000) Time and Chance. Harvard Univ. Press.
    • Dainton, Barry (2010) Time and Space, Second Edition. McGill-Queens University Press. ISBN 978-0-7735-3747-7
    • Earman, John (1989) World Enough and Space-Time. MIT Press.
    • Friedman, Michael (1983) Foundations of Space-Time Theories. Princeton Univ. Press.
    • Grünbaum, Adolf (1974) Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, 2nd ed. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol XII. D. Reidel Publishing
    • Horwich, Paul (1987) Asymmetries in Time. MIT Press.
    • Ialenti, Vincent (2020) Deep Time Reckoning. MIT Press.
    • Lookwood, Michael The Labyrinth of Time, Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 9780199249954.
    • Lucas, John Randolph, 1973. A Treatise on Time and Space. London: Methuen.
    • Mellor, D.H. (1998) Real Time II. Routledge.
    • Laura Mersini-Houghton; Rudy Vaas (eds.) (2012) The Arrows of Time. A Debate in Cosmology. Springer. 22 June 2012. ISBN 978-3642232589.
    • Graham Nerlich (1976/2009) The Shape of Space. Cambridge University Press.
    • Hans Reichenbach (1958) The Philosophy of Space and Time. Dover
    • Hans Reichenbach (1991) The Direction of Time. University of California Press.
    • Rochelle, Gerald (1998) Behind Time. Ashgate.
    • Lawrence Sklar (1976) Space, Time, and Spacetime. University of California Press.
    • Turetzky, Philip (1998) Time. Routledge.
    • Bas van Fraassen, 1970. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Space and Time. Random House.
    • Gal-Or, Benjamin «Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy». Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981, 1983, 1987 ISBN 0-387-90581-2
    • Ahmad, Manzoor (May 28, 1998). «XV: The Notion of Existence». In Naeem Ahmad; George F McClean (eds.). Philosophy in Pakistan. Department of Philosophy, University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab Province of Pakistan: Punjab University press. pp. 245–250. ISBN 1-56518-108-5. Retrieved 4 July 2012.

    External links[edit]

    • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
      • «Time» by Ned Markosian;
      • «Being and Becoming in Modern Physics» by Steven Savitt;
      • «Absolute and Relational Theories of Space and Motion» by Nick Huggett and Carl Hoefer.
    • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:
      • «Time» by Bradley Dowden.
      • «Persistence in Time» by Damiano Costa.
    • Brown, C.L., 2006, «What is Space?» A largely Wittgensteinian approach towards a dissolution of the question: «What is space?»
    • Rea, M. C., «Four Dimensionalism» in The Oxford Handbook for Metaphysics. Oxford Univ. Press. Describes presentism and four-dimensionalism.
    • CEITT — Time and Temporality Research Center. «Time and Temporality».
    • https://web.archive.org/web/20110710211328/http://www.exactspent.com/philosophy_of_space_and_time.htm and related subjects
    • «Gods and the Universe in Buddhist Perspective, Essays on Buddhist Cosmology» by Francis Story.
    • Mark P. de Munnynck (1913). «Space» . In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.

    It suggests that both frequency upshift and downshift are possible when the pulse propagates in a lossy and spacetime-varying plasma.

    To see this point, recall that such spacetime domains are proxies for unknown structural conditions.

    Indeed, in econometric analysis, spacetime markers are often used as proxies for these unknown, sometimes unobservable, conditions.

    Our approach will then stress that, in the spacetime of modern microscopic physics, one may not consider the discrete topology as in any way ‘natural’.

    In the fission case, there are two spacetime worms identical to two persons that share spacetime parts prior to the operation.

    We simplify the spacetime scan statistic by making an initial summary within census tracts.

    Below, we shall see that such a line of spacetime dislocations can be produced in isolation.

    In general, however, circuits must be considered as asynchronous and physical spacetime as relativistic.

    During the spacetime process, an enormous amount of different cylinders were evaluated to find the most likely cluster.

    This maximum-likelihood ratio is the spacetime scan statistic.

    A maximally inclusive supernatural object contains all existing space-times and is not contained in any spacetime.

    This article introduces a model-based space and time adjustment for surveillance using the spacetime scan statistic.

    This principle is embodied in general relativity by the fact that, in any small region of space-time, the gravitational field can be transformed away.

    Thus, the study of spacetime clustering of cases, and its association with several transmission ways would be of interest.

    An «ultimate species» has no indeterminate properties, aside from the absence of historico-geographical spacetime indices.

    These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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