Word meaning thought over and over

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Please don’t be Mom, he thought over and over again.

We may habitually think the same thought over and over so that it does not seem we are choosing the thought.

Мы можем снова и снова по привычке думать об одном и том же, так что даже не создается впечатления, что эти мысли выбираем мы сами.

So when we think a thought over and over again, we are validating or confirming it as the truth.

It is the process of repeating the same train of thought over and over again with small alterations, coming to no result, and not even aiming at the reaching of a result.

Это — постоянное повторение одного и того же ряда мыслей (с незначительными изменениями), не приводящего ни к какому результату и даже не стремящегося к достижению его.

We may habitually think the same thought over and over so that it does not seem we are choosing the thought.

Мы можем постоянно думать и та же мысль снова и снова, так что не похоже, как если бы мы выбираем мысли.

During my «Sharaku Journey» with the X100, I came back to this thought over and over again.

Я возвращался к этой мысли вновь и вновь, когда работал с Х100 во время моего путешествия «Шараку».

Before arriving in New York to participate in this fiftieth session of the General Assembly, I thought over and over about the possible tangible outcome of this debate.

Перед прибытием в Нью-Йорк для участия в работе пятидесятой сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи я вновь и вновь задумывался над возможным реальным исходом этих прений.

And so if you’re thinking that thought over and over and over again, if you’re imagining in your mind, having that brand new car, having the money that you need, building that company, finding your soul mate.

Следовательно, если вы повторяете эту мысль снова, и снова, и снова, если вы представляете, что вы владелец этой новенькой машины, что у вас есть достаточно денег, что вы создаёте свою компанию, что вы нашли свою вторую половинку.

How often it happens that some thought gets into our mind, and the mind, having no power to throw it out turns the thought over and over endlessly, just as a stream turns a stone over and over in its bed…

Как часто бывает, что в ум попадает какая-нибудь мысль, и ум, не имея сил отбросить ее прочь, переворачивает ее вновь и вновь бесконечное число раз, как ручей переворачивает лежащий на дне камень.

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продумывать, обдумывать, вдумываться, обмозговывать, взвешивать, обсуждать


- обдумывать, продумывать, взвешивать

think over what I’ve said — подумайте над тем, что я сказал
to think over the matter — продумать вопрос

Мои примеры


think over the matter — продумать вопрос  
think over — обмозговывать; передумывать; поразмыслить  
think over / out / through — додумывать  

Примеры с переводом

Think over what I’ve said.

Подумайте над тем, что я сказал.

Meaning of think something over in English

phrasal verb with think verb


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/θɪŋk/ us

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thought | thought

(Definition of think something over from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

think sth over | Business English

think sth over

phrasal verb with think verb [ I or T ]


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/θɪŋk/ us

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thought | thought

(Definition of think sth over from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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: to think about (something) for a period of time especially in an effort to understand or make a decision about it

I’ll give you time to think my offer over.

I’ve thought over what you said, and you’re right.

Dictionary Entries Near think over

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“Think over.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/think%20over. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

think over

To consider or ponder something; to reflect upon something. A noun or pronoun can be used between «think» and «over.» Think it over, and let me know in the morning if you want the job. I spent the next few days thinking over everything she’d said to me just before she died.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

think something over

to think about something and whether one will choose to do it. I need a few minutes to think it over. Let me think over your request for a day or so.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

think over

Ponder, reflect about, especially with a view to making a decision. For example, I’ll have to think it over carefully before I can say yes or no. [Mid-1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

think over


To consider or reflect on something, especially in order to make a decision: The students thought over the story they had just read. Here’s my proposal—think it over, and let me know how you feel.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (something) to go on
  • a ghost at the feast
  • (do) (you) want to make something of it?
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • (something) is not your daddy’s
  • (something) is not your dad’s
  • (something) is not your father’s

Overthink and think over are two terms that seem very similar but in fact have different meanings. We will examine the difference in meaning between overthink and think over and look at a few examples of their use in sentences.

To overthink means to ponder something for much too long, to put too much effort into thinking about something. To overthink is a form of worrying. Overthink is a compound word, which is a term that is composed of two unrelated words joined together to form a new meaning. It is also a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. Related words are overthinks, overthought, overthinking.

To think something over means to ponder something carefully, to take the time and effort to consider something cautiously or deliberately. Note that the words think and over are sometimes separated by the item or situation being deliberated upon. For instance: I wanted to take a few hours to think things over. Think over is a phrasal verb, related words are thinks over, thought over, thinking over.


“At times, we overthink things too much,” Miller said. “We overthink it and that causes us to make a mistake.” (The Odessa American)

I just didn’t have time to sit and worry and overthink things. (The Guardian)

It’s a route mostly devoid of people, so it offers a great opportunity to think over what’s on your mind. (The New School Free Press)

The offer should be subject to a window period, usually 48 hours, to allow the vendor time to think it over. (Switzer Financial News)

We didn’t know if we were going to have a space or not, if they were going to keep the mall as is or not, and I’m sure they thought it over and checked everything out,” Smith said. (The Galesburg Register-Mail)

Context : I want me and my partner to think over some problem example a math problem think over
solution to it. Come up with solution

Some lines that come to my mind are —

  1. Let’s ponder over it
  2. Lets think over it.

I am not sure if these are correct
How is the word brainstorming different from pondering over / think over

asked Mar 6, 2021 at 11:55

Amit wadhwa's user avatar


Few alternatives I found on dictionary.com, are:

cogitate(verb-used without object):

  • to think hard; ponder; meditate.
    Example — to cogitate about a problem.

figure out(informal verb phrase):

  • to understand; solve. Example — We couldn’t figure out where all the money had gone.
  • to calculate; compute.


  • (used with object)to weigh in mind; to consider. Example — to deliberate a question.
  • (used without object)to think carefully or attentively; reflect. Example — She deliberated for a long time before giving her discussion.

answered Mar 7, 2021 at 12:24

Sarthak Katiyar's user avatar

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  • 1



    ► When over is an element in a phrasal verb, eg come over, turn over, look up the verb.


       b. ( = there)

       d. (with adverb/preposition)


    ► When followed by an adverb or a preposition, over is not usually translated.


       e. ( = more) plus



       a. ( = on top of) sur

    spending has gone up by 7% over and above inflation les dépenses ont augmenté de 7 %, hors inflation

    over and above the fact that… sans compter que…

       i. ( = recovered from)

    * * *

    over is often used with another preposition in English (to, in, on) without altering the meaning. In this case over is usually not translated in French: to be over in France = être en France; to swim over to somebody = nager vers quelqu’un

    over is often used as a prefix in verb combinations ( overeat), adjective combinations ( overconfident) and noun combinations ( overcoat). These combinations are treated as headwords in the dictionary



    over here/there — par ici/là

    3) () au-dessus de

    4) () gen sur

    temperatures over 40° — des températures supérieures à 40°



    to be over — [term, meeting] être terminé; [war] être fini

    5) ()

    to invite ou ask somebody over — inviter quelqu’un

    I’ve told you over and over (again)… — je t’ai dit je ne sais combien de fois…

    English-French dictionary > over

  • 2


    (b) sur, par-dessus;

    he fell/jumped over the cliff il est tombé/a sauté du haut de la falaise


    I have no control/influence over them je n’ai aucune autorité/influence sur eux;

    (b) sur;


    (a) plus de;

    it took me well/just over an hour j’ai mis bien plus/un peu plus d’une heure;

    what are you doing over Easter? qu’est-ce que tu fais pour Pâques?;

    we discussed it over a drink/over lunch/over a game of golf nous en avons discuté autour d’un verre/pendant le déjeuner/en faisant une partie de golf



    are you over your bout of flu? est-ce que tu es guéri ou est-ce que tu t’es remis de ta grippe?;

    don’t worry, you’ll be or get over her soon ne t’en fais pas, bientôt tu n’y penseras plus



    he must have seen us, he’s coming over il a dû nous voir, il vient vers nous ou de notre côté;

    pass my cup over, will you tu peux me passer ma tasse?;

    throw it over! lance-le par-dessus!; lance-le moi!;

    come over here! viens (par) ici!;

    has Colin been over? est-ce que Colin est passé?;

    let’s have or invite them over for dinner si on les invitait à dîner?;


    he’s gone over to the other side/to the opposition il est passé de l’autre côté/dans l’opposition;

    Radio & Television and now over to Kirsty Jones in Paris nous passons maintenant l’antenne à Kirsty Jones à Paris;

    over and out! terminé!



    there were/I had a few pounds (left) over il restait/il me restait quelques livres;

    (b) plus;

    articles costing £100 or over les articles de 100 livres et plus

    do you want to talk the matter over? voulez-vous en discuter?

    (d) encore;

    American I had to do the whole thing over j’ai dû tout refaire;


    I’m glad that’s over (with)! je suis bien content que ça soit fini!;




    de passe, simple passe


    ; exemplaires


    de passe

    en plus de;

    and over and above that, he was banned from driving for life en plus, on lui a retiré son permis (de conduire) à vie

    he did it over and over (again) until… il a recommencé des dizaines de fois jusqu’à ce que…

    They think it’s all over (…it is now) Ces mots, précédés de la phrase some people are on the pitch… («il y a quelques personnes sur le terrain»), furent prononcés par Kenneth Wolstenholme, commentateur sportif de la BBC, au moment où Geoff Hurst marqua un dernier but pour l’Angleterre dans les dernières secondes de la finale de la Coupe du monde de football de 1966, qui vit l’Angleterre l’emporter face à la République fédérale d’Allemagne. Aujourd’hui on utilise cette expression («ils croient que c’est terminé,… maintenant, c’est terminé») en anglais britannique lorsque quelqu’un s’imagine à tort qu’une chose est terminée, ou bien au moment même où cette chose s’achève.

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > over

  • 3
    ♦ over

    ♦ over (1) /ˈəʊvə(r)/


    1 al di sopra; di sopra; di là; oltre: Can you jump over?, sei capace di saltare di là?; to lean over, sporgersi ( al di sopra)

    3 (

    a. pred.

    ) rimasto; avanzato: Is there any bread [money] over?, è avanzato del pane [del denaro]?

    over and above, in aggiunta; per sovrappiù; per soprammercato; senza calcolare, senza tener conto di □ ( basket) over-and-back, passaggio dietro la schiena □ over and done with, proprio finito; completamente finito; chiuso □ over and over, più volte; ripetutamente; sempre di nuovo: The orator was interrupted over and over, l’oratore è stato interrotto più volte □ over and over again, mille volte: I’ve told you that over and over again, te l’ho detto mille volte □ ( cucina, USA) egg over easy, uovo all’occhio di bue □ over there, laggiù □ all over all.

    ♦ over (2) /ˈəʊvə(r)/


    over-the-counter, ( di medicinale) da banco; (


    : di titolo, ecc.) non trattato in una borsa ufficiale; del mercato ristretto □ (


    ) over-the-counter market, terzo mercato, mercato ristretto, fuoriborsa; mercatino (


    ) □ (


    USA) over one’s head, al di sopra del proprio comprendonio (




    ); incomprensibile □ over head and ears, fin sopra i capelli: to be in debt over head and ears, esser indebitato fin sopra i capelli □ over one’s ears, sopra le orecchie; ( anche) alle tempie: He’s getting grey over his ears, sta facendo i capelli grigi alle tempie □ (


    ) over


    ‘s head, sulla testa di


    ( scavalcandolo nella gerarchia) □ ( slang USA) over the hill, troppo in là con gli anni, troppo vecchio; ( di un prigioniero) evaso; ( anche) che ha disertato □ ( nelle corse) to be over the line, aver tagliato il traguardo □ ( rugby) over the line, oltre la linea di meta: to take the ball over the line, portare la palla oltre la linea di meta □ over the phone, al telefono; ( anche) per (mezzo del) telefono: speaking over the phone, parlando al telefono; to take orders over the phone, ricevere (o accettare) ordinazioni per telefono; DIALOGO → — Changing booking online- Why don’t you give the airline a ring and change your flight over the phone?, perché non chiami la compagnia aerea e cambi il volo al telefono? □ over the road, di là della strada; (


    ) vicino, a pochi passi □ (


    ) over-the-road, su strada; su gomma □ ( sport


    ) over the sticks, a ostacoli: Racing today over the sticks at Plumpton, oggi corse a ostacoli a Plumpton □ (


    ) over the top, (


    ) eccessivo, esagerato; (


    ) troppo: That’s O.T.T.!, questo è troppo! □ (


    USA) over-the-transom, non richiesto, inviato senza richiesta □ all overall □ to climb over a wall, scavalcare un muro ( arrampicandosi) □ to fall over an obstacle, cadere inciampando in un ostacolo □ to help


    over a road, aiutare


    ad attraversare una strada □ the house over the way, la casa dall’altra parte della strada; la casa di fronte □ to preside over a meeting, presiedere una riunione □ to sit over the fire, starsene seduto vicino al fuoco □ (


    ) Over shoes, over boots, quando si è in ballo bisogna ballare.

    over (3) /ˈəʊvə(r)/


    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ over

  • 4

    over [ˊəυvə]

    1) над, вы́ше;

    over our heads над на́шими голова́ми; сверх, вы́ше на́шего понима́ния; разг. не посове́товавшись с на́ми


    2) че́рез;

    3) по ту сто́рону, за, че́рез;

    4) у, при, за;

    1) че́рез, о;

    2) пове́рх, на;

    3) по, по всей пове́рхности;

    over the whole country, all over the country по всей стране́


    3) указывает на промежуток времени, в течение которого происходило действие за, в тече́ние;

    5) указывает на превосходство в положении, старшинство

    и т.п.


    6) указывает на источник, средство

    и т.п.

    че́рез, че́рез посре́дство, по;

    7) относи́тельно, каса́тельно;

    1) указывает на движение через что-л., передаётся приставками пере-, вы-;

    2) указывает на повсеместность или всеохватывающий характер действия или состояния:

    4) указывает на окончание, прекращение действия:

    5) сно́ва, вновь, ещё раз;

    the work is badly done, it must be done over рабо́та сде́лана пло́хо, её ну́жно переде́лывать

    6) вдоба́вок, сверх, сли́шком, чересчу́р;

    а) про́тив, напро́тив;

    б) по сравне́нию с

    а) в добавле́ние, к тому́ же;

    б) с лихво́й;

    1) изли́шек, припла́та



    перехо́д на приём

    1) ве́рхний

    2) вышестоя́щий

    3) изли́шний, избы́точный

    4) чрезме́рный

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > over

  • 5
    over and over

    снова и снова, неоднократно, много раз

    At Heidelberg they had admired his water colours, miss Wilkinson had told him over and over again that they were charming… (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 38) — В Гейдельберге все восхищались его акварелями, мисс Уилкинсон без конца твердила, что они просто очаровательны…

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > over and over

  • 6
    over smb.’s head

    1) выше чьего-л. понимания, недоступно пониманию кого-л.

    He paused, overcome by the consciousness that he had been talking over Ruth’s head. (J. London, ‘Martin Eden’, ch. XXX) — Мартин вдруг остановился, испуганный догадкой, что Руфь еще не доросла до понимания того, о чем он говорит.

    He glanced at the headings he had made for his speech. He was undecided about the lines from Robert Browning, for he feared they would be above the leads of his hearers. (J. Joyce, ‘Dubliners’, ‘The Dead’) — Габриель достал из жилетного кармана небольшой клочок бумаги и прочел заметки, приготовленные им для застольной речи. Он еще не решил насчет цитаты из Роберта Браунинга; пожалуй, это будет не по плечу его слушателям.

    I can’t remember much about the funeral except the young student preacher who gave a long, long address — far over our heads. (J. Walsh, ‘Not Like This’, ‘War’) — я не могу припомнить никаких подробностей похорон, помню только, что молодой проповедник долго-долго говорил что-то, но его слова как-то не доходили до нашего сознания.

    2) через чью-л. голову, не посоветовавшись с кем-л., обойдя кого-л.

    The necessary forms and ceremonies — the reading of the Will, valuation of the estate, distribution of the legacies — were enacted over the head, as it were, of one not yet of age. (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part III, ch. VI) — Неизбежные формальности и церемонии — чтение завещания, оценка имущества, раздел наследства — выполнялись без участия несовершеннолетнего наследника.

    Why, I believe I could point out to you half a dozen men around here that I myself taught all they know about carman’s work — and then seen those men get promoted over my head. (A. Saxton, ‘The Great Midland’, part V, ‘1940’) — Да я бы вам без труда указал тут с десяток людей, которых я сам обучал вагоноремонтному делу, а потом должен был любоваться, как они получают места через мою голову.

    But Danny has been doing many bad things lately. He has been stealing from us. Maybe he has sold the house over our heads. (J. Steinbeck, ‘Tortilla Flat’, ch. XV) — Но Дэнни много натворил плохого за последнее время. Он обкрадывал нас. Может быть, он и дом продал без нашего ведома.



    не по средствам; не имея возможности расплатиться

    He’s lost over his head in that poker game. (RHD) — Он играл в покер и начисто проигрался.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > over smb.’s head

  • 7

    and [ənd, ən, stressed ænd]

    and/or et/ou;

    I got a letter from the bank — and? j’ai reçu une lettre de la banque — (et) alors?;

    he speaks English, and very well too il parle anglais et même très bien


    familiar he’s good and mad il est fou furieux

    and how’s your family? et comment va la famille?;

    I went to New York — and how did you like it? je suis allé à New York — et alors, ça vous a plu?;

    and what if I AM going? et si j’y allais?

    and now it’s time for «Kaleidoscope» et maintenant, voici l’heure de «Kaléidoscope»;

    and another thing…! ah! autre chose ou j’oubliais…;

    they started taking drugs, so I came home — and a good thing too! ils ont commencé à prendre de la drogue alors je suis rentré — tu as bien fait!

    and you still owe me money! et tu me dois encore de l’argent!;

    and that’s not all… et ce n’est pas tout…

    I want no ifs, ands or buts je ne veux pas de discussion

    (a) et tout (ce qui s’ensuit);

    the whole lot went flying, plates, cups, teapot and all tout a volé, les assiettes, les tasses, la théière et tout

    et ainsi de suite

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > and

  • 8
    over and over

    English-spanish dictionary > over and over

  • 9
    over and above

    over and above

    além de.


    over and above

    além disto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over and above

  • 10
    over and over

    over and over

    repetidas vezes, vezes sem conta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over and over

  • 11
    over and over again

    English-Dutch dictionary > over and over again

  • 12
    over and over

    Персональный Сократ > over and over

  • 13
    over and over again

    Персональный Сократ > over and over again

  • 14
    over and above

    English-spanish dictionary > over and above

  • 15
    over and again

    over and again

    outra vez, novamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over and again

  • 16
    over and against

    over and against

    a) contra. b) defronte de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over and against

  • 17
    over and out

    over and out

    Radio câmbio final (diz-se para encerrar uma conversa pelo rádio).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over and out

  • 18
    over head and ears

    over head and ears


    English-Portuguese dictionary > over head and ears

  • 19
    over hedge and ditch

    over hedge and ditch

    aos trancos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > over hedge and ditch

  • 20
    over and above these problems there are others

    over and above these problems there are others

    behalve/buiten/naast deze problemen zijn er nog andere

    English-Dutch dictionary > over and above these problems there are others


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Over There (TV series) — Over There Over There s intertitle Genre Action Drama War Created by …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Hills and Far Away (traditional) — Over the Hills and Far Away is a traditional English song, dating back to at least the early 1700s. One version was published in Thomas D Urfey s Pills to Purge Melancholy in 1706, a very different one appeared in George Farquhar s play The… …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Edge (radio) — Over the Edge (or, OTE) is a sound collage radio program hosted and produced in the United States by Don Joyce. Joyce is also a member of the pioneering sound collage band Negativland, members of which frequently make guest appearances on Over… …   Wikipedia

  • Over, Cheshire — Over is a former borough and market town that forms the western part of the town of Winsford in the English county of Cheshire. Wharton forms the eastern part, the boundary being the River Weaver. Contents 1 History 1.1 Ancient Origins 1.2 Sax …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Hedge (film) — Over the Hedge Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Johnson Karey Kirkpatrick …   Wikipedia

  • Over-the-counter drug — Over the counter redirects here. For other uses, see Over the counter (finance). OTC medication with child resistant packaging (cap) and tamper resistant carton and innerseal Over the counter (OTC) drugs are medicines that may be sold directly to …   Wikipedia

  • Over the Edge (film) — Over the Edge Over the Edge DVD cover Directed by Jonathan Kaplan Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Over-the-line — is a bat and ball sport, a game related to baseball and softball. Like those games, you have the batter, pitcher, and fielders. Because a game requires only three people per team, it s considerably easier to get a good informal game going.… …   Wikipedia

  • Over the River and through the Woods — is a Thanksgiving song by Lydia Maria Child. Written originally as a poem, it appeared in her Flowers for Children, Volume 2, in 1844. The title of the poem is, A Boy s Thanksgiving Day . It celebrates her childhood memories of visiting her… …   Wikipedia

  • Over and above — Over O ver, adv. 1. From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter. [1913 Webster] 2. From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Over and over — Over O ver, adv. 1. From one side to another; from side to side; across; crosswise; as, a board, or a tree, a foot over, i. e., a foot in diameter. [1913 Webster] 2. From one person or place to another regarded as on the opposite side of a space… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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