Word meaning the same throughout

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

одинаковы по всей

одинаковым на протяжении всего

одинаковы на всей

одинаков по всей

одинакова по всей

одинаковы во всем

одинаковыми на протяжении всего

то же во

одинаковой на протяжении всей

неизменной на протяжении всей

одинаковое по всей

неизменным на протяжении всего

одинаково во всей

одинаково по всей

неизменными во

With the annuity type the amount of payments remains the same throughout the period for which funds are taken.

All types of oil products are sold at a single price set by the state and are the same throughout the country.

Все виды нефтепродуктов продаются по установленной государством единой цене и одинаковы на всей территории страны.

Incentives remained the same throughout the implementation.

This amount remains the same throughout employment.

Countless invading armies have done the same throughout history.

All the same throughout the years.

Our approach to business remains the same throughout the years.

But love is the same throughout.

Their energy needs stay basically the same throughout adulthood.

No, the temperature would be the same throughout the atmosphere.

This is the same throughout history.

Tennis has generally remained the same throughout the years.

Our Enneagram personality type remains the same throughout our lifetime.

Наша личность, являющая нашу сущность, остается одной и той же в течение всей жизни.

He should do the same throughout the Islamic world.

Для начала это нужно было сделать в рамках всего исламского мира.

For instance, the rhyme scheme stays the same throughout the poem.

The advantage of this is that the monthly charges are the same throughout the entire term.

Первый вид подразумевает то, что ежемесячные платежи одинаковы на протяжении всего периода выплат.

The laws of physics are the same throughout the universe.

It pretty much stayed the same throughout the whole season.

This order must remain the same throughout the entirety of the game.

Your energy level is not the same throughout the day.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 393. Точных совпадений: 393. Затраченное время: 152 мс

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For this reason,

regardless of fluctuations in the foreign exchange market or other circumstances.

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Таким образом,

вне зависимости от колебаний валютного рынка или иных обстоятельств.

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however changes were made to length of levels and the structure of the game.

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однако были внесены изменения в длину уровней и структуру игры.

He was curious to know whether working conditions were the same throughout Azerbaijan, or whether conditions were different,

for example, in its autonomous provinces.

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Он также интересуется, являются ли условия работы одинаковыми на территории всего Азербайджана или же такие условия различаются, например, в автономных районах.

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as calculations were carried out separately for each health insurance fund, point values could vary from one fund to another.

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Стоимость балла предполагалась одинаковой по всей стране, но поскольку каждый фонд производил расчеты самостоятельно,

могла отличаться у раз< ных фондов.

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In order to diversify




developers have introduced a variety of backgrounds for different levels,

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Для того, чтобы разнообразить геймплей, разработчики ввели различные фоны для разных уровней,

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Similarly, students wishing to take secondary studies

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Аналогичным образом учащиеся, желающие получить среднее

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Annuity or equal payments made monthly-

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При аннуитетных или равных платежах, вносимых ежемесячно-

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Таким образом,

номер и техническое содержание стандарта являются абсолютно одинаковыми во всех странах Европы.

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Other than human rights, which are universal by nature,

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Помимо прав человека, которые являются универсальными по своему характеру,

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One of


strengths of port State

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Одна из сильных сторон такого контроля состоит

в том, что стандарты, за соблюдение которых он ратует, являются одинаковыми во всем мире.

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route of


race undergoes some changes every year,

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Маршрут гонки каждый год претерпевает некоторые изменения,


Bible of


Jews has ever been an Esoteric Book in its hidden meaning,

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Библия» евреев всегда была Эзотерической Книгой по своему сокрытому значению,

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Ну, а как всем известно,

Life expectancy at birth indicates


number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of

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Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни при рождении показывает количество лет, которое новорожденный будет проживет, если коэффициент смертности,

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conditions under which such surveillance may be authorized are now the same throughout Swiss territory:

there must be grave suspicions that


person concerned has committed one of


criminal offences listed exhaustively in



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Условия, в которых может быть разрешен такой контроль, теперь одинаковы на всей территории Швейцарии:

необходимо, чтобы в отношении указанного лица имелись серьезные подозрения в совершении одного из уголовных преступлений, конкретно перечисленных в законе.

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case of a fixed package,

the fluctuations of the exchange price do not affect your invoice, and costs are easier to plan.

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При выборе пакета с

фиксированной ценой цена за электричество будет одинаковая на протяжении всего договорного периода,

колебания биржи электроэнергии влиять


счет не будут, а расходы будет легче планировать.

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Фонари уличного освещения одинаковы во всей Центральной Америке.

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indicators selected for monitoring and evaluation should be the same throughout


process to ensure stronger synergy.

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Показатели, выбранные для мониторинга и оценки, должны быть одни и те же на всем протяжении процесса, чтобы добиться более ощутимого синергизма.

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Mr. DIACONU asked how


Government ensured that


legislative regime on racial discrimination was the same throughout


State party.

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Г-н ДЬЯКОНУ спрашивает, как правительство обеспечивает одинаковый законодательный режим во всей стране в вопросах расовой дискриминации.

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Y: it seems that


main source of inspiration is common among all people, but their resources are not the same throughout.

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Y: Оказывается, что

у всех

один источник вдохновения, но ресурсы у всех разные.



indigenous communities, pupils were also taught about their community’s culture and history.

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общинах коренных народов ученики также проходят подготовку по вопросам, касающимся культуры и истории их общин.

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He is unchanging, the same


all eternity!

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Он неизменен и от начала- Тот же!

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EIN stays the same

throughout the

lifetime of the hull.

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ЕИН остается неизменным в течение всего срока эксплуатации корпуса судна.

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For a given technology, they will, therefore, be the same



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В случае какой-то определенной технологии они, следовательно, будут одинаковыми для всей Европы.

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This framework for regional management oversight is the same

throughout the

five bureaux.

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Эти рамки для регионального управленческого надзора аналогичны для всех пяти бюро.

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  • #1

I was reading a text and I saw the word «through-out«. I have a question: the word «through-out» has the same meaning as «throughout?


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  • #2

Yes. It must must have been an older text. «Throughout» has been one word as long as I have been around.

Both “through” and “throughout” have the same base word connection to them. For some people, this makes knowing the difference a little more confusing than it has to be. In this article, we’ll look at what sets them apart and how to use them the correct way.

What Is The Difference Between “Through” And “Throughout”?

Through should be used when talking about starting on one end of something and either coming out or stopping at the other end. Throughout should be used when talking about something that is in every part of a place or object.

What Is The Difference Between "Through" And "Throughout"?

The definition of “through,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “from one end or side of something to the other.”

The definition of “throughout,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “in every part, or during the whole period of time.”

We find that these definitions help us to explain the immediate difference better. Of course, there is a certain amount of overlap between both of the words, and there are instances where they’re interchangeable.

Generally, though, “through” means “one end to the other,” while “throughout” means “in every corner.”

It doesn’t always have to be a directional or locational definition, either:

  • Throughout time, man has struggled to understand the intricate way the world works.

As you can see, we can also use “throughout” when we’re talking about a period of time instead.

Is “Through” Or “Throughout” Used The Most?

While the two words aren’t identical, it’s good to know which one is more common to use in English. Many people have their preferences, and sometimes it helps to see what’s popular to make your own decisions.

If you look at this graph, you’ll see that “through” is by far the more popular choice of the two. We’ve compared the appearance of the two words in pieces of literature and determined that “through” is a good choice, whereas “throughout” is usually left aside.

Is "Through" Or "Throughout" Used The Most?

So, what makes this difference between the two words so apparent? Well, most of it probably comes down to the context where the two words make the most sense.

Generally, when we use “through,” we’re talking about something going from one end to the other. It’s common to talk about paths that people or objects take using the word “through.”

  • It went straight through me, and I needed to throw up!
  • I wandered through the forest.

As you can see, common situations like this make it a lot easier to use “through” in a sentence.

However, with the likes of “throughout,” we’re usually talking more about being in every place and corner of something. More specifically, we might also be talking about time periods or something similar to talk about things that have always happened.

  • They didn’t stop screaming throughout the night.
  • Throughout history, discrimination has been everywhere.

Generally, these examples aren’t all that common to come across. You won’t see them nearly as often as chances with using the word “through.” That’s part of the reason why “through” is so much more popular if you refer to the graph.

7 Examples Of How To Use “Through” In A Sentence

It would help us even more if we could go through some helpful examples. We’ll start by putting “through” in a sentence so you can see what we mean about it.

“Through” means that something has gone in one end and either come out or stopped at the other. There’s always a distinct and noticeable path mentioned when we use “through.”

  1. I walked through the school corridors until I found my class.
  2. You need to go through the proper authorities before you can do something like that.
  3. We should go through our bags to find what we’re looking for!
  4. They went through my belongings without my permission.
  5. Are you saying that you’re through with me?
  6. I wandered through the forest alone.
  7. The bee carried the pollen through the fields.

As you can see, “through” is mostly used when we’re talking about a movement or direction of some kind. There’s always a distinct path mentioned, and it’s usually a physical thing that someone can take to get to the other side.

You may also hear the phrase “we’re through” when someone is talking about something being over (like a relationship or being caught committing a crime). In this case, the path is a more metaphorical one that talks about the journey two (or more) people have taken together.

“Throughout” is never interchangeable with “through” in this sense because it doesn’t talk about a pathway of any kind. However, you might have more luck using “through” instead of “throughout.”

7 Examples Of How To Use “Throughout” In A Sentence

We find that examples are some of the easiest ways to pick up on new language rules, so we’ll also walk you through some of the best sentences using “throughout.”

“Throughout” is used when we want to talk about an entire space filling up. It might also refer to time being filled up as well.

  1. It echoed throughout the entire audience.
  2. I’ve traveled throughout the lands to find what I’m looking for.
  3. Throughout time, we’ve never found the answer to whether we’re alone in the universe.
  4. It’s hard to know what else is out there throughout space.
  5. There have been some terrible people throughout history.
  6. Thousands of people throughout this city are unemployed.
  7. He was laughing throughout the entire comedy skit.

When we use “throughout,” we’re talking about something that fills every corner in. If it’s a physical space, it means that the whole space is filled. If it’s not a physical space, it talks about an entire time frame being filled up instead.

Through And Throughout – Synonyms

Let’s go over some synonyms to help you understand the words slightly better. With alternative words, you can also have more choices to make. This will expand your vocabulary and make it much easier for you to explore new ideas.

  • All over

This is a great synonym for “throughout” because it’s talking about something being “all over” an object or place.

  • All through

Instead of saying “throughout,” we can use the phrase “all through” to also indicate that something has happened for a long period of time.

  • During

This is a great synonym for “through.” We can use it when we want to show that someone did something while an activity or event happened.

Is It “Throughout” Or “Through Out”?

When we want to use the word “throughout” correctly, it’s important to know how to spell it. If you can remember which is the correct way, then you’ll never run into a problem with using it.

“Throughout” is the correct spelling. You should not spell it “through out” at any time.

“Throughout” is a word that is indeed made up of two separate words, “through” and “out.” However, when we include them together and remove the space separating them, it gives the words a different meaning. That’s why it’s important to remember to make them one word at all times.

Is Through A Noun Or A Verb?

When you’re learning English, it’s useful to know what types of words you’re working with. We know that nouns are “named” objects and verbs are “doing” words, but neither of those applies when we use the word “through.”

“Through” is an adverb that we use to modify other verbs in a sentence. We use it with other verbs like “walk” in the sentence, “I walk through the building.” Without “through,” the verb “walk” isn’t modified correctly.

Of course, “through” can also be used as a preposition. Generally, we include it as a preposition to mean “as a result of.” It’s less common in this form, but it’s the other way that we can use “through” in a sentence.

Is It Ever Correct To Use “Thru”?

If you want to shorten the word “through,” you might be curious about “thru” as a choice. You might even have seen it written down a few times. Let’s see when it’s correct to use.

“Thru” is not the correct spelling for “through” in formal writing. You should always stick to spelling it “through.” However, in informal writing, like texting, you can replace the word and use “thru” whenever you want.

There is one example where we might be able to use “thru,” even in formal situations, and it’s the most famous case of it in the known world.

The phrase “drive-through” is something that we apply (mostly to restaurants) when we’re able to drive up to a service window and order what we want to. However, this phrase is spelled “thru” when it’s used in all situations.

  • The coffee shop drive-thru is just around the corner.
  • Do you want to order from the drive-thru?

Even in formal situations, “drive-thru” is an acceptable use of the misspelling.

Does “Threw” Have The Same Meaning As “Thru” And “Through”?

While “through” and “thru” sound a lot like “threw,” that’s pretty much where the similarities end.

“Threw” is a past-tense verb meaning you launched something through the air. It has no other similarities besides how it sounds to the word “through.”

Does “Go Through” Have The Same Meaning As “Through” Or “Throughout”?

“Go through” means the same as “through” because we’re using the verb “go” and the adverb “through” to show that someone is going through a path. However, “go through” is not the same as “throughout” because “go” implies a direction.

Does “Thoroughly” Have The Same Meaning As “Through” Or “Throughout”?

“Thoroughly” is a word that’s similar spelled but has no related meanings to either “through” or “throughout.” “Thoroughly” means you spent a lot of time doing something and has nothing to do with going through something or being throughout a place or time.

What Is The Difference Between “Throughout” And “Along”?

“Throughout” means that something is present at every point. “Along” means that something is moving in a constant direction. There are no similarities between them, as “along” talks more about one singular line.

Common Confusions About “Through” And “Throughout”

Let’s finish up by looking at some of the biggest confusions between “through” and “throughout” with the most common phrases.

Through The Years Or Throughout The Years?

“Through the years” is more appropriate when you’re talking about something you’ve done over the course of a few years in your life. “Throughout the years” only works if you’ve spent every year of your life dedicated to that thing (which is impossible).

  • I’ve learned a lot about this through the years.

Through The Day Or Throughout The Day?

“Through the day” is used when you want to get through the course of a day; it implies a path you take to get from morning to night. “Throughout the day” is used when you talk about something that occurred during the entire course of the day.

  • I need to get through the day.
  • I had a headache throughout the day.

Through The Night Or Throughout The Night?

“Through the night” is used when you want to talk about the course of a night (from sunset to sunrise). “Throughout the night” is used when talking about the night as a whole and applying it to every possible time in it.

  • I didn’t sleep through the night very well.

A dog was howling throughout the night!

Through Time Or Throughout Time?

“Throughout time” is the most appropriate choice when talking about things that have happened throughout time (generally historically). “Through time” only works if you’re capable of traveling through time (which is impossible).

  • Throughout time, we’ve learned a lot about ourselves as a civilization.

Through History Or Throughout History?

“Throughout history” is synonymous with “throughout time” and is the most appropriate choice to talk about historical events that all lead to the present. “Through history” only applies to one singular path or track in history that you’re focusing on and is rarely used.

  • There have been many mistakes made throughout history.

Walk Through Or Walk Thru?

“Walk through” is the correct spelling and should be the only one you use. It uses the verb “walk” and the adverb “through.” “Walk thru” is a misspelling, but you can use it informal cases like texting friends.

  • We walk through the park together.

You may also like: “Throughout The Years” vs. “Over The Years”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


The company has stores throughout the United States and Canada.

She has traveled throughout the world.

His supporters remained loyal throughout his difficulties.

Throughout her life, she has suffered with the disease.

It rained throughout the day.


The house is painted white throughout.

The house has wood floors throughout.

He had a difficult year, but his supporters remained loyal throughout.

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Recent Examples on the Web

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Munich is a popular home base for travelers who come to see Neuschwanstein and other beautiful Bavarian castles scattered throughout the region.

Melanie Lieberman, Travel + Leisure, 9 Apr. 2023

Follow our pregame, in-game and postgame updates on the game throughout the day.

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Pay attention to dreams and get enough sleep Both figuratively and literally, McGarey has paid attention to her dreams throughout her life and used them to calm her brain and stay motivated.

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Anthony Edwards, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Apr. 2023

Like our page to get updates throughout the day on our latest debunks Our rating: False The post misrepresents both what happened and Bragg’s role in city operations.

Sudiksha Kochi, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

The storms had been expected throughout the day, and tournament officials moved all starting times up 30 minutes in the hopes of getting the second round in as scheduled.

CBS News, 7 Apr. 2023

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Matthew J. Palm, Orlando Sentinel, 6 Apr. 2023

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See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘throughout.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

throughout — перевод на русский


That they’ve manifested themselves throughout the ages.

Что они проявлялись на протяжении веков.

But then, I am immortal. And I have seen the same souls inhabit different beings throughout history.

Но, поскольку я бессмертна… я видела, как одни и те же души проживают разные жизни на протяжении истории.

We are all faced throughout our lives with agonizing decisions moral choices,

Мы все, на протяжении жизни, сталкиваемся… с мучительными решениями… и нравственным выбором.

I’ll be monitoring her throughout the entire procedure.

Я буду следить за ней на протяжении всей процедуры.

I will miss Felisa Howard very much… her healing, her advice and most of all the inspiration she has provided me throughout the years.

Мне будет очень не хватать Фелиссы Говард… ее лечения, ее советов и, более всего, вдохновения, которое она придавала мне на протяжении всех этих лет.

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Throughout the day, our troops have been fighting in the Voronezh region, and also in the Tsimlyanskaya region.

В течение 27 июля наши войска вели бои в районе Воронежа, а также в районе Цимлянская.

Sir, throughout the three days of this hearing, this court has patiently awaited your pleasure to hear what you have to say in answer to the charges against you.

В течение трех дней слушания, …суд с нетерпением ожидал услышать то, …что вы нам захотите сказать.

Throughout the day… all they hear… is the latest bourgeois crap.

В течение дня… Все, что они слышат, — это свежее буржуазное дерьмо.

Maybe even now he’s praying to repent of all the sins he has committed throughout his life, and we will forgive him.

Может даже сейчас он молится, чтобы искупить все грехи, которые он совершил в течение своей жизни, и мы его простим.

Throughout the evening, I’ll speak with each of you about your employment prospects.

В течение этого вечера я поговорю с каждым из вас о ваших перспективах занятости.

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Roger, was vary brave throughout the scarlet fever… the measles

…Роже, был очень смелый во время скарлатины… Кори.

Throughout this conversation with him, I had the impression that his earlier protestations had been quite insincere.»

Во время разговора с ним у меня сложилось впечатление, что его прежние возражения не были достаточно искренни.»

Throughout her valiant legal battle… she is frequently in the company of her attorney Charles Koslow.

Во время своей отважной юридической битвы… она часто находится в компании своего адвоката, Чарльза Козлова.

Bookies will circulate throughout the fight… for your betting pleasure.

Во время боя букмекеры будут ходить по рядам… и принимать ставки для Вашего удовольствия.

Mrs. Hart’s behavior throughout this ordeal has been truly extraordinary.

Поведение миссис Харт во время этого тяжелого испытания было действительно необычным. Да я уверенна, она раздвигает…

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— To the limit, though I suppose you’ve got your own men scattered throughout the audience!

— Полностью, хотя думаю, у вас и так здесь повсюду свои люди среди публики!

Known throughout the galaxy as the alien’s graveyard.

Известное повсюду в галактике как самое смертоносное место.

And in a way that would lead not only to their decline but to the dramatic resurgence of Reich’s ideas in America and throughout the capitalist world.

И таким образом, что это приведёт не только к отказу от их идей, но и к возрождению идей Райха в Америке и повсюду в капиталистическом мире.

— He’s had a commanding lead throughout.

— Он имел руководящую инициативу повсюду.

Countless humans throughout the galaxy, that originated here on Earth, have been enslaved for thousands of years.

Бесчисленные люди повсюду в галактике, которые произошли отсюда, с Земли, были порабощены в течении тысяч лет.

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…continues throughout much of the midwest,

… продолжается на всей территории среднего Запада

The recent revelation of Governor Stoddard’s heart condition has sent shock waves throughout the state, and with New Yorkers headed to the polls in a matter of days, the news almost ensures a victory for challenger Conrad Grayson…

Последнееоткровение губернатора Стоддарда вызвал шок на всей территории штата, и жители Нью Йорка направлялись с вопросами в течении нескольких дней в новостях уже говорят о победе для претендента Конрада Грейсона…

He’s a U.S. citizen convicted of running confidence scams all throughout the EU.

Он — гражданин США, осужденный за мошенничества, совершенные на всей территории ЕС.

We’re conducting a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial throughout the United States.

Мы проводим двойное-слепое, плацебо-контролируемое рандомизированное исследование на всей территории Соединенных Штатов.

— promoting tourism. — 20 ILCS 665 declares that the state must increase the economic impact of tourism throughout the state.

— В 20 разделе Сборника законов штата Иллинойс в статье 665 говорится, что государство должно увеличивать экономическое влияние туризма на всей территории государства.

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I’m sure that all throughout our system echo your thoughts.

Я уверен, что все, всюду по нашей системе, повторяют твои мысли.

To avoid general panic, the many kidnappings that occurred throughout the city were kept secret.

Чтобы избежать общей паники, многочисленные похищения людей, которые имеют место всюду по городу, держатся в тайне.

I know throughout the southern regions the sea rig stations are reverting to emergency supplies.

Я знаю что всюду по южным областям, морские буровые установки переходят на экстренные запасы.

And since its use has spread to more of the general population, we’ve implemented treatment centres throughout Pangar.

» так как его использование распространилось на большое количество всего населени€, мы создали центры лечени€ всюду по ѕангару.

We found cybernetics throughout the body… in most cases replacing entire organic systems.

Мы нашли кибернетику всюду по телу в большинстве случаев замена всех органических систем.

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We had the returns from the news agencies throughout the country, and then we went through the advertising of the last two years, in order to find out their revenue as best we could, not knowing their actual contract rates.

Мы получали отчеты о доходах со всех иноформационных агенств страны, и мы просматривали все публикации рекламы за последние два года, чтобы понять, какой доход они приносят, но это были приблизительные оценки, мы не знали их истинной стоимости.

Yes, until the day when people throughout the land are abuzz with rumors about me, my final objective is…

Да, я стану предметом горячего обсуждения для людей этой страны. А моя цель, конечно же…

Well, let’s just assume that it’s wintry like it is throughout the country,

Предположим, что такая же предзимняя, как и в остальной части страны . Это было бы замечательно!

Mexican authorities seized land throughout the country today.

Мексика национализирует шахты в Сан Себастьяне: больше никакой руды. Мексиканские власти провели национализацию земель страны.

You know how many cars were stolen that week throughout the country?

Ты в курсе, сколько машин воруют по стране за год?

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There are a dozen more scattered throughout the Quadrant.

Есть еще дюжина таких, они разбросаны по всему квадранту.

So… how do we round up a bunch of fearless Russians who are scattered throughout the city?

Так как мы соберём в одном месте шайку русских смельчаков, которые разбросаны по всему городу?

Scattered throughout the box were forgotten photos of himself as a young boy.

Там же были разбросаны незнакомые детские фотографии его самого.

Okay, but by your logic, there could be dozens of secret rooms throughout the city and the virus bomb could be in any one of them.

Но, следуя твоей логике, по городу могут быть разбросаны дюжины тайных комнат, а вирус может оказаться в любой.

You know, in Indian mythology… the white peacock symbolizes souls being dispersed throughout the world.

Знаешь, в индийской мифологии белый павлин — символ душ, разбросанных по всему миру.

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Word of the discovery has already spread throughout the base.

Слухи о его открытии уже распространились по всей базе.

After about three hours, seven in the morning, while we were sleeping, Jerusalem Arabs began armed attacks on Jewish vehicles which spread throughout the country.

Спустя примерно три часа, в семь утра, пока мы спали, в Иерусалиме начались вооружённые нападения арабов на еврейский транспорт, которые распространились по всей стране.

At the end of the Cretaceous period, 75 million years ago, these hunter-killers had spread throughout the globe.

В конце мелового периода, 75 миллионов лет назад, эти охотники-убийцы распространились по всему миру.

In the overnight shooting that has ratcheted yesterday’s events, acts of arson have spread throughout the city.

В ночной перестрелке, которая стала началом вчерашних событий, поджоги распространились по всему городу.

And they had a dream, a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars.

И у них была мечта, которая стала реальностью и распространилась среди звезд.

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Yes, it’s beginning to spread generally throughout the ship.

Да, болезнь распространяется.

Yeah, she wants to make sure that her product is well-distributed throughout the East Coast.

Да, он хотела убедиться, что её продукт хорошо распространяется на всем восточном побережье.

A dangerous virus has been spread throughout this building.

По этому зданию распространяется опасный вирус.

A wave of violence spreading throughout the city…

Волна насилия распространяется по городу…

It’s spreading throughout your body like a virus.

Оно распространяется по вашему телу подобно вирусу.

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“Throughout” is a helpful word to add to your vocabulary, but it can be tricky to know which way to write it. Is “throughout” or “through out” correct? 

Throughout is correct and should be written as one word. When through and out are used as separate words they retain their individual meanings. While the compound word throughout shares the definition of from one side to the other with through, throughout can also indicate every part of a space or object.

Let’s continue the journey to see how to use “throughout” correctly in your writing and in what scenarios you would need to use “through” alone. We’ll also look at some other compound words that you’ll often see in your writing and that of others.

Is “Throughout” One Word or Two?

In the case of “throughout” vs. “through out” in your writing, you will always use “throughout” as one word. Remember that “throughout” describes something in its entirety, in every part, while the word “through” alone describes going from one direction to another. “Out” simply means going away from something or leaving somewhere. 

Let’s take a look at an example.

  • The floodwaters spread throughout the land. 

Here, you can see that “throughout” describes all of the land area. If we separate throughout and write it as two words, you’ll read it like this:

  • The floodwaters spread through out the land.  

Writing the word this way will probably not confuse your reader too much — they’ll likely still understand your intended meaning. However, the word “out” here is unnecessary. 

Instead, you can write, “The floodwaters spread through the land.” In other words, the waters spread from one end to the other.

If you want to learn more about whether the word you are using is two words or one, check out “In Spite” or “Inspite”: Which is Correct?”  You will gain more insight into what to look out for in your writing.

Additionally, a useful dictionary that you can count on for definitions, origins, and phrases would be The Oxford New Essential Dictionary. In addition to finding more definitions and uses for “throughout,” you will find more creative ways to use it, too. 

Understanding the Difference Between “Through” and Throughout”

“Throughout” describes something in its entirety, while the word “through” generally suggests motion, usually focusing on a direction or goal. You can also use it to describe results, usage, completion, and success. 

You can use both “through” and “throughout” when describing space and time, but you would not use “through” and “out” successively as separate words. Both “through” and “throughout” refer to space, as in an area.

We use “throughout” in the sense of “in every part” or “the entire duration of time,” beginning to end. It occupies the entire area or location and the entire point in terms of space (source).

So how do you use “throughout” in a sentence? Below, you’ll find a few examples.

  1. The news updated the story throughout the day.
  2. He never left his wife’s side throughout her illness.
  3. The bells rang throughout the countryside.
  4. She could feel the pain throughout her whole body.

Each of the sentences above indicates that the duration of time or space occurs from beginning to end.

“Through” goes in a linear pattern, usually from one end to another or side to side. It can mean entering from one side and going through the other. “Through” can also mean to go all of the way. 

If you team up “through” with the word “go,” as you’ll see in the first example sentence below, it means to examine something. But when referencing time, “through” shows that something occurs from beginning to end. 

  1. We will go through this together.
  2. It rained all through the week.
  3. The accident happened through no fault of your own.
  4. Are you through with that book?

What About Thru? 

As a side note, “through” is the preferred spelling over its rarer partner, “thru.” “Thru” is considered shorthand or slang, and it is better for informal writing such as messages to friends or in the example of “drive-thru.” 

It is best not to use this in situations such as in academic writing or for a job application as it will appear unprofessional and unnecessary.

Using “Throughout” In a Sentence: More Examples

You can use the word “throughout” as a preposition, indicating a spatial relationship, or adverb (a modifier) in a sentence. 

To use “throughout” in a sentence as a preposition, you’ll need to place it before a pronoun or noun. As an adverb, “throughout” modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb. Below are some examples:

  • He remained in the city throughout his vacation

“Vacation” is the noun, and it follows “throughout.”

  • He repainted throughout the building. 

“Repainted” is the verb that “throughout” modifies.

When you use “throughout” in a sentence, it is important to keep the word together on the same line. If a line breaks up the sentence, always keep your compound word together.  

Whether the compound word is open, closed, or hyphenated, ensuring that it is not split into two words by a line or section break will retain your intended meaning and avoid confusion for your reader. 

Choosing “Through” Over “Throughout”

Again, if you are not describing the entirety of something, the word “through” would be an optimal alternative. You can use “through” as a preposition, adverb, or adjective. 

As a preposition, you’ll place it before a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. And as an adverb, “through” modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb. And as an adjective, it modifies a noun. 

Take a look at a few example sentences below.

  • We drove through Chicago without stopping.

Chicago is the pronoun that “through” precedes or goes before.

  • She pushed the needle through the fabric. 

“Through” is modifying the verb “pushed” to show the direction that the needle is going. 

  • I work Monday through Thursday

“Through” is modifying the noun “Thursday,” showing how long the speaker is working.

More About Compound Words: Open, Closed, and Hyphenated

“Throughout” is one of many compound words, which are two or more words brought together to form a new word and meaning. Earlier, we discussed how to write “throughout” properly. Now, let’s explore how a few other compound words shape our sentences.

Open compound words are two separate words that remain separate but function as one unit with a specific meaning. Closed compound words are two words that come together to form one word (source). 

Hyphenated compound words are two or more words joined together with a hyphen in between. If you regularly use two or more words together with a specific intended meaning, they are likely compound words.

Below, you’ll see some common examples of open, closed, and hyphenated compound words. 

Open Closed Hyphenated
Full moon seaside Life-size 
Living room eyesight jack-in-the-box
Real estate sailboat mother-in-law

You can use open compound words with an adjective and noun, such as “full moon.” “Full” is the modifying adjective, while “moon” is the noun. 

If you use an adverb that ends in -ly, and it is paired with another word, there will always be a space between the adverb and the other word. An example would be “newly formed.” “Newly” is the adverb, and “formed” is the verb.

The most common compound words have two nouns, an adjective and a noun, or one noun and one verb, but they can include other parts of speech. Below are a few examples of closed compound words:

  • Bookstore:  “Book” and “store” are nouns.
  • Underwater:  “Under” is a preposition of location, and “water” is a noun.
  • Understand:  “Under” is a preposition or adverb, and “stand” is a verb.

Hyphenated compound words consist of two or more words separated by hyphens. These compound words are generally adjectives. If the compound word acts as an adjective before a noun, it generally will require a hyphen. 

Some hyphenated compounds are words that have prefixes, though not all of these are hyphenated.

  • forty-acre farm
  • ex-wife
  • anteroom

Knowing When to Use “Throughout” Versus “While” and “During”

If you are unsure whether to use “throughout” or another word, try running the sentence and your events through your head. This is often where some can become confused about whether to use “while,” “during,” or “throughout.”

If you are a multi-tasker, for example, you will likely use the word “while.” If you are doing something for a time, “during” would be a good word to choose. If something is happening the entire time, “throughout” would be the best choice to communicate your meaning correctly.

Sometimes, in your sentences, you will come across two events happening at once. This is where you would use “while.” For this option, you’ll use a full clause (subject + verb) after the word so your reader can see both events happening at once.

  • My toddler played with my makeup while I took a shower.  

“Toddler” is the subject, and “played” is the verb. Playing with makeup and taking a shower are two independent events. The toddler is playing with the makeup at the same time that the speaker is taking a shower.

“During” Versus “Throughout”

Another dilemma you may come across is choosing between “during” and “throughout.” The word “during” indicates something going on in relation to an event that occurs and lasts for a certain period of time. You would need a noun afterward. 

Another important thing to remember is that we do not use “during” to discuss the amount of time or the beginning or end of the event. It does not specify how much time or at what point the other event is taking place.

  • He went for a walk several times during his wife’s surgery.  

In the sentence above, “surgery” is the noun. We do not know if he walked at the beginning, middle, or toward the end of her surgery. We only know that he walked multiple times at some point.

  • He went for a walk several times throughout his wife’s surgery.  

Using “throughout” here indicates that he went for multiple walks the entire time of his wife’s surgery.

Another way that you can use “throughout” is to keep your sentences short and simplify a bigger group of synonymous words. Synonyms are words that mean the same or near the same as another word.  Below are some example phrases that have a similar meaning to the shorter word “throughout.”

  • Through the whole of
  • From beginning to end
  • High and low

History and Etymology of “Throughout”

“Throughout” is ranked #1425 in the United States for writing and #839 in speaking. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is in the top 1% of look-up popularity. 

“Throughout ” emerged sometime around the 13th century, and people used the term as both a preposition and an adverb. In Middle English, the spelling was thurgh-out, roughly translating to “through and out the other side of” (source). 

“Through” became part of everyday language before 900 AD. It started in Old English as thurh, thruh, and therh and moved to thurgh in Middle EnglishThis article was written for strategiesforparents.com.

People first began to use “through” as a preposition around the 12th century and as an adjective and adverb in the 13th century.  Because it relates to the word “throughout,” it is also in the top 1% of search queries.

Final Thoughts

Writing a word one way or another can change the meaning, so you do need to be careful. One space can make a big difference in communicating your intended meaning correctly, especially with compound words like “throughout.” Still, compound words can add flair to your writing and bring more of your ideas together. 

Remember that using “through” and “out” separately is unnecessary; you’ll most often choose between the compound word “throughout” or “through” on its own. 

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