Word meaning the complete opposite

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

полная противоположность

полную противоположность

совершенно противоположное

полной противоположности

полностью противоположно

полностью противоположное

совершенно противоположный

полные противоположности

полной противоположностью

прямо противоположное


Some athletes are the complete opposite.

He had become the complete opposite of what he had been throughout his life.

But one day your partner can turn from the ideal man into the complete opposite.

He conceives this automatism as the complete opposite of psychic activity.

I want the complete opposite of tuna on toast.

Dedicated hosting is the complete opposite end of shared hosting.

There is always a way to find a connection with someone, even if they are your complete opposite.

Because, the real way to make money trading is the complete opposite of what you may think.

Потому что реальный способ создать торговлю деньгами — это полная противоположность того, о чем вы, возможно, думаете.

Skye is the complete opposite — she enjoys her life, even though it will end very soon.

This is a common misconception about hackathons and in actual fact, it’s the complete opposite.

She was full of energy and self-confidence — the complete opposite of her previous self.

This state is the complete opposite of the above, when the sugar level significantly exceeds the norm.

Это состояние полная противоположность вышеописанному, когда уровень сахара значительно превышает норму.

It’s actually the complete opposite: letting human nature do its thing.

Women are the complete opposite, cheating with emotions.

They can change a points program on their the complete opposite.

But this is the complete opposite, a collection of small clearings in a massive woodland.

That’s the complete opposite of my ex-husband.

My life is the complete opposite of everything I want it to be.

And you, I think it’s the complete opposite.

Behavioral Type B is the complete opposite.

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Regarding the previous seasons, 2016-2017 year stands out the complete opposite of colors and accessories.

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The complete opposite of this modern, laconic style is the YOKO choker,

with its three rows of pearls and central floral motif designed in a classic style.

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с тремя рядами жемчужин и центральным цветочным мотивом, сделанный в классическом стиле.

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The first date with UA choice was the complete opposite, though I was still convinced it can’t be this easy.

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Первое свидание с вашим агентством было полной противоположностью того, чего я ожидал, хотя я по-прежнему убежден, что это не может быть так просто.

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Shinya is the complete opposite of Mahiru, having an aggressive, hostile and almost unstable personality.

L’Eixample, which means»the extension» in Catalan,

is the upper part of Barcelona city center, and a complete opposite to the lower part, Ciutat Vella.

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Эшампле, что означает» расширение» на каталонском,

это верхняя часть центра города Барселона, полная противоположность нижнего района, Ciutat Vella.

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and care that was bestowed upon the other half of the land ruled by the giant Biriir ina Barqo.

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которые торжествовали на второй половине Земли, где царствовал другой великан Бириир ина Барко Biriir ina Barqo.

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The projective advertising in media industry is applied not so long ago and

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Проекционная реклама, которая в рекламно- медийной индустрии применяется не так давно,

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After researching, Dobrev discovered she would also play Elena’s 534-year-old vampire doppelgänger

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После прочтения сценария Добрев узнала, что также будет играть 534- летнего двойника Елены- вампира Кэтрин Пирс,

The slow food movement protests against such a popular phenomenon of fast food and

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Движение slow food выражает протест против столь популярного явления фастфуда и

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Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore, a good-hearted and affectionate vampire and the complete opposite of his older brother, Damon Salvatore.

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Пол Уэсли исполняет роль Сайласа, Тома, а также Стефана Сальваторе, доброго и чувствительного вампира, полную противоположность своего старшего брата Дэймона Сальваторе,

Igor Dodon did the complete opposite, once he became president he just completely

laid down under Plahotniuc»,- declared Renato Usatyi during a press conference via video link.

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Игорь Додон сделал все наоборот, став президентом, он просто полностью

лег под Плахотнюка»,- заявил Ренато Усатый на пресс-конференции по видеосвязи.

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Wait, I was trying to get with a black man, which is like, the complete opposite of racist.

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Such an army has a tendency to lose everything that is possible, and is the complete opposite to Suvorov’s soldiers,

who were not only trained, not only knew»their maneuver», but also understood, in general terms, the concept of operation.

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Такая армия имеет тенденцию проигрывать все, что только возможно, и является полным антиподом суворовских солдат,

которые не только были обучены, не только знали« свой маневр», но и понимали в общих чертах замысел операции.

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Coal companies, transition economies, and developing countries took a complete opposite view, supporting pilot project development

to develop the basic skill set and experience necessary to be successful in developing additional projects.

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Угледобывающие компании, страны с переходной экономикой и развивающиеся страны придерживаются полностью противоположного взгляда и поддерживают идею разработки

опытных проектов с целью развития базовых навыков и получения опыта, которые необходимы для успешной разработки дополнительных проектов.

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When Rose asked Cruz if she was concerned about how she would be perceived after her role in the film,

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Когда Роуз спросил актрису в интервью, была ли она обеспокоена тем, как будет воспринята после этой роли, та

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Being and Nothing were complete opposites whose inner unity needed to be expressed,

or mediated, by a third term: Becoming.

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чтобы его выразили, развили, или опосредовали, чем-то третьим: становлением.

It stars Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson as Dharma and Greg Montgomery,

a couple who got married on their first date despite being complete opposites.

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В сериале снялись Дженна Эльфман и Томас Гибсон, исполнившие роли Дармы и Грега

Монтгомери, пары, поженившейся после первого свидания, несмотря на то что являются полными противоположностями друг друга.

It is possible to interpret the paintings as balancing a certain tension between the beautiful and the sublime,

two aesthetic categories tending to be looked upon through history as complete opposites.

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Можно интерпретировать картины как уравновешивающие определенное напряжение между красивым и возвышенным, двумя эстетическими категориями, которые, как правило,

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The OED says this slang is now especially used for skateboarding and surfing, and the first quotation is from a 1983 UNC-CH Campus Slang by the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:

Sick, unbelievably good: The Fleetwood Mac concert was sick.

The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (2007) says:

bad adj 1 good; tough. US, 1897.

sick adj6 excellent; wonderful. On the principle that BAD means ‘good’ US.

Partridge notes bad is much older, and the OED gives the source as George Ade’s story of a black shoeshine boy, Pink Marsh : a story of the streets and town (1897):

She sutny fix up a pohk chop ‘at’s bad to eat.

It says its originally US slang and means something good or excellent, especially stylish or attractive. The later quotations trace its use through black and jazz slang (1928, 1955, 1959, 1971 and 1989) until more ‘mainstream’ use is noted in a US newspaper in 1995 and a UK book in 2006.

The OED has another similar meaning of bad which is originally African-American and used of a person who is so dangerous they inspire admiration, or impressively tough, or especially formidably skilled. The earliest quotation is from 1843 but only meaning dangerous or hostile without admiration. Their next earliest is in 1938 in a musical context, as are some of the others, and I can see some overlap of these meanings.

A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (2002) gives a possibly unrelated term using sick, but it’s somewhat similar:

In knock (one) sick, to astound, ‘flabbergast’: coll.: — 1923 (Manchon).

  • #1

How would you say I am the complete opposite? For example, she is sporty-I am the complete opposite.

My attempt: Elle est sportive-je suis le parfair contraire.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

If this helps at all, this is a possible reply to «my dad, he is the complete opposite»: mon père, lui c’est tout le contraire

I am hoping for something like this but changing to me, I am the complete opposite.

Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2011

  • #5

On pourrait proposer aussi : «Elle est sportive et moi c’est exactement l’inverse.»

Aussi ;)

  • #6

I concur with all the above. Or even : elle est … ; moi — pas du tout.

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