Word meaning take it easy

take it easy

1. To be (more) cautious, calm, or gentle. Often used as an imperative. Whoa, whoa, take it easy! You’re going way too fast in here! I told John to take it easy and stop worrying about everything. Take it easy, will you? You’re misunderstanding what I’m trying to say.

2. To be relaxed; to not expend too much effort. Often used as an imperative. I’m just going to take it easy this weekend, maybe go to a movie or a play. Why don’t you take it easy for a little while? We don’t need to leave for another two hours.

3. Used by extension as an informal parting salutation. Thanks for visiting, take it easy!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Take it easy.


1. Inf. Good-bye and be careful. Mary: Bye-bye. Bill: See you, Mary. Take it easy. Sue: Take it easy, Tom. Tom: Bye, Sue. Seeyou soon.

2. Inf. Be gentle.; Treat someone carefully. Sue: Then I want you to move the piano and turn all the mattresses. Andy: Come on. Take it easy! I’m not made of steel, you know. Henry: Oh, I’m pooped. Alice: You just need a little rest and you’ll feel as good as new. Just take it easy.

3. Inf. Calm down.; Relax.; Do not get excited. Andy: I am so mad I could blow my top! Rachel: Now, now. Take it easy. What’s wrong? Mary could see that Sally was very upset at the news. «Now, just take it easy,» said Mary. «It can’t be all that bad.»

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

take it easy

Don’t hurry, proceed at a comfortable pace, relax. For example, Take it easy-we don’t have to be there till noon, or Bruce decided to take it easy this weekend and put off working on the house. [Mid-1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

take it easy



1. If you take it easy, you rest and do not do anything that needs a lot of energy. Note: In the first idiom below, ABC is pronounced `a b c’, as if you are spelling it out. Take it easy, Bob. Work can wait. The seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle Columbia are taking it easy today, following six full days of medical research. Note: In British English, you can also tell someone to take things easy. She has been advised by her doctor to take things easy.

2. You can say take it easy as a way of saying `goodbye’. Note: In the first idiom below, ABC is pronounced `a b c’, as if you are spelling it out. `Thanks. See you later.’ `Take it easy. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

take it easy

1 approach a task or activity gradually or carefully. 2 relax.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

take it/things ˈeasy

(informal) relax and avoid working too hard or doing too much; not get angry, excited, etc: Bob’s still running the business on his own. He really ought to be taking things easy at his age.Take it easy, Jenny! There’s no need to get so annoyed. OPPOSITE: be hard at it

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

take it easy

1. tv. relax and take care. They told me to take it easy for a few days.

2. exclam. Let up!; Not so hard!; Be gentle! (Usually Take it easy!) Take it easy; he’s just a kid!

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • take it/things easy
  • take things easy
  • easy/gently/slowly does it
  • easy does it
  • as easy as taking candy from a baby
  • Easy, tiger.
  • go easy with (something)
  • (as) easy as anything
  • as easy as shooting fish in a barrel
  • stand on principle

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.






не волнуйся

бери в голову

не переживай

береги себя


не горячись

не нервничай



It states that advice to rest and take it easy after treatment is an outdated view.

Совет отдохнуть и успокоиться после лечебной процедуры является устаревшим представлением лечения.

Easily preventable accidents are another sign that you need to slow down and perhaps take it easy.

Легко предотвратимые несчастные случаи — еще один признак того, что вам нужно замедлиться и, возможно, успокоиться.

You can take it easy and continue with your regular shampoo and oil that you used to use before.

Вы можете расслабиться и продолжить с обычного шампуня и масла, которые вы использовали раньше.

You’re upset today, take it easy.

Besides, you need to take it easy.

Maybe he meant take it easy.

Может быть, он имел в виду успокойся.

That’s what folk think to take it easy.

Now, take it easy. I know you’ll be absolutely wonderful, darling.

Теперь, дорогая успокойтесь, я знаю, что Вы будете само совершенство.

All right, Gabriel, take it easy.

Now, take it easy, Mrs. Lampert.

You’d better take it easy now.

I told her to take it easy.

I’m just saying… take it easy.

I told you to take it easy

Until then, take it easy.

My teammates told me to take it easy.

We ask that you take it easy.

No time so you can take it easy.

I told Tom to take it easy.

The doctors told me I would need to take it easy for a while.

Впрочем, врачи меня предупреждали, что некоторое время придется потерпеть.

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take it easy — перевод на русский

/teɪk ɪt ˈiːzi/

Take it easy, son.

Успокойся, сынок.

Take it easy !


Now take it easy, Ken.

Успокойся, Кен.

Take it easy, partner.

Успокойся, старик.

Now take it easy. You ain’t gonna kill nobody.

Успокойся, ты никого не убьёшь.

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Now, now, take it easy.

Ну, ну, полегче.

Take it easy, son.

Полегче, сынок. Полегче.

Take it easy, that’s the owner of the paper.

Полегче, это владелец газеты.

Take it easy there.

Полегче там.

Take it easy, pal.

Полегче, приятель.

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All right, girls, take it easy.

Все в порядке, девушки, спокойно.

Take it easy there.


Take it easy, fella.

Спокойно, старина.

Take it easy, Prince.

Спокойно, князь.

Take it easy, boys.

Спокойно, ребята.

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Take it easy.


Take it easy, bill.

Расслабься, Бил.

Take it easy, kid.

Расслабься, парень.

And take it easy.


Take it easy. They love to whine.

Расслабься, они только ныть и горазды.

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— Oh, take it easy now, Ken.

О, не волнуйся!

Take it easy, son.

Не волнуйся, сынок.

Take it easy, Bobby.

Не волнуйся, Бобби.

Take it easy, we’re still alive.

Не волнуйся, пока мы еще живые.

Take it easy kid!

Не волнуйся, дитя.

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Take it easy, lady.

Тише, дамочка.

Take it easy, Gatewood.

Тише, Гейтвуд.

Take it easy, fella.

Тише, тише, парень.

Take it easy.

Потом поговорим? — Тише.

Hey, take it easy.

Эй, тише.

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Take it easy now.


Take it easy, now.


Take it easy girl, you’ve destroyed us both!

Эй, осторожно, малышка, ещё нас проткнёшь.

Take it easy now. — Bye!

Осторожно, ребят.

Pull her up, but take it easy, cowboy.

Можешь поднимать ее. Только осторожно, парень.

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Take it easy, Tommy. — Okay.

Не переживай, Томми.

Take it easy, you’re talking too much.

Не переживай и не болтай так много.

Take it easy, Maria. Louis is gonna be all right.

Не переживай, Мария, с Льюисом все будет хорошо.

Take it easy, I’m going.

Не переживай, я сейчас.

You take it easy.

Не переживай.

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Take it easy.

Не нервничай.

Take it easy will you, Axel?

Не нервничай, Аксель.

Take it easy now.

Не нервничай.

Man, would you just… Just take it easy, man.

—лышьЕ «ы просто не нервничай.

Just take it easy, man.

—лышь, не нервничай.

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Take it easy.

Какой ужас! Успокойся, всё хорошо.

Take it easy, Tomas, it doesn’t matter.

Всё хорошо, Томас. Ничего страшного.

Take it easy.

Все хорошо, успокойся.

Take it easy.

Все хорошо.

Take it easy, Julia.

Всё хорошо, Джулия.

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take it easy — относитесь спокойно, не волнуйтесь; ≅ не принимайте близко к сердцу; не усердствуйте
take it easy! — а) не волнуйся!; б) смотри на вещи проще!; в) не усердствуй чрезмерно!

Автоматический перевод

не принимайте это близко к сердцу

Перевод по словам

take  — взятие, дубль, захват, сбор, выручка, улов, принимать, брать, считать, занимать
it  — это, этого, он, она, оно, него, последнее слово, идеал
easy  — легкий, удобный, спокойный, свободный, легко, удобно, спокойно, неторопливо


He just wanted to take it easy.

Он просто хотел отдохнуть.

Just take it easy and tell us what happened.

Просто успокойся и расскажи нам, что случилось.

I’ve got to take it easy – doctor’s orders.

Я не должен волноваться – по предписанию / рекомендациям врача.

Don’t overreact to the bad news — take it easy

Не слишком остро реагируй на плохие новости — относись к ним проще.

Take it easy! It hurts. *

Потише, больно же!

Look, man, take it easy! *

Послушай, чувиха, не надо расстраиваться.

Well, take it easy, now. *

Ну, будь здоров. Пока!

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

take it easy: meaning and explanation

Take it easy is an informal way of saying relax. e.g. You’ve been working so hard, it will be nice for you to take it easy for a bit.

In other situations, take it easy can mean calm down or stay calm. e.g. Hey, take it easy. I’m sure he didn’t mean to insult you.

Take it easy can also be used as a way of saying goodbye. e.g. Thanks for having us over. Take it easy!

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Micro-listening #1

Accent: England (RP)

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About the sentence

…It’s been a very hectic week…

Hectic = stressful or busy. e.g. I doubt I’ll have time to chat later on – I’ve got a very hectic schedule today.

Micro-listening #2

Accent: North America

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About the sentence

…I’m worried you’re going to burn out…

The phrasal verb to burn out means to become exhausted, usually after a long period of intense work or stress. You can learn more about this phrasal verb here.

Micro-listening #3

Accent: Australia

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  • Hard
  • Medium

I’d love on the beach of weeks, but money is the moment.

About the sentence

…money is just too tight…

When we don’t have much spare money, or that our budget can only just cover our expenses, we can say that money is tight. e.g. If money weren’t so tight then I’d definitely get an electric car.

Extra practice

Here are some questions/links to help you learn the new vocabulary:

  • When was the last time you decided to take it easy? What did you do to relax?

Photo by Rob Mulally on Unsplash

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