Word meaning start or beginning

The main difference is in the etymology.

‘Start’ comes from Old High German; ‘begin’ is probably West Germanic. We also have ‘commence’ that came from French, and hence has a connotation of being in a more educated register.

In use, the difference between ‘start’ and ‘begin’ is that ‘start’ has an idea of suddenness, as in ‘startle’. ‘Begin’ implies a process, a sequence of events.

If you say «Shall we start?», it implies right now, that it is urgent, and the change from not working to working is important. If you say «Shall we begin?» is more relaxed, and implies that something has been organised, and the beginning has a schedule following it.

You could maybe think of it that a ‘start’ is a transition from one state to another, and a ‘beginning’ is the origin of a continued path, journey, or process.

On that basis, to answer your question, a period should probably ‘begin’ rather than ‘start’.

beginning | start | Synonyms |

Start is a synonym of beginning.

Start is a antonym of beginning.

As nouns the difference between beginning and start

is that beginning is the act of doing that which begins anything; commencement of an action, state, or space of time; entrance into being or upon a course; the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states while start is the beginning of an activity.

As verbs the difference between beginning and start

is that beginning is present participle of lang=en while start is to begin, commence, initiate.

As an adjective beginning

is of or relating to the first portion of some extended thing.

As an acronym START is

acronym of lang=en|Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

Other Comparisons: What’s the difference?



Alternative forms

* begynnynge (obsolete)


  • (uncountable) The act of doing that which begins anything; commencement of an action, state, or space of time; entrance into being or upon a course; the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states.
  • That which is begun; a rudiment or element.
  • That which begins or originates something; the first cause; origin; source.
  • The initial portion of some extended thing.
    The author describes the protagonist’s youth in the beginning of the story
    The house you want is down at the beginning of the street
  • Synonyms

    * (act of doing that which begins anything) commencing, start, starting
    * element, embryo, rudiment
    * (that which begins or originates something) origin, source, start, commencement
    * (initial portion of some extended thing) head, start


    * (act of doing that which begins anything) conclusion, end

    Derived terms

    * a good beginning makes a good ending
    * beginning of day
    * in the beginning



  • * , chapter=7, title= The Mirror and the Lamp
    , passage=The turmoil went on—no rest, no peace. […] It was nearly eleven o’clock now, and he strolled out again. In the little fair created by the costers’ barrows the evening only seemed beginning ; and the naphtha flares made one’s eyes ache, the men’s voices grated harshly, and the girls’ faces saddened one.}}

  • Adjective


  • (informal) Of or relating to the first portion of some extended thing.
    in the beginning paragraph of the chapter
    in the beginning section of the course
  • Synonyms

    * first
    * initial





    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) stert, from the verb . See below.


    (en noun)

  • The beginning of an activity.
    The movie was entertaining from start to finish.
  • * Shakespeare
    I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, / Straining upon the start .
  • A sudden involuntary movement.
    He woke with a start .
  • * L’Estrange
    Nature does nothing by starts and leaps, or in a hurry.
  • * Robert Louis Stevenson, Olalla
    The sight of his scared face, his starts and pallors and sudden harkenings, unstrung me
  • The beginning point of a race, a board game, etc.
  • An appearance in a sports game from the beginning of the match.
    Jones has been a substitute before, but made his first start for the team last Sunday.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011
    , date=February 12
    , author=Ian Hughes
    , title=Arsenal 2 — 0 Wolverhampton
    , work=BBC
    , page=
    , passage=Wilshere, who made his first start for England in the midweek friendly win over Denmark, raced into the penalty area and chose to cross rather than shoot — one of the very few poor selections he made in the match. }}
  • A young plant germinated]] in a pot to be [[transplant, transplanted later.
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) . More at (l).


    (en verb)

  • (label) To begin, commence, initiate.
  • # To set in motion.
  • #* (Joseph Addison) (1672-1719)
  • I was engaged in conversation upon a subject which the people love to start in discourse.
  • #* , chapter=22, title= The Mirror and the Lamp
    , passage=In the autumn there was a row at some cement works about the unskilled labour men. A union had just been started for them and all but a few joined. One of these blacklegs was laid for by a picket and knocked out of time.}}
  • # To begin.
  • #* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-19, author=(Peter Wilby), volume=189, issue=6, page=30, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly)
    , title= Finland spreads word on schools
    , passage=Imagine a country where children do nothing but play until they start compulsory schooling at age seven. Then, without exception, they attend comprehensives until the age of 16. Charging school fees is illegal, and so is sorting pupils into ability groups by streaming or setting.}}
  • # (senseid)To initiate operation of a vehicle or machine.
  • # To put or raise (a question, an objection); to put forward (a subject for discussion).
  • # To bring onto being or into view; to originate; to invent.
  • #* Sir (1628–1699)
  • Sensual men agree in the pursuit of every pleasure they can start .

  • To begin an activity.
  • * , chapter=1, title= Mr. Pratt’s Patients, chapter=1
    , passage=Thinks I to myself, “Sol, you’re run off your course again. This is a rich man’s summer ‘cottage’ 
  • To startle or be startled; to move or be moved suddenly.
  • # To jerk suddenly in surprise.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • But if he start , / It is the flesh of a corrupted heart.
  • #* (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • I start as from some dreadful dream.
  • #* (Isaac Watts) (1674-1748)
  • Keep your soul to the work when ready to start aside.
  • # To move suddenly from its place or position; to displace or loosen; to dislocate.
  • #* Wiseman
  • One, by a fall in wrestling, started the end of the clavicle from the sternum.
  • # To awaken suddenly.
  • #* (rfdate) (Mary Shelley)
  • I started from my sleep with horror
  • # To disturb and cause to move suddenly; to startle; to alarm; to rouse; to cause to flee or fly.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • Upon malicious bravery dost thou come / To start my quiet?
  • To break away, to come loose.
  • * 1749 , (John Cleland), (w) (Penguin 1985 reprint), page 66:
    we could, with the greatest ease as well as clearness, see all objects (ourselves unseen) only by applying our eyes close to the crevice, where the moulding of a panel had warped or started a little on the other side.
  • (nautical) To pour out; to empty; to tap and begin drawing from.
  • Usage notes

    * In uses 1.1 and 1.2 this is a catenative verb that takes the infinitive (to») or the gerund (»-ing ) form. There is no change in meaning.
    * For more information, see

    See also

    * at the start
    * false start
    * for a start
    * get started
    * jump-start
    * start off
    * start on
    * start out
    * start up

    Etymology 3


    (en noun)

  • A tail, or anything projecting like a tail.
  • A handle, especially that of a plough.
  • The curved or inclined front and bottom of a water wheel bucket.
  • The arm, or level, of a gin, drawn around by a horse.(Webster 1913)
  • Beginning

    Beginning noun — The point at which something begins.

    Usage example: the actual beginning of the universe is still under debate, with some scientists continuing to uphold the big bang theory


    Start noun — The point at which something begins.

    Usage example: knew from the start of the game that he would win easily

    How words are described

    good good beginning good start
    fresh fresh beginning fresh start
    long long beginning long start
    humble humble beginning humble start
    Other adjectives: complete, original, true, proper, rough, small, actual, real, successful, great, huge, slow, promising, early, late, final, shaky, rocky, official, last.

    Both words in one sentence

    • APA
    • MLA
    • CMS

    Synonyms for beginning

    Synonyms for start

    Google Ngram Viewer shows how «beginning» and «start» have occurred on timeline

    In nearly every language, there are multiple words with similar meanings, but often those same words carry a different connotative interpretation or level of formality. Choosing the right one isn’t always easy, like when to use “start” or “begin.”

    “Start” is more appropriate for referring to machines or in business. “Begin” is more formal than “start.” Apart from that, the most familiar dictionary definitions for “start” and “begin” are similar — to undergo the first part of some activity or action. While you can use these two words synonymously most of the time, that is not always the case.

    If you’re talking about opening a new business, for instance, you’ll want to choose “start,” not “begin.” Please keep reading to learn more about the nuances of these words and how to use them correctly in communication.

    Start versus Begin: Differences and Similarities in Meaning

    Before we get too far into the connotative meanings for these words, we first need to understand the denotations for each, the straightforward dictionary definition.  

    As with many words in English — and in other languages — there are often a few words that can communicate the same idea. These are synonyms because they have the same or similar meanings.  

    Nonetheless, while the definitions may be the same, there are times and contexts in which you’ll need to choose one word over the other for your writing to make sense.  

    What Does “Begin” Mean? 

    “Begin” is an action word with a few specific meanings, though most are similar or closely related. We classify it as a verb, but the word can be both a transitive verb and an intransitive verb. 

    A transitive verb requires a direct object, but an intransitive verb does not. We’ll break this down in more detail further on in this article. But first, let’s look at the definitions for each.

    As a transitive verb, “begin” can mean (source):

    • To set about or undergo an activity
    • To bring into being
    • To originate or invent something

    As an intransitive verb, “begin” can mean:

    • To complete or do the first part of an action
    • To come into existence or have a starting point
    • To do something in the least degree

    What Does “Start” Mean? 

    As you can see, the word “begin” has a few different definitions listed in the dictionary, but they are all pretty closely related. 

    The word “start” is a bit different in that, while it does have multiple meanings that are related, it also has other meanings that are not at all synonymous with the word “begin.”  

    Similarly too, “start” is a verb, and it can be both transitive and intransitive. Remember that if there is an object connected to “start,” it is transitive; if there is no object, it is intransitive. Most verbs require either a direct or indirect object, but both “start” and “begin” do not.  

    Unlike “begin,” “start” can also be a noun, which you’ll recall is a person, place, thing, or idea. That likely sounds impossible — how can a word be both a verb and a noun?  Let’s look at the definitions for each.

    As a transitive verb, “start” can mean:

    • To bring up for discussion or consideration
    • To bring into being 
    • To begin the use of something
    • To cause to move, act, or operate
    • To cause to enter a game or contest
    • To do or experience the first stage or action of something

    As an intransitive verb, “start” can mean:

    • To move or react suddenly or violently
    • To issue with sudden force
    • To come into being or begin an activity or operation
    • To protrude
    • To begin a course or journey
    • To range from an initial point 

    As a noun, “start” can mean:

    • An impulse or involuntary bodily movement
    • A beginning of movement or activity
    • The instance of being part of a competitive race (“starting” lineup)

    That may seem like many different definitions, but you will again note that most are very similar, except “to protrude” or “an impulse,” for example. You’ll also want to note that as a noun, you’ll use the word “start” a bit differently, which we’ll break down further shortly. 

    Understanding Context: Choosing Between “Start” and “Begin

    We’ve covered the various meanings of both “start” and “begin” and how you can use them synonymously in many cases. Still, there are certain situations in which you’ll want to choose one word over the other.  

    Remember, too, that “begin” is more formal than “start” (source). So, if you are sitting in a lecture hall, you’ll more likely hear your professor say “please begin” versus “please start.” 

    When it comes to machines like printers, coffee makers, cars, or other devices, you’ll want to use the word “start,” not “begin.”  Here are some examples:

    • Please start the coffee machine when you wake up.  
    • Please start the car so that it is warm when we are ready to leave.

    In both of these contexts, you would not use the word “begin.”  Similarly, if you are speaking of opening a new business or restaurant, you would not use the word begin either — you’ll want to choose “start.”  

    Here’s an example:

    • My brother started his own graphic design business out of our basement.   

    These slight nuances in usage will become more familiar over time and as you gain more practice.

    Using Start or Begin in A Sentence

    There are quite a few different ways to use both “start” and “begin” in your writing. Here, we’ll take a look at how you can use begin as both a transitive and intransitive verb. Then, we’ll examine the subtle differences in using “start” in your writing, both as a verb as well as a noun.

    Examples: Using Begin as a Transitive or Intransitive Verb

    As we learned earlier, “begin” in its basic form can be either transitive or intransitive. If it is transitive, there must be an object connected to the verb that receives the action (source). Here’s an example:

    • I will have to begin my lesson again because the children were not listening.  

    In the sentence above, the verb “begin” is transitive — the object is the lesson. Thus, the speaker is communicating what, specifically, they will begin again.

    The word “begin” is unique in that you can use it with or without a direct or indirect object, meaning that you do not need to specify who or what receives the action. Like this:

    • The teacher said, “please begin.”

    Here, there is no object connected to the verb, begin. Therefore, it is intransitive. While the speaker is not explicitly stating what to begin, you can make an assumption based on the context of the situation.

    Examples: Using Start as a Transitive or Intransitive Verb

    Earlier, we noted that it seems there are quite a lot of definitions for the word “start,” but again, remember that many are very similar, and many are also synonymous with “begin.” 

    The main difference between the two words when you can use them synonymously is that you will want to use “begin” for more formal writing and subjects and “start” in situations requiring less formality.  

    Here is an example showing you how you can use “start” as a transitive verb, meaning there is an object connected to the verb, “start”:

    • I will start a fresh batch of cookies once I finish gathering the ingredients.  

    Above, “start” is transitive because the object connected to it is a “fresh batch of cookies.” If you can remember that a transitive verb answers “what” or “to whom,” you’ll be able to identify whether it is transitive or intransitive quickly.

    Here are a few more ways you can use “start” in your writing as a transitive verb:

    • I will start the timer when everyone is in line. 
    • The little girl started a rumor even though she knew it was untrue. 
    • “Please start the ignition when you have buckled your seatbelt,” the driving instructor said.

    As an intransitive verb, remember there is no object. Here are some examples:

    • “You may start,” the teacher said.
    • The snowfall started again, even though we already had three feet in our backyard.

    Neither of the above sentences has a direct object. You can determine this by asking “what?” or “to whom?” 

    In the first sentence, we aren’t entirely clear what the listeners may start, but you would assume that it is likely an assignment or activity given the context. 

    In the second example, there is no direct object, but we can also assume that if we asked what started, the answer would be “The falling snow.” 

    Examples: Using Start as a Noun 

    As a noun, you’ll use “start” a little bit differently. You’ll also likely use it not at the beginning of your sentence but rather at the end. Here are a few examples:

    • After the awful dream I had, I woke with a start.
    • The football coach declared a false start during practice.  
    • We all walked toward the start, preparing for our race. 

    In each of these examples, “start” is a noun. For example, to wake with a start means that you awoke abruptly, and a close synonym may be the word “startle” or even “shock.” 

    A “false start” is a phrase you’ll often hear in sporting competitions. While the definition of “start” here means the beginning of an activity, a “false start” is a noun because it is an idea that indicates a person began moving sooner than the start of a play. 

    And finally, in the third example, walking toward the “start” means that the speaker is moving toward the starting line, which is also a common way to use the word.

    Now that we have the definitions down, we’ll look at the various tenses in which you can use these two words and how you’ll need to change the spelling.

    Understanding Differences in Tense: Start and Begin

    You’ll want to remember that there’s more than one tense that you can use in your writing. We won’t get into all of the specifics here, but if you’d like to learn more about tenses, take a look at “Is ‘Than’ Past Tense.”  You’ll find a lot more detail about past, present, and future tenses. 

    Nonetheless, both “start” and “begin” can change spelling depending on the tense in which you are writing. The standard spelling for both is the present tense form (start and begin). 

    Understanding Past, Present, and Future Tense for “Begin”

    While “begin” is a simple verb, whether transitive or intransitive, your tense when writing the word also changes depending on the context.

    The present tense form for “begin” is simply “begin.” But, you can also write in what we call present continuous, which means an action is happening in that very moment. In that case, you’ll add the -ing suffix to the word “begin” to create “beginning.” Here’s a quick example:

    • I am beginning to wonder if he really wants this job.  

    The -ing suffix allows your reader to understand the action of beginning is happening at that very moment. Therefore, this application is very common for the term.

    Past and Future Tense: the Irregular Verb, Begin

    “Begin” is not a regular verb but, rather, it is irregular. For the most part, with regular verbs, you can simply add an -ed suffix to the word to change it from present to past. We call “begin” irregular because when you change the tense of the word from the present (begin or beginning) to past, the spelling changes. 

    To write “begin” in the simple past tense, you’ll change it from “begin” to “began.” So, your sentence would look like this:

    • She began walking to work to add exercise to her daily routine.

    Above, “began” is simple past tense, meaning the activity’s start began in the past and may continue into the present or future.

    But you can also use the word in its past participle form, meaning it is an action started and completed in the past. For example, in its past participle form, “begin” becomes “begun,” but you’ll also need to use a helping verb or linking verb. So, your sentence would look like this:

    • I had begun walking to work for exercise, but I kept arriving late.

    In this example, the past participle form indicates that while the speaker did walk to work at one point, they no longer do now because they continually arrived late when walking.  

    Finally, future tense for the word “begin” does not require a change in spelling but, rather, the addition of a word, “will.” The word “will” indicates that an event “will happen” at some point in the future, like this:

    • I will begin my homework after dinner.

    Here’s a quick chart to remind you of the various forms and tenses of “begin.” 

    Present Tense Present Continuous Past Simple Form Past Participle Form Future Tense
    Begin Beginning Began Helping or Linking verb + begun Will begin

    Understanding Past, Present, and Future Tense for “Start”

    The word “start” is a bit easier because it is a regular verb, and you will only need to change the tense when you use it as a verb. However, as a noun, you will always write and spell it the same, “start.”  

    The past tense form for “start” is “started.” You simply need to add an -ed to the word, and the good news is that the spelling is the same for both past simple and past participle forms.  

    Here are two examples:

    • I started writing my paper, but I still have a lot to do.
    • She started working at the ice cream shop four years ago.

    If you want to communicate that something will happen in the future, you’ll simply need to add the word “will” before “start” in the same way that you would do with “begin.”

    • I will start writing my paper after I eat dinner.
    • I will start working at the ice cream shop when I turn 16.

    Finally, similar to the word “begin,” you can also write “start” in present continuous with an -ing ending, like this:

    • I am starting to wonder if my dog needs more training.  

    Again, the action of starting is happening at that very moment. This article was written for strategiesforparents.com.

    Here’s a quick chart to remind you of the various forms and tenses of “start.” 

    Present Tense Present Continuous Past Simple Form Past Participle Form Future Tense
    Start Starting Started Started Will start

    Final Thoughts 

    Both “start” and “begin” are very common words and ones that you’ll find you use a lot when speaking English. Just remember that, for the most part, you can use them synonymously as verbs. The main difference is that “start” can also be a noun. 

    Remembering the various spellings and the correct tense to use in your writing can be tricky, but it will become second nature with time. And finally, take note of the few contexts where we would prefer “start” over “begin,” such as with machinery and businesses, or where we would prefer “begin”  over “start,” such as in formal writing and speaking. 

    Soon enough, you’ll be in good shape when trying to decide which word will work better in your sentence.

    Though there exists a difference between begin and start people tend to used them as synonyms. However, it should be mentioned that there are times when it is not a problem to use start and begin interchangeably. When comparing the two words, start and begin, we can see that start is used as a noun as well as a verb while begin is only used as a verb. Moreover, begin has its origin in the Old English word beginnan. Similarly, start has its origin in the Old English word styrtan. Phrases such as don’t start, for a start, to begin with and start a family show how start and begin are used in the English language.

    What does Begin mean?

    Look at the following sentences.

    He started horse-riding at the age of twelve.

    He began horse-riding at the age of twelve.

    In both the sentences, we get the same meaning by the use of the two words, namely, began and started. The most important observation here is that the word start is more informal usage when compared to the word begin. In other words, the word begin is used in the formal style.

    The word begin can be used if the intention of work is suggested as in the sentence given below.

    Let us begin (the work) now.

    What does Start mean?

    Observe the two sentences given below.

    I began swimming when I was five.

    I started swimming when I was five.

    In both of the sentences, we get the same meaning by the use of the two words, namely, began and started. However, as mentioned earlier, you will see that the word start is more informal when compared with the word begin. Observe the two sentences given below.

    It is beginning to rain.

    It is starting to rain.

    The second sentence looks more informal and natural than the first sentence. In other words, it is quite natural to say ‘it is starting to rain’ rather than ‘it is beginning to rain’. We can use only start in some cases. Look at this sentence. You can see that you cannot use begin in the following sentence.

    I think we have to start before it rains.

    In the sentence given above, it is better to use the word start instead of begin that might look odd. It would look awkward to say ‘I think we have to begin before it rains’ in case you intend to travel to some place. Hence, it is understood that you should use the word start if you intend travel. This is one of the important rules in the usage of the verb start.

    Difference Between Begin and Start

    What is the difference between Begin and Start?

    • The word start is more informal usage when compared to the word begin. In other words, the word begin is used in the formal style.

    • In the colloquial context, using the word start is much more natural than using the word begin. This is one of the few differences between the two words start and begin.

    • We can use only start in some cases.

    • It is understood that you should use the word start if you intend travel. This is one of the important rules in the usage of the verb start.

    • The word begin can be used if the intention of work is suggested.

    Images Courtesy:

    1. Start button by Tonyhom0727 (CC BY-SA 3.0)

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