Word meaning something new

something new — перевод на русский

I find out something new about her every day, it seems like, and it’s a pretty big thing that I would’ve never expected out of her.

Я узнаю что-то новое о ней каждый день, и это такие вещи которые я никогда не предполагал найти в ней.

And then something new will begin.

А следом начнётся что-то новое.

Child, something new has been born in me, and I know the meaning of this life men lead here.

Дитя, что-то новое родилось во мне, и я знаю смысл той жизни, что проводят все эти люди здесь.

Then if you do succeed in thinking out something new, the best you can hope for is a pat on the back.

И если вы добьетесь успеха, придумывая что-то новое… и лучшее, можете рассчитывать на мое покровительство.

— That’s something new.

— Это что-то новое.

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That’s something new to you, ain’t it?

Это что-то новенькое для тебя, не так ли?

I understand you have something new to show to us.

Я так понимаю у вас есть что-то новенькое, чтобы показать нам.

You found something new. Congratulations !

Придумал что-то новенькое.

— At least it’s something new.

— По крайней мере, что-то новенькое.

Something new from Frocas Three.

Что-то новенькое из системы Фрокас 3.

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Every day I learn something new.

И я всё ещё учусь у тебя.

Something new, criminally speaking.

Ещё одним убийством? Да.

I’ll show you something new

С такой скоростью ты ещё не летала.

It used to attract like open-minded people who—, who were lookin’ for something new.

— И на Элвиса, и на Стинга! — Стинг же еще не умер.

You’re gonna show me something new?

Ты можешь предложить мне что-то еще?

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Something new? Soon.

Есть новости?


Но у меня есть новости.

Something new?

Есть новости?

Please tell me you got something new.

Скажи, что у тебя есть новости.

You got something new?

Есть новости?

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I’m working on something new, Roscoe.

Я сейчас над кое-чем новым работаю, Роско.

I’m working on something new right now that I think… Room for a single?

Я сейчас работаю над кое-чем новым, и это…

I’m working on something new.

Я работаю над кое-чем новым.

We just got something new in from Fort Detrick… a modified strain of the Lassa virus.

Мы начали работать на кое-чем новым в Форт Детрике… модифицированный штамм вируса Ласса.

Just got something new in from Fort Detrick.

Мы начали работать над кое-чем новым в Форт Детрике.

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— What? There’s something new in the bowl.

В миске появилось что-то новое.

Looks like you got something new, too.

Вижу, у тебя тоже появилось что-то новое.

— Not until you’ve got something new.

— Нет, пока у тебя не появится что-то новое.

Unless something new presents itself, I have no grounds to go after them on.

Пока не появится что-то новое, у меня нет оснований задерживать их за это.

Well, we don’t trade it in just because there’s something new out there.

Да, но мы не поменяем её …только потому, что появились новые.

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So are the… are the drugs something new?

— Так наркотики для вас в новинку?

Let’s try something new.

Опробуем новинку.

You’re something new.

А вы здесь в новинку.

That was something new.

А голосовые связки? Это было в новинку.

Here’s something new.

Вот новинка.

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4 because every day something new happens.

Каждый день запоминается, потому что каждые 5 минут происходит что-то новое».

Perhaps you just need to switch things up and try something new.

Кроме того, может быть, вы захотите сменить сферу деятельности и попробовать что-то новое.

People hoping to try something new will be disappointed.

Те, кто ожидал от стратегии чего-то нового, будут разочарованы.

Different approaches and critical thinking are vital when creating something new.

Различные подходы и критическое мышление являются жизненно важными факторами при создании чего-то нового.

We offered something new, a new combination — left-wing nationalism.

Мы предложили нечто новое, некую новую комбинацию, а именно — левый национализм.

Maybe because it was something new.

Sometimes something has to end before something new can start.

Просто потому, что что-то всегда приходилось заканчивать, прежде чем что-то новое может начаться.

Finish the story before starting something new.

Посторайтесь разобрать все старое перед тем как начанать что-то новое.

We lost the fear of creating something new.

Нам нужно было оттолкнуться от проблемы, чтобы создать что-то новое».

But trading as we know it today is something new.

Но торговля, как мы ее знаем сегодня, это что-то новое.

You have 365 days to try something new and extraordinary.

У вас есть 365 дней, чтобы попробовать что-то новое и необычное.

Each international student received something new for their future.

Каждый из иностранных студентов получил для себя что-то новое для своего будущего.

No reward for yesterday’s trick, only something new.

Но ни одной рыбки за вчерашний трюк, только за что-то новое.

Whether caffeine can improve memory if taken before learning something new is debatable.

Может ли кофеин улучшать память, если его принять, прежде чем изучать что-то новое, является спорным.

Each successive generation adds something new.

В тоже время, каждое последующее поколение вносит что-то новое.

Especially after they’ve just bought something new.

В противном случае, после того, как она купила что-то новое.

People that come back every year still see something new.

Люди, которые постоянно бывают у нас, каждый раз видят что-то новое.

But criminalising it is something new.

Но вот уголовная ответственность — это что-то новое.

I started this blog as something new to try.

Я начала этот блог, потому что хочу попробовать что-то новое.

I did like the idea because it was something new.

Мне очень понравилась эта идея, потому, что это что-то новое.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат something new

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When we say this approach is «New,» new, here, doesn’t necessarily imply that the approach is different from preceding approaches.

When we say that it is «different,» different, here, doesn’t imply that it is new.

So is there an adjective or a word that could denote both meanings?

Here is the context:

to unravel ………. reasons and motivations.

Peter Mortensen's user avatar

asked Apr 8, 2015 at 19:56

Sarra Saidi's user avatar


novel — of a new kind; different from anything seen or known before (dictionary.com)

answered Apr 8, 2015 at 19:58

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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1.0 (Of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and

1.1 (Of a person) introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking:
ODO Emphasis mine

answered Apr 8, 2015 at 20:33

ScotM's user avatar


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  • new; not previously known, met with, etc.

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 1:58

BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar


unprecedented- not done or known before.

Drew's user avatar


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answered Apr 9, 2015 at 21:05

Ben's user avatar


  • showing a marked departure from previous practice; new: a truly original approach. (AHD)

  • productive of new things or new ideas; inventive. (AHD)

The Free Dictionary

answered Apr 8, 2015 at 23:24


While you asked for a single word, the phrase I immediately think of is often used together enough that it can even be hyphenated to perfectly fit the bill (assuming you have no aversion to hyphenation—some people do though).

“Never before seen”. It needs no definition as far as I am concerned since it is self explanatory. However, it does carry a stronger implication that it isn’t just new or different, but rather so much so that there has never been anything like it before.

Of course, it has been used to such hyperbole, that stronger connotation I warned about may very well be just a historical footnote at this point.

The end result would be something like this:

To unravel never-before-seen reasons and motivations…

Also note that there are several similar phrases that you can select from, e.g., “as yet unwitnessed.”

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 12:09

HalosGhost's user avatar


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Along with the aforementioned «novel» and «innovative» you could also use


answered Apr 9, 2015 at 13:42

insaner's user avatar


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radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc.:

You should be careful using it, obviously, due to possible unwanted connotations the word may imply. It works in your context, but who is doing the unraveling you mention (and what kind of reasons/motivations exist) will affect whether to use revolutionary over, say, innovative (which is mentioned above).

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 15:19

JackArbiter's user avatar


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Depending on context, I like the words «fresh» or «novel» for this sort of thing.

I deliberately avoid anything that starts with re- because, well, that’s clearly not indicating something that is new if it is «re-anything».

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 22:26

zxq9's user avatar


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First of all, in English, the word ‘new‘ does mean different and you can use it without hesitation for both.
In programming, to define a new object different from others, they use new Object()

When a baby is born, they say ‘new baby’.
When they say ‘new approach’ they imply both new and different.

Other synonyms of ‘new’ meaning ‘new and different’ are

  • innovative
  • advanced
  • experimental

But you should mind the word combinations like ‘innovative approach’, ‘advanced technology’.

Following Pureferret’s comment, if we refer to programming, and need a single new and different something, we use ‘unique’ like ‘unique key’ in database.

So, at the time something new singular and different appears you can call it ‘unique’

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 23:50

Oleksii's user avatar


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As a psychologist, I immediately doubted there was a context where you could actually be talking about motivations that are truly new, per se. Perhaps instead the motivations are typical ones, where the newness and difference relates to the local specific context. This led me to wonder whether what you’re actually looking for is untapped, if you are looking to draw on them or exploit them (e.g. in marketing or sales) or unexplored if you are just looking to understand them.

answered Apr 10, 2015 at 18:43

Duncan Babbage's user avatar


I would use the word «unexamined» in that sentence because anything that was already examined cannot be, by definition, neither new nor different.

answered Apr 8, 2015 at 19:59

Kristina Lopez's user avatar

Kristina LopezKristina Lopez

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re-imagined — captures a good nuance

answered Apr 9, 2015 at 20:46

user116566's user avatar

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  1. Something New

    Something New is the Beatles’ third Capitol LP release, but fifth American album following the United Artists release of A Hard Day’s Night. This album includes eight songs from the original British release of A Hard Day’s Night, as well as the remaining tracks «Slow Down» and «Matchbox» from the Long Tall Sally EP and the German-language version of «I Want to Hold Your Hand». It was released in mono and stereo, and all mono mixes of the five songs duplicated from the United Artists soundtrack album are the same. This was the first Capitol Beatles album with all of the tracks in «true» stereo. The mono release contains alternative versions of «Any Time At All», «I’ll Cry Instead», «When I Get Home», and «And I Love Her».
    The album spent nine weeks at #2 on the Billboard 200, behind the United Artists A Hard Day’s Night album.
    This album was also released on the Parlophone label for sale only on American Armed Forces bases in Europe. These copies have great collector value. The album was also issued in Germany on the Odeon label. The German stereo version contains a reprocessed stereo version of «Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand» and an extended version of «And I Love Her», repeating the closing riff six times instead of four. This mix was later released on the US version of Rarities.

How to pronounce something new?

How to say something new in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of something new in Chaldean Numerology is: 8

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of something new in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8

Examples of something new in a Sentence

  1. Unknown:

    Never be afraid to try something new remember amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.

  2. Timothy Hochstedler:

    Uber is a cool thing, every single year something new comes in, and Uber is hot right now so we have the Amish Uber.

  3. Tiziano Camporesi:

    In the life of accelerator physics there are few moments like the one we are living through, this is the time when the probability of finding something new is highest.

  4. liam mahone:

    Roses are red, and here is something new, violets are violet not really blue.

  5. Barack Obama:

    We are ending a policy that was long past its expiration date. When what you’re doing doesn’t work for 50 years, it’s time to try something new.


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Other forms: newest; newer

If something’s new, it has never been seen or discovered or invented before. Anything can be new: a country, an idea, a product. If you spend half an hour watching TV, you’ll see an incredible selection of new items being advertised.

There are lots of shades of meaning attached to new. For example, by its very nature something that’s new is unfamiliar, and the two words are often used interchangeably. New can also mean something different from what has gone before — as in a new political strategy — or, as advertising would have you believe, something fresh and original, like that new and improved version of your favorite laundry detergent you just bought.

Definitions of new

  1. adjective

    not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered

    new law”

    new cars”

    new comet”

    new friend”

    new year”

    New World”



    occurring in or belonging to the present time


    recently made, produced, or harvested


    belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages

    bran-new, brand-new, spic-and-span, spick-and-span

    conspicuously new


    (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again

    hot, red-hot

    newest or most recent

    new-sprung, newborn

    having just or recently arisen or come into existence


    newly discovered

    novel, refreshing

    pleasantly new or different

    parvenu, parvenue

    of or characteristic of a parvenu



    radical, revolutionary

    markedly new or introducing radical change


    newly come into prominence


    of an industry or technology; new and developing

    untested, untried

    not yet proved or subjected to testing


    not yet put into use


    being used or worked for the first time


    being in its early stage

  2. “grass
    new washed by the rain”


    fresh, freshly, newly

  3. adjective

    original and of a kind not seen before


    fresh, novel


    being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of

  4. adjective

    having no previous example or precedent or parallel




    having no precedent; novel

  5. new experiences”

    new to him”

    “errors of someone
    new to the job”



    not habituated to; unfamiliar with

  6. adjective

    (of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new

    “she buys all these
    new-fangled machines and never uses them”




    being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of

  7. adjective

    lacking training or experience

    new men were eager to fight”



    inexperienced, inexperient

    lacking practical experience or training

  8. adjective

    unaffected by use or exposure

    “it looks like



    not worn by exposure to the weather

    see moresee less



    affected by wear; damaged by long use


    of long duration; not new


    at an advanced stage of erosion (pronounced as one syllable)


    worn by rubbing or friction


    damaged especially by hard usage

    clapped out

    worn from age or heavy use and no longer able to operate (of cars or machines or people)

    creaky, decrepit, derelict, flea-bitten, run-down, woebegone

    worn and broken down by hard use

    dog-eared, eared

    worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) from having corners turned down

    eroded, scoured

    worn away as by water or ice or wind


    worn away or tattered along the edges

    mangey, mangy

    having many worn or threadbare spots in the nap

    moth-eaten, mothy

    worn or eaten away by (or as if by) moths

    played out

    worn out

    ragged, raggedy

    being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn

    raddled, worn-out

    used until no longer useful

    moth-eaten, raggedy, ratty, shabby, tatty

    showing signs of wear and tear

    scruffy, seedy

    shabby and untidy

    shopsoiled, shopworn

    worn or faded from being on display in a store

    tatterdemalion, tattered

    worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing


    having the nap worn away so that the threads show through


    (of pages) worn or soiled by thumb and fingers by frequent handling or turning

    vermiculate, worm-eaten, wormy

    infested with or damaged (as if eaten) by worms


    (of rocks especially) worn smooth by the action of water

    weather-beaten, weathered, weatherworn

    worn by exposure to the weather


    showing signs of much wear or use

    show more antonyms…

  9. adjective

    (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity

    new potatoes”




    being or occurring at an early stage of development

  10. adjective

    other than the former one(s); different

    new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it”

    “ready to take a
    new direction”



    not the same one or ones already mentioned or implied

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