Word meaning something is not right

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

что-то не так

что-то не в порядке

что-то идет не так

что-то не правильно

что-то явно не так

что что-то неправильно

нечто не в порядке

что-то идет неправильно

Woodford begins to realize that something is not right.

However, feeling excessive amounts of heat is an obvious sign that something is not right within your fridge.

Однако ощущение чрезмерного количества тепла является очевидным признаком того, что что-то не так в вашем холодильнике.

This shows that something is not right.

Most people can feel that something is not right with the world economy and monetary system.

Большинство людей ощущают, что что-то не в порядке с мировой экономикой и денежно-кредитной системой.

Change your password if you suspect that something is not right.

Измените на некоторое время свое поведение, если у вас появились подозрения, что что-то идет не так.

You know something is not right in this house.

One of the most popular themes of horror films — humanity puts experiments on life, but something is not right.

Одна из популярнейших тем ужастиков — человечество ставит эксперименты над жизнью, но что-то идёт не так.

Fever is an important sign from our body that something is not right and that it needs attention quickly.

Жар — это важный признак того, что с нашим организмом что-то не так и что ему срочно требуется внимание.

It is important that you not ignore these symptoms as they are a signal that something is not right.

Это один из симптомов, которые трудно игнорировать, поскольку это определенно признак того, что что-то не так.

Okay, something is not right.

If something is not right, then in first three minutes you can change zone or cancel payment.

Если что-то не так, то в первые три минуты вы можете сменить зону или отменить парковку.

Basically, smoke from a diesel engine indicates that something is not right.

В принципе, дым от дизельного двигателя указывает на то, что что-то не так.

It is a sign that «something is not right» with our system.

But excessive sweating, when the reason is unclear, is often a sign that something is not right.

Но чрезмерная потливость без причины, часто является признаком того, что что-то не так.

Actually for all men who feel that something is not right in their life.

В-третьих, для тех, кто чувствует, что в их жизни что-то не так.

You may have given birth and sense that something is not right with your newborn.

Ее будет мучить тревога и подозрения, что с новорожденным что-то не так.

I am tired, something is not right.

Contact us right away if something is not right.

My patients are often brought to me by their families who notice that something is not right.

Часто их ко мне приводят родственники, которые заметили, что что-то не так.

Any unusual noises may be an indication that something is not right with the car.

Любой необычный звук может быть признаком, что в работе автомобиля что-то идет не так.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Similar words: something not right

  • tell me you have something — скажи мне, что есть что-то
  • to help something — к помощи чего-то
  • Tell me something with certainty — Скажи мне что-нибудь с уверенностью
  • was something like this — было что-то вроде этого
  • was something — было что-то
  • was something that was — было то, что было
  • take something from me — взять что-то от меня
  • was something of a — было что-то
  • tell something — что-то сказать
  • tell me something sweet — скажи мне что-нибудь сладкое
  • end up with something — в конечном итоге с чем-то
  • i brought something for you — я принес кое-что для вас
  • tell me something new — Расскажи мне что-нибудь новое
  • you promise me something — Вы обещаете мне что-то
  • uncover something — открывай что-то
  • Synonyms & Antonyms: not found

    Examples: something not right

    Although nobody ever spoke about it, everybody knew something wasn’t quite right .

    Хотя никто никогда об этом не говорил, все знали, что что-то не так.

    Even though no one ever spoke about it, everyone knew something wasn’t quite right .

    Хотя никто никогда не говорил об этом, все знали, что что-то не так.

    Even though nobody ever spoke about it, everybody knew that something wasn’t quite right .

    Хотя никто никогда не говорил об этом, все знали, что что-то не так.

    It’s not clear right now whether time travel is really something that exists in reality but its possibility has been proven by theoretical physics.

    Сейчас неясно, действительно ли путешествия во времени существуют в реальности, но их возможность доказана теоретической физикой.

    Tom and Mary are obviously doing something right .

    Том и Мэри явно что-то делают правильно.

    Sami had that deep — seated gut feeling that something wasn’t right .

    Сами глубоко укоренилось чувство, что что-то не так.

    The work — play dichotomy has something to do with the left — right brain dichotomy.

    Дихотомия работа-игра имеет отношение к дихотомии левого-правого полушария мозга.

    I’ll be right back. Wow, I’m reading, knowing something about Loglan.

    Я скоро вернусь. Вау, читаю, кое-что знаю о Логлане.

    Tom knew right away that something had gone wrong.

    Том сразу понял, что что-то пошло не так.

    Tom said that he just had to eat something right away.

    Том сказал, что ему просто нужно что-то съесть.

    At least today, have you done something right ?

    По крайней мере, сегодня ты что-то сделал правильно?

    Tom said he just had to eat something right away.

    Том сказал, что ему просто нужно было что-то сразу съесть.

    Something needs to be done about this right away.

    С этим нужно что-то делать немедленно.

    If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something .

    Если правда, что греки запрещали женщинам ходить на спектакль, то они поступали правильно, потому что в любом случае могли что-то услышать.

    He said that I have no right to live here, or something to that effect.

    Он сказал, что я не имею права жить здесь или что-то в этом роде.

    It’s not right for you to do something bad just because someone else has done something bad.

    Неправильно делать что-то плохое только потому, что кто-то сделал что-то плохое.

    If you want something to be done right , sometimes you’ve just got to do it yourself.

    Если хочешь что-то сделать, сделай это сам!

    There was something not quite right about Tom.

    Что-то было не так с Томом.

    Sami only calls me when something is not right .

    Сами звонит мне только тогда, когда что-то не так.

    I had a premonition that something wasn’t right .

    У меня было предчувствие, что что-то не так.

    I knew right off the bat that something was wrong.

    Я сразу понял, что что-то не так.

    There’s something about him that just doesn’t sit right with me.

    В нем есть что-то такое, что меня не устраивает.

    I propose we do something about that right away.

    Я предлагаю сделать что-то об этом прямо сейчас.

    If you want something done right , you have to do it yourself.

    Если вы хотите, чтобы что-то было сделано правильно, вы должны сделать это сами.

    I know in my gut that something’s not right with Tom.

    Я нутром знаю, что с Томом что-то не так.

    These words all describe something that is not right or correct, or someone who is not right about something.
    incorrect — (алдаатай, зөв биш) гол төлөв гэсэн утгаар — according to the facts and refers to specific rules, such as grammar, calculation etc
    not accurate or true
        —- incorrect information/spelling
    untrue — (

    худалаа, үнэн биш

    invented or guessed — ийн дараа худал болох нь тогтоогдох тиймээс монгол хэлнээ худлаа, үнэн биш гэж буулгавал тохиромжтой (These accusations are totally untrue. — тэдгээр буруушаал бүхэлдээ худлаа )
    1 not true; not based on facts
          —- These accusations are totally untrue.
    (formalnot loyal to someone or something     untrue (to someone/something)
               — If he agreed to their demands, he would have to be untrue to his own principles
    false — adjective(

    хуурамч, жинхэнэ биш

    ) энэ үгийг <not natural, not genuine — a false passport(хуурамч пасворд), false teeth (хиймэт шүд, жинхэнэ биш) > — гэсэн утгаар хэрэглэ
    1 wrong; not correct or true
        — A whale is a fish. True or false? 
    2 not natural  
        —- false teeth/eyelashes
    3 not genuine, but made to look real to cheat people
        — a false passport
    mistaken — adjective(эндүү ташаа, эндүүрсэн) энэ үг <эндүүрсэн, андуурсан> — гэсэн утгаар гол төлөв хэрэглэгдэнэ —wrong in your opinion (Unless I’m very much mistaken, that’s Paul’s wife over there. — би хэрвээ эндүүрээгүй бол paul — ийн эхнэр тэнд байсан)
    1 [not before nounwrong in your opinion or judgment
    mistaken (about someone/something)
         —-  You are completely mistaken about Jane.
    2 based on a wrong opinion or bad judgment
         —- I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.
    misguided —  adjective(андуу ташаа, төөрөлдсөн)wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly
    wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly
         — The new proposals are, in our opinion, totally misguided.
    wrong — adjective(буруу) means bad thing
    1 not right or correct

    difference between wrong and false

    • ‘False’ means ‘not true’ as in ‘a false story’, ‘a false beard’ or ‘false teeth’.

      ‘Wrong’ means ‘bad’ or ‘not right’, as in ‘it’s wrong to steal’. It also has the sense of ‘incorrect’, as in the test sentence or as in ‘my watch is wrong’ or ‘I was wrong and you were right’.

    difference between mistaken and wrong

    • A mistake refers to an error in a belief or decision. It does not imply something immoral(завхай, бусармаг).

      «Wrong» can also refer to such an error. However, it can also mean some action or belief that is not correct morally.

      If I add 15 plus 16 and get 35, the answer is mistaken. It is also wrong.

      If somebody steals something, it is not mistaken. The person intended to steal it and did. We can, however, say that he is wrong to steal. In this case, a moral judgement applies.

    difference between wrong, incorrect, and false

    • To the best of my knowledge, they aren’t that different. They are usually interchangeable. For example:
      This answer is wrong.
      This answer is incorrect.
      This answer is false.
      All are right. But in some situation they aren’t interchangeable. For example:
      If I’m not wrong, …..
      I have never heard If I’m not incorrect / false, …..

    difference between incorrect and wrong

    • I’d say that «incorrect» refers to specific rules, such as grammar, calculation etc…. Something incorrect is viewed as such by all people aware of these rules/laws. On the other hand, «wrong» is connected to the feeling of what’s right or wrong, and hence more subjective. 
    • Although most English speakers use «correct/right» and «incorrect/wrong» interchangeably, it is actually correct to use «correct/incorrect» when referring to factual information and «right/wrong» regarding moral issues. It especially matters in examples like «What you just said is incorrect» and «What you just said is wrong.» The former suggests that the speakers disagree about factual information, while the latter suggests that the first speaker made a moral error. The same reasoning applies to the use of «correct» versus «right.»

      Another englishforums user put it this way: 

      «‘Wrong’ is traditionally used to mean something is morally good or right — or that judgment is correct or inaccurate. It was used to mean an ‘unjust action’. For example, it is used when someone is breaking the law.

      ‘Incorrect’ is used to point out something is factually wrong or inaccurate. If something is false it is incorrect. On a business document you would inform the company your address is ‘incorrect’

    false  mistaken  incorrect  inaccurate  misguided  untrueThese words all describe something that is not right or correct, or someone who is not right about something.wrong not right or correct; (of a person) not right about something: I got all the answers wrong.We were wrong to assume that she’d agree.false not true or correct; wrong because it is based on something that is not true or correct: A whale is a fish.True or false? She gave false information to the insurance company.mistaken wrong in your opinion or judgment; based on a wrong opinion or bad judgment:You’re completely mistaken about Jane.incorrect (somewhat formal) wrong according to the facts; containing mistakes: Many of the statistics were incorrect.inaccurate wrong according to the facts; containing mistakes: The report was badly researched and fairly inaccurate.incorrect or inaccurate?A fact, figure, or spelling that is wrong is incorrect; information, a belief, or a description based on incorrect facts can be incorrect or inaccurate; something that is produced, such as a film, report, or map, that contains incorrect facts is inaccurate.misguided wrong because you have understood or judged a situation badly: In her misguided attempts to help, she only made the situation worse.untrue not based on facts, but invented or guessed: These accusations are totally untrue.

    Dear World

    What if we started to use these 4 words when we feel or know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    In other words, we just clock it that our breathing changed in a situation and we say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is much in this world where we could say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is much in our own private world where we could easily say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is so much going on that we see and we just know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is much going on in our work place and we find it difficult to say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is much going on in our neighbourhood but we avoid saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is much going on in our own Family but we choose to not say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is utter harm that we observe on the Internet but we will not admit SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is ugly stuff going on when we watch TV, but we have this habit of laughing it off instead of saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is so much that disturbs us on Social Media but we never say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    There is abuse going on and we know it but never do we say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we start saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and see where that goes

    What if we just stay open with our SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and make a point of Talking to others.

    What if communicating to another that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT starts us asking Questions.

    What if we follow that inner feeling where we just know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and we tell someone.

    What if we just know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and it is going on under our nose in our own home and we take the steps to Say something.

    What if we simply do not want the Responsibility of saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT as it would mean we would need to do something.

    What if we are Bored with Sitting on the Fence when we know beyond doubt SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and it’s high time to do Something.

    What if we have pictures in our minds of how we want our relationship to be and this blinds us when we just know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we are afraid of saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT because we can feel the backlash of what will come our way if we speak up.

    What if we stop ourselves saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT as we know the masses will not want to join us, even though they know too.

    What if we want others to Get on with it and do the work by calling out the wrong in this world, because we do not want to say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we know when SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and the signs are all there telling us so, but we just opt for the comfortable life with no challenges.

    What if we feel a knot in our stomach because we know what just happened needs us to say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we laugh it off and go along with the crowd, when deep down we should be saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if 4 words – SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT starts the ball rolling in a different direction…

    In other words, it gets us to STOP and QUESTION

    Dear World

    Our world is us – all of us

    We make up this whole world and everyone of us is included and that is a fact.

    For our world to move and evolve where it needs to go, each of us has the Responsibility to speak up and say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT when we feel SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    If something is going on and we are certain SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT – is it worth saying as we know it could bring change.

    It is no longer an option for us to –

    Say nothing
    Hold back
    Give up
    Just accept things
    Never Question anything

    WHY – because our body tells us so 

    Our body always knows and communicates to us when SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    Our body holds the tension when we know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    Our body hardens when we know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and we override that feeling.

    Our body cops it when SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT and we turn to self-medication to stop the feeling that just disturbed us.

    Our body cannot find settlement inside it, when we know and feel that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if

    What if we just said out loud or to another that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT simply because we feel it.

    What if we started doing this often – where would it lead to.

    What if we got Honest and said SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT when we know full well SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we call out the ills in our own house and say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we sense what is going on in our Family and say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we are not going to be locked up or arrested just for saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we are supporting ourselves and our fellow brothers in some way, out there, when we say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if voicing SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT is a very Responsible thing to say.


    Is it possible that just saying these 4 words whenever we feel SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT, is the opening of a door and we don’t know what will unfold next because of what we said.

    We may not know the outcome or what will happen but what we do know is we didn’t ignore the signs or negate the feelings when we knew SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.

    What if we simply start with a big dose of honesty and say –

    SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT about human life


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    15 авг. 2018

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    14 мая 2017

    i) Yes. Either wrong or suspicious
    ii) Also : Food which has become rotten. E.g. Something in the fridge smells off.

    i) Yes. Either wrong or suspicious
    ii) Also : Food which has become rotten. E.g. Something in the fridge smells off.

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    Yes, or something isn’t exactly correct.

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      poverty, misery, having nothing

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      It’s up to you is the same as saying the choice is yours.

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      No. it means to deal with a problem or question.

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