Word meaning search for knowledge

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

поиск знаний

поиске знаний

поиск знания

поиска знаний

поисках знания

поисков знания

поиски знаний

поисках знаний

поиске знания

стремление к знанию

Permanent search for knowledge to identify and solve problems in a timely manner.

постоянное стремление к знаниям, чтобы выявлять и устранять проблемы на ранней стадии.

I always ask Virgin Mary to help those whom suffer and, even disembodied, I know that changing and search for knowledge will be important.

Всегда спрашивайте, Девы Марии, чтобы помочь тем, кто страдает и даже бестелесные знаем, что перемены и стремление к знаниям будет важным фактором.

His search for knowledge about the meaning of life began early.

The habit of continuing education is a constant, voluntary and self-motivated search for knowledge for personal and professional reasons.

Привычка непрерывного образования — это постоянный, добровольный и самомотивированный поиск знаний по личным и профессиональным причинам.

It’s a transformational way of supporting students in their search for knowledge.

Это трансформационный способ поддержки студентов в их поиске знаний.

Because the highest purpose of science is the search for knowledge, truth and a greater understanding of the world around us.

Потому что высшая цель науки состоит в поиске знаний, правды и более полного понимания мира вокруг нас.

Educators as well as students must learn to tolerate uncertainty, search for knowledge from diverse sources and people, and think critically.

Преподаватели, а также студенты должны научиться терпеть неопределенность, Поиск знаний из различных источников и людей и критически мыслить.

The search for knowledge is in our genes.

Studying on the program means an active search for knowledge, problem-solving and critical analyses based on a scientific approach.

Изучение программы означает активный поиск знаний, решение проблем и критический анализ на основе научного подхода.

It works not only in the search for knowledge and theories but no less in daily practice.

Они работают не только при поиске знаний и теорий, но и в повседневной практике.

In any search for knowledge, there are always unintended consequences

In the teachings of the great ancient traditions the outer search for knowledge and certainty was balanced by an inner feeling of impermanence and intuitive understanding of the spiral of change.

В великих древних учениях внешний поиск знаний и истины был сбалансирован внутренним чувством непостоянства и интуитивным пониманием духовного роста.

In our continuing search for knowledge and understanding, there is another major discipline that will help us to capture the information around us so that our future will be better than the past: keeping a personal journal.

В нашем непрерывном поиске знаний и понимания, есть еще одна важная дисциплина, который поможет нам таким образом усваивать информацию вокруг нас, чтобы наше будущее было лучше, чем прошлое.

Thank you for your search for knowledge and your participation.

Access, share and search for knowledge, information, presentations, photos, videos, links with members of the network and store them so that they are accessible by all users.

Доступ, обмен и поиск знаний, информации, презентаций, фотографий, видео, ссылок между членами сети и их хранение, чтобы они были доступны для всех пользователей.

Space research is the logical next step in humanity’s search for knowledge and survival, and an advanced means to preserve human cultures, societies and economies.

«Космические исследования — это следующий логический шаг в поиске знаний и выживания человечества, это передовые способы сохранения культурной, социальной и экономической сфер человеческого общества.

Because your search for knowledge did not end with your formal, specialized schooling, a vast, interactive Library, encompassing every discipline, is available for the pleasure of each Crew Member.

Поскольку ваш поиск знаний не закончился с вашим формальным специализированным обучением, обширная интерактивная библиотека, охватывающая все дисциплины, доступна при желании для каждого члена экипажа.

«Africa now and in the future», yellow (the great struggle of the African peoples for freedom and the serious responsibility that this entails within an incessant search for knowledge).

«Африка настоящего и будущего» — в желтых тонах (великая борьба африканских народов за свободу и связанная с ней серьезная ответственность при неустанном поиске знаний).

No lodge ceremony or Masonic lesson can pretend to provide «ultimate» truth for a Mason, but Masonry seeks to inspire the individual to search for knowledge on his own.

Никакая церемония доминирования или масонский урок не могут претендовать на то, чтобы обеспечить «конечную» истину для Мейсона, но масонство стремится вдохновить человека на поиск знаний самостоятельно.

We’ve found that visualization is one of the most important guideposts in this search for knowledge, essential to understanding where we should look and what we should look for in our statistical analysis.

Мы обнаружили, что визуализация — один из самых важных путеводителей в этом поиске знаний, необходимых для понимания того, где нам стоит искать и что именно мы должны найти в нашем статистическом анализе.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 105. Точных совпадений: 105. Затраченное время: 129 мс


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Каролинги. Вы превосходите даже иезуитов в своем еретическом поиске знаний.

The research that Freire spoke about is the search for knowledge and this




continuing education,

because not everything was achieved during graduation.

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Опрос, который сказал Фрейре является поиск знаний и это требование является непрерывное образование, потому что не

все было достигнуто во время учебы.

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photos, videos, links with members of the network and store them so that they are accessible by all users.

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Доступ, обмен и поиск знаний, информации, презентаций,

фотографий, видео, ссылок между членами сети и их хранение, чтобы они были доступны для всех пользователей.

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I always ask Virgin Mary to help those whom suffer and, even disembodied,

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Всегда спрашивайте, Девы Марии, чтобы помочь тем, кто страдает и даже бестелесные знаем,

The upper secondary school shall also endeavour to foster in students a sense of responsibility, far-sightedness, initiative, self-confidence and tolerance, train them in applying self-discipline, to be independent in their work and to inspire the students to apply critical thought,

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Занятия в старших классах средней школы направлены также на развитие у учащихся чувства ответственности, дальновидности, инициативности, уверенности в себе и терпимости, на развитие у них внутренней самодисциплины, чтобы они были самостоятельными в своей трудовой деятельности, а также в том, чтобы научить студентов критически мыслить,

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статей в базе знаний можно использовать полнотекстовый поиск.

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Образование, наука и тяга к знаниям имеют глубокие корни в армянском обществе.

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We are also well known


our search for knowledge that can help us to improve work in the vineyard and the winery.

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Мы известны поиском знаний, которые бы улучшили работу как на винограднике, так и на винодельне.

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These presuppositions impose on education respect


diversity and the search for knowledge that can generate,

through the study of the text, new cognitive and communicative forms, adapted to the needs of interaction.

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Эти предположения требуют обучающего уважения


многообразию и стремления к знаниям, которые могут генерировать,

через текст исследования, новые познавательные и коммуникативные формы, соответствующие потребности взаимодействия.

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and highly accurate databases containing the patients’ health records will allow to offer prophylactic treatment, to identify successful treatment patterns and to reduce the number of medication errors 56.

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Улучшение поиска знаний путем доступа к высокопроизводительным

и очень точным базам данных медицинских карт пациентов позволит предложить профилактическое лечение, выявить успешные шаблоны лечения и снизить число медицинских ошибок 56.

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В области Задачи выберите команду Поиск статей базы знаний.

With an incident or change

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При открытой форме инцидента или

запроса на изменение выберите в области Задачи команду Поиск статей базы знаний.

From Behind the‘Iron Curtains’ to the‘Free World’ in the Search for Knowledge”.-“Mahasiswa Negara”,

Kuala Lumpur, September 1970, Jilid 8, Bilangan 7 Hussin Mutalib 1993.

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From Behind the‘ Iron Curtains’ to

the‘ Free World’ in the Search for Knowledge”.-“ Mahasiswa Negara”,

Kuala Lumpur, September 1970, Jilid 8, Bilangan 7 Посольство Российской Федерации в Малайзии Российско- малайзийские отношения.

For the one ingredient which holds particular promise in the search


fulfillment, is the


for knowledge.

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Ибо одно из составляющих, особенно многообещающее при поисках путей воплощения,- это стремление к знанию.

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The modification suggested here incorporates this search for more knowledge as an essential foundation.

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Изменение предложенное здесь включает этот поиск для больше знания как необходимое учредительство.

You can use the following procedures to search for a knowledge article by using the Service Manager console

in System Center Service Manager2012.

context icon

Для поиска статьи базы знаний с помощью Консоль Service Manager в System Center Service Manager2010

можно использовать следующие процедуры.

One of the important tasks of plant genetics is the search for fundamental knowledge useful


breeding new highly productive

cultivars with characteristics that have implications


end-product quality.

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Одним из важных движущих факторов развития генетики растений является поиск фундаментальных знаний для решения задач селекции по получению новых

высокопродуктивных сортов с характеристиками, влияющими на качество конечной продукции.

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Her delegation supported medical research and the


for knowledge provided that human values were not jeopardized.

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Ее делегация поддерживает медицинские исследования и накопление знаний, не подрывая при этом человеческие ценности.

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Changing is a


an eternal

search for

the perfection and for knowledge.

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Изменение выполнение задания, вечном стремлении к совершенству и знаниям.

or change request form is open.

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Поиск статьи базы знаний при открытой форме инцидента или запроса на изменение.

Partial matches are not returned by a search, so when you

search for

a knowledge article based on a keyword, you must type the exact word.

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Частичные совпадения не возвращаются при поиске, поэтому в ходе


статей базы знаний по ключевому слову следует вводить точную форму слова.

Before perestroika some doctors performing research activities and defending theses got an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy thus demonstrating to their colleagues and

patients that they were inclined to search


new knowledge, skills and technologies and they were capable of giving them to the next generation.

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До перестройки некоторые доктора, осуществляя научно- изыскательную деятельность и защищая диссертации, получали ученую степень« кандидат наук» и в последующем« доктор наук», тем

самым демонстрируя коллегам и пациентам, что они склонны заниматься поиском новых знаний, навыков и технологий и способны передать их следующему поколению.

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Пространство обновления, поиск, распространению знаний и особенности.

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Нажмите в форме Поиск статей базы знаний кнопку Закрыть.

Results: 454,
Time: 0.0241





Other forms: researches; researching; researched

In their spare time, teenagers LOVE doing extra research, by investigating the facts of a certain subject and studying and recording what they learn. And if you believe that, you need to do more research on the habits of teenagers.

Research comes from the Old French word recercher, meaning «seek out,» or «search closely.» When you do research, you are searching for knowledge and facts. Although you write plenty of research papers in college, on anything from the Industrial Revolution to the meaning behind a fur-lined teacup, the term is often used when talking about science, because scientists use step-by-step research to prove what is true, or not true, in their line of work.

Definitions of research

  1. noun

    a search for knowledge

    “their pottery deserves more
    research than it has received”


    enquiry, inquiry

    see moresee less


    show 11 types…
    hide 11 types…
    nature study

    the study of animals and plants in the natural world (usually at an elementary level)

    experiment, experimentation

    the testing of an idea

    empirical research

    an empirical search for knowledge

    investigation, probe

    an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities

    canvass, opinion poll, poll, public opinion poll, survey

    an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people


    the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies

    pilot experiment

    a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment

    test, trial, trial run, tryout

    trying something to find out about it

    fishing expedition

    an investigation undertaken in the hope (but not the stated purpose) of discovering information

    exit poll

    a poll of voters as they leave the voting place; usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an election

    straw poll, straw vote

    an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue

    type of:

    problem solving

    the thought processes involved in solving a problem

  2. noun

    systematic investigation to establish facts

  3. “the students had to
    research the history of the Second World War for their history project”


    delve, explore, search

  4. verb

    attempt to find out in a systematic and scientific manner

    “The student
    researched the history of that word”

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘research’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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Some people really love to learn about new things. It might help to know of a few words we can use to describe these people (who love to seek knowledge). This article will help you to come up with the best words for such cases.

What Do You Call Someone Who Loves Seeking Knowledge?

We could share plenty of examples to use to talk about lovers of knowledge. Maybe one of these will be most suitable for you:

  • Epistemophilia
  • Philosopher
  • Knowledge seeker
  • Avid Learner
  • Geek
  • Philomath
  • Curious
  • Inquisitive
  • Philonoist
  • Thirst for knowledge
  • Inquiring mind

Words For Someone Who Loves Seeking Knowledge

The preferred version is “epistemophilia” because it means that someone loves knowledge and learning about new things. It’s the best way to show that someone is always keen to find out more information, and they won’t stop until they do.


“Epistemophilia” uses the Greek suffix “-philia” to show that someone “loves” something. In this case, it means that they love “knowledge,” which is why it’s such a great word to use for this case.

The definition of “epistemophilia,” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “love of knowledge.”

Here are a few ways to use it:

  • My epistemophilia makes it so much more enjoyable for me to get through lessons. I can’t wait for another day!
  • I love knowledge, and I think they call that phenomenon epistemophilia! Whatever it is, I’ve got it!
  • I’m an epistemophile. You’ll always find my nose buried in a book or browsing forums online!


A “philosopher” is somebody who is constantly questioning and studying the meaning of life. They will always look for new ways to answer difficult questions, which often shows that they’re happy to possess knowledge that others might find boring.

The definition of “philosopher,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who studies or writes about the meaning of life.”

Here are some examples:

  • As philosophers, it’s our duty to make sure we keep practicing our knowledge until we know what’s what!
  • You are a philosopher, which explains why your mind can think in the way it does. I simply couldn’t do anything like that!
  • He’s a philosopher and loves to find out more information about just about everything!

Knowledge Seeker

A “knowledge seeker” is a simple way to refer to somebody who loves to find out more knowledge about things. They will “seek” it out until they find it, and they do not care how long it might take them.

The definition of “seeker,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who searches for something or tries to find or obtain something.”

These examples will help you with it:

  • As a knowledge seeker, I always look for the best answers to life’s most difficult questions.
  • I’m a knowledge seeker, which is why I don’t believe things at face value. At least not until I’ve verified them!
  • He’s too much of a knowledge seeker for me! No one should be that smart! I don’t want to be around him!

Avid Learner

“Avid learners” can refer to any subject. However, if you are “avid,” it means you are always keen and eager to learn more about something, and you won’t stop until you’re satisfied (which usually never happens).

The definition of “learner,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is still learning something.”

Here are a few examples to help you with it:

  • I’m an avid learner, so I’m happy to learn whenever I can! Do you think you could pick out some books to help me with that?
  • She’s my most avid learner, and she’s very ambitious on top of that!
  • He’s an avid learner, and I think you’ll be able to get a lot out of him! He’ll make a great tutor for you!


“Geek” means that someone has a lot of knowledge on a subject and is always happy to learn more. Often, “geeks” are self-proclaimed, and their knowledge closely relates to their favorite hobbies or subjects they’re most comfortable with.

The definition of “geek,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is very interested in a particular subject and knows a lot about it.”

These examples will help you with it:

  • I’m a geek, and I’ll admit that any day! I’m just happy to keep learning new and interesting things about my hobbies.
  • You’ll find that she’s as much of a geek as you are! You’ll certainly hit it off when you start speaking with her.
  • Don’t worry; you’re a geek, and that’s okay! We all love you, and we love that you can share such interesting facts with us!


A “philomath” is somebody who loves to learn. They will often be the most attentive people within a classroom and will try to answer as many questions as they can. They are always looking for ways to improve their learning experience.

The definition of “philomath,” according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “a lover of learning.”

Check out these examples to see how it works:

  • He’s a philomath, which explains why he is always happy to be the first in and last out of the classroom.
  • I can’t stand her philomath trait! It’s my least favorite thing about her because it makes me feel stupid.
  • You need to stop acting like such a philomath! You’ll run out of friends if you keep it up!


“Curious” works well to show that someone is interested in learning and knowledge. While they might not possess it at first, they will ask questions to make sure they fully understand something that they might not have come across before.

The definition of “curious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “interested in learning about people or things around you.”

Some of these examples should help you with it:

  • I’m very curious, and I can’t turn my brain off! I think that’s why I’m always hungry to find out more information.
  • They say that I’m too curious for my own good! I say that you can never get enough knowledge and information in this world.
  • I think you’re more curious than you need to be. Sometimes, it’s okay not to know something!


“Inquisitive” means that someone always strives to discover more information about things. It works well to show that someone is keen to learn, and they will listen to anybody who is happy to explain how certain things happen or work.

The definition of “inquisitive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people.”

Here are a couple of examples to help you with it:

  • I’m very inquisitive, and I’ll always make sure to find the best way to complete a task.
  • He’s our most inquisitive student. If you ask him any question, he won’t rest until he’s figured out the answer and given it to you.
  • You need to find someone who is as inquisitive as you are. Otherwise, no one else will be able to keep up!


The definition of “philonoist,” according to The Oxford Lexico Dictionary, is “a lover of knowledge.”

Some of these examples might help you with this one:

  • As a philonoist, I find that knowledge is the most beautiful thing in the world. You have got to have it if you want to learn from it.
  • For some reason, he calls himself a philonoist. I don’t even know what that means, but I know it makes him sound pretentious.
  • She’s a philonoist, which is why she’s always studying and trying to find new ways to do things!

Thirst For Knowledge

“Thirst for knowledge” is a great way to show that someone is “thirsty” for more information. This means that they’re always eager to learn new things (as if they are always eager to drink water to quench their thirst). It’s a great metaphor to use.

Here are a couple of examples that might help you with it:

  • I have a real thirst for knowledge. I will always make sure to update myself on all the most important things going on at the time!
  • We need to find someone with a thirst for knowledge. Then we can guarantee that they’ll be interested in doing this job.
  • You have a keen mind and thirst for knowledge! If only I had met you a few years ago; we would be so much further ahead already!

Inquiring Mind

“Inquiring mind” means that someone is always looking for answers. They will usually ask questions that will help to further their understanding of certain things, which is a helpful way for someone to learn new things they didn’t already know.

These examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • Joseph has a really inquiring mind, which is why so many of his teachers think he’s going to amount to great things.
  • I like to think that I have an inquiring mind, and I will always make sure to find the best sources when learning new things.
  • Her inquiring mind makes it much harder for me to get anything past her! It’s very annoying!

You may also like: 10 Words For A Person Who Loves To Share Knowledge

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

You might call such a person a:

Epistemophile: one who has a love of knowledge; specifically, excessive striving for or preoccupation with knowledge.

Philosophile: Similar, but more of an emphasis on learning and philosophy.

Sophophile: Similar, but with more of an emphasis on gaining wisdom.

A little further afield, some define the doctrine of gnosticism, and its members, the Gnostics, as subscribing to the:

belief that freedom derives solely from knowledge

Note that Gnosticism is variously defined, and this description is not even the most popular or common. However, as @JasperLocke points out, the more generic


Isn’t connected to the Gnostic sect, and so doesn’t have the religious/spiritural/mystical connotations.

Bonus, for the true epistemophile: one who is self-taught is called a autodidact.

Sources: Alpha Dictionary; Phronistery.info; Wikipedia

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