Word meaning piece of music

piece of music - a musical work that has been createdpiece of music — a musical work that has been created; «the composition is written in four movements»

morceau — a short literary or musical composition

sheet music — a musical composition in printed or written form; «she turned the pages of the music as he played»

music — an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner

musical arrangement, arrangement — a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments

realisation, realization — a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer

coda, finale — the closing section of a musical composition

intermezzo — a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or opera

allegro — a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner

allegretto — a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro

andante — a musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slow

introit — a composition of vocal music that is appropriate for opening church services

solo — a musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment)

duette, duo, duet — a musical composition for two performers

trio — a musical composition for three performers

septette, septet — a musical composition written for seven performers

octette, octet — a musical composition written for eight performers

bagatelle — a light piece of music for piano

divertimento, serenade — a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form

canon — a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts

etude — a short composition for a solo instrument; intended as an exercise or to demonstrate technical virtuosity

toccata — a baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free style

fantasia — a musical composition of a free form usually incorporating several familiar themes

movement — a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; «the second movement is slow and melodic»

largo — (music) a composition or passage that is to be performed in a slow and dignified manner

larghetto — (music) a composition or passage played in a slow tempo slightly faster than largo but slower than adagio

suite — a musical composition of several movements only loosely connected

medley, pastiche, potpourri — a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources

nocturne, notturno — a pensive lyrical piece of music (especially for the piano)

adagio — (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully); «they played the adagio too quickly»

song, vocal — a short musical composition with words; «a successful musical must have at least three good songs»

study — a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer’s technique; «a study in spiccato bowing»

capriccio — an instrumental composition that doesn’t adhere to rules for any specific musical form and is played with improvisation

motet — an unaccompanied choral composition with sacred lyrics; intended to be sung as part of a church service; originated in the 13th century

incidental music — music composed to accompany the action of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes

  • 1
    piece of music

    piece of music музыкальное произведение;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > piece of music

  • 2
    piece of music

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > piece of music

  • 3
    piece of music

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > piece of music

  • 4
    piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > piece of music

  • 5
    piece of music

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > piece of music

  • 6
    piece of music

    Новый англо-русский словарь > piece of music

  • 7
    piece of music

    English-Russian media dictionary > piece of music

  • 8
    a piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a piece of music

  • 9
    a piece of music

    Англо-русский современный словарь > a piece of music

  • 10
    beautiful piece of music

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > beautiful piece of music

  • 11
    (a) piece of music

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (a) piece of music

  • 12
    a piece of music for four hands

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a piece of music for four hands

  • 13
    a young player negotiating a hard piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > a young player negotiating a hard piece of music

  • 14
    introit (A piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > introit (A piece of music sung or played at the beginning of a worship service)

  • 15
    mangle a piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > mangle a piece of music

  • 16
    play a piece of music to perfection

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play a piece of music to perfection

  • 17
    rattle off a piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rattle off a piece of music

  • 18
    read a piece of music

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > read a piece of music

  • 19
    set a piece of music for the violin

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > set a piece of music for the violin

  • 20
    wait (A piece of music by such a group)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > wait (A piece of music by such a group)


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • piece of music — noun a musical work that has been created the composition is written in four movements • Syn: ↑musical composition, ↑opus, ↑composition, ↑piece • Derivationally related forms: ↑compose (f …   Useful english dictionary

  • piece of music — musical composition, song …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Music theory — is the study of how music works. It examines the language and notation of music. It seeks to identify patterns and structures in composers techniques across or within genres, styles, or historical periods. In a grand sense, music theory distills… …   Wikipedia

  • Music for 18 Musicians — Studio album by Steve Reich and Musicians Released 1978 …   Wikipedia

  • Music for a Large Ensemble — is a piece of music written by Steve Reich in 1978. It is scored for string instruments, flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, pianos, marimbas, vibraphones, xylophones and two female voices. It had its first performance in Utrecht on June 14 …   Wikipedia

  • Music for Piano (Cage) — Music for Piano is a series of 85 indeterminate musical compositions for piano by American avant garde composer John Cage. All of these works were composed by making paper imperfections into sounds using various kinds of chance operations.… …   Wikipedia

  • Music information retrieval — (MIR) is the interdisciplinary science of retrieving information from music. MIR is a small but growing field of research with many real world applications. Those involved in MIR may have a background in musicology, psychology, academic music… …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Iran — A historical painting from Hasht Behesht palace, Isfahan, Iran, from 1669. General topics Dastgah • Radif • …   Wikipedia

  • Music in advertising — means integrating music in (mass) electronic media advertisements in order to enhance its success. Music for this purpose provides different characteristics which makes it especially interesting for usage in advertisements. Contents 1 The… …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Wisconsin — Music of the United States AK AL AR AS AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL GA GU HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA MA …   Wikipedia

  • Music of Canada — General topics Portal Genres …   Wikipedia


show 83 types…
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a short literary or musical composition

sheet music

a musical composition in printed or written form

arrangement, musical arrangement

a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments

realisation, realization

a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composer


a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or opera


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slow


a composition of vocal music that is appropriate for opening church services


a musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment)

duet, duette, duo

a musical composition for two performers


a musical composition for three performers

quartet, quartette

a musical composition for four performers

quintet, quintette

a musical composition for five performers

sestet, sextet, sextette

a musical composition written for six performers

septet, septette

a musical composition written for seven performers

octet, octette

a musical composition written for eight performers


a light piece of music for piano

divertimento, serenade

a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form


a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts


a short composition for a solo instrument; intended as an exercise or to demonstrate technical virtuosity

idyl, idyll, pastoral, pastorale

a musical composition that evokes rural life


a baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free style


a musical composition of a free form usually incorporating several familiar themes

musical passage, passage

a short section of a musical composition


a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata


(music) a composition or passage that is to be performed in a slow and dignified manner


(music) a composition or passage played in a slow tempo slightly faster than largo but slower than adagio


a musical composition of several movements only loosely connected

symphonic poem, tone poem

an orchestral composition based on literature or folk tales

medley, pastiche, potpourri

a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources

nocturne, notturno

a pensive lyrical piece of music (especially for the piano)


(music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully)

song, vocal

a short musical composition with words


a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer’s technique


an instrumental composition that doesn’t adhere to rules for any specific musical form and is played with improvisation


an unaccompanied choral composition with sacred lyrics; intended to be sung as part of a church service; originated in the 13th century

program music, programme music

musical compositions intended to evoke images or remind the listener of events

incidental music

music composed to accompany the action of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes


an improvisational and emotional musical composition with an irregular form

lead sheet

a sheet containing the words and melody for a song (and some indication of harmony) written in simple form

piano music

sheet music to be played on a piano

musical score, score

a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages

religious song

religious music for singing


an arrangement of a piece of music for performance by an orchestra or band


the instruments called for in a musical score or arrangement for a band or orchestra


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively manner


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegro


a musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slow


a short movement coming between the major sections of a symphony


composition (often improvised) for a solo instrument (especially solo organ) and not a regular part of a religious service or musical performance

enigma canon, enigmatic canon, enigmatical canon, riddle canon

a canon in which the entrances of successive parts were indicated by cryptic symbols and devices (popular in the 15th and 16th centuries)


a brief introductory passage to a piece of popular music

musical phrase, phrase

a short musical passage


the close of a musical section


a brilliant solo passage occurring near the end of a piece of music


(music) a composition or passage that is to be performed in a slow and dignified manner


a fast movement (usually in triple time)


(music) an instrumental suite common in the 18th century


(music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully)


a song of devotion or loyalty (as to a nation or school)


an elaborate song for solo voice

ballad, lay

a narrative song with a recurrent refrain

barcarole, barcarolle

a boating song sung by Venetian gondoliers


a short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung)

coronach, dirge, lament, requiem, threnody

a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person

drinking song

a song celebrating the joys of drinking; sung at drinking parties

folk ballad, folk song, folksong

a song that is traditionally sung by the common people of a region and forms part of their culture


a German art song of the 19th century for voice and piano

love song, love-song

a song about love or expressing love for another person

berceuse, cradlesong, lullaby

a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep

golden oldie, oldie

a song that was formerly popular


a song with two or more voice parts

prothalamion, prothalamium

a song in celebration of a marriage


a song in which a line or phrase is repeated as the refrain

banquet song, scolion

a song (sometimes improvised) sung by guests at a banquet


a song characteristically played outside the house of a love interest

torch song

a popular song concerned with disappointment in love

work song

a usually rhythmical song to accompany repetitious work


a vocal passage of narrative text that a singer delivers with natural rhythms of speech

modulation, transition

a musical passage moving from one key to another


a short musical passage that seems to have been made spontaneously without advance preparation


a repetition of a short musical passage

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музыкальное произведение

музыка f

музыкального произведения

музыкальным произведением

музыкальный фрагмент

музыкальном произведении

музыкальный отрывок

музыкальной пьесы

музыкальную пьесу

фрагмент музыки

музыкальную композицию


часть музыки

A serenade is a piece of music meant to honor someone.

So, if there is really bad piece of music, I know I need to cope with it.

Так что, если играет действительно плохое музыкальное произведение, я понимаю, мне нужно справиться с этим.

It was the most beautiful piece of music I have heard in a very long time.

Это самая красивая музыка, которую я услышала за очень долгое время.

And now we’re going to hear a piece of music that tells a very definite story.

А сейчас прозвучит музыка, которая поведает нам определенную историю.

The picture tells how the composer wrote his most famous piece of music in just eight hours.

Картина рассказывает о том, как композитор написал свое самое известное музыкальное произведение всего за восемь часов.

For example, you can watch beautiful, colorful fish in an aquarium and listen to a melodic piece of music.

Например, можно наблюдать за красивыми, разноцветными рыбками в аквариуме и прослушивать мелодичное музыкальное произведение.

This is supposed to be the world’s ugliest piece of music.

Like we riff and improvise around a central theme to create one cohesive piece of music

Как будто мы риф и импровизируем над главной темой чтобы создать единое музыкальное произведение

I need to relate it to a piece of music.

Я должна связать это с музыкой.

Look, you asked me what my favorite piece of music was.

That lovely piece of music has accompanied some pretty grim episodes.

Movement usually develops organically even when the overall structure of the piece is imposed by a plot or piece of music.

Движение обычно развивается органично, даже когда общая структура пьесы накладывается на сюжет или музыку.

A piece of music is coherent and balanced because of its specific form, structure and harmonic combinations.

Музыкальное произведение является последовательным и сбалансированным благодаря специфической форме, структуре и гармоническим сочетаниям.

So I went and made a piece of music that would box him in to telling that story.

Тогда я пошел и сочинил музыку, которая словно подталкивала его к рассказу своей истории.

Put on a beautiful piece of music, or start singing — that will change your emotion.

Поставьте хорошую музыку или начните напевать — это изменит ваши эмоции и ощущения.

You can’t listen to the same piece of music twice.

И нельзя услышать одну и ту же музыку дважды.

We can produce a piece of music very quickly.

Мы довольно быстро создаем музыку вместе.

This is a completely new piece of music and I’m really pleased with it.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign can realize themselves in the creative field by writing a piece of music or a book.

Некоторые представители данного знака Зодиака смогут реализовать себя в творческой сфере, написав музыкальное произведение или книгу.

A lone soldier plays a piece of music called «The Last Post» on the bugle to introduce the two-minute silence.

Один солдат играет на горне музыкальное произведение под названием «The Last Post» чтобы объявить две минуты молчания.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 716. Точных совпадений: 716. Затраченное время: 131 мс


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piece of music — перевод на русский

/piːs ɒv ˈmjuːzɪk/

You know, to truly love some silly little piece of music or some band so much that it hurts.

Любить маленькое музыкальное произведение по-настоящему или группу так сильно до боли.

It’s not really the story for a first date but, um… that piece of music… saved my life.

Это не совсем история для первого свидания … это музыкальное произведение .. спасло мою жизнь

Look, you asked me what my favorite piece of music was.

Слушай, ты спросил, какое мое любимое музыкальное произведение.

Like we riff and improvise around a central theme to create one cohesive piece of music…

Как будто мы риф и импровизируем над главной темой чтобы создать единое музыкальное произведение…

Calvin had been promised he’d be told in advance what the head judges’ favourite piece of music was.

Келвину обещали сообщить накануне, какое у жюри любимое музыкальное произведение.

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And now we’re going to hear a piece of music that tells a very definite story.

А сейчас прозвучит музыка, которая поведает нам определенную историю.

I’ve sold a composition. Quite a remarkable piece of music.

Я продал свою композицию — замечательная музыка.

A very appropriate piece of music: a requiem.

Весьма подходящая музыка: реквием.

First, though, this very fine piece of music.

Сперва прозвучит очень красивая музыка.

But if we can’t swell the numbers of the choir, I don’t think the judges will even entertain such a simple piece of music.

Но если мы не сможем увеличить число хористов, я не думаю, что жюри развлечет такая простая музыка.

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This is a beautiful piece of music.

Это прекрасное произведение.

And because of the cut backs, he was asked to compose a piece of music just for the strings because the money ran out, that’s all they could afford

И для экономии его попросили создать исключительно струнное произведение. Потому что денег не было. Это всё что они могли себе позволить.

But, tonight there is actually a piece of music that has a section that’s my favorite ever because it’s fun and it sounds like the instruments are talking to each other, and it’s really cool.

Но сегодня будет звучать произведение, в котором мой самый-самый любимый отрывок, он захватывает, и ощущение, будто инструменты беседуют между собой, это очень круто.

In fact, this piece of music should be dreamt, not played.

По сути это произведение должно сниться, а не играться.

I always find it strangely moving when she plays this piece of music.

Я почему-то становлюсь сентиментальным, когда она играет это произведение.

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  • Defenition of the word piece of music

    • a musical work that has been created; «the composition is written in four movements»
    • a musical work that has been created

Synonyms for the word piece of music

    • composition
    • musical composition
    • opus
    • piece

Meronymys for the word piece of music

    • coda
    • finale

Hyponyms for the word piece of music

    • adagio
    • allegretto
    • allegro
    • andante
    • arrangement
    • bagatelle
    • canon
    • capriccio
    • divertimento
    • duet
    • duette
    • duo
    • etude
    • fantasia
    • idyl
    • idyll
    • incidental music
    • intermezzo
    • introit
    • larghetto
    • largo
    • medley
    • morceau
    • motet
    • movement
    • musical arrangement
    • musical passage
    • nocturne
    • notturno
    • octet
    • octette
    • passage
    • pastiche
    • pastoral
    • pastorale
    • potpourri
    • program music
    • programme music
    • quartet
    • quartette
    • quintet
    • quintette
    • realisation
    • realization
    • septet
    • septette
    • serenade
    • sestet
    • sextet
    • sextette
    • sheet music
    • solo
    • song
    • study
    • suite
    • symphonic poem
    • toccata
    • tone poem
    • trio
    • vocal

Hypernyms for the word piece of music

    • creation
    • music

See other words

    • What is rifled
    • The definition of shuffle through
    • The interpretation of the word nosedived
    • What is meant by nosediving
    • The lexical meaning rummage though
    • The dictionary meaning of the word nosedives
    • The grammatical meaning of the word nosegays
    • Meaning of the word scour through
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word nosedive
    • The origin of the word symphony
    • Synonym for the word compositions
    • Antonyms for the word work of art
    • Homonyms for the word itinerant
    • Hyponyms for the word drifting
    • Holonyms for the word sonata
    • Hypernyms for the word nomadic
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word atypically
    • Translation of the word in other languages traveling

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Перевод и значение PIECE OF MUSIC в английском и русском языках

музыкальное произведение

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

  • #1

Could somebody please explain what is a ‘piece of music’? Does it mean some.. special genre or just music? And what does ‘to compose the piece’ mean? Thanks.

    • #2

    A «piece» of music is a defined composition. I don’t think the term is used much for music that isn’t played by a sympony orchestra or by one or more of the instruments in one, or on an instrument like a pipe organ. Modern music seems to be referred to discretely as «songs» rather than «pieces,» even if no human does any singing. I’m not sure whether a movement of a longer work like a symphony, concerto, string quartet, etc., or a particular segment of an opera like a named aria, would qualify as a «piece» or not. Use of the term might vary among different groups like musicologists, musicians, and listeners.

    • #3

    I don’t think a part of a symphony, i.e. a «movement», would be referred to as a «piece». I think the whole might. I also don’t think it’s entirely unusual in Jazz to refer to a «song» as a «piece» of music. I think musical artists and composers who views themselves as having the same «essence» as those in jazz/classical will use similar terminology to a degree. I could for example see an composer/musician of electronic «art music» refer to his «song» as a «piece».

    And what does ‘to compose the piece’ mean? Thanks.

    Since you wrote «the piece» I would expect it to be clear within context. So you’d need to give us context so we can answer it.

    • #4

    To me, a piece of music is simply some music, whether it’s an entire work (symphony, song, whatever) or just a part thereof.

    • #5

    I think it might be worth noting that musicians and composers and laymen might use the term somewhat differently.

    I don’t think what we could call a contemporary songwriter in the genres of pop, folk, rock etc would call a composition a «piece» but rather a «song», or «composition».

    This emphasizes their server stores selections from more than one piece of music.

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    You know, and oftentimes they’re associated with a piece of music or a song?

    context icon

    I wrote this piece of music and I dedicated it to her hoping it would win her back.

    context icon

    Students will be

    guided to create their own memorials in response to a piece of music— can be individual,

    pairs or even small-group work.

    context icon

    Ученики должны быть проинструктированы,

    как создавать свои собственные мемориалы в ответ на музыкальное произведение— работа может быть как индивидуальной,

    так и парами или даже в малых группах.

    The notion of«a figure» is introduced by Salvatore Sciarrino,

    which tends to determine the structure


    a piece of music as an image-schema or a semantic predicate, might exemplify such structure-making phenomena.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Понятие« фигура», представленное Сальваторе Шаррино, которое, как правило,

    определяет структуру музыкального произведения в качестве образ- схемы или семантического предиката, может служить примером подобного феномена структурообразования.

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    Like we riff and

    improvise around a central theme to create one cohesive piece of music.

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    Как будто мы риф

    The Urantia Book is

    structured in the form


    a classical systematic theology-just as a piece of music may be structured in a sonata form

    or a

    piece of

    poetry in a quatrain form.

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    Книга Урантии построена в виде классического систематического богословия,- подобно тому, как музыкальное произведение может быть построено в сонатной форме

    или стихотворение в четверостишной форме.

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    These poetic names do not relate to painting or


    although as good picture,

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    Эти поэтические названия не касаются живописи или музыки, хотя, как и хорошая картина,

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    Inspiration always comes, no matter where,

    can be a walk in nature or a piece of music or an understanding with myself about a topic.

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    Вдохновение всегда приходит, независимо от

    того, где, может быть прогулка на природе или музыкальное произведение или понимание с собой на тему.

    or descending the musical scale is useful for assessing the smoothness


    the bass response.

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    понижающими свою частоту, могут оказаться полезными для оценки гладкости басового отклика.

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    Constant listening to the Suzuki repertoire

    records is a compulsory approach in working over a piece of music.

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    Постоянное прослушивание записей репертуара

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    course, it would be great to actually come down and get close to this wonderful piece of music history but, unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible.

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    Конечно, было бы здорово спуститься и подобраться поближе к этой удивительной частичке музыкальной истории, но, к сожалению, на сегодняшний момент это невозможно.

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    The girls will

    be glad to hear how you compose a piece of music and record it.

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    Today, enjoy the world

    of music

    will help flash games musical instruments that not only help you learn the sound one time or another musical instrument,

    but can even be useful in creating your own piece of music, why not.

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    Сегодня насладиться миром музыки помогут флеш игры


    инструменты, которые не только помогут узнать как звучит тот или иной



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    In an interview,

    Mitchell stated that the title was inspired by the piece of music


    the same name by the Japanese composer Toshi

    Ichiyanagi:»I bought the CD just because of that track’s beautiful title.

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    Дэвид Митчелл в

    своем интервью рассказал, что название книги было навеяно одноименным музыкальным произведением японского композитора Тоси Итиянаги, который был первым мужем

    Йоко Оно:« Я купил компакт-диск только из-за удивительного названия композиции».

    In this regard the musical and esthetic essence


    the art process can be defined as a readiness for creative perception and the embodiment by the performer, first



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    В связи с этим музыкально- эстетическую сущность исполнительского процесса можно определить, как готовность к творческому восприятию и воплощению исполнителем, в первую очередь,

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    Scholars have identified 20,000 pieces of music linked to Shakespeare’s works.

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    Romance de Amor also known as Spanish Romance by an unknown composer.

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    также известное как Испанский романс, неизвестного композитора.

    Hawkes composed two original pieces of music performed by the London Symphony Orchestra for these events

    held at Castle Howard and Crystal Palace, in August 2007.

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    Хоукс сочинил два оригинальных музыкальных фрагмента, которые исполнил Лондонский симфонический оркестр в Касл-

    Ховард и Crystal Palace в августе 2007.

    Zooropa» was the result


    combining two separate pieces of music together, one


    which the band discovered while reviewing



    tour soundchecks.

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    Так, композиция« Zooropa» была результатом объединения двух разных музыкальных произведений, одно из которых группа обнаружила во время просмотра саундчеков,

    записанных в ходе первой части тура.

    Many illustrations with ancient


    notes, pieces of music from treatises related to middle ages,





    instruments, photos from archives etc.

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    Издание содержит также изображения древней нотописи, отдельных музыкальных отрывков из средневековых трактатов, рисунков

    старинных инструментов, архивных фотографий и множество других иллюстраций.

    He has shown how the uniform digitalization


    each type


    symbolic object(such as chromosomes, texts, pictures,

    a certain positional numbering system.

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    Продемонстрировал, как единообразная дигитализация каждого типа символических объектов( таких, как хромосомы, тексты, изображения,

    позиционной системы счисления.

    The iMUSE system

    is notable in that it segues seamlessly between different pieces of music rather than having an abrupt cut.

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