Word meaning over there

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over there

At some location that is an unspecified distance away. Would you pass me that hammer over there? Why are you standing way over there? Come over here near the rest of us!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

(way) over there

in a place some distance away. I see a house way over there in the field. My hat is over there on the table.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • hammer away
  • 100s
  • by the hundred(s)
  • come under the hammer
  • come/go under the hammer
  • go under the hammer
  • hammer (something) into (someone or something)
  • hammer into
  • hammer into and pound into
  • hammer down

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Автоматический перевод

там, вон там, туда, вот там, вон

Перевод по словам

over  — больше, за, над, на, по, чрезмерный, чрезмерно, свыше, излишек, перелет
there  — там, туда, здесь, тут, вон, на этом месте, в этом отношении


Screw over there!

Глянь-ка вон туда!

Sit yourself over there.

Усаживайтесь вон там.

Who’s that man over there?

Кто тот мужчина, вон там?

Do you see that building over there?

Видите вон то здание?

Give your coat to the lady over there.

Отдайте своё пальто вон той женщине.

The mannequin over there looks so real.

Вон тот манекен — совсем как живой.

Hey, you over there! Get out of the way!

Эй, ты, там! Убирайся с дороги!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The Webb family still has its farm over there.  

Don’t look now, but that guy over there is really giving you the eye.  

Stack the promising applications here, and put the rejects over there.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.



over there

  1. In that place; there (at some distance).

    You see that house over there? That’s where I used to live.

    • 2008, BioWare, Mass Effect (Science Fiction), Redwood City: Electronic Arts, →ISBN, →OCLC, PC, scene: Noveria:

      Shepard: I’m looking for an asari.
      Dr. Palon: Asari? Well, there’s Dr. Iallis over there.
      Dr. Palon: There’s also our guest, Lady Benezia. Captain Ventralis might know where she is.

  2. To that place; thither (at some distance).

    Let’s head over there.

  3. (US, colloquial, originally military) overseas to Europe (for military engagement), especially to the Western Front in France during World War I


in that place

  • Arabic: هُنَاك(hunāk), هُنَالِك(hunālik)
    Egyptian Arabic: هناك بعيد(henāk beʿīd)
    Moroccan Arabic: لهيه(lhih)
  • Aromanian: dindi, didindi, naparti, dinclo
  • Belarusian: там (be) (tam), вунь та́м (vunʹ tám)
  • Burmese: ဟိုမှာ (huihma), ဟိုနား (huina:)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: (在)那邊(在)那边 (zh) ((zài) nàbiān)
  • Classical Nahuatl: ōmpa
  • Czech: tam (cs)
  • Danish: derovre, derover
  • Dutch: daar (nl)
  • Esperanto: tie for
  • Finnish: tuolla (fi)
  • French: là-bas (fr),  (fr)
  • Galician: acolá, aló
  • Georgian: იქ (ik), იქით (ikit), მანდ (mand)
  • German: dort (de), drüben (de), dort drüben
  • Hebrew: שָׁם (he) (shám)
  • Hindi: उधर (hi) (udhar), वहाँ (hi) (vahā̃)
  • Hungarian: ott (hu), amott (hu), odaát (hu)
  • Icelandic: þarna fyrir handan, yfrum
  • Indonesian: sana (id)
  • Italian: laggiù (it)
  • Japanese: あそこに (ja) (asoko ni), あそこで (ja) (asoko de), あそこへ (ja) (asoko e)
  • Korean: 저기 (ko) (jeogi), 저쪽 (ko) (jeojjok)
  • Lao: ພຸ້ນ (phun)
  • Latin: illic (la)
  • Macedonian: о́нде (ónde), о́ндека (óndeka)
  • Malay: di sana (ms)
  • Mongolian: энэ хавьд (ene xavʹd)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: der borte
  • Ojibwe: iwidi
  • Polish: tam (pl)
  • Portuguese:  (pt), ali (pt)
  • Romanian: dincolo (ro)
  • Russian: там (ru) (tam), вон та́м (von tám)
  • Scottish Gaelic: an siud, thall
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: онде
    Roman: onde (sh)
  • Slovak: tamto, hentam
  • Spanish: allá (es), allí (es)
  • Swedish: där borta (sv)
  • Tamil: please add this translation if you can
  • Thai: ที่นั่น (tîi-nân), ตรงนั้น (dtrong-nán)
  • Ukrainian: там (uk) (tam), он та́м (on tám)
  • Urdu: ادھر(udhar), وہاں(vahā̃)
  • Walloon: låvå (wa), ladrî (wa), drola (wa), avår la (wa)

See also[edit]

  • over here


  • thereover



Pseudo-anglicism, derived from over there.


over there

  1. (colloquial) in the United States
    • 1919, “Wilson i Metropolitan Opera House. En skildring från det märkliga ögonblicket.”, in Svenska Dagbladet[1], page 8:

      Efter att ha hört och läst all kritik […] kändes det ganska underligt, när han började med, att det första, han skulle tala om för dem over there, ”was that an overwhelming majority of the American people is for the League of Nations.”

      After hearing and reading all the criticism […], it felt rather strange, when he started out by saying that the first thing he would tell them over there, «was that an overwhelming majority of the American people are for the League of Nations.»
    • 1942, Marianne Zetterström, “Viola: Direkt från U.S.A.”, in Svenska Dagbladet[2], page 8:

      Du och alla andra jäntor här […] se ut som månlandskap i ansiktet mot den minst observerade over there, vad ni än gör med er.

      You and all the other girls here […] look like lunar landscapes in your faces compared to the least observed over there, whatever you do with yourselves.
    • 2017, “Torsten Ordéus”, in Upsala Nya Tidning[3]:

      Tre gånger på 1960-talet skeppades inspelningsbussen, med Torsten vid ratten, över till USA, något som väckte stor uppmärksamhet, inte bara ”over there”.

      The recording bus, with Torsten at the wheel, was shipped to the United States three times in the 1960s, which attracted a lot of attention, not just «over there».

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Decided to go over there to do homework.

И они повадились бегать туда, чтобы выполнять домашние задания.

So go over there and blag.

Так что иди туда и разводи сколько влезет.

Now, hop over there before dinner starts.

Давай, беги туда, пока они не начали ужинать.

Panama happened and he immediately went over there.

Например, случились известные события в Панаме, и он сразу же отправился туда.

Rickford rushes over there, kills Larry before he can say anything.

Рикфорд мчится туда и убивает Ларри до того, как он успевает что-либо сказать.

Somebody over there obviously likes their jokes.

Ну и, конечно же, с той, которой нравятся его шутки.

Rich countries cannot pay to keep people ‘over there‘.

Богатые страны не могут заплатить за то, чтобы людей держали «где-то там».

They watched the video over there.

Вот здесь — видео, которое они смотрели.

But he probably still has pull over there.

Но у него, наверное, до сих пор есть там связи.

Whenever she says he can go over there.

Тогда, когда она скажет, что он может поехать.

They must have sonic showers over there.

Должно быть, у них там установлены звуковые души.

A guy over there says he’s your father.

Там тебя ждет какой-то человек, говорит, что твой отец.

I saw something flying over there.

Я видел, как что-то пролетело над нами.

I saw her last over there.

They probably heard nothing over there.

He said I could stay over there.

I saw you guys laughing over there.

Я выдел как вы, парни, смеялись там.

I notice he’s sitting right over there.

I tarred that last year and repainted over there.

Вот их про просмолил в прошлом году, потом перекрасил вот здесь.

We appreciate everything you guys did over there.

Мы благодарны вам, ребята, за все, что вы сделали там.

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over there — перевод на русский

/ˈəʊvə ðeə/

There it is, over there.

Он там, в том направлении.

Put it over there.

Там положи.

Well, your date is over there by herself, and you’re here by yourself getting, like, plowed.

Твоя пара там сама по себе, а ты здесь сам по себе, напиваешься в дрова.

the yellow float is over there.

Жёлтый плот же там.

There’s more over there.

Там ещё много осталось.

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Put him over there.

Положите его вон там.

— Right over there.

Вон там.

He’s laying over there behind the box.

Он отдыхает вон там, за ящиком.

«I make a fresh start easily And you, over there?»

«Я легка на подъём» А ты, вон там?

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— Get him over there!

— Ложи его туда!

Right over there, officer!

Туда, лейтенант.

You might run into some trouble over there.

Тебе небезопасно идти туда.

— I’m not gonna walk over there and get my head blown off.

— Я не собираюсь туда идти и рисковать своей головой.

— Carry him over there, boys.

— Несем его туда, ребята.

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Well, if you don’t have feelings for him, then you can go talk to that cute guy over there. Mm, no.

Что ж, если у тебя нет чувств к нему, тогда ты можешь подойти вон к тому милому парню.

The evil one stands over there and threatens me.»

Вон Он стоит и грозит мне…»

Look, over there.

Вон, глянь.

Over there is the balcony where he bet his Reich would last a thousand years.

Вон балкон, на котором он клялся, что его Рейх простоит тысячу лет.

See those shiny buckles over there, aren’t they charming?

— Видишь вон те блестящие пряжки? Разве они не чудо?

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Not here, over there.

Не здесь.

And I was standing over there rusting for the longest time.

И я здесь стоял уже давно.

Go on! Sit down over there!

Садитесь здесь!

Don’t you think we should have a rug over there to cover that bare spot?

Может, стоит повесить здесь что-нибудь, чтобы прикрыть пустое место?

— And my gun is way over there someplace.

— Я потерял пистолет где-то здесь.

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Over there, Tink, in its den.

Сюда, Тинк. В эту пещеру!

Could you please stand over there.

Пройдите сюда, пожалуйста.

Master, why sit over there?

Да не сюда, учитель.

Commendatore, let’s go over there.

Продюсер, идите сюда. Дышите.

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Stand over there.

Отойди вон туда.

Just sit down over there.

Садитесь вон туда.

Take ’em over there and strip ’em down.

Отведите их вон туда и разденьте.

Martinez, get over there.

Мартинес, иди вон туда.

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But listen, see, standing over there by the window.

Да слушай же… Смотри,… вот она стоит у окна.

— Right over there.


No, it’s over there.

— Нет, вот она.

Over there is the home of a woman who knows Hollywood

Вот дом женщины, которая знает Голливуд лучше всех женщины, которую знают миллионы зрителей:

Over there into that brush, up in the hills.

Вот в те кусты, на холмах. — Минуточку.

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Uh, you’ll find him over there, buckin’ the tiger.

— вы найдете его вот там, идущего ва-банк.


Она лежала вот там.

Over there, in that building…

Вот там, в том здании…

Look, that’s were we live and over there’s the turf moor.

Посмотрите, вот здесь мы живем, а вот там торфяные болота.

Over there, Mr Handsome.

Вот там, господин Хандсон.

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It’s over there.

В той стороне.

— That’s the door, over there.

— Дверь в той стороне

You said there were mountains over there.

Ты сказал, в той стороне горы.

— My room connects with the bath over there.

Моя комната с той стороны ванной.

The sun’s over there.

Солнце с той стороны.

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    в Европе; в Европу [название песенки, популярной в Первую мировую войну]

    Many of the boys who went over there never came back. (RHD) — Многие наши ребята, уехавшие тогда в Европу, так оттуда и не вернулись.

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    ‘Over There’

    «Там вдали», песня Джорджа Кохана [*Cohan, George M.] об американских парнях, отправившихся воевать во Францию во время I мировой войны

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > ‘Over There’

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    за пределами метрополии; на фронте

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    there’s a good sport over there

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    there’s a good spot over there

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    There’s a good spot over there

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > There’s a good spot over there

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    Hand me that dingbat over there

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Hand me that dingbat over there

  • 16
    all of them over there

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all of them over there

  • 17
    have a squiz over there

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > have a squiz over there

  • 18
    it’s not me, and over there what you see is not my mare

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > it’s not me, and over there what you see is not my mare

  • 19
    regulars are hanging over there

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > regulars are hanging over there

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    see that dame over there

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > see that dame over there


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Over There — Titre original Over There Genre Série de guerre Créateur(s) Chris Gerolmo Steven Bochco Production Jeffrey Downer Musique Chris Gerolmo Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Over There — bezeichnet: Over There (Fernsehserie); australische Fernsehserie von 1972–1973 Over There – Kommando Irak, 13 teilige US amerikanische Fernsehserie von 2005 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over There — This article is about the song. For 2005 television series, see Over There (TV series). For the Fringe episode, see Over There (Fringe). 1917 sheet music cover with Nora Bayes Over There is a 1917 song popular with United States soldiers in both… …   Wikipedia

  • over there —    engaged in warfare on foreign soil    For the British, France in the First World War:     [Peter] was seventeen and a half; next year would see him fighting. He had learned much of what it was like over there from his brother. (S. Hastings,… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Over There — a lively song written by George M Cohan to praise US soldiers serving abroad in World War I. He wrote it on 6 April 1917, the day on which the US entered the war, and it includes the words: ‘The Yanks are coming! And we won’t come home ’til it’s… …   Universalium

  • Over There (Fringe) — Over There Fringe episode …   Wikipedia

  • Over There (TV series) — Over There Over There s intertitle Genre Action Drama War Created by …   Wikipedia

  • over there — there, in that place …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Over There — Kommando Irak — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Over There – Kommando Irak Originaltitel: Over There Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): 2005 Episodenlänge: etwa 45 Minuten Episodenan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over There – Kommando Irak — Seriendaten Deutscher Titel: Over There – Kommando Irak Originaltitel: Over There Produktionsland: USA Produktionsjahr(e): 2005 Episodenlänge: etwa 45 Minuten Episodenan …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Over there theatre league —    During World War I, theatre people pitched in to entertain American soldiers abroad. With the support of the YMCA, actors and variety artists traveled to perform at the front, in hospitals, and at 39 leave areas established in France for the… …   The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater

    • See Also:
      • oven
      • oven-ready
      • ovenable
      • ovenbird
      • ovenproof
      • ovenware
      • ovenwood
      • over
      • over easy
      • over the counter
      • over-
      • over-the-air
      • over-the-counter
      • over-the-road
      • over-under
      • over-use
      • overabundance
      • overabuse
      • overaccelerate
      • overaccentuate
      • overaccumulate
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

o•ver /ˈoʊvɚ/USA pronunciation  

  1. above in place or position:the roof over one’s head.
  2. above and to the other side of:The car went over the guard rail.
  3. above in authority, rank, power, etc.:They have control over the news media.
  4. so as to rest on or cover;
    on or upon:She pulled the blankets over her head and fell asleep.
  5. on top of:She hit the intruder over the head with a frying pan.
  6. across;
    throughout:They hitchhiked all over Europe.
  7. from one side to the other of;
    on or to the other side of;
    across:lands over the sea; If you go over the bridge you will be in Illinois.
  8. in excess of;
    more than:Both children read over twenty books last summer.
  9. above in degree, quantity, etc.:a big improvement over last year’s numbers.
  10. in preference to:He was chosen over another applicant.
  11. throughout the length of;
    until the end of:We wrote to each other over a long period of years.
  12. in reference to, concerning, or about:to quarrel over a matter.
  13. while doing or attending to:to discuss the situation over lunch.
  14. Radio and Televisionvia;
    by means of:I heard it over the radio.
  15. because of;
    caused by:I don’t want an argument over this.


  1. beyond the top or upper part of something:The soup boiled over.
  2. so as to cover or affect the whole surface:The furniture was covered over with dust.
  3. through a region, area, etc.:He is known the world over.
  4. at some distance, such as in a direction indicated:They live over by the hill.
  5. from one side or place to another or across an intervening space:to sail over; Toss the ball over, will you?
  6. from beginning to end;
    throughout:Think it over carefully.
  7. from one person, party, etc., to another:He handed the property over to his brother.
  8. on the other side, as of a sea, a river, or any space:Next time we’ll come over to Japan.
  9. so as to be moved from a standing or straight position:to knock over a glass; to fall over.
  10. so as to put or be in the reversed position:The dog rolled over.
  11. once more;
    again:Do the work over.
  12. in repetition:20 times over.
  13. in excess or addition:to pay the full sum and something over.
  14. divided by:48 over 2 is 24.

adj. [be + ~]

  1. ended;
    finished:They became friends when the war was over.

n. [countable]

  1. an amount in excess or addition;


  1. Radio and Television(used in radio communications to signal that the sender is waiting for a reply to or an acknowledgment of a message just sent):Tower, this is Flight 77 requesting permission to land, over.Compare out (def. 37).


  1. Idioms all over:
    •  throughout;
       everywhere:They traveled all over when they visited Australia.
    •  ended;
      over with:The season was all over when they lost that game.

  2. Idioms over and above, [+ object] in addition to;
    besides:These expenses are over and above our initial estimates.
  3. Idioms over and over, many times;
    repeatedly:We thanked him over and over.
  4. Idioms over the hill, [uncountable] past one’s prime:That quarterback is over the hill and should retire.
  5. Idioms over with, finished;
    done:Their relationship was over with.

    See above.

over-, prefix.

  1. over- is attached to nouns and verbs and means the same as the adverb or adjective over, as in:overboard; overhang;overlord;overthrow.
  2. over- is also used to mean «over the limit;
    to excess;
    too much;
    too»:overact (= to act too much); overaggressive (= too aggressive);overfull;overweight.
  3. over- is also used to mean «outer,» as when referring to an outer covering:overskirt (= a skirt worn over something, such as a gown).

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

vər),USA pronunciation prep. 

  1. above in place or position:the roof over one’s head.
  2. above and to the other side of:to leap over a wall.
  3. above in authority, rank, power, etc., so as to govern, control, or have jurisdiction regarding:There is no one over her in the department now.
  4. so as to rest on or cover;
    on or upon:Throw a sheet over the bed.
  5. on or upon, so as to cause an apparent change in one’s mood, attitude, etc.:I can’t imagine what has come over her.
  6. on or on top of:to hit someone over the head.
  7. here and there on or in;
    about:at various places over the country.
  8. through all parts of;
    all through:to roam over the estate; to show someone over the house.
  9. to and fro on or in;
    throughout:to travel all over Europe.
  10. from one side to the other of;
    to the other side of;
    across:to go over a bridge.
  11. on the other side of;
    across:lands over the sea.
  12. reaching higher than, so as to submerge:The water is over his shoulders.
  13. in excess of;
    more than:over a mile; not over five dollars.
  14. above in degree, quantity, etc.:a big improvement over last year’s turnout.
  15. in preference to:chosen over another applicant.
  16. throughout the length of:The message was sent over a great distance.
  17. until after the end of:to adjourn over the holidays.
  18. throughout the duration of:over a long period of years.
  19. in reference to, concerning, or about:to quarrel over a matter.
  20. while engaged in or occupied with:to fall asleep over one’s work.
  21. Radio and Televisionvia;
    by means of:He told me over the phone. I heard it over the radio.
  22. Idioms over and above, in addition to;
    besides:a profit over and above what they had anticipated.
  23. Idioms over the hill. See hill (def. 8).


  1. beyond the top or upper surface or edge of something:a roof that hangs over.
  2. so as to cover the surface, or affect the whole surface:The furniture was covered over with dust.
  3. through a region, area, etc.:He was known the world over.
  4. at some distance, as in a direction indicated:They live over by the hill.
  5. from side to side;
    to the other side:to sail over.
  6. across an intervening space:Toss the ball over, will you?
  7. across or beyond the edge or rim:The soup boiled over. The bathtub ran over.
  8. from beginning to end;
    throughout:to read a paper over; Think it over.
  9. from one person, party, etc., to another:Hand the money over. He made the property over to his brother.
  10. on the other side, as of a sea, a river, or any space:over in Japan.
  11. so as to displace from an upright position:to knock over a glass of milk.
  12. so as to put in the reversed position:She turned the bottle over. The dog rolled over.
  13. once more;
    again:Do the work over.
  14. in repetition or succession:twenty times over.
  15. in excess or addition:to pay the full sum and something over.
  16. in excess of or beyond a certain amount:Five goes into seven once, with two over.
  17. throughout or beyond a period of time:to stay over till Monday.
  18. to one’s residence, office, or the like:Why don’t you come over for lunch?
  19. so as to reach a place across an intervening space, body of water, etc.:Her ancestors came over on theMayflower
  20. Idioms all over:
    • over the entire surface of;
      everywhere:material printed all over with a floral design.
    • thoroughly;
    • finished:The war was all over and the soldiers came home.

  21. Idioms all over with, ended;
    finished:It seemed miraculous that the feud was all over with.
  22. Idioms over again, in repetition;
    once more:The director had the choir sing one passage over again.
  23. Idioms over against. See against (def. 12).
  24. Idioms over and over, several times;
    repeatedly:They played the same record over and over.
  25. Idioms, Sport over there, [Informal.](in the U.S. during and after World War I) in or to Europe:Many of the boys who went over there never came back.
  26. Idioms over with, finished or done:Let’s get this thing over with, so that we don’t have to worry about it any more.


  1. upper;
    higher up.
  2. higher in authority, station, etc.
  3. serving, or intended to serve, as an outer covering;
  4. remaining or additional, surplus;
  5. too great;
    excessive (usually used in combination):Insufficient tact and overaggressiveness are two of his problems.
  6. ended;
    past:when the war was over.


  1. an amount in excess or addition;
  2. Militarya shot that strikes or bursts beyond the target.
  3. Sport[Cricket.]
    • the number of balls, usually six, delivered between successive changes of bowlers.
    • the part of the game played between such changes.


  1. to go or get over;
    leap over.
  2. Dialect Terms[Southern U.S.]to recover from.


  1. Radio and Television(used in radio communications to signify that the sender has temporarily finished transmitting and is awaiting a reply or acknowledgment.) Cf. out (def. 61).
  • bef. 900; (adverb, adverbial, preposition) Middle English; Old English ofer; cognate with Dutch over, German ober; (adjective, adjectival) Middle English over(e), origin, originally variant of uver(e) (English dialect, dialectal uver; compare love), Old English ufera (akin to ofer), assimilated to the adverb, adverbial form; akin to Latin super, Greek hypér, Sanskrit upari. See up, hyper


  1. a prefixal use of over, prep., adv., oradj., occurring in various senses in compounds (overboard;
    ), and especially employed, with the sense of «over the limit,» «to excess,» «too much,» «too,» to form verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns (overact;
    ), and many others, mostly self-explanatory: a hyphen, which is commonly absent from old or well-established formations, is sometimes used in new coinages or in any words whose component parts it may be desirable to set off distinctly.
  • Old English ofer-. See over Middle English

over there‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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