Word meaning over and over again



Автоматический перевод

снова и снова, много раз, беспрестанно, многократно, бесчисленное количество раз

Перевод по словам

over  — больше, за, над, на, по, чрезмерный, чрезмерно, свыше, излишек, перелет
over  — больше, за, над, на, по, чрезмерный, чрезмерно, свыше, излишек, перелет
again  — снова, вновь, опять, еще раз, же, с другой стороны, кроме того, к тому же


The students chanted the same slogan over and over again.

Студенты скандировали один и тот же лозунг снова и снова.

That has been proved over and over again with your sellout concerts.

Это было доказано снова и снова вашими аншлаговыми концертами.

The way to learn the script is to say it to yourself over and over again.

Выучить сценарий можно, проговаривая его себе снова и снова.

I get pissed off with hearing the same story over and over again. *

Мне уже порядком надоело выслушивать все время одно и то же.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.


over and over again


  • again and again
  • something happening in frequent intervals
  • to do something multiple times

Example Sentences

  1. I have cleaned up this mess over and over again but ever time I come back it is dirty again.
  2. I have told him over and over again that I would not be going, but he won’t listen.
  3. He has repeated the question over and over again but I still do not understand.
  4. He was expelled for being rude to other students over and over again.
  5. He will help you practise the dance over and over again. Until you are able to do it flawlessly.
  6. I have asked them over and over again to send the work to my home email address but they keep doing it wrong.


The word “over” has been used since 900. It is a Middle English word meaning to do something again. If you do something over it means that you are doing something that has been done before. So, it is easy to surmise that if something is done over and over again it means that an action is repeated the whole time.

There is no clear indication of when the idiom originated or where it was used for the first time.


  • time after time
  • time and again
  • again and again
  • every time
  • constantly
  • without fail
  • always

Assorted, Over, Time

over and over (again)

Again and again; many times; repeatedly. You’ve told me this story over and over already. I can’t stop singing this one verse over and over again in my head.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

over and over (again)

repeatedly. She stamped her foot over and over again. Bill whistled the same song over and over.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

over and over

Also, over and over again. Repeatedly, many times, as in I’ve told you over and over that he can’t eat spicy food. [Late 1500s] Also see again and again.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ˌover and ˈover (aˈgain)

many times; repeatedly: Her doctor warned her over and over about the dangers of smoking.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

over and over

Again and again; repeatedly.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • over and over
  • once and again
  • again and again
  • we must do this again (sometime)
  • once again
  • once again/once more
  • Let’s do this again
  • let’s do this again (sometime)
  • back on (one’s) feet
  • back on feet

over and over again — перевод на русский

Look, Amy Mom and Dad keep telling you over and over again but you go right on dreaming. And then things like this happen.

Послушай, Эми мама и папа говорят тебе снова и снова но ты все также продолжаешь мечтать.

We use our metals over and over again.

Мы используем наши металлы снова и снова.

I’ll have you both killed over and over again!

Вы оба будете умирать снова и снова!

It repeats over and over again.

Они повторяют его снова и снова.

Yes, so we can watch it over and over again.

Да, чтобы крутить снова и снова.

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It’s the same sequence repeated over and over again.

Одна и та же передача повторяется снова и снова.

People who try don’t get… — Hi. They don’t get kicked out of schools all over the world over and over again.

Тех, кто старается, их их не выгоняют из школ по всему миру снова и снова.

Doomed to repeat the same unconscious relationship patterns? Were we all, in fact, just dating the same person over and over again?

И вподсознательно 59,392 -— 00:06:01,860 И по факту выходило, что мы снова и снова знакомились с одним и тем же человеком?

I’ve had it checked over and over again with my new doctor that I trust implicitly.

Я проверялась, снова и снова, у моего нового доктора, которому я доверяю полностью.

Is that the same letter you read over and over again or do you get a different one each day?

Ты снова и снова читаешь одно и то же письмо или получаешь свежие письма каждый день?

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We tell you over and over again that you’re wonderful and you just… don’t… get it!

Мы раз за разом говорим тебе, что ты замечательная, но ты просто никак не поймёшь этого!

He’d hunt me, and kill me over and over again, but even death wasn’t a release, because I knew every time I opened my eyes, it would start over again-— the pain, the fear.

Он затравливал и убивал меня раз за разом, но даже смерть не давала свободы, потому что я знал, что каждый раз, когда я открывал глаза — я знал, что все начинается снова: будут боль, страх.

Why do we feel like we need to keep revisiting the archetype over and over again?

Почему нам кажется, что мы должны возвращаться к одному шаблону раз за разом?

which makes his compulsion psych 101-— killing his mother over and over again for giving birth to him.

Убийство матери раз за разом за то, что родила его. Да, но тогда зачем ждать родов?

If you knew the rules of how the machine was configured to start with, as you turned the handle, over and over again, it would behave in an entirely predictable way.

≈сли вначале знать правила, по которым устроена машина, то при повороте ручки раз за разом, она будет себ€ вести совершенно предсказуемым образом.

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I just keep seeing Earthforce One blowing up over and over again in my dreams.

Мне вновь и вновь снится взрыв Президенсткого корабля.

I know all this because I’m living the same day over and over again.

Я знаю все это, потому что проживаю один и тот же день… вновь и вновь.

I know all this because I am living the same day over and over again.

Я знаю все это, потому что проживаю один и тот же день… вновь и вновь.

And when you were being murdered over and over again, these three men came to witness your resurrection.

И когда вас вновь и вновь убивали, те трое пришли узреть ваше воскресение.

Those agents told him over and over again that they know he did it.

Эти агенты вновь и вновь говорили ему, что знают, что это сделал он.

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Over and over again.


The trouble is, it’s very difficult for us to believe you When you’ve lied over and over again About the events of that night.

Проблема в том, что нам очень сложно вам поверить, когда вы постоянно лгали о происшествии той ночью.

I said that over and over again in my trial.

Я постоянно говорил об этом на суде.

It was fifth grade econ, but this is something we’ve seen over and over again.

— Для пятиклассника. Но с этим мы сталкиваемся постоянно.

I said over and over again we need to get the fuck out of here.

Постоянно твердил ему что нам нужно убираться нахрен отсюда.

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The name that she was repeating over and over again in triage…

Имя, которое она постоянно повторяла во время сортировки раненых…

I told you over and over again that the one thing I cannot have in my life is lies, and you lied to me!

Повторяла, что я не переношу ложь, а ты солгал мне!

That’s very kind of you. You know, I keep making the same mistake over and over again.

Знаешь, в последнее время я постоянно повторяю одну и ту же ошибку.

You have told me over and over again humans are no threat to us.

Ты всегда повторяешь, что земляне нам не страшны.

You know, it’s the same refrain over and over again.

Повторяли одно и то же:

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The really bad ones the Pre-Cogs see over and over again.

Особо страшные видения Провидцы видят много раз.

You see, we went through that place over and over again.

Мы прочесывали это место много раз.

My father told us the story over and over again.

Отец рассказывал эту историю много раз.

I’ve seen it over and over again.

Я видел такое много раз.

Is it me, or is she just doing the same thing over and over again?

Это я , или она просто делает ту же самую вещь много раз?

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And sometimes it feels like you’re stuck, because you continue to think the same thoughts over and over again.

Иногда вы чувствуете, что застряли, потому что продолжаете производить старые мысли вновь и вновь.

Yeah, loved him enough to forgive him over and over again.

Ага, любили достаточно, чтобы прощать вновь и вновь.

Over and over again.

Вновь и вновь.

You repeat it to yourself over and over again.

Повторяешь это для себя вновь и вновь.

I say it over and over again.

Повторяю это себе вновь и вновь.

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Definition of over and over again

: at frequent intervals : often : repeatedly I told him over and over again to be careful.

in the same way Why did the wanted break up? In a telling 2014 interview, Max, 31, revealed the real reason behind their break was due to growing tensions after he and Nathan, 27, pushed for a hiatus. But Tom, 31, Siva, also 31, and Jay, 29 disagreed fiercely. He told the Sun on Sunday: “There has been a lot of tension. Our personal lives drove us apart.”

Is it correct to say over and over again? If you say that something happened over and over or over and over again, you are emphasizing that it happened many times.

How do you use over and over again in a sentence? Over-and-over sentence example

  1. She kept repeating the words over and over . …
  2. A carny worker was bending over me, only inches away, saying something over and over again. …
  3. I love it! she said, over and over again. …
  4. I kept doing the same things over and over expecting different results.

What is to and fro motion?

If someone moves to and fro, they move repeatedly from one place to another and back again, or from side to side.

Beside this Who is Max from The Wanted girlfriend?

MAX George called his girlfriend Stacey Giggs and her kids “my world” in an emotional post after escaping the Strictly axe. The Wanted star, 32, managed to get through to week four of the BBC dancing competition after scoring a high 24 points for his Simpsons themed Street dance.

Which wanted member has a brain Tumour? Tom Parker, a singer with chart-topping boyband the Wanted, has revealed on social media that his brain tumour has been brought “under control”. The musician, 33, had announced in October 2020 that he had been diagnosed with an inoperable tumour.

Are the wanted back together? With reunions a-plenty populating the music landscape at the moment, most recently with Abba’s monumental return, The Wanted – who found massive success with debut single All Time Low in 2010 – have added their name to the round-up of 2021 come-back-togethers.

What is another word for over again?

What is another word for over and over again?

over and over repeatedly
time and time again frequently
often persistently
oftentimes oft
time after time continuously

What is mean by repeatedly? Definition of repeatedly

: again and again. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About repeatedly.

What’s a word for over and over?

Synonyms:again, repeated, renewed, recurrent, ad infinitum, over, cyclical, yet again, day after day/week after week/year after year etc.

Do over again in another word? In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for do-over, like: do again, redo, rework, remodel, refurbish, renew, repeat and redecorate.

What is difference between over and above?

Above represents something at a place higher than another person or object. Over represents something that is directly upwards the another person or object.

What is to and fro or back and forth motion?

The Correct Answer is Vibration.

Which is an example of to and fro motion? To and fro means the forward and backward movement of an object about an equilibrium position. For instance, motion of a pendulum, it moves one side to another, and then returns to the starting position. This type of motion is known as to and fro motion. Hope it helps!

What are the 6 types of motion? Rotatory motion, rotatory motion, oscillatory motion, uniform circular and periodic motion, rectilinear motion, oscillatory motion and periodic motion.

Who is Kate Greville?

Kate, who was not at court yesterday, met Giggs when she was doing PR for his Hotel Football business venture, opposite Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium. In April 2018 she was appointed head of PR and communications for GG Hospitality, the management firm co-owned by Giggs and United teammate Gary Neville.

Who is Stacey? Who is Stacey Giggs? Stacey Giggs is the 38-year-old former WAG who married ex-Manchester United play Ryan Giggs in 2007. The couple have two children together, but split in 2016 amid claims he had cheated on her with a PR executive. The pair were locked in a year-long £40m divorce battle.

How old is Max out of the wanted?

The Wanted heartthrob’s partner Stacey has Liberty, 18, and 14-year-old Zachary with ex-husband Ryan — but Max, 33, says he still acts like a teenager himself.

Is Tom from the Wanted dying? The pop star shared a photo of himself and his young family alongside the positive update. He penned: “I’m sat here with tears in my eyes as i tell you. “We’ve got my brain tumour under control. We had the results from my latest scan…and I’m delighted to say it is STABLE.

What brain tumor does Tom Parker have?

The star was diagnosed with a grade four glioblastoma – an aggressive cancer that can occur in the brain or spinal cord – in 2020. Life expectancy for those diagnosed is around 12 to 18 months, according to the Brain Tumour Research charity.

Is the band The Wanted still together? After seven years apart, The Wanted announced in September 2021 that they would officially be reuniting to release a Greatest Hits album and perform at member Tom’s Inside My Head concert, which was hosted at Royal Albert Hall.

Why are the wanted getting back together?

They loved their time in the band and feel now is the right time to get back together, especially as Tom’s future is uncertain. “There will be new music and performances, plus they want to use this opportunity to raise money for cancer charities. “They are planning to make an official announcement on Wednesday.

How much is Tom from the Wanted worth? Tom was eventually selected as one of five members of The Wanted. Their self-titled debut studio album was released in 2010.

Tom Parker Net Worth.

Net Worth: $8 Million
Date of Birth: Aug 4, 1988 (33 years old)
Gender: Male
Profession: Singer, Television producer
Nationality: United Kingdom

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: at frequent intervals : often : repeatedly

I told him over and over again to be careful.

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“Over and over again.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/over%20and%20over%20again. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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I find that i listen to my favourite records over and over again.

Я с удовольствием переслушивал мои любимые альбомы снова и снова.

These brave men proved themselves over and over again in battle.

Их ценность доказывалась снова и снова на поле битвы.

Each piece of equipment had to be tested over and over again.

Каждый кусочек картины хочется осматривать вновь и вновь.

Stop asking the same question over and over again — make decisions and start acting.

Хватит задавать один и тот же вопрос вновь и вновь — принимайте решение и начинайте действовать.

However, it is also wrong for the author to publish almost unchanged text over and over again.

Однако неправильно и автору раз за разом публиковать почти неизменный текст.

They over and over again repeat data, adhering to the same rhythm or simultaneously selecting rhymes to them.

Они раз за разом повторяют данные, придерживаясь одного и того же ритма или одновременно подбирая рифмы к ним.

I promise, you’ll be reaching for them over and over again.

Гарантируем — вы будете возвращаться за ними снова и снова.

Mayberg has seen similar sudden responses over and over again.

Мэйберг наблюдала подобные внезапные реакции снова и снова.

You should buy practical things that you can wear over and over again.

Вы должны покупать практичные вещи, которые вы можете носить снова и снова.

Even worse, saying this phrase over and over again, you will become discouraged.

Даже хуже, повторяя эту фразу снова и снова, вы почувствуете уныние.

They actively try to remember the past by repeating the memories over and over again.

Они активно пытаются вспомнить прошлое, повторяя воспоминания снова и снова.

He participates with articles and comments over and over again in debates on the current legal policy.

Он участвует со статьями и комментариями снова и снова в дебатах о текущей правовой политике.

Some «programs» will consist of repeating a certain task over and over again until it becomes muscle memory in the brain.

Некоторые «программы» будут состоять из повторения определенного задания снова и снова, пока это не станет мышечной памятью в мозге.

Sometimes people lose their money over and over again trying to invest a wide variety of different trading schemes.

Иногда люди теряют свои деньги снова и снова пытаются инвестировать широкий спектр различных торговых схем.

It was here that his incredible ability to foresee the future over and over again brought him to national prominence.

Именно здесь, что его невероятная способность предвидеть будущее снова и снова привел его к национальной известность.

While we have received the teachings over and over again from many different sources, humanity has yet to put them into practice.

Хотя мы получили учения снова и снова из разных источников, человечеству еще предстоит воплотить их в жизнь.

A balancing act that repeats itself over and over again, generating electricity.

Балансирующий акт, который повторяется снова и снова, генерируя электричество.

Perform key tasks over and over again until you can do them easily without reference material.

Выполняйте ключевые задачи снова и снова, пока вы не сможете их легко выполнить без справочного материала.

Adding workshops simply creates another stream of revenue that you can sell over and over again.

Добавление семинаров просто создает еще один поток доходов, который вы можете продавать снова и снова.

Canadians use this scheme over and over again to push back their opponents in other international competitions.

Канадцы используют эту схему снова и снова, чтобы отталкивать своих оппонентов на других международных соревнованиях.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат over and over again

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6 июня 2022

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

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They both mean the same thing. Some people might find nuances, but they are usually interchangeable.

«I walked down the street over and over.»
«I walked down the street again and again.»

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Малайский

Yeah, I think ‘over and over’ is merely an idiom that means ‘again and again’. And, this might be irrelevant but I tend to use ‘over and over’ if I wanted to express my annoyance.

  • Японский

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В чем разница между over and over и again and again ?

  • В чем разница между once again и yet again ?


    It basically means the same thing.

    However in some circumstances «yet again» can give a more sarcastic tone if implied.

  • В чем разница между over and over и on and on и again ?


    they are the same. they are different ways of saying the same thing.

  • В чем разница между repeatedly и over and over ?


    these are both similar but depending on the context. Repeatedly tends to be used for short fast actions.

    while «over and over» is doing some…

  • В чем разница между all over again и over again ?


    They both mean the same, but adding ALL at the beginning adds more emphasis.

  • В чем разница между once again и again ?


    Once again has more emphasis and it can also be used at the begging of a sentence

  • Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? again
  • Hello again, I hope that you reply to my message. Your website is a place where anyone can buy or…
  • Покажите мне примеры предложений с again and again.
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  • В чем разница между phone number и mobile number ?
  • В чем разница между do / take an exam и make an exam ?
  • В чем разница между place an order и make an order ?
  • В чем разница между майка и футболка ?
  • В чем разница между видеть и увидеть ?
  • В чем разница между Поехать и Уехать и Приехать ?
  • В чем разница между добраться до дома и добраться домой; и добраться до Москвы и добраться в Моск…
  • В чем разница между Саша, как говорить «собака» по-английски? и Саша, как сказать»собака» по-англ…
  • В чем разница между майка и футболка ?
  • В чем разница между здесь и сюда ?
  • В чем разница между видеть и увидеть ?
  • В чем разница между Поехать и Уехать и Приехать ?
  • В чем разница между добраться до дома и добраться домой; и добраться до Москвы и добраться в Моск…

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  • Что значит he doesn’t remember being told anything about it ?
  • Что значит he wants to be taken to the hospital?

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By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again!

If you post a question after sending a gift to someone, your question will be displayed in a special section on that person’s feed.

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Десять лет… Все те же самые десять лет снова и снова… вели вас… сюда.

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Имеется только урок здесь, безостановочно повторенный еще и при том.

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I studied each case over and over again, but I failed to come up with a viable theory as to how he chooses his victims.

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Я изучал каждое дело еще и еще раз, но мне не удалось выдвинуть правдоподобной версии о том, как он выбирает свои жертвы.

Trying as it did to replicate the same tactic over and over again, the nascent movement could not hold in check its fast-learning,


quite resourceful opponent.

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Стараясь копировать одну


ту же тактику вновь и вновь, новые движения не могли держать под контролем быстро реагирующих


хорошо оснащенных противников.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But sometimes it feels like you’re

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Иногда вы чувствуете, что застряли,

потому что продолжаете производить старые мысли вновь и вновь.

This can become a big annoyance to users,

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Это может сильно раздражать пользователей,

Ms. Coker-Appiah noted that

the issue of persistent cultural practices had been raised over and over again.

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Г-жа Кокер- Аппиа отмечает,

что вопрос об укоренившихся в культуре видах практики поднимается вновь и вновь.

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Иные встают, чтобы покормить кота, а потом удивляются, почему он вновь и вновь будит их посреди ночи.

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А теперь, пока меня не будет, я хочу, чтобы ты делала это

снова и 

снова, и снова.

We have heard over and over again the same phrase said by the contestants with mouths

stuffed full of candies- Hello, this is Eurotel?

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и снова слышали одну и ту же фразу, проговариваемую с

набитым конфетами ртом- Здравствуйте, это Eurotel?

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Почему мы готовы играть в нее снова и снова, хотя знаем ее почти наизусть?

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How does it feel to watch me degrade




rape your wife over and over again, while you just sit there crying… pissing yourself?

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Каково это, смотреть как я унижаю




насилую твою жену


и снова, пока ты просто сидишь там




писаешь под себя?

He just kept on playing that same song

over and 

over and over again… He couldn’t remember no further.

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И он играет этот куплет


и снова, а дальше ни строчки не помнит.

After disasters


wars Christians are accused over and over again of having caused the misery


must act as a buffer.

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После войн


катастроф люди все снова и


будут обвинять христиан в происшедшем.

You know, I think after listening to the same stories over and over again for six months, these things, they should turn solid gold.

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Знаешь, я думаю, что слушаю одни


те же истории снова и


все шесть месяцев. они уже должны

стать чистым золотом.

These questions they asked over and over again,


it was from little Bilbo that they seemed to expect to get the answers.

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Они спрашивали об этом снова и снова,


похоже было, что ожидают ответа только от Бильбо.

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То, что он сходит с принимает их на грань смерти над и снова.

Results: 450,
Time: 0.026





Table of Contents

  1. What do you call a recurring event?
  2. What is a word that means over and over again?
  3. Which word means lasting forever or constantly recurring?
  4. What is a word for never giving up?
  5. What is the similar meaning of lasting forever?
  6. What is non recurrent?
  7. What are non recurring closing costs?
  8. Is the word non recurring?
  9. What is the meaning of non terminating and non recurring?
  10. What is the difference between recurring and nonrecurring costs?
  11. What is a recurring cost?
  12. Which one of the following is not a recurring cost?
  13. What are recurring items?
  14. Is Depreciation a recurring expense?
  15. Is revenue expenditure recurring?
  16. What do you mean by non recurring expenses answer in one sentence?
  17. What is recurring profit?

Something that is repetitive involves doing the same thing over and over again. If you get bored running on a treadmill daily, you might try something less repetitive, like playing soccer outdoors. Anything you do repeatedly, especially when it’s boring, can be described using the adjective repetitive.

What do you call a recurring event?

The word recurrence or recurrency can be used to describe the property of an event recurring or not. “No recurrencewould mean the event happens once.

What is a word that means over and over again?

Synonyms:again, repeated, renewed, recurrent, ad infinitum, over, cyclical, yet again, day after day​/​week after week​/​year after year etc.

Which word means lasting forever or constantly recurring?


What is a word for never giving up?

What is another word for never give up?

dogged staunch
perseverant resolute
unyielding committed
dedicated relentless
steady unfaltering

What is the similar meaning of lasting forever?

abiding, continuing, deep-rooted, durable, enduring, eternal, indelible, lifelong, long-standing, long-term, perennial, permanent, perpetual, unceasing, undying, unending. Antonyms. ephemeral, fleeting, momentary, passing, short-lived, transient, transitory.

What is non recurrent?

: nonrecurrent specifically : unlikely to happen again —used of financial transactions that affect a profit and loss statement abnormally.

What are non recurring closing costs?

Nonrecurring closing costs include title company expenses (including premiums for title insurance, recording fees, reconveyance fees, documentary transfer tax, and escrow fees), as well as fees associated with refinancing, such as credit reports, appraisals, and loan processing.

Is the word non recurring?

adjective. not occurring or happening again, especially often or periodically.

What is the meaning of non terminating and non recurring?

A nonterminating, nonrepeating decimal is a decimal number that continues endlessly, with no group of digits repeating endlessly. Decimals of this type cannot be represented as fractions, and as a result are irrational numbers.

What is the difference between recurring and nonrecurring costs?

A recurring cost is one that occurs at regular intervals and is anticipated. The cost to provide electricity to a production facility is a recurring cost. A non-recurring cost is one that occurs at irregular intervals and is not generally anticipated.

What is a recurring cost?

A recurring expense is any cost a company experiences at regular intervals that is required for operating the business. … On the other hand, a recurring expense occurs repeatedly with a fixed due date, for instance, the 1st of each month. Recurring expenses are generally the same amount each pay period.

Which one of the following is not a recurring cost?

Non-recurring expenses or direct expenses are all such expenses which are incurred by the consignor or consignee to bring these goods from consignor’s place to consignee’s place freight or carriage on purchase, insurance of goods in transit, loading and unloading charges etc.

What are recurring items?

Recurring items are those items of income and expense that are likely to continue in the future, while non-recurring items are those which are less likely to continue.

Is Depreciation a recurring expense?

Depreciation expense is referred to as a noncash expense because the recurring, monthly depreciation entry (a debit to Depreciation Expense and a credit to Accumulated Depreciation) does not involve a cash payment.

Is revenue expenditure recurring?

Any expense that recurs consistently over a given time is a revenue expense. For example, any maintenance costs to a building owned by your company are revenue expenditures.

What do you mean by non recurring expenses answer in one sentence?

Expenses that are not incurred frequently during the normal course of a business are known as nonrecurring expenses. These are one-time expenses incurred due to some event or abnormal circumstances. Concept: Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account and Closing Balance Sheet.

What is recurring profit?

What is Recurring Revenue? Recurring revenue is the portion of a company’s revenue that is expected to continue in the future. Unlike one-off sales, these revenues are predictable, stable and can be counted on to occur at regular intervals going forward with a relatively high degree of certainty.

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