Word meaning over a long period of time

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over a long period of time

Voice translation and longer texts

Based on preliminary reports, this was a very deranged individual, a lot of problems over a long period of time.

По предварительным данным, он был совершенно сумасшедшим, за долгое время накопилось множество проблем.

The transfer of dysentery from an infected person occurs over a long period of time from initiation of pharmacological drugs.

Перенос возбудителей дизентерии от больного человека происходит на протяжении длительного времени от начала приема фармакологических препаратов.

Mortgages are paid off over a long period of time, in many cases over a thirty-year period.

Inhalation of large amount of asbestos fibers or its dust over a long period of time can produce scarring of lung tissues.

Вдыхание большого количества асбестовых волокон или пыли в течение длительного периода времени может привести к образованию рубцов тканей легких.

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Некоторые лидеры религиозных групп даже подвергаются аресту или задержанию на длительное время.

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with higher unemployment rates among women.

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высоких темпах снижения занятости женщин.

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In order to maximize the poverty alleviating effect


economic growth, growth needs to be steady,

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Для того чтобы эффект экономического роста мог максимально содействовать смягчению проблемы нищеты, необходимо, чтобы такой рост был устойчивым,

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taken to redress the imbalance.

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тех случаях, когда какаято группа населения подвергается дискриминации в течение долгого времени, для восстановления баланса должны приниматься временные специальные меры.

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Income transfers have also been achieved by keeping the prices


certain public services relatively stable over a long period of time.

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то же


полезно знать,

что исторически результаты у акций в течение долгого времени были лучше, чем у других активов, например, у облигации.

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It allows you to see how changes in your everyday physical activity level and

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Он позволяет увидеть, как изменения


Вашей ежедневной физической активности,

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Changing the administrative culture in the public sector is

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Кроме того, изменение административной культуры в государственном

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Чистота является высоким и

that is why one needs to act very carefully.

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поэтому действовать нужно максимально осторожно.

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to relocate those persons outside


the United Republic


Tanzania, but with very little success.

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этих лиц за пределы Объединенной Республики Танзания, однако практически безуспешно.

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and that has overcome the need for drastic changes.

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это устранило потребность в коренных изменениях.

However, the international situation is still unstable and some old contradictions have not been resolved over a long period of time.

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Однако международная обстановка все еще неспокойна, некоторые старые противоречия в течение долгого времени так и не нашли разрешения.

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steroid that can be injected less frequently and

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Создайте стероид который можно впрыскивать часто и

Statistical experts noted the importance


consistent standardized data over a long period of time and the need for comparative measurements to be taken on the same population.

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Эксперты по статистике отметили важное значение последовательных стандартизованных данных за длительный период и необходимость проведения сопоставительных обследований одного и того же населения.

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The draft Convention has not laid down the

legal framework for identifying the responsibility


the States which, over a long period of time, laid those landmines in the territories


other States.

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Проект Конвенции не закладывает никакой

правовой основы для определения ответственности тех государств, которые на протяжении долгого времени закладывали эти мины


территориях других государств.

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Your Black& Decker corded/cordless

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Ваш проводной/ беспроводной электроприбор/

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Результатов: 225,
Время: 0.0281





Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mrs. Birdie Durgan Jr.

Score: 4.4/5
(64 votes)

Something that is extended has been fully stretched out or elongated. An extended period of time is an extremely long period of time. To extend something is to make it longer, either physically or in terms of time.

What is the word for a long period of time?

A long period of time. long haul. eternity. forever. aeonsUK.

What is over a time period?

«Over a period of time» suggests a longer time. «Over time» suggests even longer. Don’t use «period» to mean time in a classroom, especially to teenage girls as the word also means «monthly periods».

Is period of time grammatically correct?

‘Period of time’ is a perfectly acceptable stock phrase. As with much of language, it is somewhat redundant in many contexts, and where the meaning is clear without ‘of time’, you are free to use ‘period’ alone.

What is the meaning of over the years?

: during several/some/many years The camp has changed a lot over the years.

39 related questions found

What is something that lasts a long time?

Some common synonyms of lasting are durable, permanent, and stable. While all these words mean «enduring for so long as to seem fixed or established,» lasting implies a capacity to continue indefinitely.

What is distant future?

distant future n

(time which will eventually come)

Which period should not be too distant?

The base period should not be too distant from the given period. The base period should not be too far back in the past relative to the given period to the given because due to dynamic pace of events these days, distant base period is likely to be entirely different from the given period.

How long is near future?

“In the near future” also means “soon” (usually without knowing exactly when) – but this phrase doesn’t have the same sense of immediacy as “any minute/day now.” “In the near future” usually means a few weeks/months in the future.

How do you write not too distant future?

In the Longman dictionary, I found the phrase: in the not too distant future. However in the Cambridge dictionary, the phrase is «in the not-too-distant future«.

What is the longest time word?


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

How do you say a long time professionally?

  1. eternity.
  2. month of Sundays.
  3. time immemorial.
  4. time out of mind.
  5. aeon.
  6. forever and a day.
  7. right smart spell.
  8. years on end.

What’s another word for lasting indefinitely?

In this page you can discover 72 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for everlasting, like: unending, ageless, durable, endless, constant, immortal, lasting, perdurable, enduring, eternity and imperishable.

What is deep root?

: existing for a long time and very difficult to change : firmly established.

What do you call something that doesn’t last long?

1 fleeting, evanescent, transient, momentary, brief.

How do you say long time ago?


  1. back when.
  2. eons ago.
  3. in days of yore.
  4. long ago.
  5. of old.
  6. olden days.

What word takes 3 hours to say full word?

The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them. And since Titin is the largest protein ever discovered, its name had to be equally as large.

Which word takes 3 hours to say?

That’s called: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and it’s one of the longest words in the dictionary.

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea.

Is not distant future?

Definition of in the not too distant future

: at a time that is not long from now : soon Changes are expected in the not too distant future.

Is it to distant or too distant?

I prefer the hyphenated version (especially when used before a noun,) and it’s correct. E.g.: I will go there in the not-too-distant future.

What does not so distant mean?

A time not very far in the future. When I was growing up, we never would have believed you that we’d be using phones as powerful as computers in the not-so-distant future.

What is after near future?

: in the near future Things will not improve anytime soon.

    • See Also:
      • ovate
      • ovation
      • oven
      • oven-ready
      • ovenable
      • ovenbird
      • ovenproof
      • ovenware
      • ovenwood
      • over
      • over easy
      • over the counter
      • over-
      • over-the-air
      • over-the-counter
      • over-the-road
      • over-under
      • over-use
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The entry for «period» is displayed below.

Also see: over | a | long | of | time

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

pe•ri•od /ˈpɪriəd/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. an extent of time meaningful in the life of a person, in history, etc.:a period of illness.
  2. a round of time marked by some repeating event or action:the rainy period.
  3. Sportany of the parts into which something, as a school day, etc., is divided:She has gym in the first period.
  4. Grammarthe point or character (.) used to mark the end of a declarative sentence or to indicate an abbreviation;
    a full stop.
  5. Physiology
    • an occurrence of menstruation.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. noting or relating to a certain historical period:a period play.


  1. (used to express the opinion that a decision is final):I forbid you to go, period.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(pērē əd),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a rather large interval of time that is meaningful in the life of a person, in history, etc., because of its particular characteristics:a period of illness;a period of great profitability for a company;a period of social unrest in Germany.
  2. any specified division or portion of time:poetry of the period from 1603 to 1660.
  3. a round of time or series of years by which time is measured.
  4. a round of time marked by the recurrence of some phenomenon or occupied by some recurring process or action.
  5. the point of completion of a round of time or of the time during which something lasts or happens.
  6. Educationa specific length of time during school hours that a student spends in a classroom, laboratory, etc., or has free.
  7. Sportany of the parts of equal length into which a game is divided.
  8. the time during which something runs its course.
  9. the present time.
  10. Grammarthe point or character (.) used to mark the end of a declarative sentence, indicate an abbreviation, etc.;
    full stop.
  11. Grammara full pause, as is made at the end of a complete sentence;
    full stop.
  12. Poetry, Rhetorica sentence, esp. a well-balanced, impressive sentence:the stately periods of Churchill.
  13. Poetry, Rhetoric, Grammara periodic sentence.
  14. Physiologyan occurrence of menstruation.
  15. Physiologya time of the month during which menstruation occurs.
  16. Geologythe basic unit of geologic time, during which a standard rock system is formed: comprising two or more epochs and included with other periods in an era. See table under geologic time. 
  17. Physicsthe duration of one complete cycle of a wave or oscillation;
    the reciprocal of the frequency.
  18. Music and Dancea division of a composition, usually a passage of eight or sixteen measures, complete or satisfactory in itself, commonly consisting of two or more contrasted or complementary phrases ending with a conclusive cadence.
  19. Astronomy
    • AstronomyAlso called period of rotation. the time in which a body rotates once on its axis.
    • AstronomyAlso called period of revolution. the time in which a planet or satellite revolves once about its primary.

  20. MathematicsSee under periodic (def. 5).
  21. Poetry[Class. Pros.]a group of two or more cola.


  1. noting, pertaining to, evocative of, imitating, or representing a historical period or the styles current during a specific period of history:period costumes; a period play.


  1. (used by a speaker or writer to indicate that a decision is irrevocable or that a point is no longer discussable):I forbid you to go, period.
  • Greek períodos circuit, period of time, period in rhetoric, literally, way around. See peri-, —ode2
  • Medieval Latin periodus, Latin
  • Middle French)
  • late Middle English periode (1375–1425

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See age. 
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged term.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

period /ˈpɪərɪəd/ n

  1. a portion of time of indefinable length: he spent a period away from home
  2. a portion of time specified in some way: the Arthurian period, Picasso’s blue period
  3. (as modifier): period costume
  4. a nontechnical name for an occurrence of menstruation
  5. a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks is formed: the Jurassic period
  6. a division of time, esp of the academic day
  7. the time taken to complete one cycle of a regularly recurring phenomenon; the reciprocal of frequency
    Symbol: T
  8. the time interval between two successive maxima or minima of light variation of a variable star
  9. one of the horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table. Each period starts with an alkali metal and ends with a rare gas
    Compare group
  10. rare a completion or end

Etymology: 14th Century peryod, from Latin periodus, from Greek periodos circuit, from peri- + hodos way

over a long period of time‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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in the long run

Over a relatively long or extended length of time in the future. While the company was initially criticized for their new marketing strategy, it seems to have paid off for them in the long run. I know it’s a lot of money to spend on a mattress, but trust me, it will be worth it in the long run.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

in the long run

Over a lengthy period of time, in the end. For example, He realized that in the long run, their argument wouldn’t seem so awful. This expression, which originated as at the long run in the early 1600s, presumably alludes to a runner who continues on his course to the end. Economist John Maynard Keynes used it in a much-quoted quip about economic planning: «In the long run we are all dead.» The antonym, in the short run, meaning «over a short period of time,» dates only from the 1800s. The novelist George Eliot used both in a letter (October 18, 1879): «Mrs. Healy’s marriage is surely what you expected in the long or short run.»

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

in the long run


over the long run

COMMON People use in the long run or over the long run to talk about how things happen or develop over a long period of time. Taking time out to get fit is time well spent and will benefit you in the long run. Her judgement didn’t seem to have done him much harm in the long run. Hiring new employees is essential for virtually all firms, at least over the long run.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

in the long run (or term)

over a long period of time; eventually.

1997 New Scientist But as the economist Maynard Keynes pointed out, in the long run we are all dead.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in the ˈlong run

over or after a long period of time; in the end: Buying your own house is a big expense at first but in the long run it’s cheaper than paying rent. OPPOSITE: in the short run

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

in the long run

Over a long period of time; in the end. The term refers to running a race, specifically to a runner who is passed by others at the beginning but pulls ahead at the end (analogous to the fable of the slow but steady tortoise who wins over the fast but erratic hare). Originally it also was put as at the long run (seventeenth century). One of economist John Maynard Keynes’s most famous remarks concerning economic planning was, “In the long run we are all dead.”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • at great length
  • explain
  • length
  • bag of wind
  • at length
  • hold at
  • in residence
  • residence
  • at Her Majesty’s pleasure
  • at a stretch
  • 1
    долгосрочный эксперимент

    1. long-term experiment

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > долгосрочный эксперимент

  • 2
    Длительный период времени

    Long period of time

    Extended period of time

    Русско-английский словарь по прикладной математике и механике > Длительный период времени

  • 3

    long, protracted, prolonged; () lingering

    в течение длительного времени, длительное время — over a long period of time

    Русско-английский словарь Смирнитского > длительный

  • 4

    long, protracted, prolonged; lingering

    в тече́ние дли́тельного вре́мени, дли́тельное вре́мя — over a long period of time

    дли́тельное тюре́мное заключе́ние — long term of imprisonment

    това́ры дли́тельного по́льзования — durable goods

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > длительный

  • 5
    долгий период времени

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > долгий период времени

  • 6
    в течение длительного времени

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > в течение длительного времени

  • 7


    NP instrum

    these forms only




    1. (of a person) (to serve


    ) devotedly, honestly, with complete loyalty, (to render


    ) good service (


    over a long period of time): (do


    ) yeoman (yeomarfs) service



    ) loyally and well


    ) faithfully (and truly)
    (be) a true and faithful servant
    (when the period of service is indicated) (give ten years (a lifetime


    ) of) true and faithful service.

    2. (of an everyday item, piece of clothing, tool


    ) (to serve


    ) reliably for a long period of time: (serve


    ) long and well



    ) yeoman (yeomarfs) service
    (in limited contexts) never let



    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-41

  • 8
    верой и правдой


    [NPinstrum; these forms only;


    ; fixed




    1. (of a person) (to serve


    ) devotedly, honestly, with complete loyalty, (to render


    ) good service (


    over a long period of time):

    (do s.o.) yeoman (yeomarfs) service;

    (serve s.o.) loyally and well;

    (serve s.o.) faithfully (and truly);

    — [when the period of service is indicated](give ten years (a lifetime etc) of) true and faithful service.

    ♦ «Я, соколик, верой-правдой своему белому царю служил» (Шолохов 4). «Young man, I served my tsar loyally and well» (4a).

    ♦ «Послужи мне верой и правдою, и я тебя пожалую и в фельдмаршалы и в князья» (Пушкин 2). «Serve me faithfully and truly, and I will make you field-marshal and prince» (2b).

    ♦ «Пусть видят все, весь Петербург, как милостыни просят дети благородного отца, который всю жизнь служил верою и правдой и, можно сказать, умер на службе» (Достоевский 3). «Let everybody see, let the whole of St. Petersburg see these children begging for alms, although they had a respectable father who gave a lifetime of true and faithful service and even died, you might say, in harness» (3a).

    2. (of an everyday item, piece of clothing, tool


    ) (to serve


    ) reliably for a long period of time:

    (serve s.o.) long and well;

    (do s.o.) yeoman (yeomarfs) service;

    — [in limited contexts] never let s.o. down.

    ♦ Мы расстелили прямо на пол старую фланелевую шаль нашей няни Фимы, — уже десятый год она служила мне верой и правдой на всех этапах!.. (Гинзбург 2). We spread out on the floor the old flannel shawl belonging to my nurse, Fima, which had already done me yeoman service in all my journeyings under escort… (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > верой и правдой

  • 9


    [NPinstrum; these forms only;


    ; fixed




    1. (of a person) (to serve


    ) devotedly, honestly, with complete loyalty, (to render


    ) good service (


    over a long period of time):

    (do s.o.) yeoman (yeomarfs) service;

    (serve s.o.) loyally and well;

    (serve s.o.) faithfully (and truly);

    — [when the period of service is indicated](give ten years (a lifetime etc) of) true and faithful service.

    ♦ «Я, соколик, верой-правдой своему белому царю служил» (Шолохов 4). «Young man, I served my tsar loyally and well» (4a).

    ♦ «Послужи мне верой и правдою, и я тебя пожалую и в фельдмаршалы и в князья» (Пушкин 2). «Serve me faithfully and truly, and I will make you field-marshal and prince» (2b).

    ♦ «Пусть видят все, весь Петербург, как милостыни просят дети благородного отца, который всю жизнь служил верою и правдой и, можно сказать, умер на службе» (Достоевский 3). «Let everybody see, let the whole of St. Petersburg see these children begging for alms, although they had a respectable father who gave a lifetime of true and faithful service and even died, you might say, in harness» (3a).

    2. (of an everyday item, piece of clothing, tool


    ) (to serve


    ) reliably for a long period of time:

    (serve s.o.) long and well;

    (do s.o.) yeoman (yeomarfs) service;

    — [in limited contexts] never let s.o. down.

    ♦ Мы расстелили прямо на пол старую фланелевую шаль нашей няни Фимы, — уже десятый год она служила мне верой и правдой на всех этапах!.. (Гинзбург 2). We spread out on the floor the old flannel shawl belonging to my nurse, Fima, which had already done me yeoman service in all my journeyings under escort… (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > верой-правдой

  • 10


    1) flow; course

    с течением времени — in (the course of) time, with time, after a time, in due course, eventually, as times goes by

    2) current, stream

    плыть/идти против течения — to go against the stream, to swim against the current тж. перен., to breast the current

    3) current, trend, tendency

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > течение

  • 11
    в течение длительного времени

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в течение длительного времени

  • 12
    длительный период времени

    1) General subject: years

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > длительный период времени

  • 13
    в течение длительного времени

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в течение длительного времени

  • 14



    , often

    usu. adv



    for a long period of time and in a serious, fundamental



    for a good long while (time)

    (in limited contexts) (


    is) not easily or quickly remedied (fixed).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-341

  • 15
    всерьез и надолго






    usu. adv

    ; fixed




    for a long period of time and in a serious, fundamental



    — [in limited contexts] (sth. is) not easily or quickly remedied (fixed).

    ♦ Похоже, что экономический спад затянулся всерьёз и надолго. It looks like the recession will last for a good long time.

    ♦ В Ртищеве они застряли всерьёз и надолго( Максимов 3). [context transl] In Rtishchev they got well and truly stuck (3a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > всерьез и надолго

  • 16
    в течение длительного периода времени

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в течение длительного периода времени

  • 17


    long; protracted, prolonged, lengthy; lingering

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > длительный

  • 18



    human) to weep unconsolably for a long period of time, cry much

    X не осушает глаз = X is crying his eyes (heart) out

    X keeps crying all the time
    X is in tears all the time
    X has been crying

    weeping etc) for days (hours etc) (without drying his eyes (without stopping, nonstop)). Когда Василий содержался в части, Маша по целым дням, не осушая глаз, жаловалась на свою горькую судьбу Гаше… и, презирая брань и побои своего дяди, потихоньку бегала в полицию навешать и утешать своего друга… (Толстой 2). When Vasily was being kept in detention, Masha wept for whole days without drying her eyes, complained of her bitter fate to Gasha…and, scorning her uncle’s abuse and blows, ran to the police station in secret in order to visit and console her friend (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-29

  • 19
    не осушать глаз


    to weep unconsolably for a long period of time, cry much:

    X не осушает глаз X is crying his eyes < heart> out;

    X has been crying <weeping etc> for days <hours etc> (without drying his eyes <without stopping, nonstop>).

    ♦ Когда Василий содержался в части, Маша по целым дням, не осушая глаз, жаловалась на свою горькую судьбу Гаше… и, презирая брань и побои своего дяди, потихоньку бегала в полицию навешать и утешать своего друга… (Толстой 2). When Vasily was being kept in detention, Masha wept for whole days without drying her eyes, complained of her bitter fate to Gasha…and, scorning her uncle’s abuse and blows, ran to the police station in secret in order to visit and console her friend (2b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > не осушать глаз

  • 20
    в течение длительного времени

    for long, over a long period (of time)

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > в течение длительного времени


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См. также в других словарях:

  • period of time — noun an amount of time (Freq. 7) a time period of 30 years hastened the period of time of his recovery Picasso s blue period • Syn: ↑time period, ↑period • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • period of time —    A curiously irresistible expression for many writers, as here: Roth maintained that the problem was not new at all, but rather had been going on for a considerable period of time (Washington Post). Shortening it to for a considerable period or …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • Long-term potentiation — (LTP) is a persistent increase in synaptic strength following high frequency stimulation of a chemical synapse. Studies of LTP are often carried out in slices of the hippocampus, an important organ for learning and memory. In such studies,… …   Wikipedia

  • period — period, epoch, era, age, aeon all denote a portion or division of time; epoch and era can also denote an event regarded as the beginning of a portion or division of time. Period is the generic term, designating an extent of time of any length for …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • long-term — long′ term adj. 1) covering or involving a relatively long period of time: long term memory[/ex] 2) maturing after a relatively long period of time: a long term bond[/ex] 3) bus (of a capital gain or loss) derived from the sale or exchange of an… …   From formal English to slang

  • long-stay — adj [only before noun] BrE 1.) relating to care or treatment over a long period of time long stay hospital/ward/bed etc long stay patient/resident 2.) a long stay car park is a place where people can leave their cars for a long period of time ≠… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • long-lasting — long′ last′ing adj. 1) cvb enduring or existing for a long period of time: a long lasting friendship[/ex] 2) cvb effective for a relatively long period of time: a long lasting pain reliever[/ex] • Etymology: 1520–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • long haul — noun count a long period of hard work: The meat trade faces a long haul back to profitability. in something for the long haul determined to continue with something until it is finished successfully over the long haul over a long period of time:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • long-term — W3 adj [usually before noun] continuing for a long period of time into the future, or relating to what will happen in the distant future ≠ ↑short term ▪ the long term future of the fishing industry ▪ the long term interests of the company the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • long-run — UK US adjective [before noun] ► continuing to exist or have an effect for a long period of time: long run growth/inflation/potential »Spending on public services helps long run economic growth. »Consumer confidence is well above its long run… …   Financial and business terms

  • long-day plant — noun A plant that will only flower after being exposed to conditions of long days and short nights • • • Main Entry: ↑long * * * long day plant «LNG DAY, LONG », a plant that flowers only when exposed to light for a relatively long period of time …   Useful english dictionary

Over a long period of time, Russia has been stoking unrest in Europe, an unrest that already exists because we find ourselves in a vulnerable period,” Pechtold said.
«В течение долгого времени Россия пыталась посеять смуту в Европе, смуту, которая уже началась, потому что мы сейчас переживаем сложный период, — добавил Пехтольд.

This makes the ETF lose value when the rollover occurs, and when this is done over a long period of time, a significant loss of value can occur.
Это заставляет ETF потерять в стоимости при пролонгации, и когда это делается длительный период времени, то может произойти существенная потеря стоимости.

Many observations over a long period of years gradually crystallized my views.
Мои взгляды складывались и уточнялись постепенно, под влиянием многолетних наблюдений.

A strategy is simply some sort of plan that aims to achieve a goal (or goals) over a long period of time and that attempts to marshal the resources necessary to do so.
Это просто определенный долгосрочный план, направленный на достижение некоей цели и на привлечение необходимых для этого ресурсов.

If you use our customer relationship management (CRM) tool or have other ways of dividing up your customers in useful ways, consider specifically targeting those who have made high-value purchases before or have consistently made purchases over a long period of time.
Если вы используете систему управления взаимодействия с клиентами или привлекаете покупателей другими эффективными способами, рассмотрите возможность отдельного таргетинга для тех, что уже совершал покупки на большие суммы или регулярно совершал покупки в течение длительного времени.

The resulting contract is all the more problematic because it is likely to involve one of the host country’s few important resources, which can generate more predictable (and probably higher) revenues than official development assistance — and over a long period of time.
В результате заключаемый контракт, скорее всего, будет вызывать проблемы, поскольку он будет затрагивать один из немногих наиболее ценных ресурсов принимающей страны, который может принести более вероятную прибыль (и, скорее всего, более высокую), чем помощь в официальном развитии — и на протяжении долгого времени.

«Owned» is when y dominate someone over a long period of time.
«Поимели» — это когда тебя унижают в течение долгого времени.

But I was just at the morgue, and I do know that your boy appears to have been severely abused over a long period of time.
Но я был в морге, и я точно знаю, что ваш сын подвергался жестокому обращению в течение многих лет.

The truth is that most creativity is cumulative and collaborative; like Wikipedia, it develops over a long period of time.
Правда в том, что большая часть креативности совокупная и совместная, подобно Википедии, она развивается на протяжении длинного периода.

And the award was about a celebration for a building which had been in use over a long period of time.
Награду о торжестве здания, которое использовалось многие годы.

But think about me as a nurse, taking, removing the bandages of somebody I liked, and had to do it repeatedly over a long period of time.
Но подумайте обо мне, о медсестре. Я снимаю бинты с симпатичного мне человека, и я вынуждена делать это регулярно в течение долгого времени.

Like democracy, civil society strengthening is a long-term process and support is most productive when it is provided over a long period of time.
Укрепление гражданского общества, как и демократии, является долгим процессом, и поддержка приносит максимальный результат, когда она оказывается продолжительное время.

The enterprise must maintain at least one production establishment (goods and/or services) in the country and must plan to operate the establishment indefinitely or over a long period of time.
Предприятие должно иметь в данной стране по крайней мере один производственный объект (по производству товаров и/или услуг) и должно иметь планы осуществлять деятельность на этом объекте неопределенно долгое время или достаточно долгое время.

As debts that are secured by rights in the debtor’s property are often payable over a long period of time, it is likely that there will be many rights created before the effective date of any new secured transactions legislation that will continue to exist, securing debts that are not yet paid, on the effective date of the new legislation.
Поскольку долги, обеспеченные правами в имуществе должника, зачастую подлежат погашению в течение длительного периода времени, вполне вероятно, что будут существовать многие права, созданные до даты вступления в силу любого нового законодательства об обеспеченных сделках, которые будут продолжать существовать на дату вступления в силу нового законодательства, обеспечивая еще не выплаченные долги.

Through an intense effort over a long period of time, the United Nations inspectors were able to identify more than 100 pieces of equipment that had not been destroyed during the Gulf War as claimed by Iraq and were shown to have been procured for and used in Project 1728.
Благодаря активным усилиям на протяжении длительного периода времени инспекторам Организации Объединенных Наций удалось обнаружить более 100 единиц оборудования, которое не было уничтожено в ходе войны в Заливе, как об этом заявлял Ирак, и которое, как было доказано, было закуплено и использовалось для проекта 1728.

The results are the same for the persons exposed to poverty: the share of those persons who were exposed to poverty over a long period of time is slightly higher.
Те же самые результаты были получены в отношении лиц, подверженных риску бедности: доля лиц, подвергавшихся риску бедности в течение длительного периода времени, немного выше.

Thus, it can safely be said that the magnitude and scale of some crimes against humanity (indiscriminate attacks on civilians and the forced transfer of civilians), as well as their consistency over a long period of time (February 2003 to the present), necessarily imply that those crimes have resulted from a central planning operation.
Таким образом, можно с уверенностью сказать, что масштабность и массовость некоторых преступлений против человечности (неизбирательные нападения на гражданских лиц и их насильственное перемещение), а также их протяженность по времени (с февраля 2003 года по настоящее время) неизбежно подводят к выводу о том, что эти преступления являются результатом спланированной из центра операции.

If Russia has aggressive intentions, as the representative of Georgia alleged today, then why has the Georgian side, over a long period of time, refused to reach an agreement on the non-use of force in the Georgian-South Ossetian and Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, which would protect Georgia against any attempt to use force by anyone at all.
Если России приписываются агрессивные намерения, как об этом сегодня говорил представитель Грузии, то почему именно грузинская сторона вот уже длительное время отказывается от заключения соглашения о неприменении силы в грузино-югоосетинском и грузино-абхазском конфликтах, которое обеспечило бы гарантию Грузии от любых попыток использования силы со стороны кого бы то ни было.

In the case of Brian Michael John Young, Chief Justice Charles Blackie said he was extending the sentence to the longest prison sentence yet because of his abhorrent attacks on girls aged from 7 to 15 over a long period of time in the 1970s.
В связи с делом Брайана Майкла Джона Янга главный судья Чарльз Блэки заявил, что он увеличил приговор до максимального на данный момент срока с учетом тех чудовищных нападений на девочек в возрасте от 7 до 15 лет, которые совершались преступником в течение длительного времени в 70-х годах.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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