Word meaning out of the blue

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Out of the blue is an English idiom meaning “suddenly and unexpectedly”. You can use it when you are surprised by something that was not expected to happen. For example,

I haven’t seen her since childhood. Then, completely out of the blue, I received a letter from her.

How did people come up with such a strange idiom? The meaning of the word “blue” is revealed by a longer (but much less common) version of the idiom: out of a clear blue sky. “The blue” refers to the blueness of the sky.

Yet another version of the idiom reveals what comes out of a clear blue sky. It is possible to say that something unexpected is a bolt from the blue. While it would make sense that this “bolt” is a projectile fired from a crossbow (these are called “bolts”, not arrows), it is much more likely that it simply refers to a thunderbolt, i.e. lightning accompanied by thunderwho would expect a thunderbolt from a clear blue sky?

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The phrase out of the blue means without warning, completely unexpectedly.

It is from a bolt out of, also from, the blue, denoting a sudden and unexpected event, a complete surprise, with reference to the unlikelihood of a thunderbolt coming from a clear blue sky. For example, The Standard (London) of 26th August 1863 had:

Murder now rises up before us, gaunt and unmitigated, in a circle where all seemed lovely, virtuous, and peaceful. This is verily “a bolt out of the blue”—the lightning flash in a sunny sky.

The Dundee Courier & Argus (Dundee, Scotland) of 28th April 1875 thus began its account of an incident at the House of Commons:

London, Tuesday Evening.
A bolt out of the blue struck this afternoon. Nothing calmer than the Parliamentary sky could be imagined. The House of Commons was scantily filled. Questions had been as dull and heavy as a West Indian summer day. In the lobbies members were complaining that nothing was moving.

The earliest known use of out of the blue is from The Spectator (London) of 22nd February 1879, at the beginning of an article titled The “Times” on the standing Army of India:

What is the Times at? Twice this week, the organ of her Majesty’s Government has fired off articles so completely “out of the blue” that it is difficult to believe they are uninspired, which point [sic] to some impending coup d’état or coup de théâtre to be immediately struck in India.

The phrase out of the blue has the same meaning as out of a clear (blue) sky and variants. The earliest instance that I have found is from The Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania) of 28th June 1836:

The late veto of President Jackson on the bill to fix a day for the yearly adjournment of Congress, was like a clap of thunder out of a clear sky. It took both the friends and enemies of the administration by surprise.

The Gloucester Journal (Gloucester, Gloucestershire) of 22nd June 1878 had:

The Conservative party is famous for its stolid cohesion; but although reunion will presently be accomplished, the usually compact column has been riven this week as though by a thunderbolt shot suddenly out of a blue sky.

On 29th June 1894, The Brown County World (Hiawatha, Kansas) published an article which thus begins:

Like a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder, out of a clear, blue sky, so came the report throughout Walnut township Wednesday morning, June 13, that Mr. Andrew Carothers is no more among the living on earth.

An early use of out of a blue sky without explicit reference to thunder is from the Bedfordshire Advertiser and Luton Times (Luton, Bedfordshire) on 23rd April 1909, which criticised the “diatribe” that Winston Churchill “directed against his colleagues in the Cabinet” about the Navy (at that time, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was President of the Board of Trade and MP for the constituency of Dundee):

He [= Churchill] has apparently forgotten his utterances at Dundee in October last, when he spoke of the way in which crises and difficult situations can suddenly arise; how they come out of a blue sky with scarcely any warning or premonitory sign, and how very vain it would be for a nation like ourselves to trust merely to the stipulations of international agreements, or to the smooth phrases of ceremonious diplomacy.

out of the blue

Completely unexpectedly. She seemed so surprised by the news that it must have come out of the blue.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

out of the blue

COMMON If something happens out of the blue, it happens unexpectedly. Then, out of the blue, a solicitor’s letter arrived. Turner’s resignation came out of the blue after his team’s shock 5-0 defeat at Portsmouth. Can the disease really strike out of the blue? Note: This expression compares an unexpected event to a bolt of lightning from a blue sky. The expressions `out of a clear blue sky’ and `a bolt from the blue’ are based on a similar idea.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

out of the blue

without warning; very unexpectedly. informal

This phrase refers to a blue (i.e. clear) sky, from which nothing unusual is expected.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

out of the ˈblue

suddenly and unexpectedly: She had no idea that anything was wrong until he announced out of the blue that he wanted a divorce.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

out of the blue

1. From an unexpected or unforeseen source: criticism that came out of the blue.

2. At a completely unexpected time: a long-unseen friend who appeared out of the blue.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

out of a clear (blue) sky

Unexpectedly, suddenly. The image of something dropping from the sky was transferred to sudden or surprising events in the late nineteenth century. “He dropped upon me suddenly out of a clear sky,” wrote W. E. Norris (Marietta’s Marriage, 1897). It also was put simply as out of the blue, “the blue” having signified the sky (or the sea) since the seventeenth century. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote in a letter in 1910, “I got an encouragement out of the blue . . . in the form of an honorary degree.”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • out of a blue sky
  • come out of a blue sky
  • blue boys
  • blue suit
  • blue suits
  • blue coats
  • true blue
  • blue screen of death
  • BSOD
  • have a blue fit

Перевод идиомы

​Out of the blue
Out of a clear (blue) sky 

Как гром среди ясного неба, вдруг, совершенно неожиданно, словно снег на голову.

Пример употребления

I haven’t seen Mary for ages, but yesterday, out of the blue sky, she called me.
Я не видел Мэри целую вечность, но вчера она совершенно неожиданно мне позвонила.

Происхождение идиомы

Происхождение английской идиомы «out of the blue» довольно логично и вполне очевидно. Когда мы смотрим на голубое, безоблачное небо, то ожидаем, что весь день будет таким же ясным. 

Однако, иногда погода может быть совершенно непредсказуемой и поменяться буквально в считанные минуты. Таким образом, английская идиома «out of the blue» появилась благодаря тому, что мы называем «гром среди ясного неба» — вероятности резкой смены погоды.

Out of the blue is an idiom that has been in use for over one hundred years. We will examine the meaning of the idiomatic phrase out of the blue, where it came from, and some examples of its use in sentences.

Out of the blue means suddenly, without warning. Something that is out of the blue comes as a complete surprise. The idiom out of the blue is actually the abbreviated form of the idiom a bolt out of the blue. Another version of the idiom is a bolt out of the clear, blue sky. The earliest known use of the expression out of the blue was in The French Revolution, written by Thomas Carlyle in 1837: “Arrestment, sudden really as a bolt out of the Blue, has hit strange victims.”


CNN reported on Wednesday that emails from Pentagon officials showed they were trying rush Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine last July and were completely stunned when they were blocked out of the blue by Trump. (The Guardian)

“The character references speak of how Mr. Cleary was a quiet, reserved child and how the offences came out of the blue and are not in his character,” Bodurtha said in his decision, delivered orally Jan. 28. (The Chronicle Herald)

“Clear-air turbulence,” which evidently jolted an Air Canada flight Thursday over the Pacific Ocean, strikes almost literally out of the blue, with no visible warning in the sky ahead. (Associated Press)

  • 1
    out of the blue

    совершенно неожиданно, вдруг; нежданно-негаданно; ≈ как гром среди ясного неба, как снег на голову

    For months I had sought in vain until suddenly, out of the blue, an opportunity presented itself. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Shannon’s Way’, book I, ch. 3) — Много месяцев я старательно искал, за что бы взяться, как вдруг на меня просто с неба свалилась интереснейшая тема.

    ‘Where did he come from?’ ‘Out of the blue.’ (I. Murdoch, ‘The Italian Girl’, ch. III) — — Откуда он взялся? — Одному богу известно.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > out of the blue

  • 2
    out of the blue

       coвepшeннo нeoжидaннo, вдpуг; нeждaннo-нeгaдaннo; кaк гpoм cpeди яcнoгo нeбa; кaк cнeг нa гoлoву

    For months I had sought in vain until suddenly, out of the blue, an opportunity presented itself (A. J. Cronin). ‘Where did he come from?’ ‘Out of the blue’ (I. Murdoch)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > out of the blue

  • 3
    out of the blue

    идиом. нареч.

    как гром среди ясного неба

    ни с того ни с сего


    без всякого повода

    без всякой причины

    совершенно неожиданно

    как снег на голову


    she phoned me out of the blue.

    I feel really tired all of a sudden.
    All of a sudden I felt something hard hit me in the back.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > out of the blue

  • 4
    out of the blue

    словно снег на голову, гром среди ясного неба, нежданно-негаданно: Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown! —Джонни, выскочив словно из-под земли, принимает пас и открывает счет!

    English-Russian slang from the book M. Goldenkova «Caution, hot dog» > out of the blue

  • 5
    out of the blue

    как снег на голову

    Rosalind’s ex-husband has turned up again out of the blue, saying he wants her to give him a second chance.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > out of the blue

  • 6
    out of the blue

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > out of the blue

  • 7
    out of the blue

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > out of the blue

  • 8
    out of the blue

    совершенно неожиданно, как гром среди ясного неба

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > out of the blue

  • 9
    out of the blue

    как гром среди ясного неба, вдруг, совершенно неожиданно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > out of the blue

  • 10
    Out of the blue

    Гром среди ясного неба. Снег на голову. С неба свалиться

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Out of the blue

  • 11
    out of the blue

    совершенно неожиданно, как гром среди ясного неба

    Англо-русский современный словарь > out of the blue

  • 12
    out of the blue

    внеза́пно, как гром среди́ я́сного не́ба

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > out of the blue

  • 13
    come out of the blue

     внезапно возникнуть, упасть с неба

    This idea came out of the blue, and I think it is a good one.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > come out of the blue

  • 14
    appear out of the blue

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > appear out of the blue

  • 15
    right out of the blue

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > right out of the blue

  • 16
    right out of the blue


    совершенно неожиданно; как гром среди ясного неба

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > right out of the blue

  • 17
    right out of the blue

    идиом. фраз.

    совершенно неожиданно

    как гром среди ясного неба

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > right out of the blue

  • 18
    came out of the blue

    Новый англо-русский словарь > came out of the blue

  • 19
    turn up out of the blue

    Новый англо-русский словарь > turn up out of the blue

  • 20
    Appear out of the blue

    С неба свалиться

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > Appear out of the blue


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Out of the Blue — may refer to: Out of the blue (idiom), a phrase describing an unexpected event Contents 1 Film 2 Music 2.1 Albums …   Wikipedia

  • Out of the Blue — Álbum de estudio de Electric Light Orchestra Publicación Noviembre de 1977 20 de febrero de 2007(reedición) Grabación Musicland Studios, Múnich, Alemania …   Wikipedia Español

  • Out in the Blue — Studio album by Jimmy Barnes Released 2007 Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Out Of The Blue — Album par Electric Light Orchestra Sortie novembre 1977 20 février 2007 US 26 février 2007 UK Enregistrement Studios Musicland, Munich Durée 70:12 Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out Of the Blue — Album par Electric Light Orchestra Sortie novembre 1977 20 février 2007 US 26 février 2007 UK Enregistrement Studios Musicland, Munich Durée 70:12 Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out of The Blue — Album par Electric Light Orchestra Sortie novembre 1977 20 février 2007 US 26 février 2007 UK Enregistrement Studios Musicland, Munich Durée 70:12 Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out of the blue — Album par Electric Light Orchestra Sortie novembre 1977 20 février 2007 US 26 février 2007 UK Enregistrement Studios Musicland, Munich Durée 70:12 Genre(s) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out of the Blue — Студийный альбом Дебби Гибсон Дата выпуска 18 августа 1987 …   Википедия

  • Out of the Blue — (engl. für aus heiterem Himmel) steht für: ein Album von The Electric Light Orchestra, siehe Out of the Blue (Album) ein neuseeländischer Spielfilm, siehe Out of the Blue – 22 Stunden Angst eine Jazzband, siehe Out of the Blue (Band) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Out of the Blue — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Out of the blue est une locution adverbiale idiomatique anglaise désignant un évènement soudain et inattendu, à la manière d une tempête apparaîssant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • out of the blue — or[out of a clear sky] or[out of a clear blue sky] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Without any warning; by surprise; unexpectedly. * /At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass and score a touchdown./ * /The cowboy thought he was… …   Dictionary of American idioms


out of the blue
also, a bolt out of the blue


  • out of nowhere or unexpectedly
  • something that happens without anyone having prior knowledge of it
  • genuine surprise or shock
  • happens suddenly and one is not expecting it

Example Sentences

  1. Out of the blue, a deer came in front of my car.
  2. Then, out of the blue Maggie arrived.
  3. He did not expect his book to do so well, the award nomination came out of the blue for him.
  4. Junior running away from home was out of the blue.
  5. The divorce news came out of the blue.
  6. For months, she kept saying that she wants to marry Robert, and then one day, out of the blue, she announced that she is moving to Spain alone.
  7. Then one day, completely out of the blue, the Maoists attacked the police post and caught everyone off guard.


“Out of the blue” is evolved form of an old idiom “a bolt out of the blue” or “a bolt from the blue“. A bolt out of the blue also means something unexpected, like the occurrence of a bolt of lightning on a clear blue sunny sky. Whenever a situation arrives suddenly, we call it as “out of the blue” just as a lightening struck a clear sky and disappears quickly. Hence, we use this phrase to describe a “sudden situation.” However, with the passage of time “a bolt out of the blue” changed to a shorter form as “out of the blue.”

See also: a bolt from the blue

Colour, Surprise

out of the blue — перевод на русский

/aʊt ɒv ðiː bluː/

It was totally out of the blue.

Это было совершенно неожиданно.

Until a couple of weeks ago, quite out of the blue… this letter arrived.

Пока пару недель назад, совершенно неожиданно… не пришло это письмо.

Uh, Lorna, listen, I-I realize that, uh, this is out of the blue and that you’re very busy, but I was wondering if you might like to, uh…

Послушай, Лорна, понимаю, это прозвучит неожиданно и ты очень занятой человек, но может как-нибудь захочешь…


Я знаю, это немного неожиданно,

What’s out of the blue?

Что она сделала? Что «неожиданно»?

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In fact, he did the sweetest thing for me last week, totally out of the blue.

На прошлой неделе он устроил мне невероятно милый сюрприз просто как гром среди ясного неба.

I know this is coming right out of the blue.

Я понимаю, для тебя это как гром среди ясного неба,

It was out of the blue.

Да, как гром среди ясного неба.

Out of the blue?

Как гром среди ясного неба?

Then, wham! Out of the blue, I’m crying by a tree stump.

А потом хрясь, как гром среди ясного неба, я плачу из-за какого-то пня.

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Asthma’s a condition that can lie low for years, then out of the blue, something triggers an attack and then suddenly you’re in trouble.

Астма может не проявляться годами, а потом внезапно что-то провоцирует приступ и вот тогда — беда.

I gotta tell you, that’s kind of out of the blue.

Как-то внезапно это, тебе не кажется?

This is not out of the blue.

Ни фига не внезапно!

A direct route to Earth’s doorstep out of the blue.

Прямая дорога к земному порогу совершенно внезапно.

Forgive me for writing out of the blue.

Прости, что пишу так внезапно.

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It’s like he just appeared out of the blue.

Как будто он возник из ниоткуда.

— Oh, no, no, no. You show up out of the blue.

Не уверен, ты появляешься из ниоткуда, знаешь все обо мне и моем бизнесе.

He just showed up out of the blue!

Он только что появился из ниоткуда!

No, Jeremy. Gail walked in out of the blue again.

Гейл опять появилась как из ниоткуда.

Then, out of the blue, no warning.

А потом из ниоткуда, внезапно.

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It has been nice, and now, out of the blue, they made this stupid decision, whoever that was, to shut down Ciuksza.

Это было прекрасно, и теперь совершенно неожиданно они принимают такое глупое решение — разогнать Оркестр Цукши.

And one day… it was a very particular day… like out of the blue, my boyfriend left me.

И однажды… Это был особенный день… совершенно неожиданно мой парень бросил меня…

So this Anna called me from out of the blue.

И вдруг, совершенно неожиданно, мне звонит эта Анна.

I know this is out of the blue, but I’m getting married tomorrow.

Знаю, что это совершенно неожиданно, но завтра я выхожу замуж.

It was just so terrible, out of the blue.

Это так ужасно, совершенно неожиданно.

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You turn up out of the blue with some cock and bull story.

Вы вдруг явились с каким-то диким рассказом.

When they called up out of the blue like that, I knew.

Я знал. Когда они так вдруг позвонили, я знал.

Yeah, and he called me up out of the blue for Christmas lunch. So, here I am. Really?

ну да, а нынче он вдруг позвонил и позвал меня на Рождество вот я и пришел правда?

What business does an officer have here, out of the blue?

Что здесь вдруг понадобилось армейскому офицеру?

Then, out of the blue, they need him.

А потом вдруг он им понадобился.

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Yes, and then she just turns up here out of the blue that girlfriend of yours and the little madam pours out a stream of abuse at me.

Да, и потом она появляется тут, как снег на голову, эта твоя девушка, и эта маленькая мадам выливает целый поток брани на меня

We’ll attack them out of the blue.

Мы ему как снег на голову.

-— Out of the blue.

как снег на голову.

Well, I’m sorry, but it was just so out of the blue.

Извини, но твои слова как снег на голову.

Out of the blue.

Как снег на голову.

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Suddenly. Out of the blue.

Как гром среди ясного неба.

As in ‘out of the blue’?

Как «гром среди ясного неба»?

This is… out of the blue.

Это… как гром среди ясного неба. — Так и должно быть. Когда мы находим кого-нибудь, мы действует очень быстро.

It’s not out of the blue.

Не как гром среди ясного неба.

A trip to America out of the blue.

Поездка в Америку как гром среди ясного неба.

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It didn’t stop you turning up out of the blue and making me sleep on the floor.

Это не остановило тебя, когда ты появилась нежданно-негаданно, и мне пришлось спать на полу.

And for some reason, just out of the blue, I had this image of you.

И вдруг, по какой-то причине, нежданно-негаданно, передо мной возник твой образ.

And then, out of the blue, there you were.

И потом, нежданно-негаданно, появились Вы.

♪ I’m coming up now, coming up now ♪ ♪ Out of the blue ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ These zombies in the park ♪

*Теперь я появляюсь, теперь я появляюсь* *нежданно-негаданно* *Эти зомби в парке* *ищут мое сердце*

Well, she showed up at my place last night out of the blue, asking questions.

Она явилась прошлой ночью, нежданно-негаданно, начала распрашивать.

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We see that taxation is going up all the time with a… with a supposed crash of the banks that was not happening out of the blue.

Мы видим, что налогообложение все время растёт… одновременно с предполагаемым банкротством банков, и это происходит не без причины.

Just don’t tell me it came from out of the blue.

Просто не говорите мне, что это случилось без причины.

Right out of the blue!

Безо всяких причин!

A visit out of the blue, anything important?

По какой причине вы прибыли, даже не предупредив?

I mean, how can you assume that just, out of the blue, she acted with malicious intent?

Вы же не можете предполагать, что, без всякой причины, она стала вести себя злонамеренно?

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  • неожиданно
  • гром среди ясного неба
  • внезапно
  • из ниоткуда
  • совершенно неожиданно
  • вдруг
  • снег на голову
  • среди ясного неба
  • нежданно-негаданно
  • без причины



Short for out of the clear blue sky, likening a sudden and unexpected event to something unexpectedly falling out of the sky.


  • IPA(key): /aʊt ɒv ðə bluː/

Prepositional phrase[edit]

out of the blue

  1. (idiomatic) unexpectedly; without warning or preparation.
    After I hadn’t heard from her in six months, she called me out of the blue to meet for lunch.
    I really can’t understand how something like this could simply pop up out of the blue.



  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 出其不意 (zh) (chūqíbùyì), 出乎意料 (zh) (chūhūyìliào)
  • Czech: zčistajasna
  • Danish: ud af det blå
  • Dutch: uit het niets, zomaar (nl)
  • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: yllättäen (fi), kuin salama kirkkaalta taivaalta
  • French: comme un cheveu sur la soupe (fr) (like a hair in the soup), comme un chien dans un jeu de quilles (fr) (like a dog in a bowling game)
  • German: aus heiterem Himmel (from clear sky)
  • Hindi: please add this translation if you can
  • Hungarian: a semmiből, hirtelen (hu), váratlanul (hu), meglepetésszerűen (hu)
  • Icelandic: (like thunder from a clear sky) eins og þruma úr heiðskíru lofti, (like the devil from the sheep’s leg) eins og skrattinn úr sauðaleggnum, (as a hard blow) sem reiðarslag, (like thunder from a blue sky) eins og þruma úr heiðríkju, öllum að óvörum
  • Italian: inaspettatamente (it), di punto in bianco (it) (all of a sudden), come un fulmine a ciel sereno (like a thunder in a clear sky), dal nulla
  • Japanese: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: 갑자기 (ko) (gapjagi)
  • Latin: inexspectate
  • Lithuanian: lyg perkūnas iš giedro dangaus (like a thunder in the clear sky)
  • Maori: matawhawhati, whāia (nei) ka/kua
  • Norwegian: ut av det blå, som lyn fra klar himmel
  • Polish: jak grom z jasnego nieba (pl)
  • Portuguese: do nada (pt) (out of nowhere), da cartola (out of the top hat), à toa (pt)
  • Romanian: din senin
  • Russian: как гром среди ясного неба (like a thunder in the clear sky), как снег на голову (like snow onto the head)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: ка̏о гро̑м из ве̏дра не̏ба (like a thunder from clear skies)
    Roman: kȁo grȏm iz vȅdra nȅba
  • Spanish: de la nada, de repente (es), de sopetón (es)
  • Swedish: som en blixt från klar himmel (sv) (like a lightning bolt out of a clear sky)
  • Tamil: please add this translation if you can
  • Telugu: please add this translation if you can
  • Ukrainian: як сніг на голову (uk) (jak snih na holovu), як грім з ясного неба (jak hrim z jasnoho neba)
  • Vietnamese: đang không

See also[edit]

  • next thing one knows
  • out of nowhere
  • thin air
  • bolt from the blue

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