Word meaning out in the open

to be out in the open

Общая лексика: быть доступным (об информации), стать известным (какие-л. факты) , получить широкую огласку, стать известным всем (о сплетне, новости и т.д.), перестать быть секретом, (быть) под открытым небом, быть разглашённым, стать достоянием общественности

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «to be out in the open» в других словарях:

  • out in the open — See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out in the open — See: COME OUT IN THE OPEN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come out in the open — {v. phr.} 1. To reveal one s true identity or intentions. * /Fred finally came out in the open and admitted that he was gay./ 2. To declare one s position openly. * /The conservative Democratic candidate came out in the open and declared that he… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come out in the open — {v. phr.} 1. To reveal one s true identity or intentions. * /Fred finally came out in the open and admitted that he was gay./ 2. To declare one s position openly. * /The conservative Democratic candidate came out in the open and declared that he… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get out in the open — See: OUT IN THE OPEN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get out in the open — See: OUT IN THE OPEN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Open Road for Boys — The Open Road for Boys, a boys magazine encouraging the outdoor life, was published from November 1919 to the 1950s. Clayton Holt Ernst was the president and editor in chief of the Open Road Publishing Company, located in Boston, Massachusetts.… …   Wikipedia

  • The open air — Open O pen, a. [AS. open; akin to D. open, OS. opan, G. offan, Icel. opinn, Sw. [ o]ppen, Dan. aaben, and perh. to E. up. Cf. {Up}, and {Ope}.] 1. Free of access; not shut up; not closed; affording unobstructed ingress or egress; not impeding or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Open Conspiracy — is a book published in 1928 by H. G. Wells. In 1930 a revised and expanded version was published, and a further revised edition appeared in 1931 titled What are we to do with our Lives? . A final version appeared in 1933 under its original… …   Wikipedia

  • Out of the question — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of the way — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

(out) in the open

1. Exposed and visible to others in an unenclosed or outdoor space. We can’t stop the convoy here—we’re right out in the open. We could be attacked at any minute! Back in my hometown, you could leave your car unlocked and in the open all night long. In the big city, it would be robbed within an hour. It’s too hot to have our picnic just out in the open like this—we need some shade!

2. By extension, revealed or uncovered for others to know, see, experience, etc. We all knew their marriage was failing, but it wasn’t until their kids left for college that they brought that fact out in the open. Our agency will not rest until the truth is in the open! A: «Now that everything is out in the open, do you think Jenny will be able to forgive me?» B: «Unfortunately, only time will tell.»

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

*out in the open


1. Lit. visible in an open space; exposed in an open area. (*Typically: be ~; bring something ~; come ~; get ~; get something ~.) The trucks are out in the open where we can see them. They came out in the open.

2. Fig. [for something] to be public knowledge. (*Typically: be ~; bring something ~; get ~; get something ~.) Is this matter out in the open, or is it still secret? Let’s get this out in the open and discuss it.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

out in the open

Also, out into the open. In or into public view or knowledge, as in I wish he wouldn’t talk behind our backs but bring his complaints out in the open, or It’s important to bring the merger plans out into the open. This term uses open to mean «an unconcealed state.» [c. 1940]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (out) in the open
  • in the open
  • (out) into the open
  • come (out) into the open
  • be (out) in the open
  • bring (someone or something) (out) into the open
  • bring (someone or something) out in the open
  • come out in force
  • go out in force
  • charge in

out in the open — перевод на русский

Never out in the open before.

В открытую — никогда.

That’s why we can’t take the risk in doing it out in the open… or even in the dining area.

Вот почему мы не можем взять на себя риск, если делать это в открытую .. или даже в столовой.

A demon just attacked me, right out in the open on Figueroa.

На меня только что напал демон, в открытую, недалеко от Фигероа.

Unlike you, i do everything out in the open.

В отличие от тебя, я делаю все в открытую.

I thought we could just kind of…wshhhh, just get everything out in the open.

просто вести себя в открытую.

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Well, at least it gets you out in the open air.

По крайней мере, у всех на виду.

There’s no blood on the deck, meaning he was killed somewhere else left out in the open probably as a warning.

На палубе крови нет, это значит, что его убили где-то в другом месте и оставили на виду возможно, в качестве предупреждения.

It’s all out in the open now, the whole thing.

Теперь всё на виду, вообще всё.

I don’t like it sitting out in the open that long.

Мне это не нравится, он слишком долго стоит на виду.

We’re right out in the open.

Мы на виду.

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Now that everything’s out in the open, maybe you really can start fresh.

Теперь, когда всё открылось, возможно, ты могла бы начать всё с чистого листа.

I’m just glad everything’s out in the open and you had the money to save the gallery in time for tonight’s opening.

Я действительно рада, что всё, наконец, открылось и у тебя есть деньги на сохранение галереи. как раз к открытию сегодня вечером.

I gotta say, Joyce, I’m glad this is out in the open.

Должен сказать, Джойс, я рад, что это открылось.

As long as everything’s out in the open, do you want to tell me about Chicago?

Раз уж всё открылось, расскажи мне про Чикаго.

It’s all out in the open now.

теперь все открылось.

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It’s much easier to defend this place than to chance going out in the open.

Легче защищать это место, чем рисковать на открытой местности.

Shocking though, right, something like that could happen out in the open and nobody saw anything?

Хотя, шокирующе, правда, что что-то вроде этого могло случиться на открытой местности и никто не видел?

Murder happened out in the open.

Убийство на открытой местности.

Meanwhile, we’re out in the open waiting to get caught up in an Ultra sweep.

А тем временем мы на открытой местности, ждем пока отряд Ультры нас поймает.

We can’t be out in the open like this.

Нельзя находиться на открытой местности.

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Out in the open.

На улице…

We’re out in the open.

Мы ведь на улице.

I could never fight him off in a small space but out in the open I was strong enough to deal with an old drunk.

Я не могла одолеть его в замкнутом пространстве, но на улице я почувствовала, что могу справиться с этим пьяницей.

You can just leave his body out in the open.

Ты можещь просто оставить тело на улице.

The problem is, as far as we know, the unsub strikes from inside the house, not out in the open.

Но насколько мы знаем, Субъект нападает в доме, а не на улице.

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The sooner Phoebe breaks him, the sooner it’s over and out in the open.

Джоуи! Чем быстрей Фиби его расколет, тем быстрей всё кончится и раскроется.

Soon, everything will be out in the open.

А скоро всё остальное тоже раскроется.

But now that that’s out in the open, th-that’s wonderful.

Но раз сейчас все раскрылось, то все прекрасно.

But now that it’s out in the open, I may as well tell you.

Но раз уж это все раскрылось, я могу сказать вам.

I mean, it’s all out in the open now.

Я хочу сказать, сейчас все раскрылось.

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We’re out in the open.

Мы под открытым небом.

I have never had sex out in the open.

У меня никогда не было секса под открытым небом.

Out in the open, the killer could pick you off like that.

Под открытым небом убийца разделается с вами на раз-два.

The package is out in the open.

Пакет под открытым небом.

And I didn’t realise it had been in his orchard for 15 years and was full of birds’ nests, had been out in the open.

Я не осознавал, что машина простояла под открытым небом 15 лет и забита птичьими гнездами.

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You know what will happen if our secrets get out in the open.

Ты знаешь что случится если наши секреты выйдут наружу.

See, he wants to draw Cass out in the open.

Он хочет вытащить Каса наружу.

Something you need to get out in the open?

Что-то, что нужно выплеснуть наружу?

If it were me running the Votanis Collective, I’d lure the purple out in the open, blow him away, and take his ship.

Если бы я командовал Коллегией вотанов, я бы выманил лилового наружу, замочил его и забрал его корабль.

Ms. Michaels, in 5 seconds, it’s your husband’s brains that will be out in the open.

Мисс Маклз, через 5 секунд, мозги вашего мужа выйдут наружу.

Any kangaroo out in the open is in serious danger of overheating.

Любой кенгуру на открытом воздухе подвергается серьезной опасности перегрева.

Out in the open?

На открытом воздухе?

Somebody went to all this trouble to make this gesture, but then they pose her naked, spread out in the open.

Убийца идёт на большой риск ради красивого жеста, но потом оставляет ее обнаженной, на открытом воздухе.

Though, I do get a little more if it’s the countryside or out in the open.

За съёмки в провинции или на открытом воздухе платят больше.

There’s a major difference between barbecues, which are out in the open, and boats — enclosed airtight spaces… in which leaking gas collects like water in a pond.

Очень большая разница между приготовлением барбекю, которое обычно на открытом воздухе, и закрытым пространством с ограниченным доступом воздуха на лодках, в которых выходящий газ будет накапливаться, как вода в пруду.

Look, the important thing is that it is now out in the open.

Смотрите, главное то, что это вышло наружу сейчас.

At least it’s out in the open.

— По крайней мере, теперь всё вышло наружу.

No, no, no, no, I think that it’s great that everything’s just out there, right out in the open.

Нет, нет, нет, я думаю, это здорово, что всё теперь вышло наружу.

We didn’t feel guilty. We just wanted to be out in the open.

Мы не чувствовали себя виноватыми, просто хотелось поскорее выйти наружу.

You want everything out in the open.

Все должно выйти наружу.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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на открытом воздухе


открываться наружу

в открытую


в открытом доступе

на открытой местности


в открытой


At Innovation Day, we were able to use the device out in the open.

They often stored their materials out in the open next to dumpsters.

Они часто хранили свои материалы на открытом воздухе рядом с мусорными контейнерами.

It will ban the consumption of alcohol in public places and cooking food out in the open.

Запрет распространяется на употребление алкоголя в общественных местах и приготовление пищи на открытом воздухе.

We were out in the open space for very long.

Right out in the open in full view of all my neighbours.

Please bring him out in the open.

With a postcard, your message is out in the open.

По умолчанию ваше сообщение является открытым.

Ethics should be out in the open.

B. I attempt to get all concerns and issues immediately out in the open.

А. Я пытаюсь сразу же, открыто, обсудить все интересы и спорные вопросы.

If its left out in the open air, it dries up.

Jarrett is an 18-year-old boy who loves an adventure out in the open.

Дейл — 18-летний парень, который просто обожает приключения.

But when I was a teenager these conversations were had out in the open.

Get them out in the open where you can work through them as a couple.

Получите их в открытую, где вы можете работать через них, как пара.

It’s worth the effort to ensure that everyone’s expectations and wishes are out in the open.

Это стоит усилий, чтобы гарантировать, что ожидания и желания каждого находятся в открытом доступе.

So much is out in the open now, it’s just a matter of pointing people in the right direction.

Так много отсутствует открытого теперь, это — просто вопрос людей, указывающих правильное направление.

It is impossible to look good without sleeping, not being out in the open air and preferring sitting at the computer for physical activity.

Невозможно хорошо выглядеть, не высыпаясь, не бывая на свежем воздухе и предпочитая сидение за компьютером физической активности.

American woman with 11 children turned out in the open.

Yet, these differences are not out in the open as the two countries are trying to achieve common and short-term goals for now.

Однако, эти противоречия пока не обнажаются, поскольку две страны пытаются достичь общей краткосрочной цели.

Today, people are selling other human beings out in the open.

Сегодня люди продают других людей в открытую.

Obviously you will get destroyed if you face him out in the open.

Скорее всего, они останутся незамеченным, если вы столкнетесь с ним на улице.

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out in the open: translation

*out in the open



visible in an open space; exposed in an open area. (*Typically: be out in the open; bring something out in the open; come out in the open; get out in the open; get something out in the open.) •

The trucks are out in the open where we can see them.

They came out in the open.



[for something] to be public knowledge. (*Typically: be out in the open; bring something out in the open; get out in the open; getsomething out in the open.) •

Is this matter out in the open, or is it still secret?

Let’s get this out in the open and discuss it.

* * *



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Meaning of OUT IN THE OPEN in English


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Also, out into the open. In or into public view or knowledge, as in I wish he wouldn’t talk behind our backs but bring his complaints out in the open, or It’s important to bring the merger plans out into the open. This term uses open to mean “an unconcealed state.” [c. 1940]



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Words nearby out in the open

outie, outing, outing flannel, out in left field, out in the cold, out in the open, outjockey, outlaid, outland, outlander, outlandish

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Words related to out in the open

clear, conspicuous, discernible, evident, glaring, noticeable, overt, palpable, understandable, unmistakable, visible, detectable, distinguishable, obvious, striking, barefaced, big as life, clear cut, crystal clear, distinct

    • See Also:
      • ours
      • ourself
      • ourselves
      • Ouse
      • ousel
      • Ouspensky
      • oust
      • ouster
      • out
      • out and away
      • out of bounds
      • out of date
      • out of pocket
      • out there
      • out-
      • out-a-sight
      • out-and-out
      • out-and-outer
      • out-basket
      • out-box
      • out-country
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

o•pen /ˈoʊpən/USA pronunciation  adj.

  1. not closed or barred at the time mentioned:She left the windows open at night.
  2. (of a door, window sash, etc.) set so as to permit passage through the opening that it can be used to close;
    not locked:The door is open; come in.
  3. arranged so that the inside is easy to reach:The dresser drawer was open.
  4. mostly free of things that block or that prevent movement through:an open floor plan.
  5. built or designed so as not to be fully enclosed:[before a noun]an open staircase.
  6. having mostly large or numerous empty spaces, gaps, or intervals:[before a noun]open ranks of soldiers.
  7. not covered or closed:His eyes were open.
  8. without a covering, esp. a covering that protects:an open wound.
  9. extended, unfolded, or arranged:an open newspaper; The book was open on the desk.
  10. without restrictions or limits as to who may participate:open enrollment.
  11. available:Which job is open?
  12. available or possible for one to do:[be + + to]What course of action is open to us now?
  13. ready for or carrying on normal trade or business:The new store is now open.
  14. not reserved, engaged, or committed:open time on the calendar.
  15. so clear that all can see or know:[before a noun]open disregard of the rules.
  16. truthful;
    candid:always open and fair in his dealings with others.
  17. generous:to give with an open hand.
  18. likely to receive:[be + ~ + to + object]He left himself open to criticism.
  19. willing to receive or accept:[be + ~ + to]open to suggestions.
  20. undecided;
    unsettled:several open questions.
  21. (in sports) unguarded by an opponent:An open receiver caught the pass.


  1. to (cause to) be moved from a shut or closed position, such as a door, window, etc.: [+ object]He opened the door.[no object]The door slowly opened.
  2. to remove a blockage or barrier from:[+ object]to open the road after a snowstorm.
  3. (of a road, pass, etc.) to have a blockage or barrier removed:[no object]The road finally opened when the blizzard stopped.
  4. to (cause to) be not covered or closed;
    (cause to) have certain parts apart: [+ object]He opened his mouth to speak.[no object]His eyes opened suddenly.
  5. to arrange so that the inside of (a box, drawer, etc.) is easily reached:[+ object]Open the toolbox.
  6. to make available:[+ object]to open a port for trade.
  7. to (cause to) be made ready for customers or normal work activity: [+ object]They open the store at nine o’clock.[no object]They open at nine o’clock.
  8. to (cause to) be established or set up for business purposes or for public use: [+ object]The company will open an office in Singapore.[no object]A new store opened on Main Street last week.
  9. to (cause to) be set in action, begun, or started: [+ object]opened the meeting with a short speech.[no object]The meeting opened with a short speech.
  10. [+ object]
    • to expose to view:The surgeon opened the chest cavity.
    • to disclose;
      show:He opened his heart to her (= He let her see his true feelings). 

  11. to (cause to) be expanded, unfolded, spread out;
    (cause to) be turned or arranged to be read: [+ object]to open a map.[no object]The map opened easily.
  12. to (cause to) be less tight, less compact, or less closely spaced: [+ object]The soldiers began to open ranks.[no object]The ranks of the soldiers began to open.
  13. to make (the mind) ready to receive knowledge, sympathy, etc.: [+ object]College opened his mind.[no object]His mind opened when he went to college.
  14. to make or produce (a way or path):[+ object]to open a way through a crowd.
  15. to provide a way of approaching a place:[no object]a door that opens into a garden.
  16. to part or seem to part:[no object]The clouds opened.
  17. to (cause to) spread out: [+ object]He opened his hand and revealed a shiny new quarter.[no object]His hand opened.
  18. to (cause to) spread or expand: [no object]The flower opened in the sunlight.[+ object]The fisherman opened the oysters with a sharp knife.
  19. to (cause to) be created: [+ up + object]The new program opens (up) new possibilities.[~ (+ up)]New possibilities open (up) thanks to this proposal.
  20. open up:
    • to make or become open: [no object]The flower opened up in the sun.[+ up + object]They opened up their shops.[+ object + up]It was too early to open the shops up.
    • [no object] to begin firing a gun or the like:The infantry opened up with their automatic weapons.
    • [no object] to share or become willing to share one’s feelings, confidences, etc.:had to learn to open up to others.


  1. an open or clear space:[uncountable* the + ~]was out in the open where he could be seen.
  2. the open air;
    outdoors:[uncountable* the + ~]They slept out in the open.
  3. [uncountable* the + ~] open water, as of the sea.
  4. Sport a contest or tournament in which both amateurs and professionals may compete:[countable]tennis opens.


  1. Idioms open someone’s eyes, to make someone alert to a situation.
  2. Idioms out in or in the open, not hidden;
    not concealed:The secret is finally out in the open.

o•pen•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

pən),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate:to leave the windows open at night.
  2. (of a door, gate, window sash, or the like) set so as to permit passage through the opening it can be used to close.
  3. having no means of closing or barring:an open portico.
  4. having the interior immediately accessible, as a box with the lid raised or a drawer that is pulled out.
  5. relatively free of obstructions to sight, movement, or internal arrangement:an open floor plan.
  6. constructed so as to be without cover or enclosure on the top or on some or all sides:an open boat.
  7. having relatively large or numerous spaces, voids, or intervals:an open architectural screen; open ranks of soldiers.
  8. perforated or porous:an open texture.
  9. relatively unoccupied by buildings, fences, trees, etc.:open country.
  10. not covered or closed;
    with certain parts apart:open eyes; open mouth.
  11. without a covering, esp. a protective covering;
    exposed:an open wound; open electrical wires.
  12. extended or unfolded:an open newspaper.
  13. without restrictions as to who may participate:an open competition; an open session.
  14. accessible or available to follow:the only course still open to us.
  15. not taken or filled;
    not preempted;
    vacant:Which job is open?
  16. ready for or carrying on normal trade or business:The new store is now open. The office is open on Saturdays.
  17. not engaged or committed:Have you any open time on Monday?
  18. accessible, as to appeals, ideas, or offers:to be open to suggestion.
  19. exposed to general view or knowledge;
    existing, carried on, etc., without concealment:open disregard of the rules.
  20. acting publicly or without concealment, as a person.
  21. unreserved, candid, or frank, as persons or their speech, aspect, etc.:an open manner.
  22. generous, liberal, or bounteous:to give with an open hand.
  23. liable or subject:open to question; open to retaliation.
  24. undecided;
    unsettled:several open questions.
  25. without effective or enforced legal, commercial, or moral regulations:an open town.
  26. unguarded by an opponent:an open wide receiver.
  27. noting the part of the sea beyond headlands or enclosing areas of land:to sail on the open seas.
  28. free of ice, as a body of water or a seaport.
  29. free of navigational hazards:an open coast.
  30. (of a seaport) available for foreign trade;
    not closed by government regulations or by considerations of health.
  31. (of a microphone) in operation;
  32. (of a delimiting punctuation mark) occurring at the beginning of a group of words or characters that is set off, as from surrounding text:open parenthesis; open quotes.Cf. close (def. 56).
  33. not yet balanced or adjusted, as an account.
  34. Physiologynot constipated, as the bowels.
  35. Phonetics
    • (of a vowel) articulated with a relatively large opening above the tongue or with a relatively large oral aperture, as the vowel sound of cot compared with that in caught.
    • (of a syllable) ending with a vowel.
    • (of a consonant) continuant (opposed to stopped).

  36. Oceanography, Linguistics[Ling.](of a class of items) readily admitting new members, as the class of nouns, verbs, or adjectives (opposed to closed).
  37. [Print.]
    • Printing(of type) in outline form.
    • Printingwidely spaced or leaded, as printed matter.

  38. Music and Dance
    • (of an organ pipe) not closed at the far end.
    • (of a string) not stopped by a finger.
    • (of a note) produced by such a pipe or string or, on a wind instrument, without the aid of a slide, key, etc.

  39. Mathematics
    • (of an interval) containing neither endpoint.
    • (of a set) consisting of points having neighborhoods wholly contained in the set, as the set of points within a circle.
    • Mathematics(of a map from one topological space to another) having the property that the image of an open set is an open set.

  40. free from frost;
    mild or moderate:an open winter.
  41. Animal Husbandry(of a female animal) not pregnant.
  42. Textiles(of a fabric or weave) so loosely woven that spaces are visible between warp and filling yarns.


  1. to move (a door, window sash, etc.) from a shut or closed position so as to admit of passage.
  2. to render (a doorway, gateway, window, etc.) unobstructed by moving a door, window sash, etc., away from it.
  3. to render the interior of (a box, drawer, etc.) readily accessible.
  4. to clear (a passage, channel, etc.) of obstructions.
  5. to clear (areas or passages in the body).
  6. to give access to;
    make accessible or available, as for use:to open a port for trade.
  7. to establish for business purposes or for public use:to open an office.
  8. to set in action, begin, start, or commence (sometimes fol. by up):to open a campaign.
  9. to uncover, lay bare, or expose to view.
  10. to expand, unfold, or spread out:to open a map.
  11. to make less compact, less closely spaced, or the like:to open ranks.
  12. to disclose, reveal, or divulge.
  13. to render accessible to knowledge, enlightenment, sympathy, etc.:to open one’s mind.
  14. to cut, blast, or break into:to open a safe with nitro.
  15. to make or produce (an opening) by cutting or breaking, or by pushing aside or removing obstructions:to open a way through a crowd.
  16. to make an incision or opening in:to open a boil.
  17. Law
    • Lawto recall or revoke (a judgment, decree, etc.) for the purpose of allowing further contest or delay.
    • Lawto make the first statement of (a case) to the court or jury.

  18. Games[Cards.]to begin a hand by making (the first bid), placing (the first bet), or playing (a given card or suit) as the lead.
  19. Nautical, Naval Termsto sail (a course) so that the apparent location of a distant fixed object changes with relation to a nearer fixed object (sometimes fol. by out).


  1. to become open, as a door, building, box, or enclosure.
  2. to afford access:a door that opens into a garden.
  3. to have an opening, passage, or outlet:The room opens into a corridor.
  4. (of a building, theater, etc.) to open its doors to the public:The museum opens at one o’clock.
  5. to begin a session or term, as a school.
  6. to begin a season, series of performances, or tour, as a theatrical company:The play will open in Boston.
  7. to begin, start, or commence an activity:The game opened with the national anthem.
  8. to part, or seem to part, so as to allow or reveal a passage:At last the cliffs opened to show us that we were heading for the sea.
  9. to become disclosed or revealed.
  10. to come into view;
    become more visible or plain.
  11. to become receptive to knowledge, sympathy, etc., as the mind.
  12. to disclose or reveal one’s knowledge, thoughts, feelings, etc.
  13. to unfold or expand, as a blossom, so as to reveal the interior.
  14. to spread out or expand, as the hand or a fan.
  15. to spread apart or separate, as pages of a book, newspaper, etc.:Open to page 32.
  16. to spread or come apart;
    burst:The wound opened.
  17. to become less compact, less closely spaced, or the like:The ranks began to open.
  18. Games[Cards.]to make the first bet, bid, or lead in beginning a hand.
  19. Sport[Hunting.](of hounds) to begin to bark, as on the scent of game.
  20. Idioms open up:
    • to become or make open.
    • to expand, esp. before the eye:A breathtaking panorama opened up as we reached the top of the hill.
    • to achieve the initial development of:to open up a business office; to open up trade with China.
    • [Slang.]to increase speed or the speed of (a vehicle).


  1. an open or clear space.
  2. the open air.
  3. the open water, as of the sea.
  4. an opening or aperture.
  5. an opening or opportunity.
  6. Sporta contest or tournament in which both amateurs and professionals may compete, esp. in golf and tennis.
  7. Sport the open:
    • the unenclosed or unobstructed country.
    • the outdoors:Vacations in the open are fine for the entire family.
    • the condition of being unconcealed, recognized, or publicly known:The scandal is now out in the open.

  • bef. 900; (adjective, adjectival) Middle English, Old English; cognate with Old Saxon opan (Dutch open), Old High German offan (German offen), Old Norse opinn, akin to up; (verb, verbal) Middle English openen, Old English openian; cognate with Old Saxon opanon (Dutch openen), Old High German offanōn (German öffnen)

open•ly, adv. 
open•ness, n. 

    • 21.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See frank 1.

out in the open‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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: in or to an area or place that is not covered or enclosed

We slept out in the open with nothing above us but the stars.

A deer walked out into the open.

food left out in the open


: in or into a situation in which something (such as a feeling) is no longer hidden or kept secret

Her true feelings were finally out in the open.

He rarely fought his political battles in the open.

Let’s get everything out into the open. You’ve been lying to me, haven’t you?

Dictionary Entries Near (out) in/into the open

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“(out) in/into the open.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%28out%29%20in%2Finto%20the%20open. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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