Word meaning on the other hand


on the other hand — с другой стороны
but on the other hand — зато
on the one hand : on the other hand — с одной стороны : с другой стороны
on the one hand …, on the other hand — с одной стороны …, с другой стороны
on the one hand…, but on the other hand… — с одной стороны…, но с другой стороны…
the second term on the other hand of the equation — второй член с другой стороны уравнения

Автоматический перевод

с другой стороны, зато

Перевод по словам

on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона
other  — другой, остальные, иной, другой, иначе
hand  — рука, сторона, стрелка, ручной, подручный, передавать, помочь, вручать


On the other hand, she is too ambitious for her own good.

С другой стороны, она слишком уж честолюбива, что не идёт ей на пользу.

On the other hand, some of my colleagues were unbelievably supportive.

С другой стороны, некоторые из моих коллег оказали мне невероятную поддержку.

I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.

Я бы не прочь поесть где-нибудь в ресторане, но с другой стороны, мне нужно стараться экономить деньги.

The young lady was horrified. Ma, on the other hand, started laughing like a drain. *

Молодая дама была в ужасе, а мамаша, наоборот, утробно хохотала.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement or presents a different point of view

He’s a good guy. His brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.Profits are earned by those who own and employ capital. Rent, on the other hand, is collected by those who own natural resources and provide them to others.William Tucker

often used after a statement introduced with on the one hand

Then he is incorporated formally into the plot, his persona on the one hand central, on the other hand continuingly elusive.William F. Buckley Jr.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Good environmental governance and co-operation on the other hand help to build trust.

Надлежащее управление в области охраны окружающей среды и сотрудничество, с другой стороны, помогают выстраивать доверие.

Take on the other hand our decadents.

Ultrasound therapy, on the other hand, was not tied to any long-term pain relief.

Ультразвуковая терапия, напротив, не принесла какого-либо долговременного снижения боли.

Democrats, on the other hand, were torn between maintaining aid at current levels or decreasing it.

Демократы, напротив, ратуют за сохранение ставок налогообложения на нынешнем уровне или даже его повышении.

Okra, on the other hand, is disgusting.

Окрошка, наоборот, вызвала у меня отвращение.

Kemp, on the other hand, is placing the blame on his opponent.

Киев, наоборот, обвиняет в провокациях своего противника.

Most subscribed channels on the other hand are predominantly gaming channels.

Каналы с наибольшим количеством подписчиков, с другой стороны, являются преимущественно игровыми каналами.

Environmental protection, on the other hand, involves regulation.

С другой стороны, защита окружающей среды требует наличия определенных механизмов регулирования.

Bricks on the other hand have neither of these attributes.

С другой стороны, кирпичи не обладают ни одним из этих достоинств.

Whereas on the other hand, catfight.

Wedding rings on the other hand are much more subdued.

Обручальное кольцо татуировки, с другой стороны, гораздо более серьезные обязательства.

People with bulimia nervosa on the other hand can sometimes be overweight.

Люди с нервной булимией, с другой стороны, иногда могут иметь лишние килограммы.

But on the other hand, we change.

Women on the other hand have more subcutaneous fat.

С другой стороны, женщины, как правило, имеют больше подкожного жира.

Cats on the other hand, are so difficult.

Some millennials on the other hand are spending everything they have.

С другой стороны, некоторые миллениалы тратят все, что у них есть.

Agroecology on the other hand goes beyond this.

Кроме этого, агроэкология рассматривает проблему и с другой стороны.

Love on the other hand is hard.

PR experts, on the other hand, remain in high demand.

Специалисты по связям с общественностью, с другой стороны, все еще пользуются большим спросом.

DLT on the other hand, has serious potential applications.

Но с другой стороны, DLT технологии имеют серьезное потенциальное практическое применение.

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Alternative forms[edit]

  • OTOH


  • Audio (Mid-Atlantic) (file)

Prepositional phrase[edit]

on the other hand

  1. (sequence, idiomatic) From another point of view.

    Well yes, it was quite a good bargain; on the other hand, do we really need one?

    • 1873, James Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism:

      Its external relations, on the one hand to dynamics, and on the other to heat, light, chemical action, and the constitution of bodies, seem to indicate the special importance of electrical science as an aid to the interpretation of nature.

    • 1921 [1919], H. L. Mencken, chapter 1, in The American Language, 2nd edition, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, →ISBN, →OCLC:

      Thus the study of the language he is supposed to use, to the average American, takes on a sort of bilingual character. On the one hand, he is grounded abominably in a grammar and syntax that have always been largely artificial, even in the country where they are supposed to prevail, and on the other hand he has to pick up the essentials of his actual speech as best he may.

    • 1950, Bertrand Russell, acceptance speech for Nobel Prize in Literature
      I maintain, however, on the one hand, that there are few occasions upon which large bodies of men, such as politics is concerned with, can rise above selfishness, while, on the other hand, there are a very great many circumstances in which populations will fall below selfishness, if selfishness is interpreted as enlightened self-interest.
    • 1961 January, “The North-East London electrification of the Great Eastern Line”, in Trains Illustrated, page 19:

      The host of business travellers between Bishops Stortford and London would scarcely take kindly to devious routing via the Southbury line; on the other hand, it is not desirable that they should overcrowd the business trains to and from Cambridge.


  • but, however, still, then again, yet, conversely, vice versa, on the flipside

Coordinate terms[edit]

  • on the one hand
  • on the gripping hand (fanspeak slang)
  • on the third hand (jocular)


from another point of view

  • Albanian: nga ana tjetër
  • Arabic: من ناحية أخرى‎, من جهة أخرى
  • Aragonese: d’atra man
  • Armenian: մյուս կողմից (myus kołmicʿ)
  • Catalan: per altra banda, d’altra banda
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 另一方面 (zh) (lìngyī fāngmiàn), 反過來反过来 (zh) (fǎnguòlái)
  • Czech: na druhou stranu, na druhou stranu, z druhé strany
  • Danish: på den anden side
  • Dutch: daarentegen (nl), anderzijds (nl)
  • Esperanto: aliflanke
  • Finnish: toisaalta (fi)
  • French: d’un autre côté (fr), en revanche (fr), par contre (fr), cela dit (fr)
  • Galician: por outra banda, en troques
  • Georgian: მეორე მხრივ (meore mxriv)
  • German: auf der anderen Seite, andererseits (de), hingegen (de), zum anderen
  • Greek: από την άλλη (apó tin álli)
  • Hebrew: מֵאִידָךְ גִּיסָא (he) (meiydákh gisá), מִצַּד שֵׁנִי(mitsád shení)
  • Hungarian: másrészt (hu), másfelől (hu), viszont (hu)
  • Icelandic: hins vegar
  • Irish: os a choinne sin, ar an lámh eile
  • Italian: dall’altro, dall’altro lato
  • Japanese: その反面 (そのはんめん, sono hanmen), 他方 (ja) (たほう, tahō)
  • Korean: 또 한편 (tto hanpyeon), 반면에 (banmyeone)
  • Latin: contra (la), autem (la)
  • Maori: manohi, manohi anō, kāpā
  • Norwegian: på den annen side
  • Occitan: d’autra banda
  • Persian: از طرف دیگر(az taraf-e digar), از سویی دیگر(az suyi digar)
  • Polish: z drugiej strony, natomiast (pl)
  • Portuguese: por outro lado
  • Romanian: pe de altă parte
  • Russian: с друго́й стороны́ (ru) (s drugój storoný), (somewhat) зато́ (ru) (zató)
  • Scottish Gaelic: air an làimh eile
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: с друге стране, у другу руку
    Roman: s druge strane, u drugu ruku
  • Spanish: por otro lado, por otra parte, por contra
  • Swedish: å andra sidan (sv), däremot (sv)
  • Tagalog; sa kabilang banda
  • Turkish: diğer taraftan (tr), ancak (tr), diğer yandan, ne var ki (tr), gel gelelim (tr)
  • Ukrainian: з і́ншого боку (z ínšoho boku)
  • Vietnamese: mặt khác
  • Welsh: ar y llaw arall


on the other hand
also, on the one hand


  • from a different point of view
  • often preceded by “on the one hand” used to show two contradicting points of view
  • a phrase introducing a different point of view

Example Sentences

  1. It seems like a great building, on the other hand, you are displacing a lot of animals by building it.
  2. On the other hand, maybe buying a large dog wasn’t such a good idea.
  3. I am glad that we decided to go away for the weekend. On the other hand, it would have been nice to get some things done at home.
  4. One the one hand, you have a big wedding. But on the other hand, a small wedding would be more intimate.
  5. On the one hand, I feel guilty for not inviting him. One the other hand, he always makes a fool of himself.
  6. On the other hand, maybe you should just stay home tonight.


The first use of the phrase can be traced to 1630. It is a figurative use of the literal action of holding out two hands and offering people two options. If you pick the one option it will differ from the one on the other hand.

Body, Hand

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