Word meaning on the contrary

What does the phrase on the contrary mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary and other dictionary apps, the English language phrase on the contrary is used to imply that something that has just been said is not true, that the opposite is true, or that the person using the phrase on the contrary has a difference of opinion than what has just been stated. This phrase could be used after someone expresses an unfavorable or contrary opinion. In American English, this most commonly means that someone is opposed to what has just been said. In British English, the phrase on the contrary means “quite the reverse” or “not at all.” These meanings are very similar but still distinct.

The phrase on the contrary is considered polite and can be used in a variety of different circumstances, from casual discussions about someone’s favorite movie to intense debates on politics or other touchy subjects. For example, someone could say, “Dan’s favorite movie is Harry Potter.” Dan could then reply, “Actually, on the contrary – my favorite movie is Twilight.” This would be an example of a casual way in which to use the phrase on the contrary. However, Dan is a lawyer and is negotiating a contract for his client. When the other lawyer he is negotiating with tells him his client deserves less, he reminds the other lawyer, “On the contrary, my client’s quote is far higher than this and she is taking a pay cut as the contract stands.” This phrase is very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of different circumstances.

What is the etymology of the phrase on the contrary?

According to Etymonline, the word contrary came to be in the mid-14th century to mean “opposite, opposed to, or extremely unlike.” This adjective comes from the Anglo-French contraire and Old French contrarie. These come directly from the Latin contrarius, meaning opposite or reverse, which stems from the Latin contra meaning “against.” The word contrary has been used as a noun since the late 13th century. The phrase on the contrary has been used since around the year 1400, though it began as the phrase “in the contrary.” Dictionary states that “on the contrary” has been used since the mid-1800s.

What are synonyms and antonyms to the phrase on the contrary?

If one wanted to use a word or phrase that means the same thing as the phrase on the contrary, they would use what is called a synonym. A synonym is any word or phrase that has the same meaning as a given word or phrase. Someone might choose to use a synonym in order to expand their own vocabulary or too avoid repeating themselves. This list of synonyms is provided by Thesaurus.

  • in reverse
  • about-face
  • again
  • inversely
  • contra
  • the opposite way
  • oppositely
  • on the other hand
  • contrarily
  • conversely
  • reversed
  • backwards
  • contra
  • the other way around
  • far from it
  • vice versa
  • upside down
  • turn about
  • contrary
  • contrariwise
  • mutatis mutandis

However, if someone wished to use a word or phrase that meant the opposite of the phrase on the contrary, they could use an antonym. An antonym is any word that has the opposite definition as a given word or phrase. This list of antonyms is also provided by Thesaurus.

  • according to
  • sympathetic
  • agreeable
  • accordant
  • similarly
  • matching
  • furthermore
  • consonant
  • harmonious
  • all of a piece
  • thus
  • in addition
  • correspondingly
  • so
  • equable
  • congruous
  • logical
  • alike
  • congenial
  • conforming with
  • too
  • equivalently
  • like
  • likewise
  • coherent
  • then as well

How can the phrase on the contrary be used in a sentence?

The phrase on the contrary is very versatile and can be used in a plethora of different scenarios to refer to something that is the opposite of what has just been stated, or to provide a contrasting opinion. In this first example, Julie is talking to Catherine and a couple of their other friends about the people that they have been in relationships with.

Catherine: Well, I think Julie knows better than any of us what it’s like to go through a bad breakup, since she’s had so many.

Julie: That actually isn’t true at all. I’ve only been in one relationship, and it ended on decent, mutual terms. Fred and I are still friends.

Catherine: Oh, well, I mean that you’ve hooked up with so many different people, you know what it’s like to move quickly.

Julie: On the contrary, Catherine. I don’t know what you’re implying, but I have only ever hooked up with people I’ve been in relationships with. Which is one person, as previously stated.

Catherine: Well with the way you dressed in New York, I just figured.

Here, Julie uses the phrase on the contrary to defend herself against Catherine’s inflammatory insults and accusations, and to show that Catherine’s insults are the opposite direction of Julie’s actions. In this next example, Julie will use the phrase on the contrary with her teacher.

Mr. Farrell: Julie, did you let Evan copy off of your homework? It’s awfully similar, and he hasn’t been doing too well this year. You’re top of the class. I want to make sure there’s no funny business going on.

Julie: On the contrary, Mr. Farrell. Evan actually asked me to tutor him. I can show you the texts. I promise, I would never let anyone cheat off of me. Evan really improved during our sessions.

Overall, the phase on the contrary means that something is the opposite of something. If someone says this in response to a statement, it implies that said statement is not true. This phrase is often used to correct someone or to share a difference of opinion. This phrase can be used both casually and formally, in discussions about anything, from ice cream flavors to governmental rule. This phrase is very versatile and is commonly used in American English and British English.


  1. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/similarly?s=t
  2. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/on%20the%20contrary
  3. https://www.etymonline.com/word/contrary
  4. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/on–the–contrary
  5. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/on-the-contrary


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

on the contrary

Opposite to what someone has just said. Our business is not receding. On the contrary, we are experiencing a very robust level of growth. A: «Don’t you hate Brussels sprouts?» B: «On the contrary, I think they can be very tasty—if they’re cooked the right way.»

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

on the contrary

It’s the opposite, as in Is his shoulder hurting?-On the contrary, it’s all better, or We thought you didn’t like opera.-On the contrary, I love it. This phrase, at first put as by or for or in the contrary, dates from the late 1300s; on has been used since the mid-1800s.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

on the ˈcontrary


ˌquite the ˈcontrary

used to emphasize that the opposite of what has been said is true: It’s not that I don’t like him — on the contrary, he seems very pleasant.I don’t find him funny at all. Quite the contrary.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

on the contrary

In opposition to what has been stated or what is expected: I’m not sick; on the contrary, I’m in the peak of health.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • to the contrary
  • quite the contrary
  • How you gonna keep (someone) down on the farm?
  • (one’s) heart goes out to (someone)
  • in (one’s) prayers
  • in prayers
  • (one’s) heart bleeds
  • (one’s) heart bleeds for (someone)
  • a burnt child dreads the fire
  • burnt


on the contrary — наоборот

Автоматический перевод

наоборот, даже наоборот, на противоположности, в противоположность

Перевод по словам

on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона
contrary  — вопреки, против, вразрез, противоположность, противоположный


She, on the contrary, was never able to gauge him.

Она, напротив, никогда не могла понять, что он за человек.

It wasn’t a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake.

Это не было правильным; наоборот, это была большая ошибка.

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Выражение Оn the contrary употребляется, когда мы высказываем противоречие высказанному ранее факту. Также on the contrary может употребляться, чтобы акцентировать внимание на негативном факте. Синонимом данного выражения является Quite the opposite.


На русский язык выражение Оn the contrary обычно переводится как: отнюдь; вовсе нет; однако на самом деле и т.д.


– It was an interesting lecture.
On the contrary, it was a complete waste of time.
– Это была интересная лекция.
Отнюдь, это была полная потеря времени.

– I thought you said the film was exciting?
On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!
– Мне показалось, ты сказал фильм был интересным?
– Вовсе нет, я уснул на половине.

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On the contrary, Congress should probably consider additional sanctions.

Как раз наоборот: конгресс, вероятно, должен подумать о введении дополнительных санкций.

On the contrary, resources for multilateral development cooperation had continued to decline.

Напротив, объем ресурсов, выделяемых на цели многостороннего сотрудничества в интересах развития, продолжает сокращаться.

On the contrary, they stipulate equal wages, promotion and training.

Напротив, в них предусматривается равный уровень заработной платы, равные возможности для продвижения по работе и профессиональной подготовки.

On the contrary, sanctions often make these problems more serious and complex.

Наоборот, санкции зачастую лишь приводят к тому, что эти проблемы становятся более серьезными и сложными.

On the contrary, everybody involved should approach the problem responsibly.

Напротив, все вовлеченные в него стороны должны подходить к этой проблеме со всей ответственностью.

On the contrary, I find those conversations relevant and enlightening.

Наоборот, я считаю, что беседы на эту тему актуальны и поучительны.

On the contrary, it should interfere with everything.

Напротив, оно в том, чтобы во все вмешиваться».

On the contrary, their presence might intensify insecurity.

Напротив, их присутствие, вероятно, еще более усугубило бы обстановку в области безопасности.

On the contrary: It actually pushed me to achieve more.

Напротив: Это событие, на самом деле, побудило меня добиваться большего.

On the contrary, it harms and impedes true healing.

Наоборот, это вредит и замедляет истинное выздоровление.

On the contrary, by the effect of heat, it dries out and gains strength.

Напротив, под действием тепла оно высыхает и приобретает прочность.

On the contrary, things are more sad than ever.

Наоборот, дела как никогда печальны.

On the contrary, projected an even bigger collapse in prices — by 10-15 percent.

Наоборот, прогнозируется еще больший обвал цен — еще на 10-15 процентов.

On the contrary, the smaller the sample size, the less reliable the results.

Напротив, чем меньше размер выборки, тем менее надежны результаты.

On the contrary, it is calm and deep.

Наоборот, это спокойствие и глубина.

On the contrary, it will only reinforce these mechanisms.

Напротив, эти меры лишь укрепят их.

On the contrary, it only shows interest.

Наоборот, они лишь подстёгивают интерес.

On the contrary, multiple studies track a consistent decline in new business creation.

Напротив, большое количество исследований говорит о том, что происходит значительное замедление в процессе создания новых бизнесов.

On the contrary, it will develop further.

Напротив, будет развивать и дальше.

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