Word meaning of two minds

of two minds

Simultaneously holding two competing or contradictory beliefs, views, opinions, etc.; considering two options equally. I’m really of two minds about higher education. On one hand, a degree is required for most jobs, but, on the other, it’s far too expensive for the value.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

of two minds (about someone or something)

Fig. holding conflicting opinions about someone or something; being undecided about someone or something. I am of two minds about whether I should go to the convention.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • in two minds
  • be in two places at once
  • at opposite poles
  • battle of the giants
  • can’t be in two places at once
  • One cannot be in two places at once
  • choose between (two people or things)
  • choose between two people or things
  • between two fires
  • come together


: not decided or certain about something : having two opinions or ideas about something

I can’t make up my mind where to take my vacation: I’m of two minds about where to go.

I’m of two minds about (hiring) him: he seems well-qualified, but he doesn’t have much experience.

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“Of two minds.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/of%20two%20minds. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

mind /maɪnd/USA pronunciation  

  1. the part in a conscious being that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.:[countable]If we could record the activity of every brain cell, we could glimpse the workings of the mind.
  2. intellect or understanding;
    intelligence:[countable]a sharp mind.
  3. a person considered with reference to intellectual power:[countable]the great minds of the day.
  4. sanity or a sound, healthy mental condition:[countable]losing his mind.
  5. a way of thinking and feeling;
    temper:[countable]a liberal mind.
  6. opinion, view, or sentiments:[countable]In my mind he’s the best for the job.
  7. remembrance or recollection;
    memory:[uncountable]to call to mind.
  8. attention;
    thoughts:[countable]to keeps his mind on his studies.


  1. to pay attention to:[+ object]Don’t mind me; just pretend I’m not here.
  2. to attend to (one’s affairs):[+ object]Mind your own business!
  3. to look after;
    take care of;
    tend:[+ object]Who’s minding the children?
  4. to be cautious (about);
    take (something) into account: [+ object][often in commands]«Mind the step,» he warned.[+ clause]Mind what you say.[no object]Mind now, I want you home by twelve.[+ you]Mind you, I still have a right to my opinion.
  5. to feel concern at;
    care about;
    object to: [+ object][not: be + ~-ing* often with a negative word or phrase, or in questions]I wouldn’t mind a drink right about now. (= I would like to have a drink).[+ verb-ing]You know, I wouldn’t mind having that drink now.[+ clause]Do you mind if I smoke?[no object]No, I don’t mind.
  6. to obey: [+ object]Mind your parents.[no object]If he didn’t mind, he was punished.


  1. Idioms bear or keep (something) in mind,  to hold in one’s memory;
    remember:Keep that fact in mind.[~+ (that) clause]
    Bear in mind that your taxes are due.
  2. Idioms be of one mind, to share an opinion:The soldiers were of one mind: to get to the top of the hill.
  3. Idioms be of two minds, to be unable to decide.
  4. Idioms have (half) a mind to, [+ root form of verb] to be (almost) decided to;
    be inclined to:I have (half) a mind to quit early.
  5. never mind, This phrase is used to express:
    • comfort to another after something unfortunate has happened:Never mind about that broken window.
    • the attitude that something is not important:She still owes me money, but never mind.

  6. Idioms on one’s mind,  in one’s thoughts;
    of concern to one:The economy has been on his mind lately.
  7. Idioms out of one’s mind:
    • insane;
    • Idiomsemotionally overwhelmed;
      frantic:out of my mind with worry.

  8. to mind, to one’s memory or awareness:Any suggestions?— Nothing comes immediately to mind.
  9. to one’s mind, in one’s opinion:He’s the best candidate to my mind, at least right now.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(mīnd),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. (in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.:the processes of the human mind.
  2. Psychologythe totality of conscious and unconscious mental processes and activities.
  3. intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing;
  4. a particular instance of the intellect or intelligence, as in a person.
  5. a person considered with reference to intellectual power:the greatest minds of the twentieth century.
  6. intellectual power or ability.
  7. reason, sanity, or sound mental condition:to lose one’s mind.
  8. a way of thinking and feeling;
    temper:a liberal mind.
  9. a state of awareness or remembrance:The poem puts me in mind of experiences both new and forgotten.
  10. opinion, view, or sentiments:to change one’s mind.
  11. inclination or desire:to be of a mind to listen.
  12. purpose, intention, or will:Let me know your mind in this matter before Tuesday.
  13. psychic or spiritual being, as opposed to matter.
  14. a conscious or intelligent agency or being:an awareness of a mind ordering the universe.
  15. remembrance or recollection;
    memory:Former days were called to mind.
  16. attention;
    thoughts:He can’t keep his mind on his studies.
  17. Dialect Terms[Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S.]notice;
    attention:When he’s like that, just pay him no mind.
  18. Religion[Rom. Cath. Ch.]a commemoration of a person’s death, esp. by a Requiem Mass. Cf. month’s mind, year’s mind. 
  19. Religion(cap.) Also called Divine Mind. [Christian Science.]God;
    the incorporeal source of life, substance, and intelligence. Cf. mortal mind. 
  20. Idiomsbear or keep in mind, to remember:Bear in mind that the newspaper account may be in error.
  21. Idioms, Slang Termsblow one’s mind. [Slang.]
    • to change one’s perceptions, awareness, etc., as through the use of drugs or narcotics.
    • to overwhelm a person with intense excitement, pleasure, astonishment, or dismay:Cool jazz really blows my mind.

  22. Idiomscross one’s mind, to occur suddenly to one:A disturbing thought crossed her mind.
  23. Idioms, Informal Termsgive someone a piece of one’s mind, [Informal.]to rebuke, reprimand, or scold sharply:I’ll give him a piece of my mind for telling such a lie!
  24. Idiomshave a good mind to, to feel tempted or inclined to:I have a good mind to leave you here all alone.
  25. Idiomshave half a mind to, to be almost decided to;
    be inclined to.
  26. Idiomsknow one’s own mind, to be firm in one’s intentions, opinions, or plans;
    have assurance:She may be only a child, but she knows her own mind.
  27. Idiomsmake up one’s mind, to decide;
    form an opinion or decision;
    resolve:He couldn’t make up his mind which course to follow.
  28. Idiomsmeeting of minds, complete agreement;
    accord:A meeting of minds between the union and the employer seemed impossible.
  29. Idiomson one’s mind, constantly in one’s thoughts;
    of concern to one:The approaching trial was on his mind.
  30. out of one’s mind:
    • Idiomsmad;
      insane:You must be out of your mind to say such a ridiculous thing.
    • Idiomstotally distracted:He’s out of his mind with worry.
    • Idiomsemotionally overwhelmed:out of her mind with joy.

  31. Idiomspresence of mind, ability to think and to remain in control of oneself during a crisis or under stress:She had enough presence of mind to remember the license plate of the speeding car.


  1. to pay attention to.
  2. to heed or obey (a person, advice, instructions, etc.).
  3. to apply oneself or attend to:to mind one’s own business.
  4. to look after;
    take care of;
    tend:to mind the baby.
  5. to be careful, cautious, or wary about:Mind what you say.
  6. to feel concern at;
    care about.
  7. to feel disturbed or inconvenienced by;
    object to (usually used in negative or interrogative constructions):Would you mind handing me that book?
  8. to regard as concerning oneself or as mattering:Don’t mind his bluntness.
  9. Slang Terms[Dial.]
    • to perceive or notice.
    • to remember.
    • to remind.


  1. to pay attention.
  2. to obey.
  3. to take notice, observe, or understand (used chiefly in the imperative):Mind now, I want you home by twelve.
  4. to be careful or wary.
  5. to care, feel concern, or object (often used in negative or interrogative constructions):Mind if I go? Don’t mind if I do.
  6. to regard a thing as concerning oneself or as mattering:You mustn’t mind about their gossiping.
  7. Idiomsnever mind, don’t worry or be troubled;
    it is of no concern:Never mind—the broken glass will be easy to replace.
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English mynd(e), aphetic variant (see y-) of imynd, Old English gemynd memory, remembrance, mind; cognate with Gothic gamunds; akin to Latin mēns mind, Greek manía madness; (verb, verbal) Middle English minden, derivative of the noun, nominal

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged reason.
      Mind, intellect, intelligence refer to mental equipment or qualities.
      Mind is that part of a human being that thinks, feels, and wills, as contrasted with body:His mind was capable of grasping the significance of the problem.Intellect is reasoning power as distinguished from feeling; it is often used in a general sense to characterize high mental ability:to appeal to the intellect, rather than the emotions.Intelligence is ability to learn and to understand; it is also mental alertness or quickness of understanding:A dog has more intelligence than many other animals.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Mind, brain, brains may refer to mental capacity.
      Mind is the philosophical and general term for the center of mental activity, and is therefore used of intellectual powers:a brilliant mind.Brain is properly the physiological term for the organic structure that makes mental activity possible (The brain is the center of the nervous system.), but it is often applied, like mind, to intellectual capacity:a fertile brain.Brains is the anatomical word (the brains of an animal used for food), but, in popular usage, it is applied to intelligence (particularly of a shrewd, practical nature):To run a business takes brains.
    • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged bent, leaning, proclivity, penchant; wish, liking.
    • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged intent.
    • 33.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mark.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

mind /maɪnd/ n

  1. the human faculty to which are ascribed thought, feeling, etc; often regarded as an immaterial part of a person
  2. intelligence or the intellect, esp as opposed to feelings or wishes
  3. recollection or remembrance; memory: it comes to mind
  4. the faculty of original or creative thought; imagination: it’s all in the mind
  5. a person considered as an intellectual being: the great minds of the past
  6. opinion or sentiment: we are of the same mind, to change one’s mind, to have a mind of one’s own, to know one’s mind, to speak one’s mind
  7. condition, state, or manner of feeling or thought: no peace of mind, his state of mind
  8. an inclination, desire, or purpose: I have a mind to go
  9. attention or thoughts: keep your mind on your work
  10. a sound mental state; sanity (esp in the phrase out of one’s mind)
  11. (in Cartesian philosophy) one of two basic modes of existence, the other being matter
  12. blow someone’s mindslang to cause someone to have a psychedelic experience
  13. to astound or surprise someone
  14. give someone a piece of one’s mindto criticize or censure (someone) frankly or vehemently
  15. in two minds, of two mindsundecided; wavering
  16. make up one’s mindto decide (something or to do something)
  17. on one’s mindin one’s thoughts


  1. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to take offence at: do you mind if I smoke? I don’t mind
  2. to pay attention to (something); heed; notice: to mind one’s own business
  3. (tr; takes a clause as object) to make certain; ensure: mind you tell her
  4. (transitive) to take care of; have charge of: to mind the shop
  5. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to be cautious or careful about (something): mind how you go, mind your step
  6. (transitive) to obey (someone or something); heed: mind your father!
  7. to be concerned (about); be troubled (about): never mind your hat, never mind about your hat, never mind
  8. (tr; passive; takes an infinitive) to be intending or inclined (to do something): clearly he was not minded to finish the story
  9. mind youan expression qualifying a previous statement: Dogs are nice. Mind you, I don’t like all dogs

    Related adjective(s): mental

See also mind outEtymology: Old English gemynd mind; related to Old High German gimunt memory

two minds‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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be of two minds

Общая лексика: колебаться, находиться в нерешительности, не знать на что решиться

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «be of two minds» в других словарях:

  • two minds — Wavering, undecided ● mind …   Useful english dictionary

  • be in two minds — be in/of two minds to be unable to decide about something. I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning. (often + whether) Residents are of two minds about new traffic restrictions in the area. (often + about) …   New idioms dictionary

  • be of two minds — be in/of two minds to be unable to decide about something. I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning. (often + whether) Residents are of two minds about new traffic restrictions in the area. (often + about) …   New idioms dictionary

  • be of two minds — I am of two minds about going to law school Syn: be undecided, be uncertain, be unsure, hesitate, waver, vacillate, hem and haw; informal dilly dally, shilly shally …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • be in two minds — ► be in (or of) two minds be unable to decide between alternatives. Main Entry: ↑mind …   English terms dictionary

  • be of two minds — ► be in (or of) two minds be unable to decide between alternatives. Main Entry: ↑mind …   English terms dictionary

  • of two minds — Uncertain what to think or do • • • Main Entry: ↑mind * * * of two minds (US) (or Brit in two minds) : not decided or certain about something : having two opinions or ideas about something I can t make up my mind where to take my vacation: I m of …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) in two minds about something doing something — be in two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth idiom (BrE) (NAmE be of two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth) to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not • I was in two minds about the book (= I d …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) in two minds about about doing something — be in two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth idiom (BrE) (NAmE be of two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth) to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not • I was in two minds about the book (= I d …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) of two minds about something doing something — be in two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth idiom (BrE) (NAmE be of two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth) to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not • I was in two minds about the book (= I d …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) of two minds about about doing something — be in two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth idiom (BrE) (NAmE be of two ˈminds about sth/about doing sth) to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not • I was in two minds about the book (= I d …   Useful english dictionary

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Alternative forms[edit]

  • in two minds


Prepositional phrase[edit]

of two minds

  1. (idiomatic) Undecided or unsure; equivocating; conflicted in one’s opinions.
    • 1919, Upton Sinclair, Jimmie Higgins, ch. 22:
      [Y]ou could not be indifferent to the war, you could not be of two minds about it. And yet—Jimmie Higgins was of two minds! He wanted to beat back the Huns, who had made all this fearful mess; but also he wanted to beat the profiteers who were making messes at home.
    • 2006, Richard Zoglin, «10 Questions for Bette Midler,» Time, 19 May:
      I’m of two minds about Vegas. I think Vegas is strange, and I don’t know where their water comes from. But as a town and a place for an entertainer, there’s . . . no other place you can go to where you can just sit and do six weeks at a time and have your band and your staff be so happy.


  • ambivalent


undecided or unsure

  • Finnish: kahden vaiheilla
  • French: indécis (fr), partagé (fr)
  • Hungarian: határozatlan (hu), bizonytalan (hu)
  • Irish: idir dhá chomhairle
  • Maori: ruarua, matawaenga
  • Polish: no equivalent term in Polish, but see bić się z myślami (pl) impf
  • Russian: в сомнениях (v somnenijax)
  • Scottish Gaelic: eadar dà bharail

See also[edit]

  • half a mind
  • of one mind


  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English prepositional phrases
  • English multiword terms
  • English idioms

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