Word meaning of revealed

раскрываемый, выведенный


- открывать; разоблачать
- обнаруживать, показывать
- выявлять
- воспроизводить
- выведывать


- притолока; четверть (окна или двери)
- разоблачение; обнаружение; откровение
- выявление
- откос (оконного или дверного проема)

Мои примеры


an arrest record that revealed that he had variously been a pander, a pickpocket, and a drug dealer — история задержаний, которая показала, что он в разное время успел побывать сводником, карманником и наркоторговцем  
the uplifting of the clouds revealed the blue of a summer sky — раздвинувшиеся облака открыли синеву летнего неба  
revealed exegesis — толкование через откровение  
revealed preference — выявленное предпочтение  
revealed preferences — выявленные предпочтения  
revealed portion — вскрытый участок  
axiom of revealed preference — аксиома выявленного предпочтения  
revealed preference theory — теория выявленных предпочтений  
revealed regularity — выявленная закономерность  
as revealed — что обнаружено  
be revealed — представлять собой; обнаруживаться; вскрываться  
detected / revealed faults / troubles — выявленные неисправности  

Примеры с переводом

She revealed the secret to us.

Она раскрыла нам эту тайну.

His true character was revealed.

Проявился его истинный характер.

The blood smear revealed malaria.

Мазок крови выявил малярию.

They revealed the plans for the new building.

Они раскрыли планы строительства нового здания.

She revealed her innermost feelings.

Она открыла свои самые сокровенные чувства.

The test revealed the true cause of death.

Анализ выявил истинную причину смерти.

The enlarged photograph revealed many details.

На увеличенной фотографии открылось много деталей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The examination revealed a nodule on his lung.

Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.

An ultrasound scan revealed that the baby was a boy.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reveal  — показывать, раскрывать, открывать, откровение, разоблачение, четверть
revealing  — показывать, раскрывать, открывать, обнаруживать, вскрывать, разоблачать


(redirected from revealed)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia.

re·veal 1


tr.v. re·vealed, re·veal·ing, re·veals


a. To make known (something concealed or unknown): She revealed that she was pregnant. The study revealed the toxic effects of the pollutant.

b. To cause to be seen; show: The curtains parted, revealing a ballerina. The x-ray revealed a broken bone.

2. To make known by supernatural or divine means: «For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven» (Romans 1:18).


The making known of an important, secret, or salient occurrence, such as the revealing of a major development, plot twist, or visual effect in a movie: «Seeing [the Wiz] in human form in the first act diminishes the power of the reveal in the second» (Bob Verini).

[Middle English revelen, from Old French reveler, from Latin revēlāre : re-, re- + vēlāre, to cover (from vēlum, veil).]

re·veal′a·ble adj.

re·veal′er n.

re·veal′ment n.

re·veal 2




a. The part of the side of a window or door opening that is between the outer surface of a wall and the window or door frame.

b. The whole side of such an opening; the jamb.

2. The framework of a motor vehicle window.

[From Middle English revalen, to lower, from Old French revaler : re-, re- + avaler, to lower (from a val, down : a, to from Latin ad; see ad- + val, valley; see vale1).]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr)

1. (may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to disclose (a secret); divulge

2. to expose to view or show (something concealed)

3. (Theology) (of God) to disclose (divine truths) either directly or through the medium of prophets, etc


(Architecture) architect the vertical side of an opening in a wall, esp the side of a window or door between the frame and the front of the wall

[C14: from Old French reveler, from Latin revēlāre to unveil, from re- + vēlum a veil]

reˈvealable adj

reˌvealaˈbility n

reˈvealer n

reˈvealment n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to make known; divulge: to reveal a secret.

2. to lay open to view; display.


3. an act or instance of revealing.

[1325–75; Middle English revelen < Middle French reveler < Latin revēlāre to unveil]

re•veal′er, n.



1. the part of the jamb of a window or door opening between the outer wall surface and the window or door frame.

2. the whole jamb of an opening between the outer and inner surfaces of a wall.

[1815–25; earlier revale, appar. ultimately < French ravaler to hollow out a recess in a wall]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • French-cut — Underwear cut high on the sides to reveal the upper thigh.
  • reveal — Based on Latin re-, «again,» and velum, «veil,» meaning «lifting of a veil.»
  • disbosom — To reveal or confess.
  • patefy — To reveal or disclose.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: revealed
Gerund: revealing

I reveal
you reveal
he/she/it reveals
we reveal
you reveal
they reveal
I revealed
you revealed
he/she/it revealed
we revealed
you revealed
they revealed
Present Continuous
I am revealing
you are revealing
he/she/it is revealing
we are revealing
you are revealing
they are revealing
Present Perfect
I have revealed
you have revealed
he/she/it has revealed
we have revealed
you have revealed
they have revealed
Past Continuous
I was revealing
you were revealing
he/she/it was revealing
we were revealing
you were revealing
they were revealing
Past Perfect
I had revealed
you had revealed
he/she/it had revealed
we had revealed
you had revealed
they had revealed
I will reveal
you will reveal
he/she/it will reveal
we will reveal
you will reveal
they will reveal
Future Perfect
I will have revealed
you will have revealed
he/she/it will have revealed
we will have revealed
you will have revealed
they will have revealed
Future Continuous
I will be revealing
you will be revealing
he/she/it will be revealing
we will be revealing
you will be revealing
they will be revealing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been revealing
you have been revealing
he/she/it has been revealing
we have been revealing
you have been revealing
they have been revealing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been revealing
you will have been revealing
he/she/it will have been revealing
we will have been revealing
you will have been revealing
they will have been revealing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been revealing
you had been revealing
he/she/it had been revealing
we had been revealing
you had been revealing
they had been revealing
I would reveal
you would reveal
he/she/it would reveal
we would reveal
you would reveal
they would reveal
Past Conditional
I would have revealed
you would have revealed
he/she/it would have revealed
we would have revealed
you would have revealed
they would have revealed

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. reveal — make visible; «Summer brings out bright clothes»; «He brings out the best in her»

show — make visible or noticeable; «She showed her talent for cooking»; «Show me your etchings, please»

disclose, expose — disclose to view as by removing a cover; «The curtain rose to disclose a stunning set»

excavate, unearth — recover through digging; «Schliemann excavated Troy»; «excavate gold»

trot out — bring out and show for inspection and admiration; «His novel trots out a rich heiress»; «always able to trot out some new excuse»

unfold — open to the view; «A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings»

2. reveal - make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secretreveal — make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»

blackwash — bring (information) out of concealment

muckrake — explore and expose misconduct and scandals concerning public figures; «This reporter was well-known for his muckraking»

blow — cause to be revealed and jeopardized; «The story blew their cover»; «The double agent was blown by the other side»

out — reveal (something) about somebody’s identity or lifestyle; «The gay actor was outed last week»; «Someone outed a CIA agent»

spring — produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly; «He sprang these news on me just as I was leaving»

get around, get out, break — be released or become known; of news; «News of her death broke in the morning»

betray, bewray — reveal unintentionally; «Her smile betrayed her true feelings»

confide — reveal in private; tell confidentially

leak — tell anonymously; «The news were leaked to the paper»

tell — let something be known; «Tell them that you will be late»

reveal — disclose directly or through prophets; «God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind»

3. reveal — disclose directly or through prophets; «God rarely reveal his plans for Mankind»

theological system, theology — a particular system or school of religious beliefs and teachings; «Jewish theology»; «Roman Catholic theology»

disclose, let on, divulge, expose, give away, let out, reveal, unwrap, discover, bring out, break — make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; «The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. make known, disclose, give away, make public, tell, announce, publish, broadcast, leak, communicate, proclaim, betray, give out, let out, impart, divulge, let slip, let on, take the wraps off (informal), blow wide open (slang), get off your chest (informal) She has refused to reveal her daughter’s whereabouts.
make known keep secret, hide, conceal, cover up, keep quiet about, sweep under the carpet (informal)

2. show, display, bare, exhibit, unveil, uncover, manifest, unearth, unmask, lay bare, bring to light, expose to view A grey carpet was removed to reveal the pine floor.
show hide, conceal, cover up

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To disclose in a breach of confidence:

2. To make visible; bring to view:

3. To make manifest or apparent:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.








afhjúpasÿna, láta sjást



atidengtidaug sakantispamokantis





tiết lộ

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rəˈviːl) verb

1. to make known. All their secrets have been revealed.

2. to show; to allow to be seen. He scraped away the top layer of paint from the picture, revealing an earlier painting underneath.

reˈvealing adjective

allowing or causing something to be known or seen. a revealing statement.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَكْشِفُ عن prozradit afsløre enthüllen φανερώνω revelar paljastaa révéler otkriti rivelare 明らかにする 드러내다 onthullen avsløre ujawnić revelar открывать avslöja เปิดเผย açıklamak tiết lộ 展现

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > revealed

  • 2

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > revealed

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > revealed

  • 4

    1. раскрытый

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed

  • 5

    1) выведенный

    2) раскрываемый

    Англо-русский технический словарь > revealed

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > revealed

  • 7

    Новый англо-русский словарь > revealed

  • 8

    1) показал; 2) открыл; 3) показанный

    English-Russian media dictionary > revealed

  • 9

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. laid open (adj.) bared; brought to light; disclosed; divulged; exposed; laid bare; laid open; made public; unveiled

    2. betrayed (verb) betrayed; blabbed; blabbed out; discovered; divulged; exposed; gave away/given away; give away; let on; let out; mouthed; opened; spilled; told; unbosomed; unclosed; unclothed; uncovered; unveiled

    3. showed (verb) bared; disclosed; displayed; lay open; showed; unmasked

    English-Russian base dictionary > revealed

  • 10

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > revealed

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > revealed

  • 12
    revealed preferences


    выявленные предпочтения


    Англо-русский экономический словарь > revealed preferences

  • 13
    revealed defect

    1. выявленный дефект

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed defect

  • 14
    revealed failure

    1. обнаруженный отказ

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed failure

  • 15
    revealed preference approach

    1. подход выявленного предпочтения

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed preference approach

  • 16
    revealed key

    1. раскрытый ключ

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed key

  • 17
    revealed hardware failure

    1. выявленный отказ аппаратного средства

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > revealed hardware failure

  • 18
    revealed defect

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > revealed defect

  • 19
    revealed failure

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > revealed failure

  • 20
    revealed preference

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > revealed preference


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • revealed — revealed; un·revealed; …   English syllables

  • revealed — index comprehensible, evident, manifest, naked (perceptible), obvious, open (in sight) …   Law dictionary

  • Revealed — Reveal Re*veal , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Revealed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Revealing}.] [F. r[ e]v[ e]ler, L. revelare, revelatum, to unveil, reveal; pref. re re + velare to veil; fr. velum a veil. See {Veil}.] 1. To make known (that which has been… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • revealed — adj. Revealed is used with these nouns: ↑truth …   Collocations dictionary

  • Revealed preference — theory, pioneered by American economist Paul Samuelson, is a method by which it is possible to discern the best possible option on the basis of consumer behavior. Essentially, this means that the preferences of consumers can be revealed by their… …   Wikipedia

  • Revealed with Jules Asner — Revealed…with Jules Asner was a biography style television show with first run airings on E! Entertainment Television from 2001 2003. The host, Jules Asner, was a rising star among the network s stable of on air personalities, and programmers… …   Wikipedia

  • revealed religion — n. religion in general, or a specific religion, viewed as founded, made known, and developed by divine intervention and communication …   English World dictionary

  • Revealed Preference — Die Theorie der Revealed Preference (auf deutsch etwa: Offenbarte Präferenz oder Bekundete Präferenz) dient der Modellierung von Konsumentenentscheidungen ausgehend von beobachtbaren bzw. beobachteten Entscheidungen in der Mikroökonomie. Sie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Revealed theology — Theology The*ol o*gy, n.; pl. {Theologies}. [L. theologia, Gr. ?; ? God + ? discourse: cf. F. th[ e]ologie. See {Theism}, and {Logic}.] The science of God or of religion; the science which treats of the existence, character, and attributes of God …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Revealed Frog — Taxobox | name = Revealed Tree Frog status = LC | status system = IUCN3.1 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Amphibia ordo = Anura familia = Hylidae genus = Litoria species = L. revelata binomial = Litoria revelata binomial authority …   Wikipedia

  • Revealed religion — Religion Re*li gion (r[ e]*l[i^]j [u^]n), n. [F., from L. religio; cf. religens pious, revering the gods, Gr. ale gein to heed, have a care. Cf. {Neglect}.] 1. The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Asked by: Mackenzie Franecki

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Synonyms & Antonyms of reveal

  • bare,
  • disclose,
  • discover,
  • divulge,
  • expose,
  • let on (about),
  • spill,
  • tell,

What is it called when you reveal something?

Verb. reveal, disclose, divulge, tell, betray mean to make known what has been or should be concealed.

What word means reveal something private ex?

To divulge is defined as to disclose information or share private information. … To avow is defined as to make it known or to admit to it.

What is revealed a secret?

to make known; disclose; divulge: to reveal a secret. to lay open to view; display; exhibit.

What is a noun for the word reveal?

revelation. The act of revealing or disclosing. Something that is revealed. Something dramatically disclosed.

25 related questions found

What does re mean in reveal?

To reveal again or a further time.

Is revelation the noun of Reveal?

4 Answers. Reveal is used as a noun to mean a final revelation previously kept from the characters or viewers in a film or television show.

How do you use the word revealed?

Revealed sentence example

  1. A quick check of the bathroom and bedroom revealed he was not there. …
  2. Lightning revealed Jonny’s face. …
  3. His expression revealed nothing but shock. …
  4. I revealed her mate to her. …
  5. Outside the circle of light lay a small form, and a sweep of the flashlight revealed fur with copper highlights.

What do you call someone you confide in?

The difference is quite simple: confidant is a noun (meaning «a person in whom you confide things»), and confident is an adjective (defined as “having confidence”).

What is an example of Reveal?

The definition of reveal is to show, disclose or admit something. An example of reveal is a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. An example of reveal is a magician showing the audience how she pulled a rabbit of her hat.

Can I tell you a secret synonym?

Some common synonyms of reveal are betray, disclose, divulge, and tell.

What do you call a tranquil place?

2 calm, gentle, placid, quiet, restful, serene, still, tranquil, undisturbed, unruffled, untroubled. 3 conciliatory, irenic, pacific, peaceable, peace-loving, placatory, unwarlike.

What are three synonyms for revealing?


  • acknowledge.
  • affirm.
  • confess.
  • divulge.
  • explain.
  • inform.
  • publish.
  • tell.

How do you secretly say something?


  1. reveal. verb. to let something become known, for example a secret or information that was previously not known.
  2. tell. verb. informal to not keep a secret.
  3. let on. phrasal verb. …
  4. give away. phrasal verb. …
  5. disclose. verb. …
  6. leak. verb. …
  7. let (it) slip. phrase. …
  8. lay something bare. phrase.

What does revealing clothes mean?

Revealing clothes show more of the body than is usual: a revealing dress/shirt. showing something that was not previously known or seen: A joke can be very revealing about/of what someone’s really thinking.

How do you reveal someone’s secret?

Ask the person to divulge.

If you know your friend has a secret, just ask them to tell you. No matter their decision, accept and move on from it. Ask in a patient and non-confrontational manner. Assure the person you want to know because you support them and that you will keep the secret to yourself.

What is a secret keeper called?

If you have a confidante, you’re lucky. She is a friend you can confide in, someone you trust with your private thoughts, and who you’re sure can keep a secret. If your trusted friend is male, you call him your confidant. In fact, you could call a male or a female «secret keeper» your confidant (without the «e»).

Is Confidon a word?

Confidon has no English definition.

What are some secret words?


  • clandestine.
  • covert.
  • hush-hush.
  • intriguing.
  • mysterious.
  • quiet.
  • secret.
  • sly.

How do you use the word example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something which shows that something is true.

  1. … …
  2. Take, for example, the simple sentence: ‘The man climbed up the hill’.
  3. A few simple precautions can be taken, for example ensuring that desks are the right height.

What does revealed mean in the Bible?

Full Definition of revelation

1a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. b : something that is revealed by God to humans. 2a : an act of revealing to view or making known. b : something that is revealed especially : an enlightening or astonishing disclosure shocking revelations.

How do you use significance in a sentence?

  1. I don’t attach any importance/significance to these rumours.
  2. Money holds no significance for him.
  3. What is the significance of this speech?
  4. The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
  5. Stella didn’t attach any significance to Doug’s query.
  6. This fact has little significance for us.

What is the verb of Revelation?

reveal. (transitive) To uncover; to show and display that which was hidden. (transitive) To communicate that which could not be known or discovered without divine or supernatural instruction.

What is the closest antonym for reveal?

antonyms for reveals

  • reject.
  • contradict.
  • refuse.
  • repudiate.
  • hide.
  • disavow.
  • deny.
  • conceal.

What is difference between reveal and revelation?

As nouns the difference between reveal and revelation

is that reveal is the outer side of a window or door frame; the jamb while revelation is the act of revealing or disclosing.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Animal studies and human observations have revealed

Эксперименты на животных и наблюдения за детьми показали, что…

Documents that circulated online revealed his long struggle to receive compensation.

Документы, которые распространялись в интернете, показали его длительную борьбу за получение компенсации.

The analysis revealed that moderate and occasional drinkers had lower death rates than abstainers.

Анализ результатов показал, что умеренные и по случаю пьющие имели более низкий уровень смертности, чем трезвенники.

They certainly were not certificates of confiscation as events revealed.

И конечно, они не были сертификатами конфискации, как показали события.

Further research revealed this same technology could prove equally beneficial to athletes.

Дальнейшие исследования показали, что эта же технология может оказаться столь же полезной для спортсменов.

Laboratory tests revealed the Brit had high resistance to both ceftriaxone and azithromycin.

Лабораторные исследования показали, что британец обладал высокой устойчивостью как к цефтриаксону, так и к азитромицину.

New study revealed that three to five drinks More…

Исследования показали, что для тех, кто выпивает более пяти…

The discussion revealed that the Council members needed more time to determine further actions.

Обсуждения показали, что членам Совета необходимо больше времени для определения того, какие дальнейшие действия предпринять.

The research revealed that 58% of…

В одном из последних исследований, было сказано, что 58% сегодняшних…

X-ray fluorescence revealed revealed a significant amount of manganese.

The forensics report revealed that they were poisoned.

В отчете по судебной экспертизе сказано, что их отравили.

By 1990 it revealed itself entirely and undoubtedly.

За годы, прошедшие с 1917-го, это стало совершенно ясным и несомненным.

Researchers revealed that the treatment could be available within three years following successful testing.

По мнению специалистов, тестирование может стать широко доступным в течение трех лет, если испытание окажется успешным.

Each word is a revealed word.

Каждое слово (его значение) есть скрытое обобщение.

The company just revealed its latest financial results, showing significant profits.

Только на прошлой неделе компания сообщила о своих последних финансовых результатах, которые оказались отрицательными.

The battery test revealed my battery was weak.

Но проверка тестером емкости, показала, что батарея находится в слабом состоянии.

Information revealed over time generates drama in two ways: suspense and surprise.

Информация, раскрываемая на протяжении какого-то времени, создает драматический оттенок двумя способами: при помощи саспенса и удивления.

What had been hidden was revealed.

То, что было скрыто, — стало открытым.

The report also revealed significant racial differences among people living in poverty.

В докладе также были выявлены значительные расовые различия среди людей, живущих в условиях нищеты.

Over time, character is revealed.

Время от времени они проявляются, характер раскрывается.

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